xt78cz322p83 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78cz322p83/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1922-12-08  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December  8, 1922 text The Kentucky Kernel, December  8, 1922 1922 1922-12-08 2012 true xt78cz322p83 section xt78cz322p83 The Kentucky Kernel








Tickets Go on Sale in Administration Building Friday








Over Three Hundred Rooters
Made Thanksgiving Trip
With Team
At 8:30 Friday morning, December
ithrce hundred tired but happy Kentucky rooters alighted from the train
at the Southern station in Lexington,
after which each one declared, it
best trip he had ever had. They were
coming from Knoxville where they
went to see ithe Wildcats down the
Volunteers. 'Of course, according to
the score, they didn't do it, but everybody was satisfied with the whole trip
and proud of the way the Wildcats
held the Tennessee lads. Upon arriving in Lexington all who made the
trip were met with demands of "tell
us about it," and that's what they've
been doing ever since.
The Kentucky special arrived at
Knoxville at 6 a. m., after a night of
unusual display of "spirit" and eu- 1,


on page 8.)






Schedule, Defeating Alabama
and Sewanee

relief in near east
For Students in War Ridden

Y. M. C. A. Seeks

Numerals Awarded
to Freshmen; Cross Country
Letter Man.

Twenty-Fiv- e


The Athletic Council of the University at a meeting held at the Phoenix
Hotel last Saturday evening awarded
16 letters to members of the Varsity
football squad, five to members of the
Cross Country team, 25 numerals to
members of the Freshman gridiron
squad, and one numeral to a Freshman runner.
At the meeting Russell Van Zant
was elected manager of next year's
eleven, and Carl Riefkin, manager of
basketball quintet. "Hapthe 1922-2- 3
py" Chandler was selected to coach
the girls basketball team.
Varsity letters were awarded to the
following: A. T. Rice, Bruce Fuller,
Birkett Pribble, Fred Fest, C. A.
Dell Ramsey, Curtis Sanders,
J. T. Russell, Walter Ferguson, Givens
Martin, Turner Gregg, W. H. Rice,
T. Brewer, J. W. Cammack, William
Colpitts, and Manager A. B.

Dell Ramsey, who holds down left
tackle on the Cat eleven, was chosen
captain of the 1923 gridiron team at
the annual football banquet held at
the Phoenix Hotel last Wednesday
Dell is a product of Lexington High
School, and has been on the Cat
squad for three years. He is one of
chargers and hardest
the fastest
tackles that has donned the Blue and
White, and was considered by many
sport critics as suitable material for
eleven this
the Mythical
year. He was the unanimous choice
tackle this season.
Ramsey has a reputation for being
a clean player, a good student, and
a man who trains the entire year. His
selection was a very popular one and
it fals to his ot the honor of leading
on the gridiron an eleven that has
the rosiest prospects of making Kentucky famous in the sports realm next
Freshmen who received numerals year. Congratulations.
were: J. W. Alexander, Percy Beard,
Lysle Croft, F. L. Cisco, John Dab-neF. Derrick, J. L. Evans, W. A.
Harbold, C. T. Hughes, A. Kirwan,
Kenneth King, R. G. Montgomery, PREPARING
David Mclntyre, W. Mil ward, William
McFarland, J. T. Riffe, John
Shcltou, C. B. Sauer, Ed Stephenson, YEAR IN PUBLIC SPEAKING
Leonard Tracy, Albert Thomas, Robert Van Pelt. Hobart Wilson, J. C. Seven Members Chosen at Annual
Warren and Manager Miller.
Tryout Held on NovemR. L. Porter, M. A. Gorman, H. G.
ber 23.
Brown, J. H. Butler and M. B. Daniels
were awarded
Raymond Hall, winner of the inter-clacross country meet was awarded Schedule for 1923 Now Being
the freshman numeral.
Made by Professor Fleishman.
The letters were awarded at the annual football banquet at the Phoenix
Wednesday evening.
"The University of Kentucky has
taken its initial step toward making
CONFERENCE the ensuing year a signal one in ForenAGRICULTURAL
TO MEET HERE DEC. 12 TO IS sic activities,' stated Prof. E. E. Fleishman, director of public speaking. On
The Extension Division of the Ag- Thursday and Friday. Nov. 23 and 24,
for places on the Varsity
ricultural College is to hold a con- the
ference December 12 to 15. during Debating Squad were held. The ques-- i
was, "Resolved
which time the county agricultural tion for dscussion
agents and home demonstration agents That Congress At Its Next Session
from the various parts of the state Pass the Adjusted Compensation Act
or Soldier Bonus as Advocated by
will be here.
In order to become better acquainted The American
The contestants were about equally
members of the
with the
negafaculty and to allow our vistors to divided on the affirmative and
tive of the question and the chapel
have a better acquaintance with the
with their passionate
resident members of the University walls resounded
of, the
staff and that all o'f us may have a pleas for, or denunciations
understanding of the other's proposed measure.
In the judges' opinion this year's
problems and what he has to offer,
is the strongest that has ever
there is to be an iuforjual conference squad
represent the Uniin Dicker Hall, at 7:30 p. in.. De- been assembled to
versity of Kentucky in debate and they
cember 12.
are looking forward to sweeping vicK
tories in the realm of Forensics. The
COMPLAINT OP A CO-Ejudges were Dr. Edward Wiest, Dr.
J. E. Tuthill, and Prof. G, C. Knight.
Tell me not in mournful numbers,
Prof. L. L. Dantzler was also present
Life is but an empty dream,
as head of the Department of English.
For the Patt Hall meals are not
(Continued on Page 5)
Just exactly what they seem.














