xt78930ntb3s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78930ntb3s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 2013 minutes  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2013-09-10 text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2013-09-10 2013 2013 2014 true xt78930ntb3s section xt78930ntb3s Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees
University of Kentucky
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday,
September 10, 2013 in the Board Room on the 18th floor of Patterson Office Tower.

Meeting Opened

Dr. E. Britt Brockman, chair of the Board of Trustees, called the meeting to order at 1:02
p.m. Chair Brockman asked Trustee Sheila Brothers, secretary of the Board, to call the roll.

Roll Call

The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call of the roll: C.B.
Akins, Sr., James H. Booth, William C. Britton, E. Britt Brockman, Sheila Brothers, Mark P.
Bryant, Jo Hern Curris, Angela L. Edwards, Oliver Keith Gannon, Carol Martin (Bill) Gatton,
Kelly Sullivan Holland, David V. Hawpe, Terry Mobley, Roshan Palli, C. Frank Shoop, James
W. Stuckert, and Barbara Young. William S. Farish, Jr., Irina Voro, and John Wilson were
absent from the meeting. Secretary Brothers announced that a quorum was present.
The University administration was represented by President Eli Capilouto, Provost
Christine Riordan, Executive Vice President for Health Affairs Michael Karpf, Executive Vice
President for Finance and Administration Eric Monday, and General Counsel William Thro.
The University faculty was represented by Chair of the University Senate Council Lee
Blonder, and the University staff was represented by Chair of the Staff Senate Jeff Spradling.
Guests and members of the news media were also in attendance.

Consent Items

Chair Brockman called attention to the four consent items on the agenda. The items were
the minutes for the Board of Trustees meeting on June 11, 2013; PR 2, Personnel Actions; FCR
1, Bequests from the Estate of Dr. E. Vernon Smith; and FCR 2, Barnstable Brown Foundation
Trustee Stuckert moved approval of the consent items. Trustee Britton seconded the
motion. Chair Brockman called for the vote and it passed without dissent. (See consent items
listed below on the Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees, under agenda.)
Minutes, June 11, 2013
PR 2 Personnel Actions
FCR 1 Bequests from the Estate of Dr. E. Vernon Smith
FCR 2 Barnstable Brown Foundation Gift

� D.

Chairman’s Report

Chair Brockman reported that there had been no petitions to address the Board since the
last Board of Trustees meeting.
Chair Brockman introduced the four new members to the Board of Trustees: Student
Government President Roshan Palli, Governor appointed trustees James Booth, Angela Edwards,
and David Hawpe. In addition, he acknowledged reelected staff representative Trustee Sheila
Brothers and reelected faculty representative Trustee John Wilson.
(ECR 1)

Proposed Revision to Governing Regulation: Executive Committee (GR II)

Chair Brockman stated that ECR 1 was the recommendation that Board of Trustees
receive and vote to accept for the first reading the proposed revision to Governing Regulations II
relating to the composition of the Executive Committee. The proposed revision adds the Vice
Chair of the Board of Trustees as a member of the Executive Committee. As this change would
take effect only after a second reading at the October 26, 2013 Board meeting, this change will
not affect the term of any member of the Executive Committee elected at the September 10,
2013, meeting.
Chair Brockman opened the floor for discussion. Hearing none, Chair Brockman called
the question and it passed without dissent. (See ECR 1 on the Board of Trustees
website, www.uky.edu/Trustees, under agenda.)
At Chair Brockman’s suggestion, there was a moment of silence as a show of respect to
the victims and families of the tragedies that occurred on September 11, 2001.

Presidential Evaluation and Compensation (ECR 2)

Chair Brockman began by reporting that on August 13, 2013, the Executive Committee
received the final report of Dr. Capilouto’s performance in his second year as President of the
University of Kentucky. Broadly speaking, those participating in the evaluation process “rated
the President’s performance positively” and demonstrated an understanding of, and support for,
the President’s priorities. He also pointed out that as with any evaluation of an executive of an
institution as complex as the University of Kentucky, there are areas for improvement and future
Chair Brockman reviewed the evaluation timeline, highlights of each phase and the
specific processes, and consultant David Hardesty’s summary points. The summary points
included that President Capilouto is well established as President of the University. He is a
skillful, focused and trusted leader, capable of accomplishing several initiatives in a short period
of time.
President Capilouto has improved communications with campus constituents, state and
community stakeholders and successfully filled critical positions in the senior leadership team.


