xt78gt5fbv8p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78gt5fbv8p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1951-06-jul21-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1951-06-jul21-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1951-06-jul21-ec. 1951 1951-06-jul21-ec. 2011 true xt78gt5fbv8p section xt78gt5fbv8p 

     Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, July 21,1951.

     The Executive Committee of the University of Kentucky met in
Somerset, Ky., at 6:00 p.m., Saturday, July 21, 1951.   The follow-
ing members were present: Guy A. Huguelet, Chairman; H. D, Palmore,
R. P. Hobson, J. C. Everett, and Harper Gatton.   Absent:  None.
President Donovan and Secretary Frank D. Peterson met with the Com-

     A. Approval of Minutes.

     The minutes of the Executive Committee of May 18, 1951, were
approved as published.

     B. Report of the Comptroller.

     The Comptroller made a report of the financial operations of
the University for the eleven-months period ended May 31, 1951. The
report consisted of balance sheet and related summaries covering
University fund transactions.   Each member was given a report, and
after sufficient examination, upon motion duly made, seconded and
carried, the report was authorized received and filed.

     C. Purchases Made by the Comptroller's Office Approved.

     President Donovan submitted the following statement from the
Comptroller listing state requisitions and other documents evidencing
purchases made from April 1, 1951, through June 30, 1951:

                                          July 9, 1951

     Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
     University of Kentucky

     My dear President Donovan:

          I submit a list of state requisitions, advices of
     emergency purchases, special purchase orders and depart-
     mental purchase orders which have been made by the purchas-
     ing division from April 1, 1951 through June 30, 1951,
     yet to be approved by the Board of Trustees... The listing
     below gives the numbers of the documents requesting the
     purchase or actually issued as purchase orders, which
     documents are made a part of this record and are held in
     the Office of the Comptroller subject to inspection. The
     purchases have been made on properly drawn documents at
     the request of tne various departments and have been
     charged against available funds.


State requisitions numbered
Emergency purchase orders numbered
Library departmental orders numbered
University departmental orders numbered
Special purchase orders numbered

729 through 1018
339 through  499
2211 through 2239
1260 through 1331
9301 through 12250.

          The foregoing record of purchases is respectfully sub-
     mitted with the request that they be approved by the Executive
     Committee of the Board of Trustees, thereby ratifying the
     action of the Comptroller in making the purchases.

                                     Respectfully submitted,

                              (Signed) Frank D. Peterson,

     Transactions outlined in the communication were discussed, and
after due consideration, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,

State requisitions numbered
Emergency purchase orders numbered
Library departmental orders numbered
University departmental orders numbered
Special purchase orders numbered

729 through
339 through
2211 through
1260 through
9301 through

were ratified, and the action of the Comptroller in making such pur-
chases was approved.

     D. Budget Changes.

     President Donovan stated a few budget changes had been approved
by him as evidenced by "Payroll Changes -- Budget Transfer."   He
read a list of the changes representing decreases and increases in
appropriations,   The net increase in appropriations amounted to
$24,509.23.   President Donovan recommended that these decreases and
increases in appropriations be ratified and approved.

     After due consideration, upon motion duly made, seconded and
carried, the budget changes as recommended by President Donovan were
approved and the Comptroller was authorized to make the necessary
budget adjustments.

     E. Change in Zoning on South Limestone Discussed.

     President Donovan presented to the members of the Executive
Committee a communication from Dr. and Mrs. Henry G. Foushee.   Dr.
and Mrs. Foushee stated in their communication that there are 27


1331, and



pieces of property in the 200 block on South Limestone, still zoned
as Residence C, and these properties are now under consideration for
rezoning to Business A.  The communication listed reasons for
changing the zone from residence to business, and requested approval
of the Executive Committee for the change in zoning.

     Members of the Executive Committee discussed the request at
length, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, declined to
approve the request and left to the discretion of President Donovan
the question of active opposition on behalf of the University to any
change in the present zoning regulation for property in the 200 block
of South Limestone Street.

     F. Rental Rates in Men's Residence Halls Revised.

     President Donovan submitted communication from A. Do Kirwan,
Dean of Students, regarding schedule of rental charges in the men's
residence halls as approved by the Board of Trustees in 1946 and
1947.  Dean Kirwan called attention to considerable improvement
and the addition of new furniture in the older halls.   The accommo-
dations in all halls are now entirely comparable, and he recommended
that adjustments in room rental in all halls be re-studied and the
rental rates made within the minimum and maximum rental charges here-
tofore authorized by the Board of Trustees.