Wildcats Win Six Games of Hard





The Catholic Club of the
University will meet at 10:30
a. m., Sunday in the Assembly Rooms on Barr street.
This will be the last meeting
before the holidays. AH members arc requested to be present.

Co-e- d


on page 8.)



Tonight will be
night. This will 'be given in the
University chapel for the benefit of the Y. W. C. A. Every
organization on the
campus is represented with a
"stunt." Tickets arc now on sale
by members of the Y. W. C. A.

Special Performance to Be Given
For School Children of

( Continued

No. 12




With everything in readiness for
the initial performance of the opera
"Erminic,' which will be presented by
the Music Department of the University at the Ada Meade theatre on Thursday and Friday of next week, December 14 and 15, tickets will be placed
6n Sale Friday. On Friday afternoon
from 3 until 5 o'clock, and Saturday
morning from 9 until 12, scats will be
reserved in the ticket office in the hall
of the administration building, and on
the following Tuesday will be placed
on siale at the Ada Meade.
According to a plan formulated by
the music committee, students will be
granted general admission
free of
charge, while seats in the orchestra
may be obtained upon payment of 75
cents. Each student, upon presenting his athletic ticket to the ticket office will be given an admission card
which will be good for balcony seats.
This card plus 75 cents entitles the
owner to a reserved seat on the first
floor, while box seats may be had upon payment of $1.25.
The regular scale of prices decided
upon is as follows:
Boxes, $2.00;
first floor, $1.50; balcony 75c. The
plan as worked out for students gives
each person credit for 75c on any seat
in the house. Thursday will be "student night," when those enrolled in
the University will be given first
choice of seats.
On Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock
school children of Lexington will
to a special matinee for the
sum of 25c. This is done in order to
cultivate an appreciation of opera
music among the children of the city,
and several "stunts" which will be
especially amusing to the youthful
audience, will be introduced at this
Only children of the several gram- -


In ihe deep sympathy stirred by
the terrible situation of the Christians
in Asia Minor, it must not be forgotten that the students of Russia,
and Central Europe uire depending
on the students of America for help
through the present winter.
Immediately after ithe news of the
evacuation of Smyrna reached New
York the executive committee of the
Council Fund
Student Friendship
wired $2,000 to be sent to student relief
representatives in Athens for
these students. This must be only
the first of many generous gifts for
relief of students. Last year about
$16,500 was expended for relief of students in the Near East. This work-iadministered through the American
Relief Administration and the results
have been gratifying.
C. A. HollowclT who studied the
student conditions in Europe last year,
has told us of the great need of relet.
The foreign work of the Y. M. C.
A. has grown in the last few years. It
is doing a world service in bringing
American ideals into the life of other
countries of Europe and Asia. No
local organization receives anything
from what you contribute. You are
doing it for the students and young
men of the world who are to be the
leaders of world affairs in our generation.
Christmas comes and we are
about to go to our homes where there
will be big dinners, numerous gifts
and plenty of happiness and amusement may we not forget those who
haven't enough to cat and to wear,
and those who have no Christmas because they do not know Christ.
Will you make a sacrifice and share
with your fellow students by gving

(Continued on page 8.)

