xt78cz32328p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78cz32328p/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1948-05-07  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May  7, 1948 text The Kentucky Kernel, May  7, 1948 1948 1948-05-07 2013 true xt78cz32328p section xt78cz32328p The Kentucky Kernel

Wildcats To Play
Georgia Tech Here
Today, Tomorrow


Spivey Chosen

W. B. Rutledge

mas B. Stroup. was named professor
of English language and literature.
The appointment are effective July

Friday night, June 4.
Justice Rutledge will address the
largest graduating class in the
history of the University. More
than 800 students in the seven colleges and the Graduate school are


Professor Spivey was
World War
U. S. Naval
a commander in
Air Corps.
Dr. Spivey
bibliographies of American literature and is
of five books.
He is now writing three books, one
expects to complete in
of which he
Since February, 1947. when Dr.
L. L. Dan trier was given a change of
The Best Band in Dixie" choses
work. Dr. George K. Brady has ser- its new sponsor Wednesday from a
ved as acting bead of the depart- group of eleven candidates.
The winner will be crowned at
the Band Ball May 29, at the SUB.
She will march with the organization at all of its appearances.
Joan Renin is retiring sponsor. ,
The contestants are Gaile Grogan,
Alpha Gamma Delta; Betty Wilson,
Boyd Hall; Virginia Haag, Jewell
Hall; Joan Lindstrom, Alpha Delta
An honorary member of the Pi; Betty Elliott, Chi Omega; Imo-geAlumni Executive Committee from
Kubel, McDowell House; Mary
the class of 1948. will be chosen Noland Pribble, Kappa Kappa GamMonday from a list of seven seniors ma; Jane Barnett, Patterson Hall;
submitted to the committee recently. Gloria Bilancio, Lydia Brown House;
The seniors, chosen by a Student Elizabeth Ann Rodgers, Kappa Del
Government Association committee ta; and Patsy Futrell, Delta Delta
and submitted by Andrew Clark, Delta.
chairman, includes a student from
The girls will accompany the band
each college of the University.
when it appears at the Kentucky
Those selected for consideration Mountain Laurel Festival in Pine-vill- e.
are Mary K. Dosker, Arts and SciKentucky, May
ences; Carlisle Myers Jr, Educavoted, and the
tion, Russell Conrad, Agriculture, results, entire bandto be kept secret
Robert Hayes, Engineer, William until thewhich
coronation, are being tabuToombs, Commerce, John Hopkins,
by Frank J. Prindl. director.
Law. and Byron Begley, College of lated
Doug Archer, a sophomore ImPharmacy.
quarter from North
Snagnuolo represented ported this
Carolina, is the new baton t wirier
the class of 1947.
for the ensemble. He made his
first appearance at Churchill Downs
where the band performed for the
spectators at the Kentucky Derby
last week.
Archer will also' be responsible
for the marching formations during the coming year.
Don Clark, Lambda Chi Alpha, of
Berea. was elected president of the

Coronation To Be
At Band Ball
Planned For May 29

Honor Alum
To Be Picked


27-2- 9.

Clark Elected
Clique Head




sorority political party, last
week. He succeeds Charles Whaley,
Sigma rtu Epsilon, retiring presi-

Investigation Bill

On Campus Activities


Other officers elected were George
A bill calling for special investiMartin. Phi Kappa Tau. vice president, Mary Frances Gleason, Alpha gations on campus has been enacted
Delta Pi. secretary, and William by the Student Government AssoJones, Phi Sigma Kappa, treasurer. ciation Assembly. It was introduced
Retiring officers besides Whaley by Jameson Jones, vice InvestigaTo be included in the
are Betty Ree Rhoads, Alpha Gamma Delta, vice president, and Mar-jea- n tion would be the cafeterias, the
Hill, Chi Omega, secretary. bookstore, the social program, study
Jones was
to the treas- facilities and telephone accommoda- a
tions on campus, possibility of
urer's office.
student banking service, relations
between SGA and campus organizations, especially the Student Union
Board, and relations between SGA
To Receive
and the University in regard to
functions and powers of SGA.
The Alma Magna Mater club's
introduced to the
A second
trophy to the senior who has given Assembly by bill
and Jim
outstanding unselfish service to the Pride calls for theGraham
establishment of
University will be presented at a a typewriter pool on campus. Ten
tea at Maxwell Place to be given typewriters, purchased with SGA
by President and Mrs. H. L. Dono- funds, would be made available to
van on May 13.
all students on campus for a small
The senior to receive the prize usage fee.
was selected by a committee comBeth bills are being studied by
posed of Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain. special committees
appointed by
Dr. Maurice F. Seay, Mrs. Sarah SGA President Crockett.
B. Holmes. Dr. A. D. Kirwan. Dr.
A bill to curb absences of AssemJane Haselden, and Miss Helen



The award will be announced at
the Honors Day Convocation May

Alma Magna Mater is an organisation of students whose parents
attended the University.

