xt78930nvs5n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78930nvs5n/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1999-01 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, January 1999 text GLSO News, January 1999 1999 1999-01 2019 true xt78930nvs5n section xt78930nvs5n GLSO NEW S
J 1999
Lng/ Vol. 13 anuary No. 12
A publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization
HOLLY HUGHES PERFORMS Actor’s Guild One Night Only
The Next Stage is excited to How I learned To Drive On Wednesday, January 20, the
bring performance artist, Holly Starting on January 14 and con- Court is presenting three fabulous
Hughes, to the Worsham Theater tinuing until February 14, Actor‘s female impersonators in One Night
Saturday, Feb. 6 at 8:00 pm. Guild is producing How I learned to 0""1- Ashley Kr ”er Miss National
Tickets are $5 for students, $7 Drive, by lesbian playwrite Paula l988, Chelesea Pearl, aformer Miss
for faculty and staff and $10 for Vogel. Winner of the 1998 Pulitzer USA A? Large, .and Cezanne, a for-
the public. Purchase tickets at Prize for Drama, four Obie Awards, mer MtlrssthConttlrlentaL, gvflluentrann‘ce
the Student Activities Board YOU Wl GllS yean ea Y- ey
Ticket Window in the old Student :3: xiyhcgfizzmgffirfflgi are all previously lrom Lexington so
Center or call 257-TlCS. we expect a big crowd to welcome
Hughes will present Clif celebrated play of the ‘90s them back.
Notes: A Sapphic Sampler. This The it“)? ‘0’“ by the_9’°w" The Royal Imperial Sovereign
witty, outlandish comedy offers woman L?! F3" (Carla Nowlln) has Court invites everyone to this special
autobiographical sketches about become,_1nv1tes us to lookuback at evening at The Bar Complex. Mika
growing up queer in America. the relationship between Lil Bit, a Milano, Empress 17_ and Cammie
Hughes was one of four lonely fatherless young 9'" and her Dietrich will be on hand to host this
artists (John Fleck, Karen Finley ””9'6 Peek (Kfellh 0- Jonésli Who '5 show which will benefit the Lexington
and Tim Miller were the others) at times nurturing and at times sexu- Parkinson Chapter. We BXDBCt ‘0 99t
who was targeted during the ally abus1ve. The incest islportrayed started aboutiOpm, drag time.
1990 controversy about National W‘th d'sc'et'onr as? the '"c'dfants 0‘ John M0568. Emperor 17. says
Endowment for the Arts grants abuse are staged '“ absflaéllon- these are the best female imperson-
Senator Jesse Helms (D) and the Uncle ”Peck tells L” B“ that he ators in the country, 50 don‘t 8V9“
Religious Right considered wants ‘0 We “9' a Power ”‘5“ "0 think about missing this show!
Hughes‘ work offensive, because one can takeaway from you. He
of its homosexual content. succeeds, ultimately, in giVlng her
Although the controversy has the strength She ".eeds to ’ane him
passed, her performances still and transcend their relationship. Sponsor of the Month
provoke discomfort for conserva— Flaywrlght Paula Vogel says her
tives as well as liberals, play is not solely about the damage
Hughes says she likes to done by sexual abuse. it concerns
play with language. “When l first the gifts we receive from people .
came up with the title [Clif who hurt us. The playalso explores 5' I IS I n '1
Notes], lthought people would how an extremely 909d man can
just think it was funny. And then have aterrible-flaw that is beyond his
i thought the people that didn’t control and ultimately destroys h'm' .
continued on page 2 Learned To Drive: continued page 2

