xt786688kr4r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt786688kr4r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-02-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 07, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 07, 1996 1996 1996-02-07 2020 true xt786688kr4r section xt786688kr4r »-.’


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lost friend

By Alison Kight

[iterative Editor

To most of UK's 24,000 students, Jana Oliver is
just a face in the newspapers and on television.

She is the subject of much publicity, and her
death from mengingococcal sepsis, a form of menin-
gitis, has perhaps scared more than saddened many.

But to many, like her Sigma Kappa social sorority
sisters and her friends in Blanding Tower and on
South Campus,_lana was a vibrant girl with all of the
promise life can give.

“In everything I read or saw on TV, it seems like
she was more ofa bacteria than a person," said her
friendjason Mabry, an agronomy freshman, “I got
really pissed off."

Oliver’s friend Nancy Jeffries, a communication
freshman, said some people had been wary around
her when they found out about her close relation—
ship with Oliver.

During an intramural basketball game, the refer-
ee noticed she was shaky, and when he found out
she had taken rifampin, an antibiotic to combat
meningitis, he backed away frotn her.

“He was like, ‘don't get me sick,” she said. “It
really bothered me."

Her friends don't remember Oliver as a disease
that alarmed campus, but for other things.

They remember her as the little girl who “could
curl up into the tiniest ball I’ve ever seen,” said
friend Sarah Sallee, an undeclared freshman.

Or the tiny blond who was crazy for Mountain
Dew Big Slams and Caramello candy bars.

The girl who always wanted to order Chinese
food, at any time of the night or day, and knew the
names of “practically every restaurant in Lexing—
ton,"]effries said.

And the girl who loved to dance.

“She could dance better than anyone else I've
ever seen," said her friend Nick West, an unde-
clared freshman. “That girl really knew how to

West described Oliver as “made out of porce-

“She looked like she was about to break,” he said.
“But once at the Commons, she walked up to me,
and this little girl puts a death grip on me. I couldn‘t
breathe, but she said she just wanted to give me a

Mahry said he was plannin to teach Oliver how
to rock climb this semester before she got sick.

“I took her to Red River Gorge once, and she did
reall ' well," he said. “Out of anybody I've ever
taught, she had lots of natural talent. She was so

Perhaps the nitnbleness can be attributed to
Oliver’s dancing. She played the part of Clara in
“The Nutcracker" in the Louisville Ballet when she
was younger, and her ballet director spoke at her

In the future, every girl who wins the role of
Clara will also be the recipient of the jana Oliver

A self-described “crazy driver,” Oliver loved to
scare her friends while they rode around in her royal
blue Mazda Miata.

“She derived pleasure out of frighteninr me,"
said her friend Andy Becherer, an undeclare( fresh-
man who knew Oliver while she was a student at
Sacred Heart Academy in Louisville and also hung
out' with her at school.

Many of her friends said they felt better now that
the funeral was over and they got a chance to talk to
Oliver’s family.

“I was really de )ressed until I talked to her moth—
er,” Sallee said. “She was just reat through every-
thing. After the funeral, I couldgfinally sleep.”










WEAIHH' twostly cloudy
today, high near 40,- rlomlv
tonight, low around 3 5; chance
ofrain tomorrow, high near 40.

A NEW 1“? The theatre department is

presenting Israel Horowitz it play ‘l.ine' in the

Black Box 'Iheateiz Story, page 8.








KISS AN” Till Elementary education i'enior Noah .\"ez."romer (alioz'e) talks to ererrire .rrienre senior Tm.)- Rugcrx
at the kissing hooth. Biology junior Bari-y IVi/Iiamx lookr at a display at the ramp/u [moth

New ”00th IOCIISBS



By Chris Padgett
Staff” 'nter

Barry “'illiams and Tracy
Rogers want UK students to
know the dangers of having
unprotected sex. \Villiams, a biol—
ogy junior, and Rogers, an exer-
cise science senior, are members
of Peer Health Advocates for Sex
Education (PHASE), which is
sponsoring a safe sex awareness
and S.T.D. prevention booth in
the White Hall Classroom Build-

The group was set up yester—
day and will continue today and
tomorrow to provide free con—
doms, candy and a chance to reg—
ister to win a dinner for two.

