xt78930nsw1x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78930nsw1x/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1941-04-04  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April  4, 1941 text The Kentucky Kernel, April  4, 1941 1941 1941-04-04 2013 true xt78930nsw1x section xt78930nsw1x 10



The Kentucky Kernel

Mini, nl

Owucd & Operated




SHlt-- v









M Ml'.r

I. 1911



Reorganization Plan Shakes Ca mpus
Abolition Of Senate,
Creation Of New Posts
Termed 'Political Move

New President Welcomed
By Doctor Cooper
I feel .sure the student body will share my satisfaction
in the election of Dr. Herman Lee Donovan as the sixth
president of the University of Kentucky. With his experience and training, his high standing in his profession, his ability as an administrator, and his understanding of Kentucky its needs and its opportunities
I am sure he will bring to its university an able and
distinguished leadership.
I am happy to welcome him as our president, and
I am confident the student body will extend a cordial
welcome to him and give him their hearty support.
Acting President

UK Deanship Is Called
'Power Post Of Setup





'Comptroller' Appointed;
Other Positions Filled



Striking with blitzkrieg rapidity, the Hoard of Trusters
Wednesday revealed a University reorganization plan which
Senate and treated a nt-- executive.
abolished the
position. The action, which was made known less than V2
hours after the selection of a new president and the appoint"-ment of a comptroller, set the campus buzzing' with rumors
and conjectures among faculty and student body as to the
significance of such a drastic reorganization.
vjew th sweepjnjf attion as a
move hv
state officials to gain rigid control of the University's administration by making the new executive's office and the



