xt78930nw265 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78930nw265/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1954-11-08  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 8, 1954 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 8, 1954 1954 1954-11-08 2020 true xt78930nw265 section xt78930nw265  





















The result of the attitude and activity of the Sigma Phi Epsilon
Fraternity is shown in that during the first term the Fraternity earned
a 1.1 average and in the second term raised this to a 1.45. It is be-
lieved that this Fraternity has more than met the spirit of the Faculty
ruling governing academic standards and has taken every possible recourse
to improve its status under the ruling. It is the recommendation of Dean
Kirwan, in which I concur wholeheartedly, that although the overeall average
of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity for the past year was 1.27, the Faculty
restore this house to good standing and grant them social privileges for
the present school year.

The motion was made by Dr. Martin and seconded by Dr. Kirwan that since the

fraternity had more than met the Spirit of the faculty ruling governing aca.‘
demic standards, it be restored to good standing and be granted social privileges
for the present academic year. The Faculty approved the motion.

The Faculty adjourned.

.2 ‘, ,,- up

Robert L. Mills

Minutes 9: the University Faculty, NOVember §J lfifig

The University Faculty met in the Assembly Roam of Lafferty Hall, Monday,
November 8, 1954. at 4:00 p.m. President Donovan presided. Members absent
were Merl Baker: Martha G. Carr: Frank G. Coolsen. Jesse DeBoer, Merton England,
Lyman Ginger, W. A. Heinz, J. C. Humphriesa ‘ W. L. Matthews, Jr.,
Robert L. Mills‘, H. B. Price, William S. Rehberg. H. H. Rogers‘. H. A. Romanowitz,
Morris Schersgo, Dwight M. Seath, W. A. Seay, E. J. Stahr, Jr.fi D. V. Terrell,
Gilbert T. Webster* and Frank J. Welsh.

The minutes of October 11, 1954 were read and approved.

Dr. Steele read to the Faculty Resolutions on the death of Dr. W. S.
Anderson as follows:


1867 — 1954

Walter Sewell Anderson, Fmeritus Professor of Genetics, died on
October 8, 1954 at the age of 87 years. He was born in Academy, WGSt Virginia
on September 18, 1867.

He attended Randolph Macon College and was awarded the A. B. and A. M.
degrees in 1896. In his senior year. he won three of the four medals
then aVailable for meritorious work at that institution. Years later, he
studied at the Marine Biological Laboratory at Cold Spring Harbor, New York.

‘ Absence eXplained





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He served as Principal of the Allegheny Collegiate Institute at
Alderson, West Virginia from 1596 to 19v3. He then accepted a professor-
snip in Biology at Kentucky Wesleyan College, Winchester, Kentucky. He
served there from l9u3 to 1913, at which time he was called to the University
of Kentucky. He was one of the early Professors of Genetics in America.
and he serVed in that capacity from 1913 to 1937 at which time he was
given change of work status.

Professor Anderson was a teacher of great ability and he stimulated
many of his students to proceed further along scholarly lines. Some of
his students have advanced to positions of high professional standing.
He Was also an able investigator. His best known contribution concerned
the inheritance of coat color in horses. He was also a great student of
bloodlines in farm animals; and, he was a pioneer in the micrOSCOpic
study of spermatozoa in the general problem of sterility and reduced
fertility in animals.

After his change of work status, he served as the Editor of publica—
tions of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station from 1937 to 1942.
He also did some substitute teaching. In more recent years, he completed
the studies on livestock history which he had started during his active
period of teaching.

Professor Anderson was a member of Alpha Gamma Rho, Alpha Zeta,
Sigma Xi and Research Club. He was listed in "American Men of Science",
and for many years was a member of the Advisory Committee of the
American Genetic Association. He was a highly respected citizen and was
active in church, business and civic affairs. He was Chairman of the
Fayette County School Board from 1925 to 1936 during which time several
school buildings were constructed.

Professor Anderson is survived by his widow and three sons. The
latter are graduates of this University.

Professor Anderson lived a long and abundant life. His students
and associates remember him for his commendable traits and faithful
service to this UniVersity.

(Signed) G. Davis Buckner
(Signed), Dewey G. Steele

(Signed) E. S. Good; Chairmani_
Resolutions Committee







A motion was made and approved that the Resolutions be recorded in the minutes
of the University Faculty and that a cepy be sent to Dr. Anderson’s widow.

Dr. Kopnius presented for the Committee on Schedule of Classes the proposed
University Calendar for 1955—56 which was approved by the University Faculty.

First Semester


Sept. ll~l7 Sunday t

students .
Sunday, A:OO to 6:00 p.m. - President's reception for new

hrough Saturday - Orientation Week for all new

Sept. 11

























Sept. 12—14

Sept. 15

Sept. 15-17

Sept. 19
Septg 24

Oct. 8
Oct. 14, 15

Oct. 24
Nov. 24-28

Dec. 17

Jan. 3
Jan. 23~27
Jan. 27

Feb. 4

Feb. 6,7

Feb. 8
Feb. 14

March 2.3

March 12

March 30-Apr. 3
May 26

May 27

May 28

May 29-June 2
June 2

June 5-9

June 11
June 12

June 13
June 19

June 23
July 4
August 3
August 4
Sept. 16

Monday, 7:45 a.1. through Wednesday,

tion tests, physical examinations, an

Thursday, 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. - Registration and classifies-

tiou of new Freshmen.

