xt78930nvt7c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78930nvt7c/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1991 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, May 1991 Vol.62 No.5 text The Kentucky Press, May 1991 Vol.62 No.5 1991 1991 2019 true xt78930nvt7c section xt78930nvt7c _____________________________._______.___._._.- ______________________________——
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_, Off1c1a1 Publicat1on of the Kentucky Press Serv1ce - Vol. 62, No. 5 — May 1 991'
l; / ’ ’ g) , , ________________________________..___-——————————————————'—-—

7‘ 2 ‘ ., Advertising 7-; - Mercury, Nezos8Times, Sentinel-News, Gleaner, Messenger-Inquirer . . '
a. - p , ~ General A , . 5 Wln top award 5 for advertlsmg
‘ V 1 1‘ lg Excellence _ Papers in Carlisle, Those attending the seminar Scott Dillingham, Dawson Springs

.; 2 22,2 _ V g ,1 g .._. Georgetown, Shelbyville, Henderson were Donna Crowe, Adair Progress; Progress; ' ,

3- . .. ’.i;-.2Wgen,,1; 7 and Owensboro took top honors in the Joyce Prison and Betty Bogart Await Coleman Love, Cindy Senior

2 ~ a j; j-. -2; ‘:I-:' 'ir1iigigz';i1zgrf3 . ’ 1991 KPA Advertising Contest during chian News-Express; Jerry and Terry See 59min r
CarltsleMercury 1:22;: . th a1 ~ - - L - i1 L 1 B t T 'b C - . a ' page 16
came Agfillglspmeem’m “‘5” 13' Mygfii'ygege’tvilgh 2213‘ "figs‘éul‘ifi - . - -
Meetings???“ Publishers and advertising Buiohett Big Sandy News: Hazel [1550“an I ”ms
12:25:: fifth: staff members had the o rtuni Kenne , Patty White, Kim Sies, Darla ,
estmNmeTW during the nanny mm, he: Can’tersaearlettrishurstandsdndra 5E “‘1 network
SWMSW adverfismg comment 30" Betting 0‘ Hedges/ Bourbon Times? ATLANTA - Twelve state
mtaggginald Indianapolis discuss a range 0f issues, I an Cave and Paula Anderson, 'press associations in the southeastern
yt'EéiéEiéiiéiéiE222¥521=315£3é'Eiéz'iiiééé??? also learned how ‘0 “5e findings 0f the and William M11110!» Cd’hS’e Meow; regional newsvaper advertising net-
Wiaéngifjgfyfifimg 1991 Kentucky Retail Shopping Habits Cathy Gilbert, Carrollton News—Demo- work, ADNET/SE.

. *2 5' ”it: hm i:;:i.;i_i;2;i;ljg. 333:?“ (Effigfiemgg: by The iambic“? VzilacrherCVickie in; ankt; The network will be head-
NW side???ii-:--"i5§i;21‘.e5§1 25523:;:grjii'l. A S j: . " ‘ ar ene fit ’ entra tuc uartered in Atlanta and will serve the
$ng 51" antiwar At Friday’s awards luncheon, News-Iaurnal; TOnya Isaacs, Citizen (slates of Kentucky, Arkansas,‘Louisi-
3 General Excellence plaques were pre- Voice 8 Times; anal Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia,
”Vm’eeewe" Scelned :0 git Cagedgrwwéfisekly George McIlveen and Sally Florida, North and South Carolina. '
ass ; 3°78 own ews imes, Mcllveen, Kentuc Post; Mar Kares, Tennessee,Vir ' and Wesch '1 ‘a.
EIthWNmSfiEWe Weekly 3; Henderson Gleam: De“? 1’ Cynthiana Democrat; Shirley Bullion, is merely a formalization of an adver-
meekyNew‘W ant} Owensboro Messenger-Inquirer. Debbie Helton, Mary Lee and Jenny tising exchange program that has op-
DallY 2- Upton, Danville Advocate—Messenger; erated in the Southeast for several
years,” said Kathy T. Berry, chairman
O I of the network and executive director
‘ of the Georgia Press Association. "The
O . 9 individual pressassociationswillwork
Several papers ublished executive to f r th _ _ f 't h d h fte th h through their sales affiliates to coordi-
A ril Fool’s editions of theE front C pose 0 e Signmg 0' a l C an 0W 0 ' n ey ‘Scratc I ' nate the sales and marketing 0f the
p _ arp Apprec1atlon Day proclamation ‘ Papers in the Triple P Cities region’s newspapers.”