“Our mission is to educate
people about safer behaviors in
dating and relationships," Rogers
said. “Safe sex is no longer a
taboo subject."

In addition to the multi—col—
ored condoms and heart~shaped
candy, the gToup is also distribut-

versity, Condom Sense, lists spe
cial techniques and procedures to
ensure proper condom placement
on and removal from the penis.
The brochure says to “never
use teeth or sharp objects when
opening the package, and if the

condom should break or slip off

to immediately stop and withdraw
from your partner."

The group is also distributing
a price list for condoms. lubriL
cant, K—Y Jelly and female con
doms at \Val-Mart, K—.\Iart and
the Kentucky Clinic.

Other brochures, including
Rethinking Intimacy, Playing
Safe and 101 \N'ays to Make Love
\Vithout Doin’ It, are also avail—
able free at the Kissing Booth.

Williams said the I-I-meinber
group provides one to two pro—
grams for groups per week in the
Lexington area.

“We will provide program—
ming for any group, organization
or residence hall that would like
for us to speak with them,"




University Ilealth Services and
advises who PHASE, feels the
objectives ofthe group are highly

“I think it is very important
that the peer educators are on
campus and spreading the mes—
sage around that safe sex is
important,” \Voodram said.

\Villiams urges students to not
be deterred by the name of the
booth and to stop by.

“You do not have to kiss us in
order to get a free condom,"



ing free literature about safe sex. \Villiams said.

One leaflet provided by the Uni—

Pam Woodram, who works in

\Villiams said. “\Ve ho )e every-
I .
one will stop by."

Med Center death leaves questions

By Brenna Reilly
Nam Editor

and Jeff Vinson
Campus Editor

Questions still surround the death of a 27-year—
old doctor who died while on-call at the UK Chan—
dler Medical Center.

Rosendo Francisco Borres, 27, a first-year resiv
dent in anesthesiology, died jan. 19 while on duty at
the UK Medical Center emergency room after
inhaling the anesthetic isoflurane.

UK Police Chief \V.H. McComas said Borres
a )parently poured the anesthetic isoflurane into a
cloth to enhance his ability to o to slee .

McComas said Borres proEably rolliad over and
inhaled the isoflurane. Investigators found a bottle
of isoflurane and a cloth in the room with Borres,
McComas said. UK Police investigated the death
with the Coroner‘s office.

A wire service had reported that the death was
not investigated by police until 24 hours later. The
coroner's office investigated the death, said Mary
Margaret Colliver, Medical Center spokeswoman.

She said that in cases where both suicide and
criminal activity are ruled out as the cause of death.
the coroner's investigation is sufficient.

However, (Iolliver added that it was “an over
sight on (the Medical Center's) part not to call" the
UK Police.

According to the coroner's report, Borrcs‘ the
death was caused by the blockage of the mouth and
nose against a pillow while lying prone to sedation
and by inhaling the anesthetic agent, isoflurane in
liquid form.

“Isoflurane is an extremely common general
anesthetic agent used throughout the country
throughout the world, actually," said Dr. \Villiani
\Vitt, chairman of the UK Department of Anesthe—

Vl'itt said that the agent is available in the operat
ing rooms, in—patient and out—patient, and in the
labor and delivery suites.

“The only medical purpose for it is as a general
anesthetic," he said.

Borres was found unresponsive by a fellow doctor
and was taken to the emergency room, where he w as
pronounced dead at 7:40 a.m.


Student political group
lorms tor democrats

By Stacy Schilling '
Staff Writer

The UK Young Democrats is a new organization
on cam us which allows students to get involved in
political) issues.

“Our main goal is to educate the students of the
political process and get them involved at an early
age so they will be involved throughout their life,”
said Kevin Kidd, co-founder of Young Democrats.
“Hopefully, we can be an example to the whole
political party system.”

The UK Young Democrats is similar to the Col—
lege Democrats, a group that was started in Fall

Immgna Oliver, who died [art week of 1994 and is still in existence.
miner“. was ownfor 5'71“” ofdantmg. Both groups focus their ideas on political issues,
a ' It
, v n. , -W* 7 ‘* -AW‘U‘. ‘

but the Young Democrats rely on more campaigns
and rigorous political work.

“Students need to attend to their political issues
because it does affect their life," said political science
professor Don Gross, who will serve as the group's
faculty adviser.

