xt78930nvx71 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78930nvx71/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-05-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, May 02, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 02, 1986 1986 1986-05-02 2020 true xt78930nvx71 section xt78930nvx71 _____________________________——————————-——-—--__-__. _.________.———_—
AY Vol. XC, No. I24 MW “94 UHWOfSI'y of Kentucky. Loxington, Kentucky lndcpondant since l9?! Friday May 2 1986 ‘
' l t
Soviets still sendin
,, *5 , .~ ' ......;~.. *-»*‘*"“‘~'*“" ' ‘ ‘ o o
m s W” world mixed Signals ~ .1
o i _. ' " ,, x » * n t d' t ' " '
~ 86 . _, _ _ _ \ o reac or isas er ..
‘ ' “ .sc lh c.-\Roi..i.ii‘ii.i.i.\,\is everything i\ UK on: they run ' ‘ . .- -' - ‘
“ .. .“_“ ““1“ “ ”. ¥ \ ‘ ASSOClalt’dl’l‘t'ss relax “' .,: '. , - -“( .‘ L
,2“ H L The l‘ \ \arn llllillt‘ liepnrtiiient H . " -" . “, I
g}; . . ' x \ MUSt‘UVl' The Soviet l'nion told said shitting ‘.\lllti\ \KI‘Y’ cairyinc a ~ t
' . -f 355*} a nervous world yesterday that ra~ radioactite plume iron, the stincken . ‘ .._
~' g 9’ diation from the nuclear plant disas- plant oxer the Htil i.illl.i.i!l“ oi the 7 i -. I
st: , it“; ter was decreasing. but one of its western l'kraine and into ltoiiiaiiia. ‘3";
. ,u‘ diplomats said other countries llungaiy eastern I .lt‘t'titisltndklu .‘ T 1' '- “i 5'.
y I ‘ " ‘ 5 k -. should not relax because the "acci— and Austria l’olaiiii reported less f. '3“... ' “7-,; 3.”; _'-.I
“3.5 ..- . I “i“ “25 § dent is not over " fallout than in pie mi. days but .“j. '1}; i‘ .-.._- “f
{Ki-‘7‘ . k1” »/ ’ _ if ‘ ‘ Traditional May Day parades said l‘;itlll|.l'.‘ll‘.ll\ .t ,. i. n: miter ; 5' --";‘"i .f‘i:
"i [,4". ‘/' were held as usual. including one in andsoil l't’llllllllt‘tl inch ,' . ,;._' i‘ufi‘i‘.
§ ' , as ‘l “ “ ,1 X Kiev. the l'krainiiin city of 24 iiiil- The Nuiiet L‘on-i'mtn-‘zl nit“. onij. -"-."./.. fl‘i‘f.‘
‘ if: q " l / lion only Ho miles from the (‘herno- “Efforts to implemi-iv .“t nmptex ot 3" 1.; .
' ‘ ”~ i ’1; Ask. * byl power plant where a reactor technical llit'iisllit‘s \ nut-it at the ‘ ' . I‘ 4: - 5 A.
.. \JWE .. . {w caught fire Friday State television (‘hernohyl lltii‘lt'nl :i .w-r st.liltil\ . “ 'I“ 3'.“
' ‘ “I“ . c - showed colorfully dressed tolk danc- NPS in the iinia’ ~zi mt \pl‘ii .to u i f
i” .' , A one?“ . “ . ers pert'oriiiiiigthere The lLitiltidi‘lHiTy in 'ii. w-riioiy I)! “ , ‘ '. r’ri' ;f‘-.'
5“ -‘EF:W (IE, 4‘ . {$3 .. , ~. . “ The cause of the accident has not the \‘l‘S and thi- ‘.l‘~ ., int-mom ~ _ i -_ 4: ‘
\ ~ , » ' “3“” N“, A “' V ~.;.,* ‘ been revealed. but Soyiet radiation dropped] ) 'Jizi'it» ; “' a ; i“ " '“ “.
*1 23s” ‘ iv " “pert l’uvel Raiiioaex said when "\l'ork is un ler : 1‘ iist'tate 4.. . ‘ . V
' ~ ‘ ” , - asked yesterday if it was a inelt- the eoiitainiiiatmi ..‘t'.l flute-11' to .' -_ " - ‘“._ .. ' “i
w _ . 5.." ,. . ~‘;~ “ “ t down of the reactor core. "l suppose tht-Vl’stei'i'itor; ._ ‘ -_ .' ,
.i f ‘ “ “.k .2 that isso” "Medical it\\ - .zviiniiiis . . - ‘
r. i - _ . ~‘ . ‘“ .. ’“ There were conflicting reports tcred to iiil‘~i' nit». t. '. »: invm: 18 .,.' '~
. 3"“;- 3. A 4‘ about whether the reactor tire had people .ilt :. wt - .- ‘ilitJliltlli 1,“ ' .: -.
‘ - 4%?” ‘9 ‘3’ “l _ ‘ been extinguished l' 5 intelligence There we :2 . 2w .ci. . .' .iznong r
, 39““ . - sources had said \l'ednesday in thoseattet ‘« =‘ A. ~ " “- j ,“ .