Agriculture Honorary
Announces Pledges
Twenty-on- e
new pledges to Alpha
Zeta, agriculture honorary, have
been announced by the fraternity
president. Lowell Denton.
A banquet in honor of new members was given Thursday in the Student Union Building, following the
initiation services.
Pledges announced are Russel
Dcs Cognets. Dick Crafton, Douglas
Johnson, Orlie Scott, Kenneth
Flowers. Robert Smith. Bob Hicks.
Ryburn Weakley. Bill Cropper, Robert Simon. Hobart Kinder, James
Ross, Thomas Riley, Cicil Conley,
Edd C. Hogg, Edward Francis, Wil-hr- d
Minton, Bernard Burton,
Vaught, Louis Shclton, and
Chester Blakeman.

blymen was passed unanimously.
Members may not be excused to attend other regular campus meetings.
Members who violate the attendance
regulations will be recommended
for dismissal by a special attendance
committee to be named by Crockett.
The Social Work Club was granted its charter, which had been ap- proved previously by the faculty.
Mike Edge worth was elected to
fill a vacancy for Arts and Sciences
Upperclassman from a list of five
qualified candidates submitted to
the election committee by Dean M.
M. White.
Bob Coleman, retiring treasurer of
SGA, last week read his final report.
Cacti receipts from last November,
interest on bonds, and student fees



Total expenditures

were 14916.67, leaving


balance of


The Judiciary committee, headed
by Harry Miller, called attention
to the smoking in restricted areas,
much of which he said is being done
by faculty members in their offices,
Their report asked for a Joint fac- -i
committee to be appointed to discuss better means of
enforcing the smoking rules.
ulty-stude- nt

through June 5.
The commencement program begins with the Rev. Mr. Leslie R.
Smith, pastor of the Lexington Central Christian Church, delivering the
baccalaureate sermon in Memorial
Hall on Sunday afternoon. May 30.
Other highlights of the week will
include the quarterly meeting of
the Board of Trustees, alumni reunions by 13 classes, the annual
meeting of the Kentucky Research
Foundation, a reception by President and Mrs. H. L. Donovan in
honor of trustees, faculty, alumni,
seniors, and guests of the graduating
class, and the dedication of Bowman

Don Whitehead.
Press war correspondent and Honolulu bureau chief, will address the
alumni banquet June 3. After the
banquet the Alumni Association will
hold its annual meeting.
The commencement luncheon will
be June 4 in the Student Union
Building with James Park, Lexington alumnus and Fayette County
Commonwealth Attorney, speaking.
Although the exact number of
graduates will not be known until
Commencement Week, the Registrar's Office said the class this year
will exceed last year's record graduating class of 657.
'26-2- 8,

Bleidt Elected
SUB Head
Bob Bleidt,





junior, has been elected president
of the Student Union Board, to succeed Ellen Wood.
Other officers elected are Bob
Compton, vice president, Betty Ann
and Sara
Mae Green, treasurer.
The new officers will be installed
at a picnic May 17.
















gT!Vr- -

kjf i

Miss Martha Van Hooser, University Commerce junior from Lexington, is shown above on "Dream Flower," five gaited chestnut mare,
that she will ride in the Block and Bridle horse show.

