xt78930nsf05 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78930nsf05/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1941-14-dec11. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1941-14-dec11. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1941-14-dec11. 1941 1941-14-dec11. 2011 true xt78930nsf05 section xt78930nsf05 



     Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky.

     The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky was called for December 9 at 10:30 a.m. in the office
of the President of the University.   At the appointed time, Judge
Richard C. Stoll was the only member if the Board present.    Other
persons present were President H. L. Donovan, Comptroller Frank D.
Peterson and Secretary W. Gayle Starnes.    Due to lack of a quorum,
the meeting was adjourned to meet at 10:30 a.m. in President Dono-
van s office on Tuesday, December 11, 1941.

     At this meeting, the following members were present: Governor
Keen Johnson, Harper Gatton, Mrs. Paul G. Blazer, H. S. Cleveland,
J. We Brooker$ R. P. Hobson, LQuis Hillenmeyer, John Cooper and
Lee Kirkpatrick.   President Donovan, Comptroller Peterson and Secre-
tary Starnes were also present.

     A. Approval of MInutes.
                          * * ** *** *    +**

            1. On motion, duly seconded and passed, the min-
               utes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees
               of September 16 and the minutes of the meetings
               of the Executive Committee of October 11 and
               November 22 were approved as published.
                          * * * * * it * * * *

     B. Quarterly Report of the President.

        (a) Introduction.

        Approximately three months have intervened since the
    last meeting of the Board of Trustees on September 16.    This
    interval has been a busy poriod for the now administration
    of the University of Kentucky.    We are pleased to report that
    the new officials of the University have continued to receive
    a cordial reception from the faculty, students and the com-
    munity.  Wie have had the finest cooperation from everyone in
    our organization.   This has made our work both pleasant and

         The President of the University has spent his time getting
    acquainted with the personnel of the University, holding many
    conferences with deans and departmental heads with regard to
    plans and programs, receiving visitors who come on business,
    frequently talking to students and to groups of students,
    answering a large volume of correspondence, presenting the
    program of the University before many luncheon clubs, alumni



clubs and other groups, working with the Comptroller and the
Dean of the University on the budget for the next bienniums
representing our University at the National Association of
State Universities and the Association of Land-Grant Colleges
at Chicago, and attending many teas, banquets and other social

     It is a pleasure to give to you a good report of affairs
of the University as of this date.   So far as T am able to
observe, everything is running along smoothly here on the
campus.   The morale of the faculty and student body appears
to be good.   Except for the uneasiness which results from
our critical national crisis, there are no unusual stresses
or strains that would adversely affect the morale of the
University.   There appears to me to be a confidence on the
part of our staff with regard to the future of the Universi-

     (b) Enrollment.

     We were enrolling students at the time you held your
last meeting.   Therefore, it .as too early to give you a
statement of the number of students who are in the UniversiV
this fall.   I am including in this report two tables present-
ing data on the enrollment of the University..  The first one
will show the enrollment by sex and by colleges and classes.
You will see from this table that the total enrollment for
the first semester is 3271 students.   It is rather surpris-
ing, however, to note that the freshman class is off 13.5
per cent, and that there are 5.9 per cent fewer women in the
University this year.   We have also experienced a large
reduction in the enrollment of graduate students.

     The second table is a comparative study of the enrollment
this fall with what it was a year ago.   You will notice from
this table that we have lost 476 students, or 12.7 per cent.

     Most of the colleges and universities throughout the
nation have had a loss in students this fall.   I find that
some institutions have had a larger loss than we have suf-
feredJ while others have had a much smaller percentage of
students leave the institution.   Most of these students who
have dropped out of college have either gone into the Army
or into national defense industries.   It has been easy this
fall for any student who wanted a job to secure one.    If I
am reliably informed  the percentage of loss of students here
at the University is less than it has been in the other public
supported institutions in the State.

     I am expecting a still larger loss during the second se-
mester.   Our second semester at the University is usually
smaller than the first semester anyhow, and with the new op-
portunities to secure Jobs, a further decrease in attendance



may be expected.   Many young men who have reached twenty-one
yeaLrs of age have been exempted for this semester only, and
some of them are very likely to be called to the service.
The NYA has also reduced the number of scholarships which has
been supplied for college students, and as a result of this
decrease in NYA support, some students may have to drop out
of the University because of the lack of funds with which to
continue their education.

     It is very difficult to predict what may happen to col-
lege attendance another year.   It depends very largely upon
how much involved our nation becomes in the present world
conflict'.  If there should be a demand for an army of three
or four million men, there is some likelihood that the draft
age will be lowered.   If this should happen, it is conceivable
Ghat we might lose as many as forty to fifty per c ent of our

     This loss in students also results in a financial loss
to the University.   Each student pays approximately 100
per year in fees, so with the loss of every student the income
of the University is reduced by 100.    The loss in students
this fall will, therefore, be approximately 447,600.


