xt78930nsd9w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78930nsd9w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1970-07-jul21-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1970-07-jul21-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1970-07-jul21-ec. 1970 1970-07-jul21-ec. 2011 true xt78930nsd9w section xt78930nsd9w 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees
of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday, July 21, 1970

       July twenty-first being the established date for a meeting of the Executive
Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, the following
members met in the Board Room of the Administration Building on the University
campus at 2:00 p. m. (Eastern Daylight Time) on Tuesday, July 21, 1970: Mr.
Albert G. Clay, Chairman; Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, Secretary; Mr. Thomas P. Bell;
and Mr. Richard E. Cooper. Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer was absent. University
representatives present were: President Otis A. Singletary; Vice Pres-dents Alvin
L. Morris, William R. Willard, A. D Albright, Glenwood L. Creech, George J.
Ruschell, Lewis W. Cochran, Robert G. Zumwinkle and M. Stanley Wall; Mr.
John. C. Darsie, Legal Counsel; and Dr. Donald B. Clapp, Budget Director. There
were representatives of the various news media also in attendance.

       A. Meeting Opened

       Mr. Clay called the meeting to order at 2:05 p. m. Following the invocation
pronounced by Mr. Clay, Mrs. Blazer reported a quorum present and the meeting
was declared officially open for the conduct of business at 2:07 p. m.

       B. Minutes Approved

       On motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Bell and so ordered, the
reading of the Minutes for the June 9 meeting of the Executive Committee of the
Board of Trustees was dispensed with and. the Minutes were approved as published.

       C. President's Report on Activities

       President Singletary recommended a reading of the report on campus
activities since the last meeting but did not discuss any of the items in the report.
Mr Clay accepted the report and it was ordered filed.

      D. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

      There being no questions relative to the Graduate Faculty appointment and
the appointments and/or other staff changes recommended in PR 2, on motion by
Mrs. Blazer, seconded by Mr. Bell, and passed without dissent, PR 2 was ap-
proved as a whole and ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the July 21
meeting of the Board of Trustees. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )



        E. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

        No action being required on the quarterly report on gifts and/cr grants,
 the report was accepted by the Chairman and ordered made an official part of the
 Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes. )

        F. Dr. Maurice Stanley Wall Named Vice President for the Community
 College System (PR 4)

       President Singletary recommended the appointment of Dr. Maurice Stanley
 Wall as Vice President for the Community College System, effective immediately.
 He said it gave him much pleasure to recommend Dr, Wall, a long-time member
 of the faculty and administration of the University, to this key position. He added
 that Dr. Wall's appointment had the concurrence of the selection committee ap-
 pointed to seek a Vice President to replace Dr. Hartford.

       On motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Bell, and concurred in by Mr.
Clay and Mrs. Blazer, Dr. Stanley Wall was named Vice President for the Com-
munity College System, effective immediately.

       G. Interim Financial Report Approved (FCR 1)

       Mr Ruschell recommended acceptance of the financial report covering the
eleven--month period ending May 31, 1970. He pointed out that the report reflects
95. 4% of the annual income estimate and the expenditures represent 86. 8% of the
expenditure authority. The auditor's report for the 1969-70 fiscal year will be
submitted to the Board in the early fall.

       On motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Bell, and so ordered, the
financial report was accepted and ordered filed. (See FCR 1 at the end of the

       H. Lexington Banks Designated as Depositories (FCR 2)

       Mr. Ruschell explained that the recommended designation of the various
Lexington banks to serve as depositories for University of Kentucky accounts would
continue the present policy established by the Board of Trustees for an additional
six-month period. He recommended that the Finance Committee be authorized to
study the present policy to determine whether or not it should be changed.

      On motion by Mr, Cooper, seconded by Mr. Bell, and passed, FCR 2 was
approved and the Finance Committee was authorized to make the study recommend-
ed by Mr. Ruschell. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )



        I. Report of Student Code Revision Committee

        Mr. Bell, chairman of the committee appointed in June to restudy the
 Student Code in light of experiences gained during the emergency situation which
 existed on the campus in May, reported that the committee had held two open
 hearings for students, faculty and administrators, and had had a "tremendous
 turnout" on both occasions. He said the committee had received many suggestions,
 some good, some bad, and had gained an insight into the thinking on campus which
 would be valuable to the committee as it drafted recommendations to be made to
 the Board. He closed by saying that the committee should be ready to present its
 report some time during August so that any charges approved at that time could be
 implemented and applicable for the Fall Semester.

