xt78cz322q0z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78cz322q0z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1962 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 33, 1962 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 33, 1962 1962 1962 2012 true xt78cz322q0z section xt78cz322q0z E       >#~
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    ·r|-is KEN I u CK YALUIVINUS ,
®*v  I zi 3 z
_ { I}?  ?$ Published quarterly by the University of Kentucky on the campus of the University of Lex- Q .  
.  g i, I ington. Subscriptions to non-members, $5.00. Membership (Type A) in the Alumni Associa- ' . ~ ·
 ,.1  E tion includes subscription to the Alumnus. Member of National Editorial Association, Ken- _ .-. 
    tucky Press Association. American Alumni Council.  Nil`:   E  
§     Ada D. Refbord ............................................................. .... .  .. . .... Editor lS$UE  
E     H€lCH G. King ........................ . ................._,._ ,_     _ _ lwanaging Editor `
    ‘ Ken Kuhn ............... . ........   ............. . ...,.... .. . _ . . . . . S 10rts Editor _
  E I
’ V`,     Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office at Lexington, Ky., May 1, 1952. ulidéf the
{   ’ act of Aug. 24, 1912. Edited by the Alumni Association.
TI I   ’ , 1 1
E 1   ; Il()l\~ll*.C()l\IlNC!
    I I Nt)\'(‘lllI)l‘I' IU. I$)(i:Z—2;lIlI PI!
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it     · KlCX'l`L'(ZKY YS. \'.·\XI)I·]Ill$!L 
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L   I covtimok coms INITIATES UK "2s·· ALUMNI FUND muvs 6 *i*~<·*>***·\**<>* —’·—"’ Ml
`_I 3     11:30 .~\.NI. at II()III)\\`IIIIj pI. I
I   Q · ANNUAL REPORT TO THE ALUMNI ..   , 8 . , . . .
1 · - I   Stutlcnt I Ill()Il Iiltli;. <(.1‘t·.1I I1
i I l I —
e Y   THE ARMY SAYS EAREWELL TO STAHR . . . I2 lizttiiycltc IIOt0I
s1 ` - ` .
    · ‘ PI · J II I·I
 ,... .» I 1 BRANDED; ONE MAvE1z1c:1< ..._.....,....,. _ ....   _ _ , . . . I3 _"""“ " ‘
    II i I\(‘lllIIL‘I*{IillI Il0It·I
 in 1, Q UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS ................_ . .........   , .. . H . . . ,...     .. I4 (;,,,,,,,i,,,ii ii,,,,S,.
    ‘ I SPORTS NEWS .... . ................................,.... I ..,.     l   _ .. _.   .. I6 $1>¤‘i¤¤si$ >I<>¤<·I
      ABOUT THE ALUMNI ...... . .... .. ..,............ . . . . _. .. .. .. I8 BRUNCH_1i.3() A_M_ U, ligiiy 
 _   lI1lIII`()()IIl, Stntlcnt l'11i011 ISIC;
 E I.III.‘. ;1I1111111i, Iainilics. illltl I1‘it·1.} ;
 ~* 1;%.3 . , ,... ‘
 ;t   LAECUTHE COMMITTEE 1962-6:3 ¤·¤¤i(.3[;ug:;¤:¤5{_I;:I-U 1;;},i};(i?q駤;<<·**‘·¤·MI D¤\‘·‘· in\·ite(l_ Price Slj'5 (’Ll('Il. \ 1  .
