xt78930nsv69 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78930nsv69/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1954-02-19  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 19, 1954 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 19, 1954 1954 1954-02-19 2013 true xt78930nsv69 section xt78930nsv69 The Kentucky Kern el






In Concert Tuesday

Alter President Carter Glass re-- j
minded assembly members of their
obligation to carry out party plat-- I
forms, a motion to change SGA s
meeting time from 7 to 6:30 p.m. on
every other Monday night was

8:15 In Coliseum



Whitlemore and Jack
as one of the top
teams in the country,
have become national favorites
through concerts, recordings, radio
and television.
Versatility appears to be the
note of the pianists. In classical
performances, they have appeared
many leading symphony
including Boston.
St. Louis, and the New York
Philharmonic Symphony. Whitte-mor- e
and Lowe also play the
popular works of Cole Porter.
George Gershwin, and Irving Berlin.
Includes Dvorak, Schubert
Selections to be included on the
Tuesday night program are "Three
Slavic Dances" by Dvorak. "Rondeau" by Schubert, Brahms' "Varia
tions on a Theme of Haydn." and a
special section on "Music of Today."
The popular works will feature
many of the
latest re- rordings.
Whittemore and Lowe first met
8t the Fastman School of Music in
Rochester, N. Y., and started as a
team in a public concert at San
Juan. Puerto Rico.
fame From West
Both pianists come from the West,
with Whittemore from the collece
town of Vermillion, S. D., where he
began Iils musical studies, and Lowe
from Denver, Colo. Lowe started
out as a violinist and later turned
to the piano.
iscxi season uie win niLrouuce
a new concerto for two pianos by
Ernst Krenek, one of the many
works commissioned by themselves.
The featured commissioned selection
last fall was a rhapsody by Morton
Gould, wnicn tney introduced at
Carnegie Hall with the New York
Philharmonic Symphony.
Third Time In Carnegie
This year marks their third en- paeement in Carnegie Hall with the
New York Philharmonic. Regular
dates on the
include four seasons with the Okla- noma City Symphony Orchestra, six
seasons with the Cleveland Or- clwstra, as well as regular appear- nnces with the San Francisco Sym- phony, the Boston symphony, ana
Chicago's Grant Fark.
Television appearances have opened a new musical field for Whittemore and Lowe. They pioneered
musically when they became one of
the first concert artists to have their
regular program on TV. Recitals,
commentary programs, and classical
music disc jockey shows were all
included in their TV appearances,

r inul Dale Is set
For II) Pictures
ID cards will be made for the
final time today and Saturday
at the east concourse of Memorial Coliseum, Bernie Shively.
director of athletics, has announced
New students or students who
have lost their cards may come
to the Coliseum today from 11:30
a.m. to 12 noon and 1:30 p.m.
until 4 p.m.. or on Saturday
from 8:30 a.m. until 13 noon to
have their pictures taken.


duo-pianis- ts'

A committee of three was formed
to find out how the University
spends the $65 in fees paid by stu- dents every semester. The commit
tee was formed as the result of a
motion made by Capp Turner,
United Student.
Turner told SGA members that
the University comptroller's office
refused to give the information
when a committee appointed by a
Parliamentary Usage class tried to




C..I... 4 fl
tJitnJ Jl MfMHM rfie









and ou t:

To l'lav






For This Year

Joanne Anderson has the part of
and Nancy Don Freed will
play Lucy.
Other students in the cast include
Mrs. Peachum; Page

the English Department.
Glass expressed trie opinion that
the information was' refused on the
grounds that too many class projects of that nature,' might hamper
the work of the office.
As a conclusion tjn the meeting.
four new members, chosen to fill
vacancies left last semester, were
sworn in. They are:
Judith Griffin and Bill Podkulski,
Graduate School, representatives-at-- i








iJrill t

Apply IoV


Skits, Musicians
To Be On Program





.J.mfn. Birthday


ni Association.
At the present time, the University of Louisville has the only med- ical school in the state of Kentucky.

