xt78930nvz37 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78930nvz37/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-10-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 08, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 08, 1991 1991 1991-10-08 2020 true xt78930nvz37 section xt78930nvz37  

Vol. XCIV, No. 194

Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Kentucky Kernel

Independent since 1971

Tuesday. October 8. 1991

KSU president Wolfe keeps job, loses power

Associate Editor

FRANKFORT. Ky. — Kentucky
State University President John T.
Wolfe Jr. was stripped of control
over the institution‘s finances after
the Board of Regents brought nine
charges against yesterday him for
incompetence, neglect and immoral

home. and failing to make adminis-
trative appointments.

He also was charged with permit-
ting a single bid for contract, in
connection with construction for his
residence, in excess of 510.000 -— a
violation of state law.

The decision to bring forth the
charges was made in private. No
vote count was available. However,
board chairman former Gov. Louie

will be held before the Board of Re-
gents. The board could vote to fire
him at that time.

Nunn deferred comment to the
board’s attorney William E John-
son and Wolfe's attorney William

However, before adjouming the
meeting, Nunn said. “it would be iii-
appropriate for the board to com-
ment on the charges now that they
have been served on Dr. Wolfe and

sign and he refused.

“Hopefully, this is the beginning
of the end in terms of getting be-
yond this impasse," said Alan
Moore. president of the faculty seri-

Wolfe and the board has been at
an impasse regarding administra-
tive appointments. Yesterday the
board appointed or reappointed
about 5 administrators to posi-

was appointed c \cciitive vice presi~
dent and spcciai .isslstttlll to the
Board oi Regents

Board attorney Johnson said
Smith's appointment is “tor the pur-
pose of approving all expenditures
of the University No one Wlll have
the authority illiltl than Dr. Smith
and the board oi regents. All delegav
non of authorit. licrc‘ltiltilc' given to
the president oi the l'niversity by
the board of rcger u "

Hc s

l lllvffsl

Wolfe’s (ltlllcs. Johnson said
still the presidw oi the

Giving Sinitii
purse strings takes away
most algllilchlllt power As president
“as near as i can tenf Moore said

in triaking the .iptxrimincnzs the
regents ilft' i administrators t‘narles
Lambert \iacAnhur Darby,
who lik.~ ‘r‘roae \ titlic‘f appointees,

.vitnout board ape

the iriivcrsity s

‘rViillc ,s


had been scrum;

Nunn said a “majority" of the re-
gents agreed to bring charges.
Wolfe, in office since mid 1990,
will remain president at least until
an Oct. 18 hearing. which likely


Wolfe was charged with giving
himself an unauthorized 9.5 percent
salary increase, deceiving the board
on the amount of money spent for
renovations to the president‘s

proval 'w raid
iridil'ttlti r.t1r ”c‘i't.
Ci Kr" '~ _" 't -“';r" rt

Moore .allcti furnith \ “"‘“‘ ‘1'" “EU'L‘

merit a mgr AM

his counsel."

The regents met for three hours
behind closed doors. At the last
meeting, regents asked Wolie to re-


The board gave control of KSU‘s
finances to Mary Smith, a former
interim president and vice president
for academic dil;ilf\ at KSU. She

war In and oth-

suit meant tor

\-;-: KSU

Gas»; 5

Chancellor evaluates agenda

Hemenway discussed \ rays
to improve teaching. learning



Contributing Writer

The breakup of the Soviet in
ion marks the end oi the last great
European empire. said The Wash
irigton managing editor

l’osl‘ s

Robert Kaiser. a veteran iour
ntilist in Moscow from N71 to
197-1 for the Post. said he is un
sure of what the future holds for
the fonner U.S.S.R.

Kaiser delivered his speech ti-
tled “Russia After the Revolu-
tion" to about 200 people at the
Student Center. It was sponsored
by the Patterson School for Diplo‘
macy and lntemational Com—

“There‘s going to be a period
of great confusion now." he said.
“1 expect because of economic
necessity, some sort of system
Will survrve."

Soviet President Mikhail Gor-
bachev called for an end to the
Soviet Union after a lack of llllc‘ir
rial organization culminated in an
attempted coup in August. Al-
though the coup was unsuccess-
ful, Gorbachev saw Communism
coming to an end for Russia and
the rest of the union.

