xt78930nvz2n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78930nvz2n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-02-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 11, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 11, 1991 1991 1991-02-11 2020 true xt78930nvz2n section xt78930nvz2n  

Kentucky Kernel

Counseling Center educating alcohol abusers

Contributing Writer

UK's Counseling and Testing
Center is working with state courts
to educate dntnken-driving offend-
ers on the hazards of drinking and

The center offers a drug and alco-
hol education program in which
first-time DUI offenders can partici-
pate as a part of their sentence. It is
the only university-based program
of its kind in the state.

Ray Larson. Commonwealth at-
torney, said that all first-time DUI
offenders have the opportunity to
reduce their driver’s license suspen-
sion from six months to 30 days by
completing a state-certified alcohol

offering test
on marriage

Staff Writer

A test designed for couples who
are engaged or seriously consider-
ing marriage is now being offered
by the Family Studies Student As-

The test, called PREParation for
Marriage, deals with topics that
couples can use in evaluating their
compatibility and readiness for mar-

Individuals also are encouraged
to use the test to judge their feelings
about marriage and commitment.

“As an individual, it allows you
to see how you fit into the norms,
allows you to see if you yourself
are ready for marriage," said Mar-
tha Slemp, president of FSSA. “If
you take it as a couple, you can see
if you two are compatible.”

The PREP-M is a questionnaire
that the couple fills out separately.
The answers are analyzed by a corn-
puter, and the graphs, correspond-
ing answers from the answer sheet
and a booklet explaining the results
are returned to the individual or

Slemp said the test was offered
last semester within the College of
Home Economics (now the College
of Environmental Sciences), and
participants found it so helpful that
FSSA decided to offer it campus-

“We never really had a project to
give to the students and community,
and we also wanted a fund-raiser,”
she said.

The PREP-M questionnaire book-
lets and answer sheets will be sold
Wednesday and Thursday at the
Student Center and Erikson Hall
from 9 am. to 4:30 pm.

The cost is $5 per person or $8
per couple.

The results will be given April 3
at 3:30 pm. in 316 Funkhouser
Building; April 4 at 7:30 pm. at
Funkhouser; or by appointment dur-
ing the week of April 1-5.

For an appointment, please call
the Department of Family Studies
at 257-7750.

Updated CATS bus accommodates more students

Staff Writer

UK’s Campus Area Transrt Sys-
tem is replacing its oldest bus with a
new one in an effon to provide safe,
convenient and comfortable trans-
portation for UK students, faculty
and staff.

The new vehicle, a 23-passenger
1991 model bus, will replace the
17-passenger bus, which the CATS
program used when it began in

Don Thomton, associate director
of Parking and Transportation at
will help to raise awareness of the
CATS program among potential

"Some students seem to think that
the bus is solely for the benefit of
disabled students or for char-

education program.

However, this sentence reduction
policy may not be true for much
longer because of recent efforts to
toughen punishments for DUI of-

“The (Kentucky) legislature is
getting together now, and it may
change all of this,” said Todd War-
nick, a state-certified drug and alco-
hol counselor and a staff counselor
at the Counseling and Testing Cen-

UK’s program is one of many
state-certified programs for first-
time offenders. Larson said “a major
percentage" of DUI offenders
choose to attend the programs.

The program, however. is not lim-
ited to convicted DUI offenders,

Wamick said. UK students can take
advantage of the drug and alcohol
program, which also emphasizes
abuse prevention.

The UK program is based on a
national award-winning curriculum,
the “Lifestyle Risk Reduction Mod-
el." Describing the curriculum,
Wamick said: “It’s not just strictly
information, it’s not just strictly ed-
ucation. It doesn't use traditional
prevention methods. It’s quite a bit
different than other prevention pro—

Wamick‘s education and preven-
tion program lasts nine hours and is
spread over a period of two days. It
is held one weekend a month in the

See DUI, Page 5



V at: on teens

v‘mwmeat of MotorVehieles; ;
, The law alsohas increased the
: workload for juvenile courts. st,
Jim Hollman, a prosecutor in ru- .
rel Tulare County in the'state‘s
Central Valley.

’ “Before, very little used to hap-
pen to juveniles,” Hellman said.
“Now, kids who would have

_ pleaded cut before, now attempt
. to take it all the way through the :
system to beat it." ;,
Hellman said in his county, 50?