Diana Traies; Ken Hurt,
Matt the Mint; Ben Ardery, the
Player; and Jim Hurt who will play
both Mr. Lockit and the beggar
who narrates the play.
In the women's chorus are Miss
Wilhams. Libby Kemper, Marlene
Young, Jean Robson. Patsy McCoy,
Kathy Fryer. Nancy Nicholson, and
Dolly Sullivent.
The men's chorus will include
George Moore, Jim Harris, Doug
Grant. Charles Petras. Glen Martin.
Dave Stull, and Jim Reed.
The piny will be produced in Restoration costumes, with
properties being used. Scenery will be painted backdrops.
Admission for students will be 70
cents and for non students. $1.25
tor all prcscinaW..ii.s ! ihe
dramatic festival.



Blazer Talk
Is On Lincoln

"Abraham Lincoln had
belief in the significance of dreams.
but his greatest dream was the
American dream." This was the
opinion expressed by Dr. Benjamin
P. Thomas in the third Blazer Lec- ture of the 1953-5- 4 series, presented
Wednesday evening in the College
nf FHiiration Auditorium
Dr. Thomas is executive secretary
of the Abraham Lincoln Association
in Springfield. 111., and is the author
of several books on the 16th Presi- dent. He was introduced bv Dr. Wil- ham D. Gilliam Jr., associate pro- lessor of history at UK.
Dr. Thomas, speaking on "Lin
coln's Democratic Faith," said that
Lincoln's unwavering belief in the
American democratic tradition
found its greatest inspiration in the
Declaration of Independence,
"Lincoln felt that the core of the
Declaration was in the assertion
that all men are created equal and
that they have the right to life, lib- erty. and the pursuit of happiness."
Dr. Thomas said. "And he believed
that the purpose of government is
to make this declaration a reality,
To Lincoln, the Declaration of In- dependence meant a great deal
more than the mere fact that it
severed the bond of the colonies
with England.
Dr. Thomas declared that Lincoln hated slavery, believing that it
enabled the foes of democracy to
call us hypocrites.
But to Lincoln, according to Dr.
Thomas, the issue of the Civil War
was the preservation of democracy.
both for America and the world, by
the preservation of the Union. Lincoln believed that if the Union were
permitted to break up democracy
would sutler a slaggtiing iiUiw. lJi.
Thomas said.

its 89th.




Traditional Founders' Dav activity reaches a climax at 4 p.m.,
Coliseum a:. L k students portray
outstanding achievements of two
Dr. llolx'rt I'eter and Dr. Thomas
Hunt Morgan.
and Mechanical



Leading events in the lives of the
scientists will be recalled,
authenticated by historical macerial
and verified copies of personal let- ters and data.
The three phases of pioneer edu- work achieved by Dr. Peter
around three universities
UK. Transylvania, and Louisville.
111 the dramatic skit Sunday after- noon, students will step into the
roles of these universities and re- late Dr. Peter's relationship with
each educational institution.
Ben Ardery will portray Mr. UK.
Fred Scott Downing of Transylvania
College as Mr. Transylvania, and
J"e Ray Jr. in the role of Mr. Uni- -

College, and in an effort to unite
sectarian and public education in
one institution. A. and M. College
was combined with the older Ken-- I
tucky University now known as
Transylvania College i.
But this plan failed to achieve
success, and in 1878 the A. and M.
College was separated from Ken- -

olm Carpenter, head of tlie
EOUNDl.liS Sl'l
)eiartmt nt. is shown speaking on a Founders' Day
K i:ilS--



the program
program in the library Wednesday. Others-oi- i
Dr. (Jharles E. Snow, l'rot. Ezra L. Cillis, and Dr.
Lawrence Thompson.