� His priorities are aligned with those of the Board of Trustees and many respondents recognized
and were appreciative of Dr. Mary Lynne Capilouto’s contributions to the University.
Based on some of the respondent’s feedback, Dr. Hardesty also described some areas for
future consideration and improvement. These included:

The development of vision and priorities in the new strategic planning effort;
A concerted effort to examine initiatives and implications prior to
A continued effort to effectively communicate with all constituencies across
campus; and
Concerns about the impact on the University of the changing higher education

Chair Brockman continued that following Dr. Hardesty’s report, members of the Board
submitted additional feedback. The Board was asked to respond to four questions:

What were the President’s major accomplishments in 2012;
What are the President’s major strengths;
What areas should the President improve upon; and
What is your overall assessment of the progress the President made in achieving
the University’s goals in 2012-13?

The feedback was reviewed by the Executive Committee on September 10, 2013 and all
responses were positive with a consistent theme of praise for:

Infrastructure and campus revitalization;
Administrative hires;
Budget planning and accountability with the new financial model; and
Leveraging relationships in Frankfort with the legislature and Governor.

Major Strengths of President Capilouto identified were:

Intelligence, vision, focus, energy and the ability to implement;
Integrity and ethics;
Surrounds himself with a strong team;
Passion for the student experience;
Understanding the entire University; and
Working with major stakeholders to establish relationships.

Under areas of improvement, Chair Brockman continued that one third of the respondents
stated that it would be hard to find one. The remaining responses dealt with three themes,
although none were mentioned by the majority of the respondents. The themes included:

Communicating more fully the concepts and plans either with the Board or with
staff and faculty (depending on the respondent);


� •

Emphasizing diversity and inclusivity either through top-down hires or campus
training; and
Public relations – telling the great story we have at UK throughout Kentucky.

Chair Brockman concluded that the overall assessment by the Board of Trustees was that
all respondents gave the President their highest praise for the job he has performed. With the
need to keep our eye on graduate education in 2013-14, says one respondent, “he is achieving
most of our broad goals in record time and working tirelessly to make things happen.”
Chair Brockman shared that he felt President Capilouto had settled into his position well
and, taking into consideration the recommendations outlined in this performance evaluation, will
continue to work diligently to improve the University of Kentucky.
Based upon this report, on behalf of the Executive Committee, Chair Brockman stated
that ECR 2 is a recommendation that the Board of Trustees 1) extend President Eli Capilouto’s
Employment Agreement to June 30, 2018; 2) increase President Capilouto’s base salary by five
percent (5%) (or $25,000) to $525,000 effective July 1, 2013; 3) award a one-time bonus of ten
percent (10%) of President Capilouto’s original base salary (or $50,000); and 4) establish a
longevity incentive equal to his 2017-2018 base salary if he serves until June 30, 2018. The exact
structure of the longevity incentive is to be determined.
Chair Brockman continued that in appreciation for the President's visionary and effective
leadership during 2012-13, in addition to the five percent salary increase and the one-time bonus
of ten percent, consistent with the President’s Employment Agreement, the Board would
sincerely like to discuss an additional performance incentive payment based upon extraordinary
performance. However, based on discussions with the President, the board has decided to
postpone discussions because of the uncertain budgetary environment.
Chair Brockman opened the floor for discussion. Trustees Stuckert, Shoop, Britton,
Curris, Akins, Brothers, Gatton, Bryant, Young, Gannon, Holland, Palli, and Hawpe offered their
individual appreciation to President Capilouto.
Chair Brockman called for the vote and it passed without dissent. (See ECR 2 on the
Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees, under agenda.)
There was a round of applause.
President Capilouto thanked the Board for their kind words and support, and reiterated
that anything achieved is due to the people he is fortunate to have working with him. He was
humbled by the offer of an extension of his contract and replied it would be a family decision.
Equally appreciative of the bonus offered, he wanted to “express my confidence in this
University and my gratitude in returning my bonus to this University, that I so deeply believe
He closed by acknowledging that he will work hard every day to continue to earn the
respect of the University community.


