xt78cz32553f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78cz32553f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1989-04-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 19, 1989 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 19, 1989 1989 1989-04-19 2020 true xt78cz32553f section xt78cz32553f  

ntucky Kernel

Vol. XCll, No. 150 Established 1894 University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky Independent since 1 971 Wednesday, April 1 9, 1 989

Legislature puts ,






Part 2 in a 3—part series



Med schools
facing small

Program won’t
suffer,officials say

By 11mm wnxr
Senior Staff Writer

he decreasing number of students

enrolling in the medical program

has caused an increasing amount
of concern among UK officials.

“Before. we could really select the
cream of the crop. if you would, but at
the moment the crop‘s very small.“
said Dr. David Wilson. a professor in
pediatrics serving as a part-time
director in the UK College of Medicine.
So even though we‘re still managing to
get a fairly sizeable cream. ifyou
would, we don‘t have as many choices
as we had before."

Statewide. the number of residents
applying to medical school in the past
five years has declined 32.8 percent.
The numbers continue to go down at UK
with the applicant number dropping 35 7
percent since 1982.

Dr. Emery Wilson. dean of the
College of Medicine. said he believes
that UK has reached the point where


High School Graduates Applying to


1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987

High school

Offered admission

to Med school 136

Enrolled in

MedSchool 96 79

the number of applicants will no longer

“We have seen a bottoming out in the
number of applicants. We think we are
at that nadir now," Dean Wilson said
“We can‘t get too much lower because
we have 1.6 applicants per place and we
can‘t really get much lower than lliat
and have enough applicants to fill the

he need for physicians in
Kentucky has caused officials to

be reluctant in considering
lowering the number of places available
in the medical school.

“There is no real reason to think that
we should decrease the number because
we need the positions in the state."
Dean Wilson said "There are st ill a

375 336 346 331



294 241

128 99 121 106

88 71 74 71

DANIELLE: TURPLN.F.'14'ri(il (l'rlLJ’HS

large number of underserved areas. Of
120 (counties) it is said that 80 counties
are underserved. "

According to previous studies. the
optimum number of physicians in
Kentucky is 193 positions per 1.000
people Now. however, the state has Hit
positions per 1,000 residents In south
eastern Kentucky the number of
physicians reaches as low as ail
positions per 1.000 people

ne of the reasons offered by

medical school officials as to

why the numbers of medical
students are declining is the cost ot

“A lot of students choose not to even
think about medical school because
Sec MEDK'AI . ‘ilavk Pigt-



finishing touches
on education plan g.

Associated Press

FRANKFURT. Ky Selected House
Democrats met yesterday to put the fin~
ishing touches on a list of education initia»
tives that could be presented to Gov Wal-
lace Wilkinson as early as Friday

According to a list obtained by The Asso-
ciated Press. the package would cost an
estimated $219 million in the 1990 fiscal
year above current expenditures $313 mil-
lion in 1991 and $352 million in 1992

Rep. Roger Noe. D-Harlan. said that
when the proposals are put to Wilkinson.
he expects they will be accompanied by
another list of potential sources of revenue
to pay for them

Among the tax options are conformity to
the federal income tax code. closing some
loopholes in state taxes and higher person»
al income tax rates for those earning more
than 350.000 annually

“When this proposal goes to the gover~
nor. there will be options for him to consid-
er that we believe will pass the legise
lature.” said Noe, who is chairman of the
House Education (‘ommittee and has been
one of the primary architects of the legis
lat ive education package

Noe acknowledged that passage of a tax
increase by the General Asseriibb would
not be easy in any event and all but impos—
sible without Wilkinson‘s support

The list of education initiatives that will
be presented to Wilkinson. -io not t‘tlnlpl'lst‘


Special Projects Writer

While an oil spill disaster off the coast
of Alaska continues to corrode the en-
viornment and arouse criticism of the
dismal clean-up effort. in a small lab in
Anderson Hall. a UK mechanical engi-
neering professor is working on ways to
make such efforts quicker and safer.

And in addition to helping protect the
environment from the disastrous effects
of future oil spills, he hopes to bring
credit to the University and lexington
and help the community with business
in new technology

Kozo Saito, a 39—year—old associate
professor from Japan, has been re-
searching the technique of cleaning
spilled oil off the ocean through a burn-
ing method for the past three years.

