xt78cz325201 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78cz325201/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1964 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, July 1964 Vol.30 No.10 text The Kentucky Press, July 1964 Vol.30 No.10 1964 1964 2019 true xt78cz325201 section xt78cz325201 , I I
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Published in the Interest of Community Journalism . . . Of, By, and For Kentucky Newspapers I

“a l i

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. I I
. ‘ 1 3
I I '
The Kentucky Press Association recognizes I

I the fundamental importance of the implied I 1 .
trust imposed on newspapers and dissemination _, I

i of public information. It stands for truth, fair- . . 1 .
Hess, accuracy, and decency in the presentation l ' i
of news, as set forth in the Canons of Journal- _‘ '.

I ism. It advocates strict ethical standards in its ' 3
advertising column. It opposes the publication v .
of propaganda under the guise of news. It af- } . '
firms the obligation of a newspaper to frank, '
honest and fearless editorial expressions. It re— :

I snects equality 0f opinion and the right of every . E

,' individual to participation in the Constitutional . I
guarantee of Freedom of the Press. It believes l '
in the newspaper as a vital medium for Civic, 1' l

. economic, social and cultural community de— E

l uelopment and progress. ' ‘I

.44, 31"“. g , fins; cg: 9,2 , s3», {vi 1: . ,‘_ '4‘“?! 3w, 1 j

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I PUbl ICGfIOH Office: 1 . ”Cages: V . . {A W ., "I" " i

' SChool of Journalism ‘ e3 " . .. é ~ ' %

l Lex' I 1 ”WI ‘f' if! we” 1

Ing’ron, Kentucky ' ‘ g' ,. _ 5 gm”;
”9‘; l E ' V ‘ "V 1&9)?
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. ' : ' , "- ”“~ . re» m.“ = , .
. r... 4% a. . “Meet: ~ . z i 1
o ume umber 10 '2'." " ' “3%.“, ”fem 1!, 1 a
0 Kentucky Showcase: New Lodge At Pine Mountain State Park ‘I I