’ .- “ ' l . Washington that it still raged and The "set'lw .t-:.' . l'rzpj..ii a ‘ " ' . _ ,
( ~ 'M X “t ' could burniorweeks tonnoi:fvwmwniisr "ii--,i!.ii:t~;te '. _ A ' ‘“ \~ '
; \‘ ._ \'italy (‘hurkin. swond secretary A Foreign ,\l't‘.i~?i I“:K ..tl iii lted '_
““\ = “La . ‘“ ot' the Soviet Embassy in Washing Square tor the paniiiv ~.:.ii .i llt‘\\s ‘ ‘ i " '
Fl . “WI-"5'0 WNW“ ton. testifying before a House of conference would. :.. new when \- ~ ‘.
agglng Representatives subcommittee yes more iiiloriiiatiun tm .ii:_e .-...iil.'iiiie, . .
terday. was asked whether the fire but added that he t .. ‘ '. ’ predict - ' “‘ _
' * t s' " o ' - lit-i it" , 4 ‘ '
Fred Wells. of UK's Physical Plant Division, with the help of Jeff Coliseum. Wells said the flags were being replaced for the up- ::::\\““i~e:ng“1;d:j“:d ““‘Sl‘hguijii't‘lfléflinl: ““l(““,llt“~l“(.“:;:”; it“. fawn" .l,“ A m” . " ' ’
Mitchell, struggles to hook up a new flag in front of Memorial coming graduation ceremonies. not over with That is clear We dead and 19" minim an: Sel'i‘t‘tiil‘} - , . '
_.._ have not told other countries that \__ MN“ is. inn-M ~ » ‘.
° \ 0 - 5323' -..-,_.;..Eg.. . ‘-
ng is pro essor eavmg UK , i Kernel ends .-
.t” to 3““ Z ‘t' r o o -
. . . . ':' ' '- -."’ fit, '52.? 4. .‘ ,_ ~
After a 25-year career, Pival taking time to write textbooks é): _ w" g . if publication ' . , '
. y- 1%}; ,4 aeti- ,, - - . 4 '2 - '
B)‘ BRADUHMEINHART Pival‘s career in teaching began teacher." said Robert llemenii'ay. y “.5-- . * “x. if; 3; ° . “ . ,
Contributing Writer at the primary level. teaching sixth chairman of the English depart- “‘13:“ _ “3-. m i untll fall ‘ . , W
graders at Cassidy Elementary ment. "1 hope others would pattern "' ., . = «,5 " . '. _, .-
This year‘s crniinieiiccinent excr- School in Lexington. themselves after wlmtshe emulate: “A “w “s I W, -i Staifreptirts . . -'
cises will not only see the dismissal “l jumped from the sixth grade all “She is a good part of our depart» , ‘ -' §ty .f’ g; 4 -

0‘ another senior class. but the loss the way to college students," she ment and she does something that ' ”/4: “ ‘" v“ 310mm _\ m». .,; rm. r,“ ‘I . ' '
ofa respected teacher as “'0” said. Her venture into the college UK needs to spend more time on. -' ‘ ’ If ’7" i ” '; Kermit will 1mm It” l.i>f oi the st" “ l .
After 25 years of service to l'K. scene began in 1961. that is advising. Her commitment to ' " , “I. I). “1 master . ' ,- ' f“. 1

Jean Pival. an associate professor of Throughout her teaching at UK. advising has helped many stu. . . 9%” . , ' . 1 3M, " ii Ham“: 0; .~.,ii.vi:it-tii.n m the ' ‘ . _ ;
Englishis retiring. her primary emphasis has been on dents.“ he said, "There is going to _ 25 s 4 ,1 . Journuhsln Building. in. Kw no. ml] , - '
.. , , . students. "Over my years here. my be a hole in our department when .. i’ 'i‘ ' E t; ' no, publish H. “van - Humor 9d,. ' . ' . .4
t dljalh Lemmg- 1 am ”9‘ planning best and worst memories are of stu. sheleaves.“ i i 3; " _ “-22- Unit this tear in titl‘.i'l‘ll.\ln§l. , ~ I
£393ngSl'fiisiativol\'Iednir“ie\tiil':“if“i%igeaErh“- gzgtituifgftssafiféi“i“iasgjogfgtgafsg nolt’izzrili's work at the l'iiiversity is i ' ‘ F?” .. WW _ 2‘ 42%” production and lit‘Kl‘ilri‘lil operations “ . ' - .
u . , ., It concentrated 0" tedcmng £7“ . ‘ ”MW fl; will lie lituiililuiirtt'ir-il iii the base- - , _ .. . .