     President Donovan recommended that the Dean of Students and the
University Comptroller be authorized to fix the room rental in all
the halls at a rate ranging from. $51,00 to $69.00 per semester.

     The Committee being thoroughly advised, upon motion duly made,
seconded and carried, on recommendation of the President, the Dean
of Students and the Comptroller of the University were authorized
to fix the room rental in all men's residence halls within the min-
imum and maximum recommended.

     G. Invoice, Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Study Approved.

     President Donovan recalled that the University, since 1947,
had participated in the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Study and
that he had placed before the Board from time to time invoices
representing the University's contribution to the work of the Insti-
tute.   He stated that he was of the opinion that it was profitable
to the University of Kentucky to continue participating in the work
and submitted an invoice of the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear
Study for the contribution for the fiscal year 1951-52 in the amount
of $900.00.   He recommended that the Comptroller be authorized to
pay same from the Haggin Fund.



     The members of the Executive Committee being thoroughly ad-
vised, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, approved the
invoice for the fiscal year 1951-52, and authorized the Comptrol-
ler to make payment from the Haggin Fund.

     H. Southern Railway System Track Extension.

     President Donovan reported to the Committee that it was neces-
sary to extend the railway track serving the Central Heating Plant
to service the Maintenance and Operations building.   He reported
that, through the efforts of Mr. Guy A. Huguelet, the Southern Rail-
way System, through its Vice President, Mr. Hamlin Brown, had agreed
to take care of the 106-foot extension to track No. 82-39 without
cost to the University, provided the University would grant an ease-
ment of the right-of-way for the extension to the trustees of the
Southern Railway System, or to the C.N.O. & TOP. Company.

     It is understood that if this agreement is consummated, the
track will be owned and operated by the railway company but will
be maintained by the University of Kentucky.

     Members of the Committee discussed the extension, the granting
of the easement, and the assistance rendered by Mr. Huguelet, and
upon moticon duly made, seconded and carried, authorized the ease-
ment executed on behalf of the University, wshen in proper form.
Also, they extended sincere thanks to the Southern Railway System
for the generous extension of track without cost to the University,
and to Mr. Huguelet for his able assistance.

     I. Annuity for Miss Marie Nottnagel.

     President Donovan presented contract between the University
of Kentucky and Miss Marie Nottnagel, residing at 110 Woodland
Avenue in the City of Lexington, Fayette County,   He explained
that it was Miss Nottnagel's request that she be permitted to deed
to the University the lot and house where she now resides at 110
Woodland Avenue in the City of Lexington, Fayette County, Ky.,
without encumbrances, and to receive payment of $200.00 per month
during her natural life,   The University is to receive the rent
on apartments not used by Miss Nottnagel.

     The President also reported that the agreement included gift
from Miss Nottnagel to the University of the furniture belonging
to her, which is now in the rented apartments on the first and
second floors. At the death of Miss Nottnagel, the Nottnagel
Scholarship Fund shall be established, and the principal shall
consist of the residue of the estate after deducting such payments
as may be made by the University.



     The contract was read to the Committee, and they being thor-
oughly advised, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, au-
thorized same executed on behalf of the University, attested to
by the Secretary, and directed that such payments as may be
necessary in accordance with the contract be made from the Haggin

     J. Department of Air Science Created.

     President Donovan recommended the creation of a Department
of Air Science separate from the Department of Military Science.
He stated that the recommendation was made because, for all practical
purposes, the two branches of service are distinct and the vast ma-
jority of the land grant colleges have separate departments.

     The creation of the Department of Air Science has the endorse-
ment of M. M. White, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences;
Colonel Mackenzie, the current PI.S. & T.; Lt. Col. Edward G. Davis,
in charge of the ROTC Air Force unit at the University; and Major
General Hodges of the First Air Force, Mitchell Air Force Base,
New York.

     The recommendation of the President was discussed, and upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation was con-
curred in, and the Department of Air Force was authorized created,
effective July 1, 1951.