 Hughes continued from page 1 Drive on Sun., Feb. 7 following the
have that response would proba- matinee performance (beginning
$653731 bly not know what a clit was and approximately at 3145)- VWth support
11-55311“; ' think it was a typo.” from Project Parent, a panel of schol-
»:-.;..;:.;..; Vic Hughes states that one rea— ars, sociologists and psychologists
ER son her work focuses on life as a will discuss issues raised in the play
,. G- r” lesbian is there is no language such as incest, transcendence of past
for lesbian desire.“l came out in abuse, imbalances and shifts 07
v the ‘703 and it was something power in sexual relationships and cut—
lesbians didn't talk about. Sex tural constructions of gender. The '
was something that lesbians post-play panel Wt" thtUd93 Dl- J03"
used to do before the o ened Callahan, Dr. Susan Bordo, Dr.
The GLSO News food co-ops," y p Geraldine Maschio, Marta Miranda,
Vol-I4 Issue 1 “I want to take the audience LCSW, Trish Salerno, Melissa Kemp,
Published Monthly by someplace they haven’t neces— Dr. Robert Ferguson, and Dr. Colby
sarily been before, or look at Cohen-Archer. Please call 233-0663
. where they’re standing from a if you plan to attend the post-play
The Lexington Gay slightly different angle.” panel.
Lesbian Service ' , ' Rape Crisis Center
Organization How I learned to Dr'rve cont. The Lexington Rape Crisis
The play is about family, tOVQlVe' Center of Central Kentucky NEEDS
321 Second St. ”955i coming 0f age, d93ire and reck- VOLUNTEERS! The 1999 Winter
0”th — all things we find in 0117- Training will be starting on Friday,
selves. “Empathy is the one emo— Jan. 29 from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm and
Editors: tional muscle that every democracy ' '
continuing the next day, Sat. Jan. 30
MW Crone needs. It allows you to see yourself and the following two Saturdays, Feb.
Peter Taylor in the other — to take the journey of 5 and 13, from 8:30 am to 430 pm.
Davina Warner the other as yourself,“ Vogel asserts. Upon successful completion of
"I always feel that I‘m writing the ALL training sessions, volunteers will:
. script and my audience is writing the answer the 24-hour Rape Crisis
Layout Editor: play. There’s a lot of fluidity and liex— Hotline, provide support and informa-
Chaflie Perkins ibility in hOW we take it ill The fact tion for victims and their loved ones,
that peOPte can 90 in there and come meet victims at local hospitals and
GLSO Annual Dues OUt to have arguments in the car and police stations, and provide referrals
and Newsletter: $15 lobby, and that eVelYOhe is always for follow-up services. Volunteers
Dues and Newsletter for right: that makes it an ideal platform answer the Hotline in their own
Couples: $20 for democracy. Ultimately, the arts homes and shift choice is flexible, A
forma communal identity that makes six month commitment is required
Opinions expressed in the GLSO News are US practice empathy instead 0t sym— and volunteers must be at least 21.
those of the authors and don't necessarily pathy." She contends that “we're The Training Program is free 07
represent those of the GLSO Board. hungry how in theatre for direct ihh' charge. To apply for t’aththQ. call
Submissions are welcome and become the macy between the actors and the Stephanie at 253-2615 by Jan. 22.
property of the GLSQ The staff reserves audience and that we’re tired 0f Wi'lt- This is an excellent opportunity
the right to edit submissions and advertise— ing that doesn‘t get to the heart 0‘ the to learn CttSlS counseling skills and t0
ments as well as the right to reject any sub— matter." be of service to people in need. The
missions or advertisements. ACtOl'S GUltd Wt“ hOSt a post-play Center thanks you for your help and
panel discussion Oi HOW, Learned to appreciates your continued support.

 . ' : J («31”
SisterSouvrd share your views, we invite you to Movabk Feast

SisterSound thrilled its audience come out and jom ”.8" if you WOUId Movable Feast is a volunteer run
with the winter portion of Leave No ““9 more '"format'on p”°’ ‘0 the organization that delivers hot meals
Song Unsung, their theme for this meeting, you can contact Jeremy at to at least 40 people living with AIDS

