xt786688kr7h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt786688kr7h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-11-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 11, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 11, 1999 1999 1999-11-11 2020 true xt786688kr7h section xt786688kr7h  





illa Jovovich stars as Joan
of Arc in The Messenger!



, Granted, a whole lot of g
l the campus partakes, _fia__________
November ll, I999

. l
Why not to l


but here are some
reasons not to have



sex: i WWW-r» :"j-‘j‘WLe-a . “of ~ m ’3‘-
l. The pitter patter of l

little feet .
2. Never let ‘em see you


3. Your parents might ‘
realize you're not 12 3‘
years old anymore. l

How'd they do that?

_ . ~ . . ‘ I“ - Things are getting crazy: Films like The
Iifil‘aié’ll‘iiifiiu'l'T i ' ' ‘ ' ‘ _ j , Matrixare setting the tone for action flicks

. Rehnquist, Scalia,
Kennedy, Souter,



What the wanted: Dynamic scenes involving camera movement and






Thomas slow-motion events that approached 12,000 frames per second. The
l 8. Paying back oral sex Wachowski brothers called it “bullet-time photography."
, debts ‘
.i 9. Castration
g | Step 1: Preparation
l . ,. . _ _ . ' .
l ' ~ - ' '3 ' ., - . ' . . . Gaeta's team and
i the filmmakers
i first blocked out
N“ i the action that
l * 3.. ' . ‘ ’ - . - “ ' , . was going to be
l ' ' . ' " ,_ a‘ ' . rendered and
l ' filmed the scene
‘_+ i usin conventional
10. Body hair l camgras. ‘3!
l ~ ’ ‘ .
It. Too many lights on in g «‘3?
the room It "
12. Your roommate and i Then they scanned the images into a computer and, using a laser-guided
neighbors can't sleep Vi tracking system, “mapped out" the movements of the camera that would
W'm allthat l capture the final scene.
screaming. ’
i l
j l FILE PHOTO Step 2: Camera setup
f The Star Wars trilogy is a prime example of how new special effects technology allows film makers to get creative with
l their vision. In these films special effects add to the storyline rather than replace it. A series of
l sophisticated still
l . cameras was
i placed along the
s '1 - - - mapped path,
r ’ . , i each of which
- 13. Axel Rose would shoot a
l single still photo.
- : ° ' .lazcs in 19‘s. followed bv (‘lose
”'ffSJEEllvala ; The world of film: SpeCIal effects allow more E,,,.,,,,,,,,,.,.] ”Mm ,,,~ ,,-,,, ,M,
. - Ark. and EYI'. 'l‘hev were all bi'
till“ abortgontiaw freedom but often replace plot and character product“, .,,,.,~,,,,.,,.. ”,5;
.Iavjbama a or ion brought inbundles of money.
17_ Taking care of the By Max Sturgeon rector who released one strong Tht‘ liltltlt‘st Vbomb (it‘t’ltltt‘tl-
- . ““1“" ""‘""“”‘ characterdriven piecc after 2111- though. was UV (it‘ttt‘gt‘ LUCHS 1n
orgasm deficit , suit WRITER . . M , .. .,
18. Too sticky l other. It all started with Easy Rid- If)“ MW“ ht’ I‘f‘lt‘étfitftl Illt‘ flthl
l9 Messes up your hair i . . er and Midnight (raw/2m: 5"" Watt; Audience “it” "PM Step 3: Post-production worki
26 Charle Horses l Whether ”AS t01‘ ts'OOd 01' bad. Directors like Martin Scors— seen the likes of what these two i
21.Bladderyinfections i there's no denying that special ef- egg and Francis Ford Coppola visionaries brought to the big
22: “It's my a cold l teCtS are Chattglng thP face of Cltte- crafted masterpieces like Mean Then the photos were scanned into the computer, which created a strip
screw 1' ma. 50m? people .83.“ 1t 8 dGStI‘OF- Streets. ’I‘axi l)ricei'. Raging 131111. See FILMS on 5 of still images, similar to animation cells.
23. photographers with ma "IOVIGS‘ While others W1“ Apocalypse Now. and the (,‘odfa-
mfrared cameras praise the facts that there are no [her 1 and I]. Some say it was the JNSIDL _ .
(Remember if it can “ml“ ‘0. What you can do 0“ film- golden age of American cinema- Step 4: meshed product
1 b ' - During the late 19608 and on Then came along two ruore Th ' 'd 'd
e seen from a public - t a .no - , - th , . ‘ . e ll'lSl e scoop on VI 90
place it's not m 0 ‘9 ’ 5- Cinema was .1“ fr young directors who changed film
l private) hands of the young. creative di- forever, Steven Spielberg released games, HDTV and more I 4
ii 24. Men who ask, “Did _ *__.,_-,w _.,__-._.V_ _.h_

you come yet?"