To Be Selected

Today, Saturday

Trustees Appoint
Peak, Plummer
To New Posts


Balloing for the best dressed wo- reached the age of retirement, 70, by
June 30, will be assigned some other j man and the best dressed man on
uuiy on uie campus, it was ais- - the campus will begin at 8 a.m. to- ?0At''
day and will continue until noon comptroller's office the real policy"
White Gets Post
contest officials an- forming agencies, instead of the Martin, director of the Department
Frank D. Peterson, director of
Dr. M. M. White s appointment Saturday
president, who would only be a of Business Research, a possible man
accounts and control in the state as assistant dean of
the College of nouncfd" Votes must
finance department, was appointed Arts and Sciences for
lnJhe ,oby f "figurehead" under the new setup. for the post.
the remaind- - fj1"1
mil l I nil i.."" '" i
Responsibilities Removed
University comptroller to head the er of the present school year was tne Unlversity P051 fflce
Reorganization arrangements will
On the other hand, some pointed not
Department of Bus- also approved by the board. Dr.
Kernel Photo by Rodman
completed until Doctor "Don
out that there has been dire need
iness Management and Control of White will continue
his duties in
Contest ballots tna be found of reorganization, and that the new ovan takes office, probably about.
the University, it was announced the psychology department.
Xrwly circled President of the University.
July I. Judge Stoll said.
I If
- of today's Kernel.
at Tuesday's meeting of the Board
He succeeds Major Lysle W. Croft
sibilities from the president and j Fini1 AoU,or,,r
of Trustees.
who was recently granted a leave of
In Pkce of the Senate, the
The contest, sponsored by The delegate them to the new officials.
The new position and department absence to fill a position in the
Kernel, will determine the two stu-- j
several faculty mem- - tion provides for a "University facul-bewere created to replace the office University ROTC staff.
opinion of the
stated that there was rumor t?" which "shall consist of the
of the University business agent and
The board granted a leave of ab dents who. in the
President, the Comptroller. Dean ot
the financial administration of many sence to John Shelby Richardson. student body, are the best dressed that some of them were "planning
persons on the campus. In addition to get out as quickly as possible." the University, the Deans of the
individual directors and department of the music department for next
to the winners, ten "best dressed" hieher officials advised that thev several colleges, the Dean of the
heads. He will also act as purchas- year.
women and ten "best dressed" men keep quiet and see how the plan Graduate School and the Director
ing agent.
Appointments Made
works out. One said that, although of the Summer School, and as such
The new comptroller will come to
Appointed graduate assistants in will be selected.
the final authority of the
The forms which are printed in on the surface the resolution ap- - shaU
University some time in June the markets and rural finance de- the
Editor of The Kernel
to return to one's alma mater in
it isno, be- "Leftists, I suppose, would regard to familiarize himself with the of- partment were Stoy
The Kerne, to insure a ballot to pears
Witten. John
my educational policies as reaction- - fice before beginning work July 1. O. Clore, Ben H.
such a capacity."
uc,Ci ,uu.m uj
Parham. Irwin eacn stuaent win oe cnecitea spirit, ucuim.i.i.j
The new president of the Univer
mending of the granting ol decrees
Doctor Donovan doubted if he and ary. Conservatives may tag me as Peterson was associated with the H. Reiss and Julian Smith.
not form.
against the student directory when
is a practical man.
Mrs. Donovan would be able to oc-- ) a progressive. I prefer to be known state Department of Education beThe move came a a complete sur- - bv the University."
Scott Hathom, Ivan M. Lee. Steen the votes are counted so that no
cupy Maxwell Place before July 1.' as a liberal."
The Senate consisted of "the
fore he took the finance department C. Lenron, Clay R. Moore, Harry student mav vote more than once. prise to most of the faculty. The
mho believes that "every when he is to assume the presi- Each ballot entitles one to vote for Kernel learned early Wednesday President, the Deans of the vano-iposition.
Securd New Buildings
M. Young, Carl Allen, Robert Boo-tocapacity to digest oency.
youth who has the
that abolition of the Senate was be- - colleges, the Director of the Um- his auiies at eastern state
of Bart N. Peak,
Edward Webster and Frank one woman and one man.
Although he refused to make an
a college education should have the Teachers college will keep him at
ing considered, and checked with versity Extension, the Dean of Men
Jim Caldwell, editor of The
statement concerning campus YMCA secretary, as direc- Winchester were named graduate
opportunity to do so. "he feels it is Richmond until early summer.
and Bob Hillenmeyer, business Acting President Thomas P. Coop- the Dean of Women. Professors,
field house and swimming pool tor of the Student Union board, and assistants in farm management.
the "first duty of a state university
Dr. Niel Plummer, head of the jourGraduate assistants in rural psy- manager of The Kernel, will super er. who was completely unaware of Associate Professors.
