xt78930ntc15 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78930ntc15/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1939 journals 018 English Lexington. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Regulatory series, bulletin. n.18 text Regulatory series, bulletin. n.18 1939 1939 2014 true xt78930ntc15 section xt78930ntc15 Regulatory Series, Bulletin No. 18 June, 1939
V Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station p
r THOMAS P. COOPER, Director 2
This bulletin presents the results of the inspection of coin-
. mcrcial fertilizers sold in Kentucky during the calendar year,
1938. The   brands registered for sale in the State are classi-   i
lied as follows ;
 r Mixed fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphoric acid
· and potash ............................................................,.,_,.,..... 422 brands
‘ Mixed fertilizers containing phosphoric acid and potash 49 brands
p Mixed fertilizers containing nitrogen and phosphoric `
acid ...................................................................................... 14 brands
_ Siuierpliosphates .............................,........................................ 60 brands
, Bones, tankage, etc. ______________.__._._.,...,_,_._______________________..________ 42 brands
` NlU`0g€H salts .......................................,........,,_.__________.,._,...__.. 40 brands
j l’t>li1Sll Salts ......,.........................................__.,..,,,,..,....,..,...,,..,. 25 brands
. -\ total of l.tlZ3l samples were analyzed ol? which Tl:3 were
lillirll by inspectors, 230 were sent by ]ll2llllll·I·lt'lllI‘t‘l'S to l'l‘]ll'<’·
sent ierlilizers sold in the State and S6 were sent by county
2l¥`t‘l|lS, l.ill'1llt?l'S and others. The inspection samples may be
relassilied as follows:
Samples containing nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash ~iS2
§iImDl€S U0llUllI1lllg phosphoric acid and potash ................ 48
§i*mDl€S containing nitrogen and phosphoric acid ....,......... 23
h}}D€1‘1>liosi>l1ates ...,.________,,__________.______..._____________________________..___._.,,.. 151
Ml1’0gen salts ___.__,_________________,____,__________,_____,__,_____,________,_,,_,_,..______ 10
Potash salts ____,,__,_____._______,_____,_______,___,____ _ ____,,_ _ ,______r___,,__,,__,,,__ _ _____ 1
V i\. tag is required to be placed on each bag olf l’c1·tilixer, A
. lwlo1·r, over i was also analyzed niechanically by sifting 011 a sieve with holes _
nirposc A 3 1 millimeter (.04 inch) i11 diameter. "Fine bone" is that wl1icl1
les and ’ passed thru this sieve; H1H0(rIlll1H bone" is that which was . ,
111OIE be 1 retained 011 tl1e sieve.
if them ’ ,
i values  I Those interested i11 the use of fertilizers for ditlerent crops
uespcr should apply to the College of Agriculture, tl1e Experiinent
Station, or to their County Agents, and such literature as bears .
_ on the subject i11 \Vl'llCl1 they are interested will be se11t tl1e111.
lfnw Bulletin No. 322, Report o11 Soil Experiment Fields, Bulletin
[ms -~  No. 375), Soil Management and Fertilization for Tobacco, and
L5 _ Extension Circular No. 272, Soil l\l&11l2l{Q’(’lll91ll' for Kentucky are
1,2 of special interest to all use1·s of fertilizers. I
tit value I
lve com- ·
[IS ppoll  ,
l not llc I
ng price
1 14.*1
;   » .
s 4.8 . V
.. 33.2 ,
satisfac· I i
mSl(lQl`€VI _ .
»o low al
face TYPE .

  Bgune ;1!s[§1d.»’\§%1[$2S   g&E[[§u(`tlu GV Frou] -“T1]Ol11 Obtftlllétl _  
[   [ [ _  
- [ American Agricultural Chemical Co., Cincinnati, O. ,
642 , 0-20-0 ..._..._...._.,..._.,.._,...,,,......._.,,,_..,...,. [ H. VV. Smith, Horse Cave .,......_,,._______  
643 | J. VV. Schoolcraft, Somerset .___.....r....   .
816 Harlan Fruit Co., Harlan ...,,.__,,.,_A_,___,__
. 1177 [ C. P. Clark and Son, Owensboro ....   . `
, 1263 [ J. VV. Schoolcraft, Somerset ...__,....,._ . '
1264 [ Crab Orchard Lumber Co., Crab Orclnn V
, 1349 [ H. D. Jones, Glasgow ....__,...__...___..._,....,..
1350 [ E. T. \Va1ker, Glendale ...___.._._,.._._...__   _
1351 [ Norris Hardware and Seed C0.,
[ Henderson .._,.............................._.., . ..,.
1352 [ Denton Hardware Co., lV[ll(l1S()ll\'llll‘..
[ Guaranteed ____.____._________,_________________._., . ..... ‘
817 [ 0-10-4 ..__...._....__._.__________._________________A_____ J. E. Bryant, Scottsville ____.___...___...,..... . .
