xt78gt5fcv13 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78gt5fcv13/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.  journals kaes_circulars_004_613 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 613 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 613   2014 true xt78gt5fcv13 section xt78gt5fcv13 _ By Harold F. Miller cmd George D. Corder
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Asmcuuunz Arm Home ECONOMICS Circular 613
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Page ~
Primary Elements .............................................................. 3
Secondary Elements ........................................................ 4 I
Calcium .......................................................................... 4
Magnesium ...................................................................... 5
Sulfur ................ . ..........................................,.................. 6
Nlicronutrient Elements .................................................. 6 n
Boron (B) .................................................................,.... 7
Zinc (Zn) ........................................................................ 7 _ i ~
\/Iungnnese (Mn) .......................................................... 9
Niolybdenum (M0) ...................................................... 11
Copper (Cu), Iron (Fe), and Chlorine (Cl) ............ 12
Use of Test Strips .............................................................. 12
Future Needs .................................................................... 13

 Secondory And Mrcronutrrent Element
A Needs For Field Crops ln Kentucky Soils
Sixteen elements are known to be essential for plant growth and
maturity. Of these carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O) make
up 90-95 percent of the dry weight of plants. Plants get carbon and
oxygen from carbon dioxide gas in the air. Hydrogen is obtained
from water which plants absorb from the soil. The remaining 13 es-
sential elements are obsorbed from the soil by plant roots (Fig. 1).
from Air
Nitrogen Calcium Boron
  Phosphorus Magnesium Zinc
Potassium Sulfur Manganese
Hydrogen Molybdenum
from Copper
Soil Water Iron
Fig. l.-Source of essential plant nutrients.
A deficiency of any one of these essential plant nutrients will
limit plant growth and yield. A lack of moisture or one or more of
the nutrients obtained from the soil limits crop yields on much of
the land in Kentucky.
Nitrogen (N). phosphorus (P), and potassium   are called
primary elements because soils often do not release them in the

 relatively large quantities needed for vigorous plant growth. Most
Kentucky soils are deficient in one or more of the primary elements.
Commercial fertilizers are available that supply one, two, or all
three of these elements. The kind and the amount of each depends
on the fertilizer analysis.
Calcium   magnesium (Mg), and sulfur (S) are called
secondary elements because plants require them in fairly substantial
quantities for normal growth. Adequate amounts of these are presently
available in most Kentucky soils for field crop production but may
be lacking in some soils.
\Vhile limestone supplies calcium, much of the yield response from
liming acid soils in Kentucky is attributed to benefits derived from re-
ducing soil acidity. Most of the land in Kentucky needs application of
ground limestone to correct soil acidity. Acid soils must be limed if _
maximum crop yields are to be obtained. On the other hand, soil hav-
ing a pH of 7.0 or above should not be limed (see Kentucky Coopera-
tive Extension Service publications, Circular 584, “Controlling Soil
1\cidity" and Leaflet 249, “Liming Acid Soils”°). ’ _
Calcium deficiency has appeared in some varietes of burley A
tobacco in recent years, but it does not seem to affect appreciably the
yield or quality. The deficiency will normally show in the small
leaves near the bud and in the sucker growth. The edge of the small
leaves become necrotic resulting in irregularly shaped leaves (Fig.  
The calcium content of affected plants is usually at or near the
levels of unaffected plants. The conclusion is that it is a problem of
calcium availability within the plant and not a deficiency of calcium
in the soil.
Recent work at the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station
indicates that some burley varieties contain larger quantities of oxalic
acid (a naturally occurring organic acid) than others. This character-
istic appears to be inherited. The oxalic acid and soluble calcium °
within the plant form an insoluble compound, calcium oxalate. which
renders calcium unavailable for plant metabolism. Burley 2l appears
to be the most susceptible of the present varieties to this disease.
Since there is evidence that calcium deficiency is not due to a
lack of available calcium in the soil. it may be advisable to grow Ky
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Fig. 2.-Tobacco showing calcium deficiency symptoms.
1() which is not so susceptible t0 the disease, should be a serious cal-
cium problem exist when Burley 21 is grown.
\Vhcn a sound liniing prograin is followed for lield crops in
_ Kentucky, it is not necessary to buy fertilizers to which supplemental
calcium has been added.
To date none ol: the research with field crops on Kentucky soil~
has shown a yield response to application ot magnesium. lturlw
tobacco grown on the (Ianipbcllsville soil experinient lield eontaine~*
less inaqnesiuni than that iroduced on any ol the other ex ierinientwi
. l .
plots througliout the state. Since 1952 niaqnesiuin has been added i—
tobacco plots on the (Zainpbellsyille lield. but no response in yimt.· or lotal 1.i·i·..i-y.