- concert season. A spring concert is 2696658 0' Ciscoboy@webtv.net on a daily basis. Michael Thompson
planned tot April and will feature and Mary Crone at 266-5904 or is the director of this successful
guest artist Margie Adam. If you marycrone@ao|.com. If you are a effort. Tfhtiiy asrte [ipcated in tEhe base-l
would like to hel with this concert, ieSbiQal/ilansge" person With an me“ 0 e - ”QUS "‘9 DISCOPa
consider joiningp the SisterSound open mind we WOUId love to see YOU Chafii at $72503? St; 252216?
MSjgegaewe Consrtgighngttesziiit a;

you WC” ' e 0 smg w‘ ' re are or deliver food. If ou are
SisieiSOUHd. and with Margie, PlDK PAGQS , i3ea3ing this before the find of
rehearsals begin on Jan. 10. New A GLSO Committee to DUDI'Sh December, they are particularly in
member will be accepted throughout the 1999 edition Of the Pink Pages need of some extra help NOW.
January; there are no auditions. will hold its first meeting on Thursday,
Rehearsals are held each Sunday Jan. 21- 7 pm at the Pride Center, iVIi'GTWQGVQ
from 6 to 8 pm at park Methodist 387 Waller Ave. This is a major fund Join us Sunday, January 10after
Church, at the corner of Clay Ave. raiser tor the Pride Center and we the Sunday Service for our next
and High St. Call Lee for more infor- are looking for new people to monthly luncheon. For more infor- ,
mation 873—7791. become involved. We particularly mation can Davina (271-6174)

need graphic artists and people inter-

Discussion/Support Group ested in marketing, but we can also P.FLAG

Do you ever feel like you are the use anyone interested in putting Parents, Friends, and Family of
only gay person out there? Do you some energy into this community Lesbians and Gays (P-FLAG) will
enjoys sharing some of your life effort. Doing volunteer work iS a meet the second Tuesday of each
experiences with other? if you are in great way to meet people! month at 7130 pm. at Chapel Hi”
the process of coming out, or if you , , . Presbyterian CilUlCil (corner 0f
would like to talk about some of the Networking 8‘ Pride PiWi‘S‘ Armstrong Mill and Tates Creek
pressure of "living out", we invite you The iilSi Networking pOiiUCk and Roads). December 8th this month.
to the GLSO Support/Discussion meeting CT the new year has been P-FLAG is open to anyone who
group on Wednesdays evenings, set for Tues. Jan 19 at 6:30 at the has need of support or is willing to
January 20 and 27, at 7:30. We will Pride Genieh 387 WaiieiAve- GLSO offer support to people, including
be meeting at the downtown Public Wiii provide an entree, everyone else straight spouses, who have friends or
Library, 4th floor, conference room B. is aSked to bring a dis“ i0 Sharer family members. who are lesbian.
Parking is available and free behind We Dian i0 Siaii discussing gayr bisexual, or transgendered.
the Library. Pride Month so we hope that each _

We will be discussing coming community group will send a repre- MCI: Games nght
out and living out at the first meeting sentative. Individuals interested in The Metropolitan Community
and will choose other topics for other 'eaming more abOUi What is 90mg 0" Church is planning Games Nights as
meetings. So if you are tired of the in the community or wanting t0 a non-alcoholic alternative on cold
bar scene and ready for some great become involved are also encour- Winter nights. This month, we will
conversation, or if you are just com- aged to attend. 600d food, great meet on Friday, Jan. 29, iiOm 7 i0
ing out and need to hear others who company, give it a try! 11 PM in the Pride Center. Bring you