The Annonymous Cudgel, an organization of the sport writers of .the University, was organized ait a meeting
in the Alpha Zeta room in the library Monday night. The club was
formed for the purpose of the discussion of methods in writing sports. In
view of the fact that more "stuff" is
written by Anonymous than by anyone else, the club, or cudgel, has been
named in honor of that individual.
Meetings will be held the first and
third Tuesday nights in every mouth
Every member of the organization wil
be an officer. The Cudgel has a very
extensive program mapped out for
the coming months. .Members
Emmett Bradley, Eugene Moore. Nor-ri- s
Royden, Frank Herbert Carter.
Fuller Taylor Jordan, Robert Berry,
,1. Sterling Towles and J. A. Estes.

Prospects for 1923 Indicate Another Record Year; Fuller
Leads Scorers
Suffering a 7 defeat at the hands
of the University of Tennessee gridat Knoxville,
iron representatives
Thanksgiving Day, the Wildcat eleven
completed its 1922 football schedule.
Regardless of the fact that the team
suffered three defeats out of nine
games, the past season has been one of
the most successful in the history of
the University.
With no outstanding
stars, and with a team work "that was
evident in all the contests, the Cats
lost only to Centre, Vanderbilt and
Tennessee. All of the three losses were
in close games, with the Blue and
White fighting until the final whistle.
Overbalancing the defeats were the
victories over Cincinnati, Sewannee
and Alabama. The Alabama victory
especially relieves the fans of much of
the bitter taste, for the Crimson was
a victor over the University of Pennsylvania and Georgia.
Won Five' in Row
Starting the season with a practically new combination, the Wildcats
emerged victors over the Marshall College aggregation by the slight margin
The next week the Cats began to hit their stride and forced the
University of Cincinnati griders to
take the small end of a
count. The
University of Louisville Cardinals
were the next victims, going down in
defeat before the Cat machine to the
tune of
On their first foreign
appearance this year the Cats defeated
the Georgetown Tigers 40-- in a very
mediocre contest in which the Blue
and White played probably its poorest
brand of ball.
On October 28 the Tiger invaded the
Wildcat lair, but it was the Sewanee
feline this time who lost in one of the
best games of the year. The Cats defeated the Purples
thus gaining


15-- 0



(Continued on page 5)



W. S. Hines, of Rose Lane, is Selected by Committee in Meet-

ing Saturday.
W. S. Hines, of 446 Rose Lane, a
student at the University, was selected as the 1923 Rhodes scholar Saturday at a meeting of the Rhodes Scholarship Committee held in the office of
President McVey.
Thirty-twRhodes scholars are appointed from the United States each
F.very scholarship is tenable
for three years and carries with it a
stipend of 350 pounds a year. The
selection is made on the basis of
character and personality, scholastic
ability, physical vigor whether shown
by ptrtieipation in outdoor sports or
in other ways.
Mr. Hines is from Columbia, Ky,
is a graduate of the Lindsay Wilson Training School.
He received
his A. B. degree at Centre College in


on page 8.)