Summers To Be Rex
Of Mardi Gras Dance

tucky University and reestablished
fairground donated by
the citizens of Lexington and Fay- ette County.
The name of the University was
changed in 1908 to State University..
coupled with additional financial
support from the state legislature.
The educational institution finally
emerged as the University or Ken- tucky in 1916 a Tar cry from tnose
first days in 1865. from the first
graduate in 1869 to more than 24.000
today, from 200 student, staff, and
faculty members in 1866 to nearly
15.000 today.

on a


Courtney Noel. Alpha Gamma Delta:
Pat Wheatley. Alpha Xi Delta; Rose
ayie waierneia, cm omega: juay
namiuon, ueua ueua ueua; saran
Schumann, Delta Zeta; Marty Viall,
Kappa Alpha Theta: Martina Camp- el1Kappa Delta; Carolyn Siler,
Kappa Kappa Gamma, and Audrey
Lerner, Phi Sigma Sigma.
Other women competing for this
honor are Jane Cocanougher. AGR;
Sylvia Lawrence, Alpha Sigma Phi;
Ann uriuoi. Delta xau Delta: Mary
Louise Blakemore. Kappa Alpha;
Mildred Terrell. Kappa Sigma. Jo
Ann Shelton. . Phi Delta Theta;
Gayle Tackett. Phi Kappa Tau:
Marcellyn Burman, Fhi Sigma Kap- pa; Marilyn Riggs. SAE; Margaret
Priestley. Sigma Chi; Margy Camp-Hous- e;
Mary Tippett
bell. Sigma
Daniel. Sigma Phi Epsilon; Sophia
Burgin, Tau Kappa Epsilon: Dorothy
Moberly. Triangle: Sarah Ann Stone.
Zeta Beta Tau, and Joy Blevins,
Parshing Rifles.
Forrest Dean and his Kentucky
fnli.iiMlv u'itVi vnpvt cnliiwt ' Ruth
Foster, of Cincinnati, will play for
the informal affair, which is sponDilU sored every year at this time by
the Newman Club.
Martha Bruce Morgan and Paul
of the dance,
have announced that costumes following the theme. "New Orleans
1900," may also be worn. A trophy,
with the winners' names engraved
on it, will be presented to the man
thp hpst. rnstlimp
The trophv may be kept by
organization they represent for one
year, and will become the permanent property of the group winning
it the greatest number of times in
five years.
Last year, Martha Whalen, Alpha
Xi Delta, and Ellis Easterly, Kappa
Sigma, were winners of the costume
Girls in residence halls and
houses have been granted
late permission by Dean Sarah B.
Holmes. The dance will begin at
Four UK debaters leave today for 8 30 p.m. and last until 12:30 a.m.
DePauw University at Greencastle. Admission will be $3 a couple, $1.50
where they will take part in a stag at the door.
Other committee chairmen who
Tau Kappa Alpha debate tourna- been appointed to work on the
The affirmative debaters are Les- - dame are Contest. Jo Ann Barrett
ter Wise and Wayne Carroll, and and Jeiry Falleu: Decoration. Dor
the negatives are George Shadoan othy Denkler and John Wilkes:
Tickets. Tom Konsler; Cokes. Bill
llliaill Douglass.
deoate topic lor tne yeair is Miller: Program. Evelyn Hartleb;
Publicity, Marian Frey and Joe
Resolved: Tiiat the United State
Should Adopt a Policy of Free Trade. Fister, and Undecoratm Joe Koles.


Debaters Enter
DePaniv Tourney






Last Of March
For Campus Sing











March 24. 25. and 26 will be the
dates of the annual
Sing this year, as announced by the
joint rules committee from Phi Beta
and Phi Mu Alpha, professional mu- sic fraternities; ODK senior men's
honorary; and Mortar Board, senior
women's honorary.
The rules for the sing are the same
as last year with the exception cov- ering the tvpe of music. All of the
music performed must be in the
category of a Broadway musical.
some pop tune, a sorority or frater- sP1tualso'. nonunion - oi a novelty
ance standard is made to encourage
The women's preliminaries will be
held on March 24, the men s pre- liminaries on March 25. and the
finals will be held in Memorial Hall
uiiu win urgin at i.ju p. ui.
The winners will be named ana
the trophies presented at a dance
held in the Student Union after the
Friday night finals.
Committee members in charge of
the rules are Barbara Weesner.
chairman; Sally Hoffman. Phi Beta:
Harry Carter. Phi Mu Alpha: Jim
Perry. ODK; and Sharon Richarcr-soMortar Board.