 [J Jr" :iJiJ“ ‘J m J , i
.‘i ‘JWJJJ JJlmq‘,
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t .JJii JJ ‘ ‘ J i J
i‘ l ‘ ' “J‘. Jl ' ‘ ' ‘
J i]! ‘JJ JJ ‘JiJ‘J All Editorial Matter was editorially tinged by the interlocator J
I“ I JJJ ‘ J‘ ttin ())iiii0n words in the i t - ’ I
1 “Hull 9, i JJ ‘1 ‘. Th K t ck P - p“ g, 1 nervrewees
l l JJJJ JJ ‘JJJJ e en u ress ShOUId Be Signed mouths. We believe that this was “one J
i, 2‘ r. ‘JJJJ . - . u . ... . ‘
J J J JJJJ JJ ‘ J 3‘ All newspaper publishers and/or editorial Slde editorializing of greatest impart. J 16
J“ J J J‘ J J ' . . . - J . . . .
J “ J ‘ JJ 3‘ J . J ‘J Volume 30, Number 10 writers, who Sign editorials or imply respon- There is a great respmiSIbility 0n broad. J
= l l i i t J . . . . . . .
3 J J JJJ i ll 'E ‘ J sibilitv through personnel Information In the cast editorializnig. Even through govern. J
J J J l l, JJ J J Official Publication editorial page masthead, Will heartily agree merit license and present regulations, we be- J J
J l i J J i JJ‘J . J Kentucky Press Association. Inc. with Editor & Publisher when it advocates have that broadcast stations Should take ll]?J Sixtee
J J J n ‘ ll JJJ J I KEMUCkY Press Service, '"C- that the broadcast and/or video media same responsibilities to the public as news-J the sec
J J J J ‘J J J . Victor R. Portmann, Editor should accept the same responsibility and papers, and, the public shall be pl‘otected’ Newspa
J J J J J: J J JJJ J J J J Perry J, Ashley, Associate Editor “sign” editorial or personal opinions by giv— adequately on all public issues. J held at
J J {J J J J J JJJ J l Member ing names of responsible parties. a a o a J 8:19. Tf
J J . J J J JJ‘ 1 Newspaper Managers Association More than this, owing to the publics , sion;1 o
J l l‘ JJJ ‘J l JJ JJ j ‘ Kentucky Chamber of Commerce well-known propensity of dial tWisting, the Senate Committee Asks J teacdeis
l J‘ JJ J JJ J Better Business Bureau, Lexington broadcast media must accept respons1bility For lell‘ on Secrecy PflJtlleh llll
J J J: J J ‘ ‘JJ J Sustaining Member ~—as the news media—that there is always . . . J e
l J J i J J J ' J J J Namnal Edim'ial A55°Ci°fi°n the end-result that John Q_ Citizen will only A Senate Judiciary subcommittee unaiii- ’ nessmeii
J J il' l JJ J J Associate Member . . hear one side of a controversial subject and “10113137 has approved law changes designed J two wee
J‘J JJ JJ J J JJ J J J Namnal Newspaper Promotion Ass°cmhon may never hear the other side. E&P mg. to curtail drastically the Government’s pow- J of buSini
JJ‘ J'J . J J J Publication Office gests that any broadcast editorial should be er to \Vithhold information from the public. General
JJ VJ J Jr J . ' . .. - ‘ n - ' 3‘ . u '
J J ‘J J J J SChOOI 0f Journal'sm immediately preceded 01- followed by :1 According to thc New York Times, the pro-J Tech
J J J J J 1 a . )3 v i. .)t ‘ ', . y, i -
i. J J} J J ‘J i University of Kentucky qualified spokesman for the other “(lei posed measuics would eliminate as ieasons ClaSSiooi
‘ 1‘ J‘ 3 J J ‘3 ‘ _.__...__—— . , ,, - tor suppressing documents, reports and tic-t County .
J J J J 1, J . Ji J J ———-———— In newspaperS, the pubhc L110“ 11mm" t‘ ‘t' , , ,1 rm 1, 1.15 ,JS “in the )Jth-C J-JJ ‘ Nelle W
J‘ J .l J J i J J Kentucky Press ASSOCiOfiO". InC- diatelv who is responsible for opinions ex« 1‘” 16: sum 2‘ (‘1 ( ‘ n 1 l _
“t Ill l: -‘ J l J J '1 . 1.0“ which cx iess J )oint of terest and for good causes. A inudiJ Lexmgto
" “ ‘ ‘ . - .. — 1 .‘ - A a J J J ,
J J J ‘ J J l J CCOTEC loplm 1H; P7931519“ ptesset 10p n I n W iot lies ut \leitt th' more restrictive formula would be substi- Fleming
“~ ‘ ““‘ J t s i 7; i7()l‘lt 1 ‘.'e z 3 ..
J l JJ‘J J ‘J JJ J J J 3 J Commonwealth, Somerset \ I?“ ‘11? 11.11“ J t b; 1 )th1 sides of 41 cou- tuted. Secrecy would be limited to inattersJ burg.
ll JJJ ‘ Jll J‘ ‘ JJ ‘ Maurice K- Henry, Vice—President \Vntel )6 Jievtes 0 cth 1‘1“; editori 11$ involving national security, foreign policy “The J
"‘ ‘w ‘ J 1 “ » ' ' ~ 7 1'! i'acice, i 21 7 i . . . . ' . .
Jl J J J J J J ‘ Daily News, Middlesboro holelf)’ )u m p . ' . and a few situations found to lustify ex- of the P
lJ JJJ J . I : J‘ 1 J Victor R Portnmnn Secretary—Manager consciously or unconsciously, do piopound emption Jl Journal'
J1 ‘Jll.‘:‘J ‘ n. m; )..J9 , ~ ,J>
JJJ J J J lJ J J Perry J' AShley’ Assrstant Secretary—Manager one Sltle 0f tht argumcnt 1nd dUldL th The subcommittee, headed by Senator 113118111; 1
JJ J; J J - JL ‘J . Florida R. Garrison, Assistant Treasurer other. 1‘ he reader always has the opportu— EdW'II'd V Long.y (MO Deni ) found tlmll “UV-man
J Jr J ‘J . . J: 3 ' -’ Kentucki Lexiri ton ' I e ‘ ‘6 his disa )roval by voice, or ‘ ' J " J ' ’, . ‘ (1
J! J ' Jr“? J J? Vii ‘ Unwemty of J, g mt? t0 (VIM . p1 ' the reasons for withholding lllfOI’l‘néllwlll Repor
J 1 - ‘ i. ,‘ ii ‘ . . . . written argument in the Forum column, to _ J l '1~ J I A VI‘
J J EJ : ‘ ‘J ‘ DIStTICt EXECUtlve Committee . - . J, , ,1] were defined so broadly in present egis J-J - . l c