1353 | J. E. Bryant, Scottsville ........................., ‘
· [ Guaranteed _.__....,.................................... .. [ 
644 4-12 -0 .............__..,__...____._,__.________,__________ J. J. Hughes, Campton __,.._................   370
645 [ Crab Orchard Lumber Co., Crab O1‘<·ll¤ll`¤  ’ 3:86
1354 C. P. Clark and Son, Owensboro ....... . - gm
[ Guaranteed .___..__...___...___.__...._................. .-
` $18 [ 2-$-4 ..............................................,....... Cornett Bros., Berea .........................-lV - M2
· 819 [ NVoodson Lewis, Greensburg ..............- gm
820 I O. B. Grayson, Auburn ..................4--·- V · _‘ 1;,2
S21 [ C, B. Goering, Hawesville ............».··---l- V No
1355 [ E. T. VValker, Glendale .................»----[-» · Lg;
1356 [ VL. D. Flanagan, Russell Springs .i-- V- M0
[ Guaranteed _..............__,__,__,_____________._,..., .. V
646 [ 2-10 V4 .................................................... L. F. \Vellinan, Louisa ................· V -·[-- · ‘ ygg
1178 | J. R. Russell, Hartford _____,__,___,_____... [ 2,0]
1265 [ Baughnian Milling Co., Stanford .... VV M5
1357 C. V. King, Oakland _,___________._._._........ .. 2.00
[ Guaranteed ____._...___._________________,______._._.... ,
S22 [ 2 12-6 .................................................... | \Voodson Lewis, Greensburg _._._..... . V 1513
1179 [ S. V, Conrad, Cloverport _.............   my
1180 [ Denton [Hardware Co_, Madls0ll\`1ll<` V ]_g[;
1266 [ J. XV. Scliooleraft, Somerset ........,,[-»v- [ [gg
1267 Baughman Milling Co., Stanford ....   1.05
1358 [ C. V. King, Oakland ________________,_.,......   1,ilS
1359 [ E, T. Walker, Glendale ____________.....   - 2.06
1360 | Cayse-Yost Co., Hopkinsville ..--,---- " 1,75
[ Guaranteed __,_,_.___________,____________,__._... . ....
6-17 3-SVV6 ...................................................... Big Sandy Fruit Co., Pikevilllu. V-V  3.*.*5
$23 [ Lebanon Carriage and Iiupl. C0., l·*‘[[‘[[" Ejl;
S24 [ R. \V. Scates, Crofton _._.............-· V 2-78
1181 [ C. B. Carden, Hartford ...................·, 363
[ Guaranteed ___,..._.___.__,__._........... I ...... V 
S25 [ 3-8-6 (Sulfate) ...............,.. . ............... \Vilkerson Feed Co., Franklin ....-·-· [ M"
S26 [ Woodson Lewis, Greensburg _VV--VV   A 3.0::
827 [ ·w, H. Brock and oo., Maysvillt -- 2.75
828 [ C. V. King, Oakland .............1...V. [V -·-·» 26*
1361 [ Beaver Dam Mfg. and Snpnl>' ("·· I
[ _ [ Beaver Dam ____________ _ _______ _ __... . ..V--·   [ YM
[ I | Guaranteed ...................... . .VVVV—----· ·· z K
° 4
' [
` I
i ` · [

 LE I TAB1111 I.
,. ,.. I
. wg   °·’ 5  
— E ¤ *3 g ¤ : C C 6..;.. _1
.   ~2   —7% 22 E5   52 $255 .5% 1
~   if F12? E2? 2 3= $15   1:2% ifi .
_   QZ 2552 53%   zi 625   525  
············‘···*»‘“ ~ 20.75 24.9 I 642 I
·················*‘ 20.05 24.1 643
{ ········‘’··» . 21.15 25.4 816 ~ I
“° ········· " 21.10 25.3 1177
I ·····   21.20 25.4 1263 I
111 11111 , 20.75 I 24.9 I 1264 j
········*··‘·‘’‘‘ ‘ f I 20.55 24.7 1349
··········· ‘ ‘‘‘‘ ‘ · I 20.45 24.5 1350
"’ | I I
_ ······    » I 20.75 I 24.9 13151
111111   20.60 24.7 1352
--···········’`‘‘’‘ 10.10 4.37 17.4 817
·····‘·*‘‘’‘‘‘‘’‘`° I 10.30 4.55 19.0 1353
--····»·····‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ 10.00 4.00 10.8
I --————   _··l·    . 3.70 3.92 12,45 28.7 I 644
11I1 “ 3.86 4.12 12,95 30.0 I 645
010 -----·-   3.97 4.22 12.10 29.3 I 1354 .