i.  mj li   A_ S (li. lin ly P ._-id [_ Blum field_ Ky_ I)r. Ralph ]. Aiigelucci. 2101 Aicliulaisvillc llcl., ,_ · , _ . , , , _
 I   Rildliairtl E.“(;:)T)[;€'\T,   Pilesident,“S0n1erst·t, I·<*XIl1i!\¢H\ <_EIt·ctctl. Boartl (it Triistvtys) I \‘ltl()HS `UL net (II (I'
  {fi; l(y_ RllI1l‘l’i II. IIlllCllIllL’)’L*\’, Ilillt-11111t;);t·1‘ Nnrscrirs,
 .   ~ Dr. Harry C. Denham, Immediate Past Presi- I-·<‘XI¥`¤¤1Y0¤\ (EI<‘€¢¢‘iI. Bmlfll of I\’\1SU‘¤‘$) _,_
 ` we. (lent, Maysville, Ky_ \ViIIia111 H. T0w11st·11tl, First Security National RECEPTION,.Ii“iiic(]i;ii(»]\- i,1__
i A     B. A. Shi»·t-ly·,fTretts1m·l:, Athletics Department, Baink. Leximztmi (Life NI:-111I1¤·r. I'I()IlIII`L\I‘}') } \ R · V
( .» . U 've sity ( K ntuc y · 1; ·..   · _ if
  .3 I nngil i;.171 Ky. ( erm expires ) . rs. 0 ier . . ar ·, vac 1 .t)\II’ . · as- .
1 { ·-{EI   Dri O. B. Miuphyi 743 West gsaémper Drive, W_%;§W.   D H my Fl I I V \] _ 1
;   j cf I. exinglgn, y, ( ei-m expires 3) 1 ·I}.lI'Il '. ¢· it-raizv, 3 . ;4 . l\l\V()()( , AllIIS· ’ l _ .: · _ ip
¤ '_ g   j. P%ul Nickel], 3(]lg61€11;irt Road, Lexington, Ky. R VII?. \I;}'·H 1 _” R X D _ Y kf ‘   8' 30   to V
i' .;. e ( fm Xp. Q5 0 2(T . . 11l’l Y, FILL. l't'( \’l\'i', 'TIIII Of , 1 , ` ' _ , J , I  
1 s   I   McK§(y ¤i1;d‘TJi., 441 Swing L......,L.,..1...11. I 1,. W H 80 _! E I I ml (·<>··~¢¤¤¤<>¤ NMI- I'*—>·**** ,
j Y   .   5, y_ ( enn expires 1968) nmes _ I. arris. 7 . . . ' ay or t 1:., · _ _- _ . __ _   ·
i. .   ,   Allen, Winchester, Ky. (Term expires Wiflq;,l,S,.,£€,_}§(,;_ [ Bm H2 W H"] Cl k Admission. $1.00 pu III·UI· I
,2 I i lrlt I . ()\'Il1'( , .' · , il I S .· 'l'(‘ , ' ) I  I
  ,   Dr. cum U. Dorroh, 301 ciantm. Rd., Lex- hy-_ __ 4 fm-
  : fj ingggn, Ky_ (Tenn expires 1964) Dr. \A. A. JBIQKSUII, 2li`£() NI(Jll(\Il\S\'llIi' linatl, ·
 ` ;   2 George Ygéfriffin, ]r., London, Ky. (Term tex- (__{i<‘X;“¥£f“» {WV No El l R I H ‘
I   _ piygg _ ) vl )(I'l' IIHIS lllfy, L ‘( ILl'\\'()()( (l1l( , ‘ . V
Q   -j, Mrs. Iane Irvin Morris, 1553 Leestuwn Pike, MIWIIVII; I\>'· , _ __ _, _  I
  ig Lexington (Tgnn expires 1964) Douglas) IL., \VlllIilIl'|$. 21:21 (lllIll()ll Circle,  .
