xt78cz32552v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78cz32552v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-10-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 31, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 31, 1988 1988 1988-10-31 2020 true xt78cz32552v section xt78cz32552v  

Kentucky Kernel

I r


Vol. XCll, No. 58


Established 1 894

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky‘

Independent Since 1971 Monday, October 31 , 1988




’5 version of the college bowl won by independent team

Staff reports

“The Four Horsemen." a team ot ll\'(' lll
deix‘ndents, won the hnals in the PK Stu
dent At‘llYll) Board's annual ('ollege Howl
'l‘ournnnient tor the seeond time In t\\o
years Friday night

The Four Horsemen
(‘olin Mattingl). Jet't



Farmer and Larry Ertel, WI“ represent
UK in the Region \' tournament at East
'l‘ennessee State l'nirersity Feb 24 21}

"line was sit-k If] the tinals so Larry
played tor us.” Rogers said ' All ll\'t' ot Us
are going to go to regions and we‘re going
to pick tni alternate tron: the other
teams H

Region \' \(‘h()4)|.\ Ken

ll]<’lll(i(’\ ti on)

luck). Tennessee and .sonth ( .n'nlinn. said
Michael llnznig. \'-\l’. _\etmt:e\.

”(The eollege
people an outlet
Rogers stnd



gne- intelligent
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tihllll'l‘.‘ til
the eon]

Mathnuh suid hl> lt‘dltls
“inning N‘L’lltlh .n‘e \er) \ltlti



3 JUMP BALLmaV Ctr/w

tt’n- '9 Jim“ ”tare 1mm; HM ‘hp um“,

mt! {)m/in Johnson lean to non
. one Saturday

may ' titled

lbw, _iwrt'fi’ttwts‘v

'- 'ut‘hbilt‘,K

,et meat Sontnen“ two


‘AVID VUli “4Q ’

9K 1-. - 1H“.

Tailbacks lead Wildcats past

’.\ littl’.\1il{\l\\
w A" \\“ A!


{rats 'H\IH!:.L «mun;

t-nt'itiznwe it 1 K ~ influx met

\tht'i‘tl' t‘lthlt'r “1'

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‘he \:z'nk' re

linde- \ hie

’itai’ i'tt' \illlllllLW "lt' ”V

'i‘i.-" mtnnntina rot 11ml ’zintt.

Dunn 't'ht'\\ltii1 1’s

Women have come long way

lh \Il'l \\H‘ (.I \hfit {H I\
I‘m ‘!.tittnne'i\:itei

Entittlll’ii nuns on» ‘he «v \Htm n en
ti 2h old) would ilt'i‘t 'Ill


t‘I'lhzl the h‘
uree xxhih nnmie students tine.
[llll\ttt'it\¢‘l lootteurees

lit-He t lenn nt tinnn \1.1Ihi\ t:
lllt'ltt\? sonnn.mainttnqm tinn.l ix

stu- :en t h :n max .xilh
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(.nmt ~ \illtittil‘ni H. mm u-vtmt‘ hnn mitt
-\;;1nnitni.r§ .md \1l‘\ "named tulleLt n1
Kentmkx nhnh me fht ntnne
hnt e\ei\u:ie l.l“(‘ll it l\enln«t\\ Stair-1o}
lege l‘innll} in Nth. the title we 'tllli‘llli
l\ 1 handed tothel lll\i'l',\ll} o: kentnekx
' tinnn. the ‘l‘jldesl daughter o1 tin inst;
lotion and ll.tit\t' ot Lexington iullplll .1!
ti «onntn sthool then ill the l.t‘\1ti;_1lntt \li_\
sthowh .ittei lltl Llltltilltllltlll \ht Hull’l‘lt‘ti
('h.nh:» Mininei in.) wt \pringneld. Mine
and spent hei i.l.\l \e.n~ there lietoie hei
death In \lnleh 01 15H}

\1 Htl'lilllp‘ 1” ”it kt ’Iim ht.
lli\1ltl\ at l'k Kentnek} Slat:

inxln[\ ,s.

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in 100 years

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Drunken driving
laws are not tough
enough, poll says

\sxw. i 1"". PM

l‘oni Hot N

i~ti {\‘535 3 i-

" 11h

Mm g 'u
’ V

Students used extra hour
from time aghange for sleep


_._ w..- , _-_.____





Today Partly elondv
Tomorrow mama








UK Hockey team
sweeps two this weekend.

