xt786688kv1n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt786688kv1n/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1946-02-11  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 11, 1946 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 11, 1946 1946 1946-02-11 2020 true xt786688kv1n section xt786688kv1n  









The University Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lefferty Hall Monday,
February 11, at 4:00 p. m. President Donovan presided. Members absent were /
Paul P. Boyd° L. A. Bradford° L. L. Dentzlern Lyle R. Dawson, N. R. Elliott, if
E. F. Farquhar, Charles Gardner, James H. Graham, T. L. Rankine, W. A.
Heinz, G. C. Knight. M. E. Ligon, G. T. Mackenzie, L. E. Nollau, E. W.
Rannells, and B. A. Shively.

The minutes of January 14 were read and epnroved.

Deon Chamberlain read to the Faculty the proposed constitution and by-
laws of the Veterans Club. On motion, duly seconded, the Faculty voted to
send the constitution back to the Veterans Club to be reasoudied and revised.
It was also voted that the Club be told to submit their constitution to the
UniVersity Rules Committee before presenting it to the Faculty.

A petition was presented for approval of a new organization° the Asso~
cietion of Independent Students. On motion, duly seconded, the Faculty
voted that this petition be referred back to the students for revision and ‘é‘.
for sumission to the Rules Committee.

Dean Cooper read to the Faculty the following resolution concerning
Professor JOb B. Turner, which had been prepared by the Experiment Station

In the passing of J. D. Turner on January 1, 1946 the Experiment
Station lost a highly capable executive, and the University a loyal
alumnus and friend who took a deep interest in everything that
affected the welfare of the Institution.

In action he was guided only by what he believed to be right,
regardless of any consideration of personal advantages or disadvana
tages. This made his administration dfi the Feed and Fertilizer
Control highly effective for the good of the farmers of the state.
He had the full respect of all who were affected by his administrative
duties. m

His was naturally a friendly disposition, and his passing is
a greet loss to a host of friends not only among his associates at
the University but among the many people of the state and nation
who knew him.

How have been privileged to serve the University so long as
he did, a period of fortyasix years.

His family life was guided by the highest ideals. The noble
record he has left will be a sacred memory to his family through
the years to come.

The Experiment Station staff extends to his family its deepest

Signed: Linwood A. Brown A

Ehomson B. Bryant
Albert J. Ohsolney
George Roberts


Minutes of the University Faculty February ll, 1946 - cont.

The Faculty voted to endorse the resolution and to send a note to Professor
Turner's family

Professor Walton, of the College of Engineering, read to the Faculty the
following resolution concerning Professor C. C. Jett:

It is with deep regret that we are called upon to report the
sudden passing on January 21, 1946 of our esteemed colleague and
friend, Carter C. Jett. For more than twenty years Professor Jett
was a member of the faculty in the College of Engineering where he
taught machine design.

He was born at Jett, Franklin County, Kentucky in 1877; rev
ceived his preliminary training at Excelsior Institute at Jett;
and was graduated from the College of Engineering, University of
Kentucky in 1899. After a brief connection with the Cincinnati
Tool Cempany, he taught successively at the University of Minne~
sets and Bradley Polytechnic Institute. For a number of years
he was a machine designer with various steel companies in Youngs»
town, Ohio, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania and Cleveland, Ohio.

At former Dean Anderson”s earnest solicitation, he left in-
dustry in 1925 and joined the engineering staff of the University.
Since that time until his death he applied his knowledge and
teaching skill in the Engineering College of the University where
his kind and genial disposition has left a deep inpression upon
all students with whom he came in contact. In addition to his
regular teaching duties he took an active part in directing the
local student section of the A.S.M.E. He was also a member of
the following organizations, in most of which he took an active
part and contributed generously of his time and effort: Sigma
Alpha Epsilon, the Society of the Sigma Xi, Society for the
Promotion of Engineering Education, the Odd Fellows and Masonic

We of the Faculty of the College of Engineering feel his loss
keenly and are aware of the great loss to his sisters and other
members of his family. To them we extend our deepest hearfelt



Now, therefore, we, the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky, the Faculty of the University, and the Faculty and Staff
of the College of Engineering do resolve that these expressions of
sorrow and appreciation be duly recorded and a copy hereof be sent
to the bereaved family.




