xt78gt5ff82b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78gt5ff82b/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2006 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, November 2006 text The Kentucky Press, November 2006 2006 2006 2019 true xt78gt5ff82b section xt78gt5ff82b NCN‘emIoe V; 300“? . 3 2
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/’ Volume 77, Number 11 ZRSSa‘gSTDA {3‘4 ’ .
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Oétober, 2006 - Published by Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service
W '
People W k. d. t
‘ Papers-w -
. Pollce charge man . 3, ,. -
f ' l l r l ' l 5 ”33.333333333325‘???" I A ' a-~:a:s:.exw r C
1n death of carrier figs ‘3 . 3,3 3, ,
An Indiana man who allegedly ‘ "_ ‘ '¥%%fi¥g£ \ ‘ ‘3; W 3
_ struck and killed a newspaper carri— 7' ‘ 3 13
er was arrested and charged with i: . I _ l
murder in south-central Kentucky, 3 " as?
3 David Mills, 40, of Winchester, * ' -:--3 .3 . 1
3- kid, was arrested Sept. 5 and lg3 . 2333 i? N
charged with murder, theft and “”3333 313\ E
leaving the scene of an accident, ’, 13,3 E x 3. E
police said- “\
He was driving a stolen car and 33,“; W} 5,???» :3 ,
hit the guy on the wrong side of the g t "a’ '
street, Monroe County Sheriff Jerry I . - .
Gee said. . " 3
Gee said Mills allegedly struck a 73
car driven by David Huff, 39, who _ 3'
was delivering newspapers for the t
Glasgow Daily Times. Huff, who . “4 ~ .3 =3,
had delivered papers for eight ’3 7" "temp is“, l ‘
years, died of injuries suffered in .. ,3 ' H ;
the crash. ,3 ' ' . 2,-3.3 3
M1118 was arrested .after an Above: Al Cross, left, director of the ,3 3%; ' , , I
anonymous caller told police he W235 Institute for Rural Journalism and “l W: ' L " 9 ' .
m an abandoned house m Community Issues, conducts an interview . 3 g;% l - ‘
3 Tompkmsvdle. at a Democratic Party fundraiser held in " l ' .3 ' 5
’ Louisville. Over 30 members of the state’s 3 3
° ° ' ' '3 media attended the event. Right: Former - . }
CNHI sells SIX President Bill Clinton, the keynote speaker ' ' . f
' 3 of the evening, talks to candidates on stage ' ' _ ;
papers to Heartland as the evening winds up. 3 ' 2
. Heartland Publications, LLC, the "' lg » 3
corporate parent of Six Kentucky PHOTO BY JOHN WHITLOCK/KPA 33 ”i
' See PEOPLE on Page 11 .15; , 1 a :‘