---—---·······‘   .6.00 12.00 28..I
I --—-·----····»111 1 1.52 1.82 I 8,65 3.36 I 21.4 818
---·-·······‘‘‘‘‘‘_' 2.01 2.07 8,80 3.99 22.6 819
····‘‘‘‘‘’‘ ` ‘`"`'I_ .     8.40 I 4.38 22.1 820
·······‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’ _ · .. 8.25 3.9’ 21.3 821
»---~-»-~-·-·-···1 1 1.87 2.08 9,15 4.30 23.5 1355
11gS -·-·5··‘·1 ‘ 200 300 8,35 4.35 22.2 I 1356
-······‘‘   ‘‘“' ` _ `-00 8.00 .6.00 !2l..I
................ .- 1.85 2.05 11.15 3.80 25.1 I 646
; ·-········‘ " 2*11 2.01 10.30 4.05 24.3 I 1178
10141 ....~-·   ISS I 2,07 1265 4.28 27.6 1265
........__..   I .00 I 2.00 11.25 _ | 4.40 25.8 1357
______,_......... .*.00 10.00 .7.00 2.}.8
; _.....,_..... ·· I 1.98 1,98 12.55 (`.1” 29.4 I 822
I-I ---—-   . 1.F9I 2,11 1200   29.3 1179
1=<>11 I_ 1.86 I 2.09 1225 6.20 29.5 1180
__,........-—41- . 1.00 I 199 12_25 0,33 29.3 1266
1110111 ·--·—1     195 1235 5,87 ' 29.5 1267
....... - »--····· I 0..*5 I 1,93 1255 6.57 30.0 1358
......-- - 1-··» I ’I_I I I-QGI 2,06 1245 6,54 30.0 1350
9 ,...... - -·1- I .18 I   1230 I I 6,30 29.3 1360
·_ ‘‘‘’``` ` ``IAII , _   ··· J2.00 I`.!}/} 28.6 I
1116 ‘‘‘‘`` QIIIII.1 ` 22"I 3.05 8.55 I I I 6.27 I I 28.5 I 647 .
@"~I"` .  . §·L“I 2.76 8.15 I 5.06 26.6 823 1
.....----·11·1 I I     2.78 g_55 I I I 6,09 27.3 S24  
......1;-in _ . ». I   87;; I 0,41 28.7 1181 I
Iyu _..·»A_ __ . mn , I)- 8.00 I 0,00 27.3 I I
I1 ‘ I . ,05 I ¤-01 7,70 0,64 I 5.89 27.6 I 825
g. _..--·4 ·· f . °·_g_ 3,03 815 6,24 27.9 I 826 `
;v1ll0... -- 2.15 · 393 7 85 6 38 27 5 827 I
gr--III ‘‘‘‘‘ II I mf 2.98 300 I 6:36   27.7 I   4
1.1 ‘ " I I
  IIIIIII   _ Em 2 qq   S 65 I _ I, I 9 _
____   I   3 . | I 0.64 5.47 28.2 I 1..61
  1 I 4.0.} I 3,00 I I Ii.//0 ::7.J |
5 .
+ .

I T.xlsl.r I. T
0   M*¤€<;$,g*,,Agggg;¤g§§;;;;;;{¤¤¤¤‘e` \   ivilam anranaa .  
I $5 3  
mz SEZ
I American Agricultural Chemical go., Cincinnati, O.-Cont. .
648 I 3»8—6 (Muriate and Sulfate) ......l... Baughman Milling C0., Stanford ,..... 201
829 I Corbett Hardware Co., El1Z2l1)€IIll0I\'ll. ‘ 3411
, 830 I J. E. Bryant, Scottsville ......,....,......,..... . 186
I Guaranteed ................................................ _
649 3-8710 _______,_______.____,___________,___,___,___,,,_,_,. J. XV. Hicks, Upton _,___,____,____________________   2·`¢7
I I I Guaranteed ..................,...........,...l...l.......
‘ 650 I 3-10-3 .............A.....................................» I Howard Mercantile on., Olive Hilla. 2-9§
651 I T. D. Flanagan, Russell Springs . ..... - 2·§°
331 I Lebanon Carriage and Imp]. Co., Lcllllllvl 234
332 I McChesney V. Thompson, Tl`€llI(lll.. 2-5§
1263 I J. W. Schoolcraft, Somerset ._......... .. 241*
1269 I Lebanon Carriage and Impl. Co., Lellllllwl 2-SS
I Guaranteed ..........................................  . _
. 652 I 3-10-6 -----{---------.»---..-............................. I J. W. VVinn and Sou, Horse Cave ...... MI
653 I J. W. Hicks, Upton .................................», ; 3*13
654 I J. WV. Schoolcraft, Somerset ..................   gm
$33 I Harlan Fruit Co., Harlan .._,............. .. . *95
I Guaranteed ............................................ . _
655 I 4-3-6 --.»------..--.·......................... . ............ Paintsvflle Grocery Co., Pailltsvillf M3
, 835 I Harlan Fruit on., Harlan .................   I-09
I Guaranteed .............._..._..._....,................ . _
532 I 4-10-6 .·.................................... . ............. | Manufacturer ______________,__,.__....................-r- M0