The Russtans have to solve
multitudes ol domestic problems
before stability can be restored,
Kaiser said

“They've got to deal Wllh these

Robert Kaiser. managing editor of The Washington Post. spoke iniormally to students h the
Enoch J Grehan Journalism Building before addressrng a larger crowd vesterday

Soviet breakup signifies
end of empire, Kaiser says

GREG FANSKevnrr F'a?‘


“There‘s going to be a period of great
economic necessrty, some sort

confu3ion now


things and confront them," he
said. “and it‘s going to be vcrv

Kaiser said among the barriers
Russitm people now face are tood
shortages and a severely crippled

Only outsiders ot the Russian
economy, such as the Russian
youth. can make a new system
work because the current leader
ship is “economically illiterate.”
hc‘ Stud.

Nationalism in the l5 republics
also will play a vital role in the
luturc, he said. Kaiser called the
desire for independence in some
republics the “most poweriul po
litical virus in our age," and he
said it riiust be contained if a new
union of republics is to survive

The republics' interdependence
for economic stability will help to
contain those feelings it they get
out of hand. Kaiser said.

Julia Karpeisky-Ryan. a Rus
start native who attended the
speech. said many Russians leave
the country because the obstacles


uuwau C U1

system will

Robert Kaiser,
veteran journalist

lacing them and their country are
so diitictilt to overcome

Karpeisky-Ryan, .i graduate
student who has been in the lTnii-
ed States for a year, said it is llllr
possible to forecast any improv c

‘!t :s so uncertain that ever - ,

perts don't predict," she said.

Her brother, Alexander ls'arpei-
sky~RyarL of Moscow. who also
attended yesterday's event. said
(‘rorbtichev is to blame tor poor
conditions in his country,

“in .1 political sense, there were
too many mistakes.” he said

He said the people began to dis
trust (‘rorbachcv because he did
nothing domestically

The Soviet leaders “must now
do the hard things.” Kaiser said,
to tiiakc tip lor past mistakcs and
to create stable economic and po
litical systems

Stat? Writer

improvements in teaching, equal
ity, undergraduate education and
freshmen were the main topics of
the third annual town meeting given
by Robert Hemenw‘ay’. chancellor
for the Lexington Campus

The meeting “is a time when we
come together as a community to
share information," liemcnw'ay
said, " l‘o basically say what's been
going on and what does the fu-
ture hold“

in his address. llemenway out
lined the progress made in a 1*)-
point letington ('ampus agenda be
created at the lust town meeting in

“in NS" we didn't know how
rbasketballi coach Rick l’itino was
going to be," he said in the tall
oi WW. David Roselle was presi-
.Jr'rii H? h 'tfnivcrsitv .rad had
:to Lift! that he'd be l.‘.t\1l’1i1 tr. rust
\IK months "

ilemenway said more than 3(th
people have attended the iru'etznt'»

dine thy; started, "ioday, we ham

.2 new prcsalettt. (‘harles Wethirig

ton. who has helped us to ~i'clli.‘
= L'c‘7.".'" salary rit_,'r.'.isc‘s “

pout: -: ih ‘

..i:t,t .tkitcl K's vale:

'1 demonstrate it“:


t . l
.. dgcti..i \1

at: g‘l".
rag:- .it work her-e at
.k.‘ expect, to see .lsrt‘ocrau ;i‘. 'Aw
Lt tbs (' ‘.t|t.b oi is. "
trit'ky "‘

iletticnway 111‘_‘.’1l1t‘11c‘tl the s'
dent ,~\;tivitics Board rtzisprir‘t
volvirtg the song “\l‘. ()h‘ in}:
tacky Home" 1' ‘
datebook it published
which included the archaic Ty."
referring to blacks 3. “sari-nos “ i'
to a predominantly black social fri
ternity' boycotting \i‘\l)i{lc‘ll\1'.l:_‘\‘

He said the liicident is not an er.-
;imple of tetnacratv at work \!
though SAH apologm‘d for We
_._lent the '.'1I
dork ',t't‘.c‘.ll;'r. i,

easy but work is? trd." h: \.‘.1-.i

iii Us ~,

twilli; " .k‘.

l}ii l

The l“r‘.1"'1;

whisc “ tr an a
ilemenwm .iiw ' wressed .t

. cm (H 3r (liti. Zl'." "= i'Yitlt,‘rr'_l'.l.l'r:r

~r;r\ tint"-

th-- art "
nudity - .' to!

.i-. .. ml 1 f’N.