Block And Bridle
Sponsors Show
A horse show will be sponsoredby Block and Bridle at the Tatter-- . '
.J ..... ..
C ..... V.
aalis. luni ll u ii ouuui oiunuwaj nb
1:30 p.m. Saturday, May 15. There
will be no admission charge, officers
Free tickets for all June and
of the club said.
August graduates must be obThis year's show is the first since
tained by 5 p.m. Wednesday, at
the war and the club hopes to make
the SUB booth. Tickets for all
it an annual event.
others will be on sale there from
Judges for the 12 class show are
12-Monday through Friday.
Mrs. Virginia Fowler Prewitt of
Wald and his orchestra
Paris who will judge horsemanship Jerryplay
for the SGA sponsored
classes and Richard Caywood, of
prom Saturday May 15.
North Middletown, who will judge
the open classes.
Trophies and four ribbons will be
awarded in each event.
A number of outstanding saddle j
horses have been entered. Student
interested in riding in the show
may obtain entry blanks from John
Chi Delta Phi, women's honorary
Burrier, University P.O. Box 253.
literary society, held its formal
pledging ceremony April 29.
Those pledged were Jane Downing, Lois Ann Flege, Charlotte Reed,
and Betty Sunley.
The ceremony was conducted by
the society's new officers, including
Mary Sue McWhirter.
Two-yecompetitive tours of ac- Judy Broaddus, vice president, Evtive duty with any branch of the elyn Caudel, secretary, Virginia Lee
United States Army in company Henry, treasurer, and Dorritt White,
grades will be available to quali- historian.
fied members of the Officers' Reserve Corps and 1948 ROTC graduates beginning July 15, Col. G. T.
MacKenzie, military commandant
at the University, announced.
Applicants must apply immediateFred Nichols, Madisonville senior,
ly to the Adjutant General, Department of the Army, and can request was Installed as president of the
assignment in an an arm of service College Chamber of Commerce at
other than the one in which they its annual May banquet Monday
hold a commission, he explained. night.
Requirements state that the canOther officers elected Included
didate be between 21 and 27 years Eugene Ward, vice president, Judy
and Joseph
of age and have satisfactorily com- Home, secretary,
pleted at least two years of college Schoepf, treasurer.
work or its equivalent.
Addresses were given at the banMore detailed information is avail quet by Dr. Edward Wiest, dean
University Military Sci- of the College of Commerce, and
able at the
ence Department or at the office of Dr. Cecil Carpenter, dean-eleof
Lt. Col. Thomas J. Quinn, officer in the commerce school. .
charge of organized reserve affairs Lee Westfall, Lexington, is retiring president of the group.
in Lexington.



Chi Delta Phi Holds

Pledging For Four

Two Year Tours
Of Duty To Be Given

Qualified Graduates

SGA Plans Summer

Tour For Student
Through Europe
student will travel
this summer on a European study
tour, if plans of the Student Gov
ernment Association can be completed and approved next week.
A straw vote of assemblymen
A University

shows that SGA will approve a bill
to sponsor a student delegate and
to appropriate $200 toward the
travel expenses. Action is expected
Monday night.
Any student may apply for the
tour by filling out application blanks
in Dean Kirwan's office. Selection
of the delegates will be made by a
faculty-studecommittee to be selected by SGA.
European study tours are sponsored by the World Student Service
Fund to acquaint student leaders
of student life
with conditions
abroad and provide opportunity for
a broader understanding of various
phases of European life through
traveling and meeting with students
and professors of other countries.
Each tour will be composed of 20
men and women, about' 10 from
America, 5 from Britain, and 5 from
other countries. Passage to Europe
has been reserved for 40 Americans
on student ships leaving the end of
June and returning to New York
Sept. 9.
The program on each tour includes visiting places of historic or
current Interest, lectures and sem-- s
inars by professors and experts,
meeting with students, informal discussion, and special events.
From July 8 to 20, students visit
England and Paris or Germany. July 21 to 31, students and professors from European countries will
Join with the 40 from America in a
conference at Combloux to discuss
ways in which UNES'CO can assist
university problems.
For August, each student chooses
one of four tours: Hungary-RumaniRumania-BulgariItaly, or
The groups
France - Switzerland.
will reconvene at Combloux hi the
French Alps to compare and evaluate experiences from Aug. 29 to
Sept. 2.
The estimated expense of the trip
is $600, only $200 of which will be
paid by SGA funds. SGA is considering ways of raising the remainder of the money.
Last summer Charles Boggs, senior student from Dwarf, was a delegate to Europe.
A committee of Jameson Jones,
chairman, John Crockett, and Boggs
is working out details of the project and will report to SGA assembly
Monday night.