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     Changes in Ernrollment from First
Semester, 1940-41 to First1 Semester, 1941-42

Classification                      1940-41    1941-4-2

Arts and Sciences

Agriculture and. Home Economics

Engin eering




Graduate School





Specials, Auditors, and Transients

All Men

All Women















Tot;l Enrollment                      3747       3271       -12.7

Per Cent

Per Cent
of Chanae


- 7.3

- 4.6


+1- .2




- 6.3

-115 * 8

- 3.4



- 5.9


















     (c) State Appropriations  r a Period of Years.

     At the last meeting of the Board of Trustees, 1 present
ed a table wh ich showed the amount of money the State had
appropriated for the operating expenses and capital outlay
of the University from the year 1928-29 through the year
19O-401.   The summary did not include the appropriation for
the Extension program and Experiment Station of the University
because at that date the Comptroller's office had not had.
time to compile the data with regard. to the expenses of the
Experiment Station and the Agricultural Extension Drogram*
Inquiries were made at that time about the amount of State
money expended on these two agencies of the University.    As
a result of that discussion, it appeared to me to be desira-
ble to put in the record for your information the total cx-
penditures made by the State for the use and benefit of the
University over a period of years.   A study of this table
will show how the University fared in the period of prosperity
around 1928-30, what happened to its financial program during
tihe depression, and how slowly it has been able to work its
way out of the depression, even after the country has again
reached a period of great prosperity.



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     (d) Summer School.

     At the October meeting of the Executive Committee, I
recommended that the sumnier school of the University In the
future be administered by the president, the dean of the Uni-
versity and the deans of the several colleges in the same
manner as the University is operated during the remainder of
the year.   This recommendation was made primarily to make
the summer school more nearly an integral part of the school
year.   It places the responsibility of planning the curricu-
lum for the summer school in the hands of the deans of the
various colleges of the UniverEity.

     My recommendation was approved by the Executive Commit-
tee.   The change in policy has been well received by the
faculty of the University, and plans are now being made under
this new organization for the summer school of 1942.

     I want to convey to the Board my appreciation of the
fine cooperation and aid given me in working out this new
plan by Dr. Jesse E. Adams, who has for many years directed
the summer school, and who has done a very excellent job in
this position.

     This matter has been reported to you merely for your
information, and requires no formal approval since you have
already approved the minutes of the Executive Committee.

     (e) The Graduate School.

     Universities are now judged very largely on the basis of
their graduate work.   The smaller four-year colleges, the
Junior colleges, the teachers colleges and the so-called
"lower divisions" of the larger institutions devote themselves
primarily to the undergraduate curricula and the large univer-
sities are expected to provide the advanced academic, technical
and professional programs.   For this reason, the Graduate
School of the University of Kentucky must maintain a strong
organization of scholars and high standards of performance if
it is to be recognized among the leading institutions of the

     At present, the University is so recognized.    According
to the latest statistics (for the four years ending in June
1939) the University of Kentucky ranks fourth in number of
advanced degrees conferred by the institutions of our region
(east of the Mississippi and south of the Ohio fiver),being
surpassed in the matter of degrees granted only by Duke Uni-
versity, Louisiana State University and George Peabody College
for Teachers.   In other words, we have the fourth largest
graduate school in our area.

     The University of Kentucky is one of the few institutions
of the South which offer   the Ph.D. degrees   Twenty-five



institutions of our territory grant advanced degrees but only
eight offer the doctorate.  Moreover, the University of Ken-
tucky offers the doctorate in ten different fields--more than
any institution in our group except Duke University, the
University of North Carolina and Louisiana State University.

     Even more important than numbers of students or numbers
of degrees granted in the rating of a Graduate School is the
matter of standards.   In this respect, the University of Ken-
tucky has an exceptionally fine position.  We not only conform
to every standard which has been set up or recommended by such
organizations as the Association of American Universit cis,
the Southern University Conference and the Conference of Deans
of Southern Graduate Schools, but in many cases have anticipat-
ed these standards and have adorted regulations regarding
requirements before they were suggested by accrediting bodiesd
The University of Kentucky has been a leader and not a follower
in the setting of high standards.

     iioreover, the Univrsity of Kentucky has always been in-
terested in qualitative as well as quantitative standards and
has adopted by resolutions of the graduate faculty and approval
of the administrative bodies of the University, many rules and
suggestions regarding the imponderable phases of graduate study
and instruction.