I J J J J J J opinions SUCh expiessed. Ah piinted, a titn th"t they became excuses for supress—J Floyd Ec
J, J ‘ J J 3 ; J 1 Chairman, Larry Stone, Messenger—Argus, CC?" sides of the argument will last as long as the i )r i f(;i'iii‘itii)ii to iyhichlthe ublic and the my Pi‘est
E4 J-JJ ' J J J ‘J ”"11 city (Second); FITSt’ Wilham T.Da1VlS, newsprint lasts. The right to rebuttal, the ”‘3‘.“ , re oh iousl , entitled) In “innuml “The
l‘ J ll J‘ ‘ ‘ J J Lyon County Herald, EddyVlHe; Thud’ A I right to disagree with the printed opinion of pl 655 if? V l ' l 1 l 'lJ Com
J‘ J: ‘i .. JJ JJ . Schansberg, Voice of St. Matthews; Fourth, ‘uiv writer is inherent in the First -unend— crable instances, the panel statec, he 99“ J mun
J JJ ‘ J J J ‘l J Howard Ogles, F 000mg, Franklin; Fifth: Frank ‘ ’ ’ J . J. J. J 1 exemptions from a law designed to iinple- Company
1 ‘J J J J J J C. Bell, Trimble Democrat, Bedford; Sixth, lDCllt. \Ve do believe that Cdltms try, 110“]— ment a policy of disclosure were used to J liistrumei
J‘ ll JJ J . J Edwards M' Templin, Herald-Leader, Lexing- estly “le CONSUUCUVTJV’ JO Pied“? .mt] cover 111) embarrassing mistakes, irregulari- J Somerset
i “J J J 3. ‘ ton; Seventh, \Varren R. Fisher, Mercury, Car- Sides of a controversy in editoiials of siiivey ties or other actions lacking the “.th oi “NatiOi
J i ‘ . J ‘J lisle; Eighth, Louis DeRosett, Adair County and review. (crccv ‘ I ' Their 1111]
i.» .1 . ‘ ‘ ‘ _ , . J J _ . 3% i u ti J
l JJ J ' J J J News, COlumblai Nmth’ James T' Norris, Jr., Again, the accepted conditions of edi— Tl 'llntltlln’ le rjsl'iti'on sent to the Holman]
J l‘ . ‘ 1' Independent Ashland; Tenth, R. Springer Hos— J J J. .. A J J J J A: 16 k U h, t, < 1 J J J
J .t i s . ’ torial iesponsibility of iicwspapei so c.\ 4 J J . aimed ill and Van
J ‘1 J J .l ‘ kins Enterprise, Harlan; State—at-Large, S. C. . ' J '1 1 . parent Judiciary Committee, is t J
5‘ J“ J J Jl Van, Curon State Journal Frankfort; State—at— pressed, we believe, d" “0t 916“” *J ””f 61 Section 3 of the Administrative ProcedureJ Tinies~Stt
J 1 JJ Large, James Lee Crawford, Tribune, Corbin; present practices, in broadcast editorials. Act of 1.946, where the loopholes ”were The E
J J J JJJJ S[(1[g_at_Large, \Varren Abralns, Courier—Jour_ FhC‘ FCC ll'dS permitted editorials 01] the found. “We SliOlllCl not kid ()lll‘SGlVCS, Ml J ahle COII
J J J l J J mil, Louisville; Immediate Past President, Fred air for more than ten years and there seem- Long said. “There is intense Opposition to J dlrfCtor,
J, , JJ . J Mr J‘ J. Burkhard, Casey County News, Liberty. ingly will .be no change in this POJICJ. this the bill from every Government agency JJJ l R Publis
., . J. J mJJJ , editoriahZing policy has been. inc uc ec un— Washington. At best, it will be an 11le J eeves,
:i J J l J J JJ Kentuck Press Service Inc (161. Its fairness doctrine Whmh’ according fight all the way.” The bill is co-sponsored Frank Pa.
E, ‘ J‘ J J‘J‘ y I . to Chairman E. William Henry, states “that t. J . 1 B R )iibli03115« “Pictori
’4 = J ‘W ‘ Ceor e M Wilson President . . ' . by 10 Demociats am V8 61 J
J . ‘i l in? g Bre'rkinridgo Herald News Hardinsburg the bas1c right to be protected is the pub- J Louistlle
1 i J .J l 1 ‘ J ’ - ’ c . ) . . ~ g; 4: g: a J J J
‘J J J 1JJj Landon Wills, First Vice-President lics right to hear both Sides of the contro— J , U j- J see, Lexn
. JJ J McLean County News, Calhoun versy, that a broadcaster has an obligation Dr. Paul H, Nystrom of Columbia ‘1‘ I In add
.3 . J‘ J ‘ J J William T. Davis, Second Vicgpfelfidtfiléd .11 to respect that right, that he must make an versity was recently quoted in a publica- J cl‘easoii,
‘ JJ ‘J J ‘ ‘ ‘ J Lyon County era ’ yv} e affirmative effort to discharge this obligation tion of the Associated Industries of hilassil- ‘ldelightf
ii jl ‘ J Victor R. Portmann, Secretary—Treasurer . l ’k' l .‘ f- ~‘l‘ . J J J 'l J J , f free eiitel'pl‘lfi‘e' J 0 e .
J l J ‘ Perry J. Ashley, Assistant Secretary ovei and a )ove‘ma ing. iis Jaciities avai_- chusetts on the subject 0 , freedoms‘ TIJJJIiingt
:‘ . ‘ ‘J ‘JJJJJ Florida R Garrison Assistant Treasurer able to contrasting points of View on de— Dr. Nystrom enumerated foul ter— en on
ll J l B d Of Directors mand.” which he considers basic to the free eflJmJJ Leader) “
i J‘ " l . . - r . 3 ' 719‘ l
1 . J i it i; . 0ch J IE h L We heard many, many opinions expressed prise system: 1. The fiecdom to] (Olht .mdl iluncheo
J J J JJ ghmrq‘m’ _Ma; H J D and we acknowledge, the broadcast media expiession; 3. The freedom to “01 _ ”J the He
‘ J ‘ .J J. boro; Niles 0‘ Dillingham, Progress, awson “ ' 7 th " '11” t et com lete coverage gage iii '1 business of ones own choosmo’l goitheiri
l ‘ . Springs; Thomas L. Preston, Democrat, Cyn- ga\e en ‘1 0 g p “ ‘0); ‘ ‘ . 1 from unrcaSOH‘Jble {50631
J | ‘ thiana; Robert Fay, Shelby News, Shelbyville; But we hold that far too many personal and 4. The fieec oni J nto
" J Officers cx—officio. interviews with the great and near-great, seizures and arrest. J
. J J ;

