xt78930nvs42 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78930nvs42/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2007-06 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, June 2007 text GLSO News, June 2007 2007 2007-06 2019 true xt78930nvs42 section xt78930nvs42 \ ; Gagand The GLSO NEWS
* Les ian
mes June 2007
A Publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization
Volume 22 Number 6
’ 2007-GLSO 30 Year Anniversarey
To celebrate our 30 year anniversary, This year's picnic will be on Sunday,
GLSO 'nVlteS YOU to an A” Show and June10,from11amto4pm atVVindy Knoll
Open House 0” Thursday, June 14from Farm,.rain or shine. Directions and details
6 to 8. See page 6 for more details on page 5 and insert.
CORONATION XXVI national charity organizations.
C I The Coronation Ball includes a
W of Sky Celebrates celebration of the year's successful
26th 2%! of Making fundraising, the appointment of the next
The Imperial Court of Kentucky will year’s Board of Directors and the election
celebrate 26 years of continuous 0f Emperor and Em_pre_SS. the figurehead
fundraising with its 26th annual Coronation leaders 0f the organization. ThIS year, HIS
Ball and related activities the weekend of MOSt Imperial Majesty, Emperor 25 John
June 1 _ 4. The Imperial Court was Ridener, and Her Most Imperial Majesty,
organized in 1982 and is a charter member Empress 25 Sierra Reign, invite you tojoin
of the International Court System, a group them for Through the Looking Glass—IA
of over 70 such groups throughout the Mad, Mad, Mad Tea Party! , an Alice '”
United States, Canadaand Mexico. Wonderland-themed evening filled with
Located in Lexington, the Court is a celebration, grand entertainment and
501© 3 charity organization with a recognition. ' _
dedicated mission to fundraise for other . Coronation W399”? '5 the fiFSt
501© 3 organizations that serve the LGBT OffiC'3' Pride Month actrvrty In Lexrngton.
community. This year, the Court has The weekend starts with theln-Town Show
designated Moveable Feast Lexington, on Friday at the Bar Complex. .Doors open
AVOL, GLSO and Kentucky Fairness at7z30 pm and the show begins at8pm.
- - ' ' ' Ad ' ' ' 5d t' .
Alliance as their primary beneficrarles. mrssronls$ ona '0” continuedpageZ
Since 2000, the Imperial Court of Kentucky ,5,
has donated over $115,000 to local and 3 -~r
W . GLSO Rainbow Sponsor
GLSO Pride Month Sponsor Imperial Court of KY
Scott Ackerman . F,
. Coronation XXVI 5
(moblle)859 338-8483 ;_ j
“n H
For all your real estate needs J e l ‘ 3 “

 The show will feature many of Lexington’s Anniversaries
favorite court performers, and will be held in
the upstairs dance floor area. Every year is a year of anniversaries

On Saturday, an official State Dinner for GLBT people. notable anniversaries
will be held at the Radisson Plaza Hotel will be scattered inthe newsletter.


$25 donation. Two shows will follow at Italian artistand soientist, was born.

Bluegrass Connection, 942 Vlfinchester 35 years 3903 ”11922 Sholom ASCh'S

Road. The Out-of-Town Show will feature play. MW the first

entertainers from courts across the nation. play on an American stage to depict gay

Doors open at8 pm, show begins at8230. and lesbian characters, opened in
' Following the Out-of-Town Show, the Provincetown.

court invites you to stick around forthe Male .

Revue Show, begriming at 11 pm. Last 60 years ago. In 1.947 Edythe Eyde,

, . under pseudonym Lisa Ben, published
years show featured adult mowe stars V V th f. tl b' . .
Johnny Hazzard and Kevin Brown, with M’ e irs es ian magazmein
both of them providing exciting the United States.
entertainment. This year will again feature 40 Years Ago: 1967 Mike Wallace Hosts
phenomenal performers, including the CBS Special Report"The Homosexual"
renowned Tommy Blade, an All Worlds
Video Exclusive. Admission is a $10
donation and includes both the Out-of- Pride Month$100 Raffle
Town show and the Male Revue Show. -