     K. Candidates for Degrees.

     President Donovan stated that it was impossible to submit a
list of candidates for degrees at the annual summer commencement
exercises at this time, but told the members of the Committee that
the list would be submitted to the University Faculty and properly
recommended to the Committee for authorization.

     Members of the Committee discussed the problem.    President
Donovan stated that the University Faculty records would contain
names of the persons recommended to the Committee for degrees,
with recommendation that the degree to which each person is entitled
be approved by the Committee.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the following
list of candidates for degrees to be approved by the Faculty was
authorized inserted in these minutes, and President Donovan was
authorized to confer upon each at the Commencement exercises on
August 10, 1951, the degree to which each is entitled.



Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts

Fslonnia Carol Chambers
Clifford Cary Coleman, Jr.
Margaret Celeste Curlin
Caroline Elizabeth Freeman
Margaret Salenda Garrett
Claude Meredith Hinton
Eleanor McInturff Kenly
Clara Jane Luchini

Mary Bert McKenna
Daisy Mullikin
Ann Perrine
Jimmie Maurice Porter
Donald Walton Rogers
William Stahel Spilman
Jane Ellen Tye
James Craig Riddle Wright

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science

Mary Margaret Anderson
Warren Harold Brown
Joe Wilson Daugherty
John Franklin Daugherty
Charles Hammond Dugan
John Bain Flege, Jr.
Alexander Black Frame, Jr.
Charles Lindbergh Goodin

Herbert Neal Harkleroad
James Luther Hobbs, Jr.
William Caden Kranz
John Conrad Landgrebe
Dorothy Louise McIntosh
Raymond Leslie Rose, Jr.
Francis Leo Stanonis
William Burton West

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts
                 - n Journalism

William Joseph Boughey

William Mason Samuels, Jr.

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Music

Betsy Bishop Dodge

Donald Wesley Ivey

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science
            =n xecdTTa.LTe 0nol ogy

Robert Edwin Gevedon
John Wilson Knox

Helen Louise Smith
Margery Jean Swint

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science

Ruth Naomi Blodgett
Frances Atwood Cook
Helen Stellar Koch
Forrest Marie Main Lawrence

Cinderella Armstrong Ledford
Marjorie Flynn Lisle
Virginia Dunn Maxwell
Truman Hannah Richey



Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science
                -  n Agricuiture

Clarence Bailey Ammerman
William John Bentley
Paul Bowling
Charles Hollowell Cain, Jr.
Ira Combs
Dickson Blanton Cooper
Roy Ragan Denney
Charles Morton Derrickson
Garrett Fulton Donovan
Elvin E. Durham
George Price Francis,Jr.
John Townsend Godfrey
Andrew Zachery Howard, Jr.
James Coleman Martin
Charles K. Moore
Edwin Kenner Newell, Jr.
James Clifton Northcutt

Lones O'Daniel,Jr.
Pierson Sherwood Oliver,Jr.
Ralph Gray Perkins
John Pirri, Jr.
Theodore Siegfried Rau
Billy Eugene Redden
Robert Newton Risner
Eugene Douglas Scott
James David Sigler
Clinton Ray Springate
Otha Victor Steger
Robert Woodson Teater
Calvin Clay Truitt
Hayden Watkins
Richard Armistead Watson
Laurence Hubert Wolfe

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science
          *I-- -Home E oTno ml       -   __s

Dorothy Ann Dickson
Nancy Jane Harris
La Fern Horton
May Seil Leach

Ramona Ruth Lenox
Louise Martin
Nancy Rene Scott
Virginia Murray Tilton


Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science
          --~~~~ Tin               -

Walter Gene Akin
Claude Mitchell Brown, Jr.
Roger Francis Field
Pedro Angel Flores
John Walter Gutermuth, Jr.
Samuel Newton Johnson, Jr.
George Lynn LeBaron, Jr.
Manuel Odon Mercado
Charles Griffith Mitchell,Jr.