 ~ l l l
i l J
1e interlocator ; g l l
: interviewees’ E l
:his was “one “ h i l l
.16 T C pl t KPA N W k h , ;
ility 0n broad. l eac ers om e e eWS pa per or S Op i ll} '
hould iake the l Sixteen public school teachers enrolled in ,j ”£55745”, " .. , - g ' , , . , , i i ,
“blic 115 news-i the second KPA-SChOOI Of” Journalism :' V ’ ~ . ‘5 I: . . ,2 j .. . J. l i
[ be protected' “Newspaper in the Classroom workshop, : , I . N i . ‘ , . 1 ,1 .3 :C J l g ‘1
33, 1 held at the University of Kentucky June : ‘ * , a”;:,;.:=-::,-::fi»',,i, i " i
. 8-19. The two-week session drew expres- ). 5' V ’ . » . };.‘g,,,. l ' l
l sions of pleasure and satisfaction from l “ , I . S3; F” i l l
teachers and newspaper-men who partici- i - ~, ‘1 ,. / ~ . Q '1 . ,7 i 3 l
p The list of newsmen, educators and busi- ,, ; ‘ i, \ ., X ' ’ “m i g ‘ i1
nnittee imam—I nessmen who served on panels during the ' . I. 5 ’ , f " ' I f l E r
inges designed ‘ two weeks almost reads like a “who’s who” 7 fig}: V \ ”“33 I ' ' I , , A i
:rnment’s pow- of business and newspapering in Kentucky. " y 7, i , I ;N\%§z, 1 ' -‘ l , l l '
am the public. I General topics, and panelists are: .213; ' I; 2' ' 2 , l 13“??? ' . ' , . f2 - ‘
‘imes, the pro- “Techniques of Using Newspapers in the .;. y : ,' /-'~-;3.; , ' ‘.; g§%§fl ‘ i 3 I l V ‘
rate as reasons Classroom”: Mrs. Sally Kinney, Harrison ,3 ,',,“w‘:" ' i , ' , I | = i
eports and ae‘ County High School, Cynthiana; Mrs. La- i, , ,l ’ ,, 1‘. st); . ~ ' m I E 'I ' it ’ .
the public in- Nelle Woods, Clark Junior High School, g}: J. 't u 4, ‘ I V ,- ‘ i
as.” A much Lexington; and Mrs. Alberta Atkinson, f, . i my, ,1. . -* ,," -' , l 3 l
w 4 ' ‘ . 4 ' - “.~ J 4 W” .::., ' V I " H 1 l .
ald be substi- Fleming County High School, Flemmgs- “‘ 1, . EH; l i 5
ited to matte!“ bmg- xi??? sierra “.1;le eigwwéitx , i ,
foreign policy “The Functions, Role and Responsibility if}? gag”? Ti i: p. iii: "3 KWSKX‘ - héa'ga l ‘ l I"
to justify ex-I of the Press”: Albert Dix, Frankfort State J a .. ' ,. V , M ff: ii. :» V, l I , j-z’ ghx i l 1.
Journal; Robert Thorp, UK School of Jour— " , ,, » ‘ " 5 K7}: 7;}; 1% 33. pl; 2%,, i V‘ g 7" S l l ‘ l l.
d by Senator nalism; and Victor Portmann, KPA secre— , . fl '1 1;,4. ‘ 153’,‘;駧 2‘ fl '1 ’ . t“ " ' ,,: l . l l ‘1
3, information “Reporting and Handling of the News”: f , g '1 ,V Wisteria ,2 ' a . ."(.6.;,‘":”?Z’f;\ . . ,
)resent legislu- l- A. McCauley, UK School of Journalism; ‘, V ,3 g i. 'V ' MW 3; , . ..r411'yfl;v\si:%?%l M ‘ ‘ I l
as for supress- Floyd Edwards, Louisville Times; and Tom- , Ag ' , WV Q, ,5, :23“ . "pf/1’ I 5_ . f l i
public and the , my Preston, Cynthinna Democrat. {p ”Wafer—W” , “’1’. "if ,, (.1; , f “ ‘
:ated, the legal Community : Penrose Ecton, Ecton Supply A W§Ww¢~a¢m H‘Wtfirfiw ' l i
{lied to imple- Company, Lexington; Moss Vance, Texas i ,. I Ax i ‘-
were used toi Instruments, Versailles; and George Joplin, Newsmen and teachers worked together to make the second KPA—School of Jour- ‘j
keg, irregulari- ‘ Somerset Commonwealth. nalism Newspaper in the classroom workshop 0 highly successful program. Discussing ‘ l I’
g the right of National and International Events and the "Publishing Problems of 1964" are (top) Frank Paxton, Paducah Sun-Democrat; ‘ 7
‘ {19' 11E?ll"lmp01‘tance to the Local Reader”: Dr. Mrs. LaNelIe Woods, Lexington, and Ben Reeves, Louisville Courier-Journal. In the l
, sent. tot it indmil/n Hamlltgn, UK History Department; lower photo, a group of high school teachers compare notes while planning projects :
ENi: 13:21:11]; 1 :Finiesgilac: Tumble, Covington Post and to .be used in their teaching programs this fall. They are Mrs: Jennie Williams, Lou- . 1
.opholes were “The English Langnawe and Underst-md- iswllle;. Miss kuth Rankin, Lexmgton;.Mrs. Helen Cooke, Lexmgton; Sister Mortina, : 1
mrselveS,” MI: , able Communications”; CD1: Niel Pliimhier Lomswlle; Miss SiIVia Middleton, Bowling Green, and Mrs. LaNelle Woods, Lexmgton. i l j
: opposition to ; director, UK School of Journalism. ‘ V
ient agency 1;; 4 R Publishing Problems of 1964”: Ben \Vills, Calhoun News, was on hand the “A Newspaper Unit for Senior High .
1 be an Uphill Feeves, Louisville Courier-Journal and opening day to show his film, “Vanishing School English,” by Miss Jacquelyn Wyatt,
S 00-:Pénsélfl 1311:1‘ PafitOn, Paducah Sun-Democrat. Breed,” and to give background. Dunbar High School, Lexington.
61311b ““1” ] Louiiiiiiielahmiifggaflfli 513%} ital-(wine, “Othelu $3315 of 1th: prto-grahm. fealtiirfid - “Relating the Newspaper to. Social Studios 1
. see, LexingtOn Herald c , .n .n in Jes« .11?“ \V nci 'e premium” eac 011 li’lléid' e in the Second Grade, by Miss Marna Sue
Solumbia Unl- in a d ditiOn to t1 2 . a ) e. to use 111 181 ptogldm .Jt 10111, 15‘ \Vilson, Ft. Recovery School, Mercer, Ohio. ,
in a publicu- I, Cl‘easrm LOuis .1] 16 regular panelists, Joe cusstons of the materials available and the “Using the Newspaper Extensively in the z , ,
:ries of Massa- a delightful tqlle e Courier—Journal, made best uses to make of them, and preparing Fourth Grade Curriculum,” by Mrs. Eleanor ., l
1.66 enterprise. Opening dinn‘e. on Kentucky folklore for an an outline showing. how newspapers can be Allen, Drift Elementary School, Drift, Ken- : 1
Four freedoms Then on ThurlstD the first Monday night. used in their 1ndiv1diial teaching programs. tucky. I -
the free email Leader, with Ed??? the. Lexmgton Herald— A hSt (hf the p1‘()]€‘CtS prepared by the “The Use of the Editorial in the Class— V
1 to come and} aluncheon '1 d elnPllli as host, pI‘OVIded teachers \Vlll show the large area of teach— room ,, bv Thomas Nichols Ahrcns dep l
,f thought and: papel‘plaiitllzf‘hiour of the Lexmgton news— ing concern which can be utilized by news— High, School Louisville " ‘ ‘ i .
:0 work Ol‘pen‘ 0f the HemidLlmll'g}_1 the efforts 0f the staff 1"“,13‘31‘?‘ ,, “The Newspaper: A Teaching Tool in l l
own choosmgh goitheir first heat e1, many{ of the teachers Scrence and the Newspaper, by James Language Arts ,, Sister Martini Holy Name i i l
unreasonable goes into C ance to see the eilort which \Vyrick, Beaumont Junior High School, Lex— ‘ ’ ‘ ’ ' ‘ " l ‘
. a Seven-cent product.” Landon ington. (Please Turn To Page Eight) l
, , , l
/ i ‘
, f , , g