See LICENSING, Page 5231






Freshman Tom Gaupp waits for the staner's gun before the 400-medley re|ay during Saturday's swim meet with Auburn Uni-
versity at the Lancaster Aquatic Center.


for Katfish

Staff Writer

UK‘s Katfish finished their regular season
with wins over Aubum L‘ntversity. The men‘s
swimming and diving team won 157—65 and
the women won by forfeit.

Auburn did not bring its entire team. which
resulted in mixed feelings for the Katfish.

“There was a little mixup with the team.“
said freshman Steve Grimes. “Aubum didn’t
bring all their people so it would be even
The team was real supportive With each other
when they found out what happened."

The men’s record is 7-5 overall and 1-5, in
the Southeastern Conference. and the wom»
en’s is ()4 overall and 3—4 in the SEC.

Mike .‘ylclntire received two first place fin-
ishes in the ZOO-meter 1ndl\'l(ill(ll medley
(1:54.83 and in the ZOO—meter backstroke

Brad Kale, Gntncs and Eddie Ware each
had a first- and a second-place finish. Kale
finished first in the 100- meter :rcutylc
(46. 63) and second in the: (K) meter individu-
a1 medley (1:55 XI)

Grimes took a first in the MOO-meter free-
style (9:36.95) and a second in the ifltl-mctcr
freestyle 14:50.82). Ware finished first in the
5(X).mcter freestyle ”14590) and second in
the lOOO-metcr freestyle (9: 36.95).

“I was satisfied yesterday (Saturday) with
the first place." Grimes \ald. “The second
place it was all right. It wasn‘t what 1 ex-
pected to do.“

The Katfish swept the first spot in many
events, taking first and second in the 400-
meter medley relay. In the onc— and three-
meter (living, Jamie Sinawley and Robert
Taylor won.

The Katfish won the first three spots In scv~
cral events. Grimes. Ware and Derek Lin—
struth won III the 1(Kltl-mctcr freestyle: III the
50 meter freestyle Pttcr (icr;.ird Scan ch-
dell and George 1 t ithc mi in; In the 200 meter
individual medley \likc \1clnurc.l\'.ilt and
Stewart \Vcavcr;;1nd in the 500- meter free»
style Ware (inmcsund Linstruth.

\lorten \ndcrson camcd .i first in the 200-
mctcr butterfly. Jon Craciun won third in the
l()()-mct‘cr freestyle. The Katfish “Kl-meter

See SWIMMING, Page 5



ters," Thom-
ton said. “It is
a bus service
that was start-
ed for the ben-
efit of the stu-

The new
bus has sever-
al features
that makes it safer and more con-
venient for its passengers, he said.

The handicap lift, in the rear of
the bus, is safer for passengers in
wheelchairs, who will be closer to
the rear exit.

In addition, the bus has lock-
downs to prevent wheelchairs from
moving during transportation, and
there is more room for people to
maneuver the wheelchairs.

Thornton said the CATS service
provides free transportation for any-

“Some students seem to think that the bus is solely
for the benefit of disabled students .
It is a bus service that was started for the benefit of
the students.”

associate director of parking and transportation
cial pickup,"

one to and from anywhere on UK s
campus. It is especially geared to-
ward commuters, who must park on
the outskirts of campus and for peo-
ple who work and study late.

An important pan of CATS is a
two-year-old program developed to
provide transportation to and from
areas not covered by regular routes,
Thornton said.

Anyone who wants to use this
service can call 221-RIDE and give
a pickup ktcation to the dispatcher.

. or for charters.

“We allow
enough time
in each cycle
where the
driver can de-
viate from the
route and
make a spe-

Don Thornton,

Thornton said.

CATS is the chief campus trans-
portation system during the evening

LexTran, which services the cam-
pus during the day. ends its service
at 6:10 pm.

CATS offers hourly service from
6:30 to 9:30 pm, and it runs every
15 minutes from 10 to 11:15 pm.
Thornton said the late evening route
was started in 1987 “to provide
those students who work and study

late wrth transponation."
He said CATS provrdes a certain

The M l. K .Jr Cultural Center
writ sponsor a theater perfor»
mance of 'Cnc7Crac" as
part of African American
History Month at. 30 In the



measure of security for LYK's carn-
pus. “I think this IS a safe campus.
but I don‘t think you should take
chances,“ he said.