� G.

Nominating Committee Report

Trustee Shoop reported that the Nominating Committee met on August 28, 2013.

Election of Officers

Trustee Shoop submitted the following nominations for the following offices:
For Chair - Dr. E. Britt Brockman
For Vice Chair - Dr. O. Keith Gannon
For Secretary - Ms. Sheila Brothers
For Assistant Secretary - William Thro, General Counsel
Chair Brockman stated that the Board would proceed with the election of the officers. He
continued that he was honored to be the nominee for chair, but felt it would be a conflict of
interest to preside over that election. He asked Trustee James Stuckert to come forward to accept
the gavel and conduct the election of chair.
Chair Pro Tem Stuckert stated that the Nominating Committee nominated E. Britt
Brockman for chair. He asked for any nominations from the floor. Trustee Mobley moved the
nominations cease. It was seconded by Trustee Brothers and hearing no discussion, it passed
without dissent.
Chair Pro Tem Stuckert called for the vote for E. Britt Brockman as chair and it passed
without dissent. Trustee Stuckert passed the gavel back to Chair Brockman who continued with
the election.
For vice chair, Trustee O. Keith Gannon was nominated by the Nominating Committee.
Chair Brockman asked for nominations from the floor. Trustee Bryant moved the nominations
cease. It was seconded by Trustee Stuckert and hearing no discussion, it passed without dissent.
Chair Brockman called for the vote for Trustee O. Keith Gannon as vice chair and it
passed without dissent. Chair Brockman congratulated Trustee Gannon.
For secretary, Trustee Sheila Brothers was nominated by the Nominating Committee.
Chair Brockman asked for nominations from the floor. Trustee Gatton moved the nominations
cease. It was seconded by Trustee Curris and hearing no discussion, it passed without dissent.
Chair Brockman called for the vote for Trustee Sheila Brothers as secretary and it passed
with 16 affirmative votes and one abstention by Trustee Brothers. Chair Brockman
congratulated Trustee Brothers.
The Nominating Committee nominated William Thro, General Counsel for the office
Assistant Secretary. Chair Brockman asked for nominations from the floor. Trustee Curris


� moved the nominations cease. It was seconded by Trustee Stuckert and hearing no discussion, it
passed without dissent.
Chair Brockman called for the vote for William Thro as assistant secretary and it passed
with 16 affirmative votes and one abstention by Trustee Hawpe. Chair Brockman congratulated
Mr. Thro.

Election of Executive Committee

Trustee Shoop stated that the Nominating Committee submits the following nominations
for the Executive Committee:
Chair, Dr. Britt Brockman
Member, Dr. C.B. Akins, Sr.
Member, Mr. Terry Mobley
Member, Mr. Jim Stuckert
Member, Ms. Barbara Young
Chair Brockman pointed out that by virtue of Governing Regulation II.E.2(a), the Chair
of the Board is a member and the designated chair of the Executive Committee.
Chair Brockman stated that the Nominating Committee nominated C.B. Akins, Sr., Terry
Mobley, Jim Stuckert and Barbara Young as members of the Executive Committee. He asked
for any nominations from the floor. Trustee Curris moved the nominations cease. It was
seconded by Trustee Stuckert and hearing no discussion, it passed without dissent.
Chair Brockman called for the vote on the slate of nominated members as presented and
it passed without dissent.
Reappointment to Board of Directors University of Kentucky Mining Engineering
Foundation, Inc. (NCR 1)
Trustee Shoop stated that NCR 1 recommends that the Board approve the reappointment
of Trustee Jo Hern Curris as a trustee member to the University of Kentucky Mining Engineering
Foundation Inc. Board of Directors for a one-year term ending September 30, 2014. The bylaws
of the Foundation require that the Board of Trustees approve appointments to the Board of
On behalf of the Nominating Committee, Trustee Shoop moved approval of NCR 1 and it
passed without dissent. (See NCR 1 on the Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees,
under agenda.)