_ I Guaranteed ............._.._,.......,................,·.- 4
656 I 4--10-6 ($11112118) ................................ J. J. Hughes, Campton __._....,............,- I  
657 I E. T. Walker, Glendale ................,. ·· . 3`ZO
836 I J. H. McClure and Son, Spl·illgllelrl... , .  
337 I Ross Feed Co., Murray .................--· -» 3'02
. 838 I Bedford Zllld Tuttle, VV1ll(£h€SIC‘l ·..... . 3*0;
839 I Corbett Hardware Co., Elizalletlllmlll ">
I Guaranteed ___.___.____.___.__._..._,.............r· I _ ,
1182 I 4--16-4 ............a.............................. . ..._____ I Beaver Dain IV[2`tllllfHC[lll`l1l§2; and SIIIIIIII 40,
I Co.. Beaver Dam .....,....l.........··--—--rr- _ I",
1362 I Beaver Dam Manufacturing {llld SIIIIIIII 400
I Co.. Beaver Dam ...................-- - -——r- I ` ”
I Guaranteed .............,................. - -»--—-·-·· 520
658 I 5-10- 5 ..»..................A.............................. L. F. Vllellman, Louisa .....r....r--·---· I 5'ni
S40 I Gao. W. Hill and on., onvllr,<;ml¤» - 50,
3*11 I E. C. Miller, Buecllel ............r- - ·--·--· ·· f · 4175
HSS I S. V. Conrad, Cloverporl ......---—- --   I V
I Guaranteed ............................ - -r--r---I· M0
842 I 4»10—4 .................................................... E. C, Miller, Buecllel ............ . ·-----—·-   38;
$*13 I J. S. Snodgrass, New Castlo ...··r--· · 400
1184 I C. P. Clark and Son, O\\'(9IlS1)OI`O A  
1363 I C. P. Clark and Son, O\\'€llS1)O1"I --r— `
I I Guaranteed ............................ - »r··- ·- II `
1185 ` Ground Bolle (Steamed) ........._,.._.. Norris Hardware Ellld Seod C0-· ‘
V I Henderson ......................- - -——--·- · I
1364 I E. T. \Valker, Glendale .....----—--·····II‘‘ 4
I Guaranteed .,....................... - -r-rr--· · ·I‘‘
I · I z
¥ ..;.—
I · I 6 _
- ‘ ·
i ` —

 · /
111E [_ TABLE I. I
. wg E 2 5 2
_ : ¤ -·c O ··· ,. w-· 0-· 5..q; .
. 03 ° ‘·`.¤ : O : SE ¤= G > : "
.··".... 2-·-· r,:' :4 S O —* : Q: *:5 .:3 I
$122 Sz <¤.<4 ww: 5. EQ :42 mm S21? wz
,1.11 »______ _ I 2.91 1 2.91 I 8.15 1 3.60 2.46 27.2 I 648
. . . . . . ` I
M0 1~111   1111 3211 $:225* 1 iii 323 $12 I Si? -
···‘‘‘`‘’‘‘‘‘’‘   · 3.00 3.00 I 3.00 3.00 27..: I
·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ _ . 2.77 2.97 8.75 I 9.61 1 32.4 1 649 _
····‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’ .:.00 3.00 · 10.00 32.1 1 -
IEIIII ‘‘‘‘    . 2.93 2.98 10.05 3.47 I 26.71 650
INS »9‘‘’ ‘  I 2.85 2.85 10.45 3.28 I 26.51 651
07 @11111111 2.34 1 2.84 10.25 3.35 26.3 1 831
..1 ......   . 1-311 gg; 13-ig S32 3121 1225
; ······‘’‘‘‘* 3  2.88 2.33 11.20 3.22 27.4 1 12.69 ‘
1"‘*L€b"“_IL 3.00 10.00   3.00 I :26..1 1
;»·I;é ‘‘1*‘’’‘ 3.17 3.17 10.25 6.31 31.0 1 652
A ‘‘```A   3-13 3.13 10.10 6.29 30.6 I 653
·····‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’ _ _   3.10 10.05 I 6.27 30.4 I 654
······‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘ ‘ . 3.16 10.70 6.41 31.6 833
····*‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘’V‘_ if 1 3.00 10.00 I 0.00 .20.2 1 .
0000 1111 133 33 $.*33 3131 S3?
‘‘‘‘*‘‘‘‘° Q2 -   .1.00 3.00 0.00 .:0.3 I '
"``4`"`''.__..... . **15 I 4-15 10.00 6.38 34.9 I 532
··5‘‘‘‘‘‘‘   _ 1 I .1.00 10.00 0.00 3.:.2 1
‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘` Q] _._. *-10 I 4.18 10.30 I 0.64 5.60 34.5 I 656
···‘‘‘ ji _I_1 _ - 1-@01 4.25 10.20 I 5.53 33.3 1 657
@111.111 __1_   I 4.00 10.30 1 6.07 33.6 1 336
..... . ‘ ·· . 4.07 10.35 1 6.22 34.1 1 837
  _ 3.92 I 3_92 1035 1.84 I 4.11 33.8 I 833
.11,911110wn. W I 4-00 10.30 6.40 34.5 1 330
‘ ___I_I_ I .1.00 10.00 0.00 .:3.2 1
''.... IIII. ` _ I I
"‘“I§_IIII__ __  I 4»0¤I 4.23 1305 I 4.64 I 42.9 1 1182
````A` s PII . I I I I
md _.__   M01 1-00 1 16.30 1 4.39 1 I 33.3 I 1362
‘‘‘‘ ii ___1_. . I -1.00 10.00 .1.00 .:3.0 I
‘""`_____.....   I 5-20 10.05 5.60 37.3 1 653
“i1,,11 ..... .. :*1I 5-21 10.50 1 I 5.55 37.5 I 340
g . - °·°"I 5-00 10.55 I 5.23 36.5 1 841
‘2‘‘‘‘‘`" ff. ~ *75 I 4.75 10.90 I 4.85 I 35.5 I 1183
‘‘‘‘ QQ ,_.. . I I 5.00 10.00 I .7.00 _ I .:.-7..; I I
‘‘`‘ _ _.__.   3·63  4.03 10.25 I I 5.03 34.6 1 342
g ‘‘‘‘` _ __.._ . — 00 3.83 10,15 1 I 4.00 30.5 1 F43 2
g1ggg1lO.   ·   I 4-03 10.20 · 4.21 31.6 1134 1
.1,51-0 ...... -   I 3.93 10.70 I 4.70 32.5 1363 I
` _____I_   _   .1.00 10.00 I .1.00 .:0.3 1 1
"C1,-   2-00 I 28.15 1 55 45 1 35.4 1 1135 I
_r___.... . · ‘ I 1 I I `
‘_____.__...... 4 I' 220 1 27.40 76 24 I 1 35.3 1 1364
. ........... . ·   ...00 I 27.00 I 1 I I .:.1.0 1 .