       Mr. Clay thanked Mr. Bell for his report and added his hope that the report
would be ready for presentation to the Board in August.

       J. Meeting Adjourned

       Mr. Clay welcomed Dr. Albright back to the campus after a year's leave of

       Determining there was no further business to come before the meeting,
without objection, Mr. Clay declared the meeting adjourned at 2:17 p. m.

                                           Respectfully submitted,

                                           Lucile T. Blazer, Secretary
                                           Board of Trustees

(PRs 2, 3 and 4 and FCRs 1 and 2 which follow are official parts of the Minutes of
the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees for July 21, 1970)



                           JULY 21, 1970


        A study of the performance of community college transfer stu-
dents compared to students who took all their academic work on the
central campus reveals no difference in the performance of the two
groups. Dr. Ronnie N. Sutton, a native of Rockcastle county and
presently director of admissions at Western Kentucky University, con-
cluded in his doctoral thesis that "there is no disadvantage, in
terms of the factors considered in this study, for the student who
chooses to attend a local community college for the first two years
of a baccalaureate program." He used a matched-pair design with
the rationale that there might be a significant difference in the
community college students as a group and the "native" students as a
group, selecting 140 pairs of students and matching them on the basis
of the following six characteristics: the region of the state served
by a community college; sex; high school grades; college entrance
scores; college major, and the high school attended. Academic per-
formance in college was measured in terms of grade-point averages.
The respective grade-point averages for the transfer students and the
native students were: 2.83 and 2.64, cumulative at graduation; 2.88
and 2.54, cumulative in the lower division; 2.78 and 2.73, cumulative
in the upper division. A comparison within each year revealed trans-
fer student averages of 2.76, 2.98, 2.61, and 2.88 and native student
averages of 2.51, 2.58, 2.57, and 2.83 for the first, second, third
and fourth years, respectively. Dr. Sutton said a community college
graduate who is able to persist to graduation may expect grades in
his local college averaging 0.3 of a letter grade higher than grades
he would receive in the lower division on the central campus. The
student may expect his grades to fall in the first semester after
transfer equal to what he would have earned if he had attended
central campus classes in his lower division work.


        The communications problem between townspeople and students
at the University will be explored July 25 in a series of dis-
cussions and panels sponsored by the Human Relations Center and an
ad hoc group of townspeople and students. Among panelists at a
discussion set for 10 a.m. in the Grand Ballroom of the Student Center
are County Judge Robert Stephens, Student Government President Steve
Bright, Lexington Herald editor Don Mills, and two other participants.
The panel will discuss questions provoked by a film to be shown
earlier. The day's program will conclude at 4 p.m.


                              - 2 -


        A total of 8,463 students are enrolled for the 1970 summer
session, according to Dr. Elbert W. Ockerman, dean of Admissions and
Registrar. There are 4,986 on the Lexington campus, including the
Lexington Technical Institute; 3,477 are on 13 campuses in the Ccm-
munity College System. The Evening Class Program is not in session
during the summer; Northern Community College, which became Northern
Kentucky State College on July 1, was not included in this year's
total figure.

        Enrollment on the Lexington campus shows the following:
Agriculture, 101; Arts and Sciences, 1,188; Business and Economics,
409; Education, 968; Engineering, 201; Graduate School, 1,727; Law,
116; Pharmacy, 18; Architecture, 36; Lexington Technical Institute,
55; Allied Health, 51; Home Economires, 73, and Nursing, 43. There
are 2,661 males and 2,325 females enrolled on the Lexington campus.
Students in the community colleges include: Ashland, 313; Elizabeth-
town, 217; Hazard, 44; Henderson, 153; Hopkinsville, 133; Jefferson
at Louisville, 1,136; Madisonville, 114; Maysville, 118; Paducah,
453; Prestonsburg, 133; Somerset, 165; Southeast at Cumberland, 36,
and Ft. Knox, 462.