President’s Report (PR 1)

President Capilouto began by reporting that though enrollment in colleges and
universities is declining nationally, UK welcomed its largest first-year class. The enrollment of
4702 students is marked by historic levels of diversity and academic quality. Among them are a


� record number of students with ACT’s of 28 to 36, including nine students with a perfect ACT
score or SAT composite score, the most in a first-year class in UK's history. 25% of this
incoming class has a GPA of 4.0 or higher. UK welcomed a record number of Singletary and
Patterson Scholars, 59 and 94, respectively. UK also reached a record first-to-second year
retention rate for the fall 2012 of 82.5%. Also of note were gains of two percentage points in the
second to third year retention rate and a three percent gain in the third- to fourth- year retention.
President Capilouto reported that adding to the diverse richness of the campus
community, enrollment grew in many under-represented areas including African American,
Hispanic and international students. Academically, UK welcomed a total of 105 National Merit,
National Achievement, and National Hispanic Scholars, up from 71 last year.
With the addition of a new transfer center that helps students transition, UK’s transfer
student enrollments have increased. Doctorate and Masters student enrollment has also been on
the rise, thus making UK’s total enrollment over 29,000 students.
President Capilouto thanked Associate Provost for Enrollment Management Don Witt
and his team for their remarkable work in recruiting this year’s class and thanked the efforts of
all University faculty and staff for the strides made in retention and graduation rates.
He was pleased to introduce to the Board five of the nine students who achieved a perfect
score of 36 on the ACT. They were Jared Wittrock, a sophomore Pre-Chemical Engineering
major from Alexandria, KY; Samuel Saarinen, a junior; Pre-Computer Science, Mathematics and
Physics major from Shelbyville, KY; Jenna Garofolo, a junior Chemistry major from Butler, KY;
Donald Venus, a freshman, Pre-Chemical Engineering major from Richfield, Ohio; and Jon Fish,
a freshman Political Science major from Finchville, KY.
The students received a round of applause.
President Capilouto remarked that as Kentucky's flagship, land-grant institution of higher
learning, UK has an obligation to serve in many ways. One of the newest innovations in
education and service involving UK is the new STEAM Academy; a cutting edge approach to
high school emphasizing those disciplines in demand in the modern workforce: science,
technology, engineering, arts and mathematics. President Capilouto introduced Dean Mary John
O’Hair from the College of Education and Fayette County Superintendent Tom Shelton to share
the details of the partnership that is the STEAM Academy.
Dean O’Hair and Superintendent Shelton shared with the Board the milestones of the
Academy. From groundwork laid by the College of Education’s P20 Innovation Lab, to
cooperative ideas such as the Bluegrass Economic Advancement Movement (BEAM) and the
National Center for Innovation in Education (CIE) based at the UK, STEAM is a lottery-based
program where any eighth grade student in Fayette County can apply. The 150 students that
make up the first freshman class match the diversity of the Fayette county school district. This
includes race, gender, and socio-economic factors.
With the award of a pre-launch planning grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation, the school is eligible for up to $300,000 in one-to one matching funds. The STEAM