Kernel [Editorial Board
elderly Scarieuc- _._

mm" Jan






 2 — Kentucky Kernel.


Monday. October 31, 1900

Information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through the
Student Center Activities Office. 203/204 Student Center. University of Kentucky. The

publication date

intormation is publlshed as supplied by the on-campus sponsor. with editorial privi-
lege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student organizations or Uni-
versity departments to make entries on the calendar, 0 Campus Calendar form
must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.

DEADLINE. Forms wrll be accepted no later than the Monday preceding the





-Sports. UK Cross Country SEC. Tuscaloosa. AL.
Call 7-3838

0Religious. All Saints Day Mass. Free, Newman
Center, 5:15 pm.

cOther Fall Festival for United Way (Food, Crafts
Prizes and Mustc). UK Hospital Courtyard 10 a rn -2
p m



uMeetings lnlertillty Support Group; Free: Chan-
dler Center C 303. 7 30 p.rn.; Call 233-5410

-Other (through 1MB): SAB Visual Arts Commit-
tee presents Tom Bluemlein exhibit; Free; Rasdall
Gallery 10 0 m5 pm. Call 7-8867

-Other (through 1130): Thomas Hart Benton: The
Origins of Country Musrc, Free; Center for the Arts;
Noon-5 p m .Call 75716

oExhibit (through 1130): "Fogotten Pioneers in a
Southern Community» Afro-American Physicians In
Iexmgton 1890-1950"; Peal Gallery: Call 7-9401

. Concerts Faculty Recital - P. Jeness and Lucien
Stark. Free. SCFA ReCital Hall: 8 pm; Call 7-4900

. Sports Women 5 Golf Florida International;
Miami Call 73838

. Other "Fundamentals of Microcomputers" class
presenteu by UK Community Education; 7:30-9:30
am. Call 73294

- Theatre Miss Julie by August Strindberg. di-
rected by Charles Oates. $4755; Briggs Theatre. FA:
Rpm Call? 1385

olecture Population and Development. by Dr,
Werner Forn of Population lnstutute; Free: CB 102.
330 p m Call 7 i745

~Religious All Saints Day Mass. Free; Newman
Center ‘1‘er “n 5150m 7 pm.



0Movres (through 11 5) Network 51 95 Worsham
Theatre. 7 30 pm. Call 7-8867

~Movies (through 115) Broadcast News 3195
Worsham Theatre; 10 pm, Call 7-8867

-Concerts Gala Benefit Performance Roberto
Peters. Soprano 520 $50 5100 Concert Hall 8
pm, Call 7-4929

0 Seminar Ms. Mary Hartman. UK. “Carbohydrates
of Human Immunodefecrency Virus" Free MN 463
4 pm. Call 7-706O

oSeminar “Science on a Supercomputer
Charles Bender, Ohio State Supercomputer Center
Free: PCT Board Room. 18th floor 4pm , Call 7-8737

- Lecture: Speaker - Carol Byrne. recent UK Graa
uate from Kentucky Textiles Free Erikson Hall 5
pm. Call 7491 7


fine-Jive (thrOugh 115). Miss Julie by August
Sltlf'rdbefg directed by Charles Oates: 54’55: Briggs
'neatre FA 8pm Call 71385

- Cor-certs Elementary Choral Workshop Concert;
Free Com ert Hall 7 30pm..Call 7-4929

-~..or~cens Senior Flute Recital - Kristen Rizzo.
Free Merrioriai Hall 8pm.. Call 7-4900

- Otrre: Baiancmg Career. Family and Self," pre-
serrteu by UK Community Education: 6:30-8:30
urn (all T 3294

- Ether A" at Lunch special program devoted
'3 Masterpieces from MUNICH". Free: UK Art Mu-
t;e-.irr‘ N-err: (231'7-57l6

necture Publicizmg Your Event" Free; Student
”e'ite 2'03 2 .3 c'n Call 71109


special events


weekly events






-Academics - 11/4: 1989 Spring Advising Confer-
ence for new and readmitted undergraduate stu-

00ther - 10/31: Fall Festival for United Way (Food.
Crafts. Prizes and Music). UK Hospital Courtyard; IO
a.m.-2 pm.