pages around that crazy day, Aprll 1- and two state police officers to have — Pikeville, Prestonsburg and Serving on the organizing
The grand champion April their picture taken with a ”nearly Paintsville — all took part in the board of the network are David ‘
. Fooler remains Ron Daley at Trouiile— invisible” drug dog. falderal. Thompson, Kentucky; Dennis Schick,
some Creek Tlmes ( under one million The Clinton County News, 1“ Pikeville, Appalachian 2 Arkansas; Jill Wilson, Louisiana;
copies sold each week”). Pubhsher/ noting in its flag that it’ s ”between News—Express became the NEWS- Carolyn Wilson, MissiSSippi; Mike
editor Daley poked fun at 1115 read- the Appalachian and Rocky Moun- 2 DISUGSS for one day, purporting to Ryland, Alabama; Dick Shelton,
ers, government officials and himself tains," showed President Bush being tell ”the truth, the “711019 ”11th and Florida; BillRogers In, South Carolina;
for the 11th year on March 27. invited to the opening of a new then some.” Poking fun at an issue Terry Saylor, North Carolina; Don
Among his gems this year vacation retreat, converted from the With realistic T0061 the paper ran a Campbell, Tennessee; Ginger Stanley,
was a story on the reclassification of local jail. story (Wlth PhOtO) Of a reporter’s Virginia, and Bill Childress, West Vir-
Troublesome Creek to a river, which A cow that produces 28 See foolln' . page ”5 ginia.
he said would not cause him to gallons of milk a day, the construc- Additionally, Thompson has
change the papers coloriul narne ire tion oi a ritino Pasta Palace and a taste been appointed by Abner/Sb as its -
also. ran a lgrgethECk-liffid Sglp’.ff ,, K'Folsé‘gh?ng were arfiogglgther ’ regional representative to the American
ur n rea ers o scra an sm ,~ rt 00 stories int e an ,s,si2z:i:1g.2:;I5i.é;;i;i:'2:;i;igsgz3:2;g:;égé;;;;gi;2:2g:i:5g;=igéi:11:Igé5s;é5.:2::5s:;;:‘.:i;£;::§:g:g;i:2ssaa:.1L§-s3;32,é;ss‘;;;,;.42: -
resident who claims tobe the ”sock Lake Cumberland willbe vmsmecem“mfeemdme A regional agavegusing coor-
thief]: who has PU'ZZleC! washing drained and its basin scrubbed, if gecgnieccgonofthlsedifionof dinator willbeemployedinthe Atlanta '
machine users nationw1de for there’s any truth to a story in the euyPressmsechon, office to facilitate the organization of
_ decades. March 28 edition of ”Pulasky Weak.” “mmeledeeimfiee'eemem the netw k d d' t ' nal
1e has atonemfltsomeoffitemunmg . 0’ 3" °°°T me 9 {931°
DaleYS tomfoo ry The somerset Paper also adswasedmerfibu operations. The coordmator W111 be 10' ‘
become 50 W‘dely accepted that he ' SPOTtGd a USA Today-type graph ,g‘byne-s cated inthe GPA offices at 1075 Spring
‘ was able to get the county wdge— 1 fl _ showing where Pulaski Countians Cme St, NW, in midtown Atlanta.

 . - \. .
Page 2, The Kentucky Press, May 1991 '
11122221111326.4444 I I
Cost saving opp ortunities are all around TheKentucky
Everybody’s 1001(ng for ways — paper products. This can also result adding it to the hopper. When a colored Press-{3. Isl:
to reduce costs, save money and boost in fewer garbage pickups each week ink becomes too contaminated, add it “" i " '
proffifhesie days. For many industries, and lower trash collection bills. to the black ink hopper. _
newspapers included, the easiest way You can ask local utility com- Reuse aluminum PRINTING 1991_°fi'°°r3
is to pare staffs (most of whom are paniesforanENERGYAUDITofyour PLATES. 2'79'3'3 Id
already poorly paid). plant. You may be able to cut your Using just simple source re- DidiillecAdlr/‘cfcate Messen
. . . . . . . . . . - ger
But reducmg staff seldom utility bills substantially With just a duction techniques, the tw1ce weekly President-Elect
serveseither theindustry,thepublic or few simple measures, such as using Grand Rapids (Minn.) Herald Review Mary Schurz
the overall economy well, and it cer- energy-saving light bulbs or installing saved more than $14,000 in one year. Danville Advocate Messenger
tainly doeslittle for the morale of those water-conserving toilets. Just as important, the paper saved the Past President
who remain. It’s a shortsighted ap— community’s landfill nearly 30,000 David Hawpe. The Courier-Journal
proach to a problem that’s bound to . _ pounds of waste. Vl°° President _ _
recur over time. From Steve Gray of the Mon- Jerry Lers, Benton Tribune-Courier
Why not look at the total op- ' roe (Mich) Evening News come more “Suffix, th Oldh E
without affecting the quality of the Y Let office support personnel District 1
product. The Press has gleaned some 'fgz‘;g:”-jp_j5*3jforrecydables " 3 _h have volunteer days off when things William Mitchell Fulton Leader
cost reduction ideas from other press ‘55": 1 I 7 A30f4/ 22/91 g . are slow. District 2 ’
associations.Youmightconsidersome . .' . 1 >W’ARS,‘Frankfort~ : 7 9 Ask employees to pick up a Jed Dillingham, Dawson Springs Progress
worth trying. - . ‘ ’ ' ’ ‘ larger share of health care costs. DlSlfiCl 3
RECYCLE as much as p08- .New'sprint: 1 / 2 cent/ lb. Set strict restrictions on over- Teresa Revlett, McLean County News
sible. Particularly with newspapers Aluminum: 17 cents/lb. time. Dam,“ 4 . .
