xt78cz325363 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78cz325363/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1974-10-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 08, 1974 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 08, 1974 1974 1974-10-08 2020 true xt78cz325363 section xt78cz325363 \‘.of [XVI No 44
luesday. Octobers 1974



an indept—ndent student newspaper


fJiii versitv of Kentucky
lexmgton. Ky. 40506

FCC may limit media cross-ownerships

ll) RUN )Il'l't‘lll'IIJ.
Managing |~Zditor
Copyright «Elm. [cut-ck: mud

The Federal (‘omtnunications
(‘ommtssion tt‘t‘t‘t may soon prohibit
purchases of broadcasting and newspaper
interests in the same city by any one
person or corporation. a highly-placed
t“('(‘ source said Monday.

The sounce made the statements as the
Kernel was attempting to track down
speculation about a rumored impending
sale of the Louisville (‘ourier-Journal and
and \VHAS radio-TV to the
\\ ashington Past.


litl’l'll JOHN P“ HSt'tl'l'T. president of
\\ashtngton l’ost Newspaper (‘ompany.
.tnd Hairy ltiitgham .lr . editor and
publisherof the l.tiu6\'ill(‘ ('ourier-Journal
.\ 'I‘inu-s. detiied I here are any negotiations
underway concerning purchases or trades
between the two publications or affiliated
broack-asttng stations.
Such a merger would not be approved by
he Ft‘t'. the source said. because the

Tiring activity

cotntittssion is ‘aboul to come up with a
cross-ownership rule which will knock out
hat kitid of merger newspapers owning
broadcasting stations

ltc said the new l“(‘(‘ rule is "imminent.
.hat is. within the next six weeks.“

Itl'IJ-i will allow
“gt‘andfathering" where crossinedia
owticrships are already in force. the
source said. “th‘andfathering” means a
newspaper corporation which owns
broadcasting interests in the same city
will not he forced to divest itself of its
broadcasting properties.

The H 't'official said he had not heard of
.he rumored purchase of the Louisville
newspaper and broadcasting combination
by the \\ashington Post. He said that if
such newspaper and broadcasting
properties were sold, they Would have to
be sold separately. ()therw'tse. the l"(‘(‘
would tnove in to halt the merger.

The l“(‘(‘ official said llinghani and his
attorney presented oral arguments before
the FM“ lll .lttly favoring the "pride and

TI”: N If“

Kernel statt photo by Brian Harngan

The possibilities are endless of what a
couple of brothers can do with a little

imagination and an abandoned
\ontel. tI. aiid \\illie lsing ”till. .'i.

ltt'l‘ll iii a deserted alley near campus.

in a single city."






importance of local ownership of
newspaper and broadcasting operations.“

st (‘ll ti“ \HltSIlll’S have come unaer
question in recent years as not being in the
best interest of the public. a stipulation for
broadcast operations under the 1949
Fairness Doctrine

But. in a Sept. t8 speech to the
International Radio and Television
society. t‘(‘(‘ (‘hairman Richard Wiley
said he did not favor divestiture of such
cl‘tiss~titt'dta ownerships in most cases.

Wiley also said a final report on cross-
ow'nership should be completed and
released before the end of the year.

\ \ \'l‘ltl.\.\l.l.\‘-l\'.\'tl\\N broadcasting
law specialist. lion it. Lel)uc. said Monday
night the r‘('(‘ source might be overly
optimistic about the l-‘(‘("s passage of such
a rule forbidding crossemedia purchases in
a single city.

l.el)uc. professor at the University of

\\ isconsin.said hedoubted that a majority
of .he t‘t‘t'would go along with such a rule.