Joining the m cult


Special effects bring Gothic story in your face

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow comes to life next Friday in a big screen adaptation
by Tim Burton, mastermind behind such movies as The Nightmare Before Christmas,
Beetlejuice, Edward Scissor Hands and the first two Batman movies.

Washington Irving’s novel has made the Hollywood transition with all the bells
and whistles, expect the headless horsemen and his obligatory flaming jack-o-lantern
to be fully CG enhanced.

Sleepy Hollow will make its way into theaters Nov. 19.

25. SOMEBODY has to .

i sleep in the wet spot. ;

26. ln horror flicks,
people having sex
are always the first
to be killed by axe
murderers in hockey

27. You still live with i
your parents. ‘

28. You love her but
you're not in love
with her.

29. Creation of sounds
not meant to be
emitted by the

The result: Carrie-Anne Moss (above. left) leaps into the air to kick her
victim, and could accelerate to the apex of her leap, appears to hover in
the air, kicks her leg in a lightening-fast movement, andthen gently
descends to the ground. The final gunfight for Keanu Reeves (above, right)
worked similarly.

More FIX-laden films on Page 6





30. Drooling _._. _V ....s.__,_._s.. - , Wm... .._.,. , .
31. Letters to the editor
W9 name ,_CAMBUSVSAUtLIER , ~'

33. No one to have sex

- Source:

http://www.funnies. - °
Is your walk safe? Several UK safety representatives Computer companies are
coming to UK campus

; humanbody
i 32. Callingoutthe . .. g .
. . .x .w- . .. . .,., ... 1.1.»).
‘ Walk on the safe Slde On with the technology
com/lists/sex45.htm companies will be there
including ()racle.




5 Compiled by iomed SGA Tuesday for their annual Safety Walk ”(thatint-kiln. so.

j Samantha Essid/ Parametric and liiforiiiix

f. -- , i , , ‘1 . Sf ,

t: Contggtl? 23:13:0er 91599:“? that were concerned about campus 52m“ MOW“ Ila—CB! 5m» ltfttlllllltiiltls’ggli‘rt‘ (tlltlilt the Show
3:: hotmailcom srxrr WRITER t-‘l “"‘roi’rmm‘ as well. 5”" VIRlTER show." Ritter said.

a. . "I IN“ off campus. and I walk back , ‘ , , w l . 4 . ., H » ., What:

£4- Student safety was the business of and forth to campus. I want to make it Mam students onl) usi thr. coin- . A w.di iangi of ti (h The first annual
3;? the evening Tuesday night at the annual sale for myselfand others." said Heather puter for the Internet. But a few real- meal and computer equip Computer Aided
5%? ”I! Safety Walk sponsored b_v the Student Roberts. an accounting iunior and menr 129 that more is out there. For those ment will be displaved in Technology
ig; Government Association. ber of Delta Gamma social sorority. students. there If? the upconiing( om (:llmm‘" h'gh’md simula- showcase.
“1;. ”Th? lillt'litN‘ is it) make «'thtt‘t‘ ”10 Regcnhold said past walks have led puter-Alded' Engineering show. . “‘ln- robotics and 3‘”

,5? changes needed on campus and the safest to improvements on campus. For exam N19“ Ritter. {'19 ('(lll‘lilltf‘l'w‘vd ltt‘llttt‘t‘s. thtt‘t‘ hilltl- When:

? Plitt‘t‘s there are to walk." said Kevin Re- plc. the new Student (‘enter lights are an ed Engineering (yl‘tlllp Application ‘ Students businesses '0 am. on Friday,
g! genhold. executive director of Student addition from last year's Safety Walk. D9V91090'3 53“ h“ thmk“ the show “i” ”15” “"“ll‘l- ”l” ('l‘” Nov. l2.

i? Services. who organized the walk. "We've made a lot of improvements 'Wl“ be important fttl‘ Silldf‘mb‘ Wh“ gory. program director