Study t'K
at UK, he did say that he believed
to see that this opportunity is given. Will
any such consideration. The Kernel fessors. the Business Agent, the li- "In the meantime." he added, "I that Lexington and the University nalism department, as chairman of chology named are Joseph R. Cates vise the voting. Winners will
"My program of administration
was informed later that Doctor brarian. and the Registrar
the student publications committee, and Irving Spaulding. E. C. Conklin announced in Tuesday's Kernel.
up the work of the intend to study the University's his- "need a field house badly."
w ill be to take
Cooper was not told of the plan,1
onIv reaSons that could
Doctor Donovan has been instru- were also authorized by the board. was appointed assistant patholotory and background, and get acUniversity whers President Cooper
which was approved Tuesday but give bv faculty members for aboli-- !
gist at the Experiment Station.
mental in securing new buildings at Shropshire On Leave
and President McVey have left off quainted with the deans and faculwithheld from the public until tion'of the Senate were an attempt
Peak and Plummer will take over
Helen Belser was appointed
and move steadily forward in the di- ty members. I hope to know, in Eastern to the extent of $1,500,000 their new positions, formerly held
to diminish faculty determination of
teacher in University traintime, many of the University's stu- - since 1930. During that period there
in which these eminent
Surprise To Many
immediately ing school for the remainder of the
policy or an attempt to make such
course of dents. I get a great deal of pleasure: have been erected an addition to by James Shropshire,
have charted the
The selection of Dr. Herman Lee a legislative body more functonary
to year to replace Nell Peerson. who
fli-- t
a urks nf tnfnrmftl
from associating with collge stu- - the library, doubling the size; a and will carry them in addition
the University."
member stated that the Sen- T-- UOUOVHU 85 Preslaenl unwise
$200,000 health building and pool: their other duties. Shropshire has was granted leave because of illness.
m irc a surprjse to many because his
noi open iu
And that is about as far as presid- dents; I expect I know almost half
ate was so large that it was un
After the meeting, the trustees, given from 7:30mi aiuucuu
been granted a
2.000-seauditorium; a football
to 10:30 tonight in name had not hitherto
men- - wieldy, and that he believed the new
Herman Lee Dono- Eastern's undergraduates by their a
heads of the University departments,
stadium, accommodating 5,000 per- - of absence.
the women's gymnasium, under the tioned
a possible candidate.
van went in making a statement oi first names."
setup would accomplish more If
Former business agent of the Uni- and other faculty members had auspjees
men s dormitory;
any sns ; a three-un- it
oi tne university waa; judge StoU. who was out of town as
Asked whether he planned
future policy when interviewed by
Peak, who will have luncheon in the Union cafeteria.
versity D. H.
also said that the board had be
an arts building,
and the YWCA.
yesterday according to his office. come intolerant of the dissension
The Kernel Wednsday at Richmond. immediate changes in the Univer-- !
Turning to the matter of the
sity's curriculum or faculty and stu-- 1
A demand tor informal Friday could not be reached for a state- - and continual wrangling which .vein
Just Another Day
collegian's role in the defense
dent relations, the president-elenight dances for students who are ment. He earlier said that the new- - on in the Senate.
president-elec- t,
who is a
Doctor Donovan, an unhurried
that he was "no reformer,"1 8ram' the
unable to attend the afternoon swing executive office. which carries the
of the
man of mild manners and softly and that whatever changes are un- - member of a
sessions has brought about the need title of "dean of the university."
spoken words, appeared to be taking dertaken would be made gradually, National Defense Educational
for this dance series. Miss Lovaine had not been filled. Some persons, Tne ne' Plan creates col'.eae,
mittee. said that the next year un- his new appointment calmly and in
In Freedom'
on the campus consider Dr. J. W. graduate school, and summer school
Lewis, chairman, said.
faculties, which shall 'consist oi
stride. He was working at his desk
Doctor Donovan said he was a doubtedly will see a marked decrease
Presentation of awards for out- when we entered his office, and had "firm believer in freedom of teach- - m colIe8e enrollments. "After July
their respective deans or directors
standing scholarship and the best could learn the correct etiquette for
he said- - tnose students of draft
it not been for the pile of congrat- ing in the classroom
who shall be the presiding officer
As for stu- K-Da- y
rooms in each of the wo teas. Dr. Margaret Ratliffe of the
ulatory telegrams lying about, we dent relations., the Constitution a?e iu probably be called to service college
and all faculty personnel tiavuig the
formal psychology department discussed
Ueir numbers come Up, regard- - men's residence halls at a
would have assumed it was just guaranteed to the citizen the free-- !
