xt786688kp09 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt786688kp09/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-04-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 23, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 23, 1975 1975 1975-04-23 2020 true xt786688kp09 section xt786688kp09 \‘ol. LXH No. 151
Wednesday. April 33, 1975

UK union?



an independent student newspaper

University suit to determine whether

non-academic employes can organize

Kernel Stall" \\ riter

A letter dealing with the progress of a
three } earold suit between the l'niversit)‘
group seeking to organize l'K
workers will he sent to all l'K employes‘ in
their next payeheek

and a

The suit. tiled hy the l'nivers‘ity in 1072.
attempts to determine whether noii
aeademie employes at [K have the right
to organize t‘ttllt't‘lH't‘l) tor bargaining

”II: I" \\ I21 115 ( IRI I ll t‘ourt. whit-h
!\ eoiisideriiig the suit ordered the letter
sent to "lltpllt_\t‘\ to L‘tH' them an op
portunit} to enter the \ltll

'l'he \llll xx as iieeessar) heeause 'there
is an ahseiiee oi state law on the question
whether or not the Hoard ot trustees ean
\ILZH a eolteetin- oai'uainini.‘ toiiti'aet \\ ith
lhii‘sie l K

a “[11111] ” \dttl .iuhi' ieL'al

tourist-1 111 the . axe

the suit has heeii pi'oloiazed ioi three

years ior two reasons the union

oi'eani/ei‘s .itteiiipted to \titll the still to
eotit‘t and it was

:edei'al hoped that

diseus‘sioiis ot t'ttllt't'lHt' haruainini: h_\ the

10713 legislature would clarity the matter.
It did not. however. as the proposal died in

'l‘lll'l 8| [’1‘ H \S (tl‘1}_‘,111(lll}‘ tiled hy the
l'iii\ersit_\ as part ot a “non emotional
attitude" toward the question ot employes
unioni/iiig. ltai'sie said

.\ elaritieation would he henetieial in
.ixoiding the [)(iSSlhlltl) ot' a walkout which
would "shut down the l'niversity.” he

It I\ not known w hen a deeisioii on the
suit will he rendered hut ltarsie guessed it
would he "iii the near ttittire "
\eui'i‘eiit ett‘ort to immune. w hieh hegan
ineludes eir

t‘ttittlltilltl a petition (ISRIHLZ tor a wage

t.lll_\ last hehi'uai'x. now

tttt i'east toi \largaret

limit-h a hospital worker and iiieiiiher of

eiiiplojws. said

the th \\iit‘kt‘t\ Hi‘uai/iiie t‘omniittee

HUN ll \\||t Slll took .1 letter to l'K
l’i'esideiit Hti~ \ Siiiijletaer ott'iee.
Heinmmpi 7..1 neck

l’or instance t'alitornia is' the
land ol sun and [tower Everyone
is aware of that, .\'ew \ ork is the
big time. crossways ot a million
dreams. New Jersey.

garbage. decay and outrageous
tort tine aimed at its rather hearty

l\l‘.\'l'l t KY
has stepped one foot south oi
t‘incinnati knows
three horse

and tobacco .-\ll
usually considered


however. \iees not an


“aw-as. , . ,
figfibfifiW’ ’ ’

‘ADfl/Wé AQUA/57 7M? Wif/VAM K/Df, 8W! W/SH WE Cot/[D BECOML‘A WWW FAD.’ ’

Letters to the editor

tinds the slings and arrows of

, as anyone who

casts its

image not on one. not on two. litll



tuitoriais represent the uponom in the editors

commonly leading to addietioii

and trips to organi/aiions

teadimg people to end then

reliance on the prodiii.