Page Two




MtMttt4-tMttwas Miss Myra Belle Clifton. They
have two little little girls, future coeds, Edna Louise, S years old, and
Jane Chilton, two and
They reside at 977 Fortieth street.
Editor Alumni Secretary
"Saw in a Chicago paper that at the
end of the first half of the Kentucky
Centre game, Kentucky 3, Centre 0,
and in a Mexico City paper that the
in favor of Centre. So
final was 27-New York, Dec. 8 Dinner at
President McVey Will Conduct Series you sec Kentucky is attracting inter
6:.?0 p. in., Harvard Club.
of Meetings.
interest." John L. Sallcc,
Buffalo, Dec. 9 (Second Satur- national
Apartado ISO, Tampico, Tamps.,
day Regular) luncheon at Ellicott
The great work In Kentucky for
the next ten years is in solving com Mexico. (Potrcro Camp.)
Dec. 9, Luncheon
munity problems, organization, edu
Alumni of
cation and government.
at Lafayette Hotel 12:30. Elec- 93
tiou of officers.
the University have taken a prominent
News has reached the alumni office
Detroit, Dec. 23 Dinner at
part in the isolated sections where that Henry M. Gunn who received his
(ires have started. It is expected that B. S. degree in '93, died at Hcriuiston,
Dixieland Inn.
26 Evening
in the near furturc they will play
Oregon March 31.
greater part.
Special training for such work is be
King given now in the business admin
"Enclosed is a check for $25, life X again and again for the unequaled
satisfaction they always 1
Frompted by loyalty to the Alma istration department under Dr. Wicst
in the Association."
give. Once having worn FLORSHEIM SHOES you can T
ami by the conviction that the and in the social service classes in membership
augurated by the Red Cross.
judge how good they really are.
M. Allen, director research products
best means for aiding her is through
Of great importance in this move- department, Ward' Baking Company,
former ment is the series of meetings to be
organized effort, twenty-twBlvd., and East 143rd St.,
Most Styles
students of the University living in conducted by President McVey thru-ou- t Southern
New York City.
the state. The first of these will
Pulaski county, met in Somerset last
be held at Owcnsboro, December 13,
Friday evening
OTHER MAKES, $7.00 to $9.00
14, and HenUntil they had assembled in a for- Madisonvillc, December
John Hickey Kchoc is manager of
December 15. In January
die rot derson,
mal gathering these alumni
Inc., 219 hast
McVey will go on another the Royal Laundry,
know one another. Then came the President
tour under, the auspices of Chambers Plaza, Reno, Nevada. He was married
realization that the University of Kenof commerce and civic clubs like the to hvelyn P. .bollock, Jan. ii,
tucky really had a strong grip on this
Thcv reside at 457 Lake Street.
stronghold of the college at Rotary, Lions, Kiwanis and others,
"My experience during the last six
' Kentucky" men and womDanville.
years have been most interesting and
Birmingham Nates
en arc in the lead there in education,
We are pleased to welcome M. T. most unusual. I was married in
social and civic activities and in busi'22 to our circle. He is con- Tokyo and Yokohoma, Japan, in two
Mow they promise to be an ac- Brooks,
E. Main St.
nected with the social science depart- different cities and twice on the same
tive foice for the University.
ment of the Tennessee Coal. Iron & day. to a young lady of St. Louis, Mo.,
Alumni Secretary who attended the
having been separated or di
meeting, and made a talk, announced Railroad Co., and can be reached at without
1210 Brown-Marbuilding. Birming- vorced. My travel as foreign reprethat he has never seen a club star off
sentative of the American Car and
with greater promise.
The Birmingham Club gathered in Foundry Company, during the war
The officers are V. D. Roberts, 'OS,
period has taken me, in distance, some
president; M. A. Dodson '04, vice pres a "stray" in F. W. Shcppard
will remember thing over five times around the world,
ident, and Miss Blanche Kennedy ex'24 Many of the
Mr. Shcppard who played end on the and necessarily brought me in contact
secretary-treasurefamous team of "Immortals."
He is with the various heads of the govern
at present with the Bessemer Rolling ments, both politically and commer
Lexingtonians Meet
cially. The extent of these travels
Mill, Bessemer, Ala.
The Lexington alumni will hold their
An impromptu reunion was held in can be summed up 'by saying I was
meeting Saturday,
annual business
lobby of the Tutwilcr Hotel im in Moscow when the big break took
December 9, at the Lafayette Hotel, the
place on the Eastern front; crossed
mediately after the Auburn-Centr- e
at 12:30 o'clock. Officers for 1923 game. Besides
twice; was in
the local alumni, ther the
will be elected and committees named
were the following who came to Birm Paris the day America declared war;
for the several activities of the club.
ingham to see the game:
was in Italy when the big break came
The club has just closed the most
J. L. O'Neal, from Atlanta, Ga on the Piave front; celebrated the
successful year in its history, in asarmistice in Kobe,
sistance rendered to the University, who attended the University in 1910, false .rumor of the
'11 and '12. Mrs. O'Neal accompanied Japan,
and the real armistice in
notably in legislation and athletics,