 reduce crop yields as drastically as deficiencies. Molybdenum is most
available when the soil pH is around 7.0 and becomes less available
at lower pH values.
Boron (B)
More than 25 years ago boron deficiency was found in alfalfa
grown on Kentucky soils. In 1942, 327 soils from all over the state
were analyzed for soluble (available) boron. Approximately one-half
of these samples contained less than 0.5 part soluble boron per million
parts of soil (PPM). This level generally is considered to be the divid-
ing point between soils which need boron application and those which
do not. About half of the many test demonstrations with boron ap-
plieations_on alfalfa have shown a response in yield. Boron deficiency
in alfalfa has been found in all the major soil regions of Kentucky.
Consequently, boron applications are recommended on all Kentucky
soils for alfalfa hay and for clover crops for seed production.
Boron is usually applied as borax or fertilizer borate. However
the percentage of boron in borax and fertilizer borates varies con-
siderably; therefore. recommendations on an elemental basis are
C best. Broadcast applications of 1.5 to 2 pounds of elemental or actual
boron per acre annually have been very effective. The amounts of
the various compounds required to supply 2 pounds of elemental
. boron per acre are shown in Table 1.
Table 1.—Boron Compounds
_ Y) 17)) All)   Cl
Percent to supply 2 lb.
Compound   l3oron MWiW iégmwiper  
Borax 11.4 17.6
Horate — 46 14.3 14.0
Borate - G5 20.2 9.9
S&§---_T_.,-. .-.122;_. ..11....--e111._1??.;Y.. . -    one
`When boron is added to mixed fertilizers the guaranteed analysis
shows the percentage of elemental boron.
Boron in large quantities is toxic to plants, and especially to
seedlings. Thus. applications in excess of the recommended rates
should be avoided.
Zinc (Zn)
Corn is the only field crop presently grown in Kentucky that
has shown zinc-deficiency symptoms and has definitely given a response
to zinc applications. Isolated instances of zinc dehcicncy have been

 reported from nearly every area of the state. However, the difficulty
appears to be more prevalent in soils of the central Bluegrass and
the Westem Pennyrile regions. _
Considerable variation in respect to zinc deficiency has occurred
within these regions. Corn producers, in these areas particularly, ·
should watch this crop closely for deficiency symptoms during the
period of 4-6 weeks following planting.
Zinc-deficient corn shows a definite chlorosis (lack of green
color) in the early stages of growth. The chlorotic areas generally ,
appear as broad white stripes in the leaves at or near the growing ·
point. ln some varieties there is considerable purpling of the lower
leaves, but this purpling may not show up in other varieties. This
condition will usually be observed when the corn is 10-12 inches high
and often disappears as the corn makes more growth. If the stalk is
split lengthwise, a brown or black discoloration is usually apparent at _
the base of the stalk and at the first leaf nodes up the stalk. Un-
fortunately, other factors cause similar symptoms, and determining
the exact cause is difficult.
Maize Dwarf Mosaic, a virus disease of corn, may be easily con-
fused with zinc deficiency since similar leaf ehlorosis occurs. Root
feeding and pruning by insects may cause similar conditions to exist
in growing plants. `
.#\n important factor influencing the availability of zine is soil
reaction. Zinc is most soluble, hence more available, in acid soils.
Less zinc is available in soils with a high pH. Another factor in-
fluencing the fixation of zinc is the phosphate level. Zinc deHcicncy
sometimes occurs as a result of heavy phosphorus fertilization and is
more connnon in naturally high-phosphate soils.
ln low-phosphate soils zinc deficiency may occur when pH values
are 6.5 or higher. ln high-phosphate soils, zinc deficiency has been
found when soils have levels of 6.0 to 6.3. This does not mean that
zinc deficiency will always occur when the soil pfl is high. Corn grown
in many fields having much higher pll values has shown no evidence of
zine dchciency.
Zinc deficiency is most likely to be found in eroded areas. Ap-
- parently the subsoil is usually lower in available zinc than is the top-
soil of non—eroded areas.
\\lhere zinc deficiency is known to exist. 3-6 pounds of elemental
zinc per acre should be applied at the row in a starter fertilizer.
lCxcept under conditions of severe zine deficiency. the lighter rate
should be sufficient, The placement of fertilizer in the row results in
less zine fixation by the soil.
lleavier applications of zinc should be made when the fertilizer