 Page 2 - The KentucTL/ Press, November 2006
o Pubhfi‘eamonflfiybythexmmfiyD‘sumlzmmcmcasey
Former Corbin freelance Peeeeeeettttetyee mews
photographer passes away Sebsmphonptmeisesperyear . ‘i'LefidfigtonZHeraldlLeader; .gt: . _
PostmasterSend changeofaddressto , y' *
Sheldon O. Matson, 78, of Corbin, passed away Monday, Oct. 2, 2006 at TheKentucky Prees,101§lonsumer iDisttict‘M-Scott (33¢sz ._:=-' 1'2:
the Christian Care Commiunities in Corbin. Lane, Frankfort, KY'14061912K502) 223. ‘1 Advocate Messenger 5; 3. , , _,
He was born on Dec. 7,; 1927 in Toledo, Ohio, to the late Max Matson and 318821 V I} sf; _‘ ‘ : State Art-Large . V}: at:
Loretta Bundy Mats” l IOFFICERS¥ . .- IuBe'Sei'ftei‘ly't'Oldfiain Er'ai
He was a retlred photdgrapher for the Herald News 1:5,: .. ,1, ~ g “,3 p 1,: -: ~;,-- , .i. , Dennis Hemel'e-Kentnck E1 ,‘ ;. 4.2,
in Patterson, NJ. and a member of the Woodbine W“ 18$ ;;-V KEWCKYPRESSASSOCIATION 1 ‘ Chi Hutdieeofi _.v. ~ 3: Y W
Christen Church . attamfi Pedeeheelt Meet ‘9» simmered" .
For much of the 1990d, a former photo editor from @“fiw‘ ‘ ngdge; andTimes ’3'; ‘,, ' . I :f :‘_'3,~;;-3.5. ,‘ , .. . , ,,. .2 : ' ,
New Jersey freelanced his way through the Tri-County affix», . _ :1,“ .3; 2",, ,3, , . .; "'1' ,., "bivis'ieh Cha , ‘ I
for the Times—Tribune. 3 1 ,, ts“: President-£136~KUSS}OhnSOIL _’ NeWS Editdrial'Division'?"Wke V: .
At the age when mostiwould be slowing down and new ;-; ; iiLemgtenHerald-Leader 53:1]; Alexieff B'o w 1m Green Dail News
clinging to what they knt‘Lw, Shelly Matson kept learn- j: :22, : .: f a" , '3' 5’ - .
ing as a photographer an‘ kept pursuing his passions. ,.;§§f“ VicePresldent-EleCtmTayiorHayes, ":7 ' '5. _, 7: g . 5
After retiring from Herald News in Patterson, NJ" ” KmtuckyNewaa i132} fi:::iusm§h3::esfifoifnte§:ws
Matson moved to Corbin} after visiting the Tri-County , ' » 2' ::-',:'3j5=§',33'ng ' _ 3 " Ente 1:61:33" ‘ ' ‘i , j 1'
once 20 years before. i Tmasurer~EdmundShery iii} . , rp _ g .1, ,1 11:. f , , .
f Otrlilce he arrived in town, Matson began freelancrng MATSON Beattyvfliefi‘nterprise . ::'V'1‘.,Cf 111cm Divisio'n-JamieiVY I I. : g .:
or e Tlmes-Tribune, taking pictures on a regular ;--:,:.,;*2':?% ~*-:: ,V .11; \ 512mm ET 1' thrbwnNews
basis. He kept up with the latest technology, updating '_ Past Presidenbcharhel’omnarm, VB VtIVV ' ,L , ,. ' f 1,, ,
his equipment and striving to learn. He retired again in 'Ci‘r't’rarfldiri:Favet‘i'te'g'jjjfi.1L,.531;.' ' ,:: nerprlse ."I; " ' , .. .,
2001 when health issues forced him to stop driving, his wife Aurora said. ,V '3": 33:: . 5 3i I” ‘71 ~35 3131-, g i [3'
Amon h's other int'rests were sin in and 1a in 05 e1 music. 1¥.'."'{'3.‘ Assocratesfllmsron—StanLampe,
g 1 e g g . p y g g p Ell-j--:::5VVV"~V;..5tTVV"5:3,.""*"vsv.,"-,“'f‘v:5}:'.”“55”:‘51:};221-“?"'25Vé'ii3"2"j“‘15;‘.2;;5.'-,,"'34': KentuCkYBdncafionCabinet-.,
Nearly a decade ago, he recorded a cassette With friends from church called ::; .stv.:.:.-{::~':EBaa;¢dg,of;.Difécfam;1;»... »txwew
“Shelly Matson and the Gospel Wonders.” Dismal; Lb l.d‘§grd,vl'fhe Lake. V ' , ., . . .
He is survived by his Wife, Aurora; three children, Paul Matson and Wife IV Newsicalvegclty a. j 1: 3:: _ 2’ . f {fun}? EétxgggnmRégfgfihYe