‘3: Representatives from the UK Police. since last year." said Jack Applegate. di- study computers. engineering. for (‘omputcrAided Hngi- m:
67 38 Residence Life. Hiivirrmmental and ()c- rector ofl’hvsical Plant Division. ”about mathematics and St‘lt‘tttlti .. ncermg. 881th ht‘ (‘Nl‘t‘CtS Student Center
g? Hi Lo ciipational Health and Safety. UK Fire $100000 on lighting alone". , ' ‘ The ShOW. SPOHSUW‘d by "KS loo to 1:30 business [X‘t’lflt‘

i34- , . . i Department. and the Physical l’lant l)i- Regenhold said he thinks UR is a benter for Robotics and Manufactui- and vendors. Wed liked Cost-

3; ""5 really cold wm : vision were among the participants at safe campus. and he‘s never had a stir mg Systems. wtll (‘Olifilst ofcomput to have that number in Free

E“ ter weather continues to ”H, “Wm dent tell him he or Sm. doesn't foo] safe. or companies who will display students as well." (il‘t‘grir

*5 set m as huh w'" drop Rt's’t‘ttltttltl said these groups’ attcn- No matter how safe students feel. equipment. Mini-seminars on design rv said. “Students can re

:51 to a 5“?"an 67' 77 dance was especially important. “Areas however, UK Police (‘hief Rebecca communication. computer process :illv benefit from it."

“.l ‘ Langston wanted to remind students lng unit architecture. and many oth- “Rarely do \(lll gct


VOL. #3105 ISSUE $356



Call: 257-1915 or write:

can be pointed out directly to them so
they can fix them as soon as possible."
he said.

During the walk, Regenhold pointed
out areas of concern. such as bad light-
ing and overgrown shrubberv. and also
showed how the emergency towers on
campus work.

Members from sororities


that UK is a wide-open campus in a large
urban area. and emphasized that people
need to take responsibility for keeping
themselves safe.

“No matter how much we enhance
safety. it doesn‘t take the place of com-
mon sense crime prevention." Langston

or aspects of technology will be held.

Tours of the center will also be
given to highlight the center's virtu-
al reality design tool. the linmer
sadesk. The lmmersadesk allows vi-
sual interaction in spaces and envi
ronments. Fewer than To exist.

Some of the leading computer






T Student Newspaper at the “iversity of KWucxigton 7 S

'4. ‘Ju it"s "

and opportunity to set‘
companies ofthis stature
come so close to home,"
Ritter said. “So it's a big
opportunity to walk
around and talk to the
World‘s leading computer




The Low-down


Recording star
Bonnie Raitt
and her husband
of eight years,
actor Michael
O'Keefe, plan to
divorce, her
music label
Tuesday. After
several months
of separation.
Raitt and
O'Keefe agreed
to go their
separate ways.




Funnyman Ben
Stiller is also
planning to
ditch single-

Stiller, who
went big box
office in l998's
About Mary,
thinks there's
about actress




maxim-m m- h

~ lit-cit mil our networks at NV/W snowballcom

Budget deal may be near

\\ -\Slll\(i’l'i ).\' Republicans said yester
day they believe they are near a budget deal
w itii the (‘linton administration that they
would in moving through (‘ongress as early as
lodav .\t or close to resolution were disputes
over hiring teachers. paying unpaid dues to the
l‘iiited Nations. and letting the International
Monetary Fund e\pand its role in lorgiying
debt ol'poor countries. said the chairmen ofthe
House and Senate .-\ppriipi'iatioiis ('oiiiniittees.
Rt‘il. liill Young. R l’la . and Sen. Ted Stevens.
l\‘-.-\laska ltut White House spokesman .loe
Lockbart said "There won‘t be a deal until
we're szitislied our concerns are being met."

Kinkel gets "2 years for shooting

lil 'til‘lNl‘l. (ire Kip Kinkel. who opened
tire ill the cafeteria of Thurston High School
last year. was sentenced yesterday to 112 years
in prison Kinkel apologi/ed in court. saying
his acts iook him to "a place ol'deterioration
and sell'loathing." Kinkel. 17. had pleaded
guilt\ to four counts of murder and 3t; counts
of attempted murder.