Another program CATS provtdes
for the University is its charter ser'
vice. Patrick Kass, supervisor of
Parking and Transponation, said
any University department can char-
ter a CATS bus for transponation
within the state.

The service costs $28 per hour
with a two-hour minimum. The fee
includes driver and fuel.

Most of all, Thomton said he
wants people on campus to be
aware of the services that are availa-
ble to them and to take advantage of

“If (the bus) is loaded every time.
that would suit as just fine.“


Student Center Grand Ballroom

Bon brings
Cajun mu»
SIC to town.

Page 4

Campus Calendar. 2
Sports............... . 3
Diversions ......................... 4
Viewpoint ........................ 10
Classifieds ...................... 11




 ‘ '2 — Kentucky Karnal, Monday, February 11, 1991



i ,\ m ms t .744 \iii' or events is suite


MONDAY 2/ 11

e Other: Singing Telegrams on
sale; $5; Donovan 6: Blazer
Cafeterias; 5-7PM; call 8—1919
(thru 02/ 13)


0 Other: Mardo Grs Party; Free;
Newman Cntr Main Hall; 8PM;
call 255-8566


0 Religious: Choral
Eucharist-Ash Wednesday;


0 Academic: '6th Annual '

Physician Assistant
Comprehensive Review'; call
233o~159 for more info (thru


- Academic: Recommended date
for freshmen to submit 1991 Fall
Semester application


0 Religious: Organ Recna‘i.
Stephen Black-Lent 1; Free;
Christ Church Cathedral;
;;301‘.\1;ca1‘. 2544497

- Religious: Choral Evensong;
Free: Christ Church Cathedral;
3PM; call 35-1-4497



0 Lecture: The Impact of African
American Studies on the
Academy' Darlene Clark-Hine; St
Cntr 245; 4PM; call 7-1726


0 Forum: 'Intra—Arab Politics';
Free; New St Cntr 245; 7:30PM

- Forum: Donovan Scholars-The
University of KY: Its Future‘ Dr.
Wethington ; Free; St Cntr 230;
4PM; call 7-8314


0 Seminar: ‘Multiple Mechanisms
for B-adrenergic Receptor
Desensitization': Free; Med Cntr
MN563; Noon

0 Meeting: Black Student Union;
Free; St Cntr 245; 3:15PM; call

0 Meeting: UK Associtation of
Nontraditional Students
(UKANS); Free; St Cntr 106 caroll
#16; 5PM; call 7-3383

0 Seminar: 'Prep-M' sponsored by
Family Studies Student Assoc; 55
Single, $8 cou ple; 9:30AM 41PM;
call 7-7750 tor more into

0 Meeting: Residence Hall

AssoCiatiiin; Free: Commons 30M ,

“PM; Call 8-191q


0 Forum: Donovan
Scholars—Archeology of Palestine
Dr. George Coats, Jr; Free; St Cntr
230; 4PM; call 7-8314

° Seminar: Communicating with
the Eldersy; Free; Sanders-Brown
Cntr; 7:30-9PM; call 233-5550


' Seminar: 'Flow lniection
Analysis in Process AnalySis;
Free; Chem Phys 137; 4PM

' Lecture: 'KY Blacks: The
Transition from Slavery to
Freedon' Dr. Marion B. Lucas;
Free; CB 110; 8PM; call 7-1175


c'eu hour the Sruden

Christ Church Cathedral; 7PM;
call 254-4497
\ I




6: y/
\ ”a .



tActrvities, Otlice 203/20d Student Center, Unrverstty of Kentucky The intorrnot
must be titled out at the Student Activities Ottice Submoaion or Photographs a






UK student theatre pr





. :‘l for tickets 257-4929.





MONDi‘. r

. Meet "9 'ao'e 'iinr s 9'5: 2e 5‘ in‘i’ beaten Squash C1,? 3C-
lOPM. call 7 66V.