     The library of tIh University, a most important adjunct
to graduate work, ranks fifth among those of southern universi-

     The growth of a graduate school and the progress shown
in its development is also a matter of importance.   The present
set-up and administration of the graduate work at the University
of Kentucky has been in existence since 1925.. In that year,
there were less than 200 students enrolled for graduate work
in the regular sessions of the University.   The report of the
Dean of the Graduate School for last year showed a total en-
rollment of 2266 for the college year and summer school of
1939-40.   This growth has been gradual, healthy and sustained.

     The above facts are presented with some feeling of pride
in *che record of the University of Kentucky in the field of
advanced education.

     To maintain such a record it is of' course vitally impor-
tant that the Graduate Faculty be kept on a high plane of
scholarship, training, research achievements and interest.
The Graduate Faculty is organized on .hi same basis as the
other faculties of the University.   TUle members are Proposed
Oy heads of departments and colleges, recommended by the Dean
of the Graduate School, appointed by the President of the Uni-
versity and approved by the Board of Trustees.   The appoint-
ment of members of the Graduate Faculty is a matter requiring
very careful consideration.   Such 6ppointments are made in
general on the basis of the following:


    a. Degrees and training of the professors.

    b. Number of graduate students in their classes.

    c. Number of theses and dissertations supervised.

    d. Membership on examining committees.

    e. Activity in research as indicated by publications.

    f. Evidence of interest in graduate work.

    In addition, it is important, of course, to take into
consideration the number of graduate students in the various
colleges and departments in order that the faculty may repre-
sent a fair distribution of responsibility and a reasonable
representation of interests throughout the University.

    The recommendations
for the period beginning

College of Education
  W. S. Taylor
  A. J. Lawrence
  L. IXi, Chamberlain
  Carsie Hammonds
  Wellington Patrick
  M. E. Ligon
  M. F. Seay
  J. E. Adams
  C. C. Ross
  M. E. Potter
  J. D. Williams

College of Agriculture
   L. H. Townsend
   P. E. Karraker
   H. W. Beers
   Statie Erikson
   He B. Price
   W. D. Nicholls
   E. N. Fergus
   W. P. Garrigus
   George Roberts

_Coll~ege of Commerce

   Edward Wiest
   J. W. Martin
   Rodman Sullivan
   E. Z. Palmer

for membership on the Graduate Faculty
in February, 1941, are listed as fol-

       College of Engineering
          C. S. Crouse
          D. V. Terrell

       College of Lnw
          A. E. Evans

       College of Arts and Sciences

          Ancient Languages
             T. T. Jones

           An  omi and Pb. s io.py
             R. S. Allen

             E. W. Rannells

             M. Scherago
             R. H. Weaver

             F. T. McFarland

             R. N. Maxson
             C. Barkenbus
             0. J. Stewart



   L, L. Dantzler
   G. K. Brady
      F. G-allaway
   G. C. Knight
   E. F. Farquhar

   A. E. Bigge

   A. C. McFarlan

   E. .Tuthill
   C. M. Knapp
   H. DuDre
   T. D. Clark

   J. S. Chambers

   P. P. Boyd
   C. Latimer
   H. H. Downing
   L. W. Cohen

   J. Kuiper

Physi cs
   W. S. 'k'ebb
   L. A. Pardue
   0. T. Koppius
   T. M. Hahn

Political Science
   A. Vanc`enbosch
   J. B. Shannon

   J. B. Miner
   M. M. White
   E. J. Asher
   G. B. Dimmick

Romance Languages
   H. Ryland

   Harry Best

Social Work
   Vivien Palmer

   A. Capurso

   A. Brauer

Registration by Departments - 1940-41
       (Regular Sessions Only)

Physical Education
Social Work
imiathernat ic8




            Physics                       21
            Chemistry                     20
            Political Science             19
            History                       18
            Home Economics                16
            Zoology                       15
            Economics (in Commerce)       15
            Anatomy & Physiology          12
            Hygiene & Public Health       11
            Commerce                       8
            Sociology                      a
            Geology                        6
            German                         6
            Art                            5
            Romance L nguages              4
            Botany                         4
            Engineering                    4
            Philosophy                     2
            Library Science                2
            anthropology                   1
            Ancient Languages              1
            Music                          1
            Journalism                     0
            Unclassified                  16

                      * * * * * * * * * *

         2. On motion, duly seconded and passed, Presi-
            dent Donovan's recommendations for membership
            on toe Graduate Faculty for the period begin-
            ning in February Were concurred in.
                      * * * * i * * * it *

     (f) T;lae University's Contribution to National Defense.