gmh textbooks ‘md I wanted to free challenged me intellectually Mv but extends to campus and student ' ' .. r -- ' ‘ ,-.- ment oi lh’ ltilll'l “l\l“ Building " ' I I “'
up my time. [in not going {0 do a worst memories come from the apa- life. y '“ I “1/ ~ -- ‘1“ 1-" I “ I“ V. -% ‘3 next trill till: tiulledf‘; .‘ietfliestlav. ' , , ' .‘
doublelob againthistime, thetic attitudes of some classes and “i think that very few people have _. fa , g} 53:57 ihcv'll he twin-(i trxilrttilfilrll} in - 1f " -. _. . j - = '
Pival‘s educational accomplish- students. andnwhen they just don‘t done so much” for the University w 1 r ‘ rooms ~'.iiiilTnl \li‘w' ll-xii -. ‘ " ',U .. .3 j
ments began at l'K where she re- want to learn. over the years. Hemenway said.“l _ . «m, .. .. ' ' . _ f {A
- . . . ' - feel that she should be a model for ' . x lht‘ we“ ‘A'H- .. “A - t‘ l’lli‘hnhmg ’ .- i‘ . '
ceived her bacheloi s and master 5 R9599“ for Jean Pival comes "0‘ . .. - . i. , I , . . , . ., ._ -\wi hm . v, ,
degrees Later. she attended the only from her students, but also her all 9“ US'ln our careers. § “ .. E if“ h flax! “m“; :1 ‘ I I i A “ p ‘4' .' “ ‘2 i I: ’-
University of Michigan. where she colleagues. 4 Pivals future plans include travel » . . = - . Mm . {a t iionon. UL. _i y : I. ., .
began work on her doctorate in lin- “I think that Jean Pival rep- ing and completing work 0" the Daily L‘ll‘t'lllJlltili .iii’. rec-ii Aug ' ‘, ' '
guistics. resents the very best qualities of a Scc PIVAL Pagco JEAN ”VI“- 27. : 9.3:": “Ah!“ .-'-'
; i, “V; “Ni-Ft
P t b ' ° ° 4 000
OB , usmessman JOln , . . -- -- ~ a: .s'
-- st 9;“ c ‘. '5';
tt . d d . . . Y“ 5/” i “ f“ 4- a 1“. r “. “h.“ f‘ ~Z “, ,"T.
ge lng egrees at gl‘a uatlon - x , 2'12: a:
g. . * fl \ ' - . . -. ,. ’7: f5.‘ 7 fig:
Staff reports honorary degrees from the Universi- nomics professor; Beverly Daven- §V$§X . f‘. .. \3 \ 3' ‘ i “if“ i§v~ Xv 3."; . " «x‘ 3“; iii/i. “’1‘“..“:':‘-'“
ty. Berry will receivea doctor of let— Port Sypher. 8" assistant ID“)fessor “\§ fi“ W _ . ‘ M f”; 1:: " ‘ ' . " j; 4- .II'
Kentucky author and poet Wendell ters degree and Sturgill will receive of communication; and Jane Gentry E\\ ‘ ‘ ,- ‘* " a...» . , '4' , f '. ‘ . ' . J
Berry and ““1“le B. Sturgill, a {01" a doctorate 0f laws. Vance. an assoeiate professor in [he “\ Xi; ‘\.\ s M f . . S 1: .~ . “ _ .. x.“ f ‘1‘
mer member and chairman of the Concerning a commencement UK Honors Program. 3‘ .. \ .5; .. ._ a x x it ~ . f; . ”,3,
UK Board Of Trustees. will be hon- speaker, Vice President for Univer» David Ravencraft, of Reston. Va. “ “Q‘ “ a?“ »- “ s“. " ',... ‘ a '.
ored along With 4-486 degree candi- sity Relations Ray Homback said president of the UK National Alumni , =.~,:'=l=* ’ 4 ’- I ' V ,3’ '“;..
dates and recipients during the 119th yfiterday no plans have been (1. Association. will offer brief rc— A: -~ ...... _ ,, .5 “ . .-
University commencement ceremo nalized. He declined to comment marks. _ _ ' f3, 5.3;“. x - g 2%? ~. ‘ , ‘ ‘ ,* ' ‘
nies at 4 pm. May 10 in Memorial further. The School of Music band. under -' fits 4. _-. . ‘ - . " ' .
Coliseum. President Otis A. Singletary will the direction of Ronald Monsen. will Q - t ‘ a ‘ « ' ‘ “, '
The candidates include the 2,775 present the Algernon Sydney Sulli- perform during the procession and ._ - -= . {g ‘ Q ~‘ . . ' ‘ 5 ‘
students applying for May degrees; van medallions to an outstanding recession. The Rev. Benjamin ‘ -. \ m3. \‘cw i‘ is . J '. . - g
and the 1.059 December 1985 degree male and female graduate and to an Baker. paStOI‘ 0‘ Lexington‘s Main . I . “ .X&. i“ . g ’ . V .
recipients and the 652 August 1985 outstanding person who is not a UK Street Baptist Church, will deliver ' “ "“ “ ' '
recipients. student. He also will present the Wil- the invocation and the Rev. William ,
Berry and Sturgill will receive liam B. Sturgill Award to a graduate R. Jennings, pastor of the Lexington CURTIS HARVEY BEVERLY SYPHER JA\i, (.lN IR\ \ A\(‘F. . . .
faculty member who has made sig- First Methodist Church, will give ‘ . _
A- ; ~ nificant contributions to graduate the benediction. '
it m . education attheUniversity. Besides the traditional commence- reat teac ers '
_ - . flow“)? Singletary will recognize the UK ment exercises for all graduates, in— .
