xt78cz32505v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78cz32505v/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2009-11 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, November 2009 text GLSO News, November 2009 2009 2009-11 2019 true xt78cz32505v section xt78cz32505v V7 Th GLSO N .
A Publication of the Lexington Gay Services Organization Volume 31 Number 11
Judy’s Old Fashioned Moveable Feast Pie For Sale

Holiday Show Moveable Feast is once again selling
the pie for your Thanksgiving dinner
. . dessert. It is some of the best ie on
The Judy Show is conung back . . P y
to Lexington for an encore perform- Williever eat. You can buy .It baked and
ance. The show is sponsored by the rea y to go or you can get It frozen and
Imperial Court of Kentucky with bake it yourself giving the house that
proceeds going to Lexington, Fair- wonderful smell of fresh baked pie. You
ness can even take the credit for baking it,
' t tell.
Judy’s Old Fashioned Holiday we won .
Show will include a Thanksgiving b as? 2:531:15” fme“ °b' $25
style dinner and on November 20th h e ' . m1 e y you: can “y a
at the Hilton Hotel. There will be a c eap er Ple’ but you can t buy one that
cash bar Door 0 ens at 6 m and feeds more people. Each pie purchased
dinner will be servid at 7pm PTickets will feed a Moveable Feast client for a
are $50 per person and will be avail— week and that makes an already great
able at the door and at Pie taste ey en better.
ImperialCourtKentucky.org The pies must be purchased before
This year’s Fairness Awards November 18th. You have a choice of
Dinner in June was a great success in the traditional pumpkin, or apple,
art because of the hilarity of The cherry or blueberry. Order by calling
f d Sh Sh M r re ie Moveable Feast at 859.252.2867. Pies
f“ y ow. Chg tt age d VTSS will be available for pickup at Moveable
rom everyone w o a en e ' s Feast or Woodland Christian Church on
production Will also feature ensemble
Tuesday Nov. 24th or Wednesday the
performances by members of the
Imperial Court 25th from 11am to 6pm.
Save your MW: ...
Dress Lexington Logo Contest
Rules and Regulations on
Deadline: Nov. 30, 2009

 . an..-“ I. GAY Imperial Court of “Y
\, .35., ,4 and www.ImperialCourtKentucky.org
/ Lesbian The Imperial Court of Kentucky has
f5}? -« . been chosen to host the 45th Anniversary of
7.1.: SCIVICCS the International Court System during
Organization Coronation in June 2010. It will include a
State Dinner and the Jose Honors Presenta-
Incorporated as tions. This is a huge honor for the Imperial
The Gay Services Organization court.
P. O. Box 1172 Lex., KY 40588 The following is an excerpt from a mes—
sage from Nicole the Great, Queen Mother
WWW.ng0.0|'g of the Americas of the International Court
also New “The Court of Kentucky will host the
45th Anniversary Celebration of the found-
Volume 31 NO- 11 ing of our International Court System of
Canada, the United States and Mexico with
News Editors and Staff an Imperial State Dinner and the presenta-
tion of the Jose Honors. Internationally
Mafy Crone, Judy _ Sutter acclaimed activist, Stuart Milk (nephew of
Glnger Moore-Minder, Harvey Milk) will be our keynote speaker.
Marc Blevmsr D ennls Wheatley Plans are now underway to make this event
Karen Taylor, Sarah P hil/ips grander than our 40th Anniversary in Palm
DaVid Spencer, and Jackie Cobem Springs mark your calendars today for
—— June 5th — Kentucky!”
Office Administrator November Court Events
Bill Chandler Emperor's Turn-About
859-253-3233 Wednesday, Nov. 4th @ 9:30pm
_— Pulse Nightlife
GLSO BOARD Diva's of Hazzard
Friday, Nov. 13th @ 9:30pm
Dennis Wheatley, President 0055ng
Thomas Collins Vice Pres.
Jane Minder, Secretary October Court Events
Gingeli'nMoore-Mrnder, Treas' Congratulations goes out to Miss Pep-
ary Crone, GSA . . . .
Virginia Morman per Mint for iwmning the 200? Julie
. Vaughn Memorial Closet Ball. This event
Jackie Cobern . . . .
is for indiv1duals who had never performed
Mark Johnson . d: b f
. . in ag e ore.
Jes§lca SUCIk The Court’s production of the Laramie
Davrd Spencer Project raised over $9,000 for the charities
Samantha James of the Imperial Court and the Matthew
Next meeting Nov. 12’ Shepard .Foundation. This production
7pm at the Pride Center. helped raise awareness of the effects of hate
crimes. The Erase the Hate Campaign con—
Page 2