rather - 11/1-11/18: SAB Visual Arts Committee
presents Tom Bluemiein exhibit: Free: Rasdall Gal-
lery; 10 a.m.-5 pm; Call 7-8867

'Other - 1111-11/30: Thomas Hart Benton: The Ori-
gins of Country Music. Free. Center tor the Arts;
Noon-5 pm; Call 7-5716

OOther - 11/1: "Fundamentals of Microcomputers"
class presented by UK Community Education. 7:30-
9:30 pm; Call 7-3294

-Other - 11/3: ”Balancrng Career. Family and
Self," presented by UK Community Education. 630—
8:30 pm; Call 7-3294

-0ther - 11r3: Art at Lunch- special program de-
voted to ”Masterpieces from Munich' Free UK Art
Museum; Noon; Call 7-5716

~Other — 11r4; Convention: Kentucky Theatre As-
sociation; SCFA; 1 pm: Call 74929

00ther — 11:4: Gallery Series. "Tribal Pieces. History
and Politics in the works of David Hare". Free. Peal
Gallery. Noon; Call 7-8634

0 Other - 11 4; 20th Anniversary of Complex

cOther - 11 4: Conterence on Health in Appala-
chia; $9; Appalachian Center 7 p m Call 7 4852

oReligious — 10 31 All Saints Day Mass Free,
Newman Center: 5 15 pm.

oReIiglous - 11 1 All Saints Day Mass Free New-
man Center; 12‘10pm 515pm 7 p m









- Sports (through 11 6): UK Women‘s Tennis SEC tn»
doors; Tuscaloosa. AL; Call 7-38 38

-Sports (through 1120): UK Rifle UKIT. Free Wltt‘
UKID: Lexington. KY: Cali 7-3838

-Sports (through ll 20) UK Rifle Walsh InVitatio-
nal; Cincinnati. OH; Call 7-3838

-Academics: 1989 Spring Advising Conference
for new and readmitted undergraduate students

-0ther- Convention: Kentucky Theatre AssOCia-
tion; SCFA: 1 pm: Call 7-4929

OOther: Gallery Series: “Tribal Pieces History and
Politics in the works of David Hare". Free. Peal GOI-
Iery; Noon: Call 7-8634

- Other: 20th Anniversary of Complex

-Workshop: The history and context of countrx
music by “Troubadour Robb Golastein' . Art Mu
seum; 4 pm. Call 7-5716

- Other- Conference on Health in Appalachia $9
Appalachian Center 7 p m . Call 74852


. Sports Wildcat Football vs. Vanderbilt; Free with
UKIC commonwealth Stadium 1:30 pm. Call 7-
38 5?.“

«Spa-"s UK Mens and Women's Swim Team vs
Universrtx til :ouisvrlle Free with UKID; Home; Call 7-

. lecture Kentucky Theatre Association; SCFA Re-
Citai H111 lp'n Call 7-4929

r Sports UK Soccer vs Western Kentucky: Away, 2
p m (‘al1266-7447

~Sp-‘rts Haggin Hall King of the Bluegrass Flag

-Seniinc:rs DISCUSSIOD of Thomas Hart Benton‘s
'l‘iir’Jr arid the ideas behind it; Free: Art Museum:
70 a'n Call 7 5776



- Mowes Broadcast News SI 95
Theatre 7 p m . Call 7-8867

oConcerts Center Sunday Series central Ker:
tucky Youth Concert Orchestra. Free SCFA Concert
Hall. 3 pm . Call 74929

-Concerts Chamber MUSIC SOCiety Harrington
String Quartet. 510 public, Free with UKID. SCFA Re
cital Hall 8 p m Call 7-4929

~ Sports UK Cool Cats Ice Hockey vs Cincmnatr
Away Call 269-4873



- \ irligefts Senior Violin - Jill Chrisman: Free; SCFA
<9 I.) Mr! F pm Call 7-4900




0Concerts - 11 1: Faculty Recital P Jeness and
Lucien Stark. Free: SCFA Recital Hall 8 pm Call 7

~Concerts — 11 2 Gala Benefit Performance Ro-
berta Peters. Soprano. $20 $50 5100 Concert
HO": 8 DJ’TT; CO" 74929

oConcerts — 113 Elementary Choral Workshop
Concert: Free: Concert Hall 7 30 p m . Call 7-4929

0ConCerts - 113 Senior Flute Recrtal - Kristen
13210; Free: Memorial Hall. 8 p m Cali 7-4900