� Academy will use an innovative, hybrid instructional program based in student-paced, masteryand problem-based experiential learning. Student voice and student agency are central to the
school model. Students will take ownership of their learning by choosing their instruction
delivery, schedule and leadership style and engage in real-world problem solving projects that
interest them. The collaboration will also allow pre-service teachers from the College of
Education to be involved in STEAM classrooms early in their college studies, helping to
establish a strong clinical-based teacher preparation program. The goal is to ensure that students
will graduate college and career ready.
A six-member advisory board of UK faculty and Fayette County Public School
administrators will help guide the partnership and collaboration.
Dean O’Hair and Superintendent Shelton thanked President Capilouto and the Board for
their support and for the opportunity to create a new vibrant learning experience for both high
school and college students.
Appointment/Reappointment to Board of Directors University of Kentucky Gluck
Equine Research Foundation, Inc. (PR 3)
President Capilouto stated that PR 3 is the recommendation that the Board of Trustees
approve the appointment of Bill Thomason and the reappointment of Dan Rosenberg and F. E.
"Butch" Wise to the Board of Directors of the University of Kentucky Equine Research
Foundation for four-year terms ending December 31, 2017.
Chair Brockman asked for a motion for approval of PR 3. Trustee Akins so moved and it
was seconded by Trustee Curris. With no discussion, Chair Brockman called the question and it
passed without dissent. (See PR 3 on the Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees,
under agenda.)
Reappointment to Board of Directors of the Fund for Advancement of Education
and Research in the University of Kentucky Medical Center (PR 4)

President Capilouto stated that PR 4 is the recommendation that the Board of Trustees
approve the reappointment of Anita M. Britton to the Board of Directors of the Fund for
Advancement of Education and Research at the University of Kentucky Medical Center for a
two-year term ending June 30, 2015.
Chair Brockman asked for a motion for approval of PR 4. Trustee Britton so moved and
it was seconded by Trustee Stuckert. With no discussion, Chair Brockman called the question
and it passed without dissent.
(See PR 4 on the Board of Trustees
website, www.uky.edu/Trustees, under agenda.)

Academic and Student Affairs Committee Report

Trustee Keith Gannon, chair of the Academic and Student Affairs Committee mentioned
to the Board the change in the committee report acronym to “ASACR” to reflect the


� consolidation of the Academic and Student Affairs Committees.

Candidates for Degree: December 2012 (ASACR 1)

Trustee Gannon stated that ASACR 1 related to three candidates for degrees to be
awarded December 2012; due to administrative errors the names were not previously submitted.
The individuals have satisfactorily completed all requirements for the degrees for which the
applications were made and were approved by the elected faculty of the University Senate.
On behalf of the Academic Affairs Committee, Trustee Gannon asked for approval of
ASACR 1 and it passed without dissent. (See ASACR 1 on the Board of Trustees
website, www.uky.edu/Trustees, under agenda.)

Candidates for Degree: May 2013 (ASACR 2)

Trustee Gannon stated that ASACR 2 related to three candidates for degrees to be
awarded May 2013, that due to administrative errors the names were not previously submitted.
The individuals have satisfactorily completed all requirements for the degrees for which the
applications were made and were approved by the elected faculty of the University Senate.
On behalf of the Academic Affairs Committee, Trustee Gannon asked for approval of
ASACR 2 and it passed without dissent. (See ASACR 2 on the Board of Trustees
website, www.uky.edu/Trustees, under agenda.)

Candidates for Degree: August 2013 (ASACR 3)

Trustee Gannon stated that ASACR 3 related to candidates for degrees to be awarded
August 2013. The individuals have satisfactorily completed all requirements for the degrees for
which the applications were made and were approved by the elected faculty of the University
On behalf of the Academic Affairs Committee, Trustee Gannon asked for approval of
ASACR 3 and it passed without dissent. (See ASACR 3 on the Board of Trustees
website, www.uky.edu/Trustees, under agenda.)

University Athletics Committee

Trustee C.B. Akins, Sr., chair of the University Athletics Committee, reported that the
Committee heard a report from Athletics Director Mitch Barnhart on fall sports.
Items of note included that football coach Mark Stoops won his first game as head coach
this past Saturday and is now 1-1 on the season. Women's soccer is 4-1-1 to start 2013. The
volleyball team hosted and won the Kentucky Classic this past weekend and moved to 4-2.
Men's soccer is 2-1 thus far, during Coach Cedergren's second season as head coach. Crosscountry opened 2013 with a dual meet against Vanderbilt and Tennessee on August 30 in
Nashville. Saturday, September 14, UK will host the Bluegrass Cross Country Invitational,


