xt786688kq7z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt786688kq7z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1989-04-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 11, 1989 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 11, 1989 1989 1989-04-11 2020 true xt786688kq7z section xt786688kq7z  

Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCII. NO. 144

Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1 971

Tuesday, April 1 1 , 1989



Sports Editor

Russell Rice has adjusted from the
way things used to be from index
cards stored in dirty, old shoeboxes and
standard “hunt and peck“ typewriters
to floppy disks in sterile, white plastic
containers and high—tech word procr

Change. however.
Rice personally.

“I‘m a little o|d~fashioned. I guess,”
he said. "Straightrlaced Maybe the
world has passed me by '

For 21 years. Rice has worked within
the University of Kentucky‘s athletics
department. spending the first ltt of
those years as director ot the IJK Sports
Information Department The last two

nasn t ait’ected


HE’S SEEN IT ALL: Russell Rice sits at his desk as the
face of Adolph Rupp looks on, Rice has been at UK for

years. he has served as an assistant to
the athletic director.

But now Rice faces another change
that comes with the passing of years.
one with much significance for both him
and IIK.

Rice plans to retire from the [Iniver
sity on May it]. after writing books.
press releases and covering Kentucky
legends for "24 hours a day. seven days
a week for a long. long time.” accord-
ing to his wife of 38 years. Dorothy

Time. it seems. has finally caught up

“I have several other things I want to
do. several other projects planned, ‘ the
cx-Marine said.

It‘s not that Rice is no longer a Ken-
tucky fan he is. It's not because he's
being forced out , that‘s preposterous

ALAN HANSE/Karnel Sta"

more than 20 years, and in that time, he has seen UK in
its best and worst times

Rice has seen it all during
long tour of service to UK

Rut alter vears of 'raveliiig. years of
overtime weekends. he is tired

"It can be a burden .I monkey on
your back. ‘ he said ‘Sometimes I look
back on all those weekends l spent on
the road l think ot all the weekends l
could have spent with my kids 'I‘hey‘re
grown up now and married atid long
time gone Did I miss something

'\.iii get tired and Brad
who succeeded Rice .I\ \‘l[) in I‘M? he
tore becoming Assistant Iiirector ot
t.‘onimiinications tor the Southeastern
(‘onterence last year "That's not .i
knock It's simply a tact ot lite titer so
many years you‘re bound :o he burned

‘I didn't realiye it


at the time all the
Sec R" I. Page 7



North defends his use of contra funding

Associated Press

WASHINGTON Oliver North. seem-
ingly struggling to keep his temper, on
yesterday defended his stewardship of an
Iran-contra cash fund and insisted the
money he paid for a used car came instead
from a $15,000 family cache in a metal box
bolted toa closet floor.

At the start of cross examination at his
trial, North said he kept track in a spiral-
bound notebook of every penny be. dis-
bursed from the Iran-contra fund which to-
taled between $240,000 and $300,000.

“The ledger is still around"” asked pros-
ecutor John Keker

“It was destroyed.“ North said.

“Do you know who destroyed it 1’“

“Yes,“ he said. “I did.”

Earlier Monday, North testified that for
mer President Reagan and his attorney
general, Edwin Meese III. concealed US.
involvement in a November 1985 shipment
of Hawk missiles from Israel to Iran.

In a meeting on Nov 12. 1986, Reagan


North . . said he wanted
the papers so “that I would
have something to show .
to show I had authority from
my superiors for activities
that I was engaged in.”

clearly “had made a deciston not to dis»
close“ the shipment, North said.

The president told a news conference on
Nov 19 7 a week after that meeting that
the government had not been involved with
other nations in shipping weapons to Iran
and that the United States had shipped
none before he signed a January 1986 au-
thorizing document. Immediately af-
terward. the White House put out a
statement in which Reagan said a third
country had been involved.