-Concerts — 11 6: Center Sundav Series Central
Kentucky Youth Concert Orchestra Free SC FA Con
cert Hall; 3 pm. Call 7-4929

0Concerts - 116- Chamber Music Socretv Har-
rington String Quartet 510 public Free with UKID
SCFA Recital Hall: 8 pm . Call 74929

~Concerts - 117» Senior violin Jill Chrisman
Free; SCFA Recital Hall. 8 p in Call 7-4900

oExhibit - 111-1130 "Fogotter- Pioneers in a
Southern Community Afro-American Phy5icians in
Lexington 1890-1950"; Peal Gallery Cai= 7-940‘

oMovies — 11 2 11 5 Network Si 95 Worsham
Theatre: 7:30 pm. Call 7-8867

0Movies — 11 2-11 5 Broadcas‘ News 51 95
Worsham Theatre. 10 pm Call 7-8867

0Movies — 11 6: Broadcast News 51 95 Worsham
Theatre. 7 pm. Call 7-8867

~Theatre - 11 1» Miss Julie L)‘, August Strindberg.
directed by Charles Oates $4 $5 Briggs Theatre
FA, 8 pm; Call 71385

~Theatre — 11 3-11 5- Miss Julie by August Strind-
berg. directed by Charles Oates $4 55 Briggs
Theatre. FA. 8 pm . Call 71385



_§@.§ g5d§3g







‘ Lecture — 11 1: Population and Development, by
Dr Werner Forn of Population instutute Free CB
102; 3:30 pm.. Call 7-1745

OLecture - 112 Speaker Carol Byrne recent UK
Graduate from Kentucky Textiles Free Errkson Hall
5 pm: Call 7-4917

'Lecture — 11 3 "Ribircrzing Your Event Free Stu-
dentCenter203, 2-3 pm . Call 7 1109

~Lecture — 11.5 Kentucky Theatre Association.
SCFA Recital Hall, 7 pm . Call 7 4929

'Meetlngs — 11 l infertility Support Group Free
ChandierCenterC-303 7 30prr- Cal1233-5410

OSeminar _ 112 Ms Man Hartman UK Carbo
hydrates of Human ImmunodefeCiency Virus . Free
MN 463. 4 pm . Call 77060

0Seminar — 11 2 "Seience on a Supercomputer"
Charles Bender. Ohio State Supercomputer Center.
Free; POT Board Room. 18th floor 4 p m , Call 78737

~5ernlnars - 115 Discussion of Thomas Hart Ben-
ton's mural and the ideas behind it Free Art Mu-
seum. 100m . Cali 7-5716

0Workshop - 11.4 The history and context of
country music by "Troubad0ur Robb Goldstein". Art
Museum: 4pm .Call 7-5716



00ther Judo Club Meeting Free Alumni Gym 5-6 30 pm Call

‘W’ Cycling Club Ride Free Sealon - Item 230 pm Call

- Other "Cornerstone Music Practice" no talent required lust en
ergy Free 508 Columbia Avenue 7 30 p m Call 254-3714

dteilgious Worship Service a casual time of singing and worship
Free 508 Columbia Avenue 9 p m Call 254-3714

-Religlous Penance SerVice Free Newman Center MOI" 7 30
p M Call 255-8566

-Religious Feedback on the Bishops Pastoral on Women Free
Newman Center Rooms 3 and 4 7 30 p m Call 255-8566


-Other Campus Aerobics Free K-House 430-5 30 pm Call 254

IOthei (through 113) Aerobics Free Newman Center Room 3
5 50- 7 p m . Call 266-6920

- Other Game Night Free Student Center Game Roam 7 3O 0 in

-Other SAB Indoor Recreation Committee Meeting Free Student
Center Game Room. 7-8 p m . Call 7-6636

corner Bridge Lessons and Games Free Studenr Center Game
Room. 7 30-10 D m . Call 7M36

00ther UK Fencing Club - beginners welcome equipment pro
vided, Free, Alumni Gym, 7 30-9 30 p m Cali 8-5564

.901st Tuesday Night Together-informal Worship Free 429
Columbia Avenue. 7 30 p m . Call 7-3989

oReIlgious Genesis ll Free Newman Center 7 9 cm Ca“ 1’2

tReiigtous Rite at Christian initiatior or Acu‘t: (RC‘Ar Free New
man Center " 30 o rt; Cai1255 8566