The weekend culminates on Sunday TICkets $1 eadl 6 for $5
evening with the 26th Coronation Ball atthe GLSO will be selling tickets for a $100
Radisson Plaza Hotel Grand Ballroom in cash prizethroughoutthe month ofJune_
downtown Lexington. Doors open at 5:30 The winner will be drawn on July 1.
pm with the Opening Production to begin
promptly at 6:00 pm. Admission is a $15
donation and includes hors d’oeuvres. The " “*1!
evening will feature performances by \\ , / GAY AND
guests from other courts across the country, - fl '- E S B I A N
the annual election for voting members of / SERVICES
the organization, step-down performances , ORGANIZATION
from Emperor 25 John and Empress 25 ,

Sierra, and the crowning ceremony for next Lexmgton, KentUCky
year’s monarchs. Publishes the GLSO News Monthly

On Monday, the weekend officially Vol. 22 No.5
ends with a Victory Brunch at the Radisson
Plaza Hotel Spirits Lounge. Doors open at P'O' Box 1172 Lex., KY 40588
10:30 am, with brunch at 11:00 am. www.IexmgtongIso@yahoo.com
Admission is a $25 donation. WWW.g|sopc.org

Emperor John and Empress Sierra . .
invite you to join the Court for the full Pr'de Center Office Manager
weekend of activities to help them celebrate Bill Chandler
Reign 25’s fundraising accomplishments. 859 253_3233
Page 2

es Listed in Chronological order - short listing on insert
C" PRIDE PROM Southern Comfort
1.8 _ On Sunday, June 3 GLSO Will be
_ t On Friday, June 1, the GLSO Gay showing Southern Comfort, the winner of
3 Straight Alliance for Youth is hosting an the Grand Jury Prize, for Best
By alternative prom for all YOUlh wanting to Documentary at the 2003 Sundance Film
In attend. It Will be held at the Unitarian FestivaL Join us at 2 pm at the Pride
Universalist Church, 3564 Clays Mill Center, 389 WallerAve.
e, Road, from 8 until midnight. Tickets are Southern Comfon focuses primarily
3d $15 and can be purchased at the door. on Robert Eads, a 52-year-old fim
in For more info. call Mary 859 2665904 transsexual who lives in the back hills of
, Georgia. "A hillbilly and proud of it," he
ts 3991 World String Band cuts a striking figure: sharp-tongued,
’ bearded, tobacco pipe in hand. Robert
.The Bluegrass Chapter 0f the hasanumber oftrans friends who also tell
National Organization for Women IS arts oftheirlife stories
having a 20th Anniversary Celebration p Robert was diagnosed with ovarian
featuring Reel World String Band. The cancer then turned away by more than
concert '3.‘ SaturdaY’ June_2, 2007 at 7 pm two dozen doctors who feared that taking
at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 3564 on a trans endered atient mi ht harm
0 Clays Mill Road, Lexington. their practicge p g
‘- Admls5lon '8 $10' proceeds WI” lnthe last year of his life, Robert falls
. benefit the Bluegrass Domestic Violence in love with Lola a mtf and with her
.ngra’h' If you havent heard Reel World ,fulfills adream by attendinga prom at the
m a Whlle’ please Jom us for .thls concert. Southern Comfort Conference in Atlanta
F o r hr? 0 r e I nnf 0V; m at I o n Vrlns lit] the preeminent transgender gathering.
wwvgl. uegrass ho .org or e- a Arare blend of humor, romance, and
now uegrass@ya oo.org tragedy, Southern Comfon‘is thefirstnon-
, , . _ , , fiction filmtointimatelytellatrans-to-trans
Unitarian Universalist Pride SerVIce love story, set against a disturbing tale of
,The " Gay" in Gay Pride genderbias as itunfolds.
, 1"//\\\\ Sunda June 3 1 1 am .
ii. I, Y, 40 years ago In 1967 TheACLU,whlch
\a/ On June3 the U U Church Pride had previously not supported GLBT
S . . ’ . ' ' . causes, called for an end to anti-gay
eNlceWIllfeatureChristopherMcKnlght,a laws and discrimination in security
bUdd'hg and dynamic'stand up cqmed'a." cases. Itcalled forthe burden of proofto
(whenhelsnotbusybelngahalrstyllst).Jom be on the government to prove a gay
us in celebrating allthingsgay.Therewill be employee was a security risk.
music, fun, andjoy- a greatwayto begin the
month 0f celebrating LGBT People and 30 Years Ago: |n1977, Harvey Milkwas
community! Aftertheservice,pleasestayfor elected city-county supervisor in San
apot luck lunch and meet some of us that Francisco, becoming the third out
attendthe UU Church. American elected to public office.
_ f
Page 3