“m ' " ‘ m‘" Alumni Association Great Teachers. dividual colleges and schools have . . . ,
including Curtis E. Harvey, an eco- plannedactivitiaandevents. Alumni Assoc1ation awards professors for excellence
“I. UK m Volul lust
"“03“ ° 9°3P‘f “W- F. l k . h Bvll‘I-INDYSI'SAN SMITH students. is the best judge in from time totime. midl‘m not an
For details. so. Pmm, Ina S wee operatlng ours Senior Staff Writer showing that these professors are exception.” Harvey said
Page 3. . . doing an adequate or better than "Some people may think cco
lengthened for Klng llbrary The UK Alumni Association adequatejob.“Brumfieldsaid. nomics is not the most excuing
picks liK's Great Teachers “to The process in itself brings out discipline. but I think it can be
“I. '0' CI” to" to New , _, recognize a few of the excellent 800d peOple. he said. There are made very exciting by an enthu-
York Tech in ii innings yos- Sh" "PM“ 3?? room and more privacy. he SeachBers app: (tilnivfrsitykflsaid popsu'laardteaclfls “3:0 may not Ibe Siaftmtteamer l :lkt‘ itnand the
. . . . ' . . a rum ie . irec or o aum- cu ft ing. “ c"re ar 5 u ens seem o enloy my
'“dOY- F" '””|“' no .Beginning tonight. the M1. King .11“? committee '5 currently con~ nifoairs. because they are veryigwdmpu classes, Their evaluations say
scours, P9904. library Will .extcnd its operating Sideringh revrsing the library hours. The 1986 winners __ (‘urtis Har- Harvey, who was nominated by l‘m enthusiastic and always very
. , ., .\ ... . .. ”__._.: hours to faCIlitate students studying Ma???” y sfi‘digelfi'd a surgeyhis vey. an economics professor; the Student Activities Board. helpful."hesaid
$2 for finals. 32:13:! “lb ted t“ Far? as a: Beverly Davenport Sypher, a Delta Delta Delta and Kappa Vance. who was nominated by
.. Wmitwo The library will be open until mid- sororit s "ho“:sos “a“? $33931 communications professor; and Delta sororities and Lambda two students in last spring‘s lion-
night today and tomorrow and until aski yfor student in t bout ‘3" Jane Gentry Vance. an associate Sigma sophomore honorary, was ors 202 29th century perspectives
Today will be sunny and 2 am. on Sunday. Hours will be tendiu the librar ,s gnaw :2: professor in the Honors Program very pleased because of the num- class, said she feels very happy
cool with the high in the mid from 7:30 am to 2 am. Monday “on "8 y We ~ were "Zm'l‘a‘fd by nvgnotm beredotlgsamzalions that nomi- ab_0ut [ringing theravggdirfyi‘l‘:
thmuh'l‘hursdl _ ‘ . campus or aniza ions a su- no I . prize i e is is ve y
:0; ‘33.; 32': "fie”: Puma "canny . memur of mgpnfligpi:tu;f. the libgi‘i’rrynéhafii'nfis' den't‘s to receive an award of 9600 “thn i learned tlgttiiw many or~ to a: teaclfler in humanitieshélt‘s a
. "on”. ..- , eac . ganiza ions nomina me. was rea rei orcemcn in pre-
mid '° W &. 7m "’9 UNIT! Mt Advisory Com week. McCarthy “'d' "'f that? “i think the nomination of very happy to receive the award. sent."
an be may with Its. high mime. aid the extended hum Will WW "'9 “Men‘s “'3'“: The '" these professors, solicited by the Everybody enjoys being stroked . . ,
in “mid“. “:3“ the walla-”y, not mg the brary also may open beforesam. soc (.Rl-AT. Page l0
- s roorns. ‘ should give people Scenoulls. Page in

2 - KENTUCKVKERNELmy, Wyz, 70“
lllubetli Ceres Iran Stewart KENTUCKY
VI EW PC I N Editor-in-Chiet News Editor erne
I Alexander S. Crouch
. . e 1971
Editorial Editor lstabllshed 1094 Independent Slnc
' 1. :.' " .. +4112; 1. 11_:_~;:Ik':i:sz=-I$=;'»»-3:-:~:.«::1;5~s:1::::.:::z';::t=-::=:>¢:ez¢a;.. ;.:.;:»:::?::::§:1>zi$::-.:'-::=:=.-:~*' ,1, ,1
mm ’ NEVER H [I ’ h I too nd ome of them wanted to in
7‘ f. ; a s ' -
W1C ( l ' m a ey S 8p troduce him to their frientt. We are W I d‘ C I - I
1 1 1 . .- . , an e . 0 umms S
EANCTIOits & *1 l - . 1 , thinking of buying a telescope now
"l. l ( hm“. lab! November, [“9 ded- and seeing what else is out there . . .
/ . ", .’\‘ It‘aled people from the physics de- And we blicl' want [0 thank Mi; . The Kentucky Kernel Viewpomt page Wlll be lasing several of
‘ -.~ )I, I'g’ partment have held public viewing chael Togliett 23in d Scott Miller for its regular columnists next year. and this means the road to
\BYAS‘” ‘ , if V - 0’ sessions for Halley‘s comet. The ettingusgoing ‘ fameand talittletfortune willbeopening up.