 , . 1 research with women who are or
' L Communal! News, Conant/(M ' . have been in a same-sex relation—
favorite snack item and game, This Assemble at Lexington‘s Heritage ship for 10 or more years.
will be a fun way to meet new people. Hall (next to Rupp Arena, corner of Participation requires the completion
if you have questions you can call Broad & High Street) at 9:30 am. of two questionnaires. For more
Tomas Edison at 226—0978 or e-mail March begins at 10 am. information visit the website at
me at (twedis1@pop.uky.edu). A program in Heritage Hall will http://www.gulfislands.com/jordan-
follow the march. The featured knoxl.
WOMAN'S BASKETBALL speaker will be Rev. James Lawson.
We are looking for women bas- Flev Lawson was a colleague of Dr. TWO Important EVGIltS
ketball players who would like to play King, is a proponent of nonviolence, at
recreational basketball on a regular is a retired United Methodist minister, . -
basis. Currently, we are playing on and currently is national chair of the Tfie Pride CQVllQV‘ ‘
Wednesday nights at 7 pm in the Fellowship of Reconciliation. To reg- 387 Waller Ave.
Seaton Center Gym. To get into the ister a group, call or write Dave ,
gym, you must have a valid UK stu- Stockham; UK Dean of Students; NBtWOI'k Potluck
dent/faculty/staft lD or you must pur- S13 Patterson Office Tower; 40536; - .
chase passes for $2 each. For more (606) 257—3654. And Prlde Plannlng
information (or to suggest an alterna- Tues. Jan. 19, 6:30
tive site/time), please call 258-9332. Survey of Lesbian Couples - and.
Barbara Jordan-Knox, a PhD
MLK March candidate at the Institute for the Pink Pages Meeting
On Monday Jan. 18 the Martin Advanced Study of Human Sexuality Thrus. Jan 21, 7:00
Luther King Day March will be held. in San Francisco is conducting
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 An Everyday i come from a long line of this something I used to do on a regular
Spiritual Experience type of “out-of-body" experience. | basis so i’d look good. Now when l
‘ by Kelly O’Ferrell learned'that if somebody was domg do that, I’m very aware of it. So I
‘ “Opinion, n., a belief orjudgement something unacceptable,” then know how you'refeelmgl _
: based on grounds insufficient to pro _ everybody was looking at me. Just as suddenly as it had left, it
, duce complete certainty. Tarn had Just gotten off the returned- l was content. And I knew
Experience, n., something personal _ phone and was telling me. about her that whatever deCIsion Tam made
Iy live d through. conversation, and In a split second I about how todeal With her feelings
Self-righte 0 us, a dj., smug/y mora/is _ went from content to felt-righteous. I and the Situation was up to her. _
tic and intolerant [see Kelly]. ,, had. to keep saying Its none of my _ As you know, we started a tradi-
Webster’s Dictionary busmess because I couldn’t talk tion last year. Before we goto sleep,
It amazes me how quickly these Witheut telling her what to do. we tell one another something we’re
things happen. One minute l’m ”i guess what Im wanting from grateful for that the other said or did
standing in the kitchen enjoying the you, she said as she came and that day. I told Tern I was grateful
moment and the next I’m hearing stood beSIde me, isto know if you ve that she asked if id had an experi-
Tammy, my partner, tell me some- ever had an experience like this”ch it ence like hers or felt that way instead
thing she’s just done and l’m feeling _ you ve ever felt this way before'?_ of asking for‘my opinion. .
what? Ow! Good Lord it was a difficult She‘d given me the opportunity
l’d could say i felt angry, but transmon from that self-righteous to have a spiritual eitperience right
there’s a good chance that, in this pedestal to a place of equality - a there in our kitchen. Id rather havea
case, the anger was justa by-product place of compassion. spiritual experience over a spiritual
of fear. Tam was making me look Yes I have, i told her even as opinion any day. I had enough of
bad. my feet were trying to find some those as atundamentalist.
steady ground off that pedestal. “it‘s
. each of its citizens. I will act when I see
New year's Resalutjo" im‘lsflce around me,
I will seek peace in my life and in all my
At UK Lambda’s candlelight vigil in honor of actions. I will value my own journey and
Matthew Shepard, the Reverend Rex Van Alstein my uniqueness. 1 will value the journey and
read an Act Of Dedication With the gathered Cl'OWd. lives of those who are different from me_
We are publishing it now, slightly revised, in hopes 1 will remember Matthew and all whom
that it can be a powerful New Year’s Resolution for we have lost to violence. 1 will live my me
our community. We invite you to read it out loud, with courage, with love and with hope as a
put it on your refrigerator, rewrite it with your per— tribute to their lives.
sonal emphasis, or in any way you wish make it 1 will stand and speak out with those
part 071999 who express compassion and create justice
, We will not be silenced by hatred and in the daily living of their lives. I will seek
fear. We Will “0‘ 80 away because 0f “1‘01“ ways to connect with individuals from
erance and injustice. Rather. we Stand diverse backgrounds! to increase our mutu-
today, united, strong. courageous. ‘0 com- a1 understanding of difference and to
mit ourselves ‘0 creating a world that is decrease fear. Together we will transform
filled not with violence. but with peace, not the world.
with hatred. but with love. So May It Be,
I will speak out for justice and freedom. Amen,
for m life and for the lives of others. I will Shalom.
call “P0“ my government ‘0 equally 91‘0th Go in Peace and Make Peace
GLSO Page 5