S. B. Walton, Chairman
L. E. Nollau
W. J. Carrel

Approved by the Faculty and Staff of
the College of Engineering










Minutes of the University Faculty February 11, 1946 e cont.

The Faculty voted approval of the resolution and asked hat a c0py be sent to
the family of Professor Jett.

A letter from Dr. Scherago, Head of the Department of Bacteriology,
was read to the Faculty. This letter requested that a committee be appointed
to consider a matter of duplication between his department's course, Bacteri-
ology 56b, and Animal Industry 131, Dairy Bacteriology. President Donovan
appointed a committee, consisting of Dean Cooper, Deen Boyd, Dr. H. B.
Morrison, and Dr. Scherago, to study the matter and bring a recommedation
to the University Faculty.

On recommendation of the College of Arts and Sciences, the following new
courses and changes in courses were approved:

Eistorz gig. Social History 3; EuroEe in the Eighteenth Centunx.

4 quarter hours. A study of the life and manners of the people of
EurOpe in the 1700's. Especial attention will be given to Western

and Southern Europe. Among the topics treated will be living condio
tions, dress, social cenventions, fates, amusements and entertainments,
sumptuary lsWS, blue laws, police, crime and punishment, prisons, hospi-
tals and asylums, educational institutions, libraries, humanitarian
effort, religion, superstition, secret societies, sanitation and dis»
infection, epidemics, medical care, reeds and canals, and travel.
Prerequisites: Hist. 4a and 4b, or 8a and 8b.

Social Work lfil. Public Assistance. Change from 3 quarter hours to
g quarter hours. This is a key course in our program to prepare
graduates for jobs in public welfare in Kentucky and accordingly
needs additional content covering specific Kentucky practice in this

Reguest from Political Science Department

The Political Science Department was granted permission a few years ago
to reduce the actual class meetings of five quarter hour advanced courses
from five to four a week. This permission was later renewed; but has

Experience with the practice has been Very satisfactory. It makes it
possible to assign more outside readings and to place greater emphasis
on the use of the library and on independent work. It also gives the
instructor more time for individual conferences with students. This
practice is not followed in every advanced course, but only where the
nature of the course makes it desirable. It is a policy that has been
practiced for years at the University of Chicago and other institutions-

At the request of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics, the
following new courses and changes in courses were approved:

Courses £2.2E dropped:

Animal Husbandry 10]., Farm Butchering and Curing Meats. 5 qtr. hrs. a

Home Economics 153, Advanced Child Development. A qtr. hrs.


Minutes of the University Faculty February 11, 1946 - cont.

Changes (In description)

Fundwnental principles involved in the digestiou, absorption,

and assimilation of feeds by domestic animals; uses of the
differenct nutrients; feeds, rations, and their nutritive ratios.
Lectures 4 hours. Prerequisite: Chem. la.

Animal Industry fig, Principles 2; Animal Nutrition. 4 qtr. hrs.

Home Economics IE2. Child Care and Development. 5 qtr. hrs.
Study of the care and training of the child from infancy through
the preeschool period. Standards for normal development - physical,
social, emotional and mental a are emphasized. Observation of
preeschool ehildren and participation in nursery school activities
are required. Lectures, 3 hours; laboratory. 4 hours. Pre-
requisites: A & P 3; Psych. 7.

Changes (In Description, Content and Credit)

Credit changed from 3 qtr. hrs.

1‘ ‘ ‘ A study of the principles and methods involved in the analysis,
interpretation, and use of agricultural statistics; time series;
tabular relationships; gross correlation; and graphic multiple
correlation. Sampling, tests of reliability and significance of
the statistical measures, and analysis of variance, as used in
agricultural research, are studied. Lectures, 5 hours.

m Markets and Rural Finance 1&0, Agricultural Statistics. 5 qtr. hrs.