 use, :‘ ' 2 w 1 51 i l 5 3 l' 1:; i g; ‘ “*7 I ’
Imperial Court "' continued SisterSound is a non—audition cho-
tinues across our country, Judy I'llS that welcomes new members. Re—
Shepard signed copies of her new book hearsals are at 6 pm every Sunday at
- The Meaning of Matthew _ for each the Episcopal Church of the Resurrec—
cast member. Donations may still be tion, 3220 Lexington Rd, Nicholas—
made towards this great cause by con— ville (011 Nicholasville Rd, 5 minutes
tacting Empress Nicole Diamond at from Fayette Rd, on the left). For in-
nicolediamondl@aol.com Help the formation, contact Patti Owens at 859—
ICK and the Matthew Shepard Foun- 306-0243-
dation Erase the Hate in Ky schools.
Ch _ tm AIDS Volunteers of Lexington
rIS as . . .
The Imperial Court of Kentucky Candlellght V1311
will be placing Christmas trees at differ— AVOL's Candlelight vigil is Tues-
ent establishments at the end of No- day, December 1st, World AIDS
vember and asking people to make do— Day. You can bring a candle or pick
nations for the annual AVOL kids one up and start the walk at one of the
Christmas show which will be held in following locations: 1) Common
December. Watch for these trees and Ground, 2) Dunkin Doughnuts, 3)
help the Imperial Court of make several Third Street stuff" 4) Starbucks on
kids’ Christmases a lot merrier. Main St., 5) Tin Roof.
, The candle stations will be set u
SisterSounb by 5:30 (30 minutes prior) and till;
Each year, SisterSound members vigil will start at 6pm. Participants
wrap gift items for Amazon.com here in will walk through downtown, ending
Lexington. This brings in much needed at the Central Library where we will
revenue and the more folds who volun- have a few words and music. We will
teer to wrap packages the better. There then proceed inside where eight panels
are still several time slots open, which of the AIDS quilt will be on dis-
means there’s probably a perfect time play. Starbucks on High will supply
for you, so please consider volunteering. coffee and light snacks.
Trainin is provided, and everyone has .
a great gtime. Sara Helregel has all the Red Rlbbon Ball
details (helregel@windstream.net). The Red Ribbon Ball will be Sat—
This holiday, SisterSound will again urday, December 5th, in the round
be singing for Amazon.com employees, barn at Red Mile. The event will start
eight sessions in mid—December from at 7pm with a live silent art auction,
5:15 to 6:15pm. This also brings in with a live silent art auction, heavy
money, which we need, and it’s fun, too. hor'deurves, and an open bar. At
We could use more voices, so please 10pm, the art portion ends and the
lend yours to ours. You can even wear Dance of the Winter begins with DJ
flotillrtsfunny Santa hat with the bells and Xenergy. continued next page
g .
Page 3