EgyptAir flight data is analyzed

\\’.\Slllf\'(}’l‘()N The chairman of the
National ’l'ransportation Safety lioard said
yesterday that preliminary information from
the flight data recorder from Egypt-\ir l’light
one showed an "uneventful” flight until the
plane‘s autopilot disconnected. About eight
seconds later. the plane “begins what appears
to lit .s controlled descent." said (‘hairnian .liin
llzill :ev. ire: the final moments of the flight.
llali \Slll’i the recorder showed the plane did
. \il“!! ‘i‘u‘t‘ thrust reyerser problems. AM
.;u “l I~ ilwaiil the lligli: yere killed when it
*s'isnezl ate the sea near Nantucket Island.

\iiisS . ’Illlli l. :1]


« I

2,108 bodies exhumed in Kosovo

"\l'l l-lll .\ \Tll lNS l' N. war crimes in
test! you is have esliunied ‘_’.loi: bodies from
1,'l'33".~ sites in ly'osm‘o and expect to find more
\ actinis oitlie conllict next year. the chiefpros
ecntor told the l' .\‘, Security ('ouncil today.
The bodies came from the 19.3 gravesites exams
llli'll by international liil‘i‘lisll‘ tennis. There
are {33H sites iliouglit to contain Ii total til-1.266
lit Iilli‘s. l’rosecutoi‘ (‘arla del l’onte said the tri»
bunal‘s primary task is to gather evidence relr
e\‘atit to criminal charges against perpetrators
Hii‘t‘imes against humanity,

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Int/ohmic run , , Hi ,(i mm




2 Calif. banks curbing ATM access

SAN lt‘RANt ‘lSi‘U liank of America will
cut oil. access to its automated teller machines
in San l'Vl'alit‘lsco to everyone except its own
account holders il it fails to overturn a city or»

dinance banning ATM surcharges. Bank of

America and Wells Fargo & (‘0. also said they
are cutting off access to ATMs in Santa Moni
ca. (‘alil'.. where a ban on the ATM fees takes
etlect tomorrow. San li‘rancisco‘s ban on ATM
fees is scheduled to take effect in lieceii‘iber.
but has been challenged by banks.

Compiled from wire reports.




President Clinton presents
Gloria Ray Karhnnrk (left) the
Congressional Cold Neda on
Tuesday. The African-American
students known as the little
Rock Nine were at the center of
a desegregation crisis in
September I957 when then-
President Isenhower ordered
soldiers to the Arkansas capital
to enforce the Supreme Court's
Brown vs the Board of
Education ruling. Elizabeth
Eckford (above). one oi the
original little Rock Nkie, is
taunted as she walks in front of
Central High School in little
Rock on Sept. 4, I957. She was
the first to try to break the
school's color barrier.

i am 3ka



Lexington will
host mock trial

By llatie Nelsen


A woman accused of stab-
bing her husband will be put on
trial this weekend in Lexing
ton. Students from three Ken-
tucky law schools will repre-
sent the defendant and the

Luckily for both sides iii-
volved. this is only a mock trial.

“They can teach you all the
theory they want in law school.
but you never get a chance to
get practical experience until
the mock trials." said team
member Shawna Virgin. a
third-year law student.

This weekend the first iii-
trastate mock trial competition
in Kentucky history will he
held in Lexington. (Toiiipetitors
will include law students from
lTK, University of Louisville.
and Chase Law School at North-
ern Kentucky University.

A mock trial provides expe»
rience to law students who are
interested in trial law and give
them the opportunity to prac
tice law on their feet as opposed
to in a desk.

Lexingtonlfi'iyette (‘ounty
police trainees will pose as witr
nesses anti the defendant. while
Lit) Kentucky lawyers will serve

as judges for the two days of


Allison Connolly. a UK law
professor who organized the in-
trastate tournament. has
coached [TK‘s national mock tri
al team for the past two years.
Since (‘onnelly has taken the
helm. UK has swept regional
competition both years,

(‘onnelly said the reason

not: "

this event was introduced is to
give students from various law
schools an opportunity to com-
pete in a trial setting before the
national competition in the

Said Kenny l’eden, the
only second year law student
on UK‘s team. “The competi-
tion puts you in the mindset
and gives us the momentum
that we need to go into the

Both (,‘onnelly and team
members stress the importance
of practice and time dedicated
to perfect the trial process.
Stephanie Miller. a third year
UK law student. said the team
has practiced for the past six
weeks to prepare for this week
end. “You really have to learn
to communicate on your feet."
Miller said. “There's no re-

The teams are awarded
points based on their opening
arguments. cross-examinations
and other aspects of the litiga-
tion process The winning team
will receive $1.000.