- Olher 3K duoc Ccub. Lee Attmnr Gym, 5 6 30PM,ca11255-2625
- Meeting A ”on C 4;. Armor Gy'r 6 730W. call 255-2625


- Meeting 8A8 Ferlut“ 1; Ms Committee. Free. St C'tlr 203. 69M
call 78867

- Meelt"g Amnesty l"10’“iaI‘0P»al,F'Oe.Sl Cr": t19.7PM,call254-o952
- Meeting Cycling Clot). Free 9 309M.cati 233 7438

- Meettng Commuter Student Board. Free, St Cntr 106. 5 15PM. call 7

- Religious Catholic 511109"! Leadersho Meeting lree. Newman Cntr
06. Noon. call 255 8566

. Other Aerobics. Free. Newman Cnir 162. 5 50-7PM. call 255-8566

- Meeing COtT‘r'iuIer Student Boarc. Free. St Cnir roe, 5 15PM. call 7

- Meet-“g SAB Contemoo'n Attai's Comrnitiee. Free, St Cntr 228,


5‘30PM. call 273-3556 or 7-8867

- Meeting: SAB Concert Committee. Free. St Cntr 226, SW. call 7

- Meeting. SAB Public Relations Committee. Free; St Cntr 203; 5PM.
call 7-6867

- Meeting. SAB Parents Weekend Committee. Free; St Cntr 203. 4PM.

call 7-8867

0 Meeting. SAB Pertorming Arts Commmee. Free. st Cntr 203. 6PM.
call 78867

- Religious Holy Eucharist. Free; St Augistine's Chapel; 5 30PM. call
254 3726

- Religious Encounter. Free; St cntr 205. 7PM. call 278-9533

- Meeting: UK Judo Club; Alumni Gym. 6-7 ZDPM. call 2552625


- Meeting: SAB Indoor Recreation Committee. Free. St Cntr 203: 7PM.

cal 7-8867

- Meeting: SAB Cinema Cornmmee. Free. St Cntr 228, 4PM. call 7

- Religious, Catholic Newman Cntr Night (CN2). Free. Newman Cntr
3&4. 7‘30PM. call 2558566

- Meeting: SAB SpeCial Activrties Committee; Free; St Cntr 203; 4PM.
call 7-8867

- Religious: Rellowshio ol Chrician Athletes; Free; 502 Woodland Ave;
9PM; call 8-6556

- Other Aerobics. Free. Newman Cntr 1&2; 5:507PM; call 255-8566

- Religious 'Thursday Night Live” at CSF: Free: 502 Colurmia Activmes
Rm; 7:30PM; call 233-0313

- Religious. Mass. Free. Newman Cntr. 6PM. call 2558566


- Religious: Mass; Free; Newman Cntr; 9.1 1130,3830; call 255-8566

- Religious Holy Eucharist; Free; St Ougistine‘s Chapel; 10:30AM; call

- Religious Holy Eucharist & Fellowship; Free; St Augstine's Chapel;
5:30PM; call 2543726

- Religious Spaghetti Supper Night: $2; Newman Cntr 354; SW; call

- Religious. Univeisny Praise Semce; Free; 502 Columbia Activates Rm;
11AM; 2330313


ion is published as suDDIDd bv the on-campus sponsor For Student Organizations or University Department 5 to make entries on the Calendar. 0 Campus Calendar Form
Gropmcs are encouraged Deedttne: No Idar than the Monday preceding the ‘ ' Ode.


MONDAY 2/ 11

0 Exhibit: ’King Remembered' a
photo exhibition; Free; St Cntr
124; 10AM-6PM; call 7-4130 (thru
2/ 28)

0 Children's Theatre: ‘Cric? Crac!
folktales and music from Haiti,
Senegal and the American rural
South; Free; St Cntr Ballroom;
7:30PM; call 74130


0 Concert: Homer Ledford, folk;
Free; Arts Place; Noon-1 PM; call

0 Movie: ‘Ghost'; 7:30 8:10pm;
Worsham Theatre; $2


0 Theatre: The School for
Scandal'; $8; Guignol Theatre;
8PM; call 7-4929

~ Movie: 'Ghost'; 7:30 8:10pm;
Worsham Theatre; $2

FRIDAY 2/ 15

0 Concert: Lexington
Philharmonic Orchestra ;SCFA
Concert Hall; 8PM; call 233-4226
0 Theatre: The School for
Scandal'; $8; Guignol Theatre;
8PM; call 7-4929