        The papers of Edwin Carlile Litsey, poet laureate of Ken-
tucky--an honor shared with Jesse Stuart of Greenap--have been given
to the University. Several unpublished poems, original manuscripts,
letters and personal notes are included in the documents currently
being classified by Charles Atcher, University archivist. Atcher said
the papers soon will be made available to researchers and others
interested in the former Lebanon banker, his poetry, and the picture
of Kentucky they reflect. They are a gift by Mr. Litsey's daughter,
Mrs. Sarah Nye, of West Redding, Conn. Mr. Litsey, who died last Feb-
ruary 3 at the age 95, was associated with the Marion National Bank of
Lebanon for more than 70 years. He published the first of nine novels
in 1898 when he was 24, and also was the author of a volume of short
stories, a novelette, and two books of poetry. He was born in Wash-
ington county near Lincoln Memorial State Park, where a plaque was
unveiled in 1962 honoring the poet and his works. The Kentucky
General Assembly in 1954 named him poet laureate, along with Stuart,
and until failing eyesight halted his production, he continued work on
a novel tentatively called "The Son," which has strong religious over-

        An examination of the Litsey papers has convinced Atcher that
"they will be invaluable to our collection of the papers of Kentucky
writers and statesmen, and undoubtedly a master's thesis will emanate
from these documents for some future researcher." Mr. Litsey's
daughter, who is married to Frank W. Nye, a son of the late Bill Nye,
American humorist of the 19th Century, also has received some fame
as an author and poet.


- 3 -


        Three Lexington men and an Atlanta, Ga., woman have received
Alumni Service Awards from the University Alumni Association. They
are: Hampton C. Adams Sr., president of Carey-Adams, Inc., a con-
tracting firm; Robert H. Hillenmeyer, partner in Hillenmeyer Nurs-
eries, and Dr. Glenwood L. Creech, UK's vice-president for University
relations, all of Lexington, and Miss LeRuth Jones, secretary at the
First National Bank, Atlanta. The awards were presented June 11 at a
banquet opening a three-day annual workshop of the board of the
Alumni Association, held at the President Inn in Ft. Mitchell. No more
than four of the awards are given annually to UK graduates who have
offered exceptional service to the Alumni Association and to the Uni-
versity. Presentation of the awards to Mr. Adams and Mr. Hillenmeyer
marked two "firsts" since the honor was started. Mr. Adams is the
first husband of a previous winner to receive the award, and Mr.
Hillenmeyer the first son of an earlier winner. Mr. Adams's wife,
Mrs. Catherine Carey Adams, a life member of the board, was a recip-
ient in 1965. Mr. Hillenmeyer's father, the late Louis E. Hillen-
meyer, was among the first recipients in 1961.

        Mr. Adams and his wife will be recognized this year as Univer-
sity Fellows, an honor given to major donors to UK, for their gifts
for scholarships in the College of Engineering. Mr. Hillenmeyer, who
followed his father as an alumni member of the Board of Trustees, has
served on the association's board for more continuous years than any
other person. He has been a board member since 1949. A 1943 graduate,
he was a recipient of the Sullivan Medallion. He has been a member
of the Board of Trustees since January, 1959. Dr. Creech, as vice-
president of the University, is directly responsible for the alumni
program, but the committee that selected the award recipients pointed
out that his "efforts greatly exceed those official requirements to
further the cause of alumni relations at UK." He received two degrees
from the University--one in 1941 and one in 1950--and served on its
staff from 1951 to 1956. He became a vice--president in 1965. Dr.
Creech and his wife, Mrs. Martha Brooks Creech, are University
Fellows. Miss Jones, a 1951 graduate, was honored for her work with
the Atlanta Alumni Club.


        A total of 96 persons have received Crusade for Children
Scholarships amounting to $31,000 to attend the University Summer
Session, where they are preparing to teach and serve as teacher aides
in special education. They then can be certified to work with handi-
capped children. Dr. A. S. Levy, coordinator of special education in
the summer program, announced that scholarships have been awarded to
persons in the areas of Educable Mentally Retarded, Speech and Hearing,
Trainable Mentally Retarded, Emotionally Disturbed, Neurologically
Impaired, and Orthopedically Handicapped. Eight teachers of the
trainable mentally retarded and five teacher aides have been awarded
Crusade grants through the Hazard-based Upper Kentucky River Regiornal
Mental Health-Mental Retardation Comprehensive Care Center. All will
work with handicapped children in their home counties.


- 4 -


        A course for librarians underwritten by an East Kentucky coal
company at the University has taken the students into the homes of the
people in poverty-labeled areas to enable the students to better
understand the people's way of life. "Often, librarians in poverty
areas cannot communicate with the people and they clash head on," says
Mrs. Virginia Kerr, who conducts the seminar in the School of Library
Science. The course was funded during the past semester by the Ken-
tucky River Coal Company, making it possible for the graduate-level
students to make three weekend field trips to different areas to view
various types of poverty.