 _  - Ri¢h¤¤d1%éB’e¤ls. Ir-. Pikeville. Ky. (Term ex- II<·1¤k¤¤¤~~·¤||<·. ky. A 
L "  , pires ·
;  , , Mrs. Hampton C. Adams, Old Keen Place, Lex- ,
’ _.,  _ 1 ° ington (Term expires 1965) =
·‘  j; _   i L. Berkley Davis, 22 Stone Creek Park, Owens- ‘
f  fir Z._- j horo (Term expires 1965) ·
r   ·_1§;1 ~ I·l. ll. Dawson, Bloomfield, Ky. (Tt-rm expires The UK Alumni Executive Committee mccls
 1  =`·   1965) _ _ _ ' moiithly, September through ]uly, at u time 5
S dj  E; Mrs. I?.ImtT()(QJI;1, Paris Pike, Lt~x1n1.{t011 ('I`1·r111 alnd place appoititotl for the convenience of »
i .11    ` <·Xl>ll'<'S · 777 lie coininittce. I
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E.     tlli Deparinieni ol ;\niinal llnsbaiulry
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{   = EDITORS NOTE; About six years ago tlrc (Zorernrnent Adiaeent land is available lor experiinental pun- ..
{ { i of Guatemala requested the US. (Iovernnrent to prorirle ifiiciiiiics [ni- {ruin iuiiniiilg ini. \-ci~\» niciicci-_ [ini _i ii _.
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g culture of tlre ( nxtuszty of San Carlos. DUH! li¢H¤l~`.l· ll illll Siiniiiiiyn n·lii·r·r·l)y expr-rnnenlal 5t\I(lll`$ Ul :\HH¤1~tl ll -
*—’` ‘ of tlre U. IK. College of Agriculture and Home lzeononues __ _ .. . ._   _
5   _ _ _ bandix max be eontlneletl. llu- 1 nixeisity nuns at ·,
g _ surveyed the situation. He u-as accompanied by Dr. ]. hull com ‘ {hm` nil S (INI I \rmuhm H
" · . _ `1 . ‘ ' ‘. [ il L .‘ ` ' `l' \‘ j' "
    _ Eduardo Hernandez, Department of Modern Foreign Lan- V _ ( I   ll ( _ _ I i` _ _ U "
    _ guages, who screed as Interpreter. As a mult of Imin \\‘l·It~li’.` ‘*l“""‘“"‘l*‘ ·“" ‘ *""""`l’·‘l""‘ \""l"‘“"*·
ti   Q recommendations, the University of Kentucky assuriuwl oon— The (Yollt-ge of linuinei-ring has an elegant sn ~`·· _
V, i   traetual obligations tlzrouglr tlze (YS. Stale Deparlrnenl lo on the new campus, Its ln-antillul anditorinin is li: C-}
,` V     Provide tl"? Services 'C(l‘“’$t€d- in eolorinl tropical xxoods and it is otlrerxyise uell eii»;_;·_-F
  Q .   { The accompanying report includes some relevant olzscrra- rm. pmibssimmi mix \·(.ii.I.imu.}. Sim HSN l‘Wm__._ ._
if 3   iu-rw ”*<1r '|`hv¤‘<- is <·<¤¤·sil<· li<·=¤ii¤>¤· <·lW `   mls “'l‘
1i;   Flick, University Of [Own; Libi·rn—y’ 1Q60’ Din Hci-bci-t oil;-rings because only a lexy ol the eolletles w--§`1 `·—` $""‘l'*‘l `
i   ` M€i$$€Y, U¤iV€l'SitY of K€nfllCl€€***` HS ml C<·ea\11*¤'·* uw the I
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  V;j_    . 4 Laboratories are conducted in a L,al)m·;rtor-y Biiilrling wiiicii gin, (yin-his ],(.]n iisciij ()ii,i.,· Si.,-iiccs cimtisii-,,4 iullil   nomic c
      _ 1S shared with the College of Vgtcriririry ivlcdicinc anal c(,nimi.i. iuciniii. ini. pmcimsi, or iui)()mim.i. i.iiinin:i’  n'. Siiici.