0 Concert: Gallery
Series-Woodwind Chamber
Music; Free; King Library
North-Peal Gallery; Noon

0 Movie: 'Ghost'; 7:30 &10pm;
Worsham Theatre; $2


0 Theatre: The School for
Scandal'; $8; Guignol Theatre;
8PM; call 7-4929

0 Movie: 'Ghost'; 7:30 6:10pm;
Worsham Theatre; $2

SUNDAY 2/ 17

° Movie1'Ghost'; 7pm; Worsham
Theatre; $2

0 Concert: Alumni Sacred Music
Festival; Free; SCFA Concert Hall;
3PM; call 7-4929 "‘


0 Sports: Wildcat Basketball vs.
Tennessee; Free w/ UKID; Rupp
Arena; 8PM

0 Sports: Lady Kats Basketball at
Cincinnati; 7PM


0 Sports: Wildcat Basketball vs.
Mississippi; Free w/UKID;
Rupp Arena; 4PM

0 Sports: Lady Kats Basketball
vs. Mississippi; 2;30PM

- Sports: UK Rugby at Eastern
KY Univ; 1PM


0 Exhibit: 'Kirig Remembered a
photo exhibition

0 Children's Theatre: 'Cric? Crac!
folktale and muaic from Haiti,
Senegal and the American rural


0 Lecture: 'The Impact of African

0 Other. Singing Telegram on sale

American Studies on the Academy'
Darlene Clark-Him

0 Movie: 'Mamphia Belle'
0 Meeting: Student Government




- Sports: Lady Kats Basketball u

0 Concert: Lexington Philharmonic

0 Theatre: The School {or Scandal'

0 Concert: Candy Serb-Woodwind
Chamber Music


'Movicz'Chat' .

Prod-IAnatyab' .,

0 Lacturc: 'KY Bhdu: 1'than

UK Woman's Forum presents ‘UK employee childcare
conoems‘, Wednesday the 13th, 11:45 am at the
Medical Center Auditorium. Call 7-1099 for more inlo.


0 Concert: Home! Ladlcrd. folk
O Forum: 'Intra-Arab Pohid
0 Forum- mach-The


University of KY: Its Future’ Dr.
0 mar: Mardo Cm Party





0 Theatre: The Schml tor Scandal” - Seminar: Communicating with the

. Movie: 'Gliat' Elderly
, Forum: m - Academic '6th Annual Physician

m; of POW' Am W W'
Dr. Gary and»:

0 Theatre: The School for Sondal'
0 Movie: ‘Ghoat'

0 Sports: Wildcat Baahatball va.






~wwmumw animator:

0 Sports: LadyKabBaahtbefl va.





,., u, . .




Kentucky Kernel, Monday. February 11, 1991 - 3


Associated Press

STARKVILLE, Miss. —— It was a
post-garne sight that probably hasn’t
been seen at Mississippi State in
nearly three decades.

After State’s 83-82 victory Satur-
day over No. 10 _ .

Kentucky, the .. ~
fans demanded a
curtain call from

their team, and
kept chanting:
“S-E-C. S-E-C.
S-E-C. S—E-C."

The fans at
Humphrey Coli-
seum believe
that the upstart WATTS
Bulldogs -— picked for anywhere
from fifth to seventh in the Smith
eastem Conference — have a
chance to win their first league title
since 1963. That's also the only year
State has ever gone to the NCAA

And Saturday’s victory lifted
State within a half-game of the SEC
lead with four games left in the reg-
ular season, and according to UK
coach Rick Pitino, locked up an
NCAA invitation for the Bulldogs.

“We have a legit chance for the
SEC title, and it's great to hear that
crowd,” said State guard Tony


Miss. St. cheers as UK clears

Watts, who scored 22 points, in-
cluding 20 in the second half.
“We’re not going to dwell on that
right now. We’re just going to play
one game at a time."

Kentucky, which lost consecutive
games for the first time this season.
had a chance to tie in the final 6 sec-
onds. But Sean
Woods, thinking
his team trailed
by two points,
drove for a lay-
up instead of
taking a three-

“We have a
three- -point play
‘ for that situa-

FELDHAUS tion, and practice
it every day,” said Pitino whose
team is known for its long—range
shooting. “It was just human error."

Mississippi State improved to 84
in the SEC and 15-6 overall. while
UK dropped to 9-3 in the confer-
ence and 17—5 overall.