LCC students conduct survey
to gauge awareness of voters

ISOn‘letif‘i‘g Wr 'e'
\‘dtlklklli‘ .ri {\“lli:.i\1fl(It‘ill‘l'll‘ll'
ty t'riliegc Lire ”Mile! 1 » illttl out L \
.tc[l\ {tow politically .iwarc :iitlk"
granarea residents are

To aid thcni iii :‘ic.r .ilorts. \Ill‘
dents conducted . ”HM“: ti YL‘si


dents in haven: '.‘ss.irniric.

toi_1.iti.: vihcr ntronrdrtu
prior to the gubernatoriar its; .ircs

lim «Itnirell.
proiessor .it i t‘t‘, red :he
in a poll ot 1,165 .irea ic‘\ltlc‘jlls
ile‘lt‘cl it) \Olc‘.

People who responded 1o ‘ne
poll, primarily iiiycttc t‘ouht‘. rust-
dents. answered questions iecant
mg their opinion oi the ;\1Iillstll
status ol Kentucky and oi the or


poldictii gncc

t; Lents

Questions ranged trotii :.-.s «oil
President ilush has done Ins
whether Supreme tourt ‘itlilililc'L‘
('larcncc lhomas should "c rite


.i'o to

”l was wanting them to learn ow
the general public ieels .ibori‘. .ari»
ous issues. to have ihtm in \t‘lt‘ltlki
with the genera. public.
said. ‘ ltliitik they learn that they
are actually more iniorriied than the
general public

[he poll. however. revealed more
than the extent or the
knowledge. i‘or example. 1.‘ is'i
cent ol the polling .iudieiitc cud
Bush's pcrtormance has been
if not outstanding

Cantrell said that number is h‘wti
than it was last spring. btit

Fifty livc percent oi those toned



. ‘r
.t'\ \l.




% Jones:

1 Voiziliopkins



vi ihornas. .uhiic

trained undecided \‘ pi. .
in regard to tile bt‘tztitt s.
.it'it i'ss-vr‘iiri ‘tc. ri\
fincc .ittttcalcti iri lc'.lrl..1,1 .
.v to said ltvoraltlc
.trid i2cutrai r 3-) percent:
Iht- ooh illdlktltt...

.ioveruor coirit‘,

.lcc 'i‘l ithc',
i‘om utilc‘ pert t'iil said t i.» . .. cnt
y would vote “it Ret‘tn‘ncd. tasty
Hopkins. shiic ‘4' [timer . . 1,‘
kitn ilrticitill "1c‘\ i- At \s'i. ttl's'
poll noted that :lopktds .s reading
:n all .‘sccpt “oot‘dord
xshcrc Jones is loading 9.1 pertcn. to
*4 pcrtcnt
concerning iro.




sitisoii s twriornnirict, iniv
ctit rated his pet ioriiianc. .l\ ester

ill 'ilt‘sc~ i‘ttllt'ti \.


\‘rctni it;
‘~ :s'tth ;.

.z. \\i\ii«1iitlti .lIIVi

, "aut‘ltc

\ tkttcirt :‘i


t‘iiicr .t “Mics tilts

Source L1); Poll Margin oi ‘eror v 1
1W 8 gvANciwsxt . ..


. ..i.tt_‘n sin: L‘it
\\ .1: \ K .lk‘ t3. -
.srt a scar and :1 .-

r r
rlk 1‘

mt \c‘.U\ .t. lilc‘
Iiittiigil littlsl titic'slitms
sititlc‘an it I‘:
submit new ones

tine other thing tr..i.
time that was ilcvci dork
we had

.icvcr done that l‘clor. \c .1


«c i iii 1 ll\
\\t‘ d

.tilill‘vtlic'l iii.i.v\is

.l way»
..llctii.tlt‘tl is" hand

Waiitrcii to modern. \h

.hngit Eliititi knight !.i .. Dita . i:\\’

to tori-punts lot the ,~.. we.

said they lavorcd the continuation




. r. . . A . _
mice.” “1 ate .iadic...c .tas out; Ebb . .tmtti











Lady Kats remain undefeated at Cage
Field. Story, Page 6.


“Use of Animals in Medical Research," a
speech by veterinarian Ward Crowe will be
held 4 pm. in 230 Student Center.