 BELMONT 330 Out Loud Health Fair
What are you doing for the Belmont? In recognition of National Men’s
Moveab'e Feast ‘5 haVing a {3'39 0” Jun? Health Week, National HIV Testing Day,
9 ' from 3 to 9 pm, and you're 'hY'ted' h w'" and Pride Month, the Targeted Prevention
be 0h the grounds 0f COho'd Farm, a Program of Lexington—Fayette County
beautiful farm at 249? N' Cleveland Rd' Health Department, in collaboration with
There w'" be music by CM) Dub, AIDS Volunteers of Lexington, will be
performances by ladies of the Imperial holding the second annual Out Loud
COW f°°dt fun and _a Gas“ bar- Bring a Health Fair. it will be at 257 North
Cha” 0’ Name" and JO'” “5 *0 watCh the Limestone Street in the Third Street Stqu
. race on large screen TV‘, _ -. parking lot on June 23rd from 11amto 2pm.
Movheable Feast M” be .servmg 't5 The health fair will offer information
200'000 meal anuneandweanIteyouto on diet and nutrition, diabetes, cancer,
the BelmontBBQto celebrate with us. By heart disease, smoking cessation, drug
attending you Will help launch us on the dependency issues, safer sex practices,
way to the next 200'000' Tickets are STDs, and other subjects. Some free
available at the Phde Center 859 253' health screeningswillbe offered,including
3233 or Moveable Feast 859 252'2867' blood pressure checks, HIV testing, and
They are $25 'h advance, or $45 per syphilis testing. Join us for free food &
couple.Atthe gate they are $35 Children drinks, entertainment, prizes and learn
under 12 free. . how to stay healthy.
Moveable Feast delivers hot,
nutritious meals to people in Fayette
County with HIV disease and those on AIDS VOlunteerS
Hospice care, their caregiver, and any 15th Annual Pledge Walk arid 5K Run
dependant children in the home. On June 30, AVOL will host it's annual
. . fundraising Walk/Run at Keeneland.
Juflngefi'rfiglfmaaqgoiug:3:92?” Registration begins at 7:45 am and the
events start at 9am. The cost for runners
is $20 and there is no charge for walkers.
GLBT MILITARY RECEPTION There will be a cash award for runners and
A reception to honor GLBT American prize awards for walkers. For more info
Mi|itary Service Personnel, Active or seet aidsvolunteers.org Of 859 225-3000
Veteran, will be held Thursday, June 21, 6
pm at the GLSO Pride Center. Come and
share stories of your military service with 57% “Keep the love you find
others. “x ,2
Bring photographs or other Q; " a; GE! the laireyau want!
memorabilia of service including t”
information about friends who have Jessica Bollinger LCSW
passed away so we can pay tribute to . _ _
them.. Hors d' oeuvres and soft drinks will Imago REIatIOHShIP TheraPISt
be served. The Pride Center is located at EMDR Trauma Work
389 Waller Avenue Suite 100. For more Couples, Family, Individual
information, call Jackie at 971-3315 or the imagoconnection.com 552-6533
Pride Center at 253-3233
Page 4 l]

 , Pride Month Sponsor
if] Scott ACkeran Real Estate Service With
“Sh Pnorlassanunusm
e .
’ iii?
E: Results mmiiijjimw
ion ; i: it i" ‘3
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ing Fax: 859 269-0065
in: E-mail: SAcker4224@aol.com I, Serving Lexington & Q
am All of Central Kentucky W
Call me with all your Real Estate Needs
the; 5;? ATTORNEY AT LAw
if: ,. 1 ' OFFlCE: 859-2252348
and "T. CELL: 5022205555
.. Vi.
Member, Kentucky Bar Association; Fayette County Bar Association;
Louisville Bar Association: American Bar Association.
Section on Family Law 8. Committee on Alternative Families, &
National Lesbian & Gay Law Association.
Page 5

 The Annual Pride Picnic will be held ~~ 'Pr1
from 11 am to4 pm on Sunday, June 10, at f% de IdOI
Windy Knoll Farm. There is an Indoor /\ The highlight of this year's
arena we can use 'n 0:59 0f Tahm 3° planto j ‘Lpicnic entertainment will be the
lorn us, rain or 3 me. ere is no_ ' , _

- - Pride Idol 2007 Finals. Thirteen
admls3lon charge.

