xt78930nsf1r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78930nsf1r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1941-04-apr1. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1941-04-apr1. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1941-04-apr1. 1941 1941-04-apr1. 2011 true xt78930nsf1r section xt78930nsf1r 

     4itnutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees, Uni-
versity of Kentucky, April 1, 1941.

     The regular April meeting of the Board of Trustees, University
of Kentucky, was held in thle President's Office, Tuesday, April 1,
1941, 9:30 a.m.   The members of the Board present, were Governor
Keen Johnson; Judge Richard C. Stoll; Iirs. Paul G. Blazer, 17.ar-per
Gatton; H. S. Cleveland; Louis Hillenmeyer; Lee Kirkpatrick; Robert
P. Hobson; Judge John Cooper; WV. H. May; J*W. Brooker; Robert Tuay
and Judge Harry VW. Walters.  President Cooper and Secretary D, H.
Peak were present.

     Governor Johnson announced the appointment of Judge Harry r7.
Walters of Shelbyville to fill the vacancy caused by the resignatian
of John INewcomb whose term expired January, 1940; and the appoint-
ment of 11r. Robert Tway, of Louisville, to fill the vacancy caused
by the resignation of D. D. Stewart, whose term expires January
1942.  The new members are appointed from the Board of Agriculture.
He then gave to the appointees their commissions and introduced them
to the Board members.

     1. Aix.oroval of M.inutes.  The minutes of the Board of Trustees
of Decei.mber 10, 1940, and the minutes of the meetings of the Execu-
tive Committee of January 17, 1941, February 21, 1941, and Miarch 21,
1941, were approved as published.

     2. Financial Re-port.

     The Business Agent submitted following report:

          Ov~ing to the early date of this meeting, I am unable
     to make the usual financial statement for the preceding
     month,   However, there has been little change in the
     financial situation and our expenditures are running con-
     sistently wi-,th the original budget appropriations.  Col_
     lections of fees do not indicate that there will be .ny
     change in the estirmate I heretofore made of a reduction
     in the budgeted income of 813,000.   I think on the
     whole that, if wc keep expenditures within the budget, we
     will be able to live within the reduced income.

     3. President's Quarterly Report.

     President Cooper presented and read the quarterly report of the
President on the state of the University.    On motion, seconded and
carriedl the report was received and ordered -ublished in the min-
utes.   It is copied as follows:




                         April 1, 1941

     Since the meeting of the Board of Trustees in December, rapid
changes have taken place in the nation, and these changes are re-
flected in many ways here at the University of Kentucky. A program
such as the nation has undertaken brings many problezs to a univrer-
sity, its staff and student body.   The importance, as well as -he
necessity of maintaining a full educational program, despite the
demands for services and time, is para-mouint if standards are to be
upheld.   V.ith increased industrial activity there arises an oppor-
tunity for staff members to obtain positions which pay higher
salaries than those they receive at an educational institution, and
the institution also feels the effects of calls on its staff by
the National Guard and Reserve Officers Training Corps,

     I wiish to comment to the Board on the fine attitude of the stu-
dent body.  I believe we may well be proud of the manner in which
they have conducted themselves.   They have maintained a wholesome
outlook 'townard their duties as citizens.  On the whole, they have
approached their work In the ROTC, as well as the Civil Pilot
Training Program, in such a way as to prepare themselves for mili-
tary service in the best way possible.

     The appeal of hi,,her wages which many could secure in industry
has affected the enrollment, and I anticipate that in the future
more students may be inclined to take advantage of positions that
are offered.   However, it seems apparent that men and women vwho
are capable of carrying college work to advantage would be in the
best position to meet future demands and responsibilities, whether
in defense activities or in civil life, if they continued their
University work.