North testified that he assumed Reagan

had known of the tll\'t'l‘\ltlll ot Iran arms
sale funds to the contras, a contention Itca
gun has denied

The former National \‘eciiritv i‘oiincil
aide was asked by his 'l\\ll lauycr about
NSt‘ documents North and his iornier \t‘t'
rotary. Fawn Ilall. smuggled out of the
White House complex about the ‘imc \‘orth
was fired

North, who destroyed stacks of other
documents around that time ill November
1986. said he wanted the papers \II 'that I
would have something To slimy it nec
essary. to show I had authority trom my
superiors for activities 'lial l was engaged

The papers, some taken out by North III
the days betore the [tan-contra attair be
came public and some by Miss Ilall after
the firing. totaled 196 pages

Asked about one note. \\lII('lI he had writ-
ten to superiors on Dec 0. lilttii \‘ortli said
it “clearly .‘irticulates what pi‘twt-ss the
[Suited States was up to" the process
North was involved III III approaching
Iran in hopes of gaining release of hos-

Program director, yearbook
editor are chosen by board

Staff Writer

The Student Media Board has chosen the
positions for the Kentuckian Editor and the
Program Director for WRFI. but the posi
tion of General Manager has not been r-i-o
sen yet.

Jeff Murphy, at telwommunicatins senior
who was chosen editor of the Kentuckian
said he hopes to improve the sales u 'lli‘
Kentuckian next year

"My main goals will be to try .,., get I. K
students more involved in t thirpti‘.

Murphy's desire is to make the -oito~tc
yearbook important as the high \t'ilt't’i
yearbmik is to students

Murphy said most Ill the Kt‘lllllt'iit in
staff is returning nest year making t ov
experienced staff He \élltl 'he
will take a new approach xvith 'Iie 'It‘\-. In
cade III an attempt to leave 'lie :U'S
goto the ‘90s "

“There Will definitely be a change 'l‘ '
yearbook.” Murphy and

Murphy has been the 5989 it‘iiinii -t
(‘hietfl the Mananging Editor lillvltt'w
Manager of the was Kentuckian
ttrgani'lations Editor :or the Mitt? Ki-ntiiva

Eor WRFH’M \Iit-k
cided :unior has been 'I‘rattic t ”ma,“
tor WREL and an tll‘ \Ir -.i,tii ‘Itu'tln-
l'tll‘ WRFI .is well as Width. 9““. " 'vt-‘vt'
castle, Indiana

\Iit-k s

,oarli‘ to?


iiiii I».

it'iil't‘\ Hi 4“!“

guy"‘ cospiiiixil-li- and ‘w »i._

‘My main goals will be to try
to get UK students more
involved in tthe yearbook)"
Jeff Murphy

W ~i,,. mm» ... -i,,.

wot ,.i 'l

tittt'tstlfit- ,‘n-isitr in

:I""t,’t‘l'!l'!‘lllt_’ tilt-m it“ also

, I
'I ,. ~._i.r,,..il Molt-L“; 'tlllh '1‘!

’hing l
. “tat he



2' .t";).‘:‘.’“. 2'24 ,K attl

"lot Lyman.»

\iti‘ ,i.
.L.. .i...,.i ‘\l.. t ,m ..viril.tit_
' l We» w_ food
"toot“.itfl for a pro
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lldl‘JUt‘l ild\ "Hi
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Attitudes toward seat belts
to be studied this summer

Ih .ll I,IICII1|\\'I.\\II
Stall Writer
The habits ind attitude. it tut.-
tll‘tvers toward seat belts .i.:!l i=7 mt .~.‘
the 'l‘r.‘insportation Research
I think -t~ ‘ltc
‘nakc an
attitude towird
nappen 'o be the lllt'i'ltilt‘s’l‘rs
.Ii-rrv l’igman
l‘fgnian mil work
.s also on the transportation tilt " --\ v't
.ning the iwrccntage il lean -[‘ti" vi
who are buckling till Illti
tlr‘vers tee? about lie to-

will!" ~'
't'\:;'l’ iaw
-,i\\l's\lllt‘lt' o' ‘tw

amt .ii.i

I‘vsitlil't'it "l‘

.‘Illl ‘\l‘.'l Uic"

fist-tut” ' .-

I’iginan said they ,il't' tom-.1 '~
t’ounty How-rinnent ,\
Ill ordinance that .\t-illtl
tory toucar seat belts

oecause Levogton I‘ own-
i-oiisnh-r t,“ I


l‘lie l‘rliaii t'oiiiitx timei'ti'tu-v
tunded the research w itli a SBI
To obtain the grant i’ignian «at! iv-

to go through several .moh a; in. \t t.