Drama Festival
To He Held Here


1878-191- 0.








Judging Team



Wins Fifth Place


The University meats judging
team took fifth place in an inter-hat- e
collegiate judging contest at the
Southwestern Livestock Exposition
,it Fort Worth. Texas on Feb. 2.
Tom Herndon placed third in beef
grading and fifth in lamb jiulginj
Collas Simpson placed fifth in lamb
grading. Other team menilXTs were
Ronald Stull and Sidney White.

1910-191- 7.

Panel Discusses
Career Planning



Chemistry Department at State
lege, forerunner of UK. and
mained in this position until 1887.
Highlight of the Founders Day
dramatization comes with the re- enactment of the Nobel Prize ui
Medicine presentation to Dr.
Morgan. He is the only Kentuckian
ever to receive this award. A copy
of the original telegram notifying
Dr. Morgan of his great achieve- nient has been obtained for use iu
the presentation.
Other students participating in
versity of Louisville.
the Sunday afternoon program inFirst Taught At Transv
Dr. Peter first taught at Transyl- - clude Mass Vance as chairman, Leila
vania in 1832. serving as chairman Sherman as Mrs. Peter. Betty Deen
Stull portrays Mrs. Bush, Jim Hol- '
loway stars as Dr. Morgan, and
Jack Oldham is the reporter.
Musical Selections
Musical selections will feature the
University Choristers and University
Symphony Orchestra. The complete
program will include the Organ
Extra copies of the Student
Directory will be available In the
Prelude by Charles Ward; "ArLse.
Oh God, and Show Thy Might"
checkroom of the Student I'nion
i Haydn-Morga- n
today, Capp Turner, chairman
by the Choristers,
of the Student Directory ComMildred Lewis directing:
mittee, has announced.
Procession to the Cathedral iWhk-,nThey will be available for anyby the Orchestra, Dr. Edwin
one wishing llu-m-,
itr mmI.
Stein conducting. "For the Fallen''
by the Choristers and Orchestra,
Aimo Kiviniemi directing, and singing of the Alma Mater by the
In another phase of the Founders
Day program, a Kentucky Geological
Survey exhibit will be shown in the
Drama departments of three Ken- - main foyer of the Coliseum. Thus
tucky colleges will join with UK's marks the 100th anniversary of the
Guignol Theater to present an 18th establishment of the geology group.
century drama festival on the
Muss Marguerite McLaughlin, first
tnrougn president of the Fayette County
campus irom reo.
Alumni Association, will speak at a
Transylvania College. Morehead wreath-placin- g
memorial service m
State College and Asbury College. Lexington cemetery at 2 45 p.m.
participants in the second annual Sunday.
intercollegiate affair staged at the
Past Officers To Be Honored
University, have selected plays that
Past presiding officers to be hon
were popular in the 18th century.
ored at the service are Dr. Frank L.
The Guignol Theater will open McVey president from
the festival with the presentation James K. Patterson, president from
Beggar's Opera."
of John Gay's "The
and Dr. John B. Bowman,
This comedy Is scheduled for Feb. regent from
The service
25. 26. 27, and March I.
will be held at the grave of Dr.
"Beaux Strategem" by George McVey.
Farquhar will be produced by the
Throughout the state at least
Transylvania theater group under tr(l
other graveside memorial
the direction oi George wunams on services will be held Sunday after-moMarch 2 and 3. and on March 4
These include Harrod.sburg.
Mrs. Gladys Greathouse will direct honoring John A. Williams, presiCollege
Players in dent from
the Asbury
Beasley Church
Goldini's "The Fan."
cemetery in Mason County, at thi?
The final performance of the grave of Joseph D. Pickett, president
Festival will be given on March 6 from 168-186and Cave Hill
by the Morehead State College cemetery. Louisville, honoring Henry
Players, directed by W. P. Coving-- i S. Barker, president from
ton. The play is entitled "School
Sponsored By Student Groups
for Scandal."
This 10th annual Founders Day
A block of tickets at a
celebration Is sponsored by several
price will be offered persons plan- - student organizations in cooperaning to attend eacn ol tne lour per-- 1 tion with a faculty-staf- f
forma nces.
headed by Dean M M. White. College of Arts and Sciences.
Student groups cooperating m the
traditional event include the Student Government Association. Mortar Board. Omicron Delta Kappa.
Suky Circle. Panhellenic Council.
Council, and the
A panel discussion led by the Interfraternity
Young Presidents Organization of , student Union Board.
of Cwen
Cincinnati was held at a meeting of
the College Chamber of Commerce .society for sophomore women, will
in the Student Union last night.
serve as ushers in the Coliseum pro- Marvin Warner, president of the ram.
Warner-KantCompany, was. in
charge of the panel. "Career Planliiufire.-ning'" was the topic oi discussion.