 AVOthlmntmued . AVOL MOVlI‘Ig
$6: e cost 0f tickets are. Art/Dance AVOL is in a new location at 225
— per person or $100 per couple, . ,
Dance on] _ $10 in advance or $15 at Walton Avenue, Suite 110, Iexmgton,
y . .
the door. Tickets may be purchased in KY 40502. This new. space 05ers easier
advance either through our website access and greater privacy and parking.
. . AVOL Wlll be closed for business until
www.avolky.org or by mlling Brian .
Slate at 859—225—3000 ext. 23. Nov. 4 as we move into our new space.
Please come out and support our AVOL is. now making app ornt—
cause. We look forward to seeing eve— ments for Riipfd Result HIV testing at
ryone there!!! Central Christian Church on Tuesday
evenings from 6:00 — 8:00 p.m. Call
for more information and appointment
Open Door 015mm Ravivad scheduling 359-225-3000-
Look for exciting things to come as
. The Open Door Church Of Louis— AVOL enters our 23rd year serving on
“He 15 a gay friendly, gay lead congre— the front lines of HIV/AIDS in central,
gation. They will be holding a special eastern, and southeastern Kentucky.
evening service on Fri., Nov. 13 at the For more info see www.avolky.org
Pride Center in Lexington (389 Waller
3:33:11? r3122; 3:: at caliber for Bluegrass Women’s Network
Reverend Sherry Roby and thg The Bluegrass Women's Network
members of the church will teach, is a social group for women who iden-
gujde, sing, Pray, and anoint you with tify as lesbian. Membership is free and
healing. Revival is a renewal for your there are no obligations. We use
heart and soul, a restoration of your a Yahoo group website to announce and
relationship with Christ and the coordinate our events; it's not a chat
church, a rebirth of your faith, and a group. If you don't have access to a
reawakening of your spirit. computer, that's ok, we also have a
If you’ve been hurt by religion, or P110116 liSt-
church, or feel angry at 01- abandoned Members plan a variety of activities
by God, this is an opportunity accept— such as potluck dinners, plays, movies,
ing environment. Open Door is a char— parties, card games and Whatever else
ismatic, Holy Spirit-centered church. we manage to dream up! Members
Members come from different denomi- choose those activities that are appeal—
nations and backgrounds. All are wel- ing to them. 0111' goal is to enrich Olll'
come, there is room for everyone. God lives With great friendships and memo—
loves you. ries of good times spent together.
To announce events and share
information, the Bluegrass Women's
Interweave Network has a private/hidden Yahoo
Interweave, a group for Unitarian group website. It can only be accessed
Universalist GLBTQ people and Allies, by group members. Interested in join—
invites everyone to a lunch after church ing go to http://groups.yahoo.com/
on Sunday Nov. 15 at 12:30 at the group/thebluegrasswomensnetwork/
Food Co—op on Southland Dr. and apply to join. Facilitators are
WWW.uucl.org Debby Hemstock and Lynn Matlock.
Page 4

€54“ We OVIAII-E I'-
”sz M [W " ' - .
  d :1 i=4 '2 34,1:
4;: 1:1} 11244414,;
44 :j .: f‘” 34M
4;} v" ~~~' muffimw "‘
()rdorwur 'l‘lmnksgis'ing pic and hrlp 31949353214" .I-mst ‘
bring nutritious hunu- (lclhcrmi mmls MW“!
pmplo in )nur mmmunit) all )(‘ur Inn:
(721” Mmruhlo 15mm at (859) 252 2807

 389 Waller Ave., Ste. |00
Hours |0a.m. to 3pm M-F Phone 859-253-3233
Ti‘dflsKe/Ifilaéy lnslght Group
TransKentucky is a support, 30— Friday, Nov. 6th at 7 pm
cial, and resource group serving Lex— Pot Luck and a Movle
ilfgt‘m and Kentud‘Y- The group .Pf‘f' Pride Center, 389 Waller Ave.
viii-la safelplace for timsfge‘;d$ "“3: Interested in organizing an Insight get-
“ “F s. an d? COP edw do eed ey 0 together on the third Friday night of the
not It lntcih .e stan arl' gen er norms month. Contact Dana at 859—230—2428.
to express err true se ves.
While the group is not therapeutic DIICUIIION GROUP
in nature, we can provide information, Eve We dn 6 s d a at 7 m
advise and resources from our unique . ry Y P
experiences. Family and friends are Prlde Center 389 Waller, Ste. 100
invited and encouraged to attend A1] Are Welcome
meetings to gain understanding and be
supportive of their loved ones. We also GLSO News onLine
welcome supportive community members To receive the e-newsletter 'I'
who have an interest in issues of gender lsonews@yahoo on s com and e
presentation, identity, and variance. 5 nl' N 1 gr ”P.‘ h S 1:)?
TransKentucky meets on the first 0 me ews etter m t e u ject
Saturday of each month at 7. 3 0pm line. The eNews includes activities
doors open at 7pm. We include cross around-KY for readers “:10 do not [Ric
1n Lexmgton. We ask or a $20 year y
dressers, transsexuals, gender queers, . b . . fr
intersexuals, and others who do not fit donation, ut you may recewe It ee.
the standard gender norms or who are .
questioning their gender. Meetings are LBX. LyOIlS LEV] & Leather Club
free and you may dress however you Monday, NOV.9th at 7 pm
feel comfortable. For information con— -
tact TransKentucky@gmail.com or call Prlde center’
859-963-6606. 389 Waller Ave., Ste.100
Each November, the Transgender ,
Day of Remembrance memorializes j,“Keep the love you find.
those who have been killed due to ami— - Get the love you want!”
transgender hatred or prejudice. Al— '7‘
though not every person represented
during the Day of Remembrance self— Jessica Bomnger LCSW
identified as transgender — that is, as a l R l . h. Th .
transsexual, crossdresser, or otherwise mago e atlons IP eraPISt
gender-variant — each was a victim of EMDRTraumaWork
violence based on bias against trans— Couples, Fanily, Individud
gender PCOPIC- ' imagooonnectioneom 552-6533
Page 6