rock? it ”Want-t

‘t'l :iat‘t -tf

Battleground over abortion
could shift to legislatures

lh I)Il\-\I.I) \I. RH'I'IIIH'IIIII
.\ssm'iatetl I’ress


\\';\SIIII\'I£T()I\' Roth side,» .i he
tion rights dispute are mobiIi/ing :o ‘-
Ior the state legislatures that will ii‘t
the highly charged issue .I the Snpretru-
t‘ourt. reshaped by Ronald Reagan v.»
treats from the I073 ll(‘('l\ltlll lcgalw:t.;:

‘We are the maiority pi'wtainn-«v
Molly Yard, president of the National is
gaiii/ation tor Women alter a rally \lll‘niax


‘* 'I I: i‘it||\

\HURIIH\ i'aet':

European Pastry Cafe, with twist, opens in Student Center

Staff Writer

A UK student, who also happens to be an
authentic French chef, has a new
attraction at the annual European Pastry
Cafe this week in the Student Center

Gregory Michel, who received his bache»
Ior's degree from a chef school in France,
never thought he would get any publicity
when he agreed to make a French pastry
called the “Grenage.”

“I'm surprised,“ Michel said. “I didn‘t
think I would get in the newspaper. It's no
bigdeal to makeacake rebutllikeit.”

Michel said the Cosmopolitan Club and

International Hospitality Program, which
sponsor the cafe, wanted him to give them
a new idea for the cafe this year.

“I have. some French cookbooks where I
live," Michel said. “When I started work—
ing here they asked me if I could give
them some ideas about recipes. and so we
didit . we made somegrenage."

The European Pastry Cafe. an annual
event at UK, opened yesterday in the Stu-
dent Center The Cafe will be open every
day this week from 10 am. to 4 pm.
Charlene Leach, staff assistant for the ()f-
lice of International Affairs in the Depart
ment of International Students and Scholar
Service. said the cafe has been done every

year Ior to years The cate is a tuiidraiser
for the (‘osmo t‘lub and the International
Hospitality Program.

The (‘osmo t‘lub is an organization of III'
ternational and American students, and
the International Hospitality Program is a
program which pairs international stir
dents with American families Both groups
formed to help promote learning about dif-
ferent cultures

Leach said the cate did unusually well
for its opening day

“We had a really good day." Leach said
"It's usually slow on Monday. but today
was very good "

TheI cafe features to different pastries.


“I‘m surprised. I didn’t think I
would get in the newspaper.
It’s no big deal to make a

cake — but I like it. "
Gregory Michel

gourmet coffee and teas Besides the "tire
iiage by Gregory." the "(Ireck Luncheon
Pastry" and the gourmet coffees and teas
are new this year.

Each day during lunch. live music will
be played in the cafe Anyone who enters

'iiilt‘ll on to students Iroin

'losting ,‘bc catc arc not
‘I I' l'iniei‘sih \Voinen s
’. itlt‘ tlllt‘l t.iciilt\ woes

lll‘ .:'i ‘.’. ‘t‘
'Iit tiisiiii ,.i‘

t‘ltil» ~th t;,




\ tI.IIitt‘ «as 'nisspclled :n a guest
opinion .I‘ \csli'rda\ s Kernel I‘ll Ila]
\Ialik I'll \ltatial/ was the name ot the
I'I\|i tights at ti\ist otherwise known .is
\ltlil‘ltlll \







Today: Sunny. coo
Tomorrow: Sunny. warmer







Quarterback impressive
during spring football




Guitarist proving more
to UK than agriculture

See Page 4




 2 - Kentucky Kernel. Tuesday, Aprll 11. 1989

Texas air balks at apparent Ueberroth, unions agreement

Associated Press

NEW YORK — Talks aimed at
selling Eastern Airlines bogged
down yesterday as its parent Texas
Air Corp. balked at accepting ten‘
tative agreements reached between
Eastern unions and buyers led by
Peter V. Ueberroth, sources close
to the situation said.

Ueberroth and representatives
from Eastern. Texas Air and its
unions met Monday with US.
Bankruptcy Judge Burton Lifland.
The meeting followed a weekend of
secret talks aimed at beating a 12
am. deadline tonight for setting
terms to get Eastern's striking
unions back to work.