   ;r_   Animal Husbandry. 1`here 1S also an gurrlirm-{nm (if Sirik- ririrliriims ii, i|i(. iiiynii-i·_ ri(|(]iiii,,,ii] ni-(,[`c$Sinn;il inurl  clllllg, Si
_ _`_: fi    me =··‘¤h¤t<*¤¤¤·‘¤l dcslgll ¤PP"<>l?¥`l¤Y0 for lll(* tropics. ol key nu-mln-rs ol` the stall`, st·hol;u·ships in “‘“l   Sllllilr
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IN ymd`1 (r()t.`('I'('([ ieuiks [nik Hl'<'Ii(IiIUIl Iluii, [.(Ii)UI'(li()I`(] Binlding, and Audi- I l
All lm ;  Iorinm. on l`11iz‘r‘1‘.siig/ of $rln (iu1‘i01s‘ (`(lIIl])ll-S'. findcrrierifiu HIC concrcfc l  
M(_(h(_iW_ W ([01110. f]u‘1‘e nre (`iI'('lli(lI' Ie1‘1‘<1<‘¢'·s and ll sluge (lI'('(l. This ingenious (ic$ig11 1 ‘
wations iz t}. is iligllilf <1pp1·op1‘iz1!c for un un¢iiIori11n11 ill {irc tropics. College of E11· i =
will l'\`t‘l:i .``1 giireering is in i)(l('k§I`Ullll(i. ’ I
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(hwg K1  dents. aml visits to our t inyersity uml sister lIISl]lll— Most oi the enrrieula in the Lmversity require SIX g r
Hiwd fm (Z  nshy students and stall`. years lor completion. Before a degree is granted, the l if
hrmwhm .i  li was u plmsrmt mpi.,-{(l,,(.(. to mwt so Hmm- j,,(]g_ camlidate must stand examination and present an accept-   ]
lmm of We   mk who had \.ism,d Um. l·Hj\1(,l.m\1_ ·l·h(,\1 (,xu.mh.(] able thesis. The procedures are quite similar to those of   1
1 . · · I 1
CMN w_,m~; wftliail welcome to the writer rrlrorr hp ;u‘]·i\·r·(l rm our graduate programs. The final hurdles may not only 1   1
{Img lu` 4  i1·g;lmpuS_ Tho`. {mk] [K in muh (.·*· _ _ . . _ , . ' 1 ,
l_“_\_ md ,i.   SUNW Students ll) .‘\}.[l`l('lllllll`(‘ come from lannhes (·¤ll'l<¤S· 1 Il 1 f
L · ""‘  · _ _ . 1 1
ming in   *•¤‘l1<·H\ 2 lu 8 PML while. The answer is YES. The program has been char- ` ll `
 illumlll \v1ll find support for their well known rreterizetl by smooth functional relationships; curricular ’ 1 ‘
 llhlt to Curly morning classes! olllerings have been strengtliened; laboratories have been 1   1 r
of l·(<·1¤l***°l" QMS Schedules also permit mrmy till tht- gm||` to litilrl equipped; and. autlioritatiye additions have been made l; 1
1 eoiues ·**   l‘l““<’ jobs. This is not without Sorrre rt-rr] rmwn lit-- to the library. The young college is better equipped to 1
· -l . . . — .· . ` ‘ l
e heeau~1·11 USL. the college is able to utilize the experience and iueet the challenging agricultural problems of Guatemala. Ii
\\·()11l(l <`*’l'llll  will kll()\\'l(‘(lg(* ()l` ]]);[]]\* (-()|]]l)r¤[(-Ht Hu-H grylyyplliirqg ()lll' (:0Otl NClQ`lll)Ol` P()llC}` has 1Uil(l€’ ll COIlStl`UCll\`C COll· {  
phy is le if  1. mcdlcill SChO0ls do in our country, Under the present U`lllUll  >i in   Fm- .
i  td    »
L  F   * 
    6 THE xrnroexy ALUM*·  L ` XFN
.. . l

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Lexuwcrom. Kswwcxv V C
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Ling tII;II» I   I
III1·<>1IqII U July 1, 1962 I I  
ll(`l`(` Llllli   V I '
s 1II·IluI·~II   I V
U IIN. Ij My dear Fellow Alumni: V     .