“ 7’ I :’ fl.” 5 :4 comet did not turn out to be the g ' But it‘s a toll road and here are the tokens you must proffer.
' ' ‘._¢.?0 Kim 0 “WW “'9 had all hoped f0r._ but I0"? The post of Kernel Columnist requires a column every week. in
- " O b e 1,: viewing sesswn stirred our imagina- I . . the neighborhood of 800 words. These columns are due at 2 pm.
1 1 l " [WIS enough ‘0 bu)’ some blnocu- . Sandy A. L'mhaUt‘l. twodays beforethe dayof publication.
\ \g, 1811*- t-i” out onto Jessamine County Chemistry graduate Student Think you can hack it'? Now for the hard part. Write three
‘ \I ’1‘) @‘t‘kl‘mdfi ““h a thermos 0f “9‘ 00“ submissions and send them to the editorial editor at the Kernel
. 1 . \ -' \g W5“ tt'eIgnk mkl‘ndqrmllglla'ld $99 If “‘9 Dave Umhauer office before Aug. 1. 1986. That address: 113 Journalism Build-
. . . I cou ee in mg a ey s. . ' ' ' ' '
1 1 TWDUM AND WWWMM p Agricultural economics ing1Lexington1Ky.403064)0421
I. ‘ . We introduced him to our friends. graduate student
0 P f h .V 0 011811 tS seem
' l _ ' Wll.‘ can't [his "voracious lust“ ———“_—_ one): Susan Brownmiller‘s Against You say the sale and distribution I shudder to think that too many pornographic iiiaterialsi’ Ask your
- 1 " .1 T ' ' ' tor kiitmletlge of world affairs that Our Will. I . of pornographic materials is not people I know have experienced sell. but if you find an answer with
" -. '_ 5 - |,\ sllpposetll} satisfied by the "qual- Ed- - I 119550“ .M" 25 Personal liberty in hurting anyone; you are wrong. 0f crimes that correlate with poi'nogi‘a- positive ramifications. ;i!i-.i..- tell
i ‘. . ‘ 11V \\ "Hint-1 >13“ ”l “m” P’U‘bm' ItOI'Ia the fgtlonal eiItIpeiise of kothe: ‘5 (‘OUF591 it's always “suffer the chil1 phy. The most heart-wrenching inc. Forthaldani clueless.
. ‘ or I‘m Hula... he quenched by the su- REPLY "Gt 1 rty at I3 3 0 ma e 0 ers dren.“ thing to me in this world is that l Finallv “I. S “- a 1 “k, .
IlII. . PNWI' coverages ”f the poems by suffer unjustifiably for your own kiiowthcy already have. beer and porno [gi'llllilllth' :\.l:e,.‘:,‘\):i:
' 1,1,,“ \-,..,...,.,,i1I ”r L? 5 News and personal pleasure is wrong. In this . . . mu “I ‘h h t iii" ‘I II 1| .1 .
, '~ . . 1 I . who.» RIIIIW» case. Mr. Sullivan. we as rational, I will not have my child learn of Lesson .\‘o. :t: Morality is a con» ‘l' I t I“ fl. ”IHMI.utp'I' 'lllllh
. -,'. ‘ l'iitortuiiateh. I-m sure i know . "normal and professional" people its own body through the use of scieiicedecisionI1as well as. say. the iiiml'uillm- “:“ll-‘- "lllmililim'uli
1 . . . W1 reason “in “11,... am “f the from our society. men he does. it (10 not Suffer at all. It is at the ex- porno magazmes, and I resent any- pui‘sun of happiness. I wonder why II ”PM.” I"I”I‘I “'II ll") II-lI‘u",
. . three to plaster nude photos to their ””1.“ m" that "9'11“” 155”“ have my pense 0f the children of our society. one who W0Uld- A“ 50115 0f emotion- “‘5 ”5 1‘ “WWW- disapprove ”f PUl" if?“ “It lug”, (futllu I‘llIIUltlLI} 'I
I 1 1 con-rs \illt'.\ would rise nietcorical SUPPUI“ If m.‘ ”um“ happened l” he the real victims of the abuse. that al. psychological and physical dam- lic nudity. but consistently approve ‘I‘I' mus“, it t( 'ltInl'I‘l‘It II)" “' 'I’I‘
h Mfl‘h". duration of that lggueI and Thomas J Sullivan. then I would 5.0” 50 ecstatically flip through your ages could result. You say. Mr. of the use of not only nudity hut pro FIJI"? "fl“I“ I‘M “ll "‘I “I I'VE“
prowrtioiiatelv fall when the next first research a lew facts before preferred porno magazine. As a Sullivan. that porno magazines don‘t fanity and violence on television ta (:‘llllld'|‘li:ll. ””-‘ “"‘l 'l “'u‘ “‘l’
Mm. lllllllb {hegmup h” the news- rashlIv throwing out my opinion in child views the way we fight over contribute solely to the crimes of major source of learning fora devel- p ‘L‘ '
1, . \"t’mIm the way which he did iii his column the issue. the sexual identity of that rape. child abuse or physical vio- oping child in this modern worldi as
- 1 . I limit 101 uni wrong I‘m not l)\ mlheAl’r” ‘7 KM" ‘ l“ K‘”""" developing human must become aw- lence. I ask you, if they contribute well as advertising? Do I even have ’I'oiitl 'l‘liit-liv i\ a lilllltll .ii \I.iii.v 3..