That deadline is a condition of

the agreement by t‘eberi-oth's
group to buy Eastern. The .nrinie
has been largely grounded siiiie
March 4 due to a strike by \lachin
ists that has been honored In I‘lt)>l
of its pilots and flight attendants
' Lifland, who is overseeing I‘Iast
ern's reorganization under federal
bankruptcy law, must approie uni
sale of the airline

But although sources said the t e
berroth group and the unions had
reached tentative agreements it:
their weekend talks Eastern and
Texas .Air attorneys eiiiergiiip trom
a day-long meeting at the Manhat
tan bankruptcy court indicated
there was no overall accord

“There's no agreement said
David Bows, an attorney rep
resenting Texas Air. as he

emerged from the meeting and left
the courthouse yesterday. “I will
tell you there will be no agreement
tonight "

There was no immediate com-
them from the unions or Ueber-
roth. Labor sources, who spoke on
condition of anonymity, had re-
fused to give specifics earlier about
their agreement with the former
baseball commissioner.

Sources familiar with the week-
end talks had indicated a formal
announcement on an agreement
could be made yesterday but de-
clined to elaborate, due to a news
blackout on the talks.

t'iider t'eberroth‘s $464 million
buyout proposal. Eastern employ-
ees would get a 30 percent stake in
the airline in exchange for 8200

Bennett announces federal effort
to fight drugs in nation’s capital

Associated Press

Bennett. slapping at the city gov»
ernment's attempts to battle a
drug problem which he said "is so
glaring _. so out of control." an
nounced on yesterday a multimil—
lion-dollar federal effort to combat
drugs in the nation's capital,

Bennett. director of the national
drug control policy office. said that
“the plain fact is that, for too long
and in too many respects. the DC
government has failed to serve its

He announced plans calling for
building new pretrial detention and
prison facilities, expanding a local
law enforcement task force. an ef»
fort to rid public housmg of drug
users and dealers. expansion of
drug-treatment facilities. and an
increase in Job~training programs.

Bennett spoke at a news confer-
ence with Attorney General Dick
Thornburgh and Housmg and

Urban Development Secretaiw
Jack Kemp

Washington was the
murder capital last year out .LTL‘
slayings, most of then. drug H's
lated. Already this year there
have been 135 homicides. eoi'i
pared with 87 at this tithe List

Bennett said "drugs and etettiuhi:
for drugs sorely test the t"t‘>l)t>ti.~s:‘~t
abilities of dozens of \llii‘t‘it'itf‘
ies. But here. where the proiilcti: i>
so glaring so out. o: eoiitrm se
rious questions of locai poli'ies .ir:
governance can no longer ‘)(
avoided or excused 'l‘hej in

“The local goi'erhiin-r‘ i.. :io'
acted in as responsibie the
should have." he said Hi: ~.:a;'i 'tu
federal effort should :in‘ so
strued as an attack or ”iftitit
for the district or at. ‘ir‘fiili'
get the city Qtt\t”!l1.t" ‘i,v
hook "

Mayor Marion Hair} .I' .- to
welcomed the It‘ttt't'.: i-w t"l‘


nieht s help. the "idea of Washing-
ton being a model" in programs to
iltlili' drugs “We look forward to a
long working relationship," the
tttiiyot added. He left a news con-
terenee before reporters could ask
if he had been stung by Bennett's
Bennett estimated that the plans,
apprm ed by President Bush, will
cost 37o million to $80 million, al-
though he cautioned that there was
:'t-" firm price tag. The money will
v'tttlit- from "redeployment of exist-
:ilL' resources.” said Bennett, who
to not indicate the current use for
in Heine).
i-sennett aide Don Hamilton said
.ntei that the effort will cost far
fliitt't' than what Bennett had men-
"t‘hat figure doesn‘t include
Iiiiilion the DC. govern-
ueoi has already had for some
' ow build a pretrial detention
mg. and “doesn‘t include guard
ms some of the salaries of peo-
on nho \\lII be dedicated to this,”
".tli'i IiilliltIlOll


'Etl 534‘

Attorney wants to reopen hearings

Associated Press

WASHINGTON Parents of a
child killed in a fiery bus crash last
May have asked the National
Transportation Safety Board to rev
open hearings on the accident that
claimed the lives 0t 2'? people near
Carrollton, Ky.

A petition. which was filed with
the NTSB Friday on behalf of (‘ol
Lawrence and Janey Fair. said an
independent investigation revealed
new evidence that the bus involved
in the accident and all similar
models “contained significant de-
fects” that the NTSB has over

The Fairs‘ daughter. Shannon.
14, died when a church bus she was
riding on and a pickup truck col~
lided on Interstate 71, The couple's
lawyer, John Coale of Washington.
said yesterday he had not yet re
ceived a response to the request.