OOtner Judo Club Meeting Free Alumni Gym 5 63Cr [Mt C)“

-Other ADBiD Free Student Center 205 7pm Call 7-6636

~Other Call of Cthulhu Role Playing Free Student Car,“
'1 30 p rn Student Center Game Room Call 7 6636

oOther Table Tennis Meeting Free Seamn Sarrasr 900'“ ‘
p m Call 766%

-Reiigious Stuaen' Faith Sharing Free Newmar Center ’

~Religious HO'Y EAICDCTIS' Free St Augustines Chapel 53C r"
Call 254 3726


~Ottier Campus Aei'2bi-fs Free K House 4 30 ‘2 30 D f“ Z'il: 254

~Other Chess Club Free Student Center Game Dori" ‘ ct"
Cari 7663c

00ther Cornerstone Drama Practice n: ‘alen' ’BCul'QC
interest Free 508 Columbia Avenue 6 30 p r“ Call 254 37‘4

-Religious Decrsron Pornt - Bible Study Free 508 Coiunrbi': Ave
hue 8pm Call 254-3714

-Other ADBiD Free Studen'Cer‘ter 205 7 l' 30 pm Cai‘ " 6st:

-Other UK Fencrng Club beginners welcome equipmeri’ rs“
video Free AlumanVr‘l'r 730 9 30 p m C31: 8 5564

'Relrgious D Bi L Grill Devotior‘ and “incl“ 5‘ 429 21mm:- : A»:
nue l215pm Cali 7 393»:

-Retigi0us Christian Student Fellowship Bible Study Free 50
Iumbra Avenue 7 p "n Call 233 03‘ .‘

'Reiigious Myth and Symbol Free Newman f‘er‘te' Rant" 1 :r
T 30 p r' Cal' 254-5577


'Olhe' 'Jk Cycnnc Club Ride F'ee Seat?V
233 7438


-Other ADELE Varier's Free Stuae'” (er-er home 9.- 'r
or“ 30" Car 7-6630

nOtne‘ Star Trek Rore Playing F'er» Fmaew "pm? 255 " ‘ ’ ’
D '“ Cal‘ " 6635

-Other Twilight 1000 Rare Playing Free S’Jde'” certe 2.":
" 30pm Cal: 7.663c

~Reiigi0us Surraav ODXIQO‘I’Y' Masses,- F'ee New"? 9,49, .
or" (.0055 85m-


oReiigious Collegiate WOlShIC Se'vrce Free 50; ~firm/”Ln: A-e
nue '1 cm Cail233 CZ'rii

'Reiigioils SunOO’v Obiigatror Masses Free New'rra' ’erte ~
l0 l‘: 30 5 and 9 30 Call 255-6566

rReirgrous Holy Eucharist Free 5' Augustiner Chape‘ '3- 3
Calr 254 FR

tRelrgiOuS Holy tucnaris' Free 5' Augustrries shape ‘ 1“ :


~Othe: Jude: Club Meeting Free Arumrr- ’evr‘ 56m. i r J
233 3923

~Otner Cornerstone MuSlL. Practice rrr, tarel" 'eaurrec us‘ 9'
ergy Free 508 Columbia Avenue 7 30 p ~ Carr 25.: 27 :4

'0ther UK Cycling Club Ride Free Sealer. rrclrr‘ 2 30 L- ;Jr
233 7439

-Reiigi0i.s Worship Se'vrce .2
Free 508 Columbia Avenue ’9 r, W for 254 3 ’ ‘4

r‘asua time Singing irrr‘, w try-L




Osborts - 10 31 UK Cross Country SEC Tuscaloo
50. AL. Cal! 7-3838

oSports - 11 1 Women 5 Gail Florida international.
Miami; Call 7-3838

-Sports - 114-116 UK Women's Tennis SEC In
doors, Tuscaloosa. AL. Call 7 3838

OSports — 11 4-11 20 UK Rifle UKIT Free with UKID
Lexington, KY. Call 7-3838

-$ports - 114-1120 UK Rifle Walsh invrtational
Cincinnati. OH. Call 73838

'Sports - 115 Wildcat Football vs Vanderbilt
Free with UKID. Commonwealth Stadium. 1 30 pm
Call 7-3838

OSports - 115 UK Men‘s and Women's Swim
Team vs University of Loursville, Free with UKID.
Home, Call 7-3838

°Sports — 11,5- Haggln Hail King of the Bluegrass
Flag Football

-Sports — 11/5 UK Soccer vs Western Kentucky.
Away; 2 pm. Call 266-7447

OSports — 116 UK Cool Cats Ice Hockey vs Cin-
cinnati, Away. Call 2694873



 Kentucky Kernel Monday October 31 1988




Tom 'Spalding
(I), g i' .