Roberta of Continental, Ohio, Kathryn Brunk and husband Gary of Elida, I ,, Game _ on, ,. , ; , :
Ohio, Rita Smith andhusband Gary of Liberty, La.; four grandchildren, th-Jed,Dawson ”misty , v” . , 3,
Jessica Geiger Hayes, Amanda Geiger, P.J. Matson, and Joel Matson; and {51:um f . ,V. x . , x ’ ,' ,
one great-granddaughter? Olivia Hayes. :2; P {$881935 ffirchm‘bn,ie§hc2§en V
Funeral services werelheld at the Vankirk-Grisell Funeral Home with Emmgt3«Dav1stxon,The 365761,. more ‘ ' , V:
Minister Nicholaus Geisert officiating. HendersonGIeaner . . . ' ’
Burial was in the Corinth Cemetery in Corbin. D§;§%%$S:OASE::$§;5W
. . . o . Barmer BonmeHoward, Controlier .. x
. . . " TeresaiRevlett,’DireCtOr-of'Sa‘lesL
Lou1sv111e native Martha Holmes, wD‘STB'S:513?¥,§W%?§WCRY , ,Dav-idgmMembérwms,
. . , handed '; , . ~ ' ,, ~ ,2. Dwaér; . . r
ex Llfe magazme photographer, dies Dismctéejohthra;Louisvfllé giaifihltlochNewsBureau
Martha Holmes, a former Life magazine photographer known for her ' (30131340113131 , f, . ,' . , , ., For ‘i . ‘ 1:] , ;: i" , ',
signature pictures of famous people, has died at age 83. j , " ’ , i, , , , V. ,V , V V , Dav“? SpenceLNewMedia; ‘,
Holmes died at home in Manhattan, said Bobbi Baker Burrows, a Life -Digfi-Victi7'JKefléyj-WamicKCaflafifi, : Amway =7]; ' j '. ,
picture editor who worked with Holmes. She said family members report- Comfy News: , ' y -' 'V .: '. V’ Buffy Sams,Bookkeepmg A5§15ta¥lt {i
ed the death was from natural causes. “ ' V f ' ' , .. ,. ', ' 1' V ;, "if If." 3 f Stephmne Conrad, . I, ‘ , :v
A native of Louisville, Holmes was hired by Life in 1944 from The 'Distrchtg-K'eh Meg/33$ County Research/MarkehngCoordmator
Courier-Journal, after another Life photographer on assignment there ~News‘0ut100k , 2. ' = j ,, V' . SHECammack, Admlmstrative , > : ,
noticed her work. She was the third female addition to the elite magazine " ' ' , ' , ' ',';'.',ij' 'V'V ‘ Asststant 5.. E , , , ' : V ,
staff after Margaret Bourke-White and Marie Hansen. Distric't9 éVLorett‘V'a Tackett, Paint'sville V Rachel MCCartyAdvertismg . . i‘ '
In 1949, she photographed artist Jackson Pollock at work with a cigarette Herald ‘v " ,‘ 5 ", ,. , ASSIStam _' ‘ ,, ' ’ " “ V " " ,
dangling from his mouth.VThe image became a US. postage stamp, with the ' ,. J _ 'V , , ' V y.: ’ I: V , V. BODY Willard, INAN Busmessflerk ,
cigarette airbrushed out, Burrows said. District IO-IEdmundSheibyfi .2 'i i. 7.6;“. ' ,, ' ' _' V
Holmes depicted actors Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall standin Beattjwiiie Bate rise 2 g , ' ' * ,V 3 " , ,, ; ' .‘
by a table at a House Un—American Activities Committee hearing orgr . ,V . : r? ' , . ' . .: IStafimembers,loficersai1dd2mctorslI V,
Communist influence in-Hollywood in 1947, CBS newsman Edward R. District 11-Wflfié Sawyers,London , may bereacherli by¢e"7fzgdfl§z,"3 .i .,
Murrow driving a tractor on his Connecticut farm, and Eleanor Roosevelt Sentinel Echo ' V V' p ,3‘ , _‘ V‘ , the ’“d’wdml;Sfirit'inztwhfilll V . . ,
walking in woods with a'group of orphans. , ., , I, V' . ' ,§ ,3" 1 {astnqmtetypressxDm ..: i_,.