Do's and don‘ts of
Keeneland. Story.
Page 2.


v ‘t‘WL‘QtTll
. ‘

c tt;»o'r|9dS








 2 —- Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday. October 8, 1991








Voice of experience: What to do and not to do at Keeneland

Stall Writer

I‘heflI/llmine l\ u [m for (he not —
l.'t’ of whirl (it do will u lull "(7., ft)

4 filit' ill AV(,(',Il'f/t1lnl1‘

Do go on a weekday It's the only
was to enjoy a dax at the races. Try
his circuit .Illtl impress \our friends

with your horse sense: Before each
race. observe the horses in the pad-
dock; when they head for the track,
head for the windows and place
your bet: then carefully proceed to
pre-chosen spot to see the race (not
a TV monitor). After the race. begin
again at the paddock. If you win,
cash in when you make your next
bet lit sates timel

I 364 Longview Drive

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The l.llilt‘ People Keeper now has a structured full-time

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Mental Health Awareness Week
October 6 - 12

Feeling depressed? Have you just ended a relation-
ship and find it difficult to continue your usual
routine? Are you finding school to be more than you
can handle? Sleeping too much or not enough? Lack
of appetite or excessive eating? Withdrawing from
friends or family? It is not a sign of "failure" or
reason for embarrassment to see a mental health

For information or to schedule an appointment, call
the Student Mental Health Service at 233-5511.




Don't go on a Saturday. it's too
crowded and nearly impossible to
immerse yourself in the races with-
out being aggressive. Aggression is
completely unhorsemanlike in the
bluegrass. On Saturdays. the horse-
to-person ration is about 1:3,000.

Don’t eat the food. it’s about the
saute quality as Riverfront Stadium,
evert though some of the items are

so-called traditional Kentucky fa«

D0 try the Bloody Marys. (How
do they make them so good?)

Don’t drink and gamble. A won-
derful way to lose money.

Do bet but don't drink, Same
point as above.

Do watch the horses in either the
paddock or the post parade. You

‘ " linNG'I'ON, KY

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can tell a lot by how they act. Just
use common sense.

Don‘t bet on a horse that looks
unfit, sloppy, is sweating or is
foaming alarmingly at the mouth.
This is practically a guaranteed sign
of a loser. If it coughs or wheezes,
feel sorry for the poor thing.

Do bet on a horse that is beauti-
ful. muscular. fit, contained and
looks eager to run. This is no guar-
antee of a winner. but it will help
narrow the field. If he winks or
nods at you (the horse. not the jock-
ey). bet your entire college trust
fund or savings.

Don’t tell anyone whom you
don’t know how to read the Daily
Racing Fonn. Chances are they
don't either.

Do buy a Daily Racing Form and
have it sticking out of your coat
pocket the entire day. Don‘t read it
frantically 10 minutes before each
race. if you didn‘t study it in the
early—moming hours (presumably
after getting the horses in and fed).
forget it.

Don‘t tell someone you‘re bet-
ting on a horse because you love its
name or because pink and green are
your favorite colors. Keep those pri-
vate powers of intuition to yourself.

Do tell someone you're betting
on a horse because you happen to
know “it ran a good race last time
out. despite being blocked in
around the last turn" or “a trainer
friend of mine gave me a tip."

Do say things like: “he/she‘s real-
ly shown good form his/her last two
races;" “1 think he/she's due;" “I
happen to know he/she had a good
workout that's not even posted in
the form;“ or, best of all, “this horse
loves sunny, mild October days at

Don’t say things like “seven is
my lucky number;" “I'm due this
time:" lie/She‘s 99-1 but what the







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hell, 1’” bet $30 to win;" “My old
dog had a similar name — I gotta
bet it;" or “Pink and green are my
favorite colors."

Do look at statistics on the win-
ning jockey and uainer published in
the daily program. They often have
hot streaks at various meets.

Don’t watch the tote board dur-
ing the race to see the numbers of
the leaders. The tote board was a
relatively late addition to the sport
of racing. Watch your horse‘s col-

Do watch the race, or at least
make a good effon. A wager w
even a $2 bet »» makes it ntorc ex—

Don’t yell at the horse if it loses;
always blame the jockey. Use the
jockey's first name for emphasis.
Say things like “My grandfather
rides a tractor better than that," or
"hey (fill iii name), don’t quit your
real job."

Don’t ask why they don't call the
race over the public address system.
Kceneland is the only track Ill
North America that doesn‘t. it‘s a
matter of intense pride.

Do comment that you are so
grateful there is no annoying PA
system to dispel the quiet, tranquil
air of racing as it was meant to be.