under fire as major waste producers, 613551 ‘ 1 GEM/1h , Use credit card billing for Charlie Portmann, Franklin Favorlte
the benefits 0f recycling can be felt in Copper: #1‘ 5,0 cents/lb. classifieds for non-regular commercial 3:"? 5L v
community good will, as well as in . . #2' 50cents/lb. customers to save costs of bad debt Elizirgetfitoa: News Enter '
_ , , , prlse
monetary saVings. Encourage staff to Brass: ' 30 cents/lb. collection. District 5
recycle cans, plastics and —— most of all Cross train employees so they Dorothy Abernathy, Oldham Era
Check your ACCOUNTS RE- can fill another role in a pinch. District 7
CEIVABLE. Industry experts say they Offer an early retirement Kelley War niCk, Gallatin County News
D 0 a fav or should never exceed 1-1/2 times your package — or retire yourself. D'sm‘“ 8
current month’s cash HOW. it“ A word to the wise: Involve
h SwitchtoREUSABLE CLOTH staff in cost reduction plans. Solicit District 9
for a te ac er TOWIELS instead of disposaple papir fliilirlsulppgrtaskfortheir suggestions Ken Metz, Bath County N ews Outlook _
If you know of a hard- towe s B spttllsibgL cltzstF e11: 1:v/Ie a :3 ta: 9. an e p em understand the need. 33:32:23.0
working, ablehigh school journalism . . . .
teacher who deserves recogfpiticfm, flighrdfrihdfgftfil:ihgytylpigefifyriigdlii FlI'St Amendment $252; 1D :1 ”y Independent
why not nominate him or er or - - Louise Hatmaker
Teacher of the Year. a day. Reuse PASTE-UP SHEETS. IS focus Of meetlng Jackson Times/Beattyville Enterprise
The Dow Jones Newspaper Peeling off the old copy, you can reuse The First Amendment Con- District 13 _
Fund will award a$l,000 scholarship a sheet an average of six times. gress, a coalition of 16 national news Glenn Gray. Manchester Enterprise
and four $500 scholarships to stu- Order narrow ruled reporter’s media and communications associa- D'Str'Ct _14 .
dents of the selected teachers. A NOTEBOOKS rather than the stan- tions, will host a national congress Stitggcf'insfon’ PUIaSK' Week
. :tgigcjegiltof the top award Winner, the dard wide ruled ones; they’ll last twice Oct. 27-29 commemorating the bicen- Jim Green, Lexington Herald-Leader
ational High School Joumal- as long. tenmal of the Bill of Rights. District 153
15m Teacher Of the YE?” w111 receive . Reuse TONER CAR- ”1991:AT1meforCh01ces” “”11 Guy Hatfield, Citizen Voice & Times
the larger scholarship. The smaller TRIDGES in computer printers and convene at the state capitol building State-At-Largo
SChOlarShipS W1“. go to Students 0f phOtOCOPiEI'S. Several professional re_ in Richmond, Va., the Site Of the dec1- Steve Lowery, Kentucky Standard
four Distinguished Advisers. inker services can rebuild and refill sive ratification in 1791- J9")! Lyles, Tribune-Courier
To request a nomination empty cartridges for a substantial Seven topics to be addressed Jerlene Rose, Clay City Times
form, contact the Fund at Box 300, savings over purchasing new ones. are: Associates Division
Princeton,N]08543-0300;orca11609/ By reusing film developing —Freedom of speech: absolute vs. re- Gary Llfhf- Kentucky RECC
452-2820. Deadline is July 15. CHEMICALS n n of develo , stricted. Advertlsmg omslon
» Also for hi h h 1 _ I. a ga 0 pe _ . . . . Doug Taylor, Mt. Sterllng Advocate
. g SC o0 news can last three times as long. Freedom of the press. 1ndiv1dual News-Editorial Division
paper adVisers, the 10“?”1‘5‘“ Edu- Use the blank side of USED privacy. vs.thepublic’sright to k‘TOW- Russ Powell,Ashland Daily Independent
cation Assocration Will sponsor a PAPER (half your mail every day) for —Prmc1ples of justice: 1791 vs. 1991. Education Representative .