 The Kentucky Press, November 2006 - Page 3
Papers team up With h'gh school J
Kentucky papers continue teaming up 44 and re eated in the afternoon.
with the Kentucky High School Journalism Oh; by the rm! On fhe advertising side, Kelly Wirges 4
Association —- now in its 10th year —- to sup— way 3: tells us the secrets of competitive selling }
port their local: high sch001S’ journalism —— it against the Yellow Pages. Some don’t real—
programs. As of Oct. 21 — when this was _ la; 1 ize that the YPs are a formidable competitor :
If E written — 24 KPA—member newspapers have B y D mud Greer k’fit ' taking many dollars annually out of all of 4
4 KPA Member Services ‘ ' 4
sponsored 52 schools across the state. Director Mag our markets. .
441:.) Another 20 high schools paid their own Innovative ways to generate more online f
memberShipS' Jag-"42;.".a;2254.415;3.341;;«255444244.4434542»; revenue and IEtaining your top advertising
5 That means a local newspaper sponsors . sales people are two other advertising }
72 percent of this school year’s KHSJA KPAPaPerSSpOHSOI‘IRg workshops on the day’s program.
membership. Tjhat’s great news and up . hihSChQISSinCBthfilfist On the circulation side, former Herald-
14;. from last year’s number. And memberships 45;; Leader and current Charleston (SC) Post 8: 4
are still coming in. ” issueftheKentucky Courier circulation guru Steve Wagenlander '
That means rrhere’s still time to sponsor Pgessandthenumber will present breakout sessions on home .
your local high school(s) 1n KHSIA. It’s a delivery, single-copy sales and customer
great opporturiity for students to attend snsredare: service. Steve will be one tired fellow by the
t0p—notch worksh0ps, participate in the end of the day but Kentucky circulation j
annual KHSJAljournalism contest for print N1d191asC0nnhafiZschoglti staffers who attend his sessions will leave
I? 4 convention is set for April 17 and 18 at the But that’s not all. f
I Clarion Hotel 8: Conference Center, 9700 WoadforéSunl Steve Buttry from the American Press
:" Bluegrass Parkjway, Louisville. That’s on WmchesterSunI Institute will be on hand to present the
' Louisville’s east side just off I-64 and Mauntamcttizeryinezl results from API’s extensive “Newspaper
ere’s sti 4. ime o s onsor our oca A: rim or success or papers everyw ere — g
[5 high school(s) in KHSIAI: Spongorship costs HeraltfiLeadenLexmgtonS Sourtesy of some of the greatest minds
just $50 per school and you don’t even have AdairCoCemumtyVotce} print journalism has to offer. 3
to write us a check. We can bill you or even And Russell Viers, a frequent presenter .'
deduct the amount from your next KPS ~ ' ' ' at KPA conventions, will be back to tell us
advertising revenue check. If you need a afternoon workshop on putting the ”WOW!" how InDesign shortcuts can save significant 1
‘ sponsor form, hall me at (800) 264-5721 or into your pageS- time in page production.
send me e—mail and I will get one to you On Friday, I an. 26, Mary NESbitt 0f the The noon luncheon will feature the tradi— .
ASAP. The deadline is Nov. 4. Or if you Readership Institute presents information tional passing of the gavel from the outgo- f
want to sponsor a school and pay for it out— on improving your newspaper’s branding ing KPA president to the incoming presi- ,4
right, we can do that too. With specific editorial content enhance- dent. In addition, we will have special 2'
1315,21 ments. musical entertainment at the luncheon from 3
KP A Since 2007 is a gubernatorial election Peter Yarrow, of Peter, Paul & Mary fame. f
year in Kentucky, KPA and AP W111 sponsor Peter’s foundation, ”Operation Respect,” ,
CONVENTION a gubernatorial candidates’ forum. Retired located in New York City, takes a great ,
‘ Kentucky AP bureau chief Ed Staats will interest in the newspaper industry’s NIE _
PREVIEW moderate. program. (For younger readers, Peter, Paul 4
tiff? , Rural Journalism Institute executive & Mar was a ve successful 19603 folk. ;
k The 2007 K? convention] an. 25., and 26 director and Courier—Journal political singing group.) ry i
{it the Hyatt R Egency 1n Lou1sv1lle ls shap- columnist A1 CI'OSS Will lead ”Editorial Your paper will receive details soon on
mg up to-be one Of our best. We start on Leadership in Community NeWSpaPerS-” the 2007 KPA convention. See you there. .
;2T;;i’ J an. 25 Wlth a three-hour morning work- _ Experienced, longtime Minnesota com- A
shop Wlth ritewispaper te‘Ehmcal Whlz Kevm munity newspaper editor Don Heinzman «on
Slimp and What S new 1n newspaper tech- Will present ”Writing for the reader.” Hi5 David Greer is the member services director
nology? Noted newspaper de51gn guru session will be presented in the morning for the Kentucky Press Association.