        The first trip was to Clinton, Ky., where they were to become
acquainted with rural poverty. The second trip was to Cincinnati, to
learn about urban poverty, and the third to Blackey, in Letcher county,
where they experienced life in Appalachia. The grant from the coal
company also provided funds to pay the host families for the over-
night accommodations and for the breakfasts they served the students.
The Kentucky Institute for Community Development, a non-profit train-
ing agency in Lexington, helped with the details, Mrs. Kerr said.
Agency trainers held several sessions with the students, so they would
better understand people in poverty, and what can be done to alleviate
such situations. Upon their return to the campus, the students
prepared reports concerning the overall-needs for libraries in the
community or area surveyed, possible sources of funding, financing and
physical facilities, and the type of books needed by the people
living in the areas.


        The Department of Electrical Engineering has received a
grant of $49,440 from the Bureau of Mines, U.S. Department of the
Interior, to develop a mine-rescue vehicle. Dr. Robert L. Cosgriff,
chairman of the electrical engineering department and principal investi-
gator on the prototype mine vehicle, says demonstrations of the vehicle
will be held about a year from now. "We have already ordered a Jeeps-
ter. We will have to modify it in numerous ways," he said. "First,
we'll have to lower the chassis and remove much of the cowl since the
machine must be able to go into mines with very low ceilinas. And since
gas and dust always produces an explosive atmosphere following a mine
blast, we'll develop an engine free of any kind of spark and carrying
not only fuel but its own supply of oxygen. We'll fit it with a diesel
engine. There won't be any spark plugs since a diesel cylinder is
fired by high compression ane,of course, we'll develop a special car-
buretor and exhaust. Actually, the vehicle will be able to operate in
an atmosphere devoid of oxygen." One of the major uses of the vehicle
would be in decontamination of mines. Other uses, with adaptions, would
be almost any kind of environment hostile to man. For example, it could
combat forest fires, enter burning buildings, survey areas containing
poisonous gases from train wrecks, and work in extremely dusty areas
such as confined drilling in rock. It possibly could be adapted to
perform tasks underwater. Dr. Cosgriff will supervise the vehicle's
development. Much of the modification work will be done by students
working on advanced degrees in engineering.



        A third-year student in the College of Medicine has been
awarded a Henry Viets Fellowship by the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation,
Inc., New York. Eldridge M. Montgomery of Danville received one of
nine $750 fellowships awarded. Myasthenia gravis is a neuromuscular
disease characterized by varying weakness of the voluntary muscles of
the body. Montgomery will apply a new technique that electronically
calculates the area of muscular action potential evoked by a stimula-
tion of nerve in human subjects.  The technique provides a new area
for the study of neuromuscular function in normal subjects as well
as in patients with myasthenia gravis, polyneuritis, and other
diseases causing muscular weakness. The program will be conducted
by Montgomery during the college's summer recess and under the super-
vision of Dr. Michael P. McQuillen, associate professor of neurology.


        A third-year student in the College of Medicine has been
named among the top four finalists in a national research contest for
medical students. Thomas A. Dale II, Grayson, has received an award
of $500 for a scientific paper and exhibit which took top honors in
the Student American Medical Association--Squibb Company Research
Contest. Dale's exhibit, featuring a study of the hair shaft as "An
Index of Protein Calorie Malnutrition," was shown recently at the
national convention of the student medical organization.


        The upper basin of the Green River in the area of Casey
county is the home of a new type of fish, named in honor of Dr.
Roger Barbour, professor of zoology. Belonging to the darter
family, the new fish is called teardrop darter, and is new, techni-
cally speaking, because it has heretofore not been cataloged and given
a name. The teardrop darter, like others of the darter family, is a
small fish--only about two inches long at maturity. Its normal life
span is approximately three years. Dr. Robert A. Kuehne, associate
professor of zoology, and James W. Small, a Ph.D candidate in the
same field, are classifying, cataloging and preparing a manuscript
for publication about the teardrop darter which is identified from
other species by the black stripe below its eye.


