xt786688kz3g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt786688kz3g/data/mets.xml Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) France Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) 1797-05-18 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French De l'Imprimerie des Nouvelles politiques (Paris)  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 18 May 1797 text Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 18 May 1797 1797 1797-05-18 2023 true xt786688kz3g section xt786688kz3g    


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(Jeudi 18 Mai 1797).






111'lall(111011, dens- dam conga/s J1: Z11 répu/u’ique c1i1vp1'11l11n5. —— Contribution 1172 500 mil]? florins ([57’lfl’ij"" [1' 1“” '1
111/10 ([0 1" (1111/1111 [1111' 1’111117’1111111- 1’,"

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1/; clugumzlc 01111111121115- (1111s;'l111o‘ at 11111111‘1'11111'113 par (leux fi‘éeulcd jianmu'aes. — Epit/c'mig: pm‘mi 1’1; 15'1"; 1.; 011121163. ‘
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1‘ Le grand conscil dos soixantc EL C€1t11 (11%.: ix‘cnte <"‘1;112E
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)1‘1101‘111tflilx 1 inslarl‘Iés & aydnt éanlcnrs 131351116115 , 11 a été 1161 '115, 111:0
1111011113111 , 1:70.15 1111101111115 :19 501019111 11111111131117.1411 quz: {101,35 1:) 1-1pm. i
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41350:) 11: 1 11):” De Loud/'15, la 28 (1171!.
v1 10 x. 11: {J ‘


1n lnilimrnt prussien est arrivé 11:1 on qnamn'n jours

0111‘s (1’1Mlg1ulcrre. L1: (51131111111113 a dim-1411'- qu‘il avoil

1 1111911: (1&11‘01'. dc (1111312111211 diiTcrens coranin‘s capugnnls, 1 0111. (EU! repnnssés 8: obligés dc sol‘ctircr on (11"5111‘111'1‘ (111115

‘ 31"11‘11111: i] avail 1'1‘11501111'é , it (111111111110 milk“; (‘1 I’m! (in | Inurs Vilis'st‘élllx, bk qn‘on csl' disposé £1 trailer 111: mC‘mc

“ff-3'9, 11: uonvm angluis parti (Ln-nimx-mcnl dc l’urlo— I tons rzenx (1111 se présenlemicnl. l
”1 8: qu’myant 111111131111 13111115111111: dns [115311503 qui l’cs-— ()n a rcg‘u 111w 11:1.111‘9 dc 111112111111 , du 28 se‘ph-mbrr‘ : sui— . .

‘m-nl , 11 avofl app!“ que 8a 11351111111011 1311;11110111' Gi— _ Yzm‘ 11: rapport 11c 1.1;SSCJ‘ , hfiiimrnl. :uné‘rivain . qln aunt ‘


1 41‘ “11.3 1011110111111in roulc. (iniité Madras 1-; 23 , on 11 Yu uuc cscudrc J‘rzmgaisua it 10


Unc 1(‘111‘1‘6 11:. D1‘1nerari , du 29 ianvicr, perm qne lcs

Aughxis y mud-‘11": almqués par les Espugnols , qut: (’L‘llK-Ci



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lEvuim. an sud (is I'laz’h‘afi. Cc“? caudx'c itoif sompmi‘e flu
tziiscau In. 15‘or1,Jc 54 canvas, «"1 dcs fx‘f: a! 5‘: Cjéu'fc',
21L Seine '1; I'I'rz‘m'rtr (It: 45 , /.I Prim/mm <\ [E’égémirée
(17:: 5K). L’m‘méc d’ubfiur‘vulfiml qua Hf Ym'zm' 5‘. I'\ , {‘S‘L «'10
19. x00 houum-s. 17. EC 651 (‘Ommzmaln‘c 1111‘ {it gum in] 0an9.
Tip-poo suHan ext pzza‘ii dc Ml ('npiinlc 5114 E: ,8 (Hum m'méc
:2u1ni!1<‘-].zomsxre<, [ant Ci‘.\'(l‘£i;ii8 qu'nafinxin'ic irony


Cu:- 1’} 5?
1‘..L~umilir, (131-021, 505 mm‘nus.