 g i. 7 i
3 .f‘,’ #19:” 1 '
. ,. Ck by po 11 ar demand.
'. \i ” are; I!" : '
K?" I 4 g ,I I .
fl”; ‘ f” I ' 2:.
ff . ' e ‘ £5
, it I' M
, o.‘
r 1 ‘ Date: Friday, November lUlh 200‘)
Time: Door opens at (320011111
- ' Dinner & Show at 7:00pm
\‘enne: Hilton Hotel,
Downtown Lexington
'd'OldF l' Cl'Hl'Cl' Sl"
Ju y s as none 0 1 av 10w

n ‘ V . . 4' ‘ ! y
lhanksgiVing lxtidvagdnza
This year's Fairness Awards was Slit‘ll a plienriinzonal sum 09%, we have
invited "The lndi’ Show" bark tor .1 holiday encore pei'tormanre. l'lie
productimt will also ledture ensemble peIiUI'Illdllt'US by members oi
the Imperial Court of Kentucky. There will lie .1 Thanksgn lllf’, hlVll.‘
dinner, drinks, and lots 0t tun and music to ring in the Holiday


Tickets are 530 per person, available .it:
This event is presented by The Imperial Court of Kentucky, 0. futility}? l'lt’nbl'lflili 01>
gnnization, with all net proceeds- to benefit levington lilii'ne'ii, .‘t 301k) i min-pro! it
organization advancing the cause oi fairness. and equality toi all limitinlddnv.
Page 7

 Dancutg The nght Away She also let on that she is in the
A Special Evening process of adopting her first child, a
By Russ and Ron Schneider-Smith two‘and‘a‘half year Old son named Jazz
who is from Guatemala. He should
For those of you who missed arrive sometime in late December or
Dancing the Night Away, the GLSO early January. Robbie proudly showed
supporters who were there enjoyed the “S a picture 0f Jazz and his Labrador,
night, grooving and dancing to the Mannie. Robbie is ecstatic about the
spinning provided by D] Porkchop adoption and we wish her the best of
and a won— luck with her new family. With her
derful show guidance and love there is no doubt
’ ., g; of talents. Jazz will grow to be a fine young man,
,._ gr Orvis MC'd and be blessed to have Robbie as his
93%“, ‘ 7‘ 2 , and perform- Mother.
. .5? _ ' ers included One of the guests of the evening
f’.‘ ‘ Cavier Tow- gave Robbie her winning raffle ticket
:5"!st WW ers, La Toya for the Rainbow Blown Glass Collec-
J‘, “a 111110333 Bacall, Jen- tion and she was excited to receive it.
" " nifei- Grant, Claudia won the 50/50 raffle, and was
and Keith (a.k.a Sasha Grant). waving her arms in the air when they
The performers’ costumes were announced her
flawless, as were the acts that included : ticket.
such numbers as Lady GaGa, Patti La— f?“ A big thanks to
belle, and Captain and Tennille. The *5; ‘m' the staff at 4
basket of tips which they donated to ‘\ "" Points Sheraton
GLSO was overflowing by the time (_/ \ for making sure
they were finished, as the crowd loved .,.;~.’ " the event went
all the performers. Heartfelt thanks go ‘ ‘ smoothly for
out to all of them for their talent and | -. . Adm everyone in at-
energy as well as the time they gave for tendance. Also
this event. much thanks to Denise, Courtney, and
Robbie Bartlett then took the stage Cassie, volunteers who manned the
and it wasn’t long before everyone was (1001' and the raffle tickets. It was great
on the dance floor as she belted out to have Y011 there With us.
such tunes as: "At Last", "Stand By Everyone enjoyed the evening,
Me", and "Give Me One Reason", just especially a couple from Kansas City on
to name a few. As always, her voice and their very first trip to Lexington who
groove had everyone swaying to the dropped in to enjoy the show. They
music on the dance floor. said they couldn't wait to go back and
In a short break between her Pei" tell their family what a great time they
formances, there was a chance to speak had. Thank you, Dan and Stephanie,
with Robbie and she shared how ex- for your laughter and support for the
cited she was to be performing for a cause.
gay event, such as the GLSO, and that AS the saying goes, " A gOOd time
she looked forward to doing more in was had by ALL". Hope to see everyone
the future. again at the next event!
Page 8