 , , use bulk mail rates. We often mail
GLSO 1998 FlnaIICIal Report sample copies to friends of whoever
Once a year we publish an year. We have also chosen to iS tOtdthg that month, hODthQ that
overview of our financial situation to increase the number Of pages in the they. WI" subscribe. if you have
let our spon s or s, subscribers and newsletter, to print the cover in color received this thhOUt a SltbSChDhOh-
contributors know where their money on a regular basis, and to have a please consider sending m the m“
goes. GLSO actual“, has three greater number printed each month. on the next page. if $15 fora year is
accounts that cover three different Luckily, our income has also more than you can afford, give Mary
aspects of our work: Pride Month, increased, particularly due to spon— a call about. reduced rates.
The Pride Center, and the general sorships, consistent advertising and . We enticlpate that our expenses
GLSO account. profits trom t—shirt sales. The one Vii!” continue to "$8 and we are par-
The box covers our basic area of income that has fallen is ticularly concerned about the cost of
monthly expenses. Many of our memberships and subscriptions. thhth the Pride Center. The
costs have gone up, priming and Although we have made up for this in Metrortohtan Community Church has
postal rates have risen and we have 0““? ways, we are m 9“?“ nee,“ 9‘ been paying me than half the rent
already been informed of a higher havrng enough subscriptions wrthin for the burlding‘ that houses both
rate r or our bulk mail permit next tayette country to insure that we can MCC and the Pride Center. ‘We WIll
, be renegotiating the lease With them
Average Monthly Expenses early in I999. We are now paying
Newsletter . about $5,000 a year in rent and utili-
Printing (4 pages, color on front, 600 copies) $240.00 ties. Although we still have a certifi-
Envelopes (215 a mo @.04) $8.60 cate of deposite for $7,000, the
Bulk Mailing (rates going up in Jan.) $23.00 Center account we pay our rent out
Annual Bulk Mail Fee ($80, will be $100 in '99) $6.70 of is down to $1,865.
Mailing Labels $500 We are looking for ways to bring
Post Office Box Rental ($40 yr.) $3.00 financial benefit to the Pride Center.
Ink Cartridge, paper for printer, etc $2.00 The Pink Pages t5 the major fund
raiser coordinated by GLSO. Please
Monthly Newsletter Total $288.30 consider joining this effort by attend-
ing the meeting on Jan. 21 or by tak-
ing out an advertisement. GLSO
Other .Monthly Expenses also produces community events
Donationto MCC , , _ $2500 that profit the Center such as Act
Advertrsmg in other commumty publications $30.00 Out’s plays (Elegies) Vifishing Chair
Office-supplies, copying, postage, Ietc $12.00 concerts, and dances. if your orga-
Donation to other progressrve prolects $15.00 nization could help us with a fund
raiser, it would be appreciated.
TOM] Monthly Expenses $370 A number of community groups
have done fund raisers for us or use
Average Monthly Income 98 99 the Pride Center on a regular basis
Sponsorships $175 $200 and donate money for its upkeep.
Memberships $95 $140 We thank The Lexrngton Men‘s
Advertising $75 $80 Chorus, Fairness, . HSlC, AVOL,
Donations $55 $60 Ebony Male, and indivrdual benefac-
Fund Raisers, T—shirt sales, etc $50 $50 torsfor their fmancral contributions.
Havmg a Pride Center is wonderful
for our community; we need every-
To_nthly Income $450 $530 one‘s support to keep it open.