Dus kth'ev. nn'heulizilms do 1:: 7
6 fw'rim‘, now: up mean,
[1.1 ’J’Imlis 8i [.5 Prnwe, out
1m com-I espace {It lcms, en

L'n (Mir (1.11
4' {U
:‘is‘lu , Jaws



pa Brian-(Yes, [e 2/} florid].

fics officicrs {mug

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L’uzl a mmznqué pawn] v22»: . tinflvpn-s
«lax corps «La (Wurx'.."‘.’i1'u3 I}. d" fluhan , 1'»
ch? pris dim: L‘s rum»


m: (Uri-1’»..i vuliuu.

; up,

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' ' 121 ll?» Limih:
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aims away? 5»
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in grand n.;m‘m'n 95L Lu‘tmfilvmrnt dam. has priwmé. (H
;n“.'vsl.‘.3<:m: nudii};‘i(~o:: min-[immim 1m cspx'il. 4.:
:ndeml :n'gvnl fit: in


cox'Hsr .. inj‘r‘.


(‘mylmmymc'ni Mum, il Mroil “‘1

k a'" luf-wAlr 1N vials.
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A N C I“.

n n B A 3—“ u 1 51'.

(30mg, /(I 9.0 flm‘fiufi

1‘; 5709.1. numil'n‘flt" dam 11m (:aulum mu) l1'I:';—\'E:.‘.--zi!e

pm‘mi hr; bM-‘s it (?()1‘Il(“€, an palm. qua nuns

mmuz JP n’dvuir bicnh‘ll ni 1.5131. pi hymn: if

V inqun‘umlvs, c’cs‘lqnu we Helm: 3:..3 I
Pulliihzw 2m

v‘piv 5111i?
cc qui nugmenh:
rm: porter unusi snr IL‘S c'hm’zmx
dr';p‘.\)ruMc qui TREND ici, m]. (lxpnis rluimze' imn's , i1 ['._
un from. 92'135-\H'. mil/5, (h‘ gvluix“: 5;, (in \'q His hf‘rwixnim-
10mm; ('2' vlzoi rnHrnlil, m1 pm this L'nm'm:nit-".liuns' m‘r‘a:
" y‘“ . 11L luuinliu




‘lu rivz‘ «nu-3h: d”. Ruin . 12,1)l‘i on

dc< iwrfiiunx’ 2v 1,, Hull“:

3) :7; l’ .\ n '1‘ '9. n Y) _\' 'L' D I: L o I u

I)! ;’"«'I.-:4':?.’.'12 J I; 2'; flni'h/L

71:1 sézmtm flu 2"} n (“More bli" lrmll'xléc par 11:! invidhn!
awe"), 'fr/urrv. Urgmis 1-3.4 HHH'HYL‘H him pm‘ 1:"; (I‘M-mu
poms .{C’Vfitdd‘ dc prim”, if»: He: pm'wuiuni. phi: un’H‘xllZ-
.n'd‘uvr r]!"u\'r(‘ 1mm (lz‘I‘cnwrue's. L’cx—(V‘onx'unlimm:E Lui—
rmllui m‘uiL immgziw} (lr prvm‘xa 5:1 fbmmc pmxr van-evil;
M: fI‘ nit. (tr-mrzzti {1 CNN; manna-cum, mu!c on :zvnii :un'u
17- e‘<'12rlin{'¢- '1’" L1 1nnnh‘};::1}itt’s. Dunn 9021!; an
. 1.1 i‘mnmc Luignv'lui avail. gliwm“ dung la main do Rh
cud um lctlro your sun mzui. LC commandant de in 59;)—

l'x':m<;ui<-:.~‘ . .

:L‘Hl' no “I pave-4' 51 mm mrn'l :utcmle kiln: qui 'u’ufit.





954 )