Eggs Economics 111, Advanced Nutrition. 4 qtr. hrs. Credit changed
from 6 quarter hours. (Effective at the beginning of the summer
quarter 1946.) .

Human nutrition studies as an application of the principles and
methods of the chemistry of nutrition to the characteristic proper-
ties of the bodily cell structure and metabolism. Laboratory

work includes gastric, blood and urine analyses. Lectures, 2 hours;
laboratory, 4 hours. Prerequisite:_ H. E. 11.




{a Changes in Numbers

Animal Industry 162, Advanced Genetics, to Animal Industry 163

Rural Sociology 101, Rural Sociology, to Rural Sociology 110

Rural Sociology 102. Rural Leadership and Social Change, to
Rural Sociology 120

Rural Sociology 103aec, Special Problems in Rural Life, to
Rural Sociology 130aac

Rural Sociology l04aec, Rural Life, to Rural Sociology l40a-c

Rural Sociology 201amc, Research in Rural Sociology, to Rural

' Sociology 200a=c

Rural Sociology 202, Seminar in Rural Organization, to Rural
SociOIOgy 210 7

Rural Sociology 203, Seminar in Rural Social Attitudes, to Rrual
Sociology 220













Minutes of the University Faculty February 11, 1946 6 cont.



(Agronomy course)
Agronomy 103, Weeis, 3 qtr. hrs.
The importance, characteristics, identification, and control of W,
weeds with emphasis on identification and control of Kentucky
weeds. Lectures and discussions, 3 hours. PrereQUisite: Botany lb.

(Animal Industry courses in Meats)
Animal Industry,é, Farm Butchering and Meet Curing. 5 qtr. hrs.
slaughtering and blocking out of beef, veal, hogs and lamb carcasses
into wholesale, minor wholesale, and retail cuts; correlation of
breeding and feeding with carcass values; meat curing, with syecial
emphasis on pork. Lectures. 2 hours; laboratory, 3 hours. Pro”
requisite: A. I. 1. Not Open to freshmen. (This course replaces
A. 1. 1-31) -



AnimalfiIndustry 7, Identifiication and Evaluation of Meats. 2 qtr. hrs.
Meat cutting, identification, selection, grading and judging with

emphasis on the nutritional and economic values of the aifferent ‘
grades and cuts of meats. Laboratory, 4 heurs. Not Open to freshmen. g“.



Animal Industfl ,3. mg; Meats. 2 qtr. hrs.

A study of meat cutting and processing methois. cutsout values,
consumer preferences, and processing meets for freezing. Laboratory,
4 hours. Prerequisite: A. I. 6. ‘

Animal Industry 138. Mont Judging. 1 qtr. hr.
Intensive instruction in the judging of carcasses and cuts of beef,
veal, pork and lamb. Laboratory, 2 hours. PrereQuisite: A. I. 6.


(Animal Industry courses in Animal Nutrition)
Animal Industry 181. Animal Nutrition. 3 qtr. hrs.
The chemistry and physiology of animal nutrition and the nutritive
requirements for growth, fattening, reproduction, lactation and

other body'functions. Lectures, 3 hours. ,PrereQuisites: Cheml 1a,

1b, 37. a

Animal Industry 182, Laboratory Methods in Animal Nutrition. 2 qtr. hrs
The use of the laboratory and eQuipment in the solution of

fundamental problems of nutrition, Laboratory, A hours. PrereQuisite
or concurrent: A. I. 131.


Animal Industry 183, Advanced Animal Nutrition. 3 qtr. hrs.
History and development of nutritional theories and techniques;

a critical review of current literature. Lectures and recitation,
3 hours. Prerequisite: A. I. 181.

Animal Industry lfifigjg, Special Problems in Animal Nutrition. 3 qtr. hm:
each. Approval of the instructor reguired.



Animal Industry 281a=d, Research in Animal Nurtition. 3 qtr. hrs.
each. Problems involving original investigation. a


Minutes of the University Faculty February 11, 1946 - cont.