 Dancing The Night Away
.. ,. Robbie Bartlett
. 411 1
. ' ' M ”
Kcilli ‘ . V
“I \ q . ‘7 I
limnifcr : {g %i =é
\ . «I» mi a e V. a
g - ‘ , :2 Ke- ~
aft 1 f .
a" . .7
Friends 8C Volunteers of GLSO Pride Center
, I ”l ,V Volunlecrs
I“? " l? ‘
‘ I J- ‘/ I" a V4, F /-‘: 1H" N ,l“: I“, v‘" y M
J 9;, " fill fir“ '.. "t r “’1 Elli???"
1 i ; Pride Festival T—shirts and wristbands still
ca; available at the Pride Center. Open 10 am
i to 3pm. You can receive a free t—shirt and
Latoya Beg-.11] & ,5 ' wristband for a year subscription to the
Ginger Moore—Mi (Ln w Newsletter, or eNews. While supplies last!
Pictures by Russ and Ronn Schneider—Smith
Page 9

 Matthew Shepard & James Byrd, Jr. Gay Man Beaten
Hate Crimes Prevention Act Video Available On Line
By Matthew Christian In October, a surveillance camera
caught the brutal beating of Jack Price,
. More than a decade has passed an 49 year-old openly gay man living in
smce the brutal beating and slaying of New York. Price was attacked outside
Matthew Shepard in Wyoming. The his home by two individuals yelling
conservative wave of the last decade in anti-gay slurs. Price suffered a broken
the United States has left little support jaw, fractured ribs, collapsed lungs, a
for a hate crimes bill supporting lacerated spleen and had to be placed in
LGBT constituents. a medically induced coma. New York
On October 8‘“ of this year, the police have categorized the attack as an
House passed the Matthew Shepard anti—gay hate crime.
and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Pre- The video of this attack is available _
vention Act as part of the conference through the Human Rights Campaign
report on Defense Authorization for web site, WWW.hrc.org. This video is a
Fiscal Year 2010 (HR 2647). Two reminder of Why the Matthew Shepard
weeks later, on October 22"", the Sen— and James Byrd, Jr. Act is so critically
ate passed the bill aswell. important. If you find people who
Now this federal hate crimes legis- question the need for hate crime legisla—
lation will reach the desk of the Presi— tion, show them the video.
dent and may become the law of the Human Rights Campaign President
land. President Obama has repeatedly Joe Solmonese said, “A federal hate
promised reforms in LGBT civil rights crime law not only ensures police are
during his campaign and might soon provided with the tools they need, but
deliver. also sends a message from the highest
This legislation extends the fed— level of our government that we as a
eral hate crimes statute by protecting country will not tolerate this type of
Americans against violence based upon brutality against our neighbors.” .
sexual orientation, race, religion, gen— _ .
der, national origin, disability, and 'Coming Out’ for Fun and Awareness -
gender identity. By Matthew Christian .
. 'Supporters “.0“: the change m the A sea of red shirts flooded the Uni—
bills language Since its introduction .
. . . versity of Kentucky Student Center
last April. Protection now eiusts for .
. . . Patio as students, faculty, and employees
free speech and religious expressmn . .
. celebrated Coming Out Day on Friday,
guaranteed under the First Amend— . .
. . October 9th. This annual event com—
ment. Religious leaders and congrega— . . . .
. . Cides With the national Conung Out
tions Will not be afi'ected. .
. Day, held every October 11th.
If made ofHCial, federal resources .
. The event, sponsored by the UK
and dollars Will flow to local and state , , .
agencies to better prosecute reported Gay—Straight Alliance, helped promote ‘
hate crimes the campus LGBTQQIA population and
' worked with others looking to get better ,
Want an example of Why we need .
. . . . educated or more involved.
this Act? See the Video described in . , , , .
Live music, face painting, a bake
the next column at www.hrc.org. . . ‘
Search for “attack” sale, triv1a, an ally pledge, a door to .
' 'come out' of, and t-shirt raffles filled ‘
Page 10