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1I1||1?H1“‘11l I 1121*“ T
1‘ 1111‘ ‘11111 . HE KE
1 1 11M, 11. 1111 H1 t NTUCKY PRESS
1 11 11 5 cry of K P “J”
1,11131‘1 1 y TESS ASS . ' [1964
1 11 1‘ 11 ‘ ' 1 11
1 ‘1 1“ l l 11 1 Recalled OC‘athn ”saw-Lexington 111 1111 1 J”
‘1 :1 1 1 11 11 1 ' 1 an ' ’ ee Tat' ‘
. 1 1H 1111' ‘ By S , “Warsaw of 11 1°“ 0f th ’
1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 Wh ecretary Port I\ilrlltucky Gazette by 15;: founding of th: 1
1 1 ,1 11 1 1 1 1 ‘ l 1 I 1 l _ ‘ I .
1 11 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 his p62; t1]? Press editor was aSked t an”. neelggoth Cave; 1939_2):1afidford; 1938 1 son
1 ‘1 ‘1 111.1 1‘ ‘ 51 ll ‘ l “3 lYlemorjeS f 0 Write 190:) ' ' at CtlmbeI-L rSt 311mm '
111‘ 1x 1‘1 l ll ‘ :lll : meetings for th 0 KPA mid—511m . “Cmcmnnti T 1940—1) 'Id and Falls St 61 1-.
1 1 11 11 . 111 ‘ 111,11 . . e Special ed’ ' mel Clem ’ oledo, DCt' ‘ ‘ 110211]; 1941 — ate Park- I
1 . 1 1: 1‘ 1 1 1‘ 1 bln T‘ _ 1t10n 0f . ens, PO‘t . 101t, Mt. 1942 _ . M1 1
1 11 1 111 1 1 1 meethigb‘ilec dugng the 95th midtielnCm- Bay, Canadal BE}1:{)11,NSa1‘11i21 and Put-111 a11d Indljtfxlngiong 1.943 — K2330? Cave; 1 For
1‘ t ‘11: ‘11 1‘1 .1 1 11‘ - ‘ um erland F _ mer 1903 '7 c 0’ iagara F'I ‘ - ‘ 1a etitorsl . ' [C y, 0h.
1 1 ‘1 1 1 1 ' mel'matioH i a115, he fou d . ‘Chwa (115. lay S“ _ net, 111 11 101
s 1 11 11 1 11 11 1 n , 11 l1 1, g0, Battl . . 111mm 1 ' 1 - eu 0f th '