. 1 .m\ n. ins .I Falwell ,mim 1 dd ””0" \0 l i\lr. Sullivan please fully confused. utull.isn't that crimeenough? to make mention of the approval of High-Schoolmt‘iiii iioiuti
" . . ,1 lilitl,q‘\cl_ support the move on the take notei; Rape is not tnine times
1 ‘. part of the Southland (‘oi‘p to out of 10) a crime of lust_I but a
' . abstain tioiii the sale of pornograph» crime of domination and ultimately
' . :c iiiatei‘ials It a “Falwell" is what a struggle for power. Suggested
' 1 it takes to remove pornography readings for enlightenment (only
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. ( IV'mIP/us’owzefl’iataer“. 'm'“ '>. “ii'n‘ld’lds m .- ' 1M also I'ghf | g.m0g8nyla:§0 pizza. A '
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. 1 1 ~~ i and dark : 1...... i113 253-2 1 1 1 '
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’ . - ”Im- PRODUCTIVITY RAISED TO THE HIGHEST POWER ‘2 01- Cans ' 6pk 1202 NR 3:].33073133'1' 3.9 32:: Elfilhiiginllf FREE I
I . 'l '. . ' ' .. , , . . ' I ticnwvthanyoiherPinaHiiiottev DELIVERY W
‘ _ . - I ~ I l 20hten (ash redem t nvolue ”855?in at n: imitodDeli.ei area
. .1 V 1 /”\’EN .
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“'S I . ‘- 1 .Ii \‘" \ ‘ - \
, Our Mothers Day INSURANCE
_: . , l "lb h ° (l l - Fall Semester 1986-87
.» 1 1 . r 1 . l’UHC IS SO 6 lCIOUS
t -I I ‘5 - . A]
I . . Ii . I~ .
. ,‘III-I “‘1 h: . . nObOdy WI“ have to The cost of the Student Group Health Insurance for the fall semester, 1986-87 will be
3.- 1.1 31' I ; | , d t r o h the same as for the previous year.
'J‘. r I l . .' “-y l: l y
, it your vegetables W W
.1 A"; .2»: .
‘ j ' I For a "picture perfect" Mother 5 Day, (()ll‘l(‘ Student only $l62.00 Student only 203.00
. , 1 .. 7;», l to the Kadisson Plaza. A photographer will he Student/spouse 430.00 (includes maternity) Student/spouse $08.00 (includes maternity)
. - ':» t ,1 l on hand to take pictures of all the kids—- Each child 188.00 Each child l88-00
I . Q ' I l plus the whole family will enjoy our
1 , 5/. { fabulous brunch.
. “ ' I l You ll choose from steamship round (ii
I , , I, i l)(( t1st aloodl‘l(1wl)tiig,(ouiitr_\ ham. or (l <% Two changes have been made m the plan:
- and-cat shrimp, an almost endless variety i
. I ’ "It :i‘l“‘l‘_="“5 ‘I‘I ”ml‘I‘I‘ 5"“”I"I“” “mm“ , l. Inpatient hospital care must be pre-certified with the Monging Agent prior to admis-
’ . 1' 1I ' H " "m’ "m mm l‘ mm ”mm ' sion. Pro-certification is not required for Emergency, Mental Health, and Maternity ad-
. 1 . Sunday May ll . 1030 a m _3 P m missions. However, these admissions should be reported to the Managing Agent within
I .' I a a i u a 24 honsI
, . .' 1 Adults $14.95 . Seniors $12.95
Children under SlX fREE ‘ o I 2. Dependent's yearly maximum has raised from $10,000 to $25,000.
Ages 6-i2 $6.95 .1. 5
d' Pl l
Ra ISSOl'l ala HOte If you have questions regarding the Student Group Health Insurance Plan, please call 233.6356 or come
' to Student Health Service Insurance Ottice, 169-. Medical Plaza, 1st floor, behind the wildcat blue
LEXl rgton ' doors, between the hows of 0:00 Can. and 4:30 pan.
Viiic (chtcr.
Lexington, KY 40507
are recommended. (606) 231-9000

, ;_. ‘— ——?_ i—f - __ ' ‘ . H
II 3 3 ?“e==—a r==.:¢—._—_——_\III ~ ~ ’n'
l :9 . g - :9: ~: _ll I .L Gory Home
O)“ . 2 ' l. a! A - : §E “ ‘2" ‘1 - '2 Artttav ..
' '- 3,4" ‘2— :l gill . lace? l‘ L'" “h“
V l _ i 7‘: is - , "2" l '95:; -6 ' c Assistant Atlsk ll
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, ' I lack OICBS
my “.1, l ’ _
‘ . ' a o 0 ,
r:- .. Director uses musmal talent and experience to help students record gospel Single - -
‘ 9 ’0 By ERIK REECE ———_——————— tie seen as more legitimate on col . ' .