The picnic is our most popular event finalists will be singing. You will have the
with a giant potluck, games, venders, opportunity to purchase $1 ballots to vote

. raffle and the joyful gathering offamily and for yoptr fatvcirlte. Thlehcontest is scheduled
friends. Everyone is asked to bring adish t9 sta a pm. ere are some great
to share, and there is usually a wonderful Singers so come outforthe fun.
array of food. GLSO will provide fried , .
chicken and will be selling soft drinks and Rame and $11th Audion .
water to help pay for the equipment we We have many great items for Silentauctlon
rent (tables, stage, porta potty, sound and raffle atthe picnlc. _
equipment, etc,) so please plan to See a “St on the insert.
Purcwsedrink: t 11 t Pride Month $100 Raffle
eare sta ing a in response 0 ,

requests by parents to have some child Tlckets $1 each 6 for $5
center? aet'v'tfi: ”mil"? mam event: GLSO will be selling tickets for a $100
get un erway. ere w' e games an cash prize throughout the month of June.
prizes for children between 11 and 1pm. ThewinnerwillbedrawnonJuly1.
Of course, adults are welcome to arrive
early also. We expecta good crowd so car Twenty Years Ago: 1987 _ ACT UP
POOI _ Vlflth friends. Due to insurance stages its first major demonstration,
restrictions, please do not bring and; US. Congressman Barney Frank
alcohol. Directions on insert. comes out
~ " — ” + ' A ' A- .
, . ,g-Xear nmver . I,
W 71—14" “cusp, and Art Sh i; .- " ' ;
f“ s—a-r «er a r—.__.-.___ ,.
if: --" - " s,___ .v’
I? l" ' ' , ' " ‘ ”
1?” :1 Thurs C I": “$33 ufle 1"] 4' j a
7? -;;g,. FR? _-.:;-:2- *5 Ir . 54:3,; .
552E :1 ‘ h'w 75% , . “'5": V », , 3;
glen. . ,7 .r‘w ‘ i... if???” liq-R . ,
sgiFeaturlng Te “ewéfigu‘ a I " Slap ll
"s. v 619m P
Page 6

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You & Us sis UB8
©2037 UBS Financial Services Inc. All Rights Reserved. Member SlPC. Page 7

 [axingfon Insight Bluegrass Fairness
Joseph and Danny, lnsight's founding Local Chapter Remgns From KFA
group leaders, will soon be relocating to the Forms independent Group
Ashland, KY area. We thank them for their All nine members of the steering
steadfast effort in building this group and committee of the Bluegrass Chapter of the
wish them the best of luck as they pursue Kentucky Fairness Alliance (KFA) have
new endeavors. decided to step down to form an
Dana has volunteered to be the independent organization. This group,
coordinator of Insight. In June, |nsightwrll named Bluegrass Fairness, will work on
host a movie night on Friday June 22 at 7 local gay, lesbian, bisexual, and
' pm._ We Will have a number 0f movies transgender issues by focusing on grass-
avallable for those who attend to choose roots movements and educational and
from. Everyone is welcome tojoin us. That outreach opportunities.
Wi" be ouronlymeetinginJune Lexington Fairness was originally
. Startingin July, we will meet on the first organized in 1992 as an advocacy group
Friday °f_ each moth at 7 pm for a pot IUCk that worked to promote GLBT rights. Five
and movre. On the forth Saturday Of each years later, we developed a formal board
month we will have an lnsightOut activity. and affiliated ourselves with the Ky
"O”t" activities may include a hike, bowling, Fairness Alliance, becoming the Bluegrass
or attending a reading group at Joseph— Chapter.
Beth. If you would like to volunteer to host At thistime, the newly formed Bluegrass
additional meeting times, or have Fairness has decided to return ourfocus to
suggestions for other actIVItIes, call Dana at local community involvement and activism.
859'230'2428'" We will work toward fairness under the law
using a variety of educational and
NEED YARD HELP networking approaches. We will also
0 continue our lobbying efforts.
Bluegrass Fairness will work closely
' ‘ ISED BEDS with other LGBT groups and allies to
BRUSH promote fairness on several different
levels. “We want to work with everyone out
MOWING REMOVAL there who is interested in equality for gays
and lesbians,” says Aaron Hutson,
treasurer of the group. We already have
TRIMMING LIGHT strong ties with local legislators and groups
HAULING including the imperial Court of Kentucky
and the Gay and Lesbian Service
WEED EATING Organization.
“Certainly, the options are limitless when
call Jane it comes to the networking and initiatives
we can create in our efforts to promote
4 9 4 — 5 4 2 7 fairness through community involvement,”
‘ J states Beth Hartmann, secretary of
1‘ ' k u, Bluegrass Fairness. Members of
”it." _ I. ; ‘ , *1» Bluegrass Fairness are excited and
i', ,j no")? 4.. g _ tr . . looking fonNard to creatingafairand equal
A‘ 7; _. , w“ " . 7‘; ‘3. -' ' - ,. . KentuckyforallGLBTpersons.