     Educational preparedness is essential to national defense.
Statesmen have always regarded education as a bulwark of de-
fense.   Teaching men to think logically, providing them with
a historical background, developing in them a loyalty for the
country that nurtures them, and cultivating in them an appre-
ciation of the importance and dignity of citizenship# are
the best kinds of defense that can and must be built up in a

     With a view to determining to what extent the Universi-
ty is making a contribution to national defense, I recently
requested that a self-survey of the various colleges, divi-
sions and departments be made.   T.is study reveals that our
institution's contributions are many and varied.    The Uni-
versity has already given heavily in man powers both to the


armed forces and to those industries contributing to the
national preparedness for defense.   Considerable research
in some of the colleges is being carried on that contributes
directly to the defense activities of the nation.  In some
of the colleges and departments thero are very tangible
evidences of our contributions, while in other departments
contributions are difficult to observe or measure because
they are of an intangible nature.   T..:ese intangible values,
however, when they deal with morale, development of patriotism,
appreciation for the American way of living, are quite as
important as material contributions.   The head of one of our
deparcments in reporting has thiis to say: "It is our -priv-
ilege in our contacts with the student body to bring out
clearly the advantages of the democratic way of living.
We are of the conviction that this form of education is
desirable at all times, and the more so at times such as the
present, when it is extre -ly difficult for the University
generation to form a sustaining philosophy of life."

     We do not know the number of students and former grade.
uates who have gone into active service in one branch or
another of the armed forces of the nation.   It has been im-
possible to keep accurate data on the enlistment of these men.
You may be assured, however, that the number is relatively

     On the campus of the University Colonel Howard Donnellys
t'rofessor of Military Science and Tactics, informs me 'chat we
have in training 1145 men in the ROTC unit.   Of this group
983 are in the Basic Course and 192 in the Advanced Course.
In '6he  rshing Rifles Company there are 36 active members and
110 freshman pledges.   Tihe Civil Pilot Training Course now
has 20 enrolled and 7 auditing.   Thirty-nine completed this
course in 1940-41.   In the University of Kentucky's Aviation
Unit number 1 there are 20; in number 2, 16; in number 3, 12.

     The Military Department is engaged in many other activi-
ties that assist with the program for national defensew

     This survey reveals that in practically every department
of the College of Arts and Sciences some form of national
defenso work is being carried on.   To list all of these ac-
tivities would make a report entirely too long for your con-

     The College of agriculture and Home Economics is active-
ly engaged in promoting a number of defense activities. The
problem of increasing food production and the preservation of
food after it is produced is a responsibility which depends
largely upon the College of Agriculture and the Experiment
Station for leadership and direction.



     The research program of the College of Agriculture and Home
Economics  is extensive.   One example of the research work of
this college is illustrated by 'the work of the Department of
Animal Pathology where there has been developed an important
contribution of sera for the identification of para-typhoi4
bacteria.  T ais serum is basic to certain information which
the Medical Corps of the U;nited States Army feels that it
must secure.

     Dean Thomas Cooper's counsel is constantly being sought
oy agencies of the government and he is serving on a number of
important defense committees, as are other members of his
staff.  Thle County Agricultural and Home Demonstration A.ents
in the S:;ate are doing their part in educational procedures
necessary to inform people of the requirements in the Food for
D fense program.   In fact, the work of the Agricultural E.A peri-
ment S-ation and much of the work of the College of Agriculture
and Home Economics might be considered as contributing in some
form or another to national defense.

     The College of Engineering has had heavy demands upon it
for defense work and training,   In a thirteen page report on
the activities of this college, Dean James H. Graham outlines
.he contribution of his college to the nation.  Defense work
and training in the College of Engineering actually started in
1939, and the activities have increased since that time at an
accelerated rate.   The services of Dean Graham have been
requested by the Federal Government as a consultant in the War
Department.   He is frequently in Washington advising with
officials of the War Department on various problems.

     The efforts of the College of E.ncgineering with the defense
program may be divided into two major categories, to wit:
teaching and training of personnel and research work.   Daan
Gmaham says:

          "Fortunately the College could enter upon these
     additional duties with new, modern and generally ade-
     quate laboratory equipment at once available and, with
     what is of greater importance, a technical staff not
     only willing but also well qualified to carry forward
     these added duties.   It may as well be stated here as
     elsewhere that these additional duties of defense train-
     ing and research have not in any way curtailed or inter-
     fered with the regular curricula work of the College
     and that possibly the regular work has been improved
     and somewhat broadened by the necessities of the situation
     as a whole, due to the fact that the regular undergrad-
     uate students in engineering have been brought thus
     into direct contact with activities not ordinarily avail-
     able within a college.   Fuarthermore, it may be well
     to state that the defense training and research have
     been continuous, extending in whole or in part, through
     the summer months as well as during the college year..