three-session summer workshop at note pads and bundle labels. —New technology: scientific expecta— Jo-Ann Albers
Kansas Srtate University. Use blank and excess mailing tions vs. human realities. Western Kentucky University
entative sessions are - —Freedom of conscience: rights of in—
Desktop Publishing, July 5-6, Law, LABEL81;:‘3eafiliigfgafigafginfgiigzis dividuals vs, rights of groups. KPA/KPS Central Office .
Ethics and Advising into the let PLAN their staff a ssi nments more —National security: classified infor- Dav'd, T‘ Th°mps°n'.Ex°°““V° D"°°‘°'
Centu ,Jul 8-12; and 5“ rvision g . mation vs. ublic’s ri ht to know. Bow-"e Howard' Busi'ness Manager
ry y . . pe carefullysothat stops arelogical rather p g Glona DaVIS. Advertismg Director
of School Publications, July 14-19- than ha hazard and gas wasting —The New World Order: the Bill of Reba Lewis. Administrative Assistant
ContactLinda Puntney,JEA fileduce a r ink and labor Rights and emerging democracies. Buffy Johnson. B°°kkeepln9 ASSistant
Headquarters,KSU,104Kedzie Hall, waste caused byIOEfeERRUNS To register, contact the First gzgcsmmliikniififigau Director &
Manhattan, KS 66506. ' Amendment Congress at 303/820- Editor 79,", 'Ksntucky press
(Editor’s note: Assisting teachers Find a local business that can 5688. '
in yourarea with either of these programs is use END ROLLS of paper stock for W The Kentucky Press assmmsoszi) is published
onlmoodwblic whims m... b... .-. packing material- $2.393? mifé‘fl‘sfit’ilifii‘éii mnsemsmsrrrmms
clsoiemonstmjesacommitmenttopurnal- . Reuse WASTE INK by col- the one in which people appear at their il‘xbsa'elggao: dpgcsemis 1:: if; afar. IggstSI-éeg sell:
‘5'" “W10". lecting the excess in catch pans and worst. --H. Allen Smith Ame/Frankforwenmky $112312) 2233221.

 May 1991, The Kentucky I‘ress,Page 3 V ;
l t
, 3 ,1
31E; ' V, ."
' b ' ' -. :
. Today 5 newspapers ecome tomorrow s _
O O ‘
; as Paducah Sun beglns recycling efforts _
5 By Dennis Hill . , .
Sun staff writer is thepaper’s goal to recover25percent, President Bob Grimm said the during the developing process. 1
It all started with Johann but that will require subscriber par— company’ sfirsttruckloadofnewsprint The recovered silver and the i ' Z
Gutenberg, who put a bunch of quill- ticipation. with recycled content is expected by negatives are retumed to the manu- “ .
wielding scribes out of work by in- ”So far, we have concentrated the end of the month (March). facturer for reuse, Grimm said. '
j ventingmovable type, which madethe on recovering the newsprint that is "Recycled newsprint has not When a new electronic photo »
' printed word accessible to more thana considered spoiled on the press and been readily available,” Grimm said. process is brought on line at The Sun
; few cloistered monks and scholars. recovering those newspapers read by “Even now, we won’t get a regular this summer, there also will be a re- 4
. It wasn’t much longer before employees,” Kneer said. supply until the fall.” duction in the chemicals used in film 5 .
I someonedecided papercouldbemade “There is a cart in each de- There wouldn’t be much de- processing, Which are not recyclable A "
from wood pulp, and the rags that had partment where employees place their mand fornewsprintwithoutthe words but are reused until their potency is j
SS. . been used up to that point could be newspapers when they have finished and pictures that adorn the pages. depleted. ,
better put to use dusting furniture and with them. Some even bring their pa- Those images are printed with ink, 3 -
blowing noses. Trees, after all, were a pers from home,” he said. which also is recycled at The Sun. Sun employees also actively . :
cheap and inexhaustible resource. The recycling effortbecameso Grimm said all ink used by the participate in the recycling of alumi-
Now mostof us are inundated successful so fast that Massac Boy newspaper and Sun Publishing is re- num cans. A part-time employee re- - «
with untold amounts of paper in every Scouts couldn’t handle the flow, so used, thanks to a recycling machine, quested she be allowed to take alumi- g
phase of our daily lives —- from our Kneer said a semi-trailer was leased to which mixes used color ink with fresh num cans emptied by employees to sell
i morning newspaper to junk mail to the store the papers for periodic pick up. black ink, then filters the mixture for as a ftmdraiser for her church.