Kocan leads Cool Cats in two- -game sweep of Panthers

Ih ( I 11.11.11111‘ NINE 5's
(111111 iiiuling Writer

The (‘ool (‘al hockey learn sin-pt
1'1 burgume series
(it‘UI‘L‘JZI State l‘rimson Panthers
this \u'ekentl lTK scored seveii
goals in both games while the Pan
thei's could only iiitiniitie 11111
through the series.

The l‘oolt'als were led 11} Keith
hoetiii who scored luo goals :1;
liiilll‘ Hill 'l|l>

.\.‘111111l.'ji night game l1."'1tiiiiil.

against the

1|“.11\1l 11] 4.00 '-"1H .ilillllL l.11l.\ lili'
liiil illtl iiol slop (1111mm \l.11
1111111 ~1 111 1111; ”iv iii'sl 111111111115
'11: 111.1'111' 111.1111'1'.\ ‘.\Hl"~1' l in .t
lt'li‘ll .1 t1-\\ |lt|lll'll‘.\
(111" li1ll11‘l'l.\ 1K \ 1411.12112‘1111‘1111
|i.ii‘1i 11' Tl..1' l\li“t l-.1'1i l. .’.‘. "
.1'1' llll'
.\t'11 .1 \liL‘lii li'l.1j.. liolii'i‘lr ;11.1' "W?“ i
‘\I-. l'.ll’l\' 1111:11111 1'111"'.".'11'1" '1
lt",1ii'1 l

H113. 1-


'll .111 hk lli ll111'1111i .11x1'l. '1
it“ . it ‘ 111l

Rawls leads UK backfield to ViCllIH mer SII

t 11:1"=.ii1'1l l111111 l’.11'1' 1
Hunter. who hurl :1 llll't‘t‘}.ll'|l
l1)tlt‘ll(l<)\\ll run. “We 1"Ulllpllllll'il'
each other. challenge each othei
(Hill I think ilk .1 11111111 llilIILl illl".
rotziteih '

'l'heir pei'l’orniaiii'es Saitiii'ila.
night })l'l>\t‘(l their consistency .1\
t’ill'll ol lhi' hacks 13.111111'11 mm 1.11
_\.’H'1l.\ lt.1\\ls led the \iii} mfli til
‘.\llilt' liiiki'i'. “ho had 7‘1 j..i."1l\ 1111
ii 1'111'1'11'5. .1111l Ilunler \1l11'li.11l11.i
‘.{ll‘(l\ on 17 carries anti '1 l11111~l
\H‘l'l' 1111! 1111' behind

it \\.1.\il11‘lll'.\l time
11 \lk‘illl‘} 1111-1' iihio llli\1'!‘ 1' :
Wit? ll1."1' l K has had llll'l‘l' v1.11»:
‘1 1'Ili.tl‘.tilt"lll\lt‘.il
N l K 1'11111 l1 .lt'I‘I‘} l‘l.1"1""v
'l‘uiilL’lii 'hi"l11'li.11'l\'> \1'1‘1'
” 'l'iliL' t“'.‘\i)‘tllll_\l)\l‘.‘l\

i1111‘111' sgiltl

l'l11'1'1' .'..i\ i
I'Yiiilll.l~|\ 1111 l’..1\.1l~‘

11111.1 11.