The Young Democrats will also be involved in
letter writing, campai ns, holding issue forums for
students, bringing p0 itical figures to campus, and
holding debates with other UK organizations on
cam us.

he organization also intends to feature a num-
ber of olitical figures to speak to students on vari—
ous p0 itical issues.

Some of the speakers the organization will have
are U.S. Senate candidate Steve Beshear, former
Gov. and UK Board of Trustees Chairman Ned
Breathitt, Speaker of the House Jody Richards, State
Representative Ernesto Scorsone, and Common—
wealth Attomcy Phil Patton.

Kidd said these are only a few speakers the Young

D l

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February 7, I 996

”Human 5


O (.llilulflr'tll 7

2 (form. 4 Spam 2

Monaural 7 Ila-pom! 9








N EWSby fat

lends all more charges

“ASHINU’I'ON- . Political foes are “trying
to make hay" out of Whitewater in the presiden
tial campaign, the “bite llousc asserted yester-r
day, a day after President Clinton w as ordered to
testify in the trial of former real estate partners.

Press secretary Mike .\Ic( :urry made his most
pointed statements to date on the issue, saying the
(ilmtons' “political enemies are determined to
make this an issue" in the camj‘iaign,

“\Vhen the chair of the campaign «done of the
presidential rivals continues to raise these matters
publicly and raises them in \‘ew llampshire on
behalf of that candidate, I think it‘s fair to say
they ‘rc trying to make hay out of the issuc,"
.\lc( :urry said.

llt‘ was referring to Sen. \Ifons‘c l)‘;\mato, R‘
.\'.Y., the Senate “'hitewatcr (Iommittce chair
man w ho also is a covchairman of Republican Sen.
Bob l)olc's campaign

l)‘;\mato, \\ ho cam iaigned last month in New
llanipshm for Dole, ias been especially critical
of l lillary Rodham (Ilinton's role in \Vhitewater.
Ile has contended she has not told the truth, and
his panel threatened the “bite House in Decem~
ber “Hit .1 court challenge oxcr disputed \Vhitu
water notcs.


Study says crime pays on television

\\':\Sl ll\'( {H l\ (irune pays at least on
television, according to a cable industry study
released yesterday on TV violence.

Most ofthc time, the bad guys aren't punished;
nearly lialfthc time, \iolcnt acts lli TV programs
show no harm to \ictnns. .ind more often they
poitray no pain, according to the survey of cable
and broadcast shows.

The study found a consistent pattern across all
channel types and genres.

'l‘lic snney. tln' largcst of its kind, w as based
on a sample oflfillll hours ofprtigramiinng on 3;
channels a mix of cable, broidcast and public
tclcyision IroniOct. S. 1‘)"4.to_lune‘), 109;. It
w as conducted by researchers at four universities.

cmrus Lancaster Center evacuated

The llarry ( I. Lancaster Aquatics (Ienter was
evacuated .iiid closed yeterday evening after a pipe
in the southeast corner of the building after a
frozen pipe began leaking and burst. The pipe was
found at around 8 pm. and should be repaired
before today. said Ralph Derickson, L‘K

Derickson said there was no damage to the
building. The center should be open its regular
hours today.

“WHEY/pancreas Pecmlent released

The first person to receive a kidney/pancreas
transplant at the UK hospital was discharged last
'l‘hurs‘day. Clayton Sizemorc was discharged less
than two weeks after his surgery.

Sizemore, 4/), required the transplant for his
insulin-dependent diabetes and kidney failure. He
remains offinsulin and dialysis.


Kennedy milked visit to White House

.\'l’.\\' YORK ~— There, there. john—john.
There‘s no use crying over spilled milk.

John F. Kennedy ~lr. said he embarrassed him—
self during a boyhood visit to President Nixon.

Kennedy said he was 8 or 0 when he, sister
Caroline and his mother were invited to dinner at
the White House. Caroline bet him that he WUlll(l
either spill his milk at the meal or his shirttail
would be untucked, he said.

“I'd gotten through most of the
dinner and my shirttail was in and
my milk was upright," the 35-»
year-old Kennedy said Monday on
(I.\'B( 2's “Politics “'ith Chris
.\Iatthcws." “I think we were at
dessert when something caught
my attention and my milk went all
over l.\'i\on's) lap."