rank of professor, associate profesdinner last night climaxed a "per- personal standards Tuesday night.
sor, or assistant professor specificalanother day in his working week.
dom of speech, the freedom of as- - less of deferment classifications. The
sonal standards" week for members
A style show, giving dress styles
ly assigned to such college by the
"You may tell your student body." sembly, and the freedom of the press, clau!e Brammg uacrmem uecausc
of the residence halls. Dr. Frank L. from the worst to best was held
President and Board of Trustees ot
he said right off the bat, "that I Students are citizens and are entit- - of enrollment in college expires on
McVey presented the awards.
during the dinner hour Wedneday.
the University "
am very happy to have the oppDr- - led to all the rights and privileges lnal oaie.
3 standings were After dinner there was a demonstra
Students with
tunity to go to the University. It is that are permitted under the Const!- - Praises Youth
The duties of the faculties shall
Schifler. The Blue squad boasts the
Mary Norma Weatherspoon, Fulton, tion of hair styles and cosmetics.
"adopt such regulations and
truly a fine experience to be able tution.
The new president wasn't much and Frances Jinklns, Nashville.
most seasoned line but the reserve be to
worried about the role which the
standards for conducting the curricbacks are largely inexperienced.
Tenn., of Patterson hall; Mary
state's youth will play in the de3iv nf .Tnp Rnnrt' milprs will trivp ula and instruction of the affair.-Lebanon, and
fense program. "The young men and Jeanne Lancaster,
ut no such
halves of the of the colle or
Boyd hall;
women of Kentucky," he said, "are Corie Carhartt, Irvine, of
annual spring sports an exhibition between
regulations or standards shall be- football game. The University band
sour.d. patriotic and willing to share and Betty South, Frankfort; Doris
of University
also will perform during the inter- - Luuir rurtLivtr mini auu uiiirx
the responsibilities of this crisis. zenger. East Hampton, n. y.; ana
forces, will be held Saturday, begin
proved by the faculty of the UniCharlotte Myers. Glasgow, all of Eight students were pledged to ning at 1:45 p. m. on Stoll field. In-- ! mission.
sacThey are willing to make any
versity and by the President."
Phi Mu Alpha, honorary music fraJewell hall.
Will Pilch
rifices to defend our country."
ternity, at a dinner meeting last eluded on the program will be the SUkrr
The dean of the ur.iersity "shal:
"No," he added, "youth is not soft Winners Named
Carl Staker was named by Moseiey be charged with the management
26, 1833 and came to
night in the Union building, fol- annual
Herman Lee Donovan, the ninth land, March
and unpatriotic. It is only the loud
Judged lowed by a forum discussion led by grid game and an exhibition mile as the starting pitcher against the an(J
The best room contest
Bem.ral supervlSMm of the off ic
president of the University. Is also'
minority groups among youth who on the basis of cleanliness, attract
rullllnoa n"le- 1,,e ""lcm WU1 ""u of Dean of Men. Dean of Women
attract attention and get into the iveness, ingenuity, and originality. A Robert Miles.
the fourth president from the slate
fe. M. College in 18C9. The colSaturday's lootbali performance Ticco at first. Mathewson on second. Qf tne Regustrar and of the person.
The new pledges are Parker
of Kentucky. Much has been printed A.
committee inspected rooms during
reorganized in 1878 into the
George Langstaff, Leonard will conclude two months of Intense lAiicnm ai suori. aim itataire uu net not snwirw'ullv allocated ani
his being a native son, but the lege was
the week and chose the two best Allen. Charles Leland Smith, George rehearsing and advance information third. Outfield posts will be manned charged tQ ,he seycral cuUees or
Kentucky and Patter- Mrs. Donovan Popular
first, second and fifth heads of this University of
Mrs. Donovan, a Kentuckian also, in each hall.
son was unanimously elected by the
Roth, Paul Nolte, Robert LeMasters, indicates that the effort will be one DV w lliouguuy 111 riglli. iwracueK. Departments of the University, its
borVi in Kentruly may be described as a gracious
institution were also
incoming board. He resigned in 1910, and charming lady. Her popularity
Patterson hall winners were Mary and James Davidson.
of the best spring offerings ever in center, and Martin in left. Fritz graduate school or Summer School."
will be behind the plate.
40 years of service. It was dur- Ellen McConnell; and Kathryn Ca
put forth in the Rose street
Furthermore, "he shall tirfine anil
is great on the Eastern campus.
Wiliianis, the first after
John Augustus
Ticco and Cutchin wiU be paying
ing his administration that the
The cast is
' Many is the time." Mrs. Dono- - tron and Nancy Wilson; Boyd Hall
all committees, with the apAgricultural and
president of the
their first varsity game while Kura-che- k appoint of
grew from a state college to van tJ,d us '
Mar- experschool
with veterans of several years'
the President, which reproval
that I have visited Barbara Moore and Martha
Mechanical College of Kentucky, the state's only university
will be starting his first.
ience before the footlights, having
and admired beautiful old Max- - low; and Lillian Tate and Mary