1 1 11‘ 1 1 1111 tucky Press the back files of The K 1s 121115, (low11 the St. 6. Cleek, Niagara time Conf lm’etings, With NEAf 1 e“leg11- 1 The iss
I 1 M l ‘ 1 l ‘ In th' 1 Whlch he founded in 1998 en_ Anne de Bcup Q LanenCe River to St moth elenCe § 1944—Ma 01a War. ' Inonwealt
11 .1 1 1 ‘1 15 on 1 ~ '1 a .4 . . 7 re, 1 l) - - ' ( er W3. I ' mmoth '

' l1 ‘l l l f . 3 81‘ pointed ogtqltlclq Memories,” the \1.1 thl‘mgh the White M16 eL’.Pmtll‘md (Me) Cave- 19461tlme-meetmg; 19Li's—M Cave— 1 \vntten I:
11 1 1 1 11 1‘ 1 Han pri u that records of the A \llt- Canada and Mo t- Ountalns, then back to Wi’tl “Lemngton. ammoth 1 discusses
ll 31]} 1 [l‘ ‘1 l stroy’led Or to 1928, had been Ioet SSOCl‘d- kola Lake- 190; leal’ TOI'OntO, and Mug- each 91 attendance Setting l actions i"
1 l1 11 11 1‘ 1 turned as Very few printed reco 10r d6“ And there, the ._St' LOHis VVorld’s F'lir lhodqltllmmer’ KPA turned to Inew l‘ecm-ds1 may be I
1 1 11 11 _- 1 1 1 1 : 951113115 £1331. When the Cent-m] 01;: Were their passes er.1u1(11ke\ts StOpped _ perh;p. meegi 10118 so 1,1 1947 we be] ‘1‘11ge1- aCCOm- If so we
' 1'1 ‘ 1 3 1 ‘ ‘ e in 1942, £011 1. ‘ 06 was Kentt k l 1‘ ”e 1 Vasn’t it 1.. ‘ S ng at Gumbel-1. 1 c 0“" second C ’ 1
1 1 11 1 1 1 ‘1 111 1 1 111 gums Alcock, Dunvifiglllxlxlg the death of Centuli‘py edltor just before t1): $212151)th @4189, we met at Mnllllldogaug State Park In 1 “52:17:: 1st:
. 11 111 ‘11‘ a .7 €55 - 1 ' ‘ ln1‘ "( 1 ( I. .
1 1 ‘11 111». 11‘ 1 treasusféfiid the ASSOCiutmn agenggelj Who These (11111)st _ L Kentfft we VlSlted the hewwe agmnthen The 01]
i l ‘1 l l 1 l l ‘ Howelv lll‘Ing the Years Of Ell-6:161:23);- A‘IS mid—summer miti- 111”kets were “extmg” Popul: )7 Dam Village state Pztlimchons at I editorial r
1 1:1 1 ‘1 1 1 1 er, in a 1 o 141. Lo .1 . e lugs Were] A c. 11' State p1 ‘k ' 1r . As the 1 11
1, 1| 1; 1 ; 1 1 1 Press edit . 010% neglected fil 1115\’ll]e;1887_L . . 161d: 1886w growin r ‘1 S can ac00m SH TWO V
i ll , 1“. l1: 11 11, 1 01 found a pmbd 6’ the 1889-0 . musvllle;188s_D. . 1’ “ne‘ldm’lce K mOdate 0““ “0k (1'
1 ,1 - 1 1 1 11 year 1931 h’ , 10 recordf . WeIllsboro- 18 . dnvflle; bethe ‘11 " PA ha 6 Its
, 1 1 1, 11 1 W 1ch . 01 the ~P' ’ 9O—VVi -h 1 n ham” 5 alternat I ‘ '
11 :1 1 1 1: 1: 1 ‘1 ‘1 formatiOn gives some pert' . ddllcah; 18 99—1‘ . 11L. ester; 1891 satisfq‘t, n and Western ec ‘ tutorial m
1i l1 ‘ 1 ‘ 11 ‘ .1 . . 1 concerning me - ' ment 1“' Ville 1891 A e“‘mgton; 1893— ' (L Ion of all areas to the‘ that l
1 E11 ‘11 I 1 1 ‘1 5oclat10n Since 18 . etlngs of the A 1 (: 14—Fl.ankf01.t_ 189 Lollls- Wanted 11911 1 - HoweVel- Ash] 1 1 c0u(
“1 1‘1 [l T ‘ l l ‘ Associat- 86, the year 1 S- 8‘)6—Ce()1~get ’ 5—H0Pkinsville. land F ‘ 1 950' SO (”1495’ and mu 0f C‘
1 11; . 11 1 1 1 11 11‘ 1 . 1011 Was mm a . . \V 1611 the 1898—0 1 Own; 1897 _ M‘ld a 11118 when K 1—Cumber-l re t1
ll 11 1 l1 1: ‘3 ‘5 authentic s 'g “126d 1f past histo ‘mcmnati; 1899_H K lesbm'o: “’35 Started. - enkaY Press S - iyfml
1 ‘1 l 1 11.1 1 1 1‘ ‘ historic . 0 thls article Will 1 - ry 1900—L0ui5v'1 . ' -Cllder50n. Park- 1 ~ ) 1902—KentUCk erv1ce In e66
, 1 1 _ 111111 1 11" atte t. al record of meeting d )rlng our 1902—0wensb 1116’ 1901 — Madisonvill). Vil] ’- 9.35—Cuml)erlund F 113’ Dam Stalel the Somex
1 11 1111 1 1 1 11 11 FD lon and infol'matiOn ates to 3,0111, St. Louis F 910; 1903—Lexington. 19041,, m et in conjunction with :hs;1956—Louis- of PulaSk.
1 1111111111 0. . - air 011_ " * eeiflz ea 1
l; M \‘1 l l 1 1 Could1 112011;“ 211111 thentic intermqtkm h- ] thIléght turned t0 1th/e 1131 hen the editor’s HOtel- 819151]: Stng tOUI‘; 1957—1321;? 1:?( summed; 1
1 1 1‘; ‘1 '11 ‘ 1 11 ‘ . 011% t to 11' 1 ‘ ’ W 101 1“ entuck1 any l'esort 1; -- K ’ _ "umberl a e ’now W1“
1 :11 I] 1 1 1 l l mlCrofilm re glt through Stud 1 . . 3 that were so f1 filings entucky D-m and Falls- 1958 l ‘
l‘ 11 11 1 ‘ 1 3 (a . Cords of our d'li] y 0f medlcmal waters 1 1 amous f01‘ their land F l t 1 State Pill‘k' 1960 1 * [ lave done
1 1,11 1 1 1 .1 1 Prolect which ‘ Y newspapers SO in 19 “t the turn of tl ’ 5113; 1963—K , —Cumber. ”Th
1 11 1 1 1 11 1 taken) 't . , We hope, Could I) , O5 the edito 1 , 16 Celltln‘v and 196 4 entucky Dam Stqt P l . e c:
1' 1‘3 11 l ‘ 1 1 - ’ 1 ‘5 PreSUmed t1 6 Under- ard Sprin rs. 1 rs Vls1ted Crab 0- ' _Cumberl"md F' 11 l e ark;1 IStrates dc
1‘ 1‘ 11 11 1 1 mld'VVinter meeti lat the Inalofit V7 ' , 13 > 906Gl'fly30n S _, 1Cl1- It should be . <1 S. I “Sh
11 1 1: >1 1 n gs Were h 11 . y of elsallles and E _ pungs; 1907_ 01., . satlsfactolfl What