Extra Directories
Are Still Available



of the Chemistry Department. Then
in 1850 he helped establish the Ken- tucky School of Medicine in Louis- ville.
Later he was named head of the







was on Feb. 22.
lSflo, that the first action was taken1 Sunday afternoon in Memorial
which has resulted in the UK of in a dramatic presentation the
great UK1 scientists of past years
The General Assembly chartered


Med School Grant
A mou nls To 85000





Guignol Will Present
Gay's 'Beggars Opera'


get it.
He explained that the refused in- formation was wanted as part of a
class project in the class, taught in



The Guignol Theater production
' l ggars
0xia" will be presented
Feb. 25. 26. 27. and March 1.
William Nave will play the part
of Maciieath. a polygamist and a
ciook, around whom the action re- volvcs. Complications arise when
Mr. PcHchum. who is in the business
of receiving .stolen goods, resents
the marriage of his daughter. Polly,
to Machealh. Peachum is played by
Harry Slanuim.
It is not to Peai hum's advantage,
since Mac heath could inform
against him. Maciieath is also mar-lie- d
to Lucy Lockit. Peachum tries
to get linn hanged ai.d nearly suc-


Hollis Summers, associate profes- larRe.
sor of English, will be crowned Rex
William Macklin, Agriculture low- - of Mardi Gras at the annual dance
Twenty-twstudents became; erclassman.
Feb. 27 in the Student Union ball- members of Suky recently, follow- Lee Ann
Home Ec repre- - room, following his election by the
period of point raising sentative-at-larg- e
ing a try-ostudent body as the most popular
which began with fall registration
jcV. Clark, Engineering represen professor at UK.
semes- and continued through last
A queen, who will be chosen by a
group of judges from 34 contestants
New members, selected for the
representing fraternities, sororities,
highest points obtained during the
'and campus organizations, will also
are Vera Bald- last four months,
reign at the dance.
Drown, ouny
The contestants, who will be
ril CSt
Jane Cowley, Dorothy Denkler. Mary J 1)11 1
judged on Feb. 22 in Memorial Hall,
Lou Garver. Pat Hoffman, Delia Mc- are Donna Ruth Sturdevan. Boyd
Cormack, Jill Mahoney. Kay Schroy- Hall; Emma Katherine Conder. Dil- I
er, Sarah Schumann. Jane Sutherlard House: Nell Lou Clark. Hamil- land, Maxine Thompson, Judith
Draft eligible students desiring to ton House; ratty Craig, Jewell
Tinker, Carolyn West. Martna wna- - taite the Selective Service College Hall: Glenda Moore. Lydia Brown
iin, Richard Chin. Ronald Combs. Qualification
test on April 22,
Betty Spurl.Kk, 635 Max- Doyle Oliver. BUI Thornberry, John snould file applications at once, ac- - wellton Ct.; Dorothy Ann Light.
Wathen, and Charles Yancey.
cording to an announcement this McDowell House; Sue Winter, Pat- For the first time this semester. weei by the Selective Service Ex- - terson Hall.
have worked for one semes- - amining section.
Marlene Young. Alpha Delta Pi;
ter rather than two. The group,
An nnnliCAtion anri a hnllptin of
which will be presented to the stu- - information, the announcement said.
cent body at Suky's annual May may be obtained at any Selective
Day Dance, gained points by attend- - Service local board. Applicants for IJCc.111
goal- - the test should fill out their ap- ing pcp rallies, decorating the
1 11
posts for football games, working on plications, following instructions in
Homecoming, and helping with ail the bulletin, and mail it immediately
activities of the pep organization.
n the special envelope provided
Foreign language reading exAll applications, the Selective
aminations for graduate students
Service warned, must be postmarked
have been announced by Dean
no later than March 8. 1954, in Herman E. Spivey of the Gradorder that the applicant be eligible