:~lt‘11‘1' ‘lze'

1.111 11-.1l \lioii: :
\ll Yl11‘1'1' 11? "‘1' '
"A‘J‘l‘V“l.IN’Z \li‘uitlg i

Keith Kocan plays Wing tor the UK Corn! Cit.
swept two games from Georgia State. tins weekend

1111\1111 3111' l’i.1:?11:"-

111-1‘l111‘1' :i- 1




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G — Kentucky Kernel. Monday. October 31. i988



Scorsone is best
choice for students
in state legislature

Politics and elections are based on the idea of represen
tation, We elect those people who we believe will best rep
resent our interests in the state legislature (‘origress titty
ernor‘s mansion or White House

It often is difficult to see where we. as students

expressly to represent them

Ernesto Scorsone comes as close as possible. howeyei.
to being a true representative for students in the s‘t.itt‘ leg

We strongly endorse I‘Irnesto
\ov it for representative to the Tath district

As a two-term incumbent from the 73th district w llti it
includes I'K. Scorsorte has totiglit on tlte llouse i‘tlllt'.i7!ittl
committee for the interests of higher education

Being a strong representatiie for the interests ot highi :'
education was particularly needed during the last st‘SstHi‘
of the (ierieral Assembly when tiov Wallace \VlllxlltsttIts
budget request amounted re next to nothing for higher e'iu

Scorsotie was one or the leaders in the tight to gitr higl.
er education additional iieedcd rcyeiiucs 'l‘hose reiterates
weren‘t nearly what higher t'(lthdtlttll needed to heroiiii
competitive with other states but the money did allow sex
eral universities to proiide at least miiiinia! >tlltil‘1. iii
creases to faculty and stat:

Bucking the governor s e\ecutiye budget also .slitt\\t'il
that the legislature wil? not he completely subtiiissiie ‘ i
the whims of the governor \lthough the legislature did not
take all the action necessary by passing a much needed
tax increase. Scorsorie and others showed that the ch‘!
slature is more than Just tioy Wilkinson‘s rubber stirrup

To that end. Scorsone iayors conforming to flu li'itt'f'.’:;
tax code. which would bring art estimated Sioo ll‘i'llittt. re:
the state's coffers Some of that money undoiititeiii:
be used to help higlter education effor‘s

Scorsone. a graduate of I‘K s law school has kept ii
contact with students through a number of speaking c'i
gagements on campus and by appointing a student ‘ be
his campus campaign manager

0n the other hand, Scorsone's opponent Republican -‘d
Arbogast. has not shown that he is \Hllll‘iL‘ 'e or it“ ii-ityo
cafe for higher education like Scorsone

Arbogast is handicapped by his party which is ~. irtiiatly
non~ex1stent in Kentucky but he has not show ti ‘bc iititia
tiye or concern for higher education Scorsotte has

Perhaps if we had had more honest. able representa
lives in the state legislature like Ernesto Seoisoiira higher
education in Kentucky would not he in the positing: it is ‘lv
now near the bottom of the barrel

Students should use
debate to get informed

St‘ttt‘stiiius ie electii-i


If you've spent any time at all trying to tollow ~‘-..~ pres;
dential campaign. you‘re probably prefix ll't!sl"(i' tins


This year‘s presidential election has lttllit'tt
negative. childish mudslziiging troni both .s'ttlt‘s Erie mi:
loser has been the inter because little or exams.)
terms of candidates .it‘ti'ihiititnl the it‘ tittst'ni: s 'i.:
sues has come throng?

For college studen's iiinfiiig
and Michael Dukakis on the issues
Their decisions on such issues .is .\llt.s tt‘Stllt;
appointments to education secretary \\lll li(t\t' a direi ‘
pact on all of its

Since we can't get those answers froin the obvious puree
~ the candidates themsehes t'K‘s (‘ollege lteiiiocrats
and College Republicans hate volunteered to articulate
their candidates positions for its

At 7 tonight in the Student t'entcr. those two student po
litical groups will square oft iii a debate to give students an
idea about who is the best candidate to run this coutit ry

Both sides are being represented by sincere. bright stii
dents who are behind their candidates yy‘ltolelit'ttt‘tt'illy as
best qualified for the pt‘t’Sltlt‘llt‘y

We urge students to take tittie out of their St'llt‘tlllli's to
attend the debate. w hich should last no longer than twi.
hours Yoti will probably get a lot of the answers tha: yon
didn't get in the real debates between the candidates

Kernel Checklist

A weekly public service of the Viewpoint I’agc to help
keep its readers abrcast of the hot items on campus.