 5 Wai‘lllllluciiUIisPl'lllemsll 'd 2007
5 Sumlallunell,llli

5 Halilalllnlnull~lexinlml,ll ,, llnl‘snlelmfi:lllll Pageanlalltfl
'5 lurmluulenteringmutantmlsskllrllgtiilallntumurmllliltlllBll

,5 ' WWWH\ 315%

.2, “$5“ filmv llW/Mflfg/
:df (/fl 4 ' .3" adj? [flyflé I 3

: (IE . fl Tund'raiserfor
i I/B + [mont $6!
Celebrating Our 200,000th Meal Served
Come for the Race ‘ j/ _,
Music & Fun ”V‘fi '
3:00 - 9:00 PM w“ j
' 2492 N. Cleveland Rd. 5?." - ' "I’ve
Music by CLUB DUB ‘5‘ fl ' ‘IiI '
Wide screen TVforthe race ' , ‘
(bring yourown chairor blanket) (/5, '
Visiting artist from 0/ ‘ ’ fl '
The Imperial Court of Kentucky f " i
* iicie 3‘3 00‘,» ,
$25 In advance )oo . V 4., \ .
3 $35 at the door ) _ OOC‘
1 $45 per couple ‘OOOOC ‘* .
I can. ' 03004
252-2867 “0“;
i 253-3233 , i- , M. C
, Casual Attire Cash Bar

 i lrxmaron PRIDE MONTH EVENT!
une 1 - 3 The Imperial Court of Kentucky Coronation Weekend
Friday 1: ln-Town Show— Bar Complex. - 8 pm — $5 donation
Saturday 2: State Dinner Radisson Plaza Hotel Spirits Lounge. Cocktails
5:30 pm - Dinner 6 pm. $25 donation. Two shows 8 pm and 11 pm
at Bluegrass Connection, 942 Winchester Road
Sunday 3: 26th Coronation Ball — Radisson Plaza Hotel Grand Ballroom
5:30 pm — $15 donation
June 1 Pride Prom for High School Youth - Gay StraightAlliance for
Youth— Cost $15 — Information call Mary 859 266-5904
June 3 Southern Comfort, Sundance prize winning documentary
about transsexuality, 2 pm, Pride Center, 389 WallerAve.
June 9 Moveable Feast Belmont Stakes BBQ and Fundraiser,
2492 N. Cleveland Rd, $25 per person, $45 couple, 3 to 9 pm,
for info and tickets, call 859 252-2867
June 9 -Louisville Miss KY Pride Festival @ Connections 6:30
June 10 Pride Picnic Windy Knoll Farm 3263 N.C|eveland Rd.
June 14 GLSO 30 Year Anniversary Celebration, Ope n House &
Art Show 6 pm, Pride Center 389 Waller Ave.
June 15 Louisville Pride Parade - gather at Tryangles 8 pm
Festival on the Belvedere 8 pm to midnight
June 18 Festival on the Ielvedere continues noon - Midnight $5
June 16 Movie night at Aaron's call 684-7475
June 21 Reception for GLBT Veterans, 6 pm, Pride Center,
389 Waller Ave.
June 22 Insight 7 pm Pride Center, movie night - open to all
June 23 OUTLoud Health Dept. Fair - 257 North Limestone Street,
Third Street Stuff parking lot, 11am to 2pm.
June 30 AVQL Walk/Run for the Cure - Keeneland, 7:45 registration
9am start
June 15 deadline for July GLSO News must be met -
We will be printing newsletter on June 18 - 19
Page 11