 ail , .. , . ,, _--- « -.
‘er . , , , . , . . , , _ .1
7: Do you believe 111 the inherent ,
o o” '

% worth and dignity of every: person?
is m
ie E
is 223-2448
nt '
,9 World News God's dreams. Do what you can IFGE CONFERENCE
-_ . . . “0W," The annual IFGE conference,
'! Tutu' “H°"‘°Ph°b'a "Wm” When a Student aSked Tutu Standing United will be held March
I" South African Archbishop what injustice he would most want to 17 _ 21 in Louisville KY The
I9 Desmond Tutu danced in the streets reverse, he gave a surprising Bl B it K, t .k' ,
in of Denver last month. The ebullient answer. "Will you give me two?" he uegrass e es, en ”C '8"? 5

67-year-old Nobel laureate grinned said with a grin. First, Tutu called on "ansQendeTed SUPPO” end SOC'a'
,g and swayed with nearly 300 high world leaders to forgive the mounting group, W'” “051 ”“3 event.
I school students at a street party that debts owed by developing nations. Registration for the full conference is
,d was part Of the PeaceJam YOUth Then he said the persecution of $180. Some scholarships and less-
re Conference at Regis University. This homosexuals is as unjust as er-priced options are available. For
1_ conference was to encourage youth apartheid. Sexual orientation is lUSt registration information, contact
( to dream of a world wrthout war and like race”. People do not decide to lFGE "Standing United“ Convention
' to make peace in their own commu- be gay any more than they decide to r _ . _
3 nities. Archbishop Tutu spoke to the be black or white, he said. 5011,30 8:26:10, 7225;327PA 3044
:3 youth saying "Your dreams are really or ca ( ) ’ '


2. .
3 $15 membership and newsletter
., ,_ $20 couple membership and newsletter
I would like the newsletter at this reduced rate
,1 I am donating $3 or more. please add mgr/our name(s) to the Out and Proud spon-
" sorship page in October. Mail to GLSO News, PO Box 11471, Lex., KY" 40575
GLSO Page 7