 is applied broadcast. A minimum of 10 pounds of elemental zine per
acre is suggested for broadcast applications. Zinc sulfate or zine oxide
‘ are satisfactory sources of zine.
Premium grades of fertilizer may contain a little zinc. If so,
the amount is shown in the guaranteed analysis. However, many of
these premium grades of fertilizer will not normally contain a sufficient
amount of zinc to correct zine deficiency.
Sidedressing with zinc, once the deficiency has occurred, is not
effective in correcting it. The zinc must be applied before the corn
i is planted or at planting time.
Foliar sprays on zinc-deficient corn have been tried with varying
degrees of success. In some instances the deficiency has been corrected,
while in others no response has been obtained.
The best method of determining whether observed symptoms
‘ are caused by zinc deficiency in fields of corn is to chop out 20 to 30
hills of corn and replant. Apply IA; to % teaspoon of zinc sulfate per
hill and mix it with the soil on one-half of the replantcd hills. By
observing the com 4-6 weeks following replanting, any response to
zinc can be observed.
\Vhen corn is grown on fields where zinc-deficiency symptoms
` were observed the last year the field was in corn, zinc should be
Since the occurrence of zinc dehciency in certain areas of the
Bluegrass and Vlfestern Pennyrile regions is more frequent, farmers
should consider establishing field trials with zinc on fields that have a
pH value above 6.2 and are high in available phosphorus or on fields
, where the pH is above 6.5, and are low in available phosphorus. This
can be done by using a starter fertilizer with sufficient zine to correct
thc deficiency on a portion of each field and using the same analysis
of a starter fertilizer without zinc on the remainder of the field.
Manganese (Mn)
Soil pf] has a drastic influence on manganese availability.
Manganese toxicity, caused by too much manganese iu the soil solu-
tion, is a common disease in tobacco grown on soils where the pll
is below 5.3 to 5.5 fsee Kentucky (Iooperatiye lixtensiou Service l.eaf- V
let 2S6°). The disease causes plants to grow slowly following setting.
The leaves turn a light to yellowish green color with narrow bands of
dark green adjacent to the veins (Fig. $3*.
Toxicity is also being found in an increasing number ol eorn
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Fig. 3.—Manganese toxicity in burley tobacco caused by too much manganese
being available in the soil solution.
fields as well as a few grass and small grain fields where these crops
are grown on strongly acid soils.
Manganese deficiency (too little manganese) in soybeans bas
been tound in certain areas ot tlie state. The (leticicncy symptoms
in soybeans are very mncli like tlie manganese toxicity symptoms in `
tobacco. The leaves turn a ligl1t green to almost wbite witb tlie areas
close to tl1e \'(‘lllS I'(‘l1]Lll]`llllg a dark gl`CCIl. \Vll(‘l`C the deficiency is
not severe, tl1e lo\ver leaves are tbe lirst to sbow symptoms. As the
deiicieiicy becomes I]l()I`(‘ severe, tl1e 11ew growth as well as tbe older
leaves will sbow symptoms ot a lack of manganese.
Since tbe availability of manganese in the soil is reduced at
bigber pll values tll(‘ tlelieiency is most likely to occur in soil in the
sligbtly acid range or bigber (6.1 or above). llowever. manganese de-
lieieney l1as been tound i11 soybeans grown on soils baving a pll
value as low as $,9. 'l`bis does not mean tbat soybeans grown in all
soils baxing a pll above G.] will be deHcient i11 manganese. Soybeans
grown on many fields i11 tbe state \\`ll(’l'(‘ tbe soil pll is above 7.0 sbow
no eviilence ol Ii`|illlQilll<‘S(‘ tleticiency.
\l.lilCilll(‘§(‘ deficiency can be corrected <{uicl