“l lc didn't even blink," Kennedy said. “He just
wiped it up and I kind of just died slowly in the
corner, but it was a very memorable evening."

(,hmpI/rdfi‘rrm wire reports.



Democrats plan to have on campus.

He also said the speakers have “great political
experience” and have showed interest in speaking
with UK students.

“\\'e are going to be politically active," Kidd said.

The Young Democrats would also like to have
the opportunity to co-sponsor debates with the Col-
lege Republicans.

The debates would take place between
Democrats and Republicans who are running for the
U.S. Senate and U.S. Con essional Races.

“Hopefully we would e able to work together
and educate the whole student body," Kidd said.

The organization has 12 members and is hoping
to increase the size to 500 members.

“The level of success depends on communication
of individuals in the organization,” Gross said.

Members of the Young Democrats encoura e
anyone interested in the organization to attend the
first meeting, which will be held on Tuesday, Feb.
13 at 8 pm. in the Student Center.


”a... . .. , . .
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Lance \Villiams ................................................... Editor in Chief
Jennifer Smith .................................................. Managing Editor
Brenna Reilly ........................................................... News Editor
Jeff Vinson ........................................................... Campus Editor
Alison Kight ....................................................... Executive Editor
Matt Felice ................... . ........................... . ......... Editorial Editor
Jason Dattilo .......................................................... Sports Editor
Robert Duffy .............................................................. Arts Editor
Erin Bacher ........................................................... Design Editor

Benjamin Abes

Andreas Gustafsson ............................................ On-line Editors
Ashley Shrewsbury .................................... Asst. Editorial Editor
Chris Easterling ........................................... Asst. Sports Editor
Julie Anderson ....... .. ......................................... Asst. Arts Editor

Claire Johnston ........................................................ KeG Editor

.................... Photography Editor

.................. Asst. Design Editors






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All. WEI Sophomore Leigh Dalton leadr the UK u'omen’i swimming team to the Southeastern Conferente Championshipi this week in Knoxville.

Swimmers, divers prepare tor 8

By Chris Easterling

.‘Ifl‘lflani Sports Editor

The UK swimming and diving teams will
join their Southeastern Conference brethren on
the Tennessee campus for the SEC Champi--
onships, which begin today and run through

The women’s team enters the competition
with a 4-4 overall record and a 2-4 mark in the
SEC. It finished the regular season in fourth
place in the conference and ranked No. 24 in
the Speedo American coaches poll.

The men’s team carries a 4—5 overall record
to the meet. It finished eighth in the conference
with a 2—4 record.

a lot of excitement and will swim real fast," she

The men’s team boasts junior sprint
freestyler Rick Barber, the school record holder
in the 50—yard freestyle with a time of 20.16.

“He‘s real close to being qualified for the
NC AA," (I oniielly said. “It’s probably an 80—
percent chance that he' 11 go (to the NC AAs)
with the times he already has. He s swimming
real well and he’s real excited, and I think he’ll
have a great meet."

Connelly sees a couple of others who are
showing great promise.

“Some of the other men besides Rick, and
we’re talking about all freshman, too, pretty
much,” Connelly said. “Brian


Swimming coach Gary Con-
nelly, in his fifth season at UK,
said he is expecting big things
from his teams as they head
down Interstate 75 to Knoxville.

“On the men’s side, this is
probably the most talented men’s
team we’ve ever had,” Connelly
said. “On the women’s side, they
are real close. Maybe not quite as



The UK swimming and
diving team: will he in
action today throu h
Saturday at the S C
Championships in
Knoxville, Tenn.

Plitnick, a middle distance swim—
mer, might do really well. Todd
DeSorbo might also have an
outstanding chance, and he’s
also a freshman.”

As for other competitors on
the women’s side, Connelly sees
freshman Rachel Koinisarz step—
)ing up.

“(Rachel) has been swimming


talented as last season, but that’s
a little hard to say.”

NCAA qualifier Leigh Dalton heads up a list
of talented swimmers on Connelly’s women’s
squad Dalton made the NCAA automatic time
standard in the l ,650- yard freestv,le posting a
time of 16: 20. 34 at the Nike Cup in North Car—
olina Nov 30— Deal

She will compete in the NCAA champi—
onship meet Alarch 21—33 in Ann Arbor, Mich.