1 11 1 1 1 1 1 Chlefly because mil 6 c In Lomw-H lea _. Still sprin 1. 3 Veal the 311 Y noted 1111116111 11 .
1 11 1 1 . . ( l‘oad ‘ ‘ . 1 . 1 e n Spun L . gs, 1908_C . _ - endanCe 1t . IS emh:
l ‘3 l 1 ll l1 3::llible directly to tllqttleri25p91tat10n was Springs, gs ’lnd HOPkIHSvflle; 1909—Eesltlll liiggtlll'gs haVe illCl'eaSCd :0 211:3 1E1d'5ummer ’ Court,”
:11 1 1 11‘ 3 er wh'1 _‘ ‘ Y 1n incl _ ‘ a'lons—zu d ' er OW accom. ‘ 1
1 11 1 1 _ 1 . . le Other Clties ement 1910~M1ddl . m 1 th1s year w . 1. Fhese \
1 1:1 1 1 1 :‘zghoad llnes, Were almost:- ?H of the main Cerulean, SprianPOlo and Pineville; 1911_ Sig]? to 0111- regret With 1501K.) exceptlo111 1 various C(
1‘ 1 1 1 1 pt by transfers and horse inzccessible ex- ian Springs- 19%: 1912 ancl 1913—Olym 3 . lemedms 111 1 the Fiscal
1 1: 1 1 1 1: \ T11: real 01 d‘tilnerg of K1211 bunggy. Olympian Springs—D32?" Springs; 19151‘ _. 1 Pllhlicityg
:1 1: 1 11 11‘ 11 V0“ get to ‘ the Hu ' ‘i -- — A . " _ __ acts f
11 :1 1 ‘ 1 1 . gether, n theV ntmgton; 1. " . ‘ Shl‘md z 0 th‘
11 1 1 1 11:11 about the Summer trims]; Start reminiscing Ol‘Clmrd Spi‘i112g1-{ —i401115\11]1e; WIS—(”:31 Wage—Hour Work Week 1 accurately
1 . V ‘1 1 most Over Nol-th An: V. at took them al_ COVingtOn; 19211, 11)19—L0uisville; 19.20: Several may] - 1 Slated, 1ch
‘1 1 11 1 1 1 3 main incentives Were t1110a. 'Perhaps their Orchard Sprin s. IDflnville; 1922 _ €1.11] H01” interpretql'e Interested in a Wage & l lion 0f the
1: 1 1 j 1 1 1 passes on all 1. “3 Unlimited l‘ailr 1924 :11 L g 1 .923—Bowli1] G- '1 ‘ ) Tenness ( 1011 obtained recentl ‘ The 1
.1 1 1 . 11 qsk' Ines that War 1 - Oad 1d 1325—1101111 1‘11 g 16611, and 68‘ A Tennes . y m l do
‘11 :1‘ 1 11111 ‘ lng. So let’s follow 1 e tlelrS for the Springs. 5“] 6 11nd “Test B-rd a Work Schedul ' see pllbhsher follows actim, ma
1 :‘ l 1 ‘111; years! t11am £01- those 111511 EVidenth 11 ‘ e11 910"“ to get i e 1Wbmh am)“ his 511°? em- 1 "“8
l 1’ I 1 1 l, 1892—“; . 1 so back 16 Sprlngs lost the‘- . He “70] d'. n.t 1611' 40 hours in four das 1 hsk‘ een
11 11 1 1 1111 1893 C . Ollds Expositioll 1997 to tO\V]]” again. 199 1] appeal, (1111") ) Cled If thIS lTlet th W y I ‘ ICOUI]
.1 1 1 1 1 1 Ex __ Ihlcago World’s Fm" 1;: Seattle; _X1_Mayfield; 1928—1311; b‘ ~6—Pineville; Ochments. The VV&H peo l e ‘d&'H re- 1 press is be
: )1 1 11 1 1 gifOSlthn; 189 6—Cumber1al;d I 90“Atlanta 19359112131; 1930—501nel196tjalethtown; 1929 is 13.1 An examiner POinted citetfial fit was 1 the malien
3'1 1 . 1 1 L, _1897_Kn0XVille Ch Sland, CBOr— 1 —-1—Mzunmoth Cay 1 1,. 93l—PadUCah. ‘1 dSed up0n a 4041011. {It t elaw 1 Shtuticn 0
31 ‘1 1 NaShvflle- 189 ’ attanoogq favorite 1 -1 e “’hICh was t . ’ e1611ce to t1 1 week, w1th no ref- lated b
' l l ‘1 l ada Alpen SEDetI-oita Walkervfll“ Cr1 nd the ’ICCO “K-si‘ummer meeting 131 () be :1 does not 3 16 Fumber Of hours per dql’ It l l.equi “till
11 1 1’“ 1 , a, all . e, a _ t " mmo .( . 1 1 age ~ ‘ ‘ily, . ~ . ‘ ' 1‘60
1 . 1 1 11111 ga n; 1899—PetoskyMlilf-KEIEIC Island, Miclll growi11g menilillzisl were too small forugfllll not exceed eigfi: glow-ante, that a day shall 1 x
1 1 1‘ j ‘1‘ 11 , , 10 . ' c1 1p. 19:33 _ ‘ enue . - “1'51 - - - Internal R '1 1‘
1 ' l 1 ‘11 M11900‘M11Waukee, Madi1 wife}; “Note: A PI‘GCedent C111 MammOth holdinsewlce’ “’Ol‘l'ied about under-will 1 The Uc
1 11 1 1 1 1 tonineapohs’ Superim Duluifini St, Paul Plfegj 16 d In Louisville 011 luly 125d meeting lighedg Of‘ 11:113deral taxes in 1964 hqs pub '1 Passed am]
1 1 111 1 n a, and Chi 1 , fl'e Minnx 1. (ent Lawl'enc 7 . 1~ ,called bV . a ‘ otice to E :1 1 1‘ ‘ I‘ul .
1 1 11 1 1 1901-5 . C3130 (how 111- 1 L‘ the NRA . ’ e “1 Hager 1 . . 1 that SOme mployel's warnmg 1 .63 11min
. l| 13 l 1 ver Crigpleoéls, fansas City Plighlod‘gs); memorable. 21.1934—0weusboro- fgglslscass for u I‘efunilmfilzyees Who usually qualify 1011113. The
1 ’ l'ee , Colo~ ’ . 1 611- Ci . Gene Line boc ..’ ‘ _ le whe "y 0We a substantial suin )I‘lefly t
‘ 11 tau, Grand Junction mlifldgqslfrilgs’ Mani" llollhaltlofup t0 AShland. IQEGmIg from Cin' ployZI-sthfiy pay 1964 taxes in 1965 Em-l COmmissl:
1 1 ~ 1 1 . ' _ . 1 ’ — 1 1 . 1 ‘1 ‘6 ~ . ‘
1 1 qke Cltyi ice to KPJ A Cultls Alcock’s 25 ve'li'SVlllile’ in Problem. Tllugfed t0 adv1se WOI‘kers Of this l down rules
1 1 l . , 11 . o sery. "ment No 3532103 are contained in DOC-1 C0mmel‘cial
1 \ IRS Office 01 ~ 6, available free from {111111 Hell Walt
_ \ . , 1 Sored the b
, 1 u l the FCC fr

