xt78cz322k91 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78cz322k91/data/mets.xml Edgar, Patrick Nisbett. 1833.  books b98-41-41900451 English Press of Henry Mason, : New York : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Horses Pedigrees. Race horses United States. American race-turf register, sportsman's herald, and general stud book  : containing the pedigrees of the most celebrated horses, mares, and geldings, that have distinguished themselves as racers on the American turf from one quarter of a mileile race up to four miles and repeat; also, such as have been kept in the stud - as stallions and mares for breeding, from the earliest period to the present time: and from which have descended the most valuable blooded stock at present in the United States ... / compiled from the papers, letters, memorandums, stud-books, and newspapers, of the most celebrated and distinguished sportsmen ; also, from other sources of the most correct information, by Patrick Nisbett Edgar. text American race-turf register, sportsman's herald, and general stud book  : containing the pedigrees of the most celebrated horses, mares, and geldings, that have distinguished themselves as racers on the American turf from one quarter of a mileile race up to four miles and repeat; also, such as have been kept in the stud - as stallions and mares for breeding, from the earliest period to the present time: and from which have descended the most valuable blooded stock at present in the United States ... / compiled from the papers, letters, memorandums, stud-books, and newspapers, of the most celebrated and distinguished sportsmen ; also, from other sources of the most correct information, by Patrick Nisbett Edgar. 1833 1833. 2002 true xt78cz322k91 section xt78cz322k91 



             Wrsptn4n's WNt4gab


                        CONTAINING THE

                 P E D IG R E E S
                         OF THE MOST

                 Of that most noble -ttd oc.lo  eoct, she ias.
 Complied fre   the Pap.r., Letter., Memoreodo-h s, Stud-hooks, and Newepopers, of the mo! t celebrated and
        Dmioatisoshed Spor- ; aloe, free other our  e most correct aooforeeatsa.

                    Of Lirsl-le Coe.ty, North Crols..

                        C- Ostroque insignis et auro,
              Stat, sonipes ac frcena ferox spumantia mandit."

            Behold the blooded steed, highly caparisoned
            With gold and purple, ready stands: he views
            Man, face to face, anrd fiercely champs the foaming
            Bit. "-

                 IN TWO VOLS.      VOL. I.

                     NE W Y OR K.

                Petered fr, the.Peoprorpn-e, P.ert-k N. Edgar & Co.
                       zis DCSCC XXXIII.


District of Columbia, to wit:
  BE IT HEMfEMIBERED, That on the 11th day of February, in the year of our Lord
1831, and of the Independence of the United States of America, the 55th, Patrick
Nisbeti Edgar, of Granville County, North Carolina, has deposited, in this office,
the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as author, in the words following
to wit:
  " The American Race-turf Register, Sportxnan's Herald, and General Stud
Book, containing the pedigrees of the most celebrated Horses, Mares, and Geld-
ings, that have distinguished themselves as racers on the American Turf, from
one qcuarter of a mile race up to four miles and repeat. Also such as have been
kept in the stud, as stallions, and mares for breeding, from the earliest period to
the present time; and from which have descended the most valuable blooded stock
at present in the United States. The whole calculated for the use and information
of amateurs, breeders, and trainers of that most noble and useful animal, the horse.
Compiled from the papers, letters, memorandums, stud books, and newspapers, of
the most celebrated and distinguished sportsmen. Also, from other sources of the
most correct information.  By Patrick Nisbett Edgar, of Granville county, North

                    Ostroque insignis et auro,
              'Stat, sonipes acf7anaferoz spumantia mand it.'    VIRGIL.

  In conformity to the act of the Congress of the United States, entitled "An act
for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and
books, to the authors and proprietors of such conies during the times therein men-
tioned,"' and also to the act, entitled " An act supplementary to an act, entitled 'An
act for the encouragement of learning by securing the copies of maps, charts, and
books, to the authors and proprietors of such coplies, during the times therein men-
tioned,' and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and
etching historical and other prints."
       In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed the public
  [9sAL.I     seal of my office, the day and year aforesaid.
                                                         EDM. I. LEE,
                                         Clerk of the Dish7 ice of Columbia.