“(She) should have a pretty good meet,”
Connelly said. “She’s not going to be well-rest-
ed be any stretch of the imagination, she’s
already got her NCAA cuts. But I think she’ll
still swim real well, because she’s a very good
team person.”

Dalton sees the team having an outstanding

“The team is going to go into this meet with


very fast all year, and she should
get (the NC AAs),” Connelly said

Connelly sees Auburn as the favorite on the
men’s side, followed by Tennessee, Georgia
and Florida. For the women, Florida is consid-
ered by most to be the top pick.

UK diving coach Mike Lyden is pleased with
the way his teams are diving entering the SEC
C hampionships

“They \e JD" ' ' ' ‘ ' --""-’—O*--"’ '

from Lees College were glad to get a rematch
against the larger Wildcats.

“This is the biggest team we’ve played all
year,” Lees forward Sean Ham ton said.
“Hopefully I'll be at a bigger schoo next year,


REPEAT jenny Baker and the UK women’s
diving team will defend their title at the SEC:
this week.

“As a team, I would like to see a repeat per—
formance of last year where we won the
women’s portion of the SEC in diving,” Baker

Men’s diver Paco Rivera sees himself as a
leading contender to gain individual SEC hon—
ors, or “at least as good a shot as anybody else.”

Lyden sees the competition in the confer-
ence coming down to three teams — Ten-
nessee, Florida and Arkansas.


“I Momma Kernel mfl'

IBM” '0" UK’r Oliver Simmompidlr down
one of h iisfivem reboundi- [art night )Jgainet Lee:

College led the Can wit

so this is getting me ready for it.”

The win improves the Cats’ record to 9-3

The Cats will be playing their final game of
the season Thursda against Oak Hill Acade-
my in Memorial Coi i.seum








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I o o r [\i‘lllmh Kernel. ll rib/mild}. I'Ie/W‘uan I'l'lli 3




a... p.m-...” .

Always expect the unexpected at Vanderbilt

By Jason Dattilo
Spam Farm

Strange thin ‘ happen when
Vanderbilt an Kentucky get
together at Memorial Gymnasium
— the Commodores’ infamous
borne court.

Perhaps it's the team benches
located in the endzones or the cav—

the free throws, Prickett yielded to
the more-accurate Gimel Mar-
tinez. In another case, Travis Ford
directed \V alter McCarty to shoot
foul shots for the brick-laying
Andre Riddick.

VPitino has a 3-3 overall
record against Vanderbilt in
Nashville. The only other SEC
teams that have shown this type of

riding a l7~game winning streak
and are heavy favorites to take
another step toward becoming the
first team to go undefeated in SEC
play since Alabama in 1955-56.
“(Kentucky is) a team with very
little weakness,” Vandy head coach
Jan van Breda Kolff said during
Monday's SEC teleconference.
“I'd probably have to say that


guard slot while Maddux chips in a
respectable 15. l. Both players rank
in the SFC's top I} in scoring.
Vandy's formidable backcourt
matches up well with L‘K’s ruards,
who might be hindered )y the
endzone benches at Memorial
(iym. Having benches on the
baseline makes it difficult for the
coach on the opposite end to call

ernous-like atmos here. Or maybe resiliency at they're the No.1 out plays for the point guard.
it's the boards ofPStudents lining home are Ten— I“ vs Vanderbilt team in the coun— Pitino said he calls set plays on
the court. nessee and ' try right now." about 25 percent of the (Iats’ pos~
\Vhatever the reason, watching Arkansas. Pitino Tad“?! 8P'm‘ , Vandy has sessions.
a UK-Vandy game in Nashville is is 3-3 in [Wemona ,Gymmmum, posted its share of “As a team we have to commu—
about as predictable as a Drew Knoxville and AlVflSbvllle, 72’7"). quality wins, nicate and be more vocal on the
Barrymore interview on Late just 0—2 in knocking off court," lipps said. “\Ve're not
Night with David Letterman. Fayetteville. UK (18-1, 8-0 SEC) ‘ defending nation- going to be able to hear Coach 1’
Cases in point: However. Probable Start-rs: Pix: Rob: al champion and the other coaches."
VVVith the UK sitting at the Pitino’s record (370W Delk 13-7 34 UCLA and From communicatiiin problems
top of the Associated Press Poll in in Nashville Emiliiilllizgfiity 132 31,2 recording wins on to Free Throw (late. there's noth—
, MD}, the Commodores walloped improves con- FAntorne Walker 160 8.0 the mad against ing nonnal about a game at Vandy.
i the heavily favored, Jamal Mash- siderably upon FDerek Anderson 89 2.6 Virginia and 'Strange things are going to
' burn-led Cats 101-86. factoring in a Reserves: Ron Mercer. 7.9 poo. Mark Pope. Arkansas. happen everywhere." lipps said,