darmeric s‘cm élant nppcrqn , a arraché 1n lattrc des mains
dc Ricord. Tons lcs prévmxus se aunt nusai—tét lcvés en
furs-111', out crié it L1 lymnnic, 310. Le p'i‘niclant nyant
mxl‘iu oblcnu silence, a rappcllé quc 10F, (lx‘lmmq n»: pou—
ernt recuvoix‘ am: me lvm'c cacheléa, 31 la IA'UH‘. u 6h}
11-min: {1 la [HUIHC Laignelolv , (Jni J’a mi-w cu pieccx,
Ricard a lu‘is rnsnilr) In parole; H a, (‘muule Veulim‘}
(”nit la plus pumpeux Huge (la la cunvcuiiun, qui, suns
irs (‘lisscnsimls qui se sour HCVL'cs (151:5 sun Evin (il Yum
luil pzudur (In 9 Hu'rmidm' ), ei‘ll abuissé , (Wit—i1, 1011‘: M
il'(\n!‘.~: do lilfiumpcjlcvunt 1n majusLé des pcuplm. H a
Jxlppttlll‘ L‘s cspt'mmccs quc 10 15 vundéminirc avuitdun—
m'm :nn: putriulm‘ , R" (Inc In conduile {in (lirecloh'c avail
(Hynl‘n'mécs : (1 il avail prom.“ do ruviv'er [a przh'iolisnu',
5': sex arms (Huionl ('oni'ormes it ('c 1a.):guge; mais alum
A} Gioit lui—mémc & 11c suivnil. ({va lcs impulsiuns rle
mm ('(x‘m‘, ]()1'.‘i!ll!0 , your 1:? mnlhvur dc ions, Cotlum
\‘Ln! 51 11 prflivv. H cmnmvng'u par ('hnsser ions 11:5 M-
;uzbiicnia—Is (Iunt mm an'K-ccssnm‘ avoii rcmpTi 10m set
burvanx; Mom sH'n'g'mim l’cspiunllugta 3-: It: grisclismnwu
.[fm‘ulmw m' pax‘niasuil p.14 derr qua lm [ml/'1'!- ;,'

wnt (‘0 m1 sued-,9 (-nmplrt si Mrfliz: I'm r0416 xm mm
$9 plus 5: {:1 Iufliuc 3 'il :1 “Hi par detnzmrjcr l’uLiiili du puuyé,
(In mmvvr In 1‘é1)!!Hiqm~é.

du :15, ions 135 an!
onsuifc Gonna“, 1:2 paw]:


.‘hYHI m0,

‘nm‘ A ‘I‘I‘HL Ln pn'lsidcnlr (L
dK-x‘hn-u-uru ”dun: UaHycr pirc :1 dbl‘xrndu (11x 5)
luéu‘lmn . ii n’u {ML qua Ii‘pf‘h‘r Edmuf S; Dum‘nuullf
i'ibul PHIiLHL cnszu'LLC. .

x n



L’e Paris , la 28 flor‘al.

(I‘Ilaliu qnc Bummpm'lv u cx‘igt" an slum? [L
s Emit impliVih‘m-s tl’ém! , air; it;

On ("z'a‘if
‘V‘cuiw J’mq'sslnlicm d
«111 "upiiuinc 1h: pull [:2 (3c crux qni «mi {Ml lit-‘1' --h|.
Miimc HIV l'mngetis qui sl’wu‘lt préscnlé pour (‘niH-r Jaw"
purl. jw shut él I’zziL loui up, qnu 1‘.- g‘llf'l'ul. u "..\..l '
(721., on camp-1115111, h: guuvcnn'mcnl dc Vunisn: n‘vxl.


'Pmn‘ prhnicns 4‘.“ h pzzix , il .u’Hl‘vc L101?) 1m cmubnf n

U”: I: "
mil"? 191.31%? dif Jxr‘onnoih'c um: loi du corp“ IégmlaiN'w
' 2-1'15

Mir china" \‘n:' Klil‘kICDHI'xiLlhl L-s in]\' Ann). 1 .

(' '..\' paw-nm‘n‘cs .miurih'w (1." 1n \‘(thfi'ftw
I! y dkob‘ir. H‘ d'uxs' 11ml icmpe ('ncon: <
Lurscnm ‘lv 122nm!\x-H'm)..ni (in rum: “gt: _

c? pmmc‘i‘ mu €21\)',:\"11I;1~

'IIHHHM .7." ma;

Chit” "-4 Huuvdlcs, .
Pi‘!")l"L€ Al‘unz‘ £1Ll!0!"lh"(llUl'VUilfllllt‘ :[xlx ‘.""1'.£!1Ui§ 5.1;."
(Ea‘wax; «,‘u 1.4 Cuz'n'HYHIiun. ‘hmi! u~2--un vmxlu all

‘- :(L: 5.5 215!a‘ihn‘?izmscosukiiwidnzl 1' ‘l L:

5:032" Lllt'ILL‘Hl!

mlvcr d.- l'mlc dc res prélugzuiixw-


1—0:: Im‘mc \ (in-L:

lui 4311!, (£5 (Linn-'1» invmuiiml;'mnc-
, . . ,
IxLl'i‘ .‘ .~ \l:


uzmcz‘ 941:»: (N wuph- (1.1,: "“"P' L
1'“ lir:
ouvz'c 1m con'f'li! dc, '3 "