late to the activities of the Univerwhich later became the University,
Ticco and Cutchin are both classy
difficulty resisting the upward surge
well Place; but I never dreamed Cary; and Jewell hall, Daisy Pieratt
sity as a whole or to the activities
was born in Bourbon County on Barker tier ted
fielders and both have shown ability
of many starlets.
After Patterson resigned, James G.. that some day I'd be living there.' and Stephanie Sorokolit; and Jean
Colleges of the UniSeptember 21. 1824. President Wilat the plate. Kurachek. used largely of two or more shall be an ex officii'
said she was looking forward Ewers and Kay Ellison.
White was acting president for the She
versity and he
liams graduated from Kentucky uniApplications for positions of edi- Moseiey s horsehide crew will make1 as a reserve last year, is one of the member of all comnut'ees so apfollow- to the student and faculty teas Others Honored
versity, now Transylvania college, in summer term. However, the
Honorable mention went to the tor and business manager of The its 1941 debut against the baseballers most improved men on the team
ing term. Judge Henry S. Barker which are such a tradition at the
1843. He was elected president of the
Navarre. Mathewson. Willoughby.
was elected president. He held the residence of the University's presi rooms of Kathleen Hagan and Pat Kernel and the Kentuckian for of Illinois college. The baseball game
Heads Manage Impart menu
M. College of Kentucky in
Fenton. in Patterson hall; Mary Ann 1942 must be filed by noon Monday. is slated to start around 4 o'clock. Martin and Fritz have all seen varposition until 1917. He was the last dent.
College deans, the summer school
nd it was under him that
sity service. Staker was one of Mose-ley- 's
Doctor Donovan said that to the Farbach, and Barbara Shelton and April 14th, in The Kernel business
unto hod this position
Hie first organization of his college Kentuckian
best of his knowledge he would Jean Walker, in Boyd hall; and office, it was announced yesterday Stiively to Coach Whites
best flingers in last year's cam director, and departmental head
til the selection of the present prexy.
shall be chargtd with the operation
was effected.
Bernie Shively, who will give the paign
Martha Whitsell and Pat Young, by James S. Shropshire, director of
During the summer term of 1917, keep up in his hobbies: the breed
ivute and management of their various de- Whites their cues, has promised to sine
The second president. John Desha Paul P. Boyd, now dean of the Col- ing of registered Hereford cattle and Dorothy Hatfield and Mary Joy the Board of Student Publications
T"r, partnients " in all matters not sp
Pickett, was born at Washington. lege of Arts and Sciences, was elect- - and the collection of old bix.ks on Shupert, in Jewell hall.
Bids oa printing, engraving, and keep the spectacle moving at a fast
Oenbruu.i cificallv charged to the Department
pace largely through the cavorting
Mason County, on Januray 6. 1822. ..A
tKi, nilinr the fVmstitiitinn nf the
Guests of honor at the dinner photography for the 1942 Kentucu,
C Walker
States. He showed us a picture of
asof Business Management and Con- e
He became prexy of the A. & M.
were Dr( and Mrs. Frank L. McVey, kian must be in at the same time, of his backfield. With an
His was his
until the spring of
bull and the sick
wood trol 'comptroller' or to the office
semblage of Mullins, Jones. Herbert. Srlufler
of Kentucky in 1867 and later a successlul
Shropshire said.
Dean and Mrs. P. P. Boyd, Miss
administration for the or ribbons it had collected
Alinaua of the Dean of the University "
and Culchin. Eblrn
was elected head of Transylvania
University and the school grew to
Petitions for managing editor and Shively can keep a steady stream of .Mini
"Other than these things.," the Sarah G. Banding, Dr. Clarence
college. He joined the Confederate national prominence under his guidAll budget, requisition, purchase.
Shedd, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles three associates for the Kentuckian
R H.
said. "I don't inFB
Army in 1861 as Chaplain of the ance.
and finance and property inventory
will also be due on the above date, versatile backs in the game.
Judson Smith.
tend to do a great deal in the way
Kentucky "Orphans" Brigade.
Frank Moseiey, Blue mentor, will dy.Blue reserves: Huddlestun. French. Sun matters must be reported direc'lv
An all- During the week residents of the it has been announced.
Cooper, dean
of of recreation. I played tennis un
Jaracz. Welborn. Edward. Montgomery
to the comptroller by the heads of
- til I was forty. I 'worked' at golf halls placed emphasis on personal ap- - University standing of 1.4, as well as supplement his speedy backfield of
James K .Patterson was the only the College of Agriculture, sucWhile reserves: Beirlt. Boehler.
Allen, Kuhn, and Kincer with a lam. O Walker. Lord. Tavlor. Mit'lure. the colleges and departments. In adtne past semester, are
pearance and proper conduct. On
until I bought a farm."
person ever to hold the ceeded Dr. McVey and held the
ioreiun-bor- n
dition, the heads are made
strong line composed of Clyde John- - Clraban. Hammond. Bro n. Culclnu. w't.
. "And since then I have had my
afternoon a tea was given Quired.
of President of the Univer-- i sitioti one year, until the appoint
i.- -n.