The petition said the newly de-
tected defects “present a real and
substantial danger to members of
the public who utilize the buses for
transportation purposes." Coale

said a learn of exper'
hired had uncm et‘etl‘tu nest . -

In its final l‘ettttt" new - . .; t:
N'I‘SB said
llvyeattold toriiiei school bus ~~ :
ll’ll)ul(‘(ilttllit'dt't‘ltlt'lti ~ \l

The Vehicles illlpiiiitn‘ w
tank. l'latniiiulile seay . . _.
rear door partly obstrut new i .
last row of seats at! ew-
the report

Coale said t‘\ltlt‘lttv ‘i’il'fi
Fairs' experts liltilt't‘iit‘l‘ it“,
floor panels. \‘llllt'li riltltill~‘*i'i'
arated at impact .ippe.e ..
been defectiyely iiiahiitavtiiii-I'

The petition said IIII palm.
tamed riyets or spot eeia- ,titi .
about it inches apart il\
an industry SliilltlJilt' tt- .
inch or less

Spaces created .it'tr tnt
panels separated anus“,
enter directly llllti in.
the bus, leaning tho-u ,\i“
the fuel tatik no 'llttt ,t
escape, the petition stun

Coale said a \l‘sl' pp . _
report iii 1988 also their ‘ ‘ziw
bolt and rivets used at-

«’tltttm‘it‘! istii' tit



tivltt't. a

par: oi the vehicle's suspension
'~ysit'lt’ called the rear leaf-spring
hanger bracket. and said the part
had shot r ott upon impact.

with was. overlooked is that
it. . stiit'lltl not have sheared,“ the
said “They were the
., o '1k in that they failed to
tree} tit‘ ieatspi‘iiig assembly safe»

.i'ne‘hed to the vehicle‘s chas-

'.~i' ”wt.

in. peiitioii said that ”once
iniiiinial rivets and bolt
sllt'.1l‘t .«: oh the collision became. a
l.titt‘tl catastrophe ”

I'ittitllt ot the leaf-spring assem-
: . .iilti tioiit axle to stay attached
i, 'he has chassis allowed the pick-
itv “ink to penetrate more deeply
t.‘,i Iiit- this body. the petition

Itlt' truck driver of the pickup
ti tlt't‘. Larry Mahoney, was
4. named with 27 counts of murder.
l't‘osei‘titot‘s have said Mahoney‘s
alcohol content was more
that: l»‘\lt e the legal limit when his
.ehieie struck the bus owned by
the Ens Assembly of God in Rad-





or A


3380 Richmon



unto“. it .m. ,

The Suzuki Samurai 4x4. It’s Aiiiei'it ,i’s. least expensive soft top,
so you can save big bucks. That's .i fact.
Come see us today. Or sooner. Attei all, we’ve got the best
Suzuki deals, sun or no sun.

d Rd., Lexington, 606-263-9402


million in contract concessions. Ue-
berroth has also said he would pro
ceed with plans to sell Eastern's
Northeast shuttle to New York de-
veloper Donald Trump for $365 mil-

The unions involved are the In-
ternational Association of Machin-
ists, the Air Line Pilots Association
and the Transport Workers Union.

The Machinists struck Eastern
on March 4 after refusing to accept
more than $120 million in wage and
other concessions demanded by
Texas Air, Eastern's parent. The
other unions have accepted conces-
sions in the past, but honored the
Machinists' picket lines.

The unions virtually halted East-
ern operations. On March 9, the
airline filed for protection from

creditors under federal bankruptcy

Eastern has been seeking court
orders requiring the pilots to re‘
turn to work. A federal judge in
Miami was scheduled to issue a
ruling on the request yesterday but
his office said the judge had grant-
ed a request from Eastern and the
pilots union that he delay the deci-

The weekend talks in Washington
were held under the guidance of at-
torney David Shapiro, who was ap-
pointed by the bankruptcy court to
be the airline‘s examiner.

Last week, Texas Air Chairman
Frank Lorenzo said Eastern could
restore a significant part of its
schedule within 24 hours of reach-
ing new work agreements. But air-

line and union officials indicated
Monday that that was an unrealis-
tic assessment.