(Animal Industry courses in Genetics)

Animal Industry ég. Genetics Laboratory. 1 qtr. hr.

Technic of Drosophila breeding; analysis of Mendelian ratios in corn,
observation of chromosomes in mitosis and reduction. Laboratory, 2
hours. To be taken concurrently with A. I. 61, at student's option.

Animal Industry 162. Genetics Laboratory. 1 qtr. hr.

Similar to A. I. 62, but additional work required. Primarily for
graduate students. Laboratory, 2 hours. To be taken concurrently
with A. I. 161, at student's option.

Rural Sociology courses.
Rural Sociology gg. Rural §2giology. 3 qtr. hrs.
Introductory study of rural people and their communities; the distribution
mobility and vitality 6f.rura1 population: characteristics of the rural
community, rural groups and institutions; orientation to rural community

.Rural Sociology 250.~'quical Seminar. 3 qtr. hrs.

Analysis of topics of scientific interest in rural sociology, selected
from such fields as the following; criticism of contemporary research;
sociological factors in land use; migration; rural social ecology of the
South; highland societies; sociography of rural groups.

(Markets & Rural Finance courses - and Animal Industry)
gaskets é Rural Finance 19. Sources and Egg 3:.Agricultural Data. 2 qtr.hrs.
Methods of collecting, tabulating and presenting agricultural
information; the use of tables and graphs; principal sources of
production and market information: and interpretation of the
agricultural census, crop and livestock estimates and market
news reports. Averages, ratios, and short cuts in simple
arithmetic computations are included. Lecture 1 hour; laboratory,
2 hours.

Markets and Rural Finance 142. Marketing_and Processing Poultry.
Products. Also animal Industry 142. (To be given by both departments.)
3 qtr. hrs.

Organization and functioning of markets, methods of selling, prices

and price making forces are c0mbined with laboratory instruction in
grading, packaging and handling poultry and eggs according to
recognized commercial standards. Lectures, 2 hours; laboratory,

2 hours. Prerequisite: A. I. 41 and M & R F 100.

(Home Economics courses)
Home Economics 112. Nutrition in Disease. 4 qtr. hrs.
Metabolic processes of the body in normal and diseased conditions,
correlating the metabolic changes due to disease with diet,therapy.
Practice is given in planning, calculation and preparation of
therapeutic diets. Lectures, 2 hours; laboratory, 4 hours.
Prerequisites: H. E. 102; H. E. 111 or taken concurrently.

Home Economics 15 . Technigues 3: Guidance for the Pre~School Child.
4 qtr. hrs.
Study of specific techniques of guidance which parents or other adults

may use in fostering optimum development of the pre~school child.
Observation of teacher techniques in the nursery school and practice

in their application is required. Lectures, 2 hours: laboratory, 4
hours. Prerequisite: H. E. 152.




 ia=$1r 13:43! a);‘:‘af,a‘y_t.s‘:-

Minutes of the University Faculty February 11, 1946 ~ cont.

E322 Economics $21. Infant DeveIOpment. 3 qtr. hrs.

Study of the development of the child in the preenatel and infant ,
periods. Consideratiou is given to the pres-natal factors that affect %
the child’s development, such as heredity, the anatomy and physiolOgy \'

of reproduction, premnatal nutrition of both the mother and the fetus.

The nee-natal period includes study of sleep° emotion, motot activities,
vocalization of the infant and infant feeding. Field trips are rea

guired. Lectures, 3 hours. Prerequisite: A & P 3.


The Faculty also approved the following change in the reguirement for the

degrees Bachelor of Science in Agriculture and Bachelor of Science in Home

A student deficient in mathematics, as indicated by the freshman

tests, will be required to pass Math. D\in the freshman year and before
taking Chemistry la.

Dean Taylor presented the following recommendation from the College of
Education, which was approved by the Faculty: m

That Educetion 226e—d be expanded to Education 226amf (four
quarter hours each) and that the name of the course be changed from
Problems of the Secondary School Curriculum to Problems of the

School Curriculum and that the description be changed to read as


Problems in the field of the school curriculum and in the
preparation of instructional materials. Students enrolling
in this ocurse are required to leave on file with the College
of Education a camplete report of each problem studied.