newly-organiz- ed





New President, H.L. Donovan.








Described As "Practical Mart















Hop To Be Tonight
In Women's Gym




b.-- ;



pro-repli- ed



Presentation Of Awards
Climaxes 'Standards Week9



To Be Held Tomorrow


Donovan To lie 9lh UK Head,
Fourth Nalive Of Kentucky

Football, Baseball,
Track Scheduled
For Stoll Field

Phi Mu Alpha
Pledges Eight








u-- v





Applications For
Staff Positions
Are Due April







all-st- ar








fcnlrrrd at IM Post Otllr at Lrxlnrton,
tf. ..i.a ilas ntiirr undfr lli Art of Murrh





Ltxlngtoo Board of Commerce

John E. Samara


new voiot.






wbcripVion rates
s mo one
one semester


Kernel All

Sinai-mi- ,



hi.mit v.iiwo.in


society Editor

its tome added privileges. So should it
Ik- with the vounger memliers of student bodies.
Anv discipline, however, that smai ks of Mind
ohedii nee. as ii is practiced in the Old W orld,
will not tlo for voting Americans: thev ate not
governed in that way. They must understand
what is sought to lie accomplished, and thev will
shaie in such accomplishments. Think it over.
I he Wo of Phi Delta I lieta.
ovemler. I'Mlt.
si I



Are Not Alone
(Yr: I'he follnwing

air exterfils tnhi u fmrn
editorials fmlilislied in the journals of two lead-tinational fraternities. We offer them as
nf I lie stand -- whit h we helii-.'- e In he al
tin urns tlmt liir.ing is a tniildei
if fraternity

Call ii Mi ll Week, rail ii iiilomial mil in ion.
(.ill H liaini'. rail ii whatever von want: I
ilmik I have seen nvtif of it done ilian :ill l uii
i;i r anuliiui;
j. hi Ki.ilui. I am here to s:i
v.IikIi intitules i I K' laving of bauds on aiioiliei
is wui n ihe tit i ii
and am inn hisiorx.
I In- ipicsiiou of K'niiiu in injr a IhsIiiii.iii to his
J.I.ik .iikI iiislillino, essential dist iplinc. tan Ik
oiMral punishment ol anv vn.
lul l without
I Ik
programs thai aie tarried 0111 in m.inv ol
liaK is to iliis cm) are eflettive aiul all thai
is necessary when dealing with intelligent voting
iik ii who hate Iwii able to pass entrance examinations a i xl have Ui n selected to Im- ol this
Ihoi liet IhmkI.
We are all interested in lonverting lieshinen
lulu good fraiernitx men. and nothing an Inclined in that direction bv t out inning anv
thought of haing or Hell Week. Of ionise we
lite in a world of regulation. Willi addetl le- -



prolilem, although it is salt- - to
sav a diminishing one. John MatGregor rejioiietl
lommittee of the National In
to the
terfraierniiv Conleiente in February that a hill
introduced into the California legislawhit h would make any form of Iiaing a misture
demeanor, and conviction would reiiire the dismantling ol the organisation of which the culprit