. I I I `
I I 1     I
// . I I I I I 1 I
7 .

‘ TABLE T. rp,
EQ; Name a§gdA§;x,%;b 8; gilxlslciactlllcl From VVh0m Obtained  
“ ,   `  
(M l itz
i American Agricultural Chemical Co., Cincinnati, O.-—Cont.
593 AA Raw Bone Meal ........................ 1VI£tnl1f9LCtlll'€r ..............,.............,4.....i..,..,. .
l Guaranteed .......................................,.,....,...
594 Sulfate of Ammonia ..............»......... Manufacturer .....l......,............._..........,.. . .... .
’ Guaranteed ......l......................l..........,,.v   ··
· 595 Sulfate of Potash ................,............. Manufacturer ......................,.............. . ....   .
l i Guaranteed l....,.......l_.......,.......l....,..,...., .
` - 659 6-8-6 ___,.,.._,._..,_.,,_....A.,._.......__,.__.,...,....._ L. F. X\7€llIl1Etl1, Louisa. .........._,....,l..,.   5;);
660 ` E. T. Vtlalker, Glendale ._.._,....,...........,., .. - (j‘||.l
| Guaranteed .................,........_.............   .
640 10-6-4 ,.......................... . ........................ Manufacturer .............,..........._...............i . [1,55
l Guaranteed ..............................................V.VV ,
l American Cyanamid Co., New York, N. Y. _
1 21% ‘Aero’ Cyanamid Granular ,... | Manufacturer ......,....................................   2059
' ` Guaranteed ..................................... . ....   .
2 Granular ‘Aero’ Superphosphate ,,__ Manufacturer ..........,........................... .» - _.
l Guaranteed ........................,.................·-- ~- ’
3 l ‘Amm0-Ph0s’ 16-20-0 .__..._...,.._...._.,. Manufacturer ..............................4........   lgj;
| l Guaranteed ........................................--·.--».-V ·
4 l ‘Am1no-Pl10s’ 11-48-0 ,,__.._.........._._., l\lanufacturer ....................................-·.»-» · 1033
· l Guaranteed .........,............................. - -·--   ~
l · l
The Armour Fertilizer Works, l Cincinnati, Jeffersonville, Nashvlllf
844 i Ar1nour's 4-S-4 (Sulfate) _,._..,__._,_, Flemingsburg Mills, F1€1lllllg$lllll`¥   3.05
S45 Hulette Hardware Co., VVilliamSl0ll`ll- - 2.32
S46 l J. C. Everett and Co., Maysville ....... . 2.33
1187 G. H. Harris, Cloverporit ...........··--——»   3.2ll
, l Guaranteed ................................ . -·--·.--rr·  
616 Al`lllOl\l'yS 3-8-6 (Sulfate) _______,_..___.. C. S. Brent Seed Co., Lexington   . 2.18
661 J. I-I. Peterson, Hiseville _............   N 2.21
947 Taylor County Supply Co., Cftlllllllollg-ll' 2.19
848 Carlisle Mill and Supply Co., (`tll`ll$l*’ 2.71
849 l J. C. Everett and Co., Maysville .... .. 2.36
V 850 Walter McGla.sson, Horse Cave ...... 23;;
I Guaranteed .................................... ..  
662 l Al`IllOlll"S 4-12-S (Sulfate) ............ Durham Implement Co., Staiilnrrl .. · 3.11
663 i H. D. Jones, Glasgow ____._._...._. . ...... - 3.0s
664 J. H. Peterson. Hiseville ,__.,............. 399
851 Henderson and Hardy C0., 0
Slieiilierdsville ..............................» - -  
352 W. H, Brock and Co., \lVi1ll¢lli“Sl‘:l' yl; V 2;*7*4
853 ` Carlisle Mill and Supply COM (l‘l']"° ¤·Y~l
l Guaranteed .......................................»~· _
. 665 l Arm0ur’s 2-10-4 .._......___...r........__.._... Burnside Milling (10.. Bni‘llSl'l<`   Lf?
666 l J. W. Schoolcraft, Somerset ....... ll.;)
854 | Ed, Allen, Smiths Grove ....... I . lll,
855 l J. C. Everett and Co., llaysvilllv. · ily
856 C. E, llartin and C0., (l1‘€<’llYlll° "  
857 l York and l\Ia5gey, St·ot.lS\'lll9 --·-·· ilu,1 1‘f·’
i 858 I Ti1Yl0l‘ County Supply (‘o__ (`ainilll*‘ · ‘ -ll
i · l A
€ 6 '
i 1 . 8
` l
4 ` ·

c ca E E
af; IE: QJ O O
E ¤ : ¤ <¤ = .. C: é: .