Carl Lester Pennington
Warren Pfefferle
Paul Fernand Rassinier
Herman Daniel Regan, Jr.
Byron Foster Romanowitz
Howard Eugene Smith
Ed Trebolo
Garey Lee White



Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science
          TnElectriaT- Engineering - __i__n_

John Lewis Chenault
Murray Franklin Dickson
Raymond Jewel Distler
Holloway Fields, Jr.
Charles Warren Greenfield
Davis Marshall Gritton
William Talmadge Hudson
Harold John Jones

Lloyd Lewis Leach
James Roberts McNeal
Andrew Milton Prettyman
William Franklin Quillen
Ollie J. Smith
James Bertrand Weis
William Ward Zoellers

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science
           inMecahTI-3Va9gineerIng     -

David Edward Bonn
Enoch Jackson Browder
Edwin Ray Evans
William Otho Gaffin
Weldon Eugene Gilbreth
Preben Mandrup Haagensen
William Lane Holland
Kenneth LeRoy Johnson

Floyd Lee Layman
John Ashley LeGette
Jesse Robert Mavity
Morris Jackson Merideth
Thomas Edward Mullin
William David Wannamaker
Clayton Eugene Webb
Louis William Withers

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science
          i                               ....lurgc.alEr-ginee-rng

James Edward Fox

Adolph Paul Rasmussen,Jr.

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science
            in MlriingEghern

Ralph Breeding
Luther Moore

Billy Joe Schroeder
Ezra Donald Slone

                COLLEGE OF LAW

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Laws

John Lane Ackman
Bradley Combs
Brian Ward Daugherty
Kenneth Harold Goff

William Murphy Howard
James Bennett Stephenson
Rodney Jackson Thompson




Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts
              ifn Educaion

George Frederick Blanda
James Buckner Bowen
Crawford Bradley
Alice Mae VanValzel Brown
Birdie Alice Brown
Clarence Brown
Charles Lee Calk
Louise Collingsworth Cassady
Arlie Chaney
Peggy Geralyn Compton
James Durham
Mary Goff Field
Billie Jane Freeman
Marie Jones Harber
Mary Emily Harned
Ollie Mildred Hart
Harrell A. Hoskins
Harris Stephens Howard
Carl D. Ison
Junne Wood Jensen
Winnie Burchett Johnson
Josephine Cooper Johnston

Mary Josephine Richerson Jones
Ben Frank Kanatzar
Virginia Faye Lake
Pauline Belle Ligon
Vivia Mae Lobb
Lois Marie Mansberger
Elmer Clifton Moore
Doris Lee Napier
Mattie Jones Pridemore
Cordelia DeSh.azer Pullum
Marian Jean Pumphrey
Howard Rhudy
Hazel Margaret Sheperson
Mary Forrest Simpson
Bernice Ruth Smart
Evalena Gilbert Spears
Rosa Nelson Mason Talbert
William Courtney Taylor
Marjorie Threlkel Wallace
willa Deanne Wilson
Lewis Curry Woods, Jr.

               COLLEGE OF COMMERCE

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science
                   nH 7ome-rc~e~

Edward Myron Appleton
Patty Sue Baker
Thomas Ernst Barnes
Wilfred Hughes Cornett
Lois Elaine Craig
Philip Lee Hayes
Hugh Glenn Hunt
Bobby Whitfield Jenkins
Leonard Taylor Kernen
Braxton Russell King
Aino Kolk
Robert Bishop Lorch, Jr.
Joseph Edward Mainous
Alan Edward Marsh

Kermit Patterson
Juan Bautista Pinto A.
John Charlie Platter
Henry Busnach Sohmer
Richard Montague Stoll
William Crawford StonehouseJr.
Joe Cecil Strong
Robert Travis Tichenor
Robert Elmo Tuttle
Carlos Watkins
Harold Dean Wilson
Robert Clinton Woodard
Harold Herbert Wooddell



              GRADUATE SCHOOL

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Arts

James Howard Allen
Woodrow Allen
Richard Bradley
Mary Wood Brown
Leonard James Brumrett
Robert Armistead Bryan
Elizabeth Gould Davis
Emmett Ralls Davis,Jr.
Frank James Falck
John Harold Fenton, Jr.
Arthur Foster Glickstein
Harry Adolph Hultgren

Milton Zack Kafoglis
Waltraut Ellen Kerckhoff
Maurice Flower Knott
Laura Brown Logan
Thomas Peter Lynch
Joseph Camille Marek
Robert Clarence Meyers
Will Stoll Myers, Jr.
Glen Elmer Roberts
Frederick Dewitt Smart
Milton Houck Townsend

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science

Raymond Charles Allred
Ching Wen Chien
Alex Ciegler
Richard Hardin Graves
Edgar Percival Gwynn, Jr.
Mary Catherine Heath
Eugene Combs Ison
Norman Jerry Klein

Conan Hyman Kornetsky
Edward Meyers
Irving Millman
James Howard Murphy
James Robert Powers
Lionel Howell Prescott
Herbert Edwin Shadowen
Albert Lee Stone
Omer Joshua West,Jr.