Miller thinks wmning this
tournament would give the
school and the students the con-
fidence and experience needed
in the courtroom. “I think we'll
learn so much from winning. if
not more from losing." Miller

Members of UK‘s mock tri-
al team said the hard work and
effort they have put in will lead
to success. "We're not looking
to lose." said David Mushlin. a
team member and third-year
law student.

“We‘re going into this very

An article in Tuesday's paper should have said the woolly
mammoth was discovered in 1997. and that Dolly the sheep was

cloned in l996.

To report an error call The Kentucky Kernel at 257-1915.


V and, i am" master of my domain.

can you relate?


The ‘.va.fi.il(1W'i.ir i' \i‘wsstll'

iti‘ti‘dlifl. itn: -;ti-r-(l

Dreamcast: s-.:.t ihtai hi sil
:Joe‘ht/ '~ k \i't'Wl
Playstation 2: spin l-Lmotion
l‘.ltL'tIi' M. \lll/ clock slit‘cd

System Memory - Home

intuit u‘ i'itlll needs a tempo
i'ary lltl"ll_’“.’li"'.'i 'l‘heinort-
lllt'liltd '. t\\\ll'lli means
less io t‘llli‘.’ time darn“: the


Project Dolphin: h w -;:.t not
ly'll‘ktli l=tttluilii2 \liuu

Playstation 2: ‘.t« x
Dreamcast: to \lo. .

Software Medium - [intending
on lllt int-dhnn d- M 'inines
game load llili" .md the The next p“ 5“"... ”on; 32

number ot tones xou ll.’t\t‘ m s of [A , clocks in at 300
ltitliall'“ that- M and can play DVD movies


Robert Ouan
Scene editor

Phone. 257 6525
Email kernelait i yahoocom

retailer llabhage's in Fayette Mall. says
tlte presale campaign for the Dreamcast.
“has set the precedent for the other coin-
panies to ride their coattails.“

Sony's l’laystatioii 2 is the next in liite
hav'dcarned dollars. yeit or marks. With to be out sometime
l’laystatioii 2 boasts faster and more, ad
vanced hardware and features tlte ability
to play current l’laystation games.

it can also play DVD n'iovies. it will
coiite with a memory card. a controller and
a demo disc. With the dual function ofthe
system. the price is projected to be close to
Mil). witlt games running close to $70.

There has been no date or prices set
for Nintendo's next system. currently
nicknamed l’roject Dolphin how suggest
ed that Nintendo‘s system could be as late
as 200i ’l‘he Dolphin's projected specifica
tions are even more impressive than


those of the l’laystation 2. But questions
are being raised about such a late release
and it" the .-\merican public would be in
terested in it with two nextgeneration
sy stems are already out. in response, l’ow
said. “Nintendo has always been the late
bloomer. lint their tried and true fans will
he there for them."

it might be difficult to pick which sysr
tent is best for you. Although lireamcast
is less technologically advanced than the
other two systems. it will have better de-
veloped games by the time the l’laystation
2 Nintendo Dolphin are released.

lc‘ow suggests looking for game sup-
port by strong game development compa
ities like Namco. (‘apconr Konami and
SquareSol'i “lluge graphics are nothing
but pretty pictures to hide bad game
play." he said.

next fall, The



amazon: ("it"i


.. iii: sag



What you need?: Internet merchants have almost
anything you want, but is it really that convenient?

Frame by frame
Action, adventure,



romance |


Acclaim Sports' All-Star Baseball 2000 (above) features second gen-
eration high resolution graphics and realistic player animation.

California Angels All-Star first baseman Mo Vaughn (left) strikes a
pose during motion capture session for 989 Sports' new baseball
video game MLB 2000 at 989 Studios in San Diego. Vaughn. a nine-
year MLB veteran, participated in motion capture and audio record-
ings incorporating his actual movements and sounds into the video
game. White objects on Vaughn are reflective sensor balls used to
record his movements.