. 1 15 °’ Ei ¤ O ¤ :3.% 2 *2 ~
mz 62 <=:¤I<: 61:4 E zu :2,2 E5   2E I
I ' I .
I I -
-·--»---—··----—~—»· - 3.87 26.40 96
.... ,. ...... . .......... I   @0)   4    
............... . .... . I   NIV.      
...................... I I 2050 71IS I
‘’``````‘°‘‘‘``   III:   I .18.00 57.6 ·
····‘·····4‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ III I 2**5 I 8**5 1 6.14 38.3 659
______,............. .. 11.04 I (1.04 8.05 I I (;_42 38 5 660
........~.-.---2»-·-— · IW I 11.:12 8.00 (;_00 WIS
‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘ i§jjQ..j ~ ‘‘°‘ ’ I ,2;}; @$0 4-41 47-9 I 040
..»-----·---- I   . (».}0 _I_{;0 _IT_0 I
........... .. ...,.... . .  I     1
____,____.....,..   I I 32130 égi 2
........ . ....,...... . _         I   3
--·-·- · ········‘ ‘ ‘’‘‘ ‘ I 10.00 20.00 SOIO I
,..... . ...·-· - -~-»   10.38   10.96 48.45 I 96.5 4
.........4 - I-------··· · II.00 48.00 I 96:1 I
Nashville I I I
I11gSI1111`§ .. I 3.05 I 4.0V $30
1........ IIIII .  . 2).33 4.6; 8.26 I I 313 §‘22 32% I 33%
vI ___.. ..   I 'I_ ‘ ·
  ....... - IIIII III.? 8·35 I I 0*2 3-74 28-9 846
· 8-75 | 0.72 3.53 20.2 1187
-·--· - ····· ‘ ‘‘‘'‘‘   0-00 8.00 I I j 00 pg ;
Igtou ....... --   I 2_9{] 8.25 O 64 I 557   I 616
..............   __   M7 II I . . .
3{1111DI1CIIIF\`II·   I     I     I    
0-- <*=II`II*I“ III . 3.00 8.05 I 622    
svi11c ,....... .36 I 3.08 8.85 I I I
Cave _....... .. 2.23 I 3.14 8.20 I      
___.................. I IIIIIII SIOO I I I I..{ I .I
I l1101`II -- 3.11 1 3:) I I (*0} 27*3 I
{I I I -· 8 12-15 I I 0 72 7 45 38 2 662
·‘I‘ ii;;;;i;;ii.;ji‘ I-.:111 $3; Ig-gg I I I I 020 788 I 381 665
I- I - I 2.12 38.5 664
I ......... .- 3.02 I I
01162161-...I 3.57       I · I 0.64   23.7 I gg; .
I (7111115% 3.24 I . ' ¤· I I -·> -· I
COI ............. . I     I I 0.88     I 853 I
``III · __...... 1.*0 I ‘ '“' II- II`-
EIIIII ..... 1.IsI     I '   I I 24.0 I 665 I
      1.1F I   ‘ .4 24.3 I 660 I
    1.7;     10*60 I I 4.17 24.2   854 `
.* _ I · · II 10.75 4 03 gr I I— I
°91l\'1II1‘   - 1.111 . 200 10 20 I .0 ...1.3 I 85.1 I
1110 ...... .. II 1,50 ` 200 1 · 4.13 24.2 I 856
CIIIIIIIIIn11sv;.I 1.71 Y {EIO!]   I 4.28 24.9 I 857 I
I ` · I) I I 4.33 24.7 I 858
I I ‘
. I + I

’ Trustt l. » T
=~ Y. . . ,. . . , .;. 1 F
  h'u“€"§SdAgil,$?   g{;E;1({MtLll('l From VVh0m Obtained  
rs; ZE5
| The Armour Fertilizer Works, CiiIcirmati, Jeffersonville, Nashvi||e—Coni
859 I Arn10ur‘s 2-10-4 (Cont.) ................ { Hatter Hardware Co., Franklin ,.., .. . 1,63
860 I N. E. West, Gamaliel ......................   . 1.80
, 1270 I Taylor County Supply Co.,
I Campbellsville ..............,..........,....... " 1.65
1365 I C. E. Martin and Co., Greenville . .. . 1.05
1366 { Beaver Dam Manufacturing and
I ‘ I Supply Co., Beaver Dam ............. . 1.65
I Guaranteed ......................,.......,..........   ‘
667 { Al'l]10Ul"S 20% Superpliosphate .... ` Louisa Supply C0., Louisa ..._......  
668 { I Barren County Hardware Co., (llzisw
861 { VVilson Hardware Co., Auburn ..... .,
862 { Giltner Seed and Feed Co., Eiiiiiieiw.
863 { Burkesville Grain and Feed C0., 4
_ I Burkesville ......................................... - Y
1271 I J. L. Tupman, Columbia ................. ·
1272 { J. C. Everett and Co., Maysville .... .  
1273 { Robinson and Turley, Richmond .,
1367 I Wilson, Miles and Co., Russellville ·
1368 { Barren County Hardware Co., Glas;01
1360 { J. H. Peterson, Hiseville _.._............ .