                             OF THE
                       (Father of the Ameri-n Turf.)
    I feel a peculiar satisfaction in dedicating the following work to
you, and should it contain any observations or remarks, which may
have a tendency to improve the American Breed of Race Horses, my
labor will be amply remunerated.
  I select you, Sir, from the great list of sportsmen, who have patro-
nized and supported a diversion, (exceedingly well) calculated to
afford the highest species of gratification, and rational amusement-
as a model, and an example, worthy of imitation: to evince to the
world, that a g entleman, when guided by prudence, may promote and
encourage this noble and fascinating amusement, without imparing
his fortune, or the smallest reflection on his morality: and to demon-
strate that UNSULLIED HONOR, and integrity of heart, are
compatible with the appellation of a generous sportsman.
  Thus Sir, you stand pre-eminently distinguished on the AMERI-
  During the distressed and unsettled state of our country, by embar-
go, and war; the rational amusements of the Turf, measurably
declined, and partially died awvay, until they Wvere resuscitated by
your indefatigable perseverance in breeding, and training RACE
HORSES-and when the public call to mind how often their imagi-
nations have been so highly gratified, in beholding those noble
animals, " Director" and "Virginian," and many others of your imme-
diate stud, displaying their prodigious powers, on the various Race-
Turfs, in this country, they surely must (very justly) suppose, that
no other person in the whole "SPORTING COMLMUNITY, was
so eminently worthy of the dedication of this book, as yourself.
  Hence you may be styled (without adulation), the father of the
American Turf
  In private life you may also be styled a dignified link, in the chain
of polite society: for I am at a loss which to admire most, your no-
ble virtues, your inoffensive life, or the suavity of your manners.
  That nothing may interrupt the inexpressible felicity, which arises
from the consciousness of your worth, and that you may long con-
tinue to dispense blessings, and happiness, among those who surround
you, is
       Sir, the sincere wish of your obedient humble servant,
                                  PATRICK NISBETT EDGAR,
                          Williamsboro', State of North Carolina.

 This page in the original text is blank.



  Although but little merit can be ascribed to the following work, yet
a judicious publick certainly will admit that more than ordinary
talents, great perseverance, indefatigable industry, and deep research
into the General Stud Book, Pick's Turf Register, and other English
publications, together with leisure and extensive funds, are indispen-
sably necessary towards the compilation of an American Stud Book
and Sportman's Herald, in order to ensure success to the present
  The compiler, who now submits the subsequent pages to a candid
publick, is very sensible of the peculiar delicacy of his situation. But
if he has faithfully and fearlessly discharged his duty, and compressed
the whole blood stock (or nearly so) of the United States into two
large octavo volumes, he may claim, and perhaps be indulged in the
humble praise of industry and accuracy. He therefore assures the
publick, that neither time, talents, nor money, have been spared, in
order to make the work worthy of their approbation; and trusts it
will be admitted as such by those who will give this book a fair and
attentive perusal.
  That it has faults, he does not attempt to deny; but that it has merits,
much superior to any thing of the kind hitherto published, he trusts
will be decidedly acknowledged  with what degree of judgment and
propriety this has been effected, the reader must determine: but the
author flatters himself, at the same time, that the contents will be
found to be instructive to those gentlemen who breed blooded horses
for amusement,-to amateurs, breeders, and trainers, and also interest-
ing to the curious mind.


As it regards the authenticities of tae matter contained in this
  work, respecting the information derived from it, and its public
                                 MECKLtEmDURGEa COUNTY, VIRGINIA,
                                     August 25, 1833.
    aI have examined the I The American Race-Turf Register,
Sportsman's Herald, and General Stud Book,' intended for the press,
by Patrick Nisbett Edgar, Esq. and think the work well constructed,
and will afford much useful information to the owners and breeders
of the Blood Horse in this country.
  " It contains many pedigrees of horses of which I have no know-
ledge or recollection, nor could it be expected; but of such as I do
know any thing about, they are as generally correct, or as nearly so,
as could possibly be expected at this remote period, and especially,
under the extraordinary negligence so commonly practised in former,
as well as modern times.   It evinces the most indefatigable re-



search in horse matters. His vouchers are such, in general, as will
astonish the connoisseurs themselves, and will bring conviction home
to them, that, however enveloped in mystery, many things are ne-
cessarily obliged to be, yet that the work itself must be of great pub-
lic utility, and deserves well their patronage; and in conjunction
with that most useful work, "The American Turf Register," pub-
lished in Baltimore, will, in a very short time, exceed their most
sanguine expectations, and go far to accomplish the wishes of most
of the breeders of the present day.
                                      JOHN C. GOODE."