The next generation: Incorporating state of the art
technology the new consoles will have stunning graphics


San Francisco 49ers receiver Jerry Rice laughs after Chicago Cubs

pitcher Kerry Wood beat him at his own game, "Backyard Football."
which was being previewed at the Humongous Entertainment Booth.
The event was held at the Electronic Entertainment Expo Thursday.
May 13, 1999, at the Convention Center in Los Angeles.

James E. Buttersworth oil sold for $187,000 at WOLF '5
first internet auction at http://www.ewoifs.com.

Amazon.com Founder and CEO Jeff Bezos and Sotheby's
President and CEO Diana 0. Brooks announce strategic
online auction alliance, on June 16, 1999.


home improvement sales. Like the popu-
lar Ebaycom. Amazoncom offers the
consumer a chance to sell any items
they are aching to get rid of.
(‘llNOWcom offers the same ser-
vices of Amazon.com with a focus on


By Patrick Avery

surr vomit}

The information superhighway is
more than lust knowledge. it is a con
sumer‘s paradise Forget going to licst
liuy. (‘ircuit cm or Barnes aitd Noble
You can now buy all ma ever wanted on
ill" “bl'ltl \Vltlt- “Wilt

With the technological revolution iit
full force. onliite buying is becoming
more commonplace With a click (or
double clickt ot your computer mouse.
compact discs. \iileos or books can be
shipped to your front door, in the fit-
lure. no one w ill have to leave the house
to be provided \\Iih entertainment

Ania/on. com is currently the most
popular onliiie buy mg service, it offers
(‘l)s. videos. books. games. software and

even toys. Amazoncom sells a large so
lection of music ranging from rock to

You catt pick your selections by
genre or by the top seller's chart. Future
releases are also sltown months in ad»
vance and can he pre-ordered with deliv
ery available on the date of release,

l)\'l)s and videos are also offered at
Ania/oncom. The same features as (‘lls
are offered in this section,

The best part about the
Ama/oncom website is you can shop for
what you want and put it on your wish
list ifvou can't afford it. Another plus is
that you can send your wish list to your
prospective gift-buyers by e-mail This
feature will come in handy on himhdays
and the holiday season.

Other features of Amazon com in
clude auctions. gift certificates. and

music. Despite a lack of videos. books
and DVDs. (.‘DNOWcom offers a wide
variety of music. Even when they don't
have what you are looking for in stock.
they will look in other used (‘Ds stores
to find the item you want.

littycom. (‘DWarehousecom and
Barnesandnoblecoin are other services
that specialize in online buying enter-
tainment needs.

All of these services offer up to 40
percent discounts on all purchases. The
downside to buying online is that
postage and handling cart add tip.

With these additional costs. buying
oitliiie can sometimes be the same as
purchasing your item at the local store.
liut the cimveitience of buying front
home is what makes online buying so


.. ~-.——....<--...,..‘~.q ...

“mama-Mao ..


which-1mm my:





i1? ‘1'











[ltd .


. .. ”-W-_m”gq‘ “nu—w. ”fl”. .

JM’ ’






Redefining the television Tamworth

By Katie Nelsen picture tubes but have a flat that the flat screen TVs are im- screen TVs. the DVD also of LeXington's Homeless.

comiauimo “Mi" screen. reducing glare. practical for college students. fers a higher quality of picture
Melvin also said Sony‘s That‘s the type of thing you and sound for the home the- John's Run/Walk Shop and The Hope Center announce
new Wega line of flat—screen buy when you have a family." atre. Miller also sees record the first annual Shoe Drive to benefit the homeless.
The days Of searching t‘UI‘ TVs are less expensive than DVD, or digital video disk able I)Vl)'s on the horizon and h .
the perfect SDOt “1 the living the plasma TVs and provide players. are also part of the thinks the need for VHS tapes T roughout November, “hate at lea“ one pa." Of 958d
room to PM that big. ht‘il\'.\' TV the enhanced clarity and 3-!) trend toward a more digitized will subside or new athletic shoes and you W'" receive
are almost 0V0!‘~ Th0 110‘" P1415- picture of the plasma TVs. home viewing experience. While some students said a FREE $5 GIFT CERT'F'CATE 300d


""31 and flat St't‘t’t‘h tt‘lt?\'t$l(’tt$ The new flat screen. plas- Miller thinks the DVD will the prices were too high. other towards any store merchandise.
ofler space savtng filtt‘rhiltht‘S. ma and high-definition 'I‘Vs eventually replace the (TI). He students find the new equip—