Hut Kentucky.espetially melt"

here in l.e\ington. is adding
another chapter to its ll'itliiil‘liilts
characteristit s Itiv

one of the most etiaiii inistnq pm

llsl til

llltli‘uliiss >Itile1s itl‘ tliititu’

i>i‘aiiied. ltllltlillllfl anti 'inioii

states it has t'\t’l been this

toiiiitry's mistortiine to know

Rally 'round the Red River

I wish to urge all t'K students ('arl Perkins and
to come to the lied River rally in
Frankfort this Saturday.
Governor (‘arroll has said that he
need not make any decision for 18
months. But. in fact. ll he does
not at least ask tor a post;
ponement of the pl‘tijt‘t‘l before
appropriation heanngs ill early
May it may be too late to stop the

The Governor mast lw
\inced that his political lllillrt‘
will be best sen'ed by listening to
the people of Kentucky lather

than to




For those who need transporta
tion to the Red River rally in

special interests which l‘avor the

A large tumout at the rally will
go a long way toward demonr
strating that the opposition to the
lted River Dam is a political
force which must not be ignored.

Iris Skidniore
Forestry sophomore

Frankfort this Saturday. a car»
pool is being organized. (‘ars will
be leaving the Commonwealth
Stadium parking lot between 8
and it) a.m, Anyone who is going
to the rally and will have room
for riders should call the Student
Government office 4237 2691i or
come by the St} office and sign up

so that march



how cars will lo-

\lark Kleckner
.\&S senior

l I

it. i,'
'Il' ':

ll- \l\t. IH\'
l'otii‘n ;l 't. l 1"
ti‘ ilst‘ii ii 3".“
tl\i's ot 'he l'r‘eiiw'
tii‘etigh‘ers .kt‘t'
their rigs oii' of 'i.e t: liaise
downtown and pi: s :i. fro'"
displeasiiie Mutant ‘lo' worn». s
iindei‘haiuled it» .ilrritzs lil" i our.
('ll still li.t\l}' re.
union thoiigl: 'he i it rut-r .iaim-tl
to abandon 'lm

s‘iiki .-.i‘tt ‘he

council s pro“ aw ‘i t.et_o“.i't
Thu Jan. i
’.iitlei iiiaH 3; zip Tin “: -' .i' :1

third Monday

month is iisiial|\ tla- hes‘

"‘ lLi:.o,-, \t ::t-.'.

ltiL‘lils tit '.H l.

‘livi‘J. lti

town liyei'y hoard llit't'lltiLI

’illtlt‘t‘ l‘t'tilt‘w‘lilltig‘ the
Fayette t'oiiiity l':illlt‘i't"l4ili \sao
eiatioi‘. tl"t"r.\


t'aliiil‘. Titlst's

hand and l.l\lit"~ out at

Harlow and the othei l'ith een
tui‘y minds on the hoard inquiring
why such selfprolessed iiitelh
gent people reliise to accept a
teachers union
now in llle

This debate is
hands ol the state
legislatiiie so you can tlt't'ltlt' tor
yoiiiselt what's: on: to happen

Then there is lilll' own heloti-d
l'iiixr-isity ot Kentiiek. with .l
'l".lllt'l_\ inspired administration
liuitiiiiiit! l’ii silli‘ti‘ tit» \iiiglc
iétl \ shittiliiii‘ till lop tit lllt' lllllt't'

lti'.\t‘l slin‘i» tl||)h.1 ”x


leadaa; the Jew s to the l‘i oiiiised

ling State

'fil'Ii’i'il 'lll'


ii: . t' i‘l’. plottneii' pi:

“fl... .1‘ T I.i'~

\l\lit-\li|l liti\tl| it. it”
.. pale.»

stwil li\


"3“? int” ii‘. .
‘.v'f l‘l‘ml K'.\ti!'l\i:
'rminiiii. wart

limw'ty Tlii- l

‘n: taiiia' u'.\'»

I' t\'ll i‘l ‘H'l it"'

I‘xi'at -« .itiii [3 tie! w"
ill! l.ii.l"il \ \"i ‘v
'.il .il'ls TiNHl sit‘.