“We played as sman a basketball
game as we have at any time this
season. but you have to do that
against a team like Kentucky.“ said
State coach Richard Williams,
whose team won for the third
straight year at home against UK by
a single point.

Reserves Deron Feldhaus and





"55.8 1-1 12, Holison 4~8 3 5 11
;.Brassow1.~4 1-2. 3. Woods 5-1

Helhlmo—MSU 38, UK 37 Three-
point shooting—UK 9—14 (Pei
pbrey 2-4, Mashbum 1-1. Basset»..-
0-2, Woods 1-1... Feldhaus 2-2,,
Partner 0-1, Bea'rup 3—3); MSU 1-5

. (Smith 01. Hartsfield 0-1. Walls ,1-

:3). Reboundv-UK 23 {Hanson
'Feldhaus A); MSU 39 (Merritt 13).
Assists-u-UK 201mm; 101: MSU
20 (Merritt 5). Total fouls-UK 27;
MSU 24. Failed out—none.




Todd Bearup rallied UK after the
Wildcats fell behind 62-50 with
9:48 to play. Feldhaus‘ two free
throws tied the game at 80-11“ with
1:10 to play.

Cameron Burns hit a free throw
with 37 seconds to play to give Mis-
sissippi State an 81-80 lead. Doug
Hartsfield and Todd Merritt each
made the second-half of two—shot
opportunities in the final 21 seconds
to push the Bulldogs into a three-
point lead with :06 remaining.

Then Woods took the ball the
length of the floor for the final

Neither team could build more
than a four-point lead in the first
half, but Mississippi State went on
an 11-2 run in the first 3:30 minutes
of the second half to lead 49-39.

Bearup scored all 12 of his points
after that. including 3-3 shooting
from three-point range, to spark the

“It was a great comeback, but a
disappointing ending for us," Pitino
said. “We knew the conference was
on the line for us, and they knew the
NCAA was on the line for them.
Mississippi State. is without a ques-
tion. an NCAA team."

Watts got scoring support from
Burns and Greg Caner with 13
each. Merritt added 12 points and a
game-high l3 rebounds as State out-
rebounded the Cats 39-23

Feldhaus led UK with l‘) points,
Woods and Jamal Mashbum had l2
points each and Reggie Hanson had
i l.


to play {netball . 71332. Coach Bill
Curry mum yesterday.
6- 205-pound tail-

Fdotball“ by The Assocxated

ml High School to the state 4A
championship game in 1990 He
rushed for 2,515 yards while scor-
ing 43 touchdowns and a state-
hlgh 308 pdints as a senior.
“Obviously; Damon is a great
player and a highlysrecruited
player, which people all over the
country want .” Curry said
“What ' RR. as apparent is

“It means he oould contribute
soon. But like any other fresh-
man, he‘ll have to earn (playing

Fidod, a consensus All-S tare se-
lection, wmflalso ' named the
“Overall Player of "the Year" and
the “4A Player of the Year” by
the Kentucky Network. He earned


:from Bowling

Press after leading Warren Ceo- '

Award. sponsored by the "
ville Quarterback C1ub, {or-I
academic and athletic efforts.
ing the 1990 season .

His season—best game as o seu-
ior crime in the state 4A sentiE~
rials when he rushed for 2384
yards on 40 carries and scored
five touchdowns again
Hood also led Warren Central to
the state 4A finals in 19891)»
rushing for 1,341 yards and seer-'1‘
ing 10 touchdowns.

Hood, coached at Warren Ceol'
tral by Joe Hood (no relation), be!
comes the second consecutive
Kentucky “Mr. Football" to sign
with UK

Last year. quarterback Pookie-
Jones of Calloway County signed "
with the Wildcats.

Overall. Curry is extremely
pleased with this group of incom-
ing freshmen.

‘This is a great compliment to
the University that a recruiting
class of this type would come at
this time." Curry said. “I‘m very
excited about this class and wish
the season would begin tomor-

“I certainly hope that all Ken-
tucky fans feel the same way
about football."

Kentucky opens its 1991 spring
training April 1.



UK tennis gearing up as men get ready for No. 4 Vols

Despite strong play Nelson,

14th-ranked Cats feel good about chances

Staff Writer

The UK men’s tennis team is rid-
ing high on a victory wave. but the
Cats may be in for a hurricane to-

UK plays host to Southeastern
Conference rival and fourth-ranked
University of Tennessee at 7 pm. at
the Hilary J. Boone Tennis Center.