Student tickets misplaced

at last UK football game

Kernel Staff Writer
Approximately 300 student football
.tckets for seats in Section 210. rows 5-15
were missing for last Saturday's home
football game against Miami of (thio.
Dean of Students .lack Hall said Monday
.tftetnoon the Section 210 ti( kets were in
he hands of the [K football coaching

"tllls \\ \s‘ an error ntade by the
«Memorial (‘oliseumt ticket committee
he lll'Sl of this (school) year." Hall said
"The football staff was to receive Section
306 tickets. rows 9-27 this year for each

instead. the Wildcat football staff
It‘t't'l\'t'(l Section ‘lttl tickets which are
supposed to be for the l'K student body
'I lie students w ere given Section 206 tickets
iii return.

.\I Morgan.
tonimittee. was
ickets were missing last
informed by the Kernel lle
continent oit the ticket situation

the ticket
that the 310
week until
would not

head of

't‘ItI'Z \\Il.l)t'.\'l' coaching staff gave
hcse ".‘itt‘yard line" student seats to high
school coaches and high school prospects‘
parents at home games this season.
according to [tan lieal. assistant football
coach and head recruiter Last year these
Section 210 seats were given out as
tiidi\ idual student tickets,

This year students were to have half of
Section 'Jltl for indi\ idual tickets. while the
other half of Section Jltt tsplit down the
Ittttltllt" was .o be occupied by group

Hall said he realized what had happened
is: 'l'ucstla} “I'm sorry the mistake was
he titltletl

.\ \llt lie


't .ttlc."

”H I

wouldnt be able to
sections of

loot back to



N-cioiis .‘ltt .ititl

origtnaloccupants thisfall. but would have
his incident corrected for next fall.

“This is a shifting of policy." Hall said.
"The students are not receiving one less
icket. however,"

Hall said the ticket manager at
Memorial (‘oliseum told him the Section
:ttitickets given the l'K coaching staff this
war would be impossible to be returned.

It, \I. Is fistedas head recruiter for Us.
but he a lsoobtaitied the tickets the football
staff was to receive at the beginning of this
school year for all home games.

(oittinued on page t
56 discontinues

Biology 200
class notes

Student Government has decided to
discontinue publication of Biology 200
class notes.

Controversy over the notes arose when
Dr. Gerald Rosenthal of the biology
department objected to a student taking
notes in his Biology 200 class and selling
them through SG‘s note-taking project.

RON GROSS. director of the project,
said Rosenthal threatened to sue Student
Government if it refused to stop selling
notes from his class. Rosenthal later
denied he had threatened to sue SG, but
said he would do everything in his power to
stop the practice.

“We got a preliminary legal opinion
from a Louisville lawyer saying we did
have grounds to continue taking the
notes." said SG President David Mucci.
“Then we sent a letter to University Legal
Counsel John Darsie and the information
we got from him was bleak."

MucCi said that Darsie cited court cases
to him which indicated the project should
not be continued.


 Editor-induct, Linda Cat ' cs
Managing editor, Ron Mitchell
Assocntn, editor Tom Moore
Edtlvful page Edl'O' Dan crutcher



Features cdflOl Larry Mead
Arts i-dito

Greg Hotetich

idi'ir. Jim Mauom
Phecmap iv e tutor Ea Gerald

E ditonats iepresent the opinions ol the editors, not the Universitv


Campaign finance reform well-intended

For years there has been a public
outcry to rid the American political
system of excessive and corrupt
campaign tinancing. Many believe
that the recent political scandals have
been caused. in part. by the ability of
large corporations and rich
individuals to buy elections.

Last week a (‘ongressional joint
conference committee agreed on a
compromise that should insure the
passage of a hill which would be the
tirst major step toward national
campaign spending reform in years.

The compromise. however.
removed some important parts of the

The bill provides tor federal funds
to be used for presidential campaigns.
sets limits on the amount of allowable
individual contributions to candidates
tor tederal otfice and restricts
spending in campaigns for the
l’residency. the Senate and the House
of Representatives


compromise allows Senate
to spend $100,000 in

primaries and 8150.000 in general
elections with 550.000 allowed tor tund
raising activities. A nominee for the
Senate could also receive up to 320.000

irom party Iimds tor general

llouse candidates may spend
90,000 in general elections and up to
538,000 tor tund raising. If the bill
becomes law. The committee also
allotted s2 million to the two major
national paities tor their nominating
conventions. Minor pai‘ties will
receive tunds in proportion to the
amount of votes their presidential
candidate received in the previous

These limits were substantially
higher than the original House bill
called tor and substantially lower
than iii the original Senate biil.