Civil Pilot Training Prop-ram

     The members of the Board will recall that this matter has been
brought to their attention a number of times, and now I am able to
report that arrangements were completed for flying training the
first of March.   Instruction was started March 3 under the pro-
visions of the contract received from the Civil Aeronautics Adming
istration.   The contract provides for the training of ten students
as pilots, and each student participating. is to par a course fee
of $10.   He must also purchase insurance coverage against a cci-
cbnts, and take the Civil aeronautics flignht physical examination.
These provisions were noted by the Board, I ar:m sure, in the minutes
of Mlarch 21, where the contract appears in full,

     There were 75 applicants, including four girls.    Nine men and
one girl were selected, with two men alternates.    The ground in-
struction required under the contract calls for 72 hours of class-
room instruction: 24 hours each, in .Ieteorolo&'~y, Navi-ation and
Civil Air Regulations.   It is expected that the course will be
completed before June 30,



Defense Activities of Women Students

     The young Women of the University are engaged in defense
activities.   Theyr have a bundles for Britain committee, and are
workinflg hard and enthusiastically on their project.  There is a
large group of girls knitting for the Red Cross, a first aid class,
and a radio and code class.   Their program is essentially the
same as that of Russell Sage College, which is said to be a model

The Defense Council

     A council has been set up to which are referred many matters
dealing wit'ih particibation in the Defense Program.


     The total enrollment for tne second semester is 3505, as com-
pared to 3601 for the second semester of last year.   This repre-
sents a decrease of approximately 2.7 per cent.   Thile I do not
have the figures from other institutions, it is r.my opinion, and
that of the Registrar, that this decrease is probably representa-
tive of what is happening over the country.

     A fur-oher analysis showrs that the number of men enrolled this
semester is 4.4 per cent smaller thhan the number for the second
semester of last year.   The nu.b.er of women, on tho other hand,
is very slightly larger.   The Graduate School, the Collegec of Agri-
culture, and the College o-f Enginecrin-, have had small increases
over the second semester of last year.   The Colleges of Arts and
Sciences, Law, and Commerce have decreased, awhile the College of
Education is approximately the same.   When the figures are analyzed
by clas~es, we find that there have been slight increases in the
Graduate School and the junior class.   The heaviest decrease is
found in the sophomore class.

     The enrollment for thIs semester  is 6.4 per cent less than
it was for the first semester.   Last year the second semester en-
rolimerit was 5.4 ner cent smaller than the first semester.

     While it is somewhat rlif-ficult to draw definite conclusions
from these figures, it appears probable that our losses have been
for the most part occasioned by the defense program.    The decrease
in the number of men indicates this, and the fact that the sophomore
enrollment suffered the largest decrease of any class, suggests
that a good many boys who may not have been doing particularly sat-
isfactory work have found it advisable to enter military service,
or seek employment.

The Summer Session

      Summer Session plans have been completed and every effort lhas
been made to provide arn educational program that will be useful
and appeal to students.   As has been pointed out heretofore, the
emrollraent during the summer will Drobably be affected by the grad-
uate work being offered by the four State Teachers Colleges.



There are also governmental activities, as well as openings in in-
dustry that will prevent some persons from taking work in the Sum-
mer Session.

Sponsorship of WPA Projects

     The University of Kentucky, through its sponsorship of WPA
projects, has provided for many activities that otherwise could
not have had these benefits.   As an example, I refer to the re-
mnt report on WPA Recreation Program for Kentucky, sponsored by the
University of Kentucky.   In this project, the University does not
supply actual funds, but does furnish cooperation and consultation.
The report states:

     "The number of people eimployed by the project has varied
     in thle past from 650 in the winter to 650 in the summer.
     At present, due to drastic quota reductions, total employ-
     ment has been reduced to 484." . . . . .

          "Activities are conducted in the arts and crafts,
     social recreation, folk dancing, dramxa, puppetry, nature
     s tudy, instrumental music, vocal music, playground com-
     munity center games, rhythmics, hobbies, therapeutic recre-
     ation in institutions, pre-school centers for children from
     2 to 5 years of age, and radio dramatics.

          "For all of the activities ---iven above, leadership
     is furnished, supervision, training, consultation, and
     some equipment.   The local co-sponsors furnish f acili-
     ties, i .e., - layrground-community centers, equipment,
     rentals, light, heat, water, and some supervision. The
     state sponsor furnishes consultation, assistance in train-
     ing, use of training facilitiess and faculty for supervis-
     ory conferences.