j note pads on our desks to the package reuse. Participation has been excel- ‘ .
l of the junk food we scarfed on the sly, NOW, he said, the newspaper ”No ink is disposed of any- lent, Kneer said. The Sun put signs on
5 to the paper we write on that eventu- is beginning to accept old papers from more, except what little residue may the vending machines encouraging ‘ 1
ally becomes someone else’sjunk mail subscribers. At present, they are asked remain in barrels, which are shipped recycling of cans and also provides
. . .L. and the list could go on. to bring the papers to the recycling off for proper disposal,” Grimm said. collection bins lined with plastic bags
9 Along the way we have center located behind the newspaper Other items recycled at the in which to place used cans. .
k Fewer-«learned three things about paper: 1) offices, but in the near future, several newspaper include the aluminum Kneer saidemployees are nogwfimifiw,
7: Once buried in a landfill, it does not collection boxes will be placed around plates used on the printing presses and just bringing newspapers from home, "E
- deteriorate rapidly.lt does take upalot the cityand countyto make it easier for all page negatives. In addition, silver but aluminum cans for recycling, as ‘
of space, which causes landfills to fill subscribers to drop off papers. from the back of film is recovered well. ,
more rapidly, creating the need for ”Right now, if we had alarge ~
more landfill space. 2) Burning creates influx of newspapers, we could be "
a air pollution and compounds other overwhelmed, but we are doing our % I: W D % [:1 @I l: |§ :1 lg [:1 %
env1ronmental concerns. 3) Trees are a best to accomodate as many papers as A 3 .- . ,.
renewable resource, but we can use possible.” D REC YCL E YO U R m“) D
them faster than we can grow them. He said anyone interested in ? , —""~ ,.‘ yr. “2,. § . , - ,
Then someone hit upon the recycling their papers should call the ”*Th Gl NEWSPAPERS w «J? '4
3r idea of recycling. This revelation may, newspaper office.”Therearesomerules . e eaner U F0 R A CLEANER \éz/g f" . // 1.x. U _
too, some day take its place among the that must be adhered to, so anyone 1n Henderson 15 V 1%?‘g,
3 great moments in the history of the who wants to drop off papers should also provrdmg AMERICA \ /. ?. .
written word. call first.” its readers a \\ ~ , ,/ 1 '1; D
Paper takes upalarge portion Kneer stressed that although chance to recycle LI :\ ""11; . L
of available landfill space. According the recycling effort is employee newsprint. The . The Gleaner s . E
to the Feb. 27 edition of the Southern shmulated, management has been paper gives U Communlly NewsparperjRecyclmg Program U -
Newspaper Publishers ASSOClatlon 8:253:31;an Eggpfirahve in every community 5 Song:1 i°$222°§l§§§Zilnils§a°rfiiil1§3§i°'“ - 3 _ ,
Bulleun, newspapers alonetake up an p H "Ideth ' is members an Beginning April 6, .and the first Saturday «it E
s estimated Six percent of the nation 5 esa1 enewspaPerlge no opportunity U each month thereafter you can bring your old U
landfill space, while paper in general money from the effort. All profits go to th news r ' Th GI , f l' . ‘ . _
once 3 mon to pape S 0 e eaner OI' recyc Ing. § .
mdent . accounts for 27 percent. the BOY SCOUtS' although the paper - - - a .
So, The Paducah Sun, in con— invests manhours and labor in the op- bl'lng mthelr . Simply drop your old newspapers oil.al the :
junction with a troop of industrious eration. . newspapers. A U back parking lot (behind Aiii U
‘ One of the benefits of news— house ad 10- . -dUb0" Printers), from g
BOY SCOUtS 1“ Massac CNN)“ 111., has - - p a Begins a.m.-3 p.m. There will be'
begunanattempt to recycle as much of paperrecychnghasalreadymamfested motes the recy- Sat April 61h someone available mi, U - y
or ' its own product as pOSSible- ltSElf, Kneer sald' we had 'tWO large Cling effort. U I, d th assistance_ i - ‘ ' _
'I'heprocesshasalreadybegun, dumpsters that were emptied daily. . an Ell Remember §
- according to Sun Circulation Sales Since we 19983“ 1n-house recyclmg, the llrSl Saturday Th l'ttl thi - u d U .y
M - - need for one of those dum sters has . e ' e ngs yo . .9 -
1t anager Mark Kneer, who 15 a mem . _ I, p ’0‘ eaCh "10"”! today cah have an jm. ~
ber of the newspaper’s recycling com- been eliminated. . _ thereafter portant eilect on the, .