Tu the Editor of The Kernel:
Your editorial of last Friday
caused a great deal of comment on
liie campus, though I hesitate to say
what kind Although it might have
proven interesting reading to the
in Hie Independents on the campus
mid the general public. It concerned
only the fraternity men on the campus and to them it should have
It is mriters like yourself, and editorials like yours of Friday last
that as pou say, "outrage the public . . . and make sure the parents
of luture collegians question the
fraternity system."
While I respect your rhetorical
of persuasion. I doubt that
ih- - public be so gullible as to accept your comment and condemn
House Week on the strength of your
own personal opinion and some synthetic examples.
I quite agree that Hell Week as
you describe it is a hangover from
the days of the racoon coat and the
flask, but such a frater

it n




thairmaii of the law
dintlcd to stale the regrel ol the

Ml. MatGregor.



a bill should seem netes-sarv- .
that the practice of haing lias alwavs hccii
discouraged, and the lioe that fraternities
of Calilornia tan give assurance that will make
euatiment of the hill unnecessarv. All (mtsoiis
wiih a sensible understanding ol the siiiiation
boogie to me. Bradley
and regard for the intelligence level of fraternity hoy." has the
become a musical byline
men in general join in the hoe. The Palm of in recent months. Ever since Will
Bradley started his band a little
Alpha Tau Omega. April. 1011.
ever a year ago. he has concentrated
his ariangements and novelties on
style of
the currently



xju-er- s


To the Editor of The Kernel:
The Interfraternity Council took The lack of student enthusiasm
measures last year to remove the over the new president fades into the
undesirable part of Hell Week and background In view of the sudden
presented it to the fraternities in a demise of the University Senate.
Every large University and every
revised form called House Week.
throughout the
You are a graduating senior at- state university
tempting to get rid of an Initiation country has such a body. This is
called Hell Week that confronted composed of members of the faculty
you in 1938. This is 1941 and the ini- to discuss the pros and cons of istiation is a revised one approved sues and to decide policy and curriby the Interfraternity council and culum. It is an heretofore uncriti- members of the fraternities and cized method of maintaining and
forwarding University standards.
called HOUSE WEEK.
The fraternities don't want to lose Under the new system one man.
something that gives them color and Dean of the University, replaces the
?est. They like House Week. But I Senate.
don't want you to believe me any This man's decisions will be pracmore than you could expect me or tically dictatorial since they will be
any of the rest of your readers to subject to no veto, no matter how
accept your opinion as the opinion
they may be. He will
of the fraternities on the campus. never be severely criticized, for his
Let's find out what the pledges impregnable position will hardly be
who went through House Week stormed by professors, no matter
how indignant, who must retain their
think about it.
Their answers to the following jobs and maintain their homes and
questions should answer the ques- families.
tion: "Do fraternities want House
His position of authority relegates
that of the presidency to a mere


Answer NO wiih ())
Answer YF.S with (X)
(he present sxstein of iiiluiin.il initiaI. Aie vim in lavor of
tion referred 10 as House Wit k?
(for Pershing Riflemen) Courtesy Week!-)
'' Ditl vou know when vou pledged vour lialeiniiv that
House Week, (then called lit II Week) was a part ol the

iraternitv initiation?



as vour experience with I louse Week as bad or worse
vou anticipated?
Do vou think House Week injured mhi in auv uav
4. moral lvr





i. mentally''
Are vou in favor ol having the load nip set
lot Saluitlav night of House Week so that theit- will
t hani e lo miss t lasses the following da
Has House Week interfered wiih vour scincsicr grade in
am subject Ixiause ol lack ol time lo slutb!- 'I. Ait ou in favor ol having a tomplclc piogiam for House
Wet k approved b a Hoard ol Atlvisois ol vour Iran i
III. Do vou think that the road nip should U- eliminated
as a i limav ol House Week?
dm Pershing Rillemen')
Do vou think that the Koad nip should Ik eliiuiuaietl
as a t limav of Courtesy Week?


figurehead, being otherwise fundamentally unsound in placing such
administrative power in the hands
of two.
We believe that the Board of Ti
has acted somewhat hastily in
centralizing all of the administrative power of the University, both
business and scholastic, in two men.
This has deprived the University, its
students and the people of the state
of the wisdom and knowledge of the
University Senate.
Therefore, we ask The Kernel to
print this letter voicing our disapproval of this action, and that it
print a notice that a student meeting be held at some date designated
by the Student Legislature.


b-- w


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