He is the only researcher in the coun-
try receiving a continuing grant from
the National Institute of Standards and
Technology to work on this particular
project. and as far as he knows. the
only one in the nation working on it at

Funding for this project was very
competitive. Saito said, so receiving it
“is a recognition to UK.“

Saito‘s only colleagues on this re-
search at UK are a visiting professor
from Japan and a graduate student.

“The number‘s very small. but the
quality is very high." he said. “We
made a lot of progress last year."

And this year. he said. “so far. so

See PROFESSOR, Back Page


ON FIRE: Associate Professor Kozo Saito performs an
experiment, researching Oil spill combustion at Anderson

Engineering professor working with oil spills

Hall. Saito has received a grant from the National Institute
of Standards and Technology to research this topic




Huang, McCain honored as outstanding seniors

Staff reports

Michael Huang. a chemistry senior. and
Leah McCain. a social work senior, were
named the outstanding graduating seniors
last night.

The award is named for former UK pres-
ident ()tis Singletary,

Huang, the son of Yang H. and Jane R.
Huang of Lexington, was a member of the
first class of Si ngletary Scholars.

Huang also was a National Merit Schol»
ar, and currently has a 3.90 grade point av-
erage based on a 4.0 system.

Huang plans to attend medical school at

McCain. a member of Kappa Alpha
Theta sorority, currently is vice president

of the Student Government Association.
She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hank
McCain, and is from ()wensboro.

McCain is a member of the Student So~
cial Work Association. and has worked as
a Fayette (Tounty legal aid.

In addition to the senior awards. the UK
Student Center Activities Board presented
awards to the outstanding freshman. soph~
omore and junior on the Lexington cam-

uThe outstanding junior award was pre—
sented to Scott Anthony Kuhn. a journa-
lism/broadcast junior.

wThe outstanding sophomore award was
presented to Sean Lohman, a political sci-
ence sophomore.

wThe outstanding freshman award was

presented to Christa Elizabeth ('ollins. (‘ol—
lins is studying special education. speech
and communications disorders

other awards presented last night in-

«Deserving Blind Student Scholarship.
presented by Delta Gamma sorority. to
Brenda Davis. a social work senior

wl’anhellenic Scholarship. presented by
the Panhellenic Council. to Jennifer Lynn
Farmer. a communications sophomore

/()utstanding Sophomore Award. pre
sented by Links junior honor society, to
Paige Marie Foster. a secondary educae
lion/social studies sophomore

wlances All-Campus Scholarship. pre-
sented by Lances junior honor society. to
Kenneth Hensley. a biology sophomore.

./ Residence Hall la-adership Award.
presented by the Department of Residence
Life, to Nick Vaccaro. an arts and sciences

./l)ifl(‘t‘ of Minority Affairs Spirit
Award. presented by the titfice of \'ice
(‘liancellor tor Minority Affairs. to .loan
(‘oates. a business administration't‘inancc

ivl’aul Robeson Award. presented by the
()ffice of Vice ('hancellor for Minority Al-
tairs to (‘hirs ('lienault. :1 general studies

VStudent Development scholarships.
presented by the Student Development
(‘ounciL to Huang. and Lynn Zaremba. a
pharmacy senior

a cure for what ails Kentuck\ schools \‘oe

instead. he said the} wen 'the things
we must do to keep its afloat no education
and that's all this list does :s keep us
tifloat "

()ther lawmakers who attended the SfK'
sion ’hiesday said the list represents 'he
minimum that legislators want for educa

“Now we‘re looking for some good faith
on the part of the governor ‘r: compror
mise," said Rep Ernesto Scorsonc Dvlev

House and Senate leaders '.\‘tii get .1
chance to iook .it ’he trait “his .veek and
lawmakers hope ’o be able ’rv art-sent t 'o
Wilkinson by Friday or \loviday

Wilkinson has shown little :nclination to
go along with lawmakers .in their educa
tion plans especially 'hose that .vould
incura lax increasetopm tor 'hem

But now included .n 'he xegislat‘u- t-dur
cation list is at least 3'71 Ill‘iilttf‘ .n each
year of the coming biennium
structuring. Wilkinson's pet project

Noe \alti it is unlikely legislators
look favorably A-n
their own ideas are included

We are not .villiiig 'o Jillltlltll" 'tie girl
yen workable .isionaiw ' zou .Hl?
goals of education with his view
structuring." \‘oe \iilti Wc'it Aliillitl
complement those programs . itii
luring '