 In otiher, ords, it has had no vacation periods, short
or long, since its inception, for there has always
been both faculty and technic .l pers.onnal available at
all times to carry forward whatever needed to be done.

     "The teaching and training programs may be divided
into two divisions: (a)short part-time non-credit
courses of college grade, given upon the campus, in prepa-
ra-ion for employment in defense construction and industry,
and (b) full-time intensive non-credit courses of both
engineering undergraduate and graduate grade, givcn upon
-he campus.   All of these courses have been approved and
financed by the United States Office of Education.   Pro-
fessor D. V. Terrell, head of the Department of Civil
Engineering, College of Engineering, has been the Insti-
tutional Representative' throughout the training period
and to him is due a major part of the credit for the
success of the service."

duoting further from Dean Graham's report, he says:

     "Full-time Zngineering Training Courses Upon the Campus.

     1. As the Aeronautical Motor Engine Course of grad-
uate grade had proven so successful,we decided to offer
it for a second time without change.   However, the Air
Corps at Wright Field was very short of Civil Service
Engineers and could not repeat the former schedule. There-
fore, we circularized the several aeroplane engine manu-
facturers and while we received very favorable comments
upon the quality of the course, they, Goo, explained a
shortage of graduate personnel.   We then circularized
some four hundred of the alumni of the College and received
an encouraging response and believe that the course will
be started successfully on December 1.

    "2. The College of Engineering is now so well equipped
with the most modern testing equipment that it seemed well
to more fully utilize it by offering an intensive and ex-
tensive materials tcsting course of college grade but open
-to high school graduates.  The major purpose of this
course is to train inspectors of materials and equipment
manufactured for the Defense Program.   This course will
start during the latter part of November and will continue
for twelve weeks, without holidays, and with forty-four
hours per week.

    "Evening Courses on the Campus*  Scheduled to Start
    on November _5.

    1. Strength of Materials, for twenty students.
    2. Alternating Currents, for twenty students.
    3. Surveying and Topographic Aapping, for twenty students.
    4. Engineering Drawing, for twenty-four students.
    5. Advanced Radio Communication, for twenty students.



     S. Production Zngineering, f or twuenty s-udents.
     7. SanitatUaion, for t'Jenty scudents.

     "Off Cam-2us Part-time Engzineering Courses

     1. The College of _ngineering was approac .ed, during
uhe past sumimer, by the engineering authorities at the
:Ken uc'-y Damr, G-ilbertsville, Kentucky, to plan andL sponsor
an engineering training course azi t'hat place, the teaching
uo be -:)erforned by professional engineers no,; employed upon
-C,,e .roject.  In due course, such a course wras formulated
in =-mpplied imiechanics (Statics), was applroved 'by G;e Un-ited
StatCes Office of lducation an.' inauLt'rated at Gilbertsville
undier hGhe sp.-onsorship and direc-ion ,f the College.  Pro-
fessor D. V. -errell is supervising this course.

     2. Our experience at Gilbertsville led us to investi-
gate the possibility of ex-ending tlis type of off campus
service to several coal fields in both the Eastern and
iestern Sections of the State, especially as many of the
College of Lngineering alumni. were employed in professional
mining engineering in these locali-ies and were available
-co act as instructors, under the sponsorship and direction
of the Department of Xining Engineering of the College.
In accord with this thought, Professor D. V. Terrell and
Associate Professor P. C. Emrath visited the several
fields of operation, contacted the mining authorities and
alumni personally.   ,s a z'esult of this effort, evening
training courses, college grade, lhave been formulated, duly
approved, an,' are scheduled to start on December 1, as fol-

     1. Fundamentals of M1ining Engineerings secti4ons
        at "Iva and Jeinkins, for forty students.
     2. EngineerinE Fundamentals of Ventilation and
        Drainage of Mines, sections at Harlan and
        Lynch for fort--Live students.
     3. Coal M4ine Production Zngineering, sections at
        Louellan anc. Jentins, for forty-five students.
     4. Coal Miine Fires and Explosions, at Harlan, for
        twenty students.

     "Plans are now. under way 1or similar- -part-time off
campus courses in engineering -rainin, at Sturgis, Zarling-
ton, Pineville, Pilevilles Hazard, 3en-ton, Kurray, and O-.rens-
boro.   In addition, we are nowz pl-anning to inaugurate another
needed course at Gilbertsville.   We are also discussing the
same plans for Frankfort, as much interest has developed
among engineering employees of the State and it saves t