In achieving the compromise each
branch of ('ongress had to give up a
major portion of its original bill. The
Senate committee members had to
drop their desire tor tederal tunding
at all congressional campaigns
because several members of the
House committee believed that
l’resident Ford would veto such

'l'he House members ot the
compromise committee were
unanimous in their opposition to using
tederal tax money tor congressional

'lhe House negotiators capitulated
to the Senate‘s demand tor a
potentially powerful lederal
commission to enforce the proposed
campaign spending laws. The Senate
als'ow onout in its tight toset spending
levels tor llouse elect ions high enough
to give challengers a more even
chance against incumbents who
already enjoy publicity advantages
by virtue of holding national office.

The compromise created an
independent eight-member
commission which would su~
perv ise presidential and
congressional elections. The
commission will have only civil
powers. but could seek an injunction
to stop the campaign of a candidate
who \ iolates campaign spending
law s The President is to nominate six
tulllimc members who would be
subject to confirmation by both
houses of (‘ongress 'l‘lie ('lerk ot the
House and Secretary ol the Senate
would serve as ex otticio members ol
the commission

In comparison to the
system of tundrais'iiig and campaign
financing. which has been abused tor
many years in the l iiited States. the
new i'elorm legislation is a step in the


right direction The provisions tor a
tederal election commission and
limits on spending tor House and
senate races are sound measures
However. tederal tuiiding tor
elections should not be viewed as a
panacea loi' campaign financing
abuses \\hile it will alleviate some
problems. it may cause others.
how can tederal
iampaign be adequately
distributed to iiiinoi‘party
iaiididates" ll money is to be given
according to \otes received by that
party‘s candidate in the previous
election. then what happens to newly


I‘ or

ioi'med parties"

\iiy provision which doles money to
the two major parties oiily serves to
lock us tuither into a rigid system in
which panics. rather than men or
determine who runs tor
political otlice It is already
i\ceedingly ditlicult tor a third party
iaiididate to ii iii a national election,
bill make it well nigh

(oiigicss. in attempting to reform
t anipaigii spending laws. is grappling
lllt'} have


this will

.~ itli .. coiiiple\ pi'olileiii
: .iile a iiooil beginning but they \llll
t.a\e a long way to go



'Your health'
Diabetes, a genetic disease, may affect all ages

By T. N. GL'IGLIA. M. D.

What is diabetes?

Diabetes mellitus may be
defined as a relative lack of
insulin. In a patient with diabetes
mellitus there is not enough
insulin to meet his needs for use
in carbohydrate. protein and fat

Diabetes is quite common in
this country. The exact incidence
is unknown. In one study, 1 per
cent had known diabetes and it
was estimated that 1 per cent had
unknown diabetes. In another
estimate there were 1.73 million
diagnosed cases and 1.4 million
undiagnosed cases.

How does someone get dia-

Diabetes is a genetic disease
and there is generally a family
history of diabetes but not
always. Some people may be
carriers without having overt

3"” aw




‘ ‘ ’-
‘(s‘ff .

diabetes. In those who have the
disease it may be manifested in
varying degrees of severity.

I always though diabetes only
showed up in older people but one
of my friends takes insulin.

Diabetes is divided into two
main types; the juvenile type
that begins in childhood or
teen-age years and the adult
onset type which usually begins
in the older patient around 40-50.
By far the most common type of
diabetes is the type beginning in
the older person. However, the
juvenile type is the more difficult
in manage; usually being totally
insulin deficient. The juvenile
type patient usually requires
insulin for his control whereas
frequently the older adult type
may be treated with diet alone.