           "Diamond Grove, Brunswick Co. Va March 3, 1832.
  "I have examined the manuscripts entitled the 'American Race
Turf Rerister, Sportsman's Herald, and General Stud Book,' intend-
ed for the press by Patrick Nisbett Edgar, Esq. and find the con-
struction of the said book to be as good as it could be. And from the
particular distinctions made in said manuscripts, between imported
horses and those bred in America, I am decidedly of opinion that it
will afford much instruction and useful information to the amateur
and breeders of the blood horse in this country; and be ,the most ef-
fectual means of rescuing the genealogy of ancient horses from utter
oblivion. It will be a work wvell calculated to improve the stock of
thorou gh bred horses, and deserves well the patronage of a generous
and discerning public.
    (A true copy.)                    JAS. J. HARRISON."

                            Brunswick Co. Va. March 5, 1832.
  ",I have examined the foregoing wfork, and concur in opinion
with Capt. James J. Harrison, that it will be a very valuable acqui-
sition to the public, and particularly to the breeders of the blood
horse and sportsmen in this country.
     (A true copy.)                    THOMAS GIBBON."

                " Prestwood, Brunswick Co. Va. March 8, 1832.
  AI have also examined the foregoing work, proposed to be pub-
lished by Patrick Nisbett Edgar, Esq. and do concur with the above
gentlemen in their opinion of the said work.
     (A true copy.)                       JOHN TUCKER."

                           "Brunswickc Co. Va. March 10, 1832.
  "I have likewise examined the said manuscripts, and find them to
contain the most useful information that can be, for breeeders and
trainers, as it regards the pedigrees of blood horses. It will be a
work the best calculated to throw light upon this subject. The
arrangement is excellent, and the distinctions made between horses'
names as good as it could be. In fine, it is a work of immense la-
bor, and deserves an ample remuneration from the public.
     (A true copy.)                  MILES B. BRANCH."



                      RECOMMENDATIONS.                       Vii

          "Caswell Co. N. C. Milton Race Course, June 12, 1832.
  "I have been in the habit of keeping and managing 'stud horses,'
and some of them of the best blood this country afforded, for the last
twenty years, and made myself acquainted with the pedigrees of
thorough bred horses. I have examined the manuscripts entitled
' The American Race-Turf Register, Sportsman's Herald and Gen-
eral Stud Book,' and think the work wellconstructed, and will afford
a greatdeal of useful information to the breeders, sportsmen and train-
ers inthis country. The arrangement is as good as could be devi-
sed; the pedigrees are so arranged in it as to give a full explanation to
each, so that the reader may be at very little trouble or study to find it out.
The distinction made between Imported and American horses, whether
they were racers or not, are very plainly laid down so as to prevent
the smallest mistake or confusion. It is a work that has been found
to be very much wanting by the breeders and sportsmen, in this
country, inasmuch as it will be the most effectual means of prevent-
ing ' frauds,' hitherto practised,-more especially, by calling so many
horses and mares by the same names. In short, it will be a work
well calculated to answer the purpose for which it is designed.
                                  BARZILLAI GREAVES."
                                            Prop. Milton Course.

                             Caswell Co. N. C. July 15, 1832.
  AI have seen the manuscripts entitled, ' The American Race-Turf
Register, Sportsman's Herald, and General Stud Book," compiled
by Patrick Nisbett Edgar, Esq. and although I have kept for many
years stud horses, and of the best blood in this country, yet, my know-
ledge in tracing pedigrees of thorough bred horses is somewhat
limited; nevertheless, the pedigrees traced on the foregoing w ork,
will be a valuable acquisition to the breeders, trainers, &c. in this
country, and be the most effectual means of preventing frauds from
being any longer practiced on the public, more especially by calling
so many horses and mares by the same names. The manner in
which the book is laid off by dividing it into classes, is most judi-
ciously planned, and more especially in the class of American horses
and mares, and very nice distinctions indeed are made in order to
prevent many mistakes arising by taking one horse for another.
All the pedigrees inserted in it, with which I am acquainted, are, to
my certain knowledge, true and correct-and I believe, firmly, that
the compiler's sole aim is to give only the true and best information
he could collect upon the subject. It is a work of immense labour
and expense, and he ought to be amply renumerated by a generous and
discerning public.                       WARREN DIXON.

 This page in the original text is blank.


                    TO THE PUBLIC.