him; John Marsh, '16, who is tempor Shanghai, China. Coming to more rearily in Birmingham as publicity man cent events, as a former captain and
Note: Proceeding on the asager of the University of Alabama one most interested in football affairs,
sumption that every alumnus is a
Campaign Fund; James Mitchell, ex let me congratulate our team on the
salesman for the University a
12, from Smith Grove, Ky.; W. O great
victory over Alabama." L.
series of sales talks has been
who is tcmporarly lo Wynne Martin, American Car and
prepared in
with the
cated in Montgomery, Ala., on sub Foundry Co., 915 Olive St., St. Louis,
deans of the several colleges. The
division work; Ed Danforth, '14, who Mo.
first appears in this issue:
covered the game for the Atlanta
Smart domestic and imported mufflers
People still believe in the wisdom of Georgian.
An echo of the Wildcats' victory
in solid colors, checks and stripes. Camel's
a liberal education as the proper founWilliam C. Kelly is a contractor and
dation for life's activities. While this over the strong University of Alabama engineer, Union (City, Tenn.
Hair, greys and greens are the preferred
is a practical age Americans have been team was heard in Birmingham. The friends will regret to learn that Mrs
Kelly, nee Miss Carrie Hale, died
slow to accept a system of trades edu- local club attended the
cation that would tend to shunt its game in a body and on entering the suddenly March 1, 1922. Mr. Kelly
Democracy lobby of the Tutwiler Hotel after the has two daughters, Carolyn Hale, 14
students into
must leave the way open for the stu- game the Kentucky contingency were years old, and Martha Almeda, 7.
dent to his highest possible personal greeted with yells from a group of
Friends and relatives were grieved
development. Hence the need for a Alabama students and sympathizers to learn of the sudden death of Mrs.
course of study that will lay a broad over the expectant victory of their Anna Rogers Case last Tuesday, Nov
and deep foundation in literature and team. Thanks to telegraphic com ember 28, at her home at Somerville
philosophy, arts and sciences. "A munications, the local club had been N. J. Besides her husband she leaves
broad man, sharpened to a point" is Informed of the final results of the a family of three small children and
still the ideal of the thoughtful game and the lobby soon resounded an infant.
Snappy hose, most of them imported from
with Kentucky yells, which was the
"over there" in all the desired colors, coming
ii i immiiiuoii or tne wildcats
The College of Arts and Sciences of'08
both fancy and plain.
fers this sort of equipment because its tory over the Alabama team to the
W. W. Shelby is superintendent of
teachers are men of broad training, Birmingham public. No more yells is the mine, Cia Minera "La Constan
and its courses are built on this edu- sued from the Alabama sector,
cia,' Esmeralda, Coahuila, Mexico.
cational principle. We offer training
The plan of the Kentuckian, to
in industrial
chemistry, journalism,
in its alumni section this year the
geology, business administration, secnames of former members of the Uni
Perry Cassidy is efficency engineer
retarial work, social service, literary
versity, is impossible because of the with the Babcock and Wilcox Com
science, teacher training,
studies, art and music, lack of space therein, but there will pany, 85 Liberty Street, New York
and we give credit for strictly practi be published, the directory of the Ken- City. He was married in August, 1918
cal courses in agriculture, home eco tucky Alumni Clubs throughout the to Miss Dorothy Taylor. They are
Patsy and
nomics, engineering and law. Yet we United States with the names of the rearing two fair
Every College Man should have one of
provide that every student shall have officers of each and the names of the Martha Caroline.
these wool vests for warmth and style. The
John M. Foster, assistant professor
a breadth of outlook by requiring a officers of the Alumni Association.
of Machine Design and Applied Me
colors are camel's hair and browns.
distribution of the work of the first
to his college duties, has been engineer
two years in the great divisions of
chanics, N. C. State College, in addition
knowledge. We direct the work of
on a
dollar construction
the last two years into special fields.
project for the state during this year
The underlying idea is that the stu
dent shall first become acquainted
rie iiecame a resilient engineer in
Win. B. Murphy,
North Carolina last year. But thee
is blast fur
with the great divisions of intellectual
achievement, and after this become uace superintendent
with the Stell are the least of Ins fortunes, note:
proficient in some definite field. We und Tube Company of America, Chi Another boy, now five weeks old. Mr.
think this is the only way to provide cago. Residence address, 6263 Har and Mrs. Foster are now the proi-parents of two hoys and two girls.
for a life of continued growth and of per Avenue.
increasing personal satisfaction.
J. Thomas Gower,
is sales en Address State College Station, Raleigh,
Education for life as well as edu gineer with the Armstrong Cork &
cation for a living is our guiding prin Insulation Co., 1011
Majestic Bid.,
Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. Gower's wife1
(Continued on Page 6)