The plan .issiinies “tr-t

'tii‘ ~(‘lnml rt»


H‘Sll‘lli‘lill'w‘.’ inless
.intro-d lt'

”(uphpvx .\ hunt

‘u'r l I'lvl‘l All Rt it" - i we

Wright tries
to rally his

[h .ll‘l llRl\K \llll
\ssiicinlt-tt l'l't‘\~

it r\.\lll\'ti 1‘! t\
Wright 'tjlt‘lltliL‘ 'v'~
string ot t'llllt‘\ tttllitttiiti-l' charges

'l‘uesda} 'o I{iil_\ ‘_

Elwosc mink”

:l‘il‘llxl‘ dial? \'


Deiritwratu- .ol
leagues .illli old
”1“!“ l intend vi

He \itlti 'li.it
he may hau- made
mistakes in lutllllllt'l‘l
‘l have never
anything to dishonor
this institution and i
never will

in a halt hour speech to .;
ol the Dernix'ratic t'aiicus .'i
chamber. and later no press
Wright chose to concentrate tiis tit‘lt'llSt' -v~
one issue: the charge that his wile. liettx
did no substantial work tor ’hc 373 um she
received from .t Fort Worth fro-nit troiii
198010 Nil—l

itiil more troubling at many of lil\ «oi
leagues were charges that Wright stilltlhl
to.e\:ide House limits on outside tarned lll
t'tllllt' through sewn bulk sales of his book.
"ltetlections ot .. l‘iiblic \lan ’11it\l at
them made tll lieu of .it't't‘pllllfl \[X‘tlkllltl
tees trom interest groups

Wright was gathering .ittidavits :roni
people lll Fort \\(i1‘ll1 who said 'hey and
worked “1”] his Wife .ii.l obseried what
she did in return tor her 818.0004. \eai' sal
ary from real estate developer tit-urge
Mallick and the partnership 'he two i‘tiu
ples formed. known as Mallightco

He said she had researched :nvestnient
opportunities in real estate and otticc
budding ventures in Fort Worth and \ew
York and studied investments Ill .i umerv
in the movie \t‘l‘SItlll “t the musical
"Anmef and in oil \entures and stock pur

Wright l‘t‘t't‘lH'tl .i standing ovation .it
the end of his caucus speech. which iiicliid
ed an admission that he had made some
errors in judgment and may hau- made
some mistakes in my lite.‘ according to

.tllll l ‘ntt-iot ‘



l'l'l't tii' \t‘\\lt it!



He also told his fellow Democrats. who
reelected him as speaker just four months
ago. that he did not want to tontinuc to
hold the post if he couldn‘t be an effective
leader of the party. according to one mem
her present






Today: Partly cloudy. windy
Tomorrow15unny. high about70








Former student
trying his hand

at comedy business

Tennis team
cruises to win




See Page 2





 2 — Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday. April 19. 1989


Former Derby winner knows pressure

Associated Press

Lucien Laurin, who won the
Triple Crown in 1973 with Secretar—
iat. can relate to the pressure
trainer Shug McGaughey is feeling
with Easy Goer as this year's
Kentucky Derby approaches.

”It‘s a great, great honor to be
so lucky to have such a nice
horse." Laurin said. ”Naturally
you‘re nervous. You're always here
vous when you run a good horse

“It‘s rough when you go through
all of this. You have a lot of pres»

Laurin faced an especially diffi-
cult time after Secretariat lost the
Wood Memorial. His stablemate.
Angle Light. won the race. wrth
Sham second and Secretariat third
Laurin said the next two weeks
leading up to the Derby were
"really, really rough.


“It’s a great, great honor to be so lucky to have
such a nice horse. Naturally you're nervous.
You’re always nervous when you run a good
horse. lt’s rough when you go through all of
this. You have a lot of pressure."

Lucien Laurin,

"Frankie Martin (Sham‘s train~
er: was mad at me. He thought id
run a rabbit. and the rabbit won I
didn‘t run no rabbit."

Angle Light was owned by Edwin
Whittaker, while Secretariat's
owner was Meadow Stable.

“The man wanted to run in it,
and it was two different people.”
Laurin said ”When people pay you
to train horses. if they want you to

run. you can‘t come up and say

The colts ran as an entry in the
Derby. but this time, Secretariat
won. and his time of 1:59 2—5 was a
record. Sham was second.