,r, ... tM

out where ls'risii

(IQH‘i .‘
siitlti‘. t?!*ii>"'.‘iii'



.1 Wake Me lp \\ hen It‘s (her: Arr (.iu/la/icr. l k
Vice Chancellor for the Lexington Campus Art (rallahcr
announced at l'ticsday”s Board of lrtistccs meeting that he
is stepping down from his position. cffcctnc .ltlllL‘ to,
I989. While seycral important decisions have been handed
down from Uallalicr's office. his desk was a black hole for
paper work.

r/ What's The Hurry? \Irchue/ [)irkakrs. When asked
by reporters how he intends to make up ground oi the
presidential rate. [)9IIIOL‘Idllx presidential candidate
Michael Dukalos has repeatedly replied that there is plenty

itt 'lIIlC before tlir: election. It s now Oct. it. \likc. liicic

fit into
that process Students seeiti to have no one 'li.i’ is there


,_ scvcn campaign days left and you are still way behind
ii. most the ptttli It‘s time for some action. i

.1 loothall In December? UK football. Vt it: sa-iii
day‘s win vocr Southern Illinois Uniyersity. the l k toot
ball team cycned its record at 4-4. Should the Wildcats win
the rest of their games they would be 7-4 and according to
some bound for the Liberty Bowl in Memphis. Maybe
there are other sports in Lexington aside from roundball.







CA. Dunno Ionllor Michael Ironmn Thorn-- J. Sullivan
Editorial Editor Editorial Cartoonist Executive Editor
Joy Ionian Jlrn Whit. Jullo Mm.“
Editor in Chief Assocrate Editor Special Protects Writer







Placing Jackson on ticket causes columnist to lose race

What in the hell what were you
‘titiikiiig‘ ‘Vixonsaid

l h well. l don't know
set-iiied safe. I guess." I said

I don‘t know if I'll be able to fix
this You vc screwed tip pretty bad
this 'iitie.“ Dick said

’I in sorry that
happen Millie. ‘ I said

'ltanin it. Tlllt, I thought I could
trust you Yoti were going to be the
that could make a difference.
'.ike a stand. change this country
:oi‘ the better But now I don't
know “ Dick said

Where do we go from here” I

It's going to be tough. but
you ve got to get rid of 800800
w hile saving your reputation You
might lose a few points in the polls.
but after the people see that you've
ft copied vour mistake and made a


this had to


.tood solid move to remedy it.
‘hei‘il come back to you." Dick
sari "l‘lte\”\e got no other

. i one

‘ltn' ltrek. he's .i close personal
aid l don't know if I'm
yearly to seyer something so dear
to the iiisi to be the leader of the
tree world," l said

"l‘iin. you've got to do it." Millie

.‘l‘ll‘f :!

\tti ,
‘I guess it is the only way I‘ll do
‘. ' lN‘llt!

How \\.'..s I supposed to know that
limit -o that very close pal o
mine was into drugs. porn. insider
trading attd stealing quotes from
obscure European politicuttis He
seemed like your typical cleanctit.
.A\tr'tr».~\merican. down-toearth kind
ol guy

I iteyet‘ knew that he was cam
paign manager iii Larry I“lynt‘s ”it;
bid for the presidency

I iieyer knew that he
peared as (itnger

had apr
Lynn's prime

10 things to be afrai

It s Halloween. the time of the
\e..t when cyeryoiie stocks up on
i'a/orblades and straight pins Hal
ioween. everyories favorite hypo
critical holiday when all the
l"uiidamentalists dress up like hr
v tire and throw toga parties

liii not a psychologist ithaiik
trod but I'd say we still celebrate
‘t, s pagan holiday because people
like to be scared Why else would
we hate "Friday the Min nioy

some people claim they cant be
scared Fantasy iust isn't enough
.itiyiiioie So for all those people
who tiitd the thrill has gone ottt of
Jason. and the otics who hate yet
to rent Faces of Death" Me com
piled a list

\es. in yet another attempt by a
.i kernel columnist to get a cheap
laugh by imitating David Letter
man I give you “The Ten Top
It. .isoiis to beScared in 1988 "

io Optimism is a disease and
Jay Hlallltlll is the cure, This
st.ilt'lllt‘llt conjures up some ten
\titi‘i thoughts for me I can see
them passing out Jay Blanton pills
at the next Republican contention

\o the economy isn‘t in great
shape. George "
‘i'l‘iin I-‘ogle and HooHoo are

\o I. I don‘t know if any of you re
alt/e this but the Ayatollah Khomc
in has a better chance at winning


hump mate in a sleazy movie
called "Negro Grunt ()reo Pie."

l never knew that he was doing