II>I1tII>1I. I-  V   , I
Iukinu II., ` The opportunity to serve you as President has come I I I
III¤III*II‘II VV i my way. This in itself presents a rare challenge to me indi- V  
""V"I""V` LV vidually. It is my greatest desire now to instill within each of ni I I
;:;V\V`I`iVVVVQ. you an equal challenge so we will move forward en masse. I I
    _ _   1.1      . 1. Sutieiluml, u l)\lSlllt‘hSIl\illl uml conuily ]\l(l1.[l’ ol .. __ _
E; 1 · . ° » _ si   - I »— —-   3% , _ . _ li\I\1‘l'$lt\ 1
  .1 ~     Nelson County, has appoiiitcd the tl)llO\\'llli.[ 1)L‘l`Sl)lIS to 1,,111 ml, I
·. ·\ 1*-§{ s= .w      1 ' _ _ _ ,1 4
    *   1.—        one-year terms as lllx Lllllllilll (llI`(‘(`t()I`Si l)U\l1ll&lS 0,,11,, 1,11
t_ .   .;*°` \\llll1lll\S, Ho 1k111svill1-; l)r. \`. .·\. ucksoii, l,l‘Xlll 111111; · .
E   1 l . l—· 1.111. hy .1
  .       Roger Camlill. Moreliead; Mrs. l’111l11·1·t (). (Zlurk (lh-111 111.11111 .11 1
E1 fi? *_ Carol Pucci. (;l1lS1.{O\\'; 1111111-11 Xl. llurdy, l"l`illil·il`()i`l] l»!.111usys1
it   I (lilbcrt KllIgSl)lll`}', l·`t. \li11-h1-ll; \\‘illi;1111 K, li()\\';1l`(l_ llllllv -‘\l\lI!
fj     \\'alli11s (Zreek; \\'lllil\ll\ l)1-ll11-rage uml _lQ\llll‘S \\'. llilI`I`l\_ l;‘·‘l ll" ll--
1-; Til i` hoth of l,ouisvillc. fl $11111 1-a1-
ii _A._ 1 Mr. james A. Sutherland, ’4O 11,1 ..11.1, 1, 1
L V   Pf€s‘1de11f lla- l)lIll(]
‘ · 1 11111 writtcr
  ·   llullti .1 1-11
Q . " · 111 11111s1·
gj.     ai1l11io11_ wi
      i iiill iurililii
  l A ANNUAL REPORT TO THE AL1 JMN1 ‘l""’1‘ ‘‘‘‘‘l‘
’T '..’_   ii 'l, .· .
   .111 lruul
  - — _ _ _ _ _  *111-1-r ]§| 11
  The annual meeting of the UR Alumni tl1e University where you begun, I will cliauges must take place i11 1111- 1111111 wh mai;
if ii;.-1 Association was held in con`unction with take a few short minutes now to impose 111111 uml 111·oc1·li}' must he kl c1111tr1l111t11r111*  . ‘
··=   . . . P . . . . . . , . .  llll<·¤· 11:111-
ih .;-1 Picnic on lune 9, 1962 on the lawn of company 111 an elfort to impart to yo11 hh- 111 his t11111~ as it was 111 11r1·ue  1 mmm
‘ ~. ·-ai; . . · . - . , , , ` u`
,   @1 Spmdletop Hall, Iron Works Pike, Lex- the needs and hopes and dl'C1lll\S ol gl'll<‘Yi\tlOl\>. lt is thc spirit oi 1111- pla  1m llm, (
P   ington. your University; in an effort to make that hccoim-s dcur to him. 'l`l1u>p1  n1H;(1iU
* --= , . . . . » . . . . » 1 · Il
. $$*1 Dr. Harry C. Denham, 41 of Mays- the intangibles more tangible, the ideals ol lt‘k\TIllll1.E. ol \\'Ol'l>{. ol ideals 1>. atl   hmm, 11
    ville, out-going president of the Alumni l110f€ r