Alumni Notes



B. B. Smith & Co.


Better Values For Less




Women's Apparel Exclusive













Sport and Dress


Muffl er-s-


$2.00 to $7.00



65c to $2.50




Betwixt Us




Graves, Cox & Co.




Women's Club of the University
meets at 3 p. m., at Patterson Hall.
stunt night in chapel.
Kappa Delta tea dance at Patterson
Hall from 3:30 to 6 o'clock.
Alpha Delta Pledges give luncheon at Lafayette
Hotel for active
First of the scries of cadet hops to
be given in Armory with sponsors of
Company "D" as hostesses.


White Gwyn and Floyd Wright, of
the alumni, and Louise Connell, Irene
McNamara, Anne Hickman, of the
A dance was given after the dinner.

Phone 154





Organize Pulaski Alumni
alumni of the University of Kentucky residing in Pulaski
county organized the Somerset Alumni Club at a meeting Friday night,
with Professor V. D. Roberts, superintendent of schools at Stearns, as
president; M. A. Dodson, of Science
Hill, was elected
Miss Blanche Kennedy, Somerset, scc- Twenty-tw-






Open 7 am to

Phi Alpha Delta Banquet
Governor Edwin P. Morrow, Senator A. O. Stanley, Judge Lyman
Chalklcy and Mr. Kellcy Kash, honorary members of Phi Alpha Delta,
honorary law fraternity of the University of Kentucky, have been asked
to speak at the
banquet at the Lafayette Hotel Monday night.
The pledges arc Messrs. S. H. Rice
C. M. C. Porter, J. W. Cammack,
H. Smith.
The alumni members present are:
Messrs. Virgil
Ginnochio, C. O. Burton, S. H. Cole,
James Farmer,
Edward Dabney,
Bailey P. Baxter, M. K. Elkin, Emery
Frazicr, N. G. Sullivan, G. P. Sullivan, Beryl Boyd.
The active chapter hosts are: Messrs.
J. L. Hays, T. E. Sparks, Phil T.
Powell, J. B. Nickell, W. W. Kirtley,
W. C. Pickett, J. G. Bruce, Roy
Moreland, L. G. Metzger, C. H.
J. S. Candell, Marshall Barnes,
N. B. Rogers, H. B. Ewen, S. B. Neal,
Charles McDowell, L. C. Fielder.


Light on the
Shirt Question
If you've never bought an Eagle Shirt, try one.
Notice haw it sets
across the shoulders. See the full easy drape to the
waist. Move back from the glass to take in the extra
length. Look at the center-plathat runs to the
bottom. Count the buttons six, not five. Examine the
stitching of the seams how
fine it is.
If these things please, assure yourself of the same
fit and workmanship by buying Eagle Shirts every
time the same things plus

Put it on before the mirror.

Lis-ma- n,



Founders' Day Banquet
The members of Alpha and Beta
Chapters of Alpha Delta Theta fraternity of the University of Kentucky
College celebrated
and Transylvania
Founders Day Friday night with a
banquet in the palm room of the
Phoenix Hotel.
Silver and blue, the colors of the fraternity were beautifully carried out in
the decorations, and over the mantle
was hung the illuminated badge of the
organization with the shields of the
two chapters on each side and the
three letters of the name spelled in
electric lights below the badge The
programs bore the coat of arms. The
tables were arranged in a triangle representing the Alpha Delta Theta pin.
Miss Lucy Wilson, of Beta chapter, was toastmaster, and the following responses were made: "The Founding of Rome," Miss Gladys Gipple,
Alpha; "When Dreams Come True,"
Miss Virginia Corbin, Beta; "Horrors
of Goatism," Miss Reginia Stanfiell,
Alpha; "Like a Gourd They Grew,"
Miss Alma Hutchins, Beta.
The following were present: Patrons of Alpha chapter, Mrs. A. S.
Hemenway, Mrs. McQuary and Miss
Myrna Boyce; Patrons of Beta chapter, Mrs. S. A. Boles, Miss Margaret
Horsfield, and Miss Gard; members
of the chapter at Transylvania: Misses
Valeria Grannis, Juanita Minnish,
Catherine Taylor, Flossie Martin, Ruth
Foley, Ida Button, Ruby Cloyd,
Regina Stanfiell, Anne Luxon, Eliza
Gladys Gipple, Daisy
beth Burns,
McLin and Frances Cook; members
of the University chater: Misses Lucy
Murphy, Gladys
Wilson, Dorothea
Martin, Alma Hutchins, Opal Cox,
Ruth Eimer, Zorada Brown, Laura
Virginia Corbin, Nell
Bell Smith,
Noland, Sarah Cole, Margaret Cole,
Esther Haggin, Una Varden and Vir
ginia Quisenberry.


fast-dye- d,

long-wearin- g,

exclusive fabrics, each individually named for
your convenience!