 m -- I: .m» i‘ll: mitt .i.rl'i‘r:4,- w- - i‘ll‘im- I-inru warm rm. wr 'l flu-w "min i Millizk rm. may i ii; ‘l'I'lvii'! 'r‘v‘ln'il.""“. Ill! :l'i. xiii i" :' 0:10.552: "-i
i i a it; i it i 1 "limit" l l, til" iii; if if; all" ill ‘ if“ ‘ ,ilil“‘ii;, if it}... tilt: it ill "tilt, tilts, ill-“lite ‘1 l "“‘l":“‘“ , i” "‘ Milli!” "‘ “i _
i ‘ , i i i ii iiiiill 7:30 pm Gay/(Lesbian AA 9‘00 am Fronmers ‘ ' t --
' (Arboretum) - l , :-_
.. w 740 G /L b' AA " " JIM/”f
illjiffiléi":.:..:l£l"‘:.vil."‘ 5i:,..§?lbill)?" fi,.,il2‘leit,“iiffl‘liijfiliir “lit“ xiii,,'§§:,l?i”lg ~.ifi'.lil"‘ir-‘ glintfiii‘tl'iliii'ilfi"‘ ‘liilifiilll if. till ii iii if is" little " pm ay es tan ‘, ‘ ’9’, r I
it 1:,titSig;i§,,:r-n51i,"r" 'i§“~,Il'li.'.’ii:'=35i.'2‘" "Milli? FE,»'iifijliv,l3‘li.”é.f“ fill ‘Eifiiilll‘fliliil’lflif"?iiill.§ii.i§7iz.”i:"" lit'llill?Stiff-Sid}flit” 3333i fig '
10:45 am UU Church 7:00 pm Women‘s 7:30pm PFLAG Chapel 6:00 pm Frontrimners 7:00 pm Men’s 7:30 pm Gay//LesbianAA 9:00 am Frontrunners
l l :30 am LMCC Basketball (Seaton Gym) (Hill Presbyterian Church) (Woodland Park) Chorus Rehearsal (Arboretum)
6:00 pm Dignity 8:00 pm AA Step Study 6:00 pm HlV/AIDS 7:30 pm UK Lambda 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
Support Group (Student Center) 6 S a u I an
7:00 pm MCC Study
Group '
8:00 om Ga fLesbianAA 55 7 8' leeStone
"ii iii i 'ii If it ' '
10:45 am UU Church 7:00 pm GLSO Board Mtg 6:00 pm Frontrunners 7:00 pm Men‘s 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Frontrunners LeXlngton, KY’
11:30am LMCC (Pride Center) (Woodland Park) Chorus Rehearsal (Arboretum) 2 5 3 _OO 1 4
6:00 pm SisterSounrl ‘ 7.00 pm Women‘s 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS 7:30 pm UK Lambda 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
rehearsal Basketball (Seaton Gym) Support Group (Student Center)
l2115 pm lnterweaw Lunch : 8:00 pm AA Step Study 7:00 pm MCC Study .
(“up . . featuring the famous
7:30 pm I-aimess
Lexington (Pride Center)
8,00 m Gambian AA Alfalfa Weekend Brunch
l serving blueberry
10:45 am UU Church 7:00 pm Women‘s 6:30 pm Networking 6:00 pm Frontrunners 7:00 pm Pink Pages ad hoc 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Frontrunners
l 1:30 am LMCC Basketball ('Seaton Gym) Potluck (Pride Center) (Woodland Park) Committee Meeting (Pride (Arboretum) bUCkWheat pancakes,
8:00 pm AA Step Study 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS Center) 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA b d 1d
6:00 Pm 9ng GLS()NF.WS DEADLINE fsul’pon Gm”? 7:00 pm Me" 5 eggs 6116 wt arno ’
6.00 pm SisterSound SUBMIT ADDITIONS 7.00 pm MCC Study Chorus Rehearsal .
rehearsal AND/OR CORREC'fl()l\IS Group 7:30 pm UK Lambda SparnSh OIl’lClCttCS
FOR NFXT CALENDAR 7:30 pm Support Group (Student Center)
.7 (Library Room B) - gourmet desserts,
.273-9649 .
8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
1000 pm One Night Only and much more
Dra- Show (The Bar)
if it El .35 If" [iii lit. 2 9 30
10:45 am UU Church 7:00 pm Women‘s 6:00 pm Frontrunners 7:00 pm Men’s 7:00 pm LMCC Games 9:00 am Frontrunners
11:30 am LMCC Basketball (Seaton Gym) (Woodland Park) Chorus Rehearsal Night (Arboretum) All Of our breads and
6:00 pm SisterSound 8:00 pm AA Step Study 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS 7:30 pm UK Lambda 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7:30 pm Gay/LesbianAA '
rehearsal Support Group (Student Center) desserts are baked dally
7:00 pm MCC StudyGroup ' '
730 pm Supp,“ Gm}, in our kitchen
(Library Room B))
8:00 in Gay/LesbianAA
1045 am UU Church ' k
“30,, LMCC _ Free Evening Par mg
6:00 pm SisterSound 'llili‘it. [till 1‘ ' " it“ ,riiili, 'iiill‘liiii if i” '. fill, ”fill” ‘1’ it; till rWii ’4" limit it “ill-mill