 the day with fun and smiles despite the groups t? 1'10“ a ‘Drag Ball: next 56'
rain showers. Special thanks go to musi— mester 5mm” to Lexmgton 5 annual
cian Jamie Price for singing and playing BeuxArts Ball. .
guitar. Founded in 2006, the UK GSA is a
Other groups joined as well, includ— non—partisan organization dedicated to
ing UK OUTsource (an on—campus forming a positive enVironment. for
LGBTQQIA resource center), UK OUT- LGBT. students on {=1um m addltm
law (a LGBTQQIA—friendly group for to rais1ng awareness in the Lex. area.
UK Law School students), and UK For more information or to get
HOPE (Health Occupation Profession— involved, please contact: Watson Hard-
als for Equality). ing (watson.harding@uky.edu) or Matt
The overwhelming amount of dona- Layson (malay52@uky.edu).
tions will allow the UK GSA and related
National Equality March d W hi gt D C d d
- storme as n on, . . an ma e
By Vincent Purcell this point very clear. The National
Forty years have passed since the Equality March brought people from
Stonewall riots, thirty—six since the APA all 50 states to our nation’s capitol to
removed “homosexuality” from its list of (and I loosely quote Representative
mental disorders—and it’s already been Barney Frank) put more than
over a decade since thousands stood in “pressure on the grass” of the National
candlelight vigil and held their breath Mall and Capitol Hill.
after the Matthew Shepard beating and The most amazing part of the
murder in 1998. And we are still strug— weekend took place in the marches; it
gling for our equal rights. was in these groups of people that I
Some say the Civil Rights Move— realized I am part of something much
ment happened in the 1960s. African bigger than me. The Gay Rights move—
Americans and their allies did “sit-ins” ment is part of a legacy of Civil Rights
and were attacked by dogs and blasted movements that stem from the ideas
with fire hoses. Feminists took to the that we all want to be accepted, to be
streets demanding equal pay and equal treated as equal, to be protected as
opportunities. The Congress passed equal under law. This is the message
new legislation and the Supreme Court we, like countless other marches,
made rulings that moved our country brought to Washington; this is the
towards “Liberty and Justice for All.” message that we must take home to the
Finally we are all equal, right? state legislature and local jurisdictions.
Ask feminists, African Americans, Our march on Washington was a
or GLBTQ people if we all have equal great start for many of the youth who
rights. The people who think the need were new to the movement, and it was
for activism died with the 60’s? They are a refresher for those who had been
wrong. around the block. That weekend in—
In fact, the dirty little secret is that spired me and thousands of others to
we are not free. Our Civil Rights move- take the message and speak up ——
ment is alive and kicking. On the week- loudly —— that we will stop at nothing
end of October 9‘h through the 11*, I, until every one of us is granted the
along with over 150,000 other people equality we deserve. Cont. 0n nextpg.
Page 11