Alan Jacobson éWill then offer a three-hour

Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, November 2006
C m n'cat'on 's key for profits ]
It's that time of year again. I .. then that means that someone from day of the week dedicated to a sub-
don't mean Halloween. I don't Advertising .1 “1! our office is either faxing to your ject, we need to know about that. W]
mean Thanksgiving. I don't mean Pl office requesting information or we For instance, if Wednesday is the W
Christmas. us E e are calling requesting for your to best food day or Thursday is your ad

‘ Even though those holidays are i give us the information over the agriculture day that is helpful m!
approaching the dreaded time of phone. In the case of the phone information for us and our clients. a 1
year I am speaking of is the By Teresa Revle” ’ g call, that usually means that a Another important item some-

‘ approaching season of rate increas— KPS Dmcmr of Sales _> k? _ client is waiting for a quote and times missing would be the physi- ca
es. The happy holiday season turns ' ' expects a response from us imme— cal size of your newspaper, special W
to a grumpy season of missing . diately. That's when we run into sections, shopper or classified sec- to

' rates for our ad staff this time of 'TMC rates and ZIP code break— newspaper ad staff being on vaca- tion. We need to know the dimen- irz
year. down . _ tion, out sick and lots of times the sions of every product that your ye

. Recently you received in the ~Can you accept Odd Slze inserts proper person cannot be found to newspaper publishes. Then when C11

f mail the rate and data sheets. ‘. 'What are your insert restric- meet our advertiser's deadline. an advertiser asks for the informa— CO
While it is important to fill those trons : quarter fold ' must be cer- Then your newspaper is either left tion we can have it on file for tu

» out and return them to us by the tam Slze off the buy or we have to see if we immediate reference. W
deadline it is equally important for 'DO you accept front page/ ban- can get a deadline extended. All of Anything that you have that you yc
us to have a rate card on file for ner ads this stress could have been avoided would present to a potential client SU
your newspaper. Advertisers are ‘ICan your newspaper take or with a rate card being sent in along should be sent to us including all
asking us to quote with more detail print sticky notes _ with the rate and data sheet. special section calendars. We have is

, these days and not all information These are all questlons or need- You can also email rate cards to to be able to know your newspaper f0
can be found on the rate and data ed information that the ad staff has me at trevlett@kypress.com and all of its features. a
sheets. encountered wet in the past week. Also, if you could let us know Just in case you missed the point P5

Some of the items missing from In order for us to adequately sell placement of auction ads - does of this month's column, we really th

' the typical rate and data sheet for your newspaper we have to be your newspaper run those in classi- need rate cards from your newspa- ag

. include: the information source and have fied or main news? That's a ques- per. Let's make it "happy holidays" CC

OWeb/ Online rates these. items readily at hand. Arate tion we are asked often and that's for everyone! ' "‘5‘ th

'Complete details for preprints card 15 most helpful in these Sltua' not always found on a rate card. "0" ' a1

OZip code breakdown for tions. . Additionally, if you work at a daily Teresa Revlett is the KPS director of ' re

= preprints If we don t have a rate card, newspaper and there is a particular sales. . 31


___________________________.._—_____—.__——————— . a1
0 o o o

Journalists ’ freelance work hides polltlcal agenda p.


At least 10 South Florida journalists, Alfonso and Cancio were dismissed after from the U.S. Office of Cuba Broadcasting, 1:

including three from El Nuevo Herald, The Miami Herald questioned editors at El which runs Radio and TV Marti, included: a]

7 received regular payments from the U.S. Nuevo Herald about the payments. Diario Las Americas opinion page editor TI
government for programs on Radio Marti Connor's freelance relationship with the Helen Aguirre Ferre and reporter/ colum— a

1 and TV Marti, two broadcasters aimed at newspaper also was severed. nist Ariel Remos; Channel 41 news director
undermining the communist government of Alfonso and Cancio declined to com— Miguel Cossio; and syndicated columnist a]

, Fidel Castro. The payments totaled thou- ment. Connor was unavailable for com- Carlos Alberto Montaner, whose opinions "1
sands of dollars over several years. ment. appear in the pages of El Nuevo Herald and

Those who were paid the most were vet- Jesus Diaz Jr, president of the Miami The Miami Herald. -
eran reporters and a freelance contributor Herald Media Co. and publisher of both Radio and TV Marti are U.S. government

; for El Nuevo Herald, the Spanish-language newspapers, expressed disappointment, programs created to promote democracy I
newspaper published by the corporate par- saying the payments violated a "sacred and freedom in Cuba. Their programming

* ent of The Miami Herald. Pablo Alfonso, trust" between journalists and the public. cannot be broadcast within the United C