 Directions to Windy Knoll Farm If you are arrivmg on [-753 north or
south, take eXIt 110, onto Winchester
3263 Cleveland Road North Rd Route 60 Go East towards
Yourgoal is marked by the “9d star Winchester, about 2 1/2 miles to
on the map below. From Lexington, go Cleveland Rd.
out oftown on Winchester Rd heading From the east on l-64 you can take
east. M'd'afid Aves, by the Herald exit 94, which will put you on the by-
Leader, runs into Winchester Rd' Y9” pass near Winchester. Go south on the
can also take New Circle Road (in by pass turn right (west) on 60.
orange) around t9 Winchester Rd' Cleveland Rd will then be on your right.
From the intersection of Winchester lfyouget lost call859—221-4396.
and New Circle (near where it says ’
Eastland),goeast 5.5 affirm“: - _.
milestoward Winchesterg’; "a , ofiwzflfialon - -. 0%
Turn left (north) onto ‘ 5" m Pant Wm "W“;»r~--—«.EBM”393%”
N Cleveland Rd (RT1973). “fizmfi . W“ :1;
Down 1/2 mileon theleft gamma Hm" . 5;; . lg
willbe David’s Fork °Rmkmh§ '- , t—
BaptistChurch. The «wage-um, , ‘3, '
Windy Knolldriveway °.. . wmfi‘ggtg,.: MM
is rightnext to thechurch.» ewe “w...“ '°‘ 0
property. Amailbox with Fm, ‘ “J“ i ‘
the streetnumber 3263 :0 . , .. . ,fi/ 1., famm‘fiwwm
will be on your right, " “1,; , fig x V '
- arr .1;ny 142 r
directly acrossfromthe {47% »
driveway. ,, : At ‘ " 01::de k
Tu rn left into driveway.
Rafi'te and Silent Auction Items Pride Month $100 Raffle
Tickets 1 each 6 for 5
. cash prize throughout the month of
for 6 people - 1nc1udes shoes June
MXiItfltOlllAf/llefic Club The winner will be drawn on July 1.
two week pass
A New Dell Printer Bring to Pride Picnic
Wild Oats Gyct Basket Blanket Ol' Chair
A Bucket op T-sbints Food for Pot Luck
3 Hrs. Computer Instruction Money for ShOpping,
Sex in the City - Seasons l M Sunday June 1 O
Page 10

 LG BT and "Redneck"? lexinqlon lvons leather/levi Club
There is a new e-group started by The Lexington Lyons will meet ..
Patrick Buck for gay, lesbian, bisexual and June11 at the Pride Center, 7 pm. The '4
transgender individuals, their friends and Lyons are a group of friends who come '/
families who are already involved in or together to celebrate strength, unity, and 5:
interested in exploring and experiencing diversity for those who enjoy the Leather iii
working cIaSS. blue collar. and rural /Levi Lifestyle. For info visit *5
lifestyles and communities including but http://wwwlexlyonsorg.
not limited to those commonly referred to
as "Redneck." 15 Years Ago: In 1992 Colonell
Thelistisopentofolksfrom anyplace Margarethe Cammermeyer was
but there will be local activities as interest dishonorably discharged based solely on
grows. Please help publicize the list locally her admission that she is a lesbian. She
and worldwide. successfully challenged the military's
http:/Igroups.yahoo.comlgroupl policy banning homosexuals, and was
LesbigaytransRednecks/members reinstated. She served a number of years
in the Washington State National Guard as
10 years ago: In 1997 "Ellen" an open lesbian. She is the highest-
becaome the first prime-time television ranking offlmal in the United State's militraIry
program to have its main character to acknow_|edg\ev h:r homosexua :y Vilhl e ‘
come out as a lesbian in the serVIce. e ave a mowe a ou er
life at the Pride Center.
/ ’ r131 1 'IJA I
'A/ I n . '
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MON - FR, 9 TO 6 ” 1,2, &3 bedroom Floor Plans
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ates Creek Village Apartments .3. 2 Tennis Courts
3051 Kirklevington Drive «o state of the art Tanning Bed
. w 24 hour on-site Laundry Facility
Lexmgton’ Ky' 40517 0» washer-dryer connections
Page 14