What are the symptoms of

The early symptoms of dia-
betes reflect the rising blood


sugar (really the blood glucose)
that occurs due to the insulin
lack. As the blood glucose rises.
large quantities of glucose begin
to appear in the urine. These
glucose particles pull water out of
the kidney and act as a diuretic
agent. Thus. the patient has
excessive urinary output and
because of this, develops thirst.
Since carbohydrate or sugar is
being wasted the patient usually
begins to lose weight, particul-
arly if it is the juvenile type of
diabetes. Thus the earliest
symptoms are usually increased
urination and thirst.

Diabetes is diagnosed by
finding glucose in the urine and
by finding a high blood glucose.
Frequently a glucose tolerance
test is used to diagnose mild
diabetes. In this test a large dose
of glucose is given to the patient
and then blood sugar measure~



ments are made frequently over
a three hour period.

lf one has the underlying
defect. other things can aggra-
vate this and precipitate active
diabetes. The most common
precipitating factor is obeSity
and this is particularly true in the
older diabetic. ()ther coexisting
diseases that call for additional
insulin in the body such as
infections or other hormonal
diseases may also precipitate
active diabetes.

What is diabetic coma'.’

Diabetic the state
where the body has such severe
insulin lack that the sugar
becomes very high. there is
excessive fat mobilization and
this leads to a state of
dehydration. blood aCIdosis and
eventually coma.

The juvenile or younger
diabetic usually is totally insulin
dependent and will go into
diabetic coma if he omits his

(‘ontinued on Page it

coma IS

'Leflers to the editor'

Plans for handicapped

‘1 his letter is in response to
( hris “righi's suggestion

kernel, Ut’iitlit'l‘ .‘i. l‘.tT~ll
regaining a handicapped student
as ai adusor in designing

handicap iacilities


.tacoh Kai'nes. .ll' .
has been acting in -his capacity
tor iiiie all on a
\itlllll‘t‘t‘l basis lle intornis is at

.\(‘l'\ lt'l‘S.

utlllll‘ fill“,
po.eii.ia| roublespotsai‘ound :lie
campus area l’niih .\li
.Ill(l|l _\ sell reali/i


hi our lllil ual
necessary lor
ucie: stiil planning. and he has
(‘1 n i. one lian liclplul

iiitipt‘l‘fl illlli l5

\. litl‘ .he elevator keys and
tvcy slo. in McVey llall. (‘liris
\\iigh.’s eriii "improper use of

iiii.ils" is erroneous because
here were no handicap tiinds
pen I!” he interior elevator as
llt'l't‘ is no way o get iiito he
building in a wheelchair. (The

amp on he south side «it

on sleep i Iiiawmgs
for a handicap ramp into McVey

ll.ill .il". tilt lit" lioal'ils i...“ and

llllltlltttj ls

tmpeliilly he can be
ioiiipleied by tllltl 1975

l arry Schwering

Iii-sign and t onstriiction


Why hurry

l was surprised to read of the
Kernel's concern for the incon-
venience encountered by football
fans departing from Common-
wealth Stadium following one of
six home games this season.

Though I am an interested
follower of UK football, I wonder
whether it is all that important to
speed us all home on so few
occasions at the cost of even
more destruction to the natural
beauty of southeast Lexington.

[f it is vital to leave so rapidly
after a game, perhaps Captain
Tag could run a charter service
for those in a hurry. Even then,
let‘s hope the construction plans
remain “tied up in politics."

Mark Bowden
(‘ollege of Medicine







Risks life in a ruined cosmic dance


“Stop the world —I want to get off," is a
great idea. I‘ve heard that Uri Geller is in
touch with the night shift and the foreman
won‘t pull the switch and let a few of us off.
So I'm wondering how can one drop out? Is
it a gradual process of tuning out
individuals, then groups. then institutions.
or must one go cold turkey ~-now you see
me. now you don‘t?

I always arrive at this impasse when
things go wrong. Like the other day l was
in the back of my English Renaissance
class practicing the steps to what the
Elizabethans called the Cosmic Dance.
The music of the spheres was ringing in
my ears. I hardly knew my solemn
partner. so with Astaire-like ease I decided
to talk about the Kernel article on amnesty
to break the ice while we danced.