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science
              -  PUTl cHleaT=        -

Carmen Eugene Akers
Anne Lee Brown
James John Croley, Jr.

Hal Guy Etter
DrexaJ. Ray Wells

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science
               in AgriculTure       -

Louis Nelson Baker
Louis Jefferson Boyd
Charles Frank Buck,Jr.
Leon Fredric Bush
Albert Estern Drake
Edd Coolidge Hogg

Charles Avery Keown
General Tye King
Levi Oliver
John William Tuttle
William Foster Walker

         Candidate for the Degree of Master of Science
                     -  n Thome Ec o~nom      -
                       MildredGrney  0  Dickerson

Mildred Gortnley DiDckersonl



Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science
          InElect-rcal ETinerng

Willard Randell Becraft

Wesley Kendrick Kay

       Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science
                 1n Lec anRcal Enineering

George Thomas Privoznik

       Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science
                   in         g   ering

Ralph Breeding
Luther Moore

Billy Joe Schroeder
Ezra Donald Slone

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Arts
              In E-ducation

Virginia Frances Ackman
Hugh Carney Adams, Jr.
Eleanor Downing Allender
William Oscar Anderson
Dorothy Elizabeth Archer
William Bradley Baker
Ivan Eugene Ball
John Lynn Bartlow
Elizabeth Alena Beaty
Jennie Houck Best
Richard Irvin Betz
Verdella Caldwell Beverly
Joe Donald Botto
Charles William Bryant
Chester Orlin Cantrelle
Kathryn Cundiff Carter
James Isaiah Cheek
Charles Bardwell Chidester
Ruchira Chinnapongse
Alma Clarkson
Duke Wells Congleton
Lester John Cooper
Ernestine Cox
Rebecca Mary Cunningham
Joseph Clifford Denny
Roy Hancock Dorsey
Loy Newton Dycus
Susie Jones Elster
Frank Van Hagg FirestineJr.
John Lewis Fleming
Margaret Lois Smith Fobiano

Burtis A. K. Franklin
Evalyn Frazier
Susan Frances Gabby
Harold Edward Graham
Roscoe Lee Grider
Paul Harold Gunsten,Jr.
Kenneth Hugh Hale
William Burns Hall
Lula Owen Hearn
Karl Thomas Hereford
Joyce Mae Hoskins
John Henry Howard
William Donald Howard
Dewey Everett Huff
George Elwood Jaeger
Charles Robert Jones, Jr.
Mary Joseph Jones
Nelson Jones
Paul Eugene Jones
Kenneth Richard Kuhnert
Harvey Bentley Lawson
Elmer Turner Lee
Crait Lester
Rachel Whitenack Lester
Mary Elizabeth McAllister
William Beryl McAllister
Alma Esther McLain
Virgil James Marcum
Angelo Anthony Marinaro
Stanley Newton Marsee
Harry Cecil Martin


Harry Elmo Meacham
Harold Mitchell Miller
Roy Marvin Miller
Wayne Alexander Monroe, Jr.
Sarah Clarke Muth
Mary Elizabeth Mynhier
Nita Truitt Neill
Robert Dudley Neill
Betty Richardson Newby
Carl Duane Nickell
Thomas Joseph Norris
Glenn Sampson Ours
Samuel Wilbur Patton
Lorena Gail Pauley
Mary Louise Norman Phelps
Ann Elizabeth Cantrell Pickett
Walter Jenkins Pickett
Samuel Robert Powell
Carl Bradley Puckett
Clarence Eugene Rall
Wayne Damron Ratliff
Willie Dan Reynolds
Edward Eugene Rice