 * “““"“‘“‘““**’“ M“ a


l ‘. I“ "a:

' l ‘ i - g
33123 ii: I C » l h F- l1 Ballard Teacher Wins I. 2 _,
an; .938 I Somerset om monwea t :9 ts Fem... Writing Award I I ,I .
it??? i . I . Mrs. Shirley Porter Williamson was selec- E l .3

a1"; . ted as one of 20 national award winners for l f 2 _

3:103 ((3;th I For Pu bllc S nghf To Know one of her feature articles which appeared i d
. 01fC the reg: I The issue of July 1, of the Somerset Com- of cities, counties or political subdivisions 1:2); hf" fintuchy 5011100: thallméll III/{0.1.6 11:11" " II ‘ I‘ I
ifora“War.' monwealth carried an important editorial be open to the public. l' ”11153 Willi 51.1 I’m “ leltlt 18' . 1' I ‘ I .‘
moth Cave— I written by its editor, George Joplin, and “The illegal and dictatorial order banning £11181]: J‘s/I‘m II tielllf’?l](:(:. he X10 IIgt‘Ive“ I i I . I; 1
S—Mammoth I discusses a situation which parallels similar the press from Fiscal Court meetings must OAHZITIIGLILCSMIIO'} ‘15:?” loillpiivaslm "3]: l . If 2
actions in other counties in the past and be rescinded if Pulaski County is to be gov- l . th Enlie Sn (I)P' agva t' ‘ tutu-ts i 1 I‘

iew records i may be prevalent in a few counties today. erned in a democratic way.” iiicetiici Ilia 11:11: I inliljn‘niiftciiihlath th: I '
arger accom. If so, we recommend that editors emulate The editorial brought action—perhaps annualgconveition of the JN‘itional Educa; : I ‘ . I
1 our second . George’s approach on the topic of “the pub- with the fine hand of public opinion behind tion (Association in Seattle lad in of the I I I i
tatePark.1nr he’s right to know.” it—as reported on the front page of thc publication‘ entries “Iqu done bg g mcuse 1" I_ In =
e again, then I The opening paragraphs of the effective Commonlwealth, 1issue of JulIy 15; I 1 University .. .. . Y Y ¢ . . I I . If .

tr - I editorial read: “PuIaS'i Fisca Court tocay movec tiat I‘ I". . I -. . . I I I: I, ' J ,3
irkaC/llsollsies: l7 “TWO weeks ago PUhISki Fiscal Court in- no restrictions be made on the news media Ilalllarrsd $212333) :il all: SEEEEISISICIFS: 1;:rfla: ‘ l i i l i ' I ',
nmodate ourl voked its ban on news reporting. In a dic— in covering the court meetings. school’s journalism agdvisor an