. The new P135")?! @1th might offer better picture and said the computer companies ment appealing. Austin Mad—
519“ are 1955 than fiV'h “101105 sound quality. but UK stu- are also looking down the road son. a conmninicationsjunior.
tthk and cairbe hung 0“ the dents said the price is too high. at switching form CD—ROM to said. "I‘d love to have a DVD.
W3“. SONY. PhlthS- RUNCO “WI Journalism sophomore DVD-ROM technology. because the quality of sound

Pioneer recently ihtt‘OdUCPtl Jessica Quasi said. "I think Like the plasma and flat and picture is soadvanced.“
versmns of the plasma TV.

These futuristic televisions
consist of plastic tubes filled
with plasma gas. The plasma
gas gives the picture a more
three-dimensional aspect. said
Stephen Melvin. sales repre-
sentative at Ovation.

The digital TVs are the fu»
ture of home entertainment.
“By the year 2006, everything
will be converted into a digital
system.“ Melvin said.

The term digital describes
the new form of transmission
for TVs. The digital signals cre-
ate a better picture and sound.
said Barney Miller. president
of Barney Miller's Inc.

“Without a doubt. the
whole market place will
switch over to digital in three
to seven years." Miller said.

Plasma TVs aren't the
only technological advance-
ment offered. Another hype mom "mm“
are the flat. screen TVS- The beauty of the horses and track at Keeneland is captured in extraordinary detail by a cameraman using a high _,
Stephen Melvm said the fiat- definition Sony nocm (mi. PPS, Inc. of cincinnati, on and Americana Productions at Lexington, KY, collabo- ‘ _ _
screen TVS look like normal rated on this now production. PPS. Inc. is the first company in the Midwest to offer HDTV shooting and post. firm-II: u-idu‘wtui-re-err-w ‘~‘£-

X .

You will also be eligible to win
a basketbalt autographed by
Tubby Smith.









Friday November 12,
8:00 PM
Sirg etary Center tot he Arts

"Zil'i W. “on: Jr? ",rt....‘cut1 taut"





Continued from page i


10 AM ‘ biology lab
., 2PM .ktCkDOXIt‘G 013$
9 PM movie with Jeti

screen. (lone were the days
when creative directors had
control of their films. That con-
trol now fell to the producers
and studios.

Film started to rely on

.v—i m






L. these special effects extrava» -
ganzas andqualities like acting. FaShIOHS that make the moment-

5% writing and cinematography fl; Prices that make the grade.
it were moved to the back burner. » M
Some aspects were replaced en
tirely. For example. some
- movies stopped using screen»
i writers. instead using a team of . g
trained monkeys for the m
‘ scriptwriting duties (see Arr [:g;
ff ‘ magcddon ). 77V
t t
t :l

. ‘r: aw". . .

grabs-5.?” .

Laws. v--.




t 1 It
The quality of film has de~ .‘h g, A ‘. 3"
creased from an artistic stand» i .a s ,4. 4... am"

point. ()n the other hand.
worlds never thought possible
could be created. Many people
go to the movies to escape. and
ever increasing special effects
have made that possible. Many
prefer to watch a brainless but

Mira W~Wxavzn-~



Blade Runner


amazingly spectacular movie
over a small smart film. Movies
like Blade Runner. or more re»
cently the Matrix. have com-
bined a good plot with stylish
special effects.

Independent special effects
companies are changing the in
dustry and finding plenty of

work while doing so. George
Lucas ran Industrial Light and Brand names for less. Every day.“
Magic. worked on all the Star
Wars movies. all the Star Trek
movies. and Saring I’rirare . -

Ryan.‘ . Every day Marshalls has a huge selection of the latest brand name fashions tor you and even cool stuff for your dorm room.

Digital Domain. started by A" for much less. So you can look your best without spending a fortune.

James Cameron. who has since
left the company. has turned
out Titanic. Fifth Element and
Armageddon. along with many
th.rs.S I .r t 'i: -- - - "

Rm? :unfidfiy’ijfifllgfifii m: VlSIt us near campus in Lexmglon at Fayette Place and Hamburg Pavtlion
maker Peter Jackson. are also
hoping to get a piece of the pie.

D .. - . ,. ~ ‘ m 14“.»-.h «v




Mevchandise writ vary by store (,0 1.099 Marshalls