Hliliiii‘fl‘h i1 L-‘Q‘ -:.‘.:“-1' 501‘! , ‘
.‘if'l‘h jours; (L.
"mph: m3 crm‘m'é- 1m“ {2:}? :=’..l)em-.‘\mn«ur 51
H m: parvlurnvro“. pm (ruufir Oh" l‘.‘<\;:\.v|"'

:m :‘{:‘:u- dx- spevmiwn' «11 v :w

vollm division"; qui (14:91 1
de 1018 :u'lvpicus qu‘h éh" rcnx'm‘m’w‘ mw Ill'Cn'liC‘l’t'


tilulion , qui avoil 0L6 mi‘diiéc pgrzduni Hair. “.11.,

(II :4" he rrdn


:‘uc-ivm, In 1""1-)l|7.*‘uiqn(:. (”win

’ 11%: yo



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‘ Hum.

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[Iii 5':





1‘11 compté qnc quelqms 11101.1 11c 121 plus (léplorable exis-
111100.‘Q11elle indignation causeroil. (10110 an pauplc , au-
.0111‘11'11111, 11110 2111101111: r1"l‘1'11ct.aire 11111 (10111161011311: signal
dc l‘inexi‘cution (105‘ loix? Qui so mngcroit (11:1 parti (l’un
{ozwcrm‘mnnt (1111 11110111111111.1011. pour 1111 011111 51 misé—
1111111: , 111 {mi}; renaissanle K 11: mum de 1104 aspéranccs.
]1 141131101011 jusqu’zl la cumflaisuncc (11: .905 :1g1n1s 1.5:; plus-
111‘110111'm; 1'1 1‘031131‘0112 59111 (18118 1:1 1111113 qu‘il 111111111 élc—
11'1“. 1:11ac1111 11c 5138 0.1111118 11c 11:1'011‘ 111‘1’a11imr1‘ (11‘ 11011-
vclles 1111111133 contra 11:1; 11: 1‘01”; 1151113111111 passm‘oil 1-11
1111 1119111111. 1111 «1111111111 111 vi1‘luii'12. Mais 111111 1.4111 Viv:-
11111'3 1111 scroll. 111111-816 £1 1111-1111-111r ; 11 (11111111. Lesoin (1211‘—
11‘111‘1' 5.1 11101111: impé-luusilé, 8L 1!: g0!1‘.’(‘1‘11’.‘!)1(‘1lt 1111111—
111011 1.111 0111;11:1ch (Pinsmbililé, .symph’hnc 11111111111111; dc
(lécrulencrt. ‘
.11- 1113 111113 1111: pc-1‘::11z1(1cr (111': 11: (“reels-ire coupronmilc
an 51111 (11151011313 5.: 11011‘e rcpm. 11 111:2;1111111‘, 1111'~11i11~1'
.1'11111111'11’11111 5:1 silua!i1111;1-11-? 1:11.11ng (111:1: 1m 151/11101‘1101111.
{’5 £111 111111211 11cs (11"‘17115 . 5'21 ‘
1111': fraud-011111". 1111': 1 161111111111 (11015111110. 11 :1
10113-111113 gouvan‘né 51 1111:: , 8; 1’1111 31-11111}!
1111 119111 110ml‘1‘11 11:23 luli 110 1.1 “81810” qui 111111, .111
11’11ycnt 13115 1-111314-1'1191-5 11a;- mu 1311;1{11011-16 1111111111111). L111-
mémc, il :1 l‘ail. 1ch 1111111. . ' 51111:. 1% lulx; 11 #1151311—
ho1‘110r111l— 11> pauvoiy jutll‘ (1111‘ 1.: 1.1111112111131111 :11'1111.

‘ 11111:; 1.1

41115 01111.1

re dos mains
t1‘1t lovés on
11111111 ayant
11111'l ne pou—
1 1111.111 11 11111
0. 1:11 11190111.
me Varlivr,
1 , (1111, 5111111
min (11 1'1111-
1—11, 1011s 1115
511111125. 11 1
'c avuit (lon-
1'ec’loirc avoil
pair/olivine ,
; mais alum
opulsions 111
113, (30011111
10115 lcs 1'1-
1111i 1011s :11
11111501111711» :1.
frwles 11‘13-11-
<16 1111 111111
111 1111 11215113,








Uili‘r‘ (10115.111"11211111116111: n


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1., 11111. 111:1:15'}
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(111: :‘1 1.1111171

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1111*. ind-“1111;111:111 : 1111 11c 1111:7011 M1111—
111111111) (1111- 11.- 1li11~cioirez {L1 1“ L‘:’111'1‘C:1}101111-111: 11:
111111011 :1vvc 1111121111 111: 11111111 111m 11111 110 511'» 111:1111155 do
{5.11111 1111111111.