uate School. The schedule is as
for the April 22 test. Early filing follows
will be to the student's advantage,
French. April 13; German. April
the announcement added.
14. and Spanish, April 15. All exRe- A $5,000 gift to the Kentucky
Results of the test will be reported aminations will be given at 2 p.m.
search Foundation for the purpose t th. student's Selective Service in Room 302 of Miller Hall.
of promoting interest in establishing locaI
for use jn considering
Dean Spivey said that students
a medical school at UK has been hu deferment as a student. The should confer well in advance of
announced by Dr. Leo M. Chamber tests are prepared, administered and the examinations with Prof. Adolph
lain, vice president of the Univer- graded by the Educational Testing Server to get appropriate books
sity and president of the foundation. Service, Princeton, N. J.
The gift was made by Arnold
Hanger, a resident of New York who
interests in Kenhas

tucky, his home state.
Dr. Chamberlain explained that
the $5,000 gift was made for the
purpose of establishing a medical
:chool at the University and more
particularly for publication of a
booklet designed to enlist the in- terest of private contributors in the
Last wick, a resolution urging the
establishment of a medical school
at the University at the earliest
possible time was made by the Executive Committee of the UK Alum-



Students To Appear
Al Founders Day
In Coliseum Sunday









"Seiv Members







duo-pianist- s,

Lowe, ranking








will present a varied pro- - pajjd' Lyon of thp Law
and Lowe,
classics and popular selections at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday made the motion on the basis that
yram of
in l.morial Coliseum as nart of the Commuuitv Concert audi earlier beginnings for meetings
would give assembly members more
1 xtt ure Series.
time to study after meetings,



Like the slow, first start of sprints
in February. UK's Student Govern-- !
nient Association began its second
semester sessions Monday night.

Program To Start


r .,..


SGA Decides
To Change
Meeting Time






t Group Vet




Week Dale

Sibils For (lliorus

The largest group of men and
women ever to enroll 111 the Uni
versity Chorus ha- - reported for tins
has been term. Mr Aimo Kiviniemi. a.ssociat"
The week oi March
designated as Religious Emphasis professor of muMC said this week.
Week 011 the UK campus, according Though it may be a bit difficult
to :in announcement made this week direct 390 choristers, it is i luouva-- j by
mg to see so many students rake ait
Pie.sident H. L. Donovan.
During the five days. President interest in this ty; of music, he
Donovan said, outstanding clergy- - saitl.
nu n and laymen will be brought to
In the latter part of tin-- semester
the campus to speak and to lead dis- - the choral group, accompanied bv
i us.sions on the
relation of religion the University Orchestra under the
to student life.
direction of Dr. Edwin Stem, head
Department, will
"In past years," he stated. "Re- - ui the Mu-i- c
Unions Emphasis Week has been a present its annual spring protram
i-- a
meaningful and profitable experi- - with Requiem. This
ence to all who have participated in religious composition bv Joiianr.es
jit.-- activities. I personally consider Brahms. German composer.
n one of the most important octas- Prior to the Christmas holai.r.
ion- - of 'he whole venr and T henrMly
the chorus and orchestra with Mr

Set Tor March 7





laid Monla



MS -- One ol tin-


in Manorial U - i'l -









shown alxive Will






to lll'i





recommend that all stuuenu and Kiviniemi conducting, presented
cerpt.s from Handel s "Mes.-iahfaculty support the week."