   The English Blood Horse was known in Virginia long before any
Stud Book ever made its appearance in England; and pedigrees were
only communicated (in those days) by the certificates of private gen-
tlemen and persons of honor and integrity, which were often lost;
hence the great uncertainty of many of the recorded pedigrees of the
present day. Many English horses' names never appeared on the
foregoing book; hence a very great difficulty arises in tracing many
of them, whose stock are valuable at this time, and trace directly back
to their loins. Dabster and Bulle Rock (we have been informed)
were the first horses imported from England, and they were, in
Virginia, what a Barb, or an Arabian, is in England. Jolly Roger
was so distinguished a horse, in Virginia, that he was considered to
be a horse of the purest blood; and that his pedigree was perfect,
from the very high standing of his progeny, which is anxiously
sought after by the judicious breeders of the present day. His
progeny were of the very first order. In his day, also that of Fear-
nought, Old Janus, Monkey, Othello, Silver Eye, and Moreton's
Traveller, the pedigrees of Virginia horses, when they reached the
Godolphin, and Darley Arabians, generally stopt there; but when
they terminated with the above horses names, they were very deserv-
edly held in the highest estimation.
  It has been said of Fearnought, that he was called the " Godolphin
Arabian," of America, and particularly of Virginia; but Jolly Roger
may very justly vie with him, for distinction, at least a very great
share of it, as e was anterior, and there never was a horse, in Vir-
ginia, at whose name, and Old Janus, so many " thorough bred "
pedigrees terminate-as they were the very first founders of the
Virginia Race Horse. In ancient days, quarter racing was much in
fashion, and generally kept up, in Virginia, until the importation of
Fearnought; after that, distance racers were sought after, which have
been held in the greatest estimation until the present time. It may
be averred, with uncontrovertable truth, that the judicious breeders
of the blood horse of the present day, when they have the ancient
crosses of Fearnought, Janus, Jolly Roger, Monkey, Othello, Silver
Eye, and Moreton's Traveller in their pedigrees, they want no other
aid of foreign crosses, to ensure speed, bottom, lastingness, and abil-


x                  ADDRESS TO THE PUBLIC.

ity to carry heavy weights; and by judiciously crossing on the pres-
ent stock, their wishes will be crowned with certain success. No
pedigree of the " blood horse," of the present day, is accounted good,
unless it has some of the foregoing crosses in some of its remote
  Old Medley has done much towards the improvement of the
American Race Horse, also Bedford, Citizen, Clockfast, Dare Devil,
Diomed, Dion, Dove, Figure, Gabriel,Messenger, Sharke, Sir Harry,
Spread Eagle, and Moreton's Traveller. We agree decidedly with
the author of the Annals of the Turf, that "n pure blood is good, but
form is superiority a"  We deem it entirely unnecessary, at this time,
to enter into an ebaborate disquisition, or into the minute of breed-
ing race horses; unless we were to lay before our readers the math-
ematical proportions of their different external parts, which consti-
tute the frame, or the anatomical, or physiological, which compose
the inner; we will wave the subject at present, not properly belong-
ing to a book of this kind, and intended only to develope the full
traced pedigrees of blood horses, with as much accuracy as it could
be obtained at this remote period of time.



  Although my principal view, in submitting the following sheets to
the public eye, was in order to convey useful, and necessary informas
tion to Amateurs, and Gentlemen who breed thorough bred horses,
for amusement-and young adventurers upon the Turf, who, from
their avocations and engagements, have been denied the opportunity
of acquiring a competent knowledge of the genealogies of "o blood
horses," breeding &c. yet I am inclined to hope, it will not be deemed
unworthy of the attention of those gentlemen, who are thoroughly
versed in the pedigrees of Race-Horses, and experienced in breeding.
  Hence it appears, that very nice discrimination is absolutely neces-
sary in breeding blood-horses, for the Turf: and that we cannot be
too particular in the choice of Brood-mares, and selections of Stallions,
of thorough breeding, in order to ensure success, after the certain
expense is incurred-which inevitably falls to the lot of every breeder
who rears them.
  The very superior advantages arising from judiciously crossing
the blood, or " mixing the races," are so obvious to every man of ex-
perience, that I think it unnecessary to enter into particulars; I shall
just briefly remark, that by mixing races, or distinct crossing, we ob-
tain beauty of form, and every other valuable quality. It is from our
attention to this particular, for the past century, that we have remedied
the defects of conformation: united the essential qualities OF
vidual, and improved and perfected our breed so far, as to have ac-
quired the credit of possessing the most pure, most unexceptionable,
and beautiful RACE OF BLOOD-HORSES in this country, and
by far the fastest at this time, in the whole world.
  The compilation of a General Stud Book in England, has (by
woful experience,) been found to be a work of immense labor, although
that island is comparatively speaking, a great deal smaller than this
continent. All the horses' and mares' names laid down on it, are the
productions of that clime, except the Arabians, Barbs, Turks,
Foreign Horses, &c. &c.
  How much more so, are the compiler's labours accumulated; when
matter is obliged to be collected from all parts of a VAST CONVTT
NE:NT,-and more particularly where so many horses, and mares,
are called by the same names, (in many cases, for fraudulent designs,