After Secretariat won the Preak»
ness. with Sham second again, the
stage was set. Secretariat was the
big favorite for the Belmont, and
Laurin thought he would win easi-

ly. But no one, not even Laurin, ex~
pected the awesome performance
Secretariat gave the entire 1'2
miles that day v a Ill-length victo-
ry in 2:24, another record.

Still, it‘s especially difficult to
keep a horse at its peak over the
five-week grind of the Triple

“You know, the most important
thing in this business is to keep
them sound and on top of their
form for so long," Laurin said.
“That's what makes it tough. It
takes a good horse that can take

Laurin, now 77 and again train
ing horses after periods of retire-
ment and semi-retirement, said
Easy Goer is that type of horse.

“He looks like he's got a terrific
shot to win the Triple Crown,“ he

Tom Speldlng
Sports Editor
Brian Jeni
Assistant Sports Editor


Staff Writer

The nth-ranked UK men‘s
tennis team recuperated from a
disappointing loss to 3rd-ranked
Louisiana State University Sun-
day by whitewashing ()hio Uni-
versity at the UK Downing ()ut~
door Complex yesterday, 9-0.

The victory wasn‘t a surprise
v but winning so big was, con»
sidering UK‘s mental state.

“Yeah we were let down after
LSU," UK assistant coach Mike
Benson said. “We competed
hard and lost a close match.
Hopefully we‘ll see them (LSUl
again in the post season. They
are good at home but not as
good on the road."

The Wildcats seemed to need


UK demolishes Ohio

the breather they got in playing
the Bobcats. “It’s good because
it gives us the opportunity to
play some sets in a competitive
situation,“ Benson said. “They
(Ohio) were a good tune-up for
both Tennessee and Georgia."

Senior Willy Laban, who
moved up to play as UK‘s top
seed, responded with a straight
set victory over Jay Ethridge 7-
6, 6-],

Another UK senior, Mario
Rincon, stepped up from No. 3
to play No. 2 and soundly de-
feated ()hio’s Chris Peterson 6-3,
6-2. In No. 3 singles, Ian Skid-
more beat John Beathler 64, 6-
3. UK sophomore Sam Stinnett
beat Matt Kline 6-3, 6-1.















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 Dallas owner Shramm quits,
marking the end of an era

Associated Press

NEW YORK — An era came to
an end yesterday when NFL own-
ers unanimously approved the sale
of the Dallas Cowboys to Arkansas
oilman Jerry Jones and Tex
Schramm, the only president the
team ever had, resigned to head
the new lnternational Football

The vote, at a special meeting,
was followed by the announcement
that Schramm would head the new
league, which hopes to start play
as early as next spring. Schramm
had headed the Cowboys since
their start 29 years ago as an ex-
pansion team.

Since Jones bought the team
Feb. 25 for $146 million, Schramm
has been left out of all of the
team’s major decisions.

For example, Jones, without
Schramm’s approval, fired Tom
Landry as coach and replaced him
with Miami coach Jimmy Johnson.


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 4 — Kentucky Kernel. Wednesday, April 19, 1989


Just for starters

Former UK student tries getting established on comedy circuit as opener

By ROB si-zs'ti
Arts Editor

“People are always coming up to
me and asking me how I got into
comedy. It‘s not like they run an
ad in the paper, I just knew that
this is what I wanted to do," said
Shaun Meredith, a former resident
adviser and student at UK who has
been on the road for the past year
trying to establish his name on the
comedy club circuit.

Meredith came to UK in 198-1
from Raleigh, NC. to major in phi~
losophy. “I didn't get my diploma
because it was too stiff to wipe
with,“ explained Meredith. "Phi
losophy did help me learn how to
think about the random subject anti
stand up comedy is just a matter of
observation and making people
laugh at things that normally they
might cringe at."

Meredith worked as a resident
adviser at the football dormitory
tKirwan ii in 1985—86 and said that
he often had to explain certain
things to them like the docile na
ture of the sqmrrels on campus.
”They couldn't understand why
they come right up to you. ‘They
won't let you hunt them. they‘d

Meredith first tried his hand at
stand up comedy when he “slinked
off" to Louisville and called the
owner of Fat (‘ats la Louisville
puby and told him he was a profes
sional comedian "I came on in be-
tween bands and it was hell No
body was in the mood for comedy.”
said Meredith.

Out of that experience, Meredith
learned what it was going to take
to establish stage presence “I

found out that learning to bomb
gracefully is more important than
sucking up to an audience.