I 1370 I York and Massey, Scottsville ......   `
1371 { Hende1·son and Hardy Co.,
I Shepherdsville ..................,...............
I { Gua1·anteed ..........._..._._..____.,.._..,.......  
669 { Armour’s 0-10-4 Fertilizer ......,... { Jasper Produce Co., Science Hill 
864 { S. D. Haslin and Co., Gamaliel ...,. _ .
865 { I Sam Hayes, Clarkson ........_.__........... ,. .
1274 { J. ‘W. Schoolcraft, Somerset ......,.. .
I Guaranteed ......_.____.._,______.__1_________._.r,..
866 { Ar1nour’s 2-8-4 Fertilizer ________,_____   Middlesboro Feed Co., Nliddleslmro 1.6
867 I l Taylor County Supply Co., .
{ { Campbellsville ............................... 1.6
868 { Sam Terry, Big Clifty ___1_,______....   1,7
869 I G. M. Haycratt and Son. Leitdliltlll 1.6
1275 { J. L, Tupman, Columbia .......,..... M 1,5
1276 I J. VV. Schoolcratt, Somerset ....-- ~ 1.7
1277 { \Voodson Lewis, Greensburg ...... - 1,9
{ { Guaranteed ......................................,-Vvv
S70 { Armouns 2 712776 Fertilizer ...___,_____ I U. B. Sellers, Louisville .......... Z ...--· , 1,6
871 I { Jellico Grocery Co., B2ll‘I)0ll1`Vl1I<‘ 1,;
$72 I Hadis Harvey, Breeding ....7·7-7-·-  __; 14.
$74   Giltner Seed and Feed C0.. Elm“""" 111
1278 I .1, C, Everett and C0., Maysvillt ~ ’ - 1-Fl
1279 { J. W. Schoolcratt. Somerset   »- 1,3
I Guaranteed ..,.....,__.,._.._.,__.,............7. M
670 I At-mOur‘g 2»8-[3 Fertilizer ____________ I H. D. Jones, Glasgow _.,..,........,...7 .  
671 I {Lester L, Lynd, Ashland .--7 · ---···’ ··‘
1280 { Taylor County Supply Co.. {__
{ Campbellsville _,_..,.,,_.,.. . ......   ...
A { Guaranteed ..,...,........,.........-7-·7 V ----i·‘
t I
t I   -/ .\
1 ` : 10 .
-. * ’
· { · `

 ABI.12 l. TABLE I.
. ..5 5   E 5) 5 ig Eg gv ,a
¢ =¤; *5: Sis S.? .- ¤>" ‘“.¤ **5 9*; #5
mz ez m<: HL; 5 25 Ez Em ;E> iz ‘
1vl|Ie—Oon1 1 1 1 1
kliu ....,.. .. ’ 1.63 1 2.01 10.15 4.37 24.5 1 859
................. . ‘ 1.80 1 2.29 10.30 4.01 1 25.2   860
1 1 1 1 . .
................ .. 1.65 1 2.08 10.20 4.85 25.3 1 1270 1
nville ..... 1.95 1 2.32 1 10.50 4.60 26.2 1 1365
and » 1 1 ;