’ who reports on Cuba and writes an opinion "Even the appearance that your objectiv- States because of anti—propaganda laws.
column, was paid almost $175,000 since ity or integrity might have been impaired is Radio and TV Marti have received $37 mil- 1"
2001 to host shows on Radio Marti and TV something we can't condone, not in our lion this year. fi
Marti. El Nuevo Herald freelance reporter business," Diaz said. “I personally don't The payments to journalists were discov-

. Olga Connor, who writes about Cuban cul— believe that integrity and objectivity can be ered in documents recently obtained by The B
ture, received about $71,000, and staff assured if any of our reporters receive mon— Miami Herald as a result of a federal C
reporter Wilfredo Cancio Isla, who covers - etary compensation from any entity that he Freedom of Information Request. ’
the Cuban exile community and politics, or she may cover or have covered, but par-
was paid almost $15,000 in the last five ticularly if it's a government agency." Reprinted from National Freedome of C
years. Other journalists receiving payments Information Coal;ititi0n. ‘ t]

h ’1'.'.'. 7,. .1333: 3y jgrii} {-24 :u'\ :1 ‘. :I.'.3‘ ‘21,... 'V."‘.‘.’..'-;’.°t' v' ‘1" i'. o '1' 'i‘i'V $3" | r" I'V' . r1

 The Kentucky Press, November 2006 - Page 5

How to make the correct correct' on
We often get calls on the Hotline concerning you. No matter how convincingly the person or
when to publish a correction so we thought it . his attorney leads you to believe a correction is
would be helpful to write a column about our From a legal 4 all they want, you should never lose sight of the
adv1ce concerning corrections and the statutory . this, danger that the correction could come back to
mechanics of the statute governing corrections as standpomt 3:3" . bite you. Before agreeing to any correction,
a refresher. —‘—'— 5" £361« check with your own attorney or your Hotline

Everyone, at one time or another, has gotten a By Ashley Pack fig; attorneys. We will review the demand for cor-
call or worse, a drop-in, from an irate individual % rection and help you word the correction so that
who claims that he or she has been defamed due KP {1 Gmem’l Counsel ‘e .. it not only corrects the error and satisfies your
to an error contained in your newspaper. This Dmsmom 5.‘ Shohl 4* i obligations under the correction statute, but also
irate individual storms out, but not before he a protects your ability to defend yourself in the

ells "You will hear from m attorne ." Dread ‘ event Of a lawsuit.

Zuickly sets in. You frantically reviewzhe article Hyeuhavqianylealquesuflm’ Important points about KRS 411.051:
containing the alleged error. You discover, unfor- f’. o The individual must make a "sufficient
tunately, that you did in fact make an error, and caiithethathneattorneys. demand for correction." The statute defines that
want to correct it as soon as possible lest you find JmL.thchaker:5-S~2339 as a demand which is in writing, signed by the
yourself embroiled in an expensive and time-con- R.KenyoMeyerz§92-54~2325 plaintiff or his attorney. The demand must spec-
suming lawsuit. So, what should you do first? [1.9/ ify the statements claimed to be false and defam—
is KRS 411.051. It states that a newspaper sued 5mmyggagem552.5.z384 forth the facts.

a able to the plaintiff. The statute also says that statements are erroneous or (2) ublication of the
5hr? newspaper is protected from a punitive dam- INSMRESIRHLLL? plaintiff's statement of the facts as set forth in his
correction and if the laintiff cannot rove that them. You have a right to edit an content which

- s the newspaper knewpof the falsity of) its news Facsi26592-55w2297 is defamatory, obscene or otherwise improper for g
’ article when it was published or published with publication.

‘ reckless disregard for the truth or falsity of the . . . " or "the October 30 news article incorrectly 0 A daily newspaper must publish the correc-
article. This, of course, is the same actual malice stated that Bob VYhite was charged with child tion within 10 business days after receiving the
standard that is also required of public officials pornography. No. such charge has been made demand for correction. Any other newspaper

' and public figures who sue newspapers. against Mr. Whitd. The newspaper sincerely must publish the correction by the next regular

Unfortunately, the statue does not say that apologizes for its mistake." Do not go overboard issue which is published after the ten business
publishing a conspicuous and timely correction in your eagerness to correct the mistake, such as day period.
upon demand insulates the newspaper from a "the newspaper has no reason to believe that Mr. 0 The correction must be "substantially as con-
lawsuit. That means that it is important to take White has ever been involved in any child spicuous" as the news article containing the
care in the drafting of a correction. You must pornography." Tins step, while made in good allegedly false and defamatory statements. That
always be aware that a lawsuit might follow. faith, could lead u down a treacherous path. means, if the news article in question was front
Therefore, you must be careful in crafting any You do not know};h_ether Mr. White has or has page above the fold, the correction should be, as
correction. not been involved| in child pornography. You well.