� which will be UK's first home meet since the 1990s. The men's basketball program held their
Second Annual Alumni Game last night at Rupp Arena. Dollar amounts are expected to total
approximately $1 million dollars for charity raised through the event. The funds will be
distributed to 15 different organizations, most of which operate in Kentucky.
Trustee Akins praised the production of a booklet by Senior Associate Director of
Athletics Jason Schlafer and his team: a compilation of student-athletes essays about their trip to
Ethiopia. All of the student-athletes who have participated have remarked on the lasting effects
of this experience on their lives. The Committee also commended Mr. Schlafer and the
Department of Intercollegiate Athletics for organizing and sponsoring these trips that enrich the
lives of UK’s student-athletes.
The Committee received a very extensive educational report from Ms. Rachel Baker,
Senior Associate Director for Compliance. She provided an overview of general NCAA rules to
the committee, including guidance regarding their interaction with prospective student athletes
and their families and general information regarding autograph and ticket requests. Specifically
Ms. Baker stated that members of the Board of Trustees cannot be involved in the recruiting
Recruiting contacts on or off campus are impermissible under NCAA
rules. Additionally, Board members cannot provide benefits to a prospect, their parent, or other
family members. Ms. Baker encouraged Board members to contact the Athletics Compliance
Office with any specific scenarios or questions they might have.

Finance Committee Report

Trustee James Stuckert, chair of the Finance Committee, reviewed the consent items,
FCR 1, Bequests from the Estate of Dr. E. Vernon Smith and FCR 2, Barnstable Brown
Foundation Gift, and thanked these individuals for their generosity to the University.
University of Kentucky Chandler Medical Center Endowed Chair Name Change
and Permanent Location (FCR 3)
Trustee Stuckert stated that FCR 3 is the recommendation to change the name of the
University of Kentucky Chandler Medical Center Endowed Chair to the Kentucky Medical
Services Foundation Endowed Chair in Pharmacy in the College of Pharmacy. The donor,
Kentucky Medical Services Foundation (KMSF) has requested that the endowed chair now
reside in the College of Pharmacy in perpetuity.
On behalf of the Finance Committee, Trustee Stuckert moved approval of FCR 3 and it
passed without dissent. (See FCR 3 on the Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees,
under agenda.)
(FCR 4)

Dissolution of the Wellington B. Stewart Scholarship Quasi-Endowment Fund

Trustee Stuckert stated that FCR 4 requested the dissolution of the Wellington B. Stewart
Quasi-Endowment Fund and such funds be spent as defined by the original scholarship

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� guidelines. The quasi-endowment has a market value of $92,067 (June 30, 2013) , which
generated spending distributions of $3,262 in fiscal year 2013. The generated spending amount
no longer has meaningful impact for medical students.
On behalf of the Finance Committee, Trustee Stuckert moved approval of FCR 4 and it
passed without dissent. (See FCR 4 on the Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees,
under agenda.)

Patent Assignment Report (FCR 5)

Trustee Stuckert stated that FCR 5 involves the acceptance of the patent assignment
report for the period April 1 through June 30, 2013. Dr. Jim Tracy, Vice President for Research,
provided a brief report to the Committee and was pleased to report an annual increase in patent
applications, patents issued, and in revenue generated.
On behalf of the Finance Committee, Trustee Stuckert moved approval of FCR 5 and it
passed without dissent. (See FCR 5 on the Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees,
under agenda.)

Disposal of Personal Property (FCR 6)

Trustee Stuckert stated that FCR 5 involves the annual authorization of the disposition of
University property having a value of less than $25,000 per item.
On behalf of the Finance Committee, Trustee Stuckert moved approval of FCR 6 and it
passed without dissent. (See FCR 6 on the Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees,
under agenda.)