no doubt :)-and no clue left to him to make just discriminations be-
tween each; I leave this to the judicious breeders and sportsmen to
decide. Notwithstanding all those difficulties, I have attempted the
completion " OF A 1VORK," which had been begun by others,
who at last abandoned it, as a piece of fruitless and unprofitable
  Thus, after many years of indefatigable study, and anxious obser-
vation, the greater part of which has been bestowed in collecting
materials, and completing the same for the press, in order (if possible)
to rescue that most noble animal the " Blood-Horse," from the low
station in which he formerly has been placed, and bring to light the
true genealogies of the "s high mettled-racer "-and also to be the
means of encouraging the rearing of that species of the animal, so
applicable to all purposes, for speed, bottom, lastingness, and ability
to carry heavy weights, to which, by nature, and by his make he is
so eminently adapted.
  The favorable reception I trust it will meet with, from a generous
public, demands my warmest wishes.
  I hope also, that the candid and judicious reader will acknowledge,
that " this work," comprehending two large volumes, and containing
at least seven thousand pedigrees, of "' Blood-Horses," of all classes;
&c. and such an infinite nrimber of nice distinctions, minute particu-
lars, often escape observation when they are most obvious, would na-
turally admit of several corrections, and amendments in subsequent
  I have dissembled no difficulty whatever. I have also fearlessly
given the true pedigree of every horse and mare, with as much pre-
cision as I could obtain it, without regard to rank, or wealth, or popu-
larity; and done the very same justice to the " stock of the inhab-
itant of the smoky cottage, as to the occupier of the princely mansion."
  In consequence of the extreme negligence of the breeders and
sportsmen of ancient times not recording the pedigrees of the animals
they were in possession of, much matter is forever lost to the publick:
nor can it be expected (from the aforesaid cause) that entire precision
can, in all cases, be obtained; in such cases, the compiler, in very
many instances, has found himself at a great loss to extend them very
far back, with absolute certainty. Those traced very far back, have
been obtained from procuring access to the letters, papers, stud books,
memorandums, and newspapers of deceased gentlemen, breeders, and
sportsmen. Many errors were found in the manuscripts of those
compilers who have gone before me, and are corrected.
  The book then, the result of much expense, labour, fatigue, and
anxiety, I flatter myself, has fewer faults than any similar work of the
kind, of the same extent and complexity.
  Under these impressions, I commit it to the observation of the
public, trusting that it will be wyell received, and be the most effec-
tual means of rescuing that noble animal's genealogy from utter
  "Many are the works of human industry, which, to begin and
finish, are hardly ever granted to the same person." He that under-