Certainly, when a mistake is made, the best only know that he Eas not been charged. If you have any questions about demands for
approach is to acknowledge it. For example, Any time you r ceive a demand for a correc— correction, please don't hesitate to call your
"Newspaper erroneously reported last week that tion, you should treat it as a serious threat to sue Hotline attorneys.

' O C 0

Newspaper asks Attorney General 5 opinion on expenditures
County Attorney Terrell Building to the Trigg Stroud did not know what the interviews would be forthcom-

. County Fiscal Court for use as new bit would entail as the fiscal ing.
I'CSClIldS sale 0f property the Sheriff’s Headquarters and court had not convened on the County Attorney H.B. Quinn
for new 911 0611th 911 Dispatch. matter. did not return calls from The

The Cadiz Record requested At the meeting of the Justice Cadiz Record.
BY ALAN REED an opinion on the sale and reno~ Center Project Development Sherry Garland, owner of the
C vation of the building from Board, Judge Executive Berlin Rumor Has It online auction con-
, ADIZ RECORD , . . . .

. - Attorney General Greg Stumbo. Moore said, ”We have to bid for Signment shop rents the building

Trigg County Attorney. H'B' ”As far as I know we have to another building. This may take from Quinn. ”I haven’t heard a
Quinn has heeded the advrce 0f re-bid, due to the Attorney about a month.” When asked, word about it. Iheard that it was
the State Attorney General and General’s opinion,” said District Moore had? no additional com- not for sale from someone who
rescinded his offer to sell the 1 Magistrate Kevin Stroud. merit, and .has stated that no heard it on the radio.”

\ - . , , - . . . _ y, , w ,7 P a, s Hi . WWDMWMCC, W. - , . 5, -.__:____:C“ - ..__.., . - 7 . r