Don‘t gawk at local celebrities.
“Horse people" pride themselves on
their common touch v— at least with
their hired help. If someone says.
“Look. there's Anita Blueblood,"
simply reply “I know. She tried to
borrow $20 from me in the bath-
room l() minutes ago."

Don’t dress like you're in the
clubhouse when you're not.

Do dress like you just came from
the stabling area when you‘re in the
Grandstand. Boots, jeans. wom cot-
ton shirt (preferably with mud and/
or straw on them). Explain that you
just got the horses fed in time to see
the filly that you bred and sold run
its first race. Say this with a fara-
way, misty look in your eyes.

Don‘t sit in art empty box. even
if it belongs to the friend of a cou-
sin of a friend who was a roommate
with someone you once had a class
with. Even if it‘s been empty all
day and you’re certain no one is
watching. Out of nowhere. a man in
a green jacket will appear and ask
you to leave.

Do find a quiet place to sit that‘s
slightly off the beaten path but pro-
vides a view of the action. Defend
this spot to the death (preferably not
your own). Suggested area: the
north end of the grandstand opptr
site the clubhouse end (fewer peo-
ple sit there: ll has the least—used
betting windows: easy access to
restrooms and concessions, without
treading a male of stairs and walk
ways; and the finish line is right Ill
ll’tilli Ul Alut.
near the paddock under the trees
and the second floor clubhouse win-
dows overlooking the paddock (to
people watchl are good places to

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 Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday, October 8, 1991 - 3



Wilkinson’s performance
rates well in Bluegrass poll

Associated Press

The Kentucky Kernel:

Read it, write for it, critique it, do the croosword puzzle, recycle it, use it to wrap ilSh, start tires, TP alternative


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telephoned randomly. It has a mar-

poops CYCLERY .

1985 Harrodsburg Road
Lexington, Kentucky 40503

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Gov. Wal- points.
lace Wilkinson may leave office Of those questioned, 8 percent
this year with an overall job rating expressed strong approval — the
similar to that of his predecessor, highest ranking ~— of Wilkinson's
Martha Layne Collins, according to job performance, and 43 percent
the results of anew poll. said they somewhat approved. I

More than half of the Kentucki— Twenty-two percent said they
ans surveyed in the latest Bluegrass somewhat disapproved. and 13 per- I
State Poll said they approved of cent strongly disapproved.
Wllkinson'sjob performance, while A Bluegrass State Poll conducted .
35 percent said they disapproved. in 1987 shortly before Collins. also I Diamond Back
The poll.conductcd by The Cour‘ a Democrat, left office gave her a , '
ier-Joumal and published in Sun- 54 percent approval rating, Wth 36 I ; SChWInn
day‘s editions, said the remainder percent disapproving.
Of those surveyed said they had “0 Wllkinson barely attained a ma—
opinion or the Democratic govem- jorlty approval on the lirst three are— I
UI”SJ-0b perl'omlance. as, while Collins' approval ratlng
The poll. conducted Sept. 26-30. was about 60 percent in all three I
lntervicwed 809 adult Kentucklans cutcgorics.

.. , .«. . .
at. u . w, L/ .. .,. ,, Mug, \i:\;AlJ


students are “hoping that (regents)

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VISA - Mastercard - AMEX . Discover


Continued from page 1

will see (the chargesl have no valid-
lly." I
A group ol~ slx l'aclllty sided with
. the students, saving m a letter that
ously.huttheregents reluscd. W ll‘ , ‘ by”, ‘1‘ ‘1 1 ‘ g I
o c was elng telllct tut pro
ccss because he never testllled he-
tore the rcgans' personnel colllllllt« I
ice. whlle Nunn and others did.

Durlllg the closed session stu-
dcllts stood outslde the boardroom
.\t one point about 25 students
stood Ill a CerlC and prayed for
Wolle, regents and the institution.


“We lilld that a clear \ loltltloll old Expires 10'31'91 lO:ll0a.m.-9200p.m.

his due proccss and aclear... lll'lUS‘ L - - - - - - - - - - -
Silldt‘lll leader Sandra liilssc‘ll [igg hug i‘c‘t'll pgrpctnucd Ull [ilh

asked (iod to “nlake lt right." l'lllvcrslty.” said Doll Woods, one
.-\l'tcl the lllcctlng. liassctt said ol'tht‘slx.


Continued from page 1




lllc protect will conclude tor the
semester when live other polltical
sclellce classes conduct the same
poll, to a larger audience, alter the
second gubernatorial debate.