Marion Walter Rowe
Lula Margaret Rupley
John Desha Scanlon
Charles David Schifler
Dora Alice Shields
David Alexander Singleton
Frisby, Davis Smith
Nina Sparks
Raymond Estill Standiford
William Davis Stephens
Robert Bruce Stewart,Jr.
Stellarose Martin Stewart
Charles Dawson Stout
Robert Lewis Tanner
Maurice Lafayette Tribell
John Benjamin Tussey
Roscoe J. Waddell
Nicholas Wanchic
Louise Whitlow
Oren Brenton Wilder
Viola Turner Williamson
William Lawrence Wooden
Virgil Frimd Young

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science
                In Edu'caton

Helene Louise Arnold
Garland William Blair
James Roy Fitzpatrick
Paul Blackburn Mitchell
Laura Virginia Peed

Bettie Riggs
Willadene Rominger
Robert Lee Shepherd
Claude Adams Taylor, Sr.
Wayne McClure Williams

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Music

James Wendel Rooker, Jr.

James Hart Walker

Candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Education

Zebrum Slusher Dickerson,Jr.
William Harold Harris

Clarence Talmadge SharDton
Robert Lee Mills

Candidates for the DeDrgee of Doctorof philosophy

Elsie Jenoise Dotson
Carl Richmond Fields
Achilles Elmer Foster
Joe Love Lawson,Jr.

John C. Redman
George Harry Scherr
James Henry Stewart




     L. Women's and Men's Residence Halls and Science Building
Authorized.                               - -

     President Donovan made the following statement:

           "The Board of Trustees of the University authorized
     that architects' plans and specifications be prepared about
     five years ago for a Women's Residence Hall, a Men's Dormi-
     tory and a Science Building.   Since that time we have kept
     before the people of the state this urgent need for these
     buildings at the University.   Recognizing the need, the
     state has not had available funds to meet the construction
     cost of these projects heretofore.

          "While attending a meeting of the Franklin County Alumni
     Association of the University of Kentucky Tuesday evening,
     Chairman Guy A. Huguelet of the Executive Committee, Senator
     Louis Cox, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Alumni
     Association, Senator R. P. Moloney, and I secured a conference
     with Governor Lawrence W. Wetherby on the question of erect-
     ing these buildings.   Governor Wetherby was deeply interest-
     ed in finding ways and means for the erection of these
     projects as soon as permission could be obtained from govern-
     ment agencies.

          "It was agreed that the University should immediately
     request the State Property and Building Commission for authority
     to proceed with this construction.    The Governor said he would
     support such a request.

          "These projects will be financed by a bond issue togeth-
     er with such funds from the Building Commission as are neces-
     sary to finance these buildings on a sound basis.    Legislative
     appropriations will be requested to offset fees used to retire
     bonds so as not to impair the current program of instruction,
     research, and extension of the University.

          "Requests for permission to construct these buildings
     will also be made immediately to the National Production Au-
     thority which has control over critical building materials.

          "All present at the conference last night expressed hope
     that construction of these projects can be begun as soon as
     federal authorities give clearance."

     The members of the Committee discussed at length the question
at issue, and upon motion duly made, sec-onded and carried, authorized
President Donovan to request immediately the State Property and
Building Commission for authority to proceed with the construction
of the Women's Residence Hall, Men's Dormitory, and Science Build-



     They also approved the issuance of revenue bonds as may be
necessary to finance these buildings, and the request to the
Legislature for appropriation necessary to offset fees which will
be used to retire bonds issued so as not to impair the current
program of instruction, research and extension of the University.
The administration was authorized to request permission of the
National Production Authority to construct these buildings and
to take the necessary steps to secure building materials and
permits necessary.

    M. Gifts.

                           From: Kentucky Distillers' Association,
                                 Louisville, Ky. -- $2,500.00.

     President Donovan reported to the Committee receipt of a check
for $2,500.00 from the Kentucky Distillers' Association of Louis-
ville, Ky., to be used to provide ten freshman scholarships at the
University.   He stated that he considered these scholarships a
very important part of the University's freshman scholarship pro-
gram, and he was very glad to have the opportunity of again as-
signing the awards.   He recommended that they be accepted, and
upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the gift of $2,500.00
from the Kentucky Distillers' Association, Louisville, Ky., was
ordered accepted, and President Donovan was requested to thank
the donors.

                           From: Kentucky Brewers Association,
                                 Louisville, Ky. -- $900,00.