                            PREFACE.                          Xiii

takes the compilation of "an American Stud Book," undertakes that,
which, if it comprehends the full extent of his designs, he knows
himself unable to perform, because perfection is unattainable by man;
though he may make nearer and nearer approaches towards it."
  I will not deny that I found many parts requiring improvement,
and many more capable of correction; many faults I have supplied;
some extended pedigrees I have reduced, for want of proper evidence
of the same. For negligence, or deficiency, I perhaps have not more
need of apology than the nature of the work will furnish.
  As all the blood stock, at present in the United States, have origin-
ally descended from the first importations of stallions and mares,
when it was a colony-and which have subsequently been kept up
by others of a more recent date; in order, therefore, to make this
subject more intelligible, I have commenced this book, with as
complete a list of all the blooded English Stallions only, as could be
produced with accuracy. This will form the first class. Secondly-
a list of all the Arabian horses. Thirdly-a list of the Barbs.
Fourthly-a list of the Spanish. Fifthl y-this class comprises a list
of Horses, Mares, and Geldings, which have distinguished them-
selves as Racers on the American Turf: this includes also the pedi-
grees of the quarter-racing stock, so much admired formerly in this,
and the adjacent States; besides giving the pedigrees of horses and
mares, which never ran at all. Hence these five classes comprise the
first volume.
  The second volume will contain, also, as complete a list as could
(with accuracy) be obtained of the Mares imported from England, and
their produce; this will form the sixth class. Seventhly-a list of the
Arabian and Barb Mares and their produce.  Eightly-the Spanish
Mares and theirs. The ninth, and last class of this work, will
comprehend a list of the American Mares and their produce, giving
the exact pedigree of each; laid down on the same plan of the
General Stud Book of England  including those which proved to be
racers, as well as those which never ran; and also such as produced
runners. Every horse's and mare's pedigree throughout the whole
work will be fully laid down, and nice discriminations made between
every horse or mare's name (if precisely known) whether they are
imported or American, racer or not-and where the pedigrees trace
to the name of a horse or mare, of the same name, it will be distin-
guished, provided it is with certainty known. A reference to the
table of abbreviations, with very little study (and applicable to per-
sons of the weakest capacity) will accelerate the wish of every
reader on this subject; each pedigree will be given at one view,
without much labour or study to find it out. In every case (except
where the compiler was not allowed the liberty to expose) the names
of those who furnished matter for this work to the publick view, or
unknown to him, the names of each person is attached to each pedi-
gree-and in many cases the dates of the years, the vouchers, were
obtained, and the different States they were collected in. It is the
sincere wish of the compiler, that should any errors, either in tracing
pedigrees or the cacography appear, that they may be detected, and


XIV                          PREFACE.

information given to him of the same speedily, in order that they
may be corrected in subsequent editions of this work.
  In short, the compiler's chief object in publishing this book, was to
impart necessary information to those who are desirous of obtaining
a general knowledge of the " genealogy," or in other words, the
full pedigrees of each horse or mare's names laid down on it, without
much study; and he hopes he has succeeded so far in the attempt
(which hitherto had been begun and abandoned by all those who
have gone before him) as to enable readers, who peruse it vith atten-
tion, to make a judicious selection of either stallion or blood mares,
and to breed upon terms of at least equal advantage with those who
have (expressly) made breeding and racing their peculiar studies.
                                           THE AUTHOR.
     141 February, 1833.



A. American Arabian.
B. Baylor's.
C. Celebrated.
E. Ellglislh.
F. Famous,
H. Hart's and Horse.
1. Imported.
L. Lee's.
M. Mare.
0. Old.
Q. Quarter.
R. Race RunninD.
I. H. Imported Horse.
I. E. H. Imported English Horse.
I. A. H. Imported Arabian Horse.
I. H. B. O. Imported Horse Baylor's Old.
I. H. B. 0. Fearnought. Imported Horse Baylor's Old Fearnought.
1. H. E. 0. Medley. Imported Horse Hart's Old Medley.
1. H. 0. Janus. Imported Horse Old Janus.
C. A. R. H. L. 0. Mark Anthony.     Celebrated American Running Horse
     Lee's Old Mark Anthony.
F. A. R. H. Famous Running Horse.
F. A. Q. R. H. Famous American Quarter Running Horse.
C. A. R. H. Celebrated American Running Horse.
C. A. QL. R. H. Celebrated American quarter Running Horse.

b. bay.
b. bl. black.
blo. blood.
br. brown.
c. colL
ch. chesnut.
cr. cream.
cr. c. cream coloured.
d. dark, dun.
f  filly.
. gelding, gr. grey or gray.
. horse.


xvi                            ABBREVIATIONS.

  1. light,
  r. red.
  ro. roan.
  s. sorrel.
  w. white-
  1. b. h. light bay horse.
  d. b. f. dark bay filly.
  1. ch. c. light chesnut colt.
  d. ch. f. dark chesnut filly.
  blu. ro. h. blue roan horse.
  r. ro. c. red roan colt.
  s. ro. h. sorrel roan horse.
  d. du. h. (lark dun horse.
  1. du. h. light dun horse,



                     C LASS F I R ST.

Imported by James Jackson, Esq., of Alabama, into New-York, and
   killed there in 1828: foaled in 1817-
   Got by Old Truffle, his dam Briseis, by Benningborough; his
grand dam Lady Jane, by Sir Peter Teazle; his great grand dam
Paulina, by Florizel his great great grand dam Captive, by Match-
em; his great great great grand dam, Calliope, by Slouch. Her
dam was also the dam of Atlanta by Matchem, ride English Stud
Book.                                    JAMES JACKSON.
  N. B. American Sportsmen have met with a very great misfor-
tune in the loss of this horse.-Com