“Even if you're bombing, it
won't be a real bomb until the au-
dience knows that you know that
you're bombing. It‘s all composure
and the only place that you can get
that is stage time,“ said Meredith.

Meredith has spent the past year
as the opening act for two or three
other comedians. “As the opener,
you have to remember that while
you‘re never going to be the star of
the show, the show is definitely de
pendent on you to initiate the
pace," said Meredith. Meredith is
set to move up to the feature come-
dian slot in about six months.

According to Meredith, the most
important aspect of standup com
dy is establishing a rapport with
the audience and getting them to
laugh at things that normally may
not be very funny subjects.

“I get most of my humor from
what not only makes me mad but
what gets others mad. If you can
get them to laugh at something
that makes them mad, then you‘ve
got an emotional link with the audi—
ence and that‘s the whole secret."

Although he is from the South,
Meredith has learned the
importance of not tying your
humor to one certain region.
“You've got a couple of standard
jokes where it says ‘Insert town
here’ but that‘s about it. You have
to go for mass appeal and play off
everyday habits that make you
human rather than Northern or
Southern "

“The South has this unique lega»
cy about it because if you make fun

COURTESY 0F WU“ mentor

Shaun Meredith, a former UK student, is trying his hand on the

comedy club circuit.

of being Southern, people from the
South laugh because they're very
secure in what they are. "

Like most comedians, Meredith
is always being asked how much
the movie “Punchline" is like the
comedy circuit. “I always tell
them that it has the same relation
that ‘9 To 5' has to working in a
steel mill. It‘s just using comedy as
a premise because what comedy
really is. is getting paid to live out
ofa suitcase."

Radio talk show hosts flex political muscle

By JOHN I)l.\.\l().\l)
Associated Press

BOSTON The nation‘s radio
talkmasters. who discovered their
clout in the drive to kill the con
gressional pay raise. wrll meet in
June to do what they do best
talk. and organize their budding
political power

“What we‘re going to do is see
what things we all have in common
and try to get people to participate
at the appropriate moment.“ said
Boston‘s .Ierry Williams of WRKt).
an old hand at generating a public
furor via the airwaves and the host
of the conference here

“A good many people who listen
to talk radio feel frustrated that
they never knew what to do" in re-
sponding to issues Williams said in
a recent interview "\‘te just lead

them down the path. (telling themi
here are the principles.“

Beginning June 9. Williams will
have most of the visiting talk show
hosts on his afternoon program.
Led by talk show hosts, listeners
flooded (‘ongress last February
with a torrent of tea bags bearing
the message “Read my tea bag: no
no percent raise." The public pres
sure helped quash a salary hike for
congressmen. judges and others on
the federal payroll.

Now. Siege]. in Seattle, is trying
to generate national interest in a
campaign to boycott Exxon to
protest its response to the Exxon
Valdez OlI spill. He has been inter-
viewed on other radio stations
around the country and says he is
receiving 200 letters a day. many
containing demolished Exxon cred
It cards

The talk show hosts have loosely
formed a federation but, as yet. it
has no name. Williams is consid-
ering “Vox Pop," short for the
Latin phrase vox populi. or voice of
the people.

Williams and other radio hosts
say they are lobbyists for their lis»

But others see them as dema—
gogues who gloss over the com—
plexities of issues and sell a largely
conservative brand of conventional
wisdom to their audiences.

Rep. Vic Fazio, D-Calif.. a sup-
porter of the pay-raise bill. spoke
out against the radio-driven pres
sure against the measure. “We
became cartoon cannon fodder for
trash televison and for talk radio,"
Fazio said from the House floor.
“We fell prey to the deception of
the rabble rousers."


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Hob Song
Arts Editor

Alice Donut plugging
improved second LP

Staff Writer

Alice Donut may be from New
York, but they‘re making a name
for themselves in Lexington. Alice
Donut returns to Lexington for the
third time tonight at the
Wrocklage. What you’ll see are five
rock musicians minus big hair and
big egos.

“Chance and luck have such a
huge part in what you‘re doing for
a living," said bassist/conflict
injector Ted Houghton in a recent
phone interview.

“You could be a gas station at-
tendant or a rock star and there's
really no difference. People will lis-
ten to a rock star and they won‘t
listen to a gas station attendant.
These rock star attitudes have to
stop. Britny Fox is the perfect ex-
ample. It takes about five minutes
of listening to Britny Fox and you
know these guys are definitely gas
station att