WE WERE GOING into a series of
difficult leaps when my partner decided to
comment: “Them damn resisters oughta
stay out." I landed flat-footed at his
sudden outburst.

“Why?" I asked as I massaged my

"I always ask myself what would I say to
those guys who came back crippled or to
the families whose people never made it

An onlooker a couple of desks away
shouted. "Since when is that an issue'.’ But
if you‘re looking for an answer why don‘t
you ask the guys that sent the boys
overseas and not the resisters who were
partly responsible for bringing them

I SQUIRMED. I didn’t want to argue. i
didn't want to dance but I felt compelled. I
could still hear the music so I said, “Come
on, let's go." I leaped, clicking my heels
and crying, “Catch meeeee...”

My hawkish partner stood there glaring
at the interloper, while I fell flat on my
toushy. I screamed.

“What do you mean getting into my
dance if you can’t finish it? I risked my
life on that leap and you let me fall!"

“It‘s just a little thing,” he replied.
“Let’s start again."

“Not on your life," I blurted. “I could get
killed, and what for! I‘m going.”

“You can‘t leave. I volunteered us!” He
was starting to get really excited. So was 1.

"WELL. I Sl‘PPOSE I should have
something to say about where and when I
die and for what. This isn't an authorized
class project. We were just doing it to keep
our hand in.“ I was half—way down the hall
when I heard him shout “Traitor!”

“To what?“ I screamed back.

Once outside I looked around for that
third party who was more than partly
responsible for ending my dance. I didn’t
know what I was going to say but it would
be something like thank-you. He was gone.

So here I am. Broken toushy, ruined
cosmic dance, and no one to thank that it
wasn‘t worse. Life can be absurd. So I‘m
thinking, will Uri Geller deliver a payoff?




back 3 "

L. Ritter is an A&S senior.


What happens when Rocky leaves country


WASIIINGTONwln the last
few decades our Presidents have
fallen into the habit of using their
Veeps for high-level, foreign
ribboncutting missions. It‘s now
being said that one of the
advantages of Mr. Rockefeller is
that with his experience he can do
a lot more than be a ceremonial
presence at the state funerals of
prime ministers. But can he‘.’

Judging from what happened in
1969. when Mr. Nixon sent the
former New York governor on a
South American study mission.
Mr. Ford may not be able to let
Mr. Rockefeller leave the coun-
try. David Morris, a fellow at the
Institute for Policy Studies, a
left-wing Washington thinkery,
has researched the old newspa-
per clips of that disastrous
voyage. and this is what his notes

“IN HONDURAS one student
was killed and there was
widespread rioting; in the
Dominican Republic a Standard
Oil refinery was blown up; in
(‘osta Rica. 2,000students demon:
strated; in Panama the National
Guard was called out; in
Venezuela the government had to
cancel Rockefeller‘s visit due to
street fighting; in Colombia a
20,000—man special security force
was called out to control student
strikes and there was heavy
street fighting; in Ecuador
Rockefeller's car was overturned

and 10 demonstrators were killed
by the police; in Bolivia his
24—hour visit was cut to a
three-hour stay in the airport
(while) eight bombs went off on
the (untraveled) motorcade
route to La Paz; in Chile the
government was forced to cancel
the visit when nationwide strikes
erupted; Brazil was calm as the
government arrested thousands
of potential demonstrators and
censored the press from printing
any anti-Rocky articles; in
Argentina one demonstrator was
killed by the police. there were
nationwide labor strikes and nine
Rockefellerowned supermarkets
were bombed and burned; in
Uruguay the General Motors
plant was burned down."

Explosive Questions

IT MAY BE Mr. Rocke-
feller believes that in the 20th
century violence is an ordinary
tool of statecraft. In that
connection the only instances I've
been able to find of his recom»
mending a tax cut during his
governorship was for a $100
deduction for homeowners who
built backyard bombshelters.