,& ‘ mittee. He said Sun Publishing, a \ . .-.-. e arth’ 5 environment, .\ [j :5
According to Kneer, an em— subsidiary of the cornpany, also Is In- :1 :1. r: [:1 . “
published phaSis on in-house recycling has led to volved in the recycling effort. ,
Frankfort, the paper recovering about seven per— The Sun also is beginning to
£333: . centofitsused newsprint. Kneer said it purchaserecyclednewsprint. Sun Vice {
32Capit01 , »
I223-8821. ’ _ _

 . X I \ I ,
Page 4, The Kentucky Press, May 1991
Former editor BOB Three editorial staff members KPA writers are well repre- Giving his host of admirers
HENDRICKSON is the new pub- have been promoted at The Murray sented among nominees for the time for the message to sink in, LEN
lisher of The Ledger—Independent in Ledger 8 Times. DANIEL T. Kentucky Farm Bureau’s 1991 PRESS has announced he will retire
Maysville. He replaces GARY PARKER, former sports editor, is communications award. Nominated on June 30, 1992, as executive direc-
QUINN, former KPA board member, now managing editor. A Murray for the $300 writing award are tor of Kentucky Education Televi-
who has accepted the publisher‘s job State University graduate who joined GERALD LUSH, Hardin County Sionr a KPA Associate. One Of its
at The Journal-Standard in Freeport, the staff as assistant sports editor in Independent; KEVIN OSBOURN, founders, Press has headed KET
Ill. Quinn moved to Maysville as 1987, he has worked for papers in Lexington Herald—Leader; SHARON since 1963- The organization is
advertising representative in 1969, Marshall County and Mayfield. BURTON, Farmer’s Pride (Associate); recognized as a national leader in
was promoted to general manager Former staff writer MARK COO- MARK COOPER, Murray Ledger ’5; educational broadcasting, and Press
and then publisher in 1980. PER, also an MSU graduate, has been Times; LAURA SKILLMAN, last year was named Outstanding
Hendrickson, a University of Georgia named assistant editor. With news- Owensboro Messenger—Inquirer; MARY Public Broadcasting Manager by the
graduate, joined the paper as a paper experience in Grayson County, RUTH TAFOYA, Breckinridge County PUbliC Broadcasting Service and the
reporter in 1978 and became editor in he joined the Murray staff in 1989. Herald—News; TAMMIE HOLT, National Association of Public
1984. He has also served on the KPA Replacing Parker as sports editor is Cynthiana Democrat ,- ROGER GIV- Television Stations.
board. DAVID RAMEY, former assistant ENS, The Butler County Banner, and Also at KET, former senior
ELAINE NELSON has sports editor. While a student at PHILIP w. CASE, The State Journal. deputy executive director VIR-
resigned as publisher of The Harlan MSU, Ramey worked as a sports GINIA FOX has been named chief
Daily Enterprise to take a position stringer for the Ledger 8 Times. MIKE LAWRENCE, chief operating officer.
with Suburban Newspaper Group in Former Ledger 8 Times photographer at The Gleaner, was the Former KP A president
Salt Lake City, Utah. She joined the managing editor GREG TRAVIS has guest speaker at the March 19 LARRY CRAIG has come out of
Harlan paper in 1986. moved to Benton to edit The Tribune— meeting of the Henderson Society of semiqefirement to take the helm
SANDRA RUDICILL has Courier. He replaces CARROL Art. SYLVIA SMITH, Lexington once again _ temporarily _ of The
. been named advertising manager of ROBERTS who resigned recently Herald-Leader, was among recent Green River Republican and The Ohio
Recorder Newspapers, which for health reasons. speakers in the TOPS program for County Messenger, following the
includes Campbdl County, Home TONY FYFFE has been students at Powell County Middle resignation of GENE CANTRELL as
County and Kenton County Recorders promoted to editor of The Painlsville SChOOl- editor.