Capital Construction Report (FCR 7)

Trustee Stuckert stated that FCR 7 was the capital construction report for the three
months ending June 30, 2013. Vice President for Facilities Bob Wiseman provided a detailed
report to the Committee earlier in the day.
On behalf of the Finance Committee, Trustee Stuckert moved adoption of FCR 7 and it
passed without dissent. (See FCR 7 on the Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees,
under agenda.)
(FCR 8)

Repair/Upgrade/Improve Building Shell Systems (W.P. Garrigus Building)

Trustee Stuckert stated that FCR 8 recommends the approval of the initiation of the
repair/upgrade/improve building shell systems for the W.P. Garrigus building. The project will
replace the roof structure and provide for the harvesting of rainwater that will improve

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� On behalf of the Finance Committee, Trustee Stuckert moved adoption of FCR 8 and it
passed without dissent. (See FCR 8 on the Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees,
under agenda.)

Acquire/Renovate Academic Facilities – Early Childhood Laboratory (FCR 9)

Trustee Stuckert stated that FCR 9 involves the acquisition/renovation of academic
facilities for the Early Childhood Laboratory. The project will renovate approximately 10,566
square feet of shelled space in the recently acquired Lexington Theological Seminary facility.
The Laboratory, which is currently located in the basement of the Erickson Building,
educates children from six weeks of age through preschool and provides College of Education
students with an excellent opportunity to gain invaluable field experience in early childhood
teaching. The accommodation capability will go from 52 students to 104 students. The project
scope is not to exceed $3 million dollars and will be funded by a $1 million internal loan, private
gifts, and general funds.
On behalf of the Finance Committee, Trustee Stuckert moved adoption of FCR 9 and it
passed without dissent. (See FCR 9 on the Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees,
under agenda.)

Emergency Replacement of Woodford County Feed Mill (FCR 10)

Trustee Stuckert stated that FCR 10 involves the emergency replacement of the
Woodford County Feed Mill, located at the C.O. Little Research Center in Woodford County.
On May 26, 2013 a fire destroyed the feed manufacturing facility. The facility was used to create
precise diets suitable for research for all poultry at the Coldstream Research Center and all swine
and sheep at the C. O. Little Research Center. The cause of the fire is undetermined and the
facility is insured at full replacement value.
On behalf of the Finance Committee, Trustee Stuckert moved adoption of FCR 10 and it
passed without dissent. (See FCR 10 on the Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees,
under agenda.)

Renovate Schmidt Vocal Arts Center (FCR 11)

Trustee Stuckert stated that FCR 11 involves the renovation of the Schmidt Vocal Arts
Center. The Board of Trustees recommended/approved the initiation of this capital project at
the September 2008 meeting. The estimated scope is $1.7 million dollars and will be funded
with private gifts and general fund balances. It will renovate the rehearsal rooms, teaching
studios, practice rooms, music library, and office space for staff and graduate assistants.
On behalf of the Finance Committee, Trustee Stuckert moved adoption of FCR 11 and it
passed without dissent. (See FCR 11 on the Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees,
under agenda.)

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� CC.

Renovate Academic Facility – University Lofts (FCR 12)

Trustee Stuckert stated that FCR 12 is the recommendation that the Board of Trustees
approve the initiation of the renovation of the University Lofts. The Lofts will house the School
of Art and Visual Studies in the College of Fine Arts.
At the June 2011 meeting, the Board approved the purchase of this facility. Renovation
and system upgrades were initially estimated to cost $8,000,000. A more detailed assessment
and design have revealed that early assumptions about reliance on existing systems are not
feasible. The necessary system upgrades to HVAC, communications, plumbing, electrical, fire
safety, and security have increased the project scope to $15,000,000.
On behalf of the Finance Committee, Trustee Stuckert moved adoption of FCR 12 and it
passed without dissent. (See FCR 12 on the Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees,
under agenda.)
(FCR 13)

Repair/Upgrade/Improve Building Mechanical Systems – Fine Arts Building

Trustee Stuckert stated that FCR 13 is the recommendation that the Board of Trustees
approve the initiation of the repair/upgrade/improve building mechanical systems in the Fine
Arts Building. This project will replace and upgrade major mechanical systems, which include
air handling units and associated temperature controls, exhaust fans, and reheat coils.
On behalf of the Finance Commi