Mailing addresses of all persons
who have made deposits on the 1948
Kentuckian must be left at the
office or the Kernel business
office in McVey Hall beginning May
17 Amy Price, business
has announced.
Following the same procedure as
last year, the staff will place address blanks in both offices and the
basement hall of McVey on Monday.
The rest of the deposit on the
yearbook must be made at the same
time the forwarding addresses are
submitted. Miss Price said. If deposits are not made by June 1, the
first deposit will be forfeited and
the reserved book will be sold.
The Kentuckian is not responsible
for any person who does not comply
with the mailing address regulations. Miss Price said. Seniors whose
yearbook is paid for by their senior
fees are included in the regulations,
she emphasized.

Honors Day
Is Wednesday;
Baird To Speak

Ken-tucki- an

expected to receive degrees.
A full schedule of activities is
planned for Commencement Week
which begins May 30 and continues

Band Sponsor
Kappa in
During Trials Held
has prepared



All Persons Wishing
To Receive Book
Must Leave Address




may pay their $9.00
graduation fee any time until the
day before graduation if payment
is made in cash. Payment by check
must be made at least two weeks
before graduation. The graduation
fee and the deposit on caps and
gowns may be made at the Comptrollers office.

A native of North Carolina, Dr.
Spivey received his A.B., M.A and
PhX. degrees for the University of
North Carolina. He was elected to



....Wiley B. Rutledge. associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, will
be the speaker at commencement
exercises scheduled on Stoll Field


Phi Beta


More Than 800
To Get Degrees
In June 4 Exercises


To Be Mailed
This Summer


Will Speak
At Graduation

English Head,
Follows Brady
Dr. Herman E. Spivey. professor
of English at the University of Florida, has been appointed professor of
English and head of the department
at the University by the Board of
Another University of
Florida English professor. Dr. Tho-




Florida Professors
Effective July 1

Partly Cloudy;
High Of 63

Nichols Is President
Of College




Clown Store
$2.05 Dividend

13 Groups Included,

UK May Day

Classes Dismissed

Will Be Held

For Third Hour

Dance, Coronation,

Parade Highlight
Annual Celebration

fourth annual

The University's


Honors Day Convocation will be
presented at 10 a.m. Wednesday in
Memorial Hall. All classes will be
dismissed at that time.
Dr. William Jesse Baird. president of Morehead State College.
will be the principal speaker, ac
cording to Dean L. J. Horlacher,
chairman of the convocation committee. Dr. Herman L. Donovan
will preside.
First established In 1945. Honors
Day is a means of recognizing stu