          IA1kparently, betterment of the State-7i de W.P.A.
     Recreation program will result in the follo,71ng:

     (a)The establishment of adequate standards for leader-
        ship personnel and leadership training.
     (b)Perrianent year-round financin:g of community recrea-
        ).ion programs.
      (c)A larger per cent of non-relief supervision, particular-
        ly in rural areas.
     (d)Active assistance from the State Departmaent of Educa-
        tion enabling the use for recreational purposes of
        oublic school buildings.
      (e)assistance from -he University of Kentucky through
        its Extension Division for the 'rovision of in-service
        training of recreational workers for rural areas in
        the state.
      (f)Assistance from the University in the planning and
        functional design of inexpensive but adequate small
        recreation buildings suitable for rural community



          "The University has been able to give considerable
     help to the State-Wide Recreatior   Project without in-
     hibiting in any w:;ay the regular University pro-rari. In
     turn, the University has benefited by its sponsorship
     of this project in several ways.   One very appreciable
     benefit has been that resulting from employment oppor-
     tuni^Oies for our graduates.  There are several young
     men and young women graduates from the University of Ken.-
     tucky vrho are nowi employed as recreation directors at
     salaries ranging from 8125.00 to *S165.00 per month plus
     certain expense allowances.   Moreover, since the W.P.A.
     Recreation Project is state-wide, it has enabled the Uni-
     versity to build up a wholesome contact and appreciation
     in many communities and areas of the state, which in turn
     should be beneficial.

          "Wtith the emphasis being placed on training for
     leisure time pursuits plus the development of an adequate
     civilian morale, there is obviously a great need for a
     comprOhensive and adequate recreation program in most com-
     munities throughout the state.   By serving as state
     sponsor for the W7.P.A. Recreation program., the Universi-
     ty is assisting in this work with a minimum expenditure
     from its appropriated funds."

Budget for the Year 1941-42

     The setting up of the budget of the University of Kentucky for
educational Work as paid for from the General Fund of the Universi-
ty, has been difficult because of the uncertainties involved in the
future,   It seems essential that education shall be maintained as
the objective of first importance to the University.   Therefore,
particular consideration has been given to the requirements for

     The income, as provided by appropriation by the State for the
coming year, has been fixed.   However, in the past year's budget
approximately one-fourth of the costs of operation under the Gen-
eral Fund has been received from student fees.   The student enroll-
ment for the present year., as translated into income according to
the Business Agent, is $23,000 less than the income represented in
the present budget.   I have estimated that the decrease in the
coming year will represent ten per cent, thus estimating the stu-
dent fees for the regular session at $257,500, and the student fees
from special sources at $95,598.

     The student fees and special income of the Summer Session
is estimated at $62,458.25, a decrease of about ^,3,500 from the
estimate of last year,   Certain other sources of income will prob-
ably decrease,   It has been necessary to set up a budget providing
for $67,000 less than the present year; this has been done by:



    1. Severe cuts in the administration budget.
    2. Heavy cuts in Buildingps and Grounds budget, elim-
       inating the new items provided for last rear.
    3. Reduction of all college budgets in amounts varying
        somewhat in proportion to probable decline in stu-
    4. The elimination of all proposed increases in Sal-
    5. Failure to adjust salaries which are now out of

     While tnese various steps described may involve certain inequal-
ities, lt appears that with the uncertainties before us, they reore-
sent a sound method of meeting the situation.   In addition to
the above, if the student decrease is larger than estimated, it is
proposed (1) such teachers as may be dispensed with will not be
reemployed, and (2) as certain rnembers of the staff will probably
be called intro military service, eith:.r the entire amount of the
unused salai'y will be impounded or such oroportion of it as may not
be required for the employment of a temporary substitute, (3)such
percentage of assig;ned budgets will b1 e impounded, as may be required.
It is probable that rather substantial amounts may be accrued in
this manner.

     In the event the decrease does not Cake place and the income
of the University should exceed thfat set up in the budget, it is
proposed that (1) the reduction. in the budget as applies to the
respective colleges shall be credited to them in such Proportion
as the income of the University may be increased, and (2) that con-
sideration shall be given to salary increases requested in the
present budget, and that they shall be allowed as of the year.

     It is imperative that it shall be kept in mind that the de-
creased budget represents a temporary method of meeting the sit-
uation.   I trust that it will be the purpose of the Board   to
seek the fund required for the proper maintenance of educational
functions and of the various services of the University.

Death of Mr * Mitchell

     iix. John .S. Mitchell, Assistant Principal of the University
School and Instructor in the College of Education, died February
23 of a heart attack.   Sir. M11itchell had been a member of the Uni-
versity staff since 1928.   He was known as an able and inspiring
teacher.   He was much beloved by the students in the University
School and his colleagues at the University.   It vwill be difficult
to find anyone to fill his place.

The Midc-Year Commencement.