The Cats, ranked 14th nationally,
own a perfect 4-0 mark after im-
pressive outings last week. UK de-
feated 6th-ranked South Carolina
and 23rd—ranked Clemson, both on
the road.

“Tennessee is an outstanding
team. and we’re looking forward to
meeting them,” said head coach
Dennis Emery.

“We've played well the past
couple of weeks. and l hope we can
carry that momentum into this

The Volunteers were last year’s
NCAA runners-up and have two

Although Tennessee has estab-
lished itself as a tennis powerhouse,
the Cats have won three of the last


five matches
against their ri-
vals to the

With rankings
and reputation at
stake. the Cats
are geared up
for the match.
“The rivalry is
the main thing."
said senior lan

“They beat us last year, and we
thought we had a good chance to
win. Rankings are important but
secondary to the rivalry."

Leading the charge for UK will
be Skidmore and junior John Yan-

Both Skidmore and Yancey com-
peted this weekend at the National
Indoor in Minneapolis. in singles.
Yancey lost in the first round to
ninth ranked David Kass of Michi-
gan (2-6, 627-6).

The tandem paired in doubles and
defeated the tournament's No. 4
seed from Southern California (4-6.
6-4, 7-5) on their way to a semi-
final berth.

( “








Assistant Coach Duane Hultquist
was obvrously pleased with their

“It was a good weekend," he said.
“They were close to winning a na-
tional championship."

The team hopes to carry some of
this adrenaline into tomorrow's

“I think the weekend adds a little
bit of confidence to the team." Yan-
cey said.

Yancey will play No. 1 singles
against Tennessee and will team
with Skidmore at No. 1 doubles.
The duo is ranked seventh national-

Players and coaches alike know
how important each point becomes
in a match of this caliber.

“Home court advantage is impor-
tant," Hultquist said.

“We haven't lost many indoor
matches at home."

in a best-of-nine match format.
the doubles pairings can be crucial
for a Victory.

“The singles will be close."
cey said.

“But the match wrll come down
to doubles, I'm sure."




Kernel Fun Photo
John Yancey nails a backhand.

Missing runner finishes
fourth in Nebraska meet

Senior Staff Writer

UK track coach Don Weber
shipped a contingent of athletes to
the F. Sevignc
Husker Invita—
tional in Lin-
coln. Neb.. this
weekend look-
ing to hone the
team's skills and
perhaps harvest
a bushel of vic-

And Weber‘s
harriers were
fruitful. and some
didn’t even know it.

Alex Davey, a freshman from
Melbourne. Australia, won the
men‘s seeded-mile Saturday in 4
minutes. ll.ll seconds.

Davcy‘s roommate. freshman
Glenn Franklin. also from Mel-
bourne, was listed as the founh-
place finisher in results sent by fac-
simile from Lincoln. But Franklin
wasn‘t in Lincoln Saturday.

“Alex is really on the come back
trail." Franklin said when asked to
comment on the race that reportedly
featured the UK duo from down un-
der. “But I didn‘t run this weekend."

A phone call to Davey and Frank-
lin’s dorm room Sunday afternoon
revealed that Franklin was home
nursing an inflamed tendon.

“lt has taken a little longer than I
thought it would." Franklin said of






his recovery. “l've been able to run.
but I haven‘t done any track work-

Franklin said he spent the week-
end in Charlotte. N.C.. With former
UK mnner Benny Mclntosh. who
was competing in a lO-kilometcr
(6.2 miles) road race.

Regardless of who donned Frank—
lin’s jersey. he said he was pleased
with his roommates' victory.

UK senior Charlie Kern and soph—
omore Rashid Derricks. however.
did run like themselves this week-
end. Kern won the men‘s l.0()()-
meter run in 2:26.53. Derricks
placed 23rd in 2:38.20.

Senior Alan Thomas. who quali-
fled for the NCAA Track Champi-
onships in the mile last weekend.
placed fourth in the men's 800-
meter run in 4: [8.37.

Thomas said earlier in the week
that he was going to run the shorter
distance Saturday to increase his
speed and tune-up his acceleration.
An attribute synonymous with the
NCAA milers. Sophomore George
Yiannelis finished ninth in the
men‘s 3.000-mcter run in 8:26.63.