 . l
E/ V} ; l B .p | - I ’4‘
Li. Wlll be the nextrg-fl lee loci ,1
waffle» < 1‘ i '{’i_‘fli‘. 3(' Edi,“ , 943:3, V ,. a, \- , . V; .1 , .1
link la,” ‘ .-‘, i‘ i I its?) I , ' 3 u ; .
Lydia Bllllons 0 base Michael Fa- an Nikki Clin-erman
. a; 1‘", GLSO - It 3 gr . if“:
4. m: r PRll‘DE Iqu « .3. «1 g
The 2007 Burle Th as
Chad Hund-ey Pride Idol Finals V
"i ' a 5:“ ' i "L £35L"‘/«3'_".,.-’.*j«,ni 4; ,...,”
ii iii l5: “fill Coming Sunday, June 10th at the f,”
It > .f '1: $5‘ . I I .. 1”i>”‘rl‘°c‘i "~_\
l" ' “Elsi 14th Annual GLBT Pride Picnic. 5%? . fig
ll l l _. Be there to cast your ballots for your fl,‘ [fi
if i. if favorite Pride Idol Contender. $1" > “’4
i i V . .53}; \_./"’ ‘yl'l‘t- .
l, l Contest starts at 1:00 pm. ,
' ‘5 , ' ’ t '-
Kaitlin Massey . «M DQVQnJNatren
-. i “‘3'; ‘ l i ‘ ii? i 3:».
F: . ‘ fl is... s13! Ci infiiig l
s Lisa Mendoza ’ "
Ig: .4, With Special Guest, last year's title .
Kevin Fill‘ibs holder Miss Lisa Mendoza. C0" Wood
t ' ii liege}- “NWT ~
, ,' . 1:33 '6‘ ~ 5.3:, [xi-‘1‘» . . Jinx/V,“ . > ‘ ‘1‘“. . tgfiaiw
r W32» a . ,2... .—
-;;~, g ti»
Demone Polk Ron Reese Amy Riggs
' i; this event benefit the GLSO ii
Page 15

 . Last Days questions our community and
Gallerie 5016i] ”Presents the larger society on issues of alienation,
CCTST 04%? homophobia, creative freedom, drug
Last Days is an exhibit based on the addiction and alcoholism, and the role of
life of Saint Russell a young flamboyant religion in adolescentdespair and suicide.
gay artist rock musician streel Gallerie Soleil is located at 363 West
personality and voice of our times. in Short St. and will be participating in the
October, 2006, Russell took his own life, June 15Gallery HOp' 5'8 pm.
leaving behind a stack of journals and a Movie Nigh‘l’ _ June '6
few props and trinkets. From the scant
evidence of his shortlife, agroup ofartists _ On Saturday, June 16, Aaron iS
has sought to make some sense of his “0313109 a movre night in his b30k yard.
walk among us, his soul searching rants, Call mm at 684‘7475 fordetails.
his words of wisdom, his struggle to .
survive and express himself and his 15IYears Ago - In 1992 Lexmgton
search for truth and meaning Fairness was formed. 10 years ago,
The result is an oven/vhelming they became the Bluegrass Chapter of
' ' . 1
journey to the heart of loss, inspiration, iii/18$; Fsalflgssssmfin: jigssgigltdfai
despair,. possrble redemption and the fairness ordinance. In 2007 they
celebration of a like to short. The artists became Bluegrass Fairness and
have sought to make this exhibit a life returned to a focus on local GLBT
altering experience to those unfamiliar issues and activism.
with the devastation of gay teen suicide.
Attorney- At- Law
Telephone: 359.281.5619
Email: mtbau gh@wllgt.net
is" f ‘ Estate and life planning for
“$3: _ .. I; individuals, couples and families
V‘ _:, agreernimts
- Organizing and advising small business
v, Advising and repres enting those purchasing
i'i: or selling residential or mmsrcial
. real estate
Mellie Taylm Fungi, HLC
This is m mnfim
Page 16

 1d 6&0 MINMW ms

in, I

19 The Imperial Court of Kentucky.......................252-3914

Sf A Charity Organization


Scott Ackerman....................................................(mobile) 338-8483