Thursday, 1:30 p.m. through Saturday, 11:00 e.m. a Registra-

5:”0 p.m. — Classifica-
d advising of all new

tion and classification of all other students according to
an alphabetioal schedule

Monday — Class work begins

Saturday — Last date one may enter an organized class for
the first semester

Saturday a Last date on which photograyhs will be taken for

.ID cards


Friday and Saturday — Period for filing applications for

Monday — Last date one may drop a course without a grade
Thursday, 8:00 o.m. to Mouday, 8:00 a.;. v Thanksgiving

Saturday noon - Christmas holidays begin

Tuesday, 8:00 anm. — Christmas holidays end
Monday through Friday a Final examinations
Friday, 6:00 p.m. 5 End of first semester

Second Semester
Saturday, 7:45 a.m, a Classification tests and physical
examinations for all new studentso
Monday, 8:00 e.m. through Tuesday, 4300 p.m. a Registration
and classification of all students according to an alpha-
betical schedule
Wednesday a Class work begins
Tuesday a Last date One may enter an organized class for
the second Semester
Friday and Saturday — Period for filing applications for
Monday a Last date one may drop a course without a grade
Friday, 8:00 a.m. to Tuesday, 8:00 a.m. 5 Easter holidays
Saturday _ Alumni Day
Sunday - Baccalaureate Services
Monday a Eightyaninth Annual Commencement
Tuesday through Saturday a Final examinations
Saturday _ End of second semester
Tuesday through Saturday s 4-3 Clu' Week

Summer Session 1956
Monday, 7:45 a.m. - Classification tests and physical
examinations for all new students.
Tuesday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ~ Registration and classifica-
tion of all students according to an alphabetical schedule
Wednesday a Class work begins
Tuesday a Last date one may enter an organized class for the
Summer Session
Saturday ~ Last date one may drop a course without a grade
Wednesday ~ Independence Day holiday
Friday a Summer Session Commencement
Saturday Noon _ End of Summer Session
Sunday — Opening of Fall Semester of 1956m57


First Semester






’ 84% Net teaChing days Second Semester - 84 Net Teaching dafl

S .
ummer SeSSion a 44 Net teaching days










Dr. Koppius also recommended that subject to any commitments that have been made
the Commencement of the current year should be a weekend Commencement as was
approved for the year 1955-56. The Faculty approved this recommendation..

Dean White presented for the College of Arts and Sciences a recommendation
that certain students enrolled in Air Science 2 be permitted to be absent from
the campus on November 17 in order to go to Wright Patterson Air Force Base
for orientation. The Faculty approved this recommendation.

Professor Spokes presented for the College of Engineering the following
changes in credit, course number and curriculum reqpirements to become effective
the second semester which were approved by the Faculty.

The Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering re-
commends the following changes to become effective at the beginning
of the 2nd semester. These recommendations were approved by the
Engineering College Faculty, October 4, 1954.

Change 2: Credit

Met. Engr. 166 _ Minerals Beneficiation from a 5 semester hour
course to a 3 semester hour course.

Min. Engr. 134 a Mining Methods from a 3 semester hour course
to a 2 semester hour course.

Changes in Course Number

Min. Engr. 126a — Elements of Mine Surveying changed to Min.
Engr. 25.

Min. Engr. 126b - Elements of Mining changed to Min. Engr. 126.

No change in title, credit, or course content on either of these

Changes in Curriculum Requirements

DrOp Min. Engr. l]5b~Seminar, 1 semester hour credit, as a

Substitute Econ lOZgStatistical Method for Econ 102 — Labor

The Chairman stated that the Constitution of the Student GOVernment
Association provides that three non-voting faculty members be elected by the
University Faculty to the Assembly of the Student Government Association. one of
these to be designated by the President as Faculty Advisor to S. G. A. Motions
were made and approved electing Dr. L. L. Martin, Mrs. Anne Clemmons and Dr. John
H. Melzer as faculty representatives with the understanding that Dr. Martin
serve as Faculty Adviser.







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1116 Minutes of the University Faculty, Becemher l3, 1

The Faculty Adjourned.


Minutes of the University Facul-y, Decemhe“ 12¢ 1954

The regular meeting of the University Faculty vas held 3
Room of Lafferty Hall, Monday, December 13, 1954 at 42 OO pen. Presi
Donovan presided. Members absent were Staley F. Adamsp A. D. Albr
L. L. Boyarsky, Dana G. Carda Frank G. Coolsen, C. Howard Eckela O.
Koppius, L. L. Martin, W. L. Matthewngr., J. R. Meadow, L. Niel P
H. B. Price, Dwight M. Seath, Earl P. Slone, and Frank J. Welch.

The minutes of November 8, 1954 were rea‘ and approvedo

Dean White presented for the College of Arts and Sciences a recommends
tion for added and dropped courses and changes in courses which were ap—
proved by the Facultyo

I. To be added:
Anatomy and Physiology 120 Physiology of Exercise {3‘
A comprehensive survey of the physiological and clin
aspects of exercise. Prereq: Anatomy and Physiology 4,5
or equivalent, Psychology 1, and instsuctor’s consente




Chemistry l90a~d Independent Work in Chemistry (3 each)
Prereq: major and a standing of 390 in the department

II. To be dropped:
Mathematics 230 (3)
Art 167 (3)

III. To be changed in description, number or credit hours:
The number of Geography 22 to 120

The title and description of Geography 20 to read as follows:
"Geography 20 Introduction to Weather and Climate (3)

A study of the atmosphere directed toward a basic understanding
of the elements and controls of weather and climate. Attention
is given to instruments, maps and observation techniques"e

Reduce the number of credits for Anatomy and Physiology 4, from
five to four,

Associate Dean Horlacher presented for the College of Agriculture
and Home Economics a recommendation for a new course which the Faculty

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