UK freshman Ron Mercer, a
Nashville native, attended that
game and sat in Memorial Gym’s
front row. Alercer, who was on
hand to watch Mashburn and the
Cats, didn’t stomi the floor when—

pair of NCAA

victories. The
1993 (Eats used
Memorial Gym
—— site of first

Lalhrem. 0.5

Probablo Starters:

75. Anthony Enos. 5 6; Joli Sheppard. 4.9; B t
Allen Edwards, 3.2: Nair Mohammed. 2 4. ”
Oliver Simmons, 18. Cameron Mills. 1 5. Jason

Vanderbilt (14-7, 4-4)

tency in confer—
ence play and a
road loss to Rice
leaves Vanderbilt

Pu: Rob: in danger of miss-

VU completed one of the biggest 311d Second G Drew Maddux 15.3 4.0 ing the NCAA
wins in the school’s history. round 3CU0n In G Frank Seckar 161 2'8 Tournament.
, . . . , F Austin Bales 4 5 2.7 .. .
' He Was 1n shock. [DC ' Southeast F P3X Whitehead 10 5 4 6 ' \‘C are defi-
“I thought Kentucky was going Regional ~— 85 '4 FMaiik Evans 11.9 6.1 nrtely a bubble

to win that game," said Mercer,
who played pick—up games with
Vanderbilt’s Frank Seckar and
Drew Maddux last summer in
Nashville. “That just proves that
anything can happen and anybody
can be beaten."

VIn 1994, the Cats pulled out a
win in Nashville, but several UK

springboard to
the Final Four.
“Since the
NCAA Tourna-
ment (in 1993),
I’ve learned to


Reserves: Bllly Di Spaltro. 87 ppg; Howard
pride. 6.7; Gianni Cugini, 4.1; Vince Ford, 3.6.
Chad Sheron. 1.9; Markese Watkins. 1 9; Chris
Slade. 0 8. Adam Barley. 00.

TV: WKYT (Channel 27), live.

team right now,"
said van Breda
Kolff, who hasn’t
taken a Vandy
team to the Big
Dance since tak—



like it a little
more,” Pitino said.
If the UK coach gets his way,

ing over for
Eddie Fogler in 1993.
Still, the ’Dores do have one of

“maybe \"andy has a few more
than other places."



‘ players were busted by UK boss today’s 8 p.m. game with Vandy the conference’s top backcourts in wows 8v Hum HM” _ 1
Rick Pitino in a free throw shoot- (14—7, 4—4 SEC) in Nashville will Frank Seckar and Drew Maddux. “
ing scandal. be an anomaly in a series known Seckar comes into tonight‘s UPEN WIDE Hit/to 11.14127) radian / :vrmn lirx .lrxpltmrm'.n’wir [In Jar/1‘ rliw

In one instance jared Prickett
was fouled, but instead of shooting

for its twists and turns.
The No.2 Cats (18-1, 8—0) are

contest averaging a team—high 16.2
points a ballgame from his point


mi: um «trim/mar 'Ix' firrtz'rm/ .imm ii urn-r rum/.1 in- .1 ”rum/.1
timing t/rr' Sum/r (,lill’iilll/d game in Night” . luv/.1 LII/[yr rl'rr xix/win





The Commodores have one of the Southeastern Conference‘s top backcourts in
Frank Seckar and Drew Maddux. Both players rank in the SEC‘s top 13 in scoring.
Both VU guards also like to shoot the three-pointer. Seckar ranks second in the
conference with 3.2 threes a game while Maddux ranks eighth at 2.1.


UK coach Rick Pitino blasted his big men after the Cats' win over Florida Saturday.







mam “mime: The reason? Pitino thinks the Cats’ interior