O StaffWriter u , - - lege campuses." says Johnson "lt «. " «
A ‘ l m. not locked into any particular style. I take has a I,“ more N than Just getting . . .
' dithr B"rig JOhns‘m‘ "‘9 5mm“ certain things from my musm reservon and let peoplemchurchon Sundat " '
. S nce ween two points is not . .lohnson wrote the two scores that - " - .
MI- Otv U0- — w to?!" 5:199“ gm- ”‘9'" °"‘ '°"'°" necessarily the best. them influence one another. Gospel people may appear on the single specifically for - ‘- , . '
NJ“; I Whountryroc )' p.rn. a.m. ' If . When JOhDSOH came to UK as a th‘ k I h t h f ' 'nflu nC ” the lilack Voices. a group of student " ,- -
‘5. w " 22‘ 5' Mo?! 3" Torrie: ”Soul"; 2J2“, ’ ‘0 3% 20m. doctoral candidate in music. he In ave 00 mUC O a JaZZl e 6' musicians who formed in the earl} ' I l . ‘
ASSN.“ mm' ‘ 9"“ ° “'m" " n "m" ' ' ‘ brought with him a repertoire of Barry J0hn§0nr ‘Tos After the songs were recorded . __ . ,' ,~
m u... __ 361 w, Short St. Tonight. vglvgt Elvis (Top 40 rock), 9:3} pm. 523?: 3:; [heeaclia bigllhzosguxso 9:53,: DII'ECIOI’ of UK Black VOICES 2i]; tH-n‘i'klii was pressed lli 'f'u'.“ ille . . .* 3 .: ..' .
to! a.m. Tomorrow. LS. (original rock). 9:!” p.m. toia.m.Covoris$3. for six years aspa )i‘oad musician be r I . ri‘ni' '-)f'l" on say st 1 t is relten mg a - :' ’ ' '.
In. A saloon —— 290» Richmond Road. Toni fond tomorrow. Smart Alex . ' . , . “’ "”‘r‘m'dm‘w‘ " ”P at . -‘ . . {-'-
(TopflrockLOpJn.tola.m.cmissagftar1;£p.m, fore setting {00‘ on a 001188? cam- This single marks the first time in people may thinki have too much oi .lohnson sees this year as his last ..' ‘52.! (“.7
m._ 509 w. Main 5'. Tonieht and ‘mmw' Metropolitan Blues All- pus. He then went on to receive his over 10 years that the sounds of the a Jazz influence. Though Johnson at t'K He hopes to find a Jul) teach- '2 _ t -' t]; 2,;
Stars.9p.m.tola.m.9covor. bachelors ‘and' masters degrees Black Voices have been committed partiupates in countless musical en- mg at a uanGTSll) where he can ._ . _s2,_q",":‘,...‘t
We — ”7°" Rogoncv Hotel. The loom features Top 40 dance music on from the UniverSity 0f LOUIVSVllle.I _ to vinyl. deavors. he 53551 "I'll “Nit.“ haw *“tttltnltt‘ \\ t‘tlltlg- arranging and pr” ' ' ""3! ‘ f.‘".'.
- The result of Johnson 5 stylistic Johnso label‘ the ~‘ 1 ‘ "b - my hand m the area of gas *I be (ill ~m He l' is o t - o . .’w .. ..
a sound systorn. in addition to your favorite videos on a large scroon W. n 5 sing 9 as a - pt ‘ g P d’» l ( "Wm“ “ Tk . . . ~ - . r .- -»
Opal-verynlohtuntillo.m.Nocovor. depth may be best represented 0" a sically a gospel production.“ it ex- cause of my upbringing m the tug ill various genres of music lll 1‘ '2 [gift '2 2
0.... Club ._ Corner 0, Dowmo and Corral streets. Tonight. 11,. Johnson: tarp? 319819 J'lStthrekljls'ef' bl!" [th hibits lofty choral~vocals backed by Church ‘ eluding classical. Jau. gospel and 2 y i":
(WM' ‘0'“) and "my DOG”! (Wf‘ punk), 9 P-m‘ '0 ‘ OJ“. 1mm. ac Olces 0. e “Hiersl y 0 yanous crossover forms Includlng Johnson has high expectations ltll‘ l{&l‘l i ll never Rf‘l ltl lhf‘ pflllll f .‘t‘ I” ‘l.._‘ “’75"; ,‘2
Thomghwaymonloriginolrock),9p.m.loi o.m.$2covor both nights. Kentucky featuring two scores wrtt- 3&3 and traditional jazz. "I'm not gospel music on the American col ‘.\ here one outgrovts the other sins «f- , .";.'~" '."',."=“
Ora-t Ms W __ 684 s. Broadway. Tonight, m group B .0 b. m ten by Johnson: “This Is The Day." locked mto any particular styiej‘ lege campus. Gospel. Johnson says. Johnson ‘ '- 3“ 23"".‘521? ‘ljtl
trounced. I.” a chance. W, 0"” Mo bucks. Tomorrow. “”0 Small Bodies an efiendeduremake offlthe gospel says Johnson “1 take certain things is just like jazz in the sense that it is The sin-4 .t .s not. it" or .r .t: r». 3113' :2'2*t"v."_:.‘:?‘,f,'.:
(WWW. rock). Block SM (hardcore punk) and Th. Johnsons (progresslvo classtc. and I Am Free as the B- from my music reservoir and let an art form that is Sli‘lCll} :‘illlcl‘l (Hm I' lll \lr‘litrlllt .Sttulurll A'ttu's .‘ 2' 2'" "L"““\'s'":-I"-‘T ".‘
foik),9p.m.toia.m.$2covor both nights. Side. them influence one another. Gospel can. "I hope that 0m‘ flit} L’ttSpcl “Ill .\l _. r Ho J in.» .itt’ 3.; not v: '4 HI 5 C“,
Manon oovls inn — i02 w. High St. Tonight and tomorrow, Sorno Local 't i f'r‘; 5.?