; T111! 511111 g aujou 111111, 81 111 1311111121". 191.1113
1111' 11:11“ 311:.





1“. <11 rum-—
I‘al'uililn'c. L1- 1111'c1'luirc ‘1111m11u—1-11 3011111111—
11'1111‘ (1.1119 111111 Tux-gm“ {\‘lcs :111115 11.1: 5:1 (luminaiiuu‘)
ti’uxpzrcrn-[dlé 1-11:_1:11111111:1r111:s 111111111103? no c111111gc1‘11—
1—11 11:11 1111124. 1:05 1_-1':11‘1511:3s , 1111“i:11‘1"1'111 11011 1111119 n111'io1'ilé.
docile, 11 1111 11111111119. (111’111112 111111111111" :211011315 (.11: SOS (11011.5.
10 soul 1111111-11‘1111111' 1111, ("1121. <11: 1'u11-‘1‘-)1‘ 11,1111 1115 £11111—
[31111110115 cunse1111111111111111119I. 3; 6251-161 :71!



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‘11. :11. 51-1111 jammis
expéi‘icncz: 1111119 21
. , g1)1.1V1:1‘111:-111c111. 11 111V
_’j 1111121 111118 (1:; 31111.11: 11,1111; 1 1111111- .1112111 , loL‘QquI-ll: no 1111111111
aii'nyicr 1.: (liar-1011's: 31:11, 1“ .31' 1.1 c11113iilutim1. U11gm1~
\'.1‘:1.21:1:‘11E c-i‘ 11‘ 5‘11 {hi1 1'1111311‘1'11’41111’21 3113
Try» 1121' 111'. (11191121112911113:
111.11% 11 111111. @1111‘ l’enuuur 110 111 'jlmiiuc cu 8113111131111: 11-:

c11is1: 111‘“: 111111111113 511' 1‘



5111-1134. “0?? Cl'l" .1;-

11.111501111'1' 11? l: ‘111'11'9'





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111111-3121 211.1114. 7L: 11115-10i11 1111
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.1) 1115 1111 «11111511111 1'e1t1~1".-‘.1~11!:1Y11',l; gouvn‘nnnu-n! 110110111
1111111 111-IICITQS‘111'1lz,‘ “ ‘X 1:115 11* 1111111111111, (211:1;11': 1111 (711“:111113
(1." 1.1111: , 11111 .1‘1 1121110111" {111 1111111 (1.1. 51111 11211111, 1:1;11'1‘ 11-:
11311211111115 (.3 1011111116. 111- 5‘131'1'1 11..-(1i.ig‘



.11 1‘111-1'1


1‘ 1’01111111111 c’m!
(10011113151 113111 1:1: qufllv jun-r1111 <11" hula; muins (3119

.11111 11:"- L. . 1,
0.111111, [1111s~ '1!.:

"1115:3111'1 ‘- 1.“


1‘ 111111 11111139111111.- ,
‘\ .. 11,1 .\ , 1,. 1‘1"" .
1 «m 111111.51 511151152111 on 11111111 11. (1. 111.1131



$111331“; 111.1»: 1-111} (11:
Eu. 111. Cun‘lll'il {11, 1' > 1 . 1 : 1 - 7 1 1-_ '1 -
1 11 21991 5111-1011; 11.11:): 1: 1-11111\ 11: 398 (1151114 01 11s, 5!"; m1-

‘ I 2-311!111111051118111101‘1'111111111111.111-

"1"1‘11. (10 901111 1'




:udx‘cs. (11w 11:11‘1,111'.’-_11'11.'1


‘ ’ 1 . .
'41“ m: 9101:1111 {1111’ 1:13-11:

111-:iax1;-1< (i 1111'.

{Ullm‘FV‘ 1' (”1' 7.".1'


~i-' 1311111 11! 3111'5'8111 11131111111'111'.

11111.11111‘ _
111w (11111111215)


. . . . .
:11‘1:-~., 1. (1131111111.: '1


111111 1111111 1'12-11
m1: 111111-511»:

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,‘ 11111.




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