     Excerpt from the M.inutes of the University Senate, Meeting oQ
February 10, lA41:

     "The Sqnate voted to recormmend to the Board of Trus-
     tees that the mid-year commencement hereafter be dis-



    4. Insurance - Fire and Tornado.

    On report of the Business Agent that a check of the revised
schedules of fire and tornado insurance had not been completed,
consideration of the schedules was deferred to the April meeting of
the Executive Committee.

     5. Refunds.

     The President presented a statement of rules and policies l-ov-
erning refunds, compiled by the Business Agent.  The statement was
examined and discussed.   On motion of Mr. Brooker, seconded by E-1r.
May, the rules and policies set out in the statement were approved,
and the statement was ordered made a part of the minutes:

                   Refunds of Student Fees

     Rules and policies governing refund of college student fees:

     The printed rules of the University Senate, published
  in June, 1936, contain the following statement:

          "The registration fee is not refunded and no other
     fees are refunded after the ninth week of the semester.
     Students leaving during the first nine weeks of the
     semester will receive a refund, the amount of which will
     depend upon the date of withdrawal'

     In accordance with this statement of principle, the fol-
  lowin;; policies are now in force with respect to refunding stu-
  dent fees:

          1. Refunds are made in full when registration and
     classification are not completed.

          2. The reg-,is-ration fee ($5.00 for full-time and
     $4.00 for Dart-time students) is not refunded to any
     student who actually completes his registration and
     classification,   Late registration fee and deferred
     payment fee are not refunded.

          3. Students who withdraw fromn the University during
     the first nine weeks of the semester receive refunds in
     accordance with the following regulations:

     Residents of Kentuchy

          An amount of $5.00 ner week is retained for each
     week that a full-time student remains in school during
     the nine-weeksl period.

          For a student not carrying a full schedule, the
     reg'istration fee of $4.00 is retained for the first .week,
     and one-eighth of thic reraininj, amount (to the nearest
     dollar) for each waeek thereafter during the nine--weekst


          For a student, not vwithdrawingr from school, but
     dropping only a part of his work, the refund made is
     the Drroportional amount for that part of the program
     d.-ropped, less $1.00 for each week that the original
     program was carried.

     NonaRe oidents

          An amount of 89,00 per week is retained for each
     week that a full-time student remains in school during
     the nine-weeks' period.

          For a student not carrying a full schedule, the regis-
     tration fee of $4.00 is retained for the first week and
     one-e ig,^hth of the remaining amount (to the nearest dollar)
     for each week thereafter during the nine-weeks' period,

          For a part-time student, not withdrawing from school
     but dropping only a part of his work, the refund made is
     the Droportional amount for that part of the program dropped
     less 81.00 for each week that the original program was car-

                     Ru.le Governino, Refunds
                     of Sune School Fees

      During the first week after the opening of either term of
the Summer Session, students wvtithdrawing from the University may
receive a refund on the amount paid in fees, not to exceed 70 per
cent of all fees paid.   During the second week a refund of 50
per cent imay be secured and during the third week a refund of 30 per
cent.   In no case shall the amount refunded exceed 70 per cent and
in no case will refunds be made after the first three weeks,

                     Rules Governing Refunds
             of University of Kentucky Extension Fees

     1. Application for refund made within six weeks after regis-
tration entitles the applicant to a refund of 75 per cent of the
fees pail.   For each assignment recorded 30 cCnt,, is deduced from
the amount to be refunded.

     2. If the student registers for a correspondence course and
later decided to take the course in residence, refund of total fee
is made except 30 cents is deducted for each assignment recorded,

     3. if an instructor finds that a I tudent is not pvrepared to
take a course for which he is registered the student is required to
drop the course and the fee Is refunded less 30 cents for each
course recorded,



                 Rules Governing Refunds
                 of University School Fees

     1. A student is entitled to a refund of two-thirds of
his fee at the end of six weeks, one-half of his fee at the
end of nine weeks.   No refund is made for absences within a
semester,   Refunds are made only in instances where families
move away, There change of school is made, and in cases of

     2, Refunds are gmade in full when registration and classi-
fication are not completed.