lg _............ . . 1.65 2.02 10.80 1 4.39 1 25.3 1 1366
____............. ` 2.00 10.00 1 .1.00 1 .2.1.8  
........__ .. .. . 1 20.00 1 1 24.0 1 667
C0., Glasgow. 19.70 1 23.6 1 668
urn ..... .. 20.25 24.3 1 861
,. E1ui11e11l·& ° 1 20.05 1 1 24.1 1 862 -
cl C0.. 1 1 `
____________....... 1 1 21.50 1 1 1 1 25.8 1 863
__........... . - 1 1 20.55 1 1 24.71 1271
rgville .... .   1 20.15 1 24.2 1 1272
hmoud   1 20.00 24.0 1 1273
ssellville 1 20.15 1 24.2 1 1367
]0.,Glz1s¥m1 I   20.75 1 24.9 1 1368 1
........_..,... .. 1 1 20.20 1 24.2 1 1369
ille ,_.. . ....... 1 20.50 1 1 24.61 1370
. 1 1 1
__......... . .»---1 1 1 20.80 1 1 25.0 1 1371
.........._........ 1 530.00 42.1.0  
.ce Hill  1 12.35 4.36 1 20.1 1 669
xuliel .....   _ 1 10.30 1 4.35 1 17.6 1 864
................. .. 1 10.15 4.23 1 17.3 1 865
et .....,.._..   1 1 11.90 5.78 1 21.2 1 1274
_____________v___ 1000 ,1,00 /1;..% 1
ddlcshuro 1.69 1 2.09 1 8.50 1 1 3.94 1 22.3 1 866
., 1 1 1 1
_______1__ _ ........ 1.66 1 2.06 1 8.60 1 4.04 22.4 1 867
_________   .... . ‘ 1.11 1 2.13   ‘8.90 4.06 23.0 1 868
Jgitcl111P1*1·   1 2.07 1 935 4.08 24.0 1 869
................. ..9 ‘ 2.01 8.85 1 1 4.07 22.5 1275
set ,__,_..   1.73   2.03 1 8.00 1 3.92 1 21.4 1 1276
urg _....... A 1.99 1 1.99 9.10 3.99 22.7 1 1277
............_...... _   .3.00 8.00 .1.00 12/.1
......... Z ....... 1.65 1 2.09 12.40 6.25 29.7 870
1()lll`V111@‘   ~ 2.01 12,65 1 1 6.65 1 30.2 1 871
_....... . -----·· _ · ·* 1 2.13 12.20 6.11 29.4 1 8”2 1
on E111il1*’1“1’ 1-117 1 2.10 1 1255 1 6.25 1 29.9   874 1
,,·S1·11le   · 1 1.96 1 2.27 1 1225 1 6.07 1 29.9 1 1278 1
set ........ .. 1.81` 2.11 1 12.00 1 1 6.19 1 1 29.2 1 1279 1
_...... . ---—-· 1 .3.00 1 1.2.00 1 1 0.//0 1 1 .38.0 1 1
__....... - ---- 1   _ 3.23 1 8.75 1   5.78 1 28.8 1 670 1
___... . ..·-·r · 2·‘·1_ 3.11 1 8.05 1 1 6.48   28.3 1 671 .
  _ 1 1 1 ~
? ............. . 2..9 ) 3.26 1 8.60 1 1 6.21 1 29.2 1 1280
.........__..... 1 .1.00 1 8.00 1 1 . 6.00 1 .27..1 1 '
1 . 1 1 1 1
\1 1 1 1   1 1 1
. ‘ • 1

 , TABLE l.  [ T_
EE M`“°“2Z$dAi%‘Zt‘l$2S§€¥§£§‘§“°“““‘ From whom o[,tn,ml · Q3
E5   52;
[ wz -_  26z
[ The Armour Fertilizer Works, Cirlcinnati, Jeffersonville, Nashvi|Ie—Cont ·
875 [ Armour’s 3-10-3 Fertilizer Giltner Seed and Feed Co., Eininen:. » g_33
876 [ Sam Terry, Big Clifty   ..i....i.......4......... 2.64
877 U. B. Sellers, Louisville _ ..................... .. ` 2.67
, [ Guaranteed ...............,.............................. . ~
_ 672 | Armour’s 4-8-4 Fertilizer ......,....... Bowman-Watts Co., Lothair ....._..r..   3.70
673 | Jasper Produce Co., Somerset ,...... . f 367
_ [ 789 [ F. W. Conard, Falmouth ............_....._. · 3.70
| Guaranteed ...,.........._.____..._....,_______,.__,, . ._
878 [ Armour’s 4-12-8 Fertilizer ....._...... McLean County Hardware Co., Callie; 3.10
1188 | Atherton—Kidd Co., Livermore ,.........   3.38
| Guaranteed ................__............__,,........... . . 7
674 [ Armour‘s 4-16-4 Fertilizer ....,_._._.. M. C. Creekmore, Pine Knot .............. . 3.79
879 | Jellico Grocery Co., Barbourville ...... . j 3.46
880 E. W. Simpson, Owenton .................. . · 3.58
. 886 [ Ed. Allen, Smiths Grove ....._............   - 3.82
1372 | T. J. Turley Co., Owensboro ............. . I 3.61
- [ Guaranteed ........,,..................................... . i
881 | Armour‘s 5-10-5 Fertilizer ............ Home Fruit Co., Harlan .................   : 4.72
[ Guaranteed .................._.......................... .. -
[ 882 [ Big Crop 4-12-4 Fertilizer ....,....... Jellico Grocery Co., Barbourvillc   - 3.59
[ Guaranteed .....,....................................... » ·
' 883 [ Big Crop GKS4.6 Fertilizer ___,_________,__ Robinson and Turley, Riclnnond ...... · ` 5.40
[ Guaranteed ................._................i....... , » _
884 [ Nitrate of Soda .___.._,...._._____.__,,._,._...., C. E. Martin and Co., Greenville ....- -
1189 [ Atherton-Kidd Co., Livermore .....   _
· 1190 [ [Henderson and Hardy, Sl1eplie1‘(lS\‘lll€- ’
[ Gngn~ant·eed .__......_.._..____........................- [ -  `
885 Big Crop 44% Superphosphate ...._. C. E. Martin and Co., Greenville .....   A
[ Guaranteed _..__....._____._,__......................--i- [
873 [ Armour‘s Half Bone Meal and  
[ Half 2-12-6 .............i...................... Taylor County Supply Co., Canipl»·.~llsni· 0.9l
| Guaranteed ________________________,_____________4V_._  
[ Buhner Fertilizer Co., [ Seymour, Ind. `
887 [ Bllhll€l"S 5-10-5 ....,..,...........__,...__...._ [ Farmers Grain and Produee (‘o__ K
[ Springfield ..._.....___........,..............---- MZ
[ [ Guaranteed ______,,_______________r_,___,___,____.  
675 [ Buhuer’s 4-10-6 ......._........................ Harrison and Beck, Jamestown ..-- ~ · . $.3`
SSS [ Joe Fister, Lexington _,.._......... . ...·   ~ _ 3··l?
[ Guaranteed ......................................... . ·
676 [ Buhner's 3-10-3 .......