� Best copy Available



Frid.lV. Feb

UK Students Should Attend
New Founders' Day Program
UK will celebrate it S'Jtli ,uini ersarv Sunday
at tlic annual Founders Dav program in Memorial
Coliseum. I'K students sliould lx- present at tlio
program to acknow ledge anl pay tribute to tliose
who haw worked with untiring ellorts lor the good

of the University.
In the past, the programs which haw heen planned tor this event have not been wry inviting to
the students. Tln-haw consisted of speeches
which too often were long and dull. A program of
this kind could not he
to draw a large or
inten-ste-crowd. Needless to say, there were many
acant seats in the Coliseum.
Last year, the Founders Day Committee decided
to try a new approach. The new approach was increased student participation on the program. The
plan worked wry well and those who attended
their approval ol the new venture.
This year, the program will !e a dramatic presentation portraying the leading events of the lives of
Dr. Hohert Peter and Dr. Thomas Hunt Morgan.
The dramatization will Ik' enacted In UK students
w ith music by the University Symphony Orchestra
and tin- University Choristers. V arious student organizations are planning and sponsoring the program. It is important to note that the entire program and the work
it is lx'ing performed
by the student body itself.
Dr. Peter came to Lexington in 1 S 32. serving as
chairman of the Transylvania University Chemistry
Department and later as dean of tin- Medicine College. When Kentucky University was transferred
to I exington. Dr. Peter was named as chairman of
the Department of Chemistry and Experimental




it- -

Philosophy, lie remained as the head of the Department until 1SS7.
obel Prize in
Dr. Morgan was awarded tinMedicine in 1933 for clarifying the gene theory of
heredity. Ile'was a student under Dr. Peter and
received his B.S. degree in 1SS6 and his M.S. in
1SSS at UK. At the time of his death, in 1915.
professor emeritus of biology at the California
Institute of Technology.
The two men who w ill be honored Sunday are
representative of many others who have worked,
(ought, and dreamed for a great university. Men
like Dr. McYey. Dr. Bowman, and Dr. Patterson
w ill never be forgotten at UK.
Dr. Donovan recently issued the following statement :
"Many great men and women liaw spent tin'
best efforts of their lives trying to build a great
UK. Today we enjoy what they achieved for this
institution. We should show our gratitude for these
founders by attending a very interesting program
that w ill reveal what they did to build a university.
"May I urge every student and memlx'r of faculty
aud staff to be present for an hour next Sunday at
4 p.m. to show our appreciation lor tln'ir memory."
Founder's Day should be more of a success this
It has all the requisites exyear than ever
cept one student support. We can supply that
requisite easily by attending the program. Remember the worries, heartaches, and struggles it
took to start an institution of higher learning in
Kentucky. Ik present Sunday to pay tribute to
tlio.se who have gone before us.