- 6 -


        The large temporary parking lot situated on the lawn in
front of the Administration Building has been removed and replanted
as a lawn area. George J. Ruschell, acting vice-president for
business affairs, said "the removal of this lot as a parking area is
pursuant to agreements and announcements made at the time of initial
construction of the Patterson Office Tower and the White Hall Class-
room Building, wherein assurances were given by the administration
that the parking lot was temporary and would be returned to its
original setting." Professors and administrators accustomed to
parking in the former lot may now park in the east and west lot of
Stoll Field, the College of Business and Economics lot, near the
main campus gate, the Student Center lot, and lots between Lexington
and Harrison avenues. The lawn in front of the Administration Build-
ing historically has been both a picnic ground for the citizens of
Lexington and a parade ground for the ROTC program. It served as a
camp grounds for the military during the Civil War and both World


        University Tau chapter of Phi Alpha Theta, international
honor society in history, has received the national Best Chapter
award in Category 4 for 1970, according to Prof. Robert G. Lunde,
chapter advisor. Category 4 is composed of universities with more
than 10,000 students. A total of 102 chapters are in this category.
Prof. Lunde has been faculty advisor to the chapter since it was
reactivated in 1952. "The very fine program, its diversity, the
activities engaged in by the chapter and its members, and the fine
support of the faculty all added up to the necessary qualifications
for this award," according to the notification letter received by
Prof. Lunde. The chapter will receive $250 worth of books, selected
by chapter members, for the history department library.

        Composed of faculty and high scholarship students, Tau
chapter has 100 per cent membership by history department faculty
members who have engaged in these activities during the past year:
A total of 14 faculty members published 30 articles in recognized
journals, 11 are authors or co-authors of books, five edited books,
seven presented more than 15 papers at state historical association
meetings in Kentucky, Indiana, West Virginia and Tennessee, nine
presented 12 papers at professional meetings outside Kentucky, and
the history department chairman, Dr. Carl B. Cone, won the national
Phi Alpha Theta book award.




        The College of Dentistry has been awarded $128,037 for the
first year of a five-year grant from the U.S. Department of Health,
Education and Welfare. The "Health Professions Educational Improve-
ment Special Project Grant" was announced by Dr. Merrill Packer,
assistant dean for planning and development of the college. Dr.
Packer also will serve as project director. The funds will be used
to revise the present curriculum and improve teaching methods, to
institute a computer instruction program, and to develop teaching
materials used in dentistry. Through the use of the computer-
assisted instruction program each student will have an individual
curriculum programmed by a computer and based on his abilities and
previous education. The method could result in many basic science
courses, successfully completed as an undergraduate, being deleted
from the individual's curriculum.


        The University Teacher Corps program has 50 new interns, the
fifth such group and the largest number beginning a new class program
at the University. More than 60 have completed the program in the
past four years, and 23 young men and women are going into the second
year of the two-year program. The program leads to a master's dearee
in elementary education and a standard teaching certificate upon
successful completion of academic work and a two-year internship in a
designated school. The program's purpose is to train the interns to
teach in schools serving low-income families. The 50 new interns
will spend most of their time in Louisville working with 50 other
Teacher Corps interns from the University of Louisville. The com-
bined group will be assigned to six schools in Louisville's inner-
city area. The Louisville program is called "Project Focus," and is
designed to individualize instruction and humanize education,
according to Dr. Sue Lail, director of the UK Teacher Corps, who will
serve as an associate director of the project.


        A National Institute of Mental Health five-year grant of
$275,387 to the Department of Sociology will be used to train pro-
fessional researchers.  NIMH granted the funds for supervised
research experience in drug abuse for eight graduate students
studying for their doctorates in sociology and specializing in
deviant behavior. The students will conduct their research at the
NIMH Clinical Research Center, Leestown Road, mostly in the summers
and to a lesser degree during the autumn and spring school terms.
"The grants will permit the students to concentrate on their academic
work in the winter months and on their field experiences in research
during the summer," said Dr. Harwin L. Voss, professor of sociology,
who will direct the program. Dr. Voss is a specialist in deviant




        A college preparatory program sponsored jointly by the
Black Student Union and the University is underway. Nathan Sullivan,
the program's director, said it will continue until August 7.
Sullivan, a graduate student in social work from Morganfield, said
nearly 50 recent high school graduates, who already have been
accepted for the Fall term, are taking part in the program. Courses
are offered in English and study skills, with options in mathematics
and speech. Most of the students are from Fayette and surrounding
counties, with no fees to be paid by those who enroll. He said $1 a
day is paid to each participant, to underwrite transportation costs,
"but only if they show a need for the stipend." This is the third
year of the Summer preparatory program, begun in 1968. Last year, 43
enrolled in the special courses. Dr. Harry Barnard of the College of
Education is advisor.