UK's premier 3.000-metcr run-
ner. Valerie McGovern. who has al-
ready qualified for the NCAA in the
3.000 and the 5.000. elected to rest
during the weekend. Despite
McGovem‘s absence. the women‘s
unseeded 3.(X)0-meter run evolved
as the Kats‘ most celebrated event.

See TRACK. page 7

Klingenberg fall in Rolex

Staff Writer

The UK women's tennis team got
strong play from Melissa Nelson
and Susan Klingenberg in individu-
al competition over the weekend.


for the team. ..

strong play

doesn’t always

mean a victory. "S ta

i; 3


The two compet-
ed in the Rolex
\lational lnter-

collegiate ln- 1 ../ A

door Tennis




in Minneapolis.

Klingenberg NELSON
won 6—4. 6-3 in the first round
against Tuck Richardson from the
University of San Diego.

“It was a good. solid wrn for me
in the first round.” Klingenberg

After the lll'\l match. women‘s
tennis coach John Dineen said. “Su-
san played great" and was optimis-


tic about her performance in the re-
mainder of the tournament

She advanced to the round of six-
teen and lost 2-6. 2-6 to Florida's
Nicole Arendt.

Klingenberg said the Floridan‘s
hard serve created problems for her.
"i played pretty well. 1 Just
couldn't break her serve.“

Nelson. ranked mm in the nation.
lost in her first round to Heather
Williams of Stanford. 4-6. 7-6. 3-6.

“I \l’l(1uld"~‘c‘ done better consider-
ing where l‘m ranked.“ Nelson said.
“i played good tennis. 1 iust wasn't
there mentally.

”l wasn’t hungry

The doubles competition didn't
fare any better for the Cats. who
lost to Duke‘s Duo Ln. Z-o in the
opening round. lndiana defeated the
pair in the consolation match. 2-6

"We didn‘t play our best (lou—
bles.” Klingenberg said.

Nelson \Llltl. "We were both flat.
We couldn't get the momentum go-
ing on our side.”

enough." she


Staff Writer

It feels even better the second
time around.

University Heights hoped to
test that slogan _ printed on its
toumament T—shirts -— in shoot-
ing for a second straight All ‘A'
Classic title last week.

And after the Blazers knocked
off Kentucky Country Day 61-
53 in the finals Saturday night.
Heights“ coach Tommy Wade
confirmed it.

“The first one was a great
one." he said, but “i think the
second one does feel better."

“Back in October. this was
one of our goals." Wade said.
adding that the team would cele-
brate. take a day off and get
back to work on its next goal:
Winning the second region title
and going to the “real" state
tournament in March.

While the Kentucky High
School Athletic Association may
not recognize the victor of the
All ‘A‘ as an official state chant-
pion, you couldn't tell that to the
players in Saturday night‘s title
game at Memorial Coliseum.

The game had the look and
feel of a championship. Bodies
collided. coaches fumed and


Heights reaches top,
beats Country Day in

All ‘A’ Classic final

tempers flared. particularly in
the final minutes.

Heights couldn't \Itlp the
Bearcats frorn clawing back to
Within three in the third quarter
but pulled away if] the fourth and
never offered KCD another

After the final buzzer walled.
the Blazers lumped. embraced
and stuck out their llltlL‘\ fingers
lust like state chaunpions.

And the KCD players rubbed
their eyes, rclucuuitly accepted
the second-place trophy and
didn‘t even try to force a smile
for the flashing cameras. lust like
state runners-up.

KCD also secured to suffer
frorn the malady that piagues so
many schools in their first cham-
pionship game 7- big-game pt-
ters. The tightly-wound Bearcats
let Heights pull out to an early
Ill-8 lead.

James lee. KCD assistant and
former UK forward. said it was
those first few minutes that
seemed to break the Bearcats'

“The first fot‘r minutes of the
game were the key," he said.
“They made a run. and we just
weren't able to get over that

See CLASSIC. page 7




 4: Kentucky Kernel, Monday, February 11,1991

Ordinary comedians with little material can’t sustain sitcoms

Jonathan Winters always has
been the kind of comedian you ei-
ther love or hate. Some people love
Winters, watch everything he does
and roar with laughter at his ad-
libbed antics. Just as many