 Cm"- National Equality March... cause—and this won’t be the last time.
a “w“ W “' 2%,)“ N“ i: i ' 1 I’m taking this opportunity to
g. .h ,. 1 . "y?“ w; .9 f ag ‘ I climb on a soapbox to talk about what
1: “3‘1; ’ .84 iii” $3.» ‘1‘ 11’ ‘ needs to be done. If you’re reading this
, V‘i‘fiyfi; ‘ ffl‘gfi ' “fl : I a article, you already KNOW what needs
k7W\-’jt 7". “z“ 1 vi: "‘ .. i“ to get done. So do it! If you already
Y ' ""‘_ ' ' ‘ are taking action and being a voice in
Full equality ls What we demand, and the community: kudos to you. But too
we 11 stop at nothing to get there. . many of us lie silent and let the next
. A {friend 0f nune had something person speak up. More voices mean
interesting to say about the whole more people will hear our war cry.
event. As a college student, it is easy to ,
forget that we are still part of the youth Pon t know where to get started?
movement. It’s the youth who need to {Bk a fr1end. Next time you hear a gay
kindle the spirit and carry. the fight joke—do the right thing. Educate your—
forward into this new genera— self. There are resources
tion. The sentiment was rein- » out there, events you can
forced over the Whole week— f $0 to, and actions reqmr—
end, with the youth independ- ing organization and par-
ently marching on Saturday ‘ e tiCipation. _
l «‘3?» H a g a i n s t , 4". m ThetGIgfrCt) gewiiletdter 11: a
' 1' V. g , § a, ’ ., grea s . o n ot er
3*M‘W‘ if in: 120111: l:\;x_ I 9?? 7 resources (I would
Creek"); NW: D o n , t % k ”a shamelessly plug a radio
la‘%fi‘ - _, Tell P 01— "’1' ,l‘, show I do, but that’s too
“a T. " a L] , icy, and 4*” self-serving—so Google
- :23” ‘ t h e n ‘3’, it, d“OUTsource OUT-
, X‘ W 1;“ Y“ . 1:, on n!
f ; : [ il::dl;frch on And remember? if you don’t speak
. Sunday. up, who Will?
Many people talk of the age divide
between what some call the “old gays”
and the “new gays”—but, if anything,
the National Equality March was a
wake—up call indicat— WWW , 1‘ 7-}; Z
unify and act as one g , z 'l' :' WW Vii-“E ‘ T
movement to get - we, ‘* " _ ‘ you *5:
things accomplished. g N , if”: ‘1‘: ":1, "4:”: E ----r '
It was fascinating to ",4 i; * Efi’; 2“ 1W ‘G
see thousands of fig . , » _ .2 , k3, ' f‘ .0 i "" . ’
youths and thousands Q? ‘ 3:919-._~2. Fig.1} ‘ ‘_’f “we"? .
of older folks coming Qt '"gflggifjf' t; I' (it 7’ 1 L " ”5“
together for a single g "} ‘1 .1 1 ' 4 \ 1‘
All Pictures by ,. ., ; ‘ . ‘ ‘ fig} ;
Vincent Purcell " ' i ‘~ 1
Page 12

 ' ployee Non-Discrimination Act, the
Hurry Up “71b wait repeals of the Defense of Marriage Act,
LCDClngtOl’l Fairness and Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell are stalled
. _ in Congress. Maine has a marriage bal-
We, at Lexrngton Fairness, have a lot initiative, Washington state has a
process for choosing the topic of the benefits ballot initiative, and the
monthly articles we write. The board Washington, D.C. Metro Council is
takes. a few. moments out Of every considering a measure to legalize gay
meeting to discuss current events that marriage.
affect the community and what angle Indeed, things are happening
to take .on It. However when the board slowly. The majority of actions are
was trying t? figure the subject Of this caught in a long, tedious, bureaucratic
month’s article, there was a problem. process. This is when we, as a co mm
Things have been happening around nity, are tried the most because it is
the ““111th but nothing that has really exhausting to fight the same battle day
5118an thugs “P' _ in and day out. Maintaining enthusi—
, FlrSt’ the. board discussed the Na- asm about the democratic process is
tional Equality March m Washington, difficult when democracy is consis—
D.C. However, although the turnout tently suppressing your rights.
was impressive, the march lacked a A community that has endured so
defining moment or speech that con— much throughout history has every
tinned to generate headlines. . right to feel frustrated and impatient.
The House Of Representatives Yet the reality is that we have reached a
passed the Matthew Shepard A“ (hate lull where people are doing all that
crimes legislation) but the bill has now they can to bring about true equality
found its way to the Senate, where it and justice. We’ve come far in a short
takes a backseat to health care to amount of time Next month we will
health reform. hopefully be celebrating some suc-
President Barack Obama was the cesses. For now, though, we wait.
keynote speaker at the Human Rights
Campaign dinner but it was more of figfigfigfijfigfigfigfijgggfigm
the same. The federal government has % E?)
made small steps with its LGBT em—l Q Sale Of Estate Items g
ployees but there has been no real pro- ® _ _ _ E3
gress for others across the country. % 0“"qu an“ ”Image cnma Q)
Things are happening slowly. (9% _ _ a
Last year, the LGBT rights movement % SIIUEI‘ SBI‘UIBE ta
was quickly reinvigorated with the (:3 a
nationwide release of Milk and the Q‘fi 00in &Sl8l'lin!l Jule” culls @
passage of Proposition 8 in California. (E? g
Earlier this year, several states made Q3 Anlllllle Furnllure ta
progress on the marriage front. Since Q} _ _ t2)
then, though, everything seems to be E3 SBI‘UIIIB Places 53
going at a snail’s pace. Q Ea
Proposition 8 is currently dragging (La comm“ Mal'll Grill“! 9
through the court system. Along with Q 859 266-5904 %
the Matthew Shepard Act and the Em— Q a
Page 13