That was back in the 1956 era
when the Rockefeller Brothers
Fund commissioned a study,
directed by Dr. Kissinger. which
said: “In certain areas assigned
high priority by the Kremlin the
Soviet Union has surpassed us
qualitatively as well as quanti
tatively...it appears that the
United States is rapidly losing its

lead over the U.S.S.P.. in the
Military race."

Nukes for Southeast Asia

President Kennedy made the
same overestimate of Russian
strength, which came to be
known as the “missile gap," but
at least he wasn’t saying things
like “very powerful nuclear
weapons can be used in such a
manner that they have negligible
effects on civilian populations"
(also from the same Rockefeller-
Kissinger report). And when
Rockefeller inquired of Kennedy
about the possibilities of using
tactical nukes in Southeast Asia.
the multi-millionaire President
didn‘t glom on to the multi-multi-
millionaire governor’s suggest—

Unhappily the two were one
about what the report called
“non-overt. . .disguised or obscure“,a
war," i.e. Vietnam. We can‘t
know if Kennedy might have
come to change his mind about
such interventions. but we do
know that Mr. Rockefeller never
has. just as we know that he has
been an undeviating advocate of
a foreign policy which has
protection of overseas invest-
ments as its principal aim.

IT IS A POSITION consistent
with his and his family‘s
ownership of a firm like the
International Basic Economy
(‘orporation that does in excess of
$250 million worth of business in
South America every year That

he should equate what’s good for
him as good for America can't be
described as any ordinary
conflict of interest. This is not a
case of a tax loophole or the
favorable interpretation of some
government regulation.

This goes to our most
important policy decisions as it
also goes to the Rockefeller mind
set, the Rockefeller grasp graps
of strategy and tactics, the
disconcerting Rockefeller pre~

sumption that he knows what‘s
best for others as well as for
himself. So do we want this
oblivious high-sailing ex-govern-
or, this inflexible. if polished
bellicist, this man whose name is
a symbol of such odium that
people around the world are
willing to chance death just to
throw rocks at his limousine?

\icholas \on Hoffman is a
columnist for King Features

>_\ nilicate.

Diabetes affects all ages


( ontinued from page _

insulin for a day or two. The adult
is not usually totally insulin
dependent and rarely goes into
diabetic coma.

How is diabetes managed

The diet of the diabetic has
changed uOllSldt‘l'ahly through
the years since the advent of
insulin and its use The diet is
mucl‘ tvke anyone elses. There no
longer appears to be a need to
restrict disproportionately the
intake of carbohydrate (star-
chest in the diet of most diabetic
patients. Insulin requirements
appear to be related to the total
caloric intake and appear to have
little relationship to the amount
of carbohydrate in the diet, The
average proportion of calories
consumed as carbohydrate in the
l'. S population as a whole
approyimates 43 per cent. This
proportion or men higher ap

pears to be acceptable for the
usual diabetic patient as well.

People with a strong family
history of diabetes should pro-
bably be checked periodically to
detect early diabetes. It is
important for those with a family
history of diabetes to not be

Most patients are quite capable
of managing their diaoetes
properly and when this is done
they have essentially no limit-
ations in their activities.

It is probably wise for the
diabetic not to eat tree sugar but
:o eat carbohydrates that are
metabolized more slowly. He
should achieve an ideal body
\\ eight and of course, if on
insulin. must eat regular meals
at regular times to cover the
insulin effect. _

In: t-niglia is the \ssociate
lllll‘t'lltl ol the Student Health

Sci \lt't‘






 4—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday. October ti. 1974

A. window MALL


unnnoossuse IOAD s LANI AiiIN

'ANtE ~. ~‘ Mr, F, :,


lauortr.nt ilAtK Hit Put‘t'iAt-P

a 2;oos:os~7:ss

n. FAVE"! MALL I n men: MALI.