“He has helped me a lot with thls. Studt‘llLs Will compare the results
Actually he's one ol my students, to determine if the debates had an
but in llll\ case. he's my teacher." lmpact on Bltlcgrassarca voters.

\t' s
\gOiniL Head... Q

his is gout
heart alter
giving piped...

rd Annual Town Meeting:
The Lexington Campus Agenda...
Where Do We Go From Here?

A discussion with Robert Hemcnway,
Chancellor, Lexington Campus
Come share your thoughts about
Teaching at UK

Monday, October 7 \Vorsbm“ lhcsltrt:

12 noon -1p.m. \llltlt"‘l Vents:
Tuesday, October 8

S - 9 a.m.

Worsham lhmtrv
Student (enter
so.“ .»\uditoritln~.
kg. Science North

Wednesday, October 9
J -S pm.

The talk will be available on audiotape. Call 7-2911


UK Greek Blood Drive
“ here: up till! 101‘ -\\'l‘;1 l

TL'ES. & “T11, OCTOBER 8th St 9th

r A‘ l‘ \l l .“ i‘ \'

“"0“”. Sponsored by Prize“

. vi .4 u ,
\t“:::‘nmfl" ' a "'11s,
.. , limo '41., ‘

teéféf‘fi. : ChOOSB US NOW
so you’ll have
choices later.

vhf“,- L. LL'lLuI-lu'

ti ",.:‘_tt..‘._t', a “it“




lulu-l. \wollllol'lahlt' llHlllt‘ l,"‘:\'.ir‘

Upcoming Organizational Activities

1.) E Pluribus Unum

October 13, 1991, S.O.A. in
conjunction with SAB will be

illllt' i'lli'st' .tl‘l‘ llll' lwllt'llls ol .1 st" ”Ill
l'l‘lll't'lllt‘lll, 'Mlllt‘ l\\i‘lllll’lll l't-ltllm tlfi
'llilhl‘ lll\ ‘(lhll'llllm's . llt‘l'll ;Ii ll""'v'.'.

t-llslllt- thew llt'llt‘llh .lll' thtll ol toll: 2;..tlt


holding a Leadership Sensitivity
Training Workshop.

I’.O.T. 18th flloor.

Please RSVP. by October 9, 1991
at 257-1099.

S. O. A. Delegate
October 17, 1991 6:30 pm.
Rm 106 Old Student Center


Trademarks Of Outstanding Leaders
Annual Leadership Conference
Saturday, Oct. 26, 1991 9 am — 5 pm
Carnahan House, Newtown Pike
For more information call 2574099
RSVP. by October 23

Phi Upsilon Omicron

National Honor Society of Human Environ—
mental Sciences is collecting recipes for
publication in an upcoming cookbook.
Send recipes to Phi U, 102-8 Erileon Hall
or call 269-5922.




'l‘ W l-I N 'I' I If 'I‘ ll

('I‘I'N'l‘l RY

l'llooslllg 1s '\ .l stop til the light Illll" “ v:

\\ltll llU‘tllll‘lll l't-lllllls, \llll l'l' lll‘\~‘\llllL \I"
illl‘ llllltllal llllltl tlldllsm Ill tut t. mo ~: "13 tlzlm
I'll/tslrll's .l.t«l \t (uN/HIV/mx, lll ‘.lilt\|'ll
mlltltn rout : (ltl- ”illitv I 'i'l" l» t:
t‘llllllltl lllllt‘ 3“. lfl‘lt

Start tli:llllllllg 1m 1‘ tlllllltlttllii' w 7w 'vtt-lt “tn m
'l'llillltltllli l't-llllm ltoxt (.ll! llslolm li l-slllldlfl-‘Jll‘ll :th

ll'2lllsll'l'l'lllg\olll with ll\t'\|lllt'lli. it stop in Room lllli .ll

the Student ('elltl-r lit-tobt-r 7 ll. loll ll :t-t I‘l'lt' lll l!illl!!l.ti. :.

klt tlllll prosper tlls .llllt h .[lt llldt‘se ll.llgr~ .lllll "\l" Int s

Please read lllt llllwlu'l tlls « .lll-ltlih Ml llrll‘ tll\t'\i L: a

\‘ll‘llllllu‘l litiln: \ .
lltl.l {m it tl 'I tilt ~«
l\\t-ll| t-tlw - llt..l\ \..
l.l|ll.l\ tl‘ clinll‘ .1 -.