 Spotlight on the Beautifid People... 1m _
By Helena Handbasket ) D . Vang
This column shines the spotlight events through— L,
on people in the community who de— 0 u t t h e A}. \
serve recognition. Beauty is not al— month. Our goal v
ways skin deep and these “beautiful is that anytime you
people” either devote their time and walk through the doors of Pulse, there
energy to a.worthy cause 01'1““ plain is almost always something going on
make our lives better by entertaining to entertain you. Plus we have great
us. Either way, it is time that they are drinks and hot bartenders!”
recognized for their talents and ef— J-D- has been performing for about
forts. _ 12 years now and says that her drag
Our November honor shines the mama is Natalie Gaye.
spotlight on J'D' Vaughn, Empress 22 H.H.: “Do you have a favorite song
Of Kentucky for d“? Imperial COP“ ?f or artist that you like to perform to?”
Kentucky, who hails from an 1mag1— J.D.: “Something energetic and fun,
nary land where divas rule 'the earth i.e., Katy Perry, Cyndi Lauper... but I
Wltll swords emblazoned w1th glitter also love me some Celine Dion.”
(She was dreaming 0f She—Ra again). H.H.: “What was your most embar—
Actually, she is from a little pis— rassing moment on stage?”
sant country place about an hour from l-DJ “When we had Illusions at
Izexmgton but she has been m town Main Street Live and I fell off the stage
since the summer of 1997. . “It seems during our production of “Lady Mar-
hke ages’ago...my how Lexmgton has malade”. The girls just stopped and
changed: Although JiD' 1s partnered, looked down at me (I had fallen in
she admits that she film like She is a behind a speaker) and I just motioned
Single, and prefers a man who does for them to go on. I made it back on
not judge others. She and her partner, stage before the end of the number but
Bradfnhaifilltzvzgaisfijs year I D and have vowed to never do that produc-
Brad opened Pulse Nightlife in an tlon agam and am wary 0f tall stages.
historic buildin at 257 W. Short .
Street. “\We rentgwated the space from Continued on ”eff? age
November 1 until the day we opened, ' it: I. it - t
which was just 2 days short of Lexing— ,; i i ‘ g. ' ' .4 a“; ._ if?”
ton's 2nd annual Pride Festival. I L,.-;f‘3fleg (”S-‘2: " fr "‘5‘ biz‘gk“:
threw a few diva fits throughout the V 3/ h ‘ r' w: . 5 $3,ch
process. g 3361973 . :Gvgj
We owe huge thanks to everyone _ Ni"
who helped get us open and we truly i " i” ”-3. a 5
appreciate the patronage of our cus- :2: i l H 33%;:
tomers and friends, old and new. We s 1' j i l 5%
are now open 7 days a week and we r! ‘ l 325‘!" 7' I fail.”
pride ourselves on providing a diverse ~' 3'3: ' . * #1 Mi":
entertainment space. We have several Article and more pictures from the