                  Rules Jovern: no Refunds
       of Room and Board in Women's Residence Halls

     1. Refunds on room and board are ordinarily not granted
unless the vacancy caused by withdrawal can be filled by a
student on the waiting list.   In such case, the unused amount
is refunded in full,

     2. In all other cases the Board of Control must pass on
the request for a refund.   In case of illness where the stu-
dent is compelled to withdraw, the refund is eighty per cent of
the unused portion of the quarter's board.

     3. No refunds are allowed for temporary absences from the

                  Rules Governing Refunds
             of Room Rent in Men's Dormitories

     Residence in men's halls is granted on written agreement
of occupancy for at least one semester,    The agreement shall
bind the occupant for a full semester's rent unless release
therefrom is given by the Dean of Men. A refund of eighty
per cent of the rent remaining at the time of departure is
made, if the student gives satisfactory reason for leaving
the hall and is granted the release aforesaid,

              General Rules Goernine Rfunds

     1. Application for the refund must be official, that is
it must- be made to the head of the department authorized to
certify the request for refund to the Business Office,

     2. Refunds must be claimed within the fiscal yew'for
which the payment of the fee is made.

     3, The department responsible for authorization of the
refund shall certify to the Business Office the request for
the refund,   The certificate shall be in duplicate and



statement shall be made of the reason for the refund, and the
amount to b e r3funded.

     4. Special fees and locker rents are refunded if the pur-
poso for which the payment is made fails to materialize.

     5, 'Nhen cases arise that do not classify precisely under
the rules stated, the determination of right to a refund and
the amount thereof, shall be made by the head of the depart-
ment authorized to c ertify the refund and the Business Agent.

              Rules Governing Refunds of Deposits

     1. The student is entitled to a refund of the general
deposit of $6.00 when he has stopped school before the end
of the second semester, provided he is clear of indebtedness
to the University.   Otherwise the refund is made as soon after
the close of the second semester as the Business Agent may de-
termine the amount of indebtedness of the student to the Unix

     2. The student is entitled to a refund of deposit for
room reservation in Men's Dormitories When the term for which
the reservation is made expires, after payment of charges made
for damag,*e to room and furniture. The deposit is forfeited
if a room is reserved and not occupied, unless notice of can_
cellation is given to the Dean of M1.en ten days before the
beginning of the semester for which the reservation is made.

     3. The student is entitled to a refund of deposit made
for reservation of room in Woments BResidenca Halls when the
term for which the reservation is made expires, after payment
of charges made for damage to room and furniture.   The de-
posit is forfeited if a room is reserved and not occupied,
unless notice of cancellation is given to the Director of
Woraents Residence Halls ten days before the opening of the
semester for which the reservation is made.

     4. The student is entitled to refund in all other cases
of deposit when the time for which the deposit is made expires.

     5, The student is not entitled to a refund of any de-
posit until he is clear of all indebtedness to the University,

                 Rules Governing Rgfunds
                 in the Exveriment Station

     1, Feed and Fertilizer Department - No refunds are mrade by
this department on money collected for feed and fertilizer tags,
Above tags are replaced for the company by exchan-lng, them for
new tags and they are charged the actual cost of printing.



          2. Seed. Department.- The Seed Department does not make cash
     refunds on tags.   Since seed tags d!o not become obsolete they
     are exchangeable for tags of other denominations upon the proper
     explanation.   No money is involved in this exchange and no re-
     funds are made.

          3. Nursery Inspection - Nursery InsDection fees pay for
     license Jfor one year's operation.  No refunds are allowed on
     these licenses.   The only necessity where a refund could pose
     sibly be needed in cash in this department wiould be Where two
     licenses Were issued to one concern in error, thus necessitating
     the refund of the cost of one license.

          4. Creamery License Section - No refunds are provided in
     the Creamery License Section for unused portion of license. The
     only necessity of refunds in this denartmant comes up .-.hen the
     individual tester and the company both purchase a license for
     this "Cester, thus necessitating the refund and cancellation on
     one of these licenses.   In this department this duplication of
     license issuance occurs quite often since such companies as
     Swift & Company often find it necessary to purchase the license
     for tie tester and take it frora his fees so that they are comply-
     ing with the law.   The tester sometimes applies for the license
     at the same time.