$2 to $5



"I will, sir," said Terence. And
Words and Music
Terence O'Flannigan had hired to when the next train came in, the pasAs the sengers were very much astonished
assist the station-mastetrain arrived he called out, "Change to hear him sing:
here for Limerickgalwayandmayo!"
"Sweet dreamland faces
went for him.
The station-mastPassing to and fro;
"Haven't I told you," he cried, "to
Change here for Limerick,
dissing the stations out clearly and
Galaway and Mayo."
tinctly? Remember
now sing 'em
Pittsburg Christian Advocate.

"A Delicious and




Cooper, a student
Attend Student Meeting
in 189S, and a promMiss Mary Royster, president of
Asseminent member of the General
Government As
bly, spoke at the meeting, as did Mr. the Women's Student
Judge Sherman



alumni sociation of the University of Kentucky and Miss Katherine Hanley, a
member of the board, attended the
State convention at Georgetown Col
Dinner and Dance
lege Friday and Saturday.
circle of the University
Bright, Christmas Seals, decor
Kentucky entertained with a beauof
ated Gummed Ribbons, Tags,
The active chapter and pledges of and iCards of appropriate detiful banquet and dance Friday night
at the Lafayette Hotel in compliment Chi Omega fraternity entertained with sign, a Crepe Paper Wrapping
tn the Wildcats. More than ISO guests a tea, Thanksgiving afternoon at the
all these will make your gift
were present, including the Wildcats, chapter house on South Limestone packages very attractivs.
circle members, coacnes ana several street. The house was attractively dec
Select now from our new and
orated for the occasion, and the hos
mombers of the faculty.
Professor Enoch Grehan presided pitality was enjoyed by more than one complete stock.
as toastniaster and informal responses huuddrcd guests.
were made by the senior members of
the team. Fuller. Pribble, Fest, Col
The active chapter and laumnae of
pitts and Sanders; by the coaches. Chi Omega fraternity will give a char
William Juneau, George Buchheit, 'ty bridge December 16, at the Lafay- A Boles; Miss Mar
Jack Winn and S.
(Ceatiaue4 on Page 6)
guerite McLaughlin, of the faculty;
Herbert Graham, Lexington,
secretary of the University.








retary-treasure- r.

of the University




Co-e- d

Dance in Honor of Delegates
Delegates to the Province convention of the Kappa Alpha Fraternity
were guests of honor at a delightful
dance given Friday evening in the
4 ball room of the Phoenix Hotel by
the Alpha Theta Chapter.
The guests of honor were Mr. H.
F. Daniels of Memphis, Tenn., Province Commander; Messrs. L. A.
and H. L. Alexander, Chi Chapter of Vanderbilt University; Patterson
Tanner and Austin Peay of Omega
Chapter of Centre College, Danville;
Bowman Grant and Joseph Lane,
Theta Chapter, University of Kentucky; Robert Powell and Wickliff
Curtis of Alpha Theta Chapter, Transylvania College; Othe Hudson and
Mr. Hurst of Beta Omicron Chapter,
University of Louisville; Henry Meek
Pi Chapter, University of Tennessee; George Neville of Alpha Alpha
Chapter, University of the South.
An orchestra of several pieces furnished the music. Fruit punch was
The complete list was not obtained
but among those present not already
mentioned were:
Betty Barbour, Edith Berryman,
Mary Peterson, Ardis Yelton, Mary
Helburn, Anne Shropshire, Rachelle
Shacklette, Jane Gregory Edna Gordon, Mary May, Mary Frances Wilson,
Elizabeth Glasscock, Betty Brown, Ida
Kenney Risque, Mary Snell Ruby,
fc Margaret Turley, Nan Chenault.
Mrs. James Willis, of LaGrange,
Ky.; Dr. Henry Best, Mr. Enoch
Grehan, James Willis, Fred Ausburg,
Robert Powell, Owsley Walton, Bowman Grant, Gayle Crutchfield, James
Phillip Powell,
Grimes, Russell Van Zant, Earl Baughman, Warren Clare, Wickliff Curtis,
William Poyntz, John Ardery, Cabell