and The Recorder Connection. Herald. He has served as news editor RICHARD TRIMBLE, JEFF NEWTON, an Eastern
Replacing Richard Schock, she is a since joining the Herald staff in 1989. editor Of The Mountain Advocate. in Kentucky University senior and
graduate of Northem Kentucky The Danville Altrusa Club Barbourvllle, was given a certificate editor of The Eastern Progress, is one
University, where she was editor 0f roasted Adoocate- Messenger reporter 0f recogmtlon by the City councrl _ of four students nationwide selected
the student newspaper. HERB BROCK on April 12 as part recently for hls longevity 1“ covering for a 1991-92 Editorial Fellowship at
ROCHELLE PYA'I'I'E is the ofa fundraiser for the Kentucky :grfi%:fi;fle;t$:mgs— 180 0- TheNafienal College_Newspaper- -
new advertising manager at The School for the Deaf. y ° He W1“ receive round-trip transpor-
Times-Tribune in Corbin. She re- ALICE KINDER has retired DAVID HILL and DEBBIE tat“)? and free housrng 1“ Santa
places MARY WHITE who moved to after 14 years as a columnist for The WRIGHT 01" The News-Democrat in Monica, Caltf., headquarters for the
the staff of the Press-Sentinel in Appalachian News-Express in Carrollton have recently Spoken to menthly C0119”? tablOId- H? has
Iesup, Ga. Pyatte has been with Pikeville. local school students about careers in grim“ for" The Richmond R5819?”
Thomson Corp. for six years, most DAVE CAFFOE has been newspapers. . #tlze'éf‘?“ 5’ T’Z‘: Geor 8:21;"
recently as advertising manager of promoted to newspaper advertising . FLOE BOWLES, publisher egos imes film SECS: “215,5
Clay Today in Orange Park, Fla. coordinator for the Donrey Media emeritus of The News-Enterprise, was 2“ 11 was "3C9“ Y 193m h tstan mg
The Madisonville Messenger Group. He has published Donrey recently honored for _25 years of I 0 eg‘fite Puma 15* byt 9. K?“t“CkY
has a new advertising director: papers in California and Washington. SGI'Vlce t0 lumor Achlevement- “term eglate Press ASSOCIahon-
With several newspapers in Florida on romotional, advertising and D.¢.v .:§EEiE'EE.~ ‘1: :35:13:1.I.§:E;'iE§EfE:E:E;3:' o 5::
and Colorad. The Western Kentucky salt}; service programs for the FoundatlIIOfferS]“mallsmfel'JOWShlpS
UniverSitY graduate began his company S 55 daily newspapers AbanhngwmeandlanguagesmdylnMex‘Coa‘ethEObiemOf .
newspaper career at the former nationwide, including the Glasgow feuowsmpsbemeoffeedmmmaietsbymeNahonalPressFoundauon
Fulton Daily Leader. Daily Times. “renewal“whflhaveatleastthreeyearsexpermewmafiendthe
' ' " ' Madison“thexmspmdbytheschoolandNPF.23355;=:§£;:i;;‘5373????155éé;é';3Q;.ErJ:i57lerifaaérrsgé'EEQ
WflterS can e am 355$ Wlth Ag Oscars Apnhcantsmustsubmchrsareuerstamequarrcanonsback
' - - - . - groundandhOW*heYexPeCttousethebankmgremnomcandfmamrai
awaits the winner of each category of Subject matter must involve thencurrentsmployergecommendahonsmndaletterfromthetrsupervrsor
awards ro am. " rtain to food, agriculture, natural
I")I'hegrOscars program, admin- rsseources, rural affairs and related l’Sefizzfigmlsgfilggliegglectzdfmflueempghsofmtenswefiggmsh
cations staffattheumversityof Illinois, cording to James F. Evans, head of the °“Imfd§luvmtmm“$‘avacge§§°Mflied,
recognizes excellence in agricultural UT Office of Agricultural Communica- inmrgntzicssesfientskyenignagmeanmhles(weep
reporting This is the fir“ Yea1r the 31' fions and Education Westgewassesstarteveryoay,omngappcantstobegm
year-oldcontesthasofferedcashprizes, Entriesmusthavebeenprinted mmeaflwwnmvmme
with financial backing from three cor— or aired between June 2, 1990, and June Tummfiprmcledby‘hefomaflo“butfellc’wsmp’ec’p‘enism
- - fiermnlrloyersareewemdmpayirvmgexpemeswrenflyabout$15aday
_ poratlons, DEKALB Genetics, Ford 1; 1991-fandboardAIetedIanf:~:=:121:;§§3‘-'}:-:v§3332-5-:-:-:::-:-:";:‘:-'igéaggggfgfiérrarer:f:':1=:3§f.‘-';.t.-§§§5i
New Holland and Pfizer- For information and entry 132:3“compapplcaonmmsreqmamels
Oscars are awarded in four forms contact Evans at 67 Mumford
- . - - ’ Formfemtmmismgi’mgrmorspmshbanguagemeram
categoriesma azme,news r, radio Hall, 1301 W. Gregory Dr., Urbana, IL 53; ; 22;: .1, r; , . 4355555
, and televisiog. For printpaanPCd radio 61801; telephone, 217/ 333-4782- if(smalPressFoundahonflZSZNatlonalPressBulldlng,WashingtomDC
media, entries must be submitted by :s2;;ag2:‘rggigégigiEi:3533:2???53fEiiF5iéiii3;?§iiiiii?§§§f§§:§:§;§§§§iiiiii;2i25235;:iiiiéiziiéigig5.iiigfgiiééiiiiiiiisiii53ié253233533i5EiEa?2535322255i1iQifziiiéiéiiEi§sii:iiE§5iiil5I;§giiiii3f32EEiQ£252i5:3}-f5%33Qizi?§5g:1:iéiziii;.g5éé32323:§§§i§§§i§§iiiiiiiii2ii5%iij§§§§§§§§§jiEiiiéigiiiiiiigiiiiiiiigéiiié
v,_7, . - , “V‘v‘rM

 . 1 .