Eastern has flown about 110
flights a day, focusing on its North-
east shuttle and Latin American
routes, by using non-union employ-
ees and 200 nonstriking pilots.

Eastern spokeswoman Karen
Ceremsak said in Miami that it
could take 10 days for the carrier
to resume 80 percent of its pre-
strike schedule of 1,040 flights daily
once the unions agreed to return.
The delay would come from main-
tenance and inspection of idled
planes, ferrying aircraft to air-
ports, recalling laid-off employees
and other tasks.


Associated Press

adult Kentuckians agree that
knowing how to operate a com-
puter is an important skill, but
two-thirds of those surveyed
said they don't use one on a reg-
ular basis.

People with higher incomes
and more education and who
live in the state’s urban areas
are the heaviest computer
users, according to the
Bluegrass State Poll.

The poll, which The Courier-
Journal released yesterday.
found that only 13 percent of
adults are computer users in
homes where the annual income
is under $15,000. The figure rises
to 32 percent in homes where
the income is between $15,000
and $35,000, and to 63 percent
where the income is even high-

Among people with some col-
lege education, 56 percent say
they use a computer at home or
at work. In contrast, 80 percent
of those with a high school edu-
cation or less say they don‘t use
a computer at all.

Seventy percent of white col
lar workers say they use a com-
puter; 76 percent of blue collar
employees say they don't.

The highest percentage of
adults who don‘t use a computer


Kentuckians think computers are
important; most don’t use them

live in southcentral Kentucky,
76 percent. and eastern Ken-
tucky, 73 percent.

Older people also were less
likely to be computer users: 45
percent of those between age 18
and 49 are computer users, come
pared with 13 percent of Ken-
tuckians age 50 or older.

A Census Bureau report re-
leased last year said 18 percent
of adults age 18 and older and 30
percent of children age 3 to 17
used computers.

Regardless of whether they
use a computer. most Kentuck-
atis said they thought knowing
computer skills was valuable.

When asked, “How important
do you think it is in today‘s
world to know how to use a com-
puter‘” 72 percent said it's
”very iiiiporlant,"

Women field that opinion more
strongly than men, but all age
groups and education levels
were nearly equally enthusias-
tic '1‘\ieiity-three percent said
knowing how to use a computer
is "soiiieiiliat important," and 4
percent said it is “not too im-
portant ‘

A national Gallup poll last
year found similar attitudes,
with «17 percent who said com»
puter skills were important and
another 43 percent who said
they were “absolutely necv
cssaiy " Sixty four percent also

said having computer skills was
necessary “to be considered a
well-rounded individual. "

Responses to the Bluegrass
State Poll also indicated that ed~
ucators were having some suc-
cess in introducing computers in
Kentucky schools, especially in
urban areas.

Among parents of school-age
children, 74 percent said at least
one of their children had been
taught to use a computer in

It was higher in the five urban
counties, where 86 percent of
the parents said their children
had been taught to use a com-
puter in school.

Despite the popularity of
home computers, few Kentucki-
ans said they used one. Only 12
percent of the 808 people inter;
viewed said they used a comput-
er at home.

Among the 28 percent of those
polled who said they use a
computer at work, about a third
use only personal computers;
another third use only terminals
connected to large computers.
and a third use both kinds.

Two-thirds of that group said
they use computers nearly
every day at work, with those in
clerical and sales jobs being the
most frequent users, the poll



Government to probe lax security

cover for two weeks in a baggage
handling job at Pan Am and noted
repeated security breaches.

Associated Press

LONDON - British Transport
Secretary Paul Channon on Sunday
ordered an urgent inquiry into a
newspaper’s claim of security lap‘
ses on Pan Am airliners at Lon
don‘s Heathrow airport, his office

in a truly portable PC

"The Secretary has ordered an
inquiry He has asked for air urgent
report from Pan Am on the mat-
ter." said a department spokesman
who spoke on condition of anonymi-

Yesterday's editions of The Sun
tabloid carried an account by a re—
porter who said he. worked under—


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:1» ll“ um “Mrs J an ”It‘levfl manner" at Vermont or!)

print mm mm mm mm on outrun: 1|:th thmrln hmm i onmn t I from mow or “menu
It ull’V and unit for their on me No other amounts up" Urns rm. portable arm-t mineum pr
warming: in um 11 month period Pm" when in Hume without more

The reporter, George Pascoe-
Watson, applied for the job using
the fictitious name George Watson
two weeks after 270 people died in
the Dec. 21 bombing of Pan Am
Flight 103 over Lockerbie.