        Three experts in the College of Agriculture have been asked
by federal narcotics officials to help destroy hemp growing wild on
farm land in Fayette and Jessamine counties, the two counties
designated in a pilot program by the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous
Drugs. Dr. J. W. Herron, weed control specialist, Charles Gulley,
Fayette County Extension agent, and Clarence Mitchell, Jessamine
County agent, met with narcotics and USDA officials and Extension
representatives from 10 other Midwestern states in St. Louis recently
to plan their campaign against the plant. The college's role, Dr.
Herron said, will be solely educational. "We will help farmers and
landowners identify the plant and recommend control practices." He
said the weed usually is found along ditch banks, railroads, unmowed
roadsides, and abandoned fields. It most commonly is found in moist
lowlands.  "Since it's an annual, and reproduces by seed, preventing
seed production by tilling or repeated close mowing in early summer
while the plants are young is effective," he explained.


        Dr. Ellis F. Hartford, who retired June 30 as vice-
president for the Community College System, was honored at a recent
dinner. Joe Creason, president of the Alumni Association, was the
speaker at a banquet June 29 on the occasion of Dr. Hartford's
retirement. It was noted that Dr, Hartford has been employed by
the Commonwealth and the University for more than 25 years.


- 9 -


        During the period May 1-June 30, a total of 117 agreement
awards were received by the University of Kentucky Research Founda-
tion, amounting to $2,466,377.66. Eighteen grants received addition-
al funds amounting to $455,793.49, and two grants were decreased by
$47,704. Two other grants were received amounting to $344.42. The
total for the fiscal year: $13,616,850.33.


        S. C. Bohanan, Thailand Project, Agency for International
Development, $185,000.

        Department of Agricultural Engineering--B. F. Parker, Brown and
Williamson Tobacco Corporation-Research Programs on Tobacco, Brown and
Williamson, $3,750. K. Mills, Professional Advisory Service Center,
Office of Civil Defense, $8,825 additional funds (total amount of grant
now $13,030).

        Department of Agronomy--C. E. Bortner, USDA Tobacco Research
(Cooperative Agreement), U.S. Department of Agriculture, $16,200. A. J.
Hiatt, Brown and Williamson Tobacco Corporation-Research Programs on
Tobacco, Brown and Williamson, $3,750. C. G. Poneleit, Maize Dwarf
Mosaic Corn Breeding, Northrup, King and Company, $1,500. J. H. Smiley,
Eli Lilly and Company-Experimental Tobacco, Eli Lilly, $3,000. L.
Thompscn Jr., Weed Science Research, Gulf Research and Development
Company, $500. L. Thompson Jr., Research with EL-179 and Balan on
Burley Tobacco, Eli Lilly and Company, $1,000. L. Thompson and J.
Herron, Herbicides Studies, Shell Development Company, $600. L. Thomp-
son and A. J. Hiatt, Herbicilal Studies, Esso Research and Engineering
Company, $500. G. Collins, Studies on the Inheritance of Alkaloids in
Nicotiana Tobacum, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, $4,000. G. Collins,
Black Shank Disease Plots Program, Reynolds, $1,000. J. W. Herron,
Weed Science Research, Uniroyal Chemical Company, $700. A. J. Hiatt,
Research on Dark-Fired Tobacco, Stauffer Chemical Company, $300. J. H.
Smiley and W. 0. Atkinson, Tobacco Research, Sun Oil Company, $500.

        Department of Animal Sciences--N. W. Bradley, Beef Cattle
Research, Fischer Packing Company, $10,000 (additional funds--total
amount of grant now $25,000). D. R. Jacobson, American Jersey Cattle
Club Grant-Mineral Nutrition of Dairy, American Jersey Cattle Club,
$1,000. V. Hays, Research Assistantship in Swine Nutrition, Commer-
cial Solvents Corporation, $3,000. G. Mitchell, Vitamin A. Metabolism
in Sheep, National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases,
$22,205. D. Olds, Animal Reproductive Physiology and/or Genetics,
American Breeders Service, Inc., $600.

        Development Programs--M. Duff and J. L. Ragland, Concentrated
Services in Training and Education Projects, Tennessee Valley Authority,


- 10 -

        Department of Entomology--B. C. Pass and R- Thurston,
Tobacco Research, Chemagro Corporation, $600. B. C. Pass, Research
on Non-Tillage Corn, Union Carbide Corporation, $500. B. C. Pass,
Research Work for the Control of the Alfalfa Weevil, Geigy Chemical
Company, $500. B. C. Pass, Resear