27 .6662 27 -ooo1‘ n

' I
Now Showtnq. Now Showmg!

the M 0!
on ocean-anytime m

t'ffiRNIlma t-

7 IS 41577:” 9:30

:1!) am SEEM - ELM)" um


The Horticulture Club will be selling apples in

5-pound bags for $I.25, in IO-pound bags for $2.50,

and by the bushel with Red Delicious for $9.00 and

Golden Delicious for $8.00.

The Horticulture Club will be at the Lansdowne
Shopping Center and the Crossroads Shopping Center
on Friday evening, October it and all day Saturday,
October 12. Good prices and quality. For further
information, telephone the Horticulture Club, 258-



Reg. price $25.00



Versatile. ctessic clemp model. 36" reecti. uses 60w stenderd
bulb. Equipped with tight multiplying/shade cooling reflector.

S 1 9 95 bese.




Ctsssic student temp with weighted bese. Supplied Ittti pencil
end clip holder. 28" reech. uses 00' stenderd both. equipped
with light multiplying/etude cooling inner reflector. Wetnut trim


Reg. price $29.00

SAT. 10-2




Booklet describes
OEE opportunities

It} 'i‘i-inin \oit'r
kernel .\‘Iall “ritct'
itpporlutttties are .t\atlab|e lor
qualilicd students \\llti "\\.illl to
do sontcthtng dillei'eitt."
according at a new publication
Hlliee tor
l':\p(‘l'lt‘llll;tl l'Iducalion tttl‘Il‘It

issued It) .he

”ttplioiis tor Learning.“ tlte tlT
page booklet. ollet‘s a list ol
public agencies \itllttig to give
students practical experience ttt
heir programs

THE MAGAZINE will soon be
distributed to undergraduate
advtsors and college deans. said
llobert l"
director oi -he illlice tor
l‘.\pt‘l'lt‘lllutl Education Sexton
also discussed selling the booklet

Sexton. executin-

tn the l'tii\'ei‘stl} littokstore at
.\t .‘to per cop} but said he had ttot
\el contacted the bookstore

l ttder .he ttl‘Il‘I program.
students trained tit particular
Itclds ma) leaxe campus atid
ltcgtn apprenticeships or
internships ti ttlt agencies looking
Ior \ outtg .alcnt Students l‘t‘t'eth’
tredit lliltlt‘s and stitlll'lllllt‘s lo“
paying salaries

lil'Ll'T. dtiecteti by Barbara
Hotel: is able a, provide such
opportunities through lie
I tll\t'l',\ll) \cartn .\t-ttott tl \ -\
program. an arm ol the ledet'al
\("l’lti.\ program since l97l
last sl'lili‘slt‘t‘ .tll ll\ students
\tt-i'ked as l\.\ \oliiitteet‘s
\a titll\\ltlt'. l 483
parttctpatcd tn .3 st‘lltmls


.\I\'llt\ \\lll ltts t)pi- ol

t\pei‘tettee ts known .is

e\pei'tentia| learning. He said liis
olttce senes as a placement
~~et'\ ice tor sltiileills \\ ho “ant to
tltl ~.otttt-tliittg dtllerenl and have
a particular goal tti tittiid

til'Il-I. \\l|lt‘ll ltcgaii tn 1973, is
patt ot regional ellorls to
protttote “oil campus learning
opportunities " 'l‘lte ll\t' member
I l\ sl.ill has already counseled
too students

.\i'\litlt said one ol the best
\i.._\_\ it get to know an
III'LZiilll/(tlliili is to "gel ttistde the
sub culture" and uork tor it 'l‘hts
_\pe oi kittmledge can only be
gathered tit he held aiid ttot to
lie t lassiooiit. he said

oi ta t'llo\ Ilil~is iteld
placetttcttls tit pt'nale atid public
agencies. tiicludtng sc\era|
political internships Kentucky
\ta e gmertttttetit otters tun
political apprenticeships the
.ttllllllllsll‘ltlnt‘ .iiid legislative
ttt t't‘ll programs

'l he .tdntttttstr.‘itton ititern
ptogt‘ant ttt\o|\es ltlcredtt hours
.illll sen-ii months ot tiillttttie
tumors and seniors trottt around