     President Donovan reported receipt of check for $900.00 made
payable to the Kentucky Research Foundation, to be used for three
freshman scholarships of $300 each during the 1951-52 school
year.   He stated that this gift would be a splendid contribution
to the University scholarship program and recommended acceptance
of the gift.   Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the
gift of $900.00 by Kentucky Brewers Association, Louisville, Ky.,
to the Kentucky Research Foundation was ordered accepted, and.
President Donovan was requested to write a letter of appreciation
to the donors.

                           From: Mr. P. A. B. Widener, ITI, Elk-
                                  hill Farm,, Lexington, Ky.--

     President Donovan reported gift from Mr. P. A. B. Widener, III
Elkhill Farm, Lexington, Ky., of a large painting attributed to
the English landscapist, John Constable, and recommenrded that
it be accepted by the Committee.   Upon motion duly made, seconded
and carried, the gift was ordered accepted, and Dr. Donovan was



requested to write a letter of appreciation to Mr. Widener.

                           From: Colonel James H. Graham, Louisville,
                                 Ky.--420 Volumes.

     President Donovan read a letter from Dr. Lawrence S. Thomp-
son, Director of Libraries, reporting receipt of gift from Col-
onel James H. Graham of the better portion of his private library,
420 volumes in all.   He quoted Doctor Thompson as saying that
this would be an exceptionally valuable addition to the Libraryvs
materials for general reading, and that he considered it as one of
the most valuable gifts the Library has received recently.    Pres-
ident Donovan recommended acceptance of this gift, and upon motion
duly made, seconded and carried, 420 volumes from Colonel James
H. Graham's private library were ordered accepted, and the Presi-
dent was asked to thank Colonel Graham for the generous gift.

                           From: R. R. Dawson Bridge Company --

     President Donovan reported receipt from the R. R. Dawson
Bridge Company in the amount of $500.00, to support the scholar-
ship given in the name of J. Stanley Dawson.    He stated that
this is the third renewal of this scholarship and recommended
acceptance of the gift.   Upon motion duly made, seconded and car-
ried, the gift of $500.00 from the R. R. Dawson Bridge Company
was ordered accepted, and the President was asked to write a letter
of appreciation to Mr. R. R. Dawson, Bloomfield, Ky.

                           From: Dr. D. R. Warehime - $50.00.

     President Donovan reported gift of $50.00 from Dr. D. R. Ware-
hime, to be used in the speech clinic in the Department of Psychol-
ogy, under the direction of Doctor Diehl.    He asked that it be
accepted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the gift
of $50.00 from Dr. D. R. Warehime was ordered accepted, and Pres-
ident Donovan was requested to thank the donor for this generous

                           From: V. V. Cooke Foundation, Inc.,
                                 Louisville, Ky. -- $100.00.

     President Donovan reported gift of $100.00 from V, V. Cooke
Foundation, Inc., Louisville, Ky.    He said that these funds were
to be used to aid in sending a 4-H Beef Cattle Judging Team to
participate in an International Youth Beef Cattle Judging Contest,
to be held in Scotland on the 21st of June.    He recommended that
the gift be accepted.   Upon motion duly made, seconded and car-
ried, the gift of $100.00 was ordered accepted, and the President
was asked to write a letter of appreciation to the donors.


                       From: Mr. Frank Zoringer, Wilmore, Ky. --
                             Portrait of Coach Rupp.

     President Donovan reported that he had been informed by Mr.
Guy A. Huguelet that Mr. Frank Zoringer, who has a country estate
near Wilmore, Ky., wished to present to the Univers~ity a portrait
of Coach Adolph Rupp, to be painted by Mr. William Welsh.    He
recommended that the gift be accepted, and after some discussion
of the generous offer, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
the gift of a portrait of Coach Rupp was ordered accepted, and
President Donovan was requested to express the appreciation of the
Executive Committee and the University.

                       From: Kentucky Broadcasters Association,
                              Ashland, Ky. -- $150.00.

     President Donovan reported receipt of check for $150.00 made
payable to the Kentucky Research Foundation, from Kentucky Broadcast-
ers Association, Ashland, Ky.   He stated that, according to the
wishes of the donors, this gift would be used to provide a scholar-
ship in 1951-52 for a student in Radio Arts.    He recommended that
the gift be accepted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
the gift of $150.00 from the Kentucky Broadcasters Association, As