MmNn rm








Associated Press
FRANKFURT, Ky. - Ticket
sales for the Kentucky lottery

topped $24 million yesterday, the
sixth day of the state‘s new games.
and a spokeswoman said a per«
capita record for first-week wa-
gering seemed to be within reach.
Meanwhile, the Kentucky Lottery
Corp. ordered 25 million more $1
tickets for its Beginner's Luck

Bureau preparing for national

Associated Press

Census Bureau has begun a search
for Kentuckians interested in help—
ing it gear up for the 1990 national
population count. the 200th anniverr
sary of the census.

The agency has opened a district
office in Louisville and is advertis—
ing in newspapers statewide for
field workers.

It also has begun testing to hire
about 3,500 part-time “enumera
tors" for Kentucky, They will get
$5 30 to $6 an hour and begin plying
streets and side roads as early as
mid~May Most will work six to
eight weeks. finishing no later than
Aug. 4

Their main tasks will be to check
census maps for accuracy and to
knock on doors to ensure that
names and addresses are correct.
so the bureau knows Where and to

Exxon oil

Associated Press

VALUEZ. Alaska The slick of
thick crude oil spilled by the Exxon
Valdel. stalled yesterday in its
movement toward the nations No.
1 fishing port and was breaking up
in rough waves arid high wind. the
(‘oast (luard said.

However. the stormy weather
hampered cleanup elf‘orts as small
craft adyisories and gale warnings
were posted along the central Alas
kaii coast. where 10.] million gal
tons of crude oil oozed across
Prince William Sound. threatening
fisheries and killing thoiJsands of
birds and annuals

The wind was out of the north

game and scheduled for Wednes-
day night the first televised draw-
ing of finalists for the $1 million
grand prize in the Kentucky Derby
DreamStakes game.

As of 4:30 pm. EDT yesterday.
Kentuckians had spent $24,182,000
on tickets for the lottery‘s two “in-
stant" games — a rate of $6.41 for
every man, woman and child in the
state — since sales officially began
at 7 am. EDT last Tuesday.

“We have gone past all other

whom to mail census questionaires
next March, census officials said.

The Louisville office has set up a
seminar for elected officials. edu-
cators, minority-group leaders and
others on the census process for
April 27. Similar sessions will be
held around Kentucky later, said
Wilma Washington, Louisville cen-
sus spokeswoman.

In late summer, the bureau will
open district offices in Lexington,
llopkinsville. Ashland. Bowling
Green and Covington, census offi-
cials said. Each office will employ
20 to 50 people to oversee popula—
tion counts in its territory.

The actual leg work for the 1990
census will begin this year, Begin-
ning iii mid-May. census officials
said. about 2.200 field workers will
canvass Kentucky door‘todoor and
wrap up their effort in early Au«

Larry Kirschenbaum. manager
of the Lomswlle district office. said

spill stalls

east. which kept oil from washing
ashore in untaiiited inlets and the
Kenai Fiords National Park

It's not pushing it toili to the
Keniii Peninsula. and that‘s good
The weather is breaking up the
slick. and that's good,” said (Toast
Guard spokesman Rick McIdt

.‘\.\ ol yesterday morning, 18,000
barrels of crude have been recov-
ered. or 8 percent of the 240.000
barrels spilled

..\t the tishiiig port of Kodiak.
which landed a $160 million catch
last. year to lead the nation. prepa-
rations to battle the floating oil
continued in spite of the good news.
Fishermen covered logs With lish
net and strung them together as
floating booms to keep oil out of


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it’s 0 cold world.
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states except Florida" in first
week, per-capita sales, lottery
spokeswoman Vicki Dennis said in
Louisville. ”We believe we have a
shot at Florida."

The lottery was trying to get per
capita figures from Florida's lot»
tery, which began last year. The
(Louisville) Courier-Journal, in a
report Sunday, calculated Florida‘s
first-week wagering was $7.04 to
$7.90per person.

The reorder of Beginner's Luck

the goal is to visit every household,
In addition to verifying names and
addresses so census forms will be
addressed correctly in March 1990.
field workers w