‘ i“’l lui 'tlttvt‘tl-

l'tllt thin 0s.

M l"l‘l'.\l, Fl'Vlls FUR





4 - Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday, October 8, 1991












Editorial Board




Victona Marlin. Editor in Chief


.\. Alon Comcu, l-‘ditonal Editor

Kentucky Kernel

Established iii 18‘”

littletx‘iidcitl \iiicc W Yl

Jerry Votgt. Editorial Cantionist
Dale Greer, Managing Editor
Gregory A Hall, Assoctatt: Editor

Angela Jones, News Editor


ltrian Jeni, Design Editor






SGA should let

settle LCC issue

Last week the Student onemment .-\ssoci.ition Elections Board
denied a L‘ls' transfer student. Sue Postiewasie. the right to run for
freshman senator

According to SGA rules. .1 candidate must be a freshman at UK irt
credit hours at the time of his or her election to be eligible for the

l‘ostlewaiie. who transferred 2-1 credit hours front Lexington
community College, appealed the decision to the SGA Judicial
itca'd because die is considered a fi‘es'httiait tinder l'tiivcrsity stan—

lhe catch is. a freshman is defined by S(i.»\ rules as someone in
his other first two semesters at UK.

The SGA constitution states. “All students enrolled at the Univer.
.sity of Kentucky. Lexington Campus. the Lexington Community
Cei‘iege and the Medical Center shall be members of the Student
(Toy eminent ASSOc‘lLIllOll of the t'niversity of Kentucky "

The SGA Elections Board decided that “the L'niversity of Ken-
tucky includes L(,‘(" "

In its ruling. the Judicial Board stood behind the decision of the





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did not extend beyond that point,

the SGA Judicial Board.

“ said Ken Walker. chief justice of

The Judicial Board dodged the issue, of course. but that's OK. It
merely suffers from the same confusion everyone has about LCC's

role on the Lexington Campus.

According to strict definition, LCC is pan of the UK system, as
are all the community colleges. The community colleges, the Lex-
ington Campus and the Medical School all have their own chancel-






Elections Board,

“We weren't here to make policy

we went with the document

we are governed by. which is the bylaws. and applied that scope and

But LCC is the only community college represented on SGA and
enjoys all the benefits of the main campus. LCC students pay the
same tuition as Lexington campus students do, but they are still part

of the community college system.

It is not fair to other community college students for LCC to re-
ceive the special treatment it currently does. Yet. as LCC argues. it
does pay more than the other community colleges. To correct this.
the tuition at LCC has been frozen until other community colleges
can catch up. Yet the double standard in privileges still remains.

It is up to the administration to resolve the schizophrenic treat-
ment of LCC. Moving LCC‘s campus would solve the problem,
since a lack of proximity would preclude it from participating easily


on the main campus.

However. LCC‘s fate needs to be decided before that time. The

administration needs to act now.

Hopkins and Jones foolishly associate with national parties

The Kentucky State Fair and Ex.
position Center in Louisville has
been the site of some of the state‘s
silliest events. For instance. the
“Hee Haw" operatic touring compa-
ny group perfomied the little-
known opera "The Castrated Bo—
vine and \‘me Other Tales of Fair
cy" there in 1934, And who could
ever forget the night in 1987 when
daredevil Amish Al iumped goat~
back over eight flaming horse bug—
gies’ Last week, however, a silly
moment occurred in politics. which
surely will be remembered as equal
to any of these past events.

For those of you who have for»
gotten. last Wednesday was the day
President Bush traveled to Kent
tricky to campaign for Republican
gubcmtitorial candidate Larry Hop-
kins, During a campaign rally at the
center. the president, told the assent-
bled crowd that ”when tiov. Hop
kins calls next year. he will have a
friend in the White. House." l'his
silly statement echoed the promise
imidc by Vice President Dan
Quayle last summer that if Ken-
tucky elects Hopkins goyernor, the
date have a chief c\ecut:\e
who may phone the President per
\s‘ll;lli\ any time he wishes


Am i supposed to beiieve this?
Will a president who has to deal
with a volatile Middle Last sittin-
tittll. a stagnant national economy
and the 1992 presidential election
have the time to accept the collect
calls of Kentucky's governor"

We all know what Will happen.
'Tht day after the inauguration.

tun, Hopkins will pick up the





phone anti say

Hopkins: Sarah. this is Larry.
Will y