 Page 6 - The Kentucky Press, November 2006 The Kentucky Press, November 2006 - Page 7
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E [.gvgiwgfflt " ,p j ' p Z ' _ {f 1 A former Kentucky newspaper editor has been freedom of the press and democracy,” Farrell said.
ree , , . FWZZ’Z‘E ’ ' , ’ a 1' ' :5 he? - appointed to lead the University of Kentucky The First Amendment Center was dedicated in
1: fa? 1* F111”: 1 ' fig ‘7 ,‘w p '1» ‘13:. 1 School of Journalism and Telecommunications’ 1989 under the auspices of the Kentucky First
{at '1 j 4: '1 *1; 1 First Amendment Center. Mike Farrell, assistant Amendment Congress, which was led by Judy
i ' 4* L . 1 Lu 1 7 .1 i *K _‘ "' 7_ g .‘ 3.: '~1 '.- 1 ,. 1 1115‘“ professor of journalism and former managing edi- Clabes, a UK graduate who was then editor of The
j . 31-11.: g t” ‘1 . l " 1 fifi tor of The Kentucky Post in Covington, replaces Kentucky Post. It has received major support
‘. f V- ,3“ {£313 e “‘3 .. ,. . s1 1 " Roy Moore, professor of journalism, who has from the Scripps Howard Foundation, where ”—
1‘ .1 . . 1 r 3.. {Z334} “watts ’1 1 . 1. retired from the university. Clabes is now the president and chief executive
‘~ _ ' ‘ ‘ a . *s‘t’éjgiécs ' 1 , .1 " Beth Barnes, director of the UK School of officer. The center, located in the UK Grehan
J . g 1% I a t ' ‘ £333: .. g7 . Journalism and Telecommunications, said Farrell Journalism Building, houses a variety of First
l m ‘ . é??? ,’ 3’ : ' is well—qualified to lead the center because of his Amendment resources.
{ :1“ 1 1 i 1 ‘4... . 3:1,. : I 1 ,1: . blend of professional experience and scholarly Farrell’s plans include creating an annual First
é t‘i , ‘ . l .. is}? - RN ' ' 17:3... interests. Amendment Celebration on campus; holding an
L , l ' 5%? » ‘3‘“: . . - ”Mike fought to quash challenges to the First essay contest on the First Amendment for high
. 1 3.1 . , if? . ' :W' . " Amendment as a newspaper editor. He studied school students in the state; honoring journalists '
1 were? .} . the First Amendment and First Amendment law who promote freedom of the press through their
' M .w.-._..._.WWW---....m... _~man_~mW : as a graduate student, and is contributing to a reporting, their editorial support for freedom, and
'1 i _ ‘ . . ‘ textbook on media law. He is passionate about the their efforts to keep public records and public
3 . ‘ ’ :1 1 ‘ ; a6 :5 :2: First Amendment, and will bring that enthusiasm meetings open to the public; promoting civic liter—
; , . . ' m ;' " ”5T; . _ “ . to his work directin the First Amendment ac and ublic understandin of freedom of
i the Family Resource Centers of Meade County :’ ' 1F ‘1 it 351*? :1me F : Farm“ said he hEhGVeS the most important r019 Amendment issues; and Shining the Spotlight on
: Schools hosted a meet and greet Sept 19 With . . fiIfi . i - .. ‘ 1.». . , of the center is to help Kentuckians understand government officials and agencies that violate the a,
’ . ' " a; """r", a ' 511%” w the importance of freedom of speech and of the spirit of the state’s Sunshine Laws for open gov-
WOOdYa Chloe, Mom and Dad- Lelgh Anne " ‘Lif‘ . I. g Q 7 ga press and how easily these freedoms can be erod- ernment. The center is also committed to research
Florence (aka Mom) is the author Of a series of “IF;{*;, 1s g; 1 f L I ed when citizens fail to guard them. on First Amendment issues.
books about Woody the Kentucky Wiener. She is e ”7': fig: "The Fir“ Amendment was woven into the fab‘ Other members 0f the Fir“ Amendment center
1’ . . ' ”a: . fit :5? ‘ g, -> ric of our Constitution so that citizens could par— are Barnes; Al Cross, director of the Institute for
E author 0f T3113 from the Bluegrass Wthh appeared ,. tLtzf1 . EWW *7 15*" . - ticipate in their own government and so that the Rural Journalism and Community Issues; Chike
1 in over 80 Kentucky newspapers last fall. The i ' .F it; t M I g t ~ a j I'- 5-: . ' 3' press could serve as a check on the poWer of gov- Anyaegbunam, Yvonne Cappe, Deborah Chung,
serial story was part Of Kentucky’s R 0 Cki n Re adi 1’1 “tiff “ WA ,5; . . a 1 - ernment,”. Farrell. said. ”That is as important Alyssa Eckman, Jim Hertog, Richard Labunski,
\. . , , ,7 w‘ég‘krf ‘t‘ ‘ E , 3.; today as it was 1n 1789 when James Madison Scoobie Ryan, and Buck Ryan, all members of the
‘. ReVOhltlon, a llteracy PTOJeCt 0f the KentUCky . 11:13;me t s: " ' began his effort to create the Bill of Rights.” journalism faculty; Tim Sineath, director of the
Press Association and LG&E & KU, both eon ; *1” _ 1 {$36 :4: Mgmfitgw 1, The center’s goals include working with civic School of Library and Information Scielrltce; Janice
* ' . “wanna?” ' ' 3‘ literacy efforts to ensure that students in Birdwhistell, development officer for t e College
comp anies. The StUdents had a Chance to pet the ’ Ag. a: W MWMJ... . 1., Kentucky learn about the heritage of free expres— of Communications and Information Studies; and
: pups, get an autograph fOI‘ thelI' SCI'flpbOOkS and ' _ ‘ » wig: f” it? 1' a? sion; promoting high school journalism; expand— Verona Cumberledge, foundation research officer
* listen to a sneak preview of Chapter two of this : 1 1 geefgla I we : ing public uIIIIderstanding of and appreciation flor for the univerSity.
‘ a - . ' . ' I ' ' » . £13» . freedom of t e ress; and assistin efforts of t e Farrell was a re orter, ci editor and mana -
year S senal Story’ Talls From the Bluegrass ~ _ g ‘ W WW is 1 state’s newspappers and broadcasgers to ensure ing editor at The Kfntucky Ptzst from 1977 to 199%.
. s that governments continue to operate in the sun— The newspaper won