.tthtttntstrattte duties

lie s:.t1i* .lll‘ placed ttt ditlet'ent
.tgettt'tes .tttd pet'lortn .t \artelt
l asks

'I lll' legislatne ttttcrtt program
deals \Hill he I\etttuck_\ tieneral
\sst'lltltl\ .llltl the Legislatur-
lit \t‘.ttt ll t'otitnttssion 'l'he
lltl'l'l|\ ,t: l-tanklort research,
pit-pate .tttd \kt’llt' bills that go to
he legtslattti'e said .\e\ton and
deal «hit-t .|\ \\Illl constituents
l.‘.t tt \ tumors and seniors are

.ti t ell l'tl t .It'll \l‘sstttlt

Student tickets missing
at last football game

t oiitiiiiieil li'oiii page I

I.t'a| should have l‘t‘t‘i‘l\('(l
Section Jitti .tckets, rims ”27
Instead he “as gnen the student
tndntdiial tickets. Section 3th.
to\\s .IlJ, iii .in apparent
ttttstake_ according to Hall

Hall said he \ias told by the
tttattager that recovery ol these
.\ccttoti Ltlit tickets lor the
tcmaitttng tour ltonie games
\tould he impossible. However.
l.ea|_ upon questioning. did not
lt'illl/t' lte ltad been given the
“mug group ol .ickets,

.\lciuttt tal ('oltseiint

"I ltl|i\"l' know." said l.eal.
‘l hail-it'- heard troni Dean
llall.” he added. "I lieiielited by
his .\t Morgatt's~ mistake.
hough ”

l.ea| added he \\oiildn't swnch
.\l't'ltlttl Jtti tickets tor .‘s'ection 206
It'ki'ts mm as he had not heard
tt’tt!l‘ either Hall or l'K Athletic
i'lli‘t‘ttil' llarr} Lancaster about
he matter

lttth\tthial student ilt'l'il‘ls lttl'
\i't'iltttt 'tttl liI\\s f H. \\t'l't' gi\eti
out o .t etottp lot last .\.ittit‘tl.'t_\
ttglt \ toozhall gatite. too

\I \lttllt. \\ tli.‘tll'lli.|tl ol the
irket toittitttttee, \\.ts .t\\.'it'e b)
lllt‘\tl.l},llt't lol his mistake tit
his \lt‘llt'lllttil

'I am til I ltat'geol dispensing
L'ltlllp tckets .tttd sotiiehim those
tt’lu‘ts \H‘t‘t‘ gnen to a group.”
\ltttgan \iiltl "l -akc lull
tesponsththt) lor ultat happened
It \t.ts lust .t human error. but I
ran t get .ltem back now “

Morgan uould not indicate
\tlttch group had received the
iekels h) mistake

llit\\l'\('t'. ”it” said Monday the
lx t tub a group composed til
i tttxersit) .‘rhletcs \\ as the
sump L'IH‘ll :he “rong block ol

"they new iii the right rows.
bit. he \tl‘tttlg seals.” Hall said,

"i he problem has been corrected
.tlltl llt‘\ \\lll be given the right
ickets tor l K's next home
eante "


trill)! frhttiriril with)! '19 I735
' ‘nnaotnt, 'vtttor, New desk 257 int)


I Illa I\ h \ ll (. le KERN El,
”)0 Kentucky Kernel, lld Jou'naltsm Binding, mtversity ol Kmtucky.
t exmeton Kentucky, 0506, is mailed live times weekly airing the sdml vea'
except durtng holidaysand exam periods, and twice weekly (bring the summer
'msmn third class postage paid at Lexmgtm, Kentucky, 41511.
Published by the Kernel Hess. It'll. toundeo tn twi begun d5 the (adet in 1894
and pumshedrontnwuslyaslheKmtucky Kernel since 1915

t'uivenmnu DUUIM herein is interned to help the reach buy My talse a
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K imel Telmittmnr

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‘ ”I