     6. Offer to Purchase Lot on Euclid Avenue.

     A letter from the real estate agency of W. C. Lawwill & Company,
Lexington, Ky., made inquiry as to the possible sale by the University
of a lot on Euclid Avenue.   The lot is 15 feet wuide on Euclid Avenue
and runs back 100 feet, adjoining Le;dington Avenue.  MTe letter
stated that a group of lots in area about 27,000 square feet, adjoin-
ing the University lot, has been sold, and that the purchasers expect
"to build a handsome business structure to cover the entire lot, in
which they contemplate conducting a high-type bowling alley business
improvements estimated to cost $25,000.00."1

     It Was the unanimous conclusion that University property should
not be sold. and on notion of fir. Gatton, seconded by iMrs. Blazer,
the sale of the lot on Euclid and Lexington Avenues was disapproved.,
The President and IxYr. Hillenraeyer Were appointed to inquire into
zoning in '-he vicinity in Which the lo t is located.

     7. Budpet for Year, July 1, 1941, to June 30, 1942, Adopted.

     President Cooper presented the proposed budget for the University
of Kentucky' for fiscal year July 1, 1 40, to June 30, 1941.   The
budget shows the inconle appropriated and estimated and the estimate
of expenditu~res in the a~gregate to be for the Division of Colle-es
(General Fund) income., Sl,386,225,96, expenditures 8l,371,953,53,
reserve not allocated, $14,2'72.43; Experiment Station, income
P435,706.00, expenditures, '3435,706,00; Extension Divlsion, incomes
"3771,184.00, expenditures M77l,184.00; service funds (dormitories
and cafeteria), income 21941,750.60, expenditures 183,193,46, balance
`,11 557.14.



     The budget was c arefully examined by the members of the Board,
the items therein being explained and commented on by President
Cooper.  On motion and second, which motion carried by unanimous
vote, the proposed budget was adopted, subject to future riodifica-
tions by the Board of Trustees or Executive Committee, and the fold
lowing endorsement was made thereon:

                      Action on the Budget

     Budget accepted as the basis of maximum expenditures for
     the year 1941-42, and provision for income and expendi-
     tures approved.   The inclusion of the name of any per-
     son in 'the budget shall not be considered as a contract
     of enploymient, and the Board of Trustees or Executive
     Committee shall be authorized to make such changes in the
     budget as may from time to time be deemed necessary.

                             (Si,,ned) Keen Johnson
                                      Chairman of the Board of

                             (Signed) D. H. Peak
                                      Secretary of the Board
     April 1, 1941                        of Trustees

     8. Executive Session.

     After consideration of the budget, a motion was made by Mr1.
Hobson, seconded br Mr. MIay, that the reeting go into Executive
Session.   The notion was carried and President Thomas Cooper and
Secretary D. H. Peak retired from the meeting.   The Board then
made J. W Brooker secretary of the Executive Session and the fol-
lowing resolution was offered:

          BE IT IRESOLVED, that the Dep~artment of Business Man_
     agement and Control of the University oi' Kentucky is here-
     by created and the head of such Department shall be desig-
     nated as Comptroller of the University and under the
     President and Board of Trustees of the University, he shall
     be charged with the management and control of all the fi-
     nances, accounting and operation of the several service
     dopart.lments, including, among others, the Department of
     Buildings and Grounds, Student Union Building, all dining
     halls and cafeterias, all dormitories, the University
     Press, Campus Book Store, all publications of the Uni-
     versity and the radio, and all other service departments
     of the Univcrsity vheher herein named or not. He shall
     also be charged with the accounting and control of all
     funds from whatever source derived of every department
     and activity of the Univorsity and with the control, under



the lanv, of all requisitions and purchases and all budget.
ary matters thereof, and shall report such matters in due
form through the President to the Board of Trustees of the
University,   He may delegate any of the functions of bus-
iness management and operation, with the approval of the
President and the Board of Trustees of the University,
but he shall not delegate the function of finance, account-
ing and control.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the office of Dean of the
University is hereby created and under the President and
Board of Trustees of the University he shall be charged
with the management and general supervision of the office
of Dean of Men, Dean of Wonon, of the Registrar and of the
personnel of the University Library.   He shall have direct
supervision of all academic personnel not specifically al)
located and charged to the several colleges or departments
of the University, its Graduate School or Summer School.
He shall name and appoint all committees, with the approval
of the President, which relate to the activities of the
University as a whole or to the activities of two or more
Colleges of the University and he shall be an ex-officio
member of all committees so appointed.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Dean of each of the
several colleges of the UnIversity and the Director of the
Summer School and the head of any Department of the Uni-
versity shall, under the President and Bo