Boys (acoustics), 9p.m. tol a.m. 52 cover. 0 g “t‘ ..' .' ‘_, 2
LA. WI -— Holiday Inn at MS and Nawtown Pike. DJ Mike Morris spins S h “] d . .‘i‘ i. ,2 , i'. ' .,
the hits. Tonight. Iottomloss Beer Mug Night, when 35 buys all tho boot you c arzene er [.1 I“ van Hale“ I P to o .’ I 57“”fl'" 4
condrinkfrom to p.m.tol arm. and yen keep the glass Mug.Nocovor. . . ’ ‘ ’ pper , ~. ‘, 2“. ,‘2 .'
library -— 388 Woodland Ave. Tonight and tomorrow, The Annual Kentucky < 2 Z} . _~.
Derby Party, with popular music on a sound system. SLSO Budweiser specials I I I OVle In “S ry S cres , ‘ ’ o . a . ‘ ' .3 ;_: 1'“,
ollwaokand.$lcovorbothnights. Op S est n blg 2
Spill” - Radisson Hotel Plaza. Tonight and tomorrow, Blue Max (Top ‘0 ‘ 2’ . ., 2 2 ,. . ., . 2 2f ,. . ‘
rock),9p.m.tola.m.Nocovar. 2‘B(-)'Btglg:|As ;\\ . .1 ) ‘ ..‘ . "5.. 2...: v 2.
Two Km —- 333 S. limestone St. Tonight, The Attitudes (Top 40 rock), 9 p.m. 30"3 955 / ” ‘_ x . ‘='==i-">‘ts.\. \ssouatu l n “t ‘ _‘ : _ ‘ ‘ ’ -. — .
to i a.m. Tomorrow, Velvet Elvis (Top 40 rock), 9 p.m. to i a.m. 52 cover both . 2 . \ t; ‘ 2 _ ~ . 1 .f .2 2
nights. LOS ANGELES -— Riding the -2 - *3 The lollouing are H, .' . ~ hot :‘ccort‘. hits as they appear ill llf‘\l ; -‘ . .
amt-V0 club — 5539 Alhon-Boonsboro Rood. Tonight and tomorrOw, The ”‘5‘ Of what he calls “the ["ng sh“ \ week 5 lSSU“ ”l Blhh'w' 1' Hulda/slit t omrtah' lEtHh liilllroard l’ultllta 2 ‘ ' ' . ' ', - '
Emmi; .£01331;2f.32?33.'.‘.?;’.;.:""’“ and M “W “om booked with trifnggprojects for the _ _ ._ of» nor smotes . . ' . . ’
next year and a half. .1? ‘ ' 1" 2- 2 k 3‘.“ l."Wesl End Girls" Pet Shop Ho} \ HM] _\n](lrt('u . " .1 .' 2 3- 1 - '
And even though producers know Hear v‘ 3: =‘: \ 2."AddiCledt()l.o\e Holler! l'.:llt':cl' Island « ’ 2. '
he‘s lined up far into the future. they . ‘ \ws eh ii "Greatest Low ol .\li" \l'lntnci Houston Artsta v. t ,
still want to make deals with him_ “Q? " “"3 ‘ \\\~.\ 4 “\\:hy(‘an't'l'his liclmw" \.t.'i llalen \\.trner liros ' 2 - ._ ‘
/ ‘ “Dino tde Laurentiisl wants to or; \o: ._. M VW 53‘“ hat Have You [tone For Me Lately Janet Jackson .\&.\l ' ,-, 4 . .
make a lflpicture deal Fox “'ants s “X J “Kai-'1'; ' kw ll "YUUT LOVK'H Tllf’ ()llllll‘ltl l, 'l tlllllllllil .2 . -‘
' . me to sign for a picture in 1989. '3‘" W §§kib 7 “Take Meiioine”l’htlt'olltns ,\liilllllt' . . .
/ ' That‘s how crazy it‘s getting." the "”1: A§\°\\\\‘§:\\\\\V 8 "Bad HQ" M‘ttmls‘t‘m‘l \lili'll'ltf‘ Flit” ,= ," '
body builder said. _2 $\ il.“Harlem Shuttle" The Rolling stones thllllL‘ stones 2 1‘ _ 1 2 .
..‘ What is this “biggest thing” he “..'? \“\V 10 "If You l.ea\e" tlrchcslral Manoetn res in the llark \tkM ' '
talks about? He describes it as an 2' .. 2. \§\\ ~ g '