Dean Wiest presented for the College of Commerce a request for authority
to offer the following courses:

Econ. 212a~f a Research Problems in Economics, 1 quarter hour each.
Students confer individually with the instructors fii.

President Donovan announced the second annual Founders' Day Convocation.
to be held on February 22, at 10 o'clock, He stated that Governor Willis

was to be the principal speaker, and he asked the Faculty to help in getting
the students to attend the convocation.


Dean Evens presented the following resolution to the Faculty, which was
unanimously endorsed:



Mr. President:

There are some things that seem to be wath while saying for 6‘;
the good of the University at this juncture, and I propose to state

them briefly, although many of them are known as well or better to
others of my colleagues here than they are to me.






Minutes of the University Faculty February 11, 1946 - cont.
Attention is called to four different situations:

(1) Problems Growing Out of the [Ea

During the war period the University had to exert itself to
continue to be a going cencern. Many adjustments had to be made
by the faculty personnel left to take care of the teaching leads
in the case where teachers had gone to war. In some cases depart—
ments were left with little more than a token representation, due
to the dispersal of their membership. It was a genuinely difficult
undertaking to meet this situation and carry us through the war as
a going concern. However, the University did meet these problems
and I believe did so creditebly.

(2) The Problems Arising g the Close 3_f_ the gig};


Although the embarrassments of the war were troublesome
from the standpoint of the University, they did not begin to
campare with the problems that arose immediately after peace
was declared and the students began to come back. These matters
center around (a) housing, (b) the employment of teachers, and
(c) the securing of funds.

(a) Housing. The housing problem has probably been the most
difficult of all. During the war period no buildings were cone
structed either for dwellings or for business purposes, but during
this period there was the normal wastage arising from fires, winds
and other casualties, which removed a considerable part of the
housing from the use to which it had formerly been put. Then,
especially in college towns, came the unprecedented demand for
student housing for both single and married students. The generosity
of the Federal Government has caused many thousands of veterans to
think about schooling who had never contemplated such a venture

The University is now faced with the necessity of denying
admission to many thousands of applicants in the near future.
The University feels that it must provide for its own citizens.
It should also provide for the children of its former graduates
who wish to attend. Theonly place, then, where it can really cut
admissions arises in the case of:§udents from other states and
countries. One of the answeres to this problem has been COOpers'
town and the more than 300 buildings which have been set up there
and are being adapted to student use as rapidly as possible.
Even these are scarcely more than a drop in the bucket. The
University did not, however. stand idly by. It had made plans
for this very thing and it knew that this huge demand was coming.
However, neither material nor funds were available and there was
not much that could be done. It is believed that everything has
been done that could reasonably be dnneby any person.

(b) The Employment of Teachers. The University has lost 50
teachers, exclusive of those who were taken into the war service.
Besides supplying the places of these 50, it has been obliged and
Will be obliged to hire many others, perhaps more than 100, and
the problems of selecting these teachers so as to have adequoto
instruction and net more superficial training is a very difficult
one to solve.














Minutes of the University Faculty Februay 11, 1945 w cont.

(c) The Securing 2: Funds. It seems perfectly clear that
the University cannot operate upon the meager allowances hitherto
made and take care of the thousands of veterans who are coming in. %
Adeguate teachers cannot be procured at the salaries paid in the \a
past. They just simply will not come. They go elsewhere. At the
same time that the University is faced with the problem of employ~
ing many new teachers, it has a duty towards the ones that have
remained. It certainly is not fair to them to bring in men frOm
the outside and not make some provision for them.