The University's May Day Queen
will be crowned at 3 o'clock tomor- row afternoon in the traditional
May Day program which will be
held on the lawn in front cf Mc
dents for outstanding scholarship.
Vey HalL
campus leadership, and other hon- The program begins with a parade
of 35 floats leaving the circular
m honorar socleties'
drive in front of the Administra- tion Building at 2 o'clock and ends ' Honor groups to be recognized
with a dance in the SUB at 9 wiu include Alpha Lambda Delta,
freshmen women; Alpha Zeta, agri- o'clock
Candidates for the crown who! culture; Beta Gamma Sigma, corn-we- re
recently elected by the student merce: Kappa Delta Pi. education;
body are Lyde Gooding. Joan Rehm. Omicron Delta Kappa, senior men;
Co"- Pm
Betty Elliott. Priscilla McVey. 6ue.rder ot
Allen. Fawn Gray. Sally Branch. Kappa, arts and sciences: Phi Eta
Barbara Bidwell and Nelle Payne, Sigma, freshmen men; Sigma PI
Route cf the parade will be north o's"1- - P"ys'.
on South Limestone Street to Max
well Street, west on Maxwell Street leadership; Phi Delta Kappa, eduto South Broadway, north on South cation; and Pi Mu Epsilon, matheBroadway to Main Street, east on matics.
Dr. Maurice F. Seay. dean of the
Main to Rose Street; south on Rose
to Euclid Avenue; west on Euclid University, will recognize the honor
to South Limestone, and south on groups and announce the awards
Limestone back to the circular drive and prizes.
where the parade started.
Seniors who have acumulative 2.3
Escorting the procession will be standing will also be recognized.
moiureycie policemen oi uie ix- ..i Snark. iBar orarfuat. will
ington Police Department. First accept the honors
in behalf of all
among the floats will be that built
by SuKy, student pep organization students cited.
Organ music will be furnished by
and sponsor of the festival, to transport the May Day Queen, her first Mrs. Lela W. Cullis. Bart N. Peak,
attendant, and the seven members secretary of the University YMCA.
will deliver the invocation and the
of her court.
Judging the floats will be a com- benediction.
A public address system will be
mittee of three townspeople, stationed at different points along the set up outside Memorial Hall to
parade route. The organizations accommodate the overflow crowd of
sponsoring the winning floats, theme students expected in the auditorium.
for which for the men's groups is
"Outstanding Events in United
States History," and for women's
grcups Is Traditions of the Old
South." will be announced at the
dance Saturday night and the presidents presented with cups by SuKy
president Charles Whaley.
Following the parade will be the
Party will meet
coronation program at 3 o'clock in at 7 p.m. Tuesday in Room 128.
the triangle formed by McVey Hall, SUB. to ratify its newly written
the Engineering and Agriculture constitution and to elect officers.
Buildings. Feature of this program Chairman Eugene Amburgey asked
will be the formal presentation of that all students interested in imthe queen, the first attendant, and proving student government and
the seven members of the court.
other campus activities attend.
After the presentation will be a
Commenting on SGA President
program, highlighting Tau Sigma,
dance group, and the Johnny Crockett's statement last
Troupers, the tumbling and gym- week that "two or three men do all
the work in SGA while the majornastic organization.
Activities ccme to a standstill for ity of the members merely meetin the Monday
a while after the program is con- chairs, Amburgey said night ACP
that the
cluded at 4 o'clock.
Tinker Bagerly and his orchestra had plans to improve this condiwill furnish the music for the cabare- tion.
He stated that "we believe AssemMay Day Dance, to be
held in the Student Union Building blymen carefully chosen from the
from 9 to 12 o'clock. Price of the entire student body rather than selected at random from social organidance tickets is $1 drag or stag.
During the dance the nine beau- zations would be more apt to work
tiful members of the court will be constructively."
introduced again and the announcements made of the campus groups
sponsoring the winning float. Another feature of the dance will be
the naming of 25 new members of
If the day is clear and sunny
The College of Engineering has
technicolor motion pictures will be taken over WBKY's Sunday mornmade of the program. Invitations ing 10:30 broadcast over WHAS durhave been extended to photoing May.
graphers of Life and Look magaDepartment preThe
zines to come to Lexington and re- sented Mechanical "Modern
a panel on
cord the University of Kentucky
Heating" and discussed forced
1948 May Day for publication in the in
air heating, solar heating,
nationally famous pictorial Journals. warm heating, and heat pump last
Sunday. Prof. R. D. Knight acted
as moderator and four seniors.
Harry R. Lawson. James R. Kavsc,
Robert L. Rogers, and David M.
served on the panel.
A group of senior civil engineering
students will discuss their formal
180 ROTC
ad - Lrt,,ra,inn iMriino. . s h- -..
vanced trainees will attend the an- - m civU engineering Sunday. J. R.
nual summer camps for six weeks Mercer. Charles C. Price. Guy Van-o- f
practical field training beginning Mnt Hubert HaU and wUUam
19. Col O. T. MacKenzie. van wiU
ulk over prepare,,
MUltary PeParVnent college work, the curriculum here,
and ROTC. announced Thursday Lnd methods or obtaining emplay- wii lurri IMIUIUAW3 CIUUUCU 111 wic ment.
first and second year advanced proWilliam M. Jenkins, a senior in
gram of ROTC are required by the
Department of the Army to pass the electrical engineering, will speak on
intensive summer training period as the development of amateur radio
a prerequisite to receiving commis- May 16. Other students in the desions. It will consist of practical partment will participate in a
work covering all theoretical studies round table discussion after the talk.
presented by the University military
The Department of Mining and
Metallurgical Engineering will predepartment.
Emphasis will be placed on newest sent the two final broadcasts. Senior
developments in arms and methods students will present an outline to
of warfare. Other training will con- acquaint listeners with the metalsist of a type not available to ca- lurgical processes used in manufacturing household products on
dets here.
The largest unit, 71. in the Air May 23. Bill McClain will serve as
Corps branch, will attend camp at moderator, and members of the
Langley Field, Va. Seventy Infantry panel are Fred Dupree. Bill
will go into training at Camp ston. John Walden. and Tom Ready.
Campbell. Kentucky, instead of Ft. These seniors will be assisted by
George Meade. Md. Signal Corps other students in the department
cadets, numbering about 18. will in a discussion of preparation for
take their practical work at Ft. the University, curriculum, and fa- Monmouth, N.J. cilities available.



The Coopeistown Commissary last
week announced payment of a 16.4
percent dividend o f $2.05 as it
launched a drive to sell more stock.
The commissary was organized in
January to provide a grocery store
for persons living in the veterans

housing projects.
Bill Kendall who has been named
chairman of the organization's
board of directors announced that
the shares sell for $12.50 each.
Purpose of the additional shares
is to provide more funds for improvements needed at the Quonset
hut store in Cooperstown.
Kendall said that less than half
the families living in Cooperstown
had purchased stock in the organization which makes it possible for
residents there to have a grocery
store convenient He said 150 fami
lies have purchased stock and 176
have not.
The organization had at first
planned to operate on a
basis but objections from Lexington merchants caused it to operate
as a regular store. This, Kendall
said, has made possible the payment
of the high dividend, the first the
commissary has paid.
Kendall was elected chairman of
the board recently, with other members being Robert Rogers, Raymond
Boggs, Joe Wheeler, and O. R.


Sophomore Honorary
Selecting Members
Keys, sophomore men's honorary
fraternity, is in the process of se-

lecting new members. Two qualified
men from each male organization
on the campus will be nominated
and one will be initiated into Keys.
All candidates will be guests of the
fraternity at a river party tomorrow,
and the new initiates will be honored at a banquet on a later date.
Also at the banquet. Keys will
present their annual award to the
outstanding freshman man on the
campus. The
freshman award was made last year
and was received by Jim Line.



Roberta Bleidt


ACP Plans

Open Meeting

Engineering College
Takes WBKY Series

ROTC Trainees
Will Attend Six Weeks


Army Summep Camp

i v"' ,






Fred Nichols




rr rr i U HrC










Six University men have been elected to Omicron Delta Delta, national men's leadership honorary.
Included in this pledge class are L. George Antle, Agriculture senior from Lexington, Robert A. Bleidt,
Arts and Sciences junior from Lexington, Richard M. Griffith, Paducah graduate student, Harry B. Miller
Jr., Law student from Lexington, Fred Nichols, Commerce junior from Madisonville, and John W.
Sorrelle, Arts and Sciences senior from Burlington.
The qualifications necessary to be elected to ODK are a 2. standing or better, junior or senior classification, and 8 or more quality points which are given for outstanding leadership in two or more of
five recognized fields: scholarship, social service, athletics publications, and forensic.








� PagtTwo


The Kentucky Kernel

Smoking Law Discrimination
Why should students lx- fined for smoking in
buildings when numlx-iof the f.ituliy and staff are allowed to
smoke as much and as olu n as they please?
It seems logical that an office packed with papers and liooks
is of imuh mme inllainmalile nature than any of the hallways
in our most aiuieut luiildings.
The SGA sniokino law. wliih at present applies only to students, is an attempt to lietter enforce Kentucky Revised Statute
438.050 whkh states:
"Any person who smokes a cigarette in any school building
or any part of any building used for school purposes, or ukii
school grounds, while children are assembled there for lawful purposes. sImII !c fined not less than one dollar nor more
than five dollars."
An assemblyman's surest ion at a recent SGA meeting that
member, of the family also be subject to the five dollar fine was
met with the icplv lint the University faculty would never ermit
such action.
Wliat is the smoking law foi? Is its purpose to restrict students from smoking or to pi event fires and loss of life? We believe
that this legislation was initiated not to lessen but to eliminate
tri Tw.ti'Hilii v rf ...v.. ....... in wmif nf our nlHr.r more- rrowded
j...,.,.... ... . ... Tuvt
The fire haaid cannot Ik- eliminated if MOST smoking is
stopped but only if AI.I. smoking is stopped.
1 ne 5lA ruling miouki apply to an or none,
miner nieiinx-of the facultv and staff, as well as students, should lie required
to obey the law 01 e lse none should.
with the
If the facultv and Mali will not agree to
in making our aged buildings safe from
students and with SGA
fire the law should lie rescinded and the eight students who have
been required to pay the five dollars should have their fines
If the smoking law is ies i tided because faculty memliers refuse
lo obey U themselves, let these faculty members take lull resjxm- sibilitv for the results of any future ,fires which may occur and
let it We known to all that they have clone so.


non-existe- nt

consumes about two
nnniirii ml ami dae and some one


has to ear for it. Also there to the
problem of paying for the cat's cage,
Our try oats have worked hard to
care for the cat, and Mr. Tinshner,
the animal keeper, has been a great
deal of help. But Suky is not fi- nanciaily able to care for the cat
any longer.
The cat does not oeiong 10 us. uui
field fence and the WUdrats out in
nl W
the cat mflicts. What we
know to this IS THE STl DENT


Cnured .t the Port Offlcs tt LsxtniUn.
Kentucky, ss second das matter under
the Art ot March S, 1S79.

Kentucky Intereollegitt Press Association
Lexington Bosrd of Commerce
Kentucky Press Association
National Editorial Association



are invited to have






fta raAaasce

4SO Maoisom Ave.

(1.50 On

.80 One Quarter



duplicate iit, Dfcause .i
uic lime uiiu
Fxiwnsf involved is tremendous. But
the results are more than gratifying.
My greatest satisfaction stems
from the reports ..of music critics who
n utui
ir ttlliuii 1. mat lu V.ntl tne
new band. All I've ever really cared
about was to please the people and
If I can't fill the tastes of dancing
America, then 111 quit.
(Editor's Note: Wald will play for
the SGA Senior Prom, Saturday,
May 15 jn tne SUB
Tennis Courts
Editor, the Kernel:
I have often read In the Kernel,
the thmgs i believe to be Individual
convictions or "pet peeves." I have
just such a situation and would like
to express my convictions










nm, f



Gentry's Old Mill Announces



Stan e.vi.1 mr


y 'v








nEATl'KE TIF NO. 1 . . Here is
money saving tip for this week.
I have exactly eighteen corduroy
jport coats in brown, green, tan.
and gray reduced from $17.30 to
H2.95. These coats are full satin
lined and hold their shape after
Iry cleanin g
TIP NO. 2 . . . Everywhere I go,
I see someone sporting a good
looking cardigan
jacket). The fashion forecasts
predict great popularity for these
jackets. We are making them up
in our shop out of three colors
tan. brown, and green. They will
oe cut out of light weight French
flannel with
uid patch pockets. These jackets
are all hand made and sell at a
reasonable price.
WHITE MAGIC . . . Yep white
magic in the form of "Van
Heusen" white tab collared shirts
with French cuffs. Tab collars
especially in white) have been
s elusive as the famous ghost
Dn the Leestown Pike (went out
no ghost
there the other night
But it was the biggest unofficial gathering of the year What
an opportunity for a Hot Dog
Stand ! Oh yes, I was talking
about "Van Heusen" white collared shirts. Nothing looks dressgives you
ier than a tab collar
that smooth, suave appearance.
LINKS . . . Gives me a perfect
set-u- p
for a pun about my name,
but I'll spare you! The links I am
referring to are some keen new
cuff links designed by Hickok.
One set I particularly like is a
square cut ruby colored stone
with a gold center inset. Then
there is a more conservative set
of platted gold squares
eaturing horse heads another
,et is of ox blood, maroon formal
sets. Remember, cuff links dress
up any suit.
So Ion for now

Tonight: DAVE PARRY'S Ochestra

Sheet!) Switched to Wildroot Cream-O- il
Because He Flunked The Finger Nail Test


no "yoke", son. If people have been calling you eggy
head because your hair looks
what to do. Get busy with popular Wildroot Cream-CH- I
tonic. It grooms your hair neatly and naturally without that
gooey look. Relieves annoying dryness and removes loose, ugly
dandruff. Helps you pass the Fingernail Test I Wildroot Cream-O- il
. . . contains soothing Lanolin. Get a tube
at any drug or toilet goods
or bottle of Wildroot Cream-Oi- l
counter today. Always ask your barber for a professional
application. (Better be hard boiled with your roommate
of his own.
keep egging him to get some Wildroot Cream-O- il
It's tops for keeping your sunny side up!)
of i21 Burroughs Drive, Snyder, N, Y.






139 West