 First Day of School, 0nd wind. She stepped in front of me ing when the teacher got close to
Wild Love and told me that I had to be a big girl. him. His moma put him in the chair ”S
By Heinei‘te F. Jones l was to stop crying and Sit down In where he was havmg a fit, snatching, f0
my assigned seat. As the teacher and jerking, and kicking, and crying Sé
First day of first grade, no one spoke she put her hands on her high- with snot running down histace. m
told me that I would be staying at pocket hips. She looked to be nine . There was the Silent girl With the m
school all day. I had never been to feet tall. i knew i was outmatched, I big, big eyes. She peed in her chair,
school before and I thought I was declined another round of wrestling but no one told the teacher. She W
going to first grade for a short “le I and took my seat. never talked, not even when the 9‘
followed my brother into the class— The teacher told me to work on teacher asked. her what her name d1
room and when he turned to leave, l my ABCs until the other children was. Her friend, D.A., told the th
followed him out the door. The arrived. lnstead of writing, lstared at teacher the girl‘s name and where TC:
teacher caught me by the shoulders the teacher's teeth, Her teeth looked she lived. . Di
and said that i would have to stay. i just like the candy flavored paraffin .D‘A' was the most unique per— W
stood in the doonivay and cried as my teeth that were sold at the neighbor— son in the whole world, she'was pret- Qt
brother walked away. i begged him hood grocery store. Her gums ty and Wild. She kept pomting her 1
to please come ba ck and get me. He looked like deep dark blood and the finger and making faces at those who D'
said he would be back after school. l whole contraption moved around in were crying. For no reason at all, she '6
had no idea if after school would be her mouth when she talked. Her would laugh out loud. The teacher
in a little while or tomorrow or next breath smelled like Mercurochrome told 0A. to settle down, but D.A. 3‘
week. and scrubbing powder. l sat at my ignored the teacher and started bark- bl
l clung to the door frame and desk waiting for the teacher to eat ing like a dog. That mean teacher G
screamed as the teacher tried to her candy paraffin teeth before they shook DA. and made her get quiet. ‘5
steer me into the room. She got Went soft and crumbled in her mouth. D.A. didn’t stay quiet for long. _h
winded and decided that it was OK The teacher told me to quit staring at When the teacher went down the hall ”"
for me to stand in the doorway. her and write my ABCs. ldidn’t know D.A. jumped up on her desk and did 9‘
There was no one else in the room; how to write my ABCs so I kept star- a belly dance. She pulled her dress 9
my brother had dropped me off early ing at her teeth. up over her head and did the Huck-a- Vt
because he had things to do. l Forty-five minutes later all the Buck dance too. The whole class
wished that l had never said that l other children had arrived. The class was squealing and laughing and Vi
wanted to go to school. The teacher had about 33 newcomers and 2 who some covered their eyes. The l
was mean and she smelled funny. were repeating the first grade. Four teacher ran back into the room and b
Her teeth looked funny and her of the students were a little more asked D.A. what in God's name was 5
brown Santa Clause cheeks made unique than the rest of us. There she doing. D.A. jumped down from 0
her look like the devil when she was the potato-head boy who stut- the desk and got the holy spirit in her. a
talked. She was not the person my tered and kept asking to go to the She kept flailing about in her chair
nine older siblings had described. bathroom. He had beenafirstgrad- and speaking in tongues like the 0
They told me that l would like the er the previous year. The teacher women in church. e
teacher because she had taught all said that he should know the rules, Before the teacher got half way t‘
colored children in the first grade but that didn’t keep him from asking across the room, D.A. was out of her 9
since the Negro school opened at the to go to the bathroom every ten min- chair and racing around making car E
turn of the century, Somebody had utes. sounds with her mouth. lwas in love. u
lied because that woman was mean There was the other boy who I shouted with the rest of the class fl
and she was 2000 years old. lwant— was wearing his daddy’s glasses. for DA. to run taster so that the 8
ed to go home. His moma had had to carry him into teacher couldn't catch her. Some of H
Before i could dash down the the classroom like a sack of potatoes the boys started to race around the a
hallway, the teacher caught her sec- because he refused to walk and fell room with DA. and they were making
out in the floor kicking and scream— car sounds too. We were really hav 5

 to boy‘s moma, who was even taller
I" ng fun! Then the teacher screamed was allowed to leave the room. It than the teacher, took her time leav-
Q, for everyone to get back m the" was time for us to learn how to spell ing the room. She had never said a
tg seats and get qwet. She was Sttt’th 8 our names. She gave the two wet- word durlng the entire commotion.
mean teacher. l said damnit to t ers some paper towels to clean up When the boy's moma was
te myself. their messes while she QOt paper and gone the teacher put her nose on
if, Everyone sat down, except D‘A' pencils from behind the white box. l the boy's snotty nose and told him if
‘9 who made a sound like a motorcycle had heard stories about the huge he got out of his seat again it was
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