_ For all your real estate needs





. SisterSound 8060243

f Diverse music for all women

! Richardson Vision Center

l 1757 Alexandria Drive Gardenside..............................................278-4201
Ernesto Scorsone
Attorney At Law 2545766
Unitarian Universalist Church
Seeking a Diverse Congregation................................................223-1448
kentucky Fairness Alliance
Bluegrass Chapter8064114
Windy Knoll Farm
Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding......................................299-7410
Quirk Café and Coffee859 846-4688
Railroad Street in Midway
Debra Hensley lnsurance...a.........................................................276-3244
1513 Nicholasville Rd.
Lexington Lyons 6193650
Levi and Leather Club
Ky. Department for Public Health1 800 420-7431

. Page 17

Sunday Worshlp 10:30

' i
Saturday Evening Prayer 5 pm ,
1350 Eastland Dr. #5 i
(859) 389-9418 1
www.3t1nychalthemartyr.org I
ST. M h | T r . , i
yc 0 he MOW Jubilee Fellowship i
stmychalthemartymrg www.jubi|eefellowship.us ‘
. . (
th tSt.Mychalthe lVlllarteraltrishisalchuhrch Jubilee Fellowshipwelcomes members ,
a we comesda .flpeop e In a t eir of the GLBT community and their friends \
luniquenles: anh gt: edness. hWe. 8?; (aj to join us in growing as a community of \
Itiirrlgfa '0 [gm hw ohs e wore-”m d 8.”: .e believers in Christ. We meet at St Mychal 3
Mai: “a 3:; W °S‘? $3313 ' e W' Jh9y the Martyr, located at 1350 Eastland Dr, t

an . ope. ou gre (Tm et 13:8]! WfirSR 'p Suite #5 in Lexington. For inforamtion call
Eew'f/f/sfivfry flu“ 87” a ' w le" Pastor Cori Wood at 859 514-5518 or I
hglrd SajurZayfflezlprzlrrs'gatrgaga Weaaig jfellowship@windstream.net. We have a t
located at 1350 Eastland Dr., Suite #5, off Sgguwsron and a big GOd' There Is room for :

Vlfinchester Rd. '
. F
Couples Unlon g
Counseling Ceremonies r
' t
Rev. Kenneth Walbel ;
Professional Spiritual Direction f
. . . . C
Ecumenical * Hallstzc * Incluszve t:
kypadre@aol.com ‘S:
(859) 338-1195 ,
Page 18

 The Positive View In other research that we have
13“ Dr, Sheri“ A116 Dr. Skim,“ conducted, we have found that same—sex
. ‘ ’ couples express a desire to have visible,
Part 5: chs Al’osmvc R°l¢ Mabel positive same-sex couple role models.
While there are many similarities between
Roles models are important to us as opposite—sex and same-sex couple
we grow and develop, even in adulthood. relationships, there are also differences.
We find our role models at school, in our For same—sex couples, it is important to
communitieS, at work, or among our family see positive, long-term, committed, loving
and friends. For gay men and lesbians, relationships. One respondent wrote
however, finding role models Who share about her family and friends' view of her
their sexual identity can be very relationship, “They see that we are happy
challenging because of the lack of access together, complement each other, are
to a range of visible GLBT persons. good forces in each others' lives, and they
The responses to our survey indicated admire our relationship.
that gay men and lesbians recognize the Who arethe people thatyou look
importance of being a positive role model to for inspiration about how to live your
and find great satisfaction in giving of best life? How might you be a positive
themselves in this way. For example, one role model to others in the GLBT
gay man wrote, "lfind it positiveto bearole community? Most of us vastly
rs model for the gay community in my underestimate our impact on those
is workplace. lenjoy being openly gay in the around us. What types of positive
0f workplace, particularly where I work with messages do you want others to read in
al younger gay and lesbian students who look your life? What small actions can you
ir, to me for support and guidance." take to be a positive role model oflife well-
!” A lesbian participant wrote, "I think my lived as a GLBT person?
)r partner and l, working as 'out' lesbians, try For more information about our
a to set an example and be good role models work, go to www.Pristesearch.org. Dr.
)r for ALL our friends, including our lesbian Sherry is Sherry Rostosky, PhD,
friends and couples." Associate Professor of Counseling
In serving as a positive social role Psychology at UK. Prof. Skippy is Ellen
model, a gay man submitted, "Younger Riggle, PhD, Professor of Gender and
l people look up to me and see you can be Women's Studies and Political Science at
gay, happy, and in a committed UK. This article is based on: Rigg