The budget now being considered by the legislature will, to

a considerable extent, relieve this situation. Thus, it ought to

provide funds for the many new teachers, whose salaries must, of

necessity, be at a higher rate. It should provide for increasing

the compensation of the others, so that comparative salaries will

not look too unfair. While all these demands for salaries are

present, there is also the greatly increased cost of materials

which the University must fees in connection with its normal er

pension in other directions. m

(3) The Salary Limitation

Between the date when the Court of Appeals ruled that salaries
above $5,000 could not be paid and the present, 50 teaChers have
been lost to the University for the following reasons:

(a) A goodly number left because they were offered salaries
in excess of $5,000 elsewhere.

(b) Others left, not necessarily because they were offered
$5,000 or more elsewhere, but because the prospects for young men
to receive adequate campensation were better elsewhere than the
immediate future promised here.

The University has not been able to recruit Soholars in certain
fields who have attained a reputation because it could not induce them “I.
to come at the low figure which it could promise. Still others refused K‘
to come, not necessarily because of the immediate salary but rather
because, for the future, their prospects were better in other institutionm

Thus, the University of Kentucky is in competition with all the other
schools in the country. Certain universities which we have always re«
garded as being inferior to us in standards and in accomplishments are
able to pick off our men when they desire to fill particular positions.
and no one can blame teachers for going to schools where they are
offered better salaries. Thus, this is perhaps the worst thing that
has ever happened to this or to any other university.

(4) Uninformsd Criticism

there has been much uninformed criticism of the University in the way
in which it has tried to meet them, Everybody feels that he is a i
part owner in the University. All people feel that they have the f
privilege of criticizing it, and they all exercise that privilege to

In the face of these problems, which are Well nigh unselveble, El



Minutes of the University Faculty February 11, 1946 - cont.

the utmost. They have not had the responsibility of meeting the problems
which grew out of the war. They have not thouht out the difficulties
which arose when peace came, attended by an influx of students, a demand
for new teachers, and the increased cost of living and of materials. They
have not procured the facts as a basis for criticism.

The President of the University, Dr. Donovan, has been at the
forefront while these matters have been so pressing. He has worked day
and night, unselfishly, with the greatest diligence and with much wisdom.
Others have helped, as far as they were able to do so, but he is the one
who must bear the brunt of the burden. He has done a good and faithful
gob, with tireless energy. It is only fair that we should acknowledge
these efforts which he has made on behalf of the University and express to
him our appreciation and our most cordial and hearty supnort. If these
sentiments appeal to my colleagues, as I h0pe they do, then Mr. Chamber-
lain, Chairman, I move that they be declared to be the sentiments of the
entire group here.

Following Dean EVans' remarks, President Donovan expressed his appreciation
of the attitude of the Faculty. He stated that he had gone to the General
Assembly with a reguest for an appropriation that was double anything the Uni-
versity had had before, and that prespects were good for its being approved.

He stated also that the charges brought by the four students might do some

good in that they would call attention to the needs of the
< /’




Leo M. Chamberlain
/ Secretary



The University Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall Monday,
March 11, at 4:00 pnm. In the absence of President Donovan, Dean Chamberlain
presided» Members absent were R. 85 Allen, W. R. Allen, L. A. Bradford,
Alexander Cepurso, C. B. Crawley, L. L. Dantzler, Lyle R. Dawson, N. R.
Elliott, E. F. Farouher, Cha“les Gardner, James H. Graham, W. B. Hamilton,
T.L. Rankine, W. A. Heinz, John Kuiper, G. T. McKenzie, L, E. Nollau, F. D.
PeteTSOn, Hobart Byland, R. E. Shaver, and B. An Shively.

The minutes of February 11 were read and approved.

Dean Chamberlain announced that the Committee on Planning and Policy,
approved by the University Faculty in December, had been appointed and that
it consiStsd of the following members3 John Kuioer, Chairman, N. E. Beale,
L90 Wk Chamberlain, Statie Erikson, Alvin E. Evans, L. E. Mcece, Frank D.

Peterson R. E. Shaver and Charles E. Snow.
I ‘3

Dean Cooper presented the repirt of the special committee to study the
matter of duplication between Bacteriology 55b and Animal Industry 131 ~
Dairy Bacteriology. The report, which was approved by the University Faculty,
is as follows: