xt786688kp57 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt786688kp57/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-09-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 04, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 04, 1980 1980 1980-09-04 2020 true xt786688kp57 section xt786688kp57 i ‘A
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Vol. Lxxni. No. 15 . Unltvezsttttt 0' :enmk:
—_ a B a ex n on ell
“WM". September 4. 1930 an inde ndent student news a r ' ,
I H I l l I / - l/ I h I
D . unte S. hompson, QOI'IZO [0U I73 ISt, VW appea e 6
By CARY WILLIS rains" —2 millions of colorfd‘ balls Angels, will appear at the Center tor His first such writing was an article an anthology of some of his best- based on Thompson‘s writings) and
Entertainment Editor running around a very complicated the Arts Sept. l8 at 8 pm. g . about the [969 Kentucky Derby, known work_ lwas referred to Hunter's “flung“
. track. strange symbols andftltgree. ‘ Thompson. who now lives in which appeared in St'anlon's lhonipson has also appeared in then we set it up." Sturgeon said.

. . By this time the drink was gtvmg ofla loud hum . . . 2 ( olorado. is a native ol l.ouisvt|le. Monthly. (Barry lrudeau‘s comic strip “000- $0 and SCB are allotting a com-
beginning to cut the acidandmyhal- excerpted from Fear and Loathing in His career began in the early l960s as Presently collaborating with nesbury“ under the pseudonym of bined $4500 for the forum. “It was
lucinations were clown to a tolerable Las Vegas by Hunter S Thompson. a writer tor the National Observer. Jimmy Buffett on an as—yet undis- Raoul Duke really kind of a special deal." Stur~
level. The room service waiter hada a Random House book. but his big break was the account he closed project. Thompson is also Hlis’ appeniancc it being eo- geon said. “He was going to [U on
vague/yreptt'liun t‘tmtohisfeatures. ~ g . . . wrote 0t. haVing spent a year tn national affairs editor for Rolling sponsored by Student (ioternment, the l6th. anyway."
but I was no longer seeing huge pte- 1 he king 0t gonm is coming to secrecy with the Hell 5 Angels. Stone magazine. the Student Center Board and Sturgeon said Thompson will also
"WWW/1'lumbe’mga’tm"dth"m" UK- ‘ .. 39W 43_ years Old. Thompson is His writings have spanned‘a wide WKQQ-r M 80 President Brad be attending the UK-lndiana foot-
"do’5 in POD" offresh b/UOd' Dr. Hunter 5' lhompson. author credited ““h creating "gonzo"iour- array ol subjects. from politics and Sturgeon said it was his idea to bring ball game on Sept. 20. .

"The only problem now was a of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. nalism. personal and somewhat sports to his personal experiences Ihompson here. Sturgeon said bringing the your-
gigantic neon sign outside the wm— as well as l-ear and Loathing on the exaggerated writings which include with recreational drugs. He recently “i just called Rolltng Stone after I nalist here will be a positive step for
dow. blocking our new ofthemuun- Campaign Trail ‘72 and Hells the author asa Vitalpartolthe story. completed The Great Shark Hunt. saw Where the But/kilo Rtiamta lilm SQ. “gm! (Brockman. vice Pm“-

Continued on page 1
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SG k h ll ' mblt rt' I 12.0 among students
By LAURA WILLIAMS Sturgeon said an osetall aware- to the students. Sturgeon said sersity “Students get ripped oft lt alloMs campus students to talk radio stations such as WKQQ-FM
Reporter ness program is being coordinated "As tar as seeing it in action. l'mii some time." Robbins said. “Student about problems with someone their (98. l).
Presentl) to increase \lslhlllt) 'dttd t0 lreshman and haven‘t seen anything (imeinment help” students get own age instead "1 an “Id" person. WKQQ recently broadcast
“large! th areas Wllfl’t‘ “C “dill 1“ yet. but ”it“ hmealread) hC'CIl ht‘lp— ll'L‘dlL‘d lalrl)‘ H \hC Silld. announcements encouraging stu-
lack oi \isihiltty is the “biggest" gs‘t the people Itiled " lul (to me).“ said Melanie 1 .tons. ”CHINE Nuthttlt. library SCICNCC ”“5 59mm!” 5“ hit“ “”de on dents to come in and supply or cor-
problem behind students‘ untamtl- He said he wishcsto reach the stu- business administration lreshnian. graduate student.said SO helped her such serstce protects its \oter rcgts- rect information for the campus
tarity with Student (imcrnment. dents who are low on interest in pol- Howe\er. “I definitely think it‘s during registration and gave material trillion. distribution ol oiientation phone directory.
according to 80 President Brad itical affairs and other typical SO necessary." she added. “to gise it to help her on campus. material and phone books {or in- g
Sturgeon, areas, 80 should not only “collect mice to the students.“ “I don‘t know whether it‘s work- comingireshmen.accordingto Stur- ’50 also plans to initiate more

“in the past there hase been a lot or Ideas and expound the great policies I yons said the pamphlet. “Making ing. bill the idea ot S(i isagood one," 'geon. He added tlttit a blood drive diverse activities such as the visit to
good programs. but not ntuch pub- and virtues" ot itscll. but also shake it." which gives adHCC to new itlll~ Donotan scholar Ruth Hopper says. and hook exchange are being campus by Journalist Dr. Hunter S.
liCity.“ SO \ ice President Britt things up and make the studcnts itils on campus. and lhc whip“. "Students should base a lot to sat planned in, It“. tum“. lhompson this semester. (See story
Brockman said. aware oi issues, Sturgeon said. directory are very uselc! ”mt should be represented.“ 5“ plum m "mommm. alot more on this “page? Brockman said this

”“5 year. he \a'd- 5“ Wt” ”.V ‘0 Many students do not realt/e that Scott Robbitis. undecided tresh- Susan Wilson. an education l‘rcsh- “1th the lt's‘ill media"tltis year. Stur- should pull '" a different 50" 0f
gain more publicit).discard had pro- 80 has members on academic com- man. said he believes a student mitn- Mild. "I dtm't know anything 35“" “it'd-am] tnt‘rt‘itht‘itd‘t‘t‘thmg'" .chVd than are normally "”91“!st
grams and install more good ones. mittees and prosides servicesdtrcctlt gmcrnment is ‘d necessity for a UIl|~ tthttUt tt Wit“). ht“ tt t5 "69653307" 1h“- AV‘WWI 1“ “C“ “5 through I‘M“ m Student (rovernment actIVtties.

Speech partisan, GOP says .
on the inside
R bl' t 9 al ‘6 e from KET
Paul Mann‘s column on page 2 deals with the broken .
, . . ‘ y .
dreams 0” would-be college football player. Also.t0day 5 By SY RAMSEY Schmidt 0t ( old hptmg “'35 m0“: inclined to grant the request because comes up With more moneythan pro-
editorial looks at Ronald Reagan’s awkward run for the Mmmd Pm“ “mu muted tn his view, although he also “”5. nm an mum mm. mamhw 1mm,
presidency. Apparently it is hard to run very well with one ‘ expressed similar concern.
foot in your mouth all of the time. ‘ . . In a Wm M Schmidt. who had This‘time. Stuart said. Brown said
‘ Mhm'd‘ indicated earlier '" the expressed reservations before the he Pta'SCd‘ his ofl'icmls. predicted a
State Republican senators said day that this “the the House RCPUh- Brown spa-ch. prose said m pan; great administration inthe remain-
A review of “Smokey and the Bandit II“ appears in after a mum5 Wednesda) they Wt“ “mm “”“ld Tam“ "9m“. bl" ”‘3‘ ing three years and said he would
today‘s Diversions on page 5 along with our first selection dftmand Equal “mt? "Om KentUCk)‘ tht‘)‘ '00de dimly 0" tttture SPCCCh“ “l d ‘ “d ' ' . support all Democratic nominees for
f .. t' n Educational 1eleVIston to respond to by the governor of that type. 0 "0 WIN '3’ ft prog.am ”t Congress in November.
or crea ive comer. Democratic (iov. John Y. Brown's which the chief executive reports to
bud et cut speech of last week. ‘ .‘ _ . ‘ ‘. the people or aUSW€t5qUC>tt0nS from . . . .
g H“ Stna“ ('QP lead€'>_dt~9'd°d the press or trom the people to be “He did admit he had no political
' I ' . U 9 V ‘ . i I .‘ ' ' i I i z . t i ‘ . ' v . ” I M
The Wildcats Chris Poulton plans to‘ kick' I K’s oppo- Senate Minority Leader hugene 3.11"”: '0' eq‘f’dlé'mc a,“°'hv'l:w:‘3 " ”tttlttSICdlly d Polttlta”) Patttsan 58“) and I 38'“ SN." ”'d- 39'
. . . . 2 . I co ' w , -- - - 2 .
nents up and down the field this year. Read about it on Stuart of l.0utsvtlle said he and his ‘pc 0 '0 " 5 a 0‘” program. taking politics out of government is
8 eight colleagues are not necessarily “With anda news conference held by like taking ““8'0" 0‘“ or church."
page . seeking a full hour but time ior a the governor immediately after-
response on the public teleVision net- wards. wni‘llgrsagi rii: kzade‘iitlid‘lc Brrwdi‘tslatsd Brown‘s talk was supposed to deal
work. the people and .51": have d2": "(ms mainly with the potential SI l4 mil-
Weather Swan Si“d KET has had a history with every govcinor mm. we have Iron deficu faced this fiscal yearin the
“We‘re more concerned that it Or being hmamsan m pain,“ “and i been 0n me air .. ‘ (teneral Fund which finances most
More of the same _ today's temperatures in the “pp" doesn‘t go on in the future." Stuart hope they are no, abandoning "ft ' state government operations and ser-
803 along with a 40 percent chance of a thunderstorm mid ”pone” "The" the govern” . “cc"
doesn‘t give a summer. fall. spring . . S d h .. . “W . k' f th t' b”:
today and tonight. Winds should be light and varible, Sin and wmm “a": of me mmmom Sen. James Bunning.ofhorl1ho-- . tuart sat t at nestr in his (its e re as in; _or e um i
I0 miles per hour. south to southwest. The low tonight will wealth address ~- mas. already has asked KE1 Emu. years as a legislator has an adminis- cally to say that his speech was more
. be in the upper 60s M ii“- Director 0 Leonard pm“ {or tration come up with a shortfall in self-sewing and to his interest than it
House Minority Leader Art equal “mg. and Press said he is not tttiids listtalls. he said. a governor was on the budget.” Stuart said.
‘ . r ‘ ' a

 New \lussey
KENTUCKY [Jam .11 ( lm‘l J8) I-‘ossetl Anne (‘hllit’s (If) Willis John (1" David Maynlrd
Mark Green (‘hris ('ameron Iz'iirwrulnnic'm “In“; Spurn [fill/or Dirermr or Phiimgmphi
Debbie McDaniel Ron Hall
kirhy Stephens (‘indy McGee John Little
ilwiuerrie [ti/rm Annotate [ft/iron \iclti Poole Steve Lowther
Blfbll'l “I"! 51‘. Robinson Donnie Ward David (‘0er
Senior Slujl H rlli'rt .Jttmrum Entertainment Ldriur Aaaulunl Spurn Iii/Ill.“ I’hum Iz'i/iliir
. Jun Rudd Paul Mnnn
. . lltli li/iriir Editorial Ill/I11!"
editorials 8: comments ,
—“ '1‘ ‘ I” \ \ ‘
V I ' / \ \\ N SAY "Jii
V 3' n , ‘ [NC i, ReiiGA e 5 hi CUT
» Ronald Reagan a camp 9 team Dame.” J dirt/ties J m
r lNCReASe i 89 J - t .-
I I i //'V \ ‘3?“ / ‘ "' V‘.‘ ;~\.
J la ued wrth foot in mout i Dareiae vs \i /
’ 5,- \ \.‘ _ .
. p g \ / //. “ ._‘ \le 5; . W .
A “a try/5:” it git : ll" ‘ .= Q a
' ‘ LI 9 4» J J “
is'J'tiaV-Id RLag‘att may he the ptestdetit'ai etttitll- apologi/ing itii‘ an erroneous statement he nmdc (s (K, ‘ i l / v,
. J,” 'rte J..t-V;»:'.a::: party. but iudgtng t'otn his Jihm” (“1“.th labor Day when he relerred to I ia l o g V” -é/
. 4 ’ .J.-Jp.ir,:i: sJ ‘JJ Vi‘iikdig ntttteartti itiJ Je illsk‘d luseuntbta. .\1a, where Carter was campaiging -. - ' {f a“ e In) ._ _ ‘
V ~ _' .te ta“ as the home and origin oi the Ku Klux Klan. .x .ll A, k ' .r _ [I ~‘ _. ‘1.
' E .:J'.. .. vviottth candidate tirade an He sa:d he didn‘t mean the remark as a slam l___-~; _l . '5' ' ”'ji'.‘ l
' . V .I‘.\its.kL‘ 1.1 ante" :i' :i won (ieraEd lJJtd as his against the Soittlt.;rlthouglt seyen Southern goyew “‘5 \ {I i
. VJ~‘ ..itr rt: ram. Jr. u ..t ".ttli's sas-l ystt:,‘tt.‘ Vt ate beena rttirs called lot an apology and issued a statement i r
‘ . , dream . . ist' saying “\\ edeery \1i Reagan‘s eallousand oppor— ' ‘
. . it; i “n 3':J Jed Reagan to h ' .rtdeersH-I ttintsttt' slap at the South." , l k _, r '
V , s ‘tt . :.J 1. :_' ‘ ' tit-Id Jittt: t: .ali debate instead. Reagan said (‘arter “deliberately dts- _J' _ . .f I , G 1% é:
, ' J. :: J Y J's Jteittartds and it:s.;ad patted tt-JiteJl the intent of my remarks" eyen though he @ it“ '6; “.‘~ '
J .1 \N are. H ts: Js running mate Lil E'Js' lJist Him tit-yer speiied out exactly what he meant by the J E
V V ’ .' "2. J’. :: .ttt. hush ltitils his: a sewnd that statement lather. Carter had said “Anyone who 1 AmmFdQDm.“
V . _ .. ,:' lie t: r' as .J dtiJJtnythtrtg tJJ ‘it‘-elt'stt’tl resorts tit sluts and to innuendo against a whole "‘*’ - f:‘ > ' PN9T SAY
.V J' V ...'.t:;‘ region ot the eountry based on a false statement / \\ i Di I
3 ‘ l Hus-i s f.ldl‘.1riltsiil["t ( ‘Jrza, ‘.\l‘.'.‘ll and a lalse premise is not doing the South or out if QUICK, -‘ j; V ‘MGAN SAYS 1
- _. ‘V imrtd .: Reagan staterrtent tltng ‘th nation a good setyice.“ l 8WD ‘0” 1 r ,1 \ V. t
‘ ‘ _ _"J [H- :. " ' relations \HJ’i ’ : 3H." it seems candidate Reagan has a lot to learn .i W‘” x} U . . /
‘t " ': H:- i-..t. .t.des Jaid lav is \le ahtttit pitstdential campaigns J‘ ‘bUR “6A0 / l “3"- V ‘ ‘ '/
J , ‘ . _ , . .- ~ ‘ . t‘ l ’1’ a
J - ' " i J: n: stte .tn ssttJ. i. i. rtutdut Rtmn rtg tor president is a serious business. _ - I I , .
. . . , .- attri‘. " "Jtt‘tir‘. \the' ‘ :s .iLr'ttd \Hiaz tit} diiarid what you stiy'.hy ‘.1tlUL‘til the V a: bi W E
. V' ‘_ i i: Jq J‘ta‘ ,.'t ’t Kta .1“: mt ts rip-trtant, ( arter himselt lourtd this ottt '.' 0 Vi |
J _ ,. .‘ i‘,s stute't etit i-‘; . ttas pr: :'i tht‘ lil‘b rate when he made a remark about I “E f ’k ‘. .-"‘
., ' J J - - 'rJ’ ._ J tas ia‘ieted ' 'iy~ he " :sting" hit some women in his mind. 7 ,,‘-_‘ L V {I a I"
; V, ‘ J *t J‘u‘ J: ~ “a. “WM A“? ul'J 3&3“? 5} RL'etiUK‘ statements and appearances are so _ t-W . in? ~ (
'V J. . . ' - .J : '-’Li.li‘ :rxtpttrtartt. it should be expected that people will I___ E... - I
' V . L" " ' tzttttqmssus «'1' s1.” J’rs stliiillll/C new word it shouid be expeeted that " . ' ’
, ,. tc a i. r' a. 1? . \ itilttil‘tl \\.~ tiJJnJJral‘t's uhstt is said witl haw to be substantiated And it {I i a . i
. . -_- ._| J ,V. , with and g \l i H digits with shtJttid be upet‘ted that opposing candidates will ' 5 ; 51% t
VJ. iV J ' s , . ‘ . . it..' (fir. \tghants‘an tntastttrt hr the ttrst to rump on mistakes ,' , @ é.‘ .. <2 2‘; ’/ e35)
- g_'. .- J J ’ . ' ' Js'tti.r-.tltes;J Jirrt'tntpltt's ll Reagan eonttnttestotarttorealt/ewhatbeing 3 I. ’ ' G
'V , VV ‘ r Jiit i. we Ji;r'-1Jrntat>J .t presidentai eartdrdatr: mums then he might as 2:.) "(9 ¢ WEE--
.-" . . uei? hand the tttili’illlttiitttl tJJ t arter ”MA-—
. .J ,- it ._ . s dint! ':e.“.istJttiedt' 'atittgattd
"V V" D f l ' ll f tball t ns to nightmare
, ‘1 .. ‘ _.l' ' mum: M s “as :J utzl‘ \ luau 's a! tire liiiiirJg Fiis settitJi yta. he was summer getting irt shape tor the sea- He regained his scholarship status playertoplayer. Hewasnotsurewhy
' , JV V's ~ _ .r .‘ l '\tt.J t'ul er’Is‘ inmml. must “as stilt irixited to takt part iii a type oi w” arid it paid my Hg was assigned shortly belore practice started his his name was included on that list.
. ~ _. ’i J J s i'JJJI '.1':L’ ~'.; ' J7 rt. l lllt‘lltiitlll- t.r,;e reertit‘tnvitt da\ where high school m the specialty teams which was not iunitir year But he got hurt again Ail-the end ot last season he was
V . .» J ~‘ .: -. J .i- , ': at it JJ :t '-.‘~ J.er 'Jtr J‘JJJit‘raIt playersare iritrted tria home uurte m glyimurtiusustltcstarting10b during practice. '\s he lay on tlte notitted that he had lost his scholar-
- J . 'J . _ \ J . J.‘ «a. «\ 1”,. .. J‘s”; Jr. it“ .tuhn 31,1’llt‘ street the team and maehes hik- had been promised ground unable to get up. they yelled ship once again. But this ttrne he '
T ’, . ' . '. . “at: ‘riJJ:J-. .~ '.\ J'rJt' \ t‘ istt‘s bteau J.. and tart: ilis'\tilllpU\ lhedreaitiwas HmwtgL an ugly black cloud at him tor getting hurt saying he didn‘t ery he really didn‘t eyen
~ - J J_- .JJ ~ .t ..,i J. .Jm iJHJJJJng J, Jami,“ began h, encompass hp dream dur- didn‘t hayethegutsto play Hedidn‘t care it was as it the weight oi the
.V i . 'V " " r" “ “'9‘ "V 7“” :.J “ 9‘"- "~l~ "‘ 1 -‘J5 \tJiJJ'Js and mathes would talk to m; his sLCt‘lltl \ear for some reason. harm; a chance to prme them wrong entire world had been litted lrom his
- ‘i V V‘ “ I ‘ ‘ " "‘VV“ “ V' ’ i * ' “ LV ”"‘ ' i V "" 5”?" 4"”41 V'l‘s' it"’¥'~i!t'i“Jiml him he it; didn't knit“ why. school _iUst because hedidn‘t play one second the shoulders He was reletyed
,' 1' JV 'V‘ 3‘ L ‘ V V‘ V 3 IV "I 1" V“V‘ V“‘.‘ “m ""‘VM V“'V ““ ‘5‘! “'“mhil he able “i start ho didn‘t motixate him anymore. He entire season “1“ dream had become a night-
V J J , ~ ‘- ~- . ‘ ’ J‘ ' ' - . WW itL‘sl‘dtLt‘, \t.‘at He bought ti “rm m (the tut “ML-lewd didn‘t lhe coaches told him he would mare. He had been alraid that he
. _ J ' ' , "-‘ J \JJ'H lilit satirictltiitg happened tllitttig th \ety “Md I probably by r‘ed—shtrted guing him “(Mild neier “kiln” up and escape the
, V _ t‘te tr-JddL JJt ltis settiiii sear llis lie Jami didn't play WU much. He an extra year oi eligabihty At first horror. -
. ' , I ' ' ~ ‘ -J ' A :» ht plat began lt‘ slant ii'l and theattlt‘le had hu-n “with“! in another post— the thought ol being r'ed—shir'ted Some may say his \entute into the
'_ , VJ "‘ ‘ ' J- '3'“ "4‘ Pa”, titUty hegart i.. treep tip on hint mm “mm m- “;Jtn‘i tamtltar \Hllt settled ltts stomach. Ihere was still a world oi eollege iootball was unstre—
J .' .i ‘ ‘ ' V " "' " 'r“ "Mid" ll‘Js‘It \HH‘ rm more phone calls in» mg that m “my “ hen he knew the chance the dream could come trite eesstul because he was out ol his
'1 ' - ‘ ‘J 5-" ' JH‘J HF \l“! M l’n tht J..rtd iii the V'dslHl he had thstttrJn better he would get to play again. But the more he thought league, Maybe he should haye gone
V a. J " ‘ ' ' ‘ ' "" M" an” s‘rtiggied tint Jit titisslttiiipenough to more But his ttrzte was up about it the more he rust wanted to toa smaller school w heretheplay'er‘s
‘ '.' J J JHJJJJJ \ti.( JJ\ artd “pew“. \tter the ‘lllintl semester ol hh graduate and not ha\e to play loot- caliber \sasequalto his lean'taceept
I ‘ ' V ‘ V" '7 “ 'l VV' " ‘V “ ——* l""“”‘ “‘4‘ ”‘11s" “1'15 t?” PlWHt‘ stiphmorc yea! \tasttyer he wasnoti— ball anymore. this argument
' . ' J ' ' ‘ w ‘ ‘ 'J~‘ J ~‘ ' * '- ”’V ‘ V's“ ' "I" 'J ml ..;:. eriIs \' i'.«l\i tJJt ttiL tirit- kt liege tie tied that he tirie no longer under Around this time he was rtoziiied Atter‘all oi the determination and
' “ - 'V' .‘y - » ' 1 J“- -t J \ -‘ - J ‘ 7‘ 3i _ M r M” \\.tt!!1".} Jr 'J Jr trJJn. tr-hJJiititth lhe utllege had giyen he was no longer allowed to eat with will power he has shown. alter all ol
“ - I“ ‘iJ ' ‘ ’ ' ‘ \ " ‘ ' ’ r‘ ‘ ‘ ""‘J‘J-NJ ‘J‘ :Jt". “as lr'i: l r: 'JtzsaJ at l tJtisiytlle. l n a.” ton many sL‘htil‘itships and he the rest iii the team. A list oi names the hours oi worls he completed and
', .‘ I'. ’1 J 'J ' ' ' - mi, _‘ ' ’r JJ .tr 2' .t ii..tV'Vs H J Kat‘sas. l astetriand More “A“ tim- id 1in iii in I] who had drawn tip by a coach. who was in alter all oi the pain and embarass-
'1'. V V‘ I i" ' ' ‘- \' '- J l” - “eh 'i» 'tEaJtJ! Mr H ' '1'." J..:!E:-.l and .ertt [in .J'e mit“. Jim“ charge oi di-.erpltne.wasgryen to the merit the “program” put him
i V 'V: . ' ' ‘ ' ' * ’ 'J ” . ' J 4 ... l " s f JrrJ: :Jt M \if oi the other sthools When he heard the news his legs workers at the eateteria where the through~ there is no doubt in my
'3. . ,JV- ' - * ‘ J‘ “ that ‘ J‘ ~ itetf J i - n: J, Wat's ‘1er ‘ 'it "it; igtaitis” ttL‘atiL‘ltitL'all\ my“ mark and once again his eyes iootball players ate lhe employees mind that he has more class in hislit—
'. .' V V ' ‘ V ' 'V ‘ ” ' ' ’1 "”" ’i'sl it‘s": "r‘ 'l "\l and tritit"‘..:l‘\ but he wasn't inter tsere tilled tt'th tears. But the only were inlormed that these players J tle linger than that college's “pro—
. .' fr . . . J J J ._ J:.i._t term: »i iiitrit [ht-ii utirds tel! Jtt iltiiiiultt or: his mind was that some- were not allowed to eat with the grant“ will eyer hate
' ,f. .'- it lJl‘tL' iltk tiis: x: tJJ. . I ._ ‘JJ a thJJJr a“; 43,, e m.“ .m “Judd earn that scholarship other members ot the team. lhe rea—
j" V, V ‘t ' ' t » ' ‘ ~ ' Jtvt'd a J: J? r- ift“ ti.t J \; it its tii- l..‘i“ the deadline tor sigi: nut sorts tor this punishment \arred lrom Paul Mann is the Editorial Editor.
'1 V'; J _ _‘ _, . ‘_ :J, itidt.‘ J. ‘i 1 “ J.i: A; ;t' "VV;Ivilhllll\\K|\1L.\\IliA‘ii:J A~__~__ A -...
V“ .2. . . . J , \ JJ~J H J J. .. J stat iiv' Jy‘ta. ‘te dettdt'd that ii that
V‘ V , “ ’ “i " i E". ”7 Vl’lilll’ J '. \t 'ilitllld l—‘IH‘ iittti a \\llllitil u
-.|:'_' - i. , J _. j r. it in: . J .' .J: .'J_\\:'3 *ftp’tx \\-illi\l\\illi\llit AH MAN H TT A
., VV' ,V s J H ' . ' ‘ \il—t :rt st "ill how tlpst't he was at the I r -'
'_V~ t A ,, ilJ :2J-r.i'= ‘JY fur \ii*\l.li" tinrr Jtt t\t‘tils. his [lad and high f l "
"i ‘ - Ji I ‘ . .w z‘ : J.iJ.JJ~,itJ-.tthtitadestintt'ithoneealls MEAN CLASSES ARTED ‘
, ‘ ' ‘ k ‘: . ' . ~' t”! is ‘2: i faii'. .irtttstid mid r‘Jtrht a recruiter
V ' .J ‘ =’ J‘ it", .. staiJitti stz‘i‘ ‘rJi't 'lt'ttiit'” t t". " V
‘V . I'M V A Vi ‘ - V ' 'l‘i-tt ' ~ . Vin slz‘ti lth tit‘ikit' 'nritlti‘ s:‘litii.|itsLliII’: ‘Yltl‘ Lil‘iiiydliiiil'hhkll‘ ‘ .I‘ ’1 ?/
J t ‘v J - ,li i . r .. >
"1. , . y . . " M at J' «' «ma! ‘Jiz‘iow lt‘tft' lJJ: line :et’tttrtei tritild heat the e\t'ttt' I (\g ET [1D ‘3 0 ' V
J., ' J1 .. . _ - ‘ ‘ " 3 '1 an r‘.‘ it. his ‘Jr‘tL‘t‘ as he said us but VV
V'fV ,' ii, . Jrr w J, ”URI“ \\- J- \J, sJJJiittiialh stariedltt lwas-ambittoset"tlteteaisstrt‘ant Mk V ‘ V /////,/ ‘
‘ .J ' ' , . V, A, “I? V'LliL' xsa ' "I J. :Jt'n' "mt rte Pi.l\(tl :rrg down his iate . ' /VV
i" ,ng ‘ \ J . J . J J JJJJJLJJJJ ,‘ JHW ~‘ H . "L \ 'f’..tt unless ill. .le lhe dream had LttlllL' true '\s he ' J ~ V
‘ ',‘ I" “' ‘ . ,, V‘ IV "' " _. t't s st'asrirJ " a t' ths iV.:\ on tht bed in his it‘Ulll hi planted :. .J
V. " ‘ ‘ "\ ’ “ J'r , ‘..JJ. that: .1 JJthJJJJ .thi to has stiiiti‘e pitture I‘ll the , m 5“.- // I"
' I ‘ V V ‘ V “’3‘ “‘1‘“ i” ’ ' ‘ I "" \lli‘! drtsst‘i drawer and srtitied He ' 5 /VV 'V -
V " i' "' ’ “It! “'1‘ ii ; J‘ «tJ that war but iit‘l illi' :giit hatl in when he was iii the
. i r‘ , J - J,» ‘ iatnti‘ .‘ f J ‘ii.‘\ .is he“ had thr pri- sixth grade and remembered how he I ’ , ,l
. " . y .- r . " ' ‘ *‘H‘Jil'it'T‘i . i it .3 the JJt'lth' arm's had kept th:s ltiit' dream alsu‘ lot / " l a 'l l \t
_ J' " J' ' t1 im‘lp" A ' t"t\\\.1‘.ltlhillL'itr‘R‘ttilti .ilrrttst ltitmie , / l. I //“\\l,
.V V ’ "V ' ‘ ‘ “i“ ' " w ' ':t' -r\. ..ilis He worked ltard during the // / (w ‘ i
' - / ‘Vl '/
- , etters to t e ItOl’
.' / g
‘ i H ‘ k 4 l
V V. J-tJ‘ i:-. J'st’r t‘t tor the tat: that the Printing stit'h an erroneous and ./? -‘,'r"\‘wi“‘i‘\ ‘-
. 'tL‘ .\.~ ilt‘llt‘ from \ew ilt'll'. tttisleadiriy titlr' iii the [\i'nltuAi Ar'rr ‘ i /. ‘\\\\‘\\§ Y): “
Wron title . e i 'W WW "’ ”1" i ' ‘ / iiiiil‘t‘tJ. it .
. g i ,. "'tr‘ e.’ us this ltit‘tt‘ssiii'i vita: porisibtlity til thr editorial stallol the . "J"\“)‘:\|ts§'
"J t; Jipli- J ‘ lt.di.i .lt'.‘ hr in: ’tr'J‘ti d student newspaper apart lrorti the g ' HQ...” § 3 A
- sitttpitil 'ilt' Mutt-t -th\.istiiit Jii niisttriderstandrttg it may be musing. \ (V! V?” a .
‘l' ‘ ‘ ' "-‘l "' “L 'l“ “Tm” M \fy'liathsldt) (in the tiirttraiy India Reporting the hats in a tlt'ar. ‘. V a
t' J‘ “ ”Ji' \ V" it"“l P’s“ “i is s'rt-itult twat/ed the \ntit‘t unambiguous it‘ltitable way makes it ‘ W\ i
. ’ 'r' ' J \M H' "'JtiL’ iliti‘a .JJtasaJv Ilzt smrers liatr. butt good iotirritalrsmaitd not publishing 2 £ fl".— » Q‘
i ‘ X” ‘E "V“ ‘i ' I,“ "' "' ’H'l‘ Hy llit \lghan litht‘stttaii (rt tlit‘ in‘pitrts liltt‘ lilt‘ ttnt‘ m LlUL‘\iU‘n ,_______ (.P- ':“_‘,“'. ' fl-" ‘ ‘ > ‘
.- J i l ,i,.J J‘- \ Mirth" ‘ h t in .JiJzJ \i.lt\isl yitJat-m iJ-‘Js - —
.JH \t'J -. ii'iilflllii I,P4\"\(‘\ll.ll \Je JJ ,; ”pk-“mp In the lt‘ttiirtH le® “Rm: mm. ©
J. ,\ t . J‘JJJ J.. at» .iJit tiiii NW... {“1 m ,m. \mm h” k“, Basawnrnj N. Hiremnth pu ‘ I
Js. , ,t tJJ -i "a mi viii 'r putt and r» NJ. .i p, JWiHJ, pun”; Research Assistant and Phi). do
_ v o. o D

 II”. KEN ll ( K\ kl’RNLI . lhursdin. September 4. [980—3 " ,1
WS roundup r ~
.' . 3'. 1 I
fl I . V . 7' I
t:"‘:tlltu AM it' ’t i .. .. ' 'I I' i
‘ W" ' “ ‘ “' "d l’ “ ”9"“ local park. lhc) also said that some olltcers have ”H” mm“ (“M”) the system Mlllll’lh “l retired L‘" l""" “'3‘“: “"‘1 \‘Ml’ “db“ ‘ 'L I
run groups at blacksoll the streetsior no reason. Americans who hate worked hard all their llsc‘s. Rk'lllibllcali st'liti'lil .a‘ mountain... ', ,ll .. 'liict-Mat -' . '.
State Bowling (irecn City Manager Charles Coates who paid iii their share tot \L‘dls Vtould be rate in lV‘J llc “tt\ tiaiittutt dttt-att-d it. inegen L, 3 .3, _I
met Wednesda} wth police chiet Wayne (‘on- dc‘l'lUlC " eta; L'lc'ullllll 'm lit-ti 7.i.it:t \ezt (image Nitli. . I, " 3 "7 :f
3 3 stant and asked him to ttialte a lull investigation RC‘CUY'C'W“ 1*” lhk‘ (allt‘r In'vclmtioh tatti- Ht“ ~"i “L ' '-'
A Hyden man testified‘wsterday tn ledcral ()flhf charges. ( 0mm” ta,“ he expectstohatca patgn supplied the president \Hlll the test Hi .i l' , 7" t- f. -
court thathe helped LeslieLountyJudch I Aug” ”PO” on the allegations ready next week. speech that Reagan made- on Oct 2*. 196-4. lll .7”, I" ]':II,': 1
M uric) forge absentee ballots tor the November City officials have also set up mectingst‘orlatcr support oi the piesidential candidact ol Ham world 'i'i, :.’.. .:- i
|977 general election. 1 3 this week with black leaders tn an effort to obtain (inlduutcr Reagan. discussing Social Securitt. 7" . 5" '7
Muncyland lourother l.eslie(ournty men were specific charges along “llh requests tor needs asked “('ati‘t \At' introduce 'sttlLllllliH ieatuics ' l.‘ i." 7
indicted In March on otie count ol scheming to within the Cl!) parlt system. that would permit asciti/cl ti. do hen“ on his Hm)! and Israel tlL'frttl 7e-.ll ltltl. . .1... .' .. .. .3. ‘3‘
delraud ‘03”5 and on ll) COUMS 0‘ mail lraud In own. to be excused upon presentation of csidencc ll“ "“i‘m li‘”“‘““""' “"L i“ "l " "‘ “‘ -' L’ 9' '7'," It i-l'Ll
connection istththe use olabsentee ballotsdurtng that he had made ptosisions lot the llilli~L’.illltllg “WW “M“ "“‘l l‘“ W" ' ' ‘ ‘ “7.777 V “ ' " l'I’II-g'l'h'i '71.-
Cltftlttn. f tears” l fllll’tl \laius tiltci ‘t.; \o'u tum; l \ ;v .,t‘ r. " 17" ff: If)";
estilting or the prosecution in [KS District ' lhcw “a. m, [m . . 7 7 -7» 1.7"" l i ’I U
. '. 3 _ . lllLdldlL’ cotrimciit liotn lli‘ "-‘- “H“ l“ ' :‘. '7‘ ,3
. ( trurt. l-rank Napier said he sealed envelopes for Natlon Reagan camp L luv: ticucnmtttent cdfl‘t on: twig" .it' , l .v - -I.'I.'.‘.-'.I4 33.215 If
absentee ballots alter Muncy filled out the hal- President (arter campaigning Wednesdas m . i\:\l_llsl"ll " .~ la “in l Ll‘\;‘l - - 7‘ .7 ‘ t- '7“..- (7LT).
lpts. He said gh: illeg:i voting took place about the heart oi ethnic. blue-collar South Philadel- Wt m7: 7:..i- .i . imam. :v v. .t :., mi 53;": 3.35331,
t ree wee s e ore t e election at the home ol h a .1. - . , .. , . . \gm 7.,7...I,7,_t1 33173:, s .. . v. 7. 7- . L51. .‘f‘a', ".1 E5..-
“mum detendent. Robert lee Sizcniore. iii-UlJanlingzd thitnlfopald R‘eagan is bent on des— Jeremiah "Jen," Demon. tvllL' oi sc‘» £7.13 _.t,n,..i' \ i _ .. .53! «37.31:: .5353
Napier said he M“ Muncy carry about hm In“ "33> m“ ~ ‘3‘ MU“) :1)3stcm and thus tormet \ ieittam prhtnlt‘ls oi wt: to seek pllllllsd ‘3... 333:3, , 3 “WI 3331. 3‘ 3 V 33 ., l 33 7., 3 i“;
absentee ballots awn) li‘omthat meet-in lor matl— L L g 1 mm 0 ' mLmdm ”mu.” "WC“ ‘3‘.“ lll‘ds'wk‘ lU W‘sclse -\tticiica's "moral l . 7 l ii i . i h i I It'll-i7. 1'; it (I
it! After touring a cotiitnunitt center iii the cuts d 7 -- " |. l ‘”‘ ‘ W ' " “ " "h" 'V“ H " ’ ll" t‘ ”I” 7‘
lnt' .. 3 . . . tea} Ld to his sttcccssltt. catiipaign in, Arum”. “‘3 3 ., 3 “1 J. . 5‘ . J
teeming Italian market on the third dat ot his nia's Republican sen llttll't: 'llilllll"il on tL h L i L . " "32"‘573‘4
. . . I» ., ‘t x . . . ‘ "' ' “ ‘ ..l.s>\\' .tt:.. .i...:t.'i' .i' _;'7 4‘ ""5: 5’“: x
i:3:13:11izlmflganflrfipI/it—nn (Bdrpti'rth‘lil whim Demon, ln his liisl atlempl .tt ptlllllLLil onto; ,, . ,, I . , ,. ,. l L..- ,. ,. - . t. '1'“ 3““ '57:}:
. . . L ‘ . ‘i U a '5 urc to swam ed his l'l\‘.jl ‘\l‘. s'r- - » ‘ I L L ‘L ‘ ‘Ll' h“ 'H '2: . ‘i 'I 5":
Aftcr'blac‘k citizens complained lUt‘stlU) night attack Reagan lor once suggesting that Social m7” all m [”7 J- - I” ,‘ldklll Emil“ h} A L ‘ Md": l" 3’ V'» a. ' i' ““5 "~“ 1-1- ' 2 I 'I".'{:“.'-_."i‘>’;f"g3
to the ( ll} Commission, Bottling (irccn cttt olli— Securitv should he \olutitaiv And the president 3‘ L hl 1L; “5 \ punt... \ " “V‘s” “"“m u it luau, l“ \l ' 7: " \1a' ..' ' Hz . ' ' it‘ 3.3.” 51‘2":
. I 3 I _ _ . _‘ 3 - - . _ o a ossi e ctni'titt tt'zoli :it - 7 wt ‘I'."t,"t.--".‘I';
Li.tls \\ Ldnesda) pledged to make a complete suggested that election ol the Republican nonit- cr'il pClCCllUn Should Liteua 7.. [)lLu ( \ 4L”; [1' \H‘ 3‘; we“ 11;".
Imc-JIgation into allegations ot harassmcnt and nee Would end Itcats ol progress inthe area ot cittl hccome [hc ‘I “in l H (,p “WW “Hm \tdat min :7; .y .1 ~ l .li - '7 [3.135;kindrefc
discrimination h} police against the disk black rights \ numb ‘ [‘3‘ ”‘ ;)()\\‘L'3“l"’ 'lll‘*"”"i“\ opt-titled ”H .t ~ - ..: ! -., I... 17...»: 7 :t_"I-,“.”f.‘-:"7;":§"'?
7, ., ‘ .. ' C! o oitiitt \ i. t- i; mil lq~ .. , t, .. . ,... I I I '7 .- ‘ .3” v.
U ”UN. . lhc Republican candidate has suggested that vtidc political tllllL'c‘ hut «nip 7. ”2:31“: in H L lull {Mi 'H l ' i L L I \5,-.',_'_:.§373~.'l't1}
lhe blacks complained that a policeman participation iii the Social Security system he wee mm “Hum” still?! I. W i L i L M “Alli!“ ”‘1‘: I' "L ‘L h H " V {“ti'fi-‘I'filijf
.itteiiipted to ltieal up a labor l)a_\ picnic at a \oluntary.” (arter told the church audience. ()ne 0; m.- best MM“. 1.“, “mm“... , 3lf‘L“ if if L it i Y H I ' L ' W 31.1.“: Ejillillfi'itlfl
' . ' .tlltllml t .tt'. m’tzs' ..1 'l-J'ltrJ'IK‘
.. . . ,.,c.._,,; . ,. , , ,, ,,, ' ‘-~‘{.;;:"’.'nt's‘
1' 2‘ . .. - .7 um
‘ [serum/(t Acme/BIO Journalism Building. l’nitersdt oi l ea 9 l I‘ I Ill------ .1.) $31,,“‘l"\“'};{.‘
Kt'nlllt‘k). i cxmgton. K). 40506. is published CilLl’l (lass l K I l I WEL COME, 53/29.}!:‘il‘ci'tf-V
day dttring the spring andlall semesters and weekl) dtit- l erne l ll , (33117'1:Itfkyi‘
mg the summer session. '. ai i I i (3'33. '-’ 32“..”
lliiid class postage paid at lcstiigton Kt‘ll'tll k. l d Iy i I T L . d I "_ N AV Y :_‘1"-t“I§/Q;‘l_r~§".:
Jll‘ll Subscription rttlcs .IH‘ mailed SN) M3”. ;r,_-fi,__ w d, . . W; I o ex'ngton an “' L159"
' SIU ill) semester. SS 00 lor summer or one cent tic: tear I LA N _ M A R K STO R E I 33.133.133