doc-tor- s

Ruby's Rabid Raving
Increases UK Spirit
Coach Hlanton Collier's reception by some 3,(XX)
UK students here last week reminded a lot of
people of a growing feeling of something known
as school spirit. And. starting from there, a lot of
students have begun to wonder just what is behind
this renewed spirit. There was a time when nothing short of a football vic tory ove r Tennessee could
rouse a yell. Now, a new, relatively unknown man
comes in to take over as new head football coach
and is rwtf'd with unparalleled enthusiasm.
More than any other factor, the rabid rantings
of a couple of men on the stall of the Ixntisville
have drawn the student's attention
to I'K's athletic program. Earl Ruby, for instance,
has what approximates a morbid fascination in
juggling tlie lights around until he can show UK
up in a bad color.
Coach Adolph Hupp has already received more'
than his share in the way of some pretty lousy
sports writing, deliberately slanted to make UK
look like the great uranddaddy breeder of pxr
sportsmanship. Any day that the almighty sjxirts
page of the C-- misses a chance to pour out some
bitte-bile against UK. usually via Ruby's column,
is a rare" day indeed. These rantings and ravings,
however, have Ixeii like a shot of atlrenelin to the
spirit around here. In a way. the situation is comparable to a prize fighter telling Jack Demsey, in
the ring, that his restaurant is lousy. As might lx
the reaction to such babbling rot is a
desire to do even better next time.





The Kentucky Kernel
University of Kentucky
F.ularrd at thr Poat (Mil r at lmir.iiron, Kentucky, si
Um matter uncirr llir Ait ol Marth 4, 1879.
during m )ik1 tmqit hutjUv and exama.




I)h k 1. a ws
Businrs Xlur.
I)i natr S hu , r. Art. Sing. Kd.
Katim Ksi
kf s l.li'Hlirtn Asst. Nrws Kd.
fcossifr BfTl.fr.B .
Jririn Fvans
SiKirti F.ditor
Bill Billiter
I mature
Aim O'Roaik
John Mitcht-t iiIuiiiiii
I.trslif Morris
):ni ft.trriikm.in .uid Aim
Hr-hO.iv id ('o.ipman, Trm-IAil.nus. I;i id Alli-n- .
Col-C!oiitrfiK' f or.iM.in. I .it
Kli.ilulh Hililis, bob
liimtMr, VA illiain .
Frank Manilmut, Lugf
I. M.trvui. Norman I. Mill.i Ir . B.trhara MorK.ui, Nant-- Paul,
l.ouifl Prhliitt. Knmilt V. HoKrs. lame
Fhyllit Kogors. John I
jilc.n. John K. Wilt, and Doa
oiiua. Jr.
AiUn. F;ll Rurion. Don Hrnry. Bill Knight.
koprr. Hank Maso.
Naknimit, Dull TurklUk, and
hilly Surtai.
Tolin CHovrT, Jorin Sotmr, Jane Cola
Advrrtiiirf SalMmn


a .... M.inamnc 1t.


Columnist Finds
McCarthy Even
Frightens Jinni






"There's nothing to live for now.

All afternoon

In-alt- r.

way to meet this need? Two


ethT plans have been



The first of these is to increase the capacity of
the medical school in Louisv ille. This school could
be expamled te graduate at the most, 120 students
a year. Medical teaching authorities agree that a
class should not exceed 1(X) students for lest teaching results. Our needs will probably be nearer 2X)
graduating students a year by 1965.
It is the recommendation of tlie Medical Advisory
Committee to the legislative Research Commission
that the medical school in Ixniisville le expanded
iuhv, but to meet the long range needs that a
medical school be opened at the University of Kentucky as sK)ii as financially practicable.
offered which would
A second plan has
send our medical students to schools out of the'
state. This plan would pay S1500.(X) a year per
student to the school admitting him. The obvious
objection to this plan is that these' places in other
schools are too few to meet our needs and may at
anytime be filled by their own students. We might
as well close up our School of Agriculture ami
to LSU and Aaiburn.
send our future farme-rFrancis M. Massie, M.D.
Chairman, Committee on
Medical Education
Favette (County



After seve ral false starts,
has definitely arrived with
lavish prwhietion-in-colo' Knights of the Round Table." After "The
Robe" had been perpetrated, and a couple of
mediocre follow-ups- ,
it remained for the Culver
(City globetrotters to lx)rrovv the medium of Strongman Zanuck-a- i
and use it as it was meant
to be used.
The gang at Metro, past masters
at splashing the screen with color
and spec