May 1991, The Kentucky Press, Page 5 1. .
1 Names . . . , .1
New to the Pinem'lle Sun— m .
Courier editorial staff is news re- . ,. 1 ~ g ks pf .; h v 1
1 porter DONNA PETERS. A student pg? , y . ‘
'1 at Southeast Community College, she W’ W 1‘ 1. s '1 p; _,_
formerly was assistant office man- 1%? 7 1* fir , ih?”‘%*’1 I
1 the ternary Standard in o‘er a.~ . I s ~
1 Bardsmwn has added two staff is: ' » >3
members tine Moons new to is , ii .- ' : ,
the mini priming k psi r
1 department’s customer service wing. r ,1 . 1' ’ V, ”1““; {”331} ‘ _
1 ' TONY FELTNER is the new compo- ' ' st .64.; ,
1 Sifion editorial assistant Both are i his 1 . '
graduates of Nelson County Senior ‘ 1 fi ”if: 121'; '1: - 1 ' I ' f e 3 71" 1
1 the University of Kenneth ear - ' . it 5 _ .;.:.:-:;:.-, .- -' 1:;
1 LORA HINES has joined the W ’ to.” 13%; is 3‘12“"? “ .~.‘~5;3' -
1 newsroom staff of The News-Enter- : " . g {:11 .feziji‘fw‘j i 31-h".
Prise in Elizabethtown as police court x e WW 1,
1 OhiO- Also, JULIE PlJCKETT has New KWNA officers elected -
- 1 transferred from Inszde The Turret t0 ‘ The Kentucky Weekly Newspaper Association elected new officers at its spring conference ‘
1 The N Ws’EntW ‘59 advertismgstaff. _ April 19 at Morehead State University. The leadership includes, from left, James Mulcahy, Bourbon
- _.1 Replacmg her at the KPA Assoc1ate ‘5 Times, Paris, outgoing president; Ken Metz,Bath County News-Outlook, Owingsville, vice president;
LINDA CASWEPL, formerly 0f the Guy Hatfield, Citizen Voice 8 Times, Irvine, president; Jim Rector, Georgetown Graphic, treasurer;
1 News-Enterprise 5 Done“ Saver Staff- Cookie Ely, Mount Vernon Signal, secretary, and Margaret Price, Berea Citizen, director. Other di-p i
. Among the ”celebrity rectors are Ron Daley, Troublesome Creek Times, Hindman;]ohn Nelson, Pulaski Week, Somerset, and ‘
bakers” for the Bullitt County Mary Carol Tingle, Henry County Local, New Castle. (Photo by Russ Metz) :
11 Woman’s Club Young Woman of the . . e 1 -
‘ 1 Year benefit bake sale recently was ,;:g::1:3:=:1:1:}:ig$35353:5553333;?gEgéz-IirnggigigigfgigégSgEgingEgEgEgEgiri;35:52:51;E;E;E§Ez€3‘;§2§iiE-E:Egi35:5:5153332:E:EiigiriiEtZISIEIEIEIE?35151-2;, . . . 1‘
THOMAS BARR, general manager ,1” Salaryr rewnue survey reveals C11Span“es
1. Shepherdsville. Selanesfotpubhshersmstfhan Asked to Predict their
1 , _ 1 N t-ti r e tionist at “Mays—liApiManlngEdflors tomediummarketsnationwidefallmto newspaper’s profitability in 1991 ,1
3e m C’pnpp‘ifieiiicpfy‘oemifigm, in 75+ the $55,000 to $130.000rangeand the compared.witb;1990e50:2Per°ellte’eoss
comm) G‘at’h‘“ ship Those are among findi