‘.ioikeis t'.il't. h
\2 ioii Mini”

'I Ill:

[1 tii'i' (‘i'lil ids" \i.i'

\\l||ll (tis'l ot ta
.irat ill. iiii ro-dilile 31?.”- pei w"

\hlllt'tl ykiiiki'i‘s a' l h.

igil'ii \’ lit (2

win: l‘io.‘
less an hour than ’M
iii.ioi: wage scale

'lhew tigiires pi'oyided l'\ w.
ll\ “(ii‘kt‘t's


tirgaiii/ing to“
show the e\teiit ol expiw
'ti'ioi: tois'etl upon the l k wot
iwis li\ oiii Hid Kentucky lloiw
iu-ie l.’. l exington Yet the .itiru.‘
is'iatioi: iii lfif'.‘ shined its 'i
poiisihihty ot [‘t't‘tifllll/lllfl .t l l\
onto the stab

‘i'lai‘ ti

workers union
legislature. asking for a
cation" lroin that body to see if
recognition was legal

lt died in committee

In the
llai‘ian t'ounty banded togi'thi‘I
to form a l'nited Mine Workers
local to equate coal magnates
wealth with workers
The miners went on sink"
the legend of Bloody llarlaii '.i i‘

Yet those in
spitting on the mine
L‘l'ayt‘s Some people new! 3‘ it '

ltiiitis mine workers it


. t


Hill Straiih is a I“. s
H" The \lllt‘lliJli
“'.H'”). appears i'\i'l\
“ediiesday in the Kernel


eol II in n.






ti! 'ti


tt‘ ti‘f,’
“it I l\

lI.II‘. ’tv

lt\ 'ltt’
[ Iia‘
K 'vktt!


ki-rs ill
kc and

Ian we

let it a II



Once upon a time...


"I‘iicle Stephan you were in college
during the early IEtTti‘s weren't you'.’ When
the campuses were tlie seat of protest
demonstrations and the kids weren't
afraid to stand up and shout what they
thought about impropriety of societal

"You were. weren't you" Had said you
were the editor of the college papei when It
was really radical He said you wrote some
really stinging editorials about all the
things wrong with government. public
oilicials and other things like that He said
you made a lot ot people think and Well
you did. didn't you"”

"YES. \t) \\l) \U." said Stephan
Speed ~-lowly t‘tit'klIIL' in his cushioned seat
llis bony tiiigei‘s tightened on the arms of
the t'liitlI' 'l'he wrinkles melted until the
ilesli wassniooth t oltege. why that wastiit
\cai\ ago 'l‘he distant past. lost some
where between his first and second

Hit a good day Stephan was capable of
remembering his name .\Iost times.
though. he babbles aimlessly l’antasy
iiii\ed with reality

('ollege Ile stroked the bristly white
niilis ol his beard and scoured hi.s mind to
tind 'be tiny compartments that held his
college iiieiiiories

'l'lll‘i‘. \ S‘III.F lii‘tikt' tlt't‘tiss ltIS
parched lips And his eyes. though
bloodshot from the sleepless night before
glisteneil with satislaction

'loday would be a good day

“Yes I was in college during the early
l‘JTlts But I wasn't there during the
demonstration era 'I‘hat ended while I was
a senior in high school By' the time I got to
State I'niversity student interests didn’t
include protests The campus was quiet,

"I w as the editor of the college paper all
right. but ldidn't write stinging editorials,
.\'o. I didn't write with punch

‘\\l) l RH.\LI.\' dotit think the
editorials I published made people think.
either No. I don‘t think I made people

“Why [guess the closest thing to campus
activism during my college days was the
Red Itiver liam protest movement

"l‘tie paper and a small minority of
students tI‘lttl for two years to stop the
-\rniy (‘orps ot Engineers lron‘ building
that dam

’I tried Yes. I tried to write stinging
editorials on that issue But [don't know it
they made people think

"\HIY SI'IVI‘IRU. Ill'NIHH‘II) people
had a protest march in Frankfort the
spring of 1974 There was a rally on the
t'apitol lawn The people were trying to get
the governor to stop the dam But he didn't
listen He didn't care.

"And when he went to Washington the
next governor didiit care much either.
‘It's out of my hands.‘ he said "I‘he
decision is not mine to make ‘ Yes. that's
what he said

"I'liey had another protest march the
next year \nd. and

Stephan Speed shifted in the seat ”is
lingers loosened from the arms of the

dummns trorn untie'ond'outude the universaty community




chair and the wrinkles reappeared. His
eyes stopped glistening Ile stared through
space, Nothing

"l',\t'l.P2 STH’II.\\‘. what happened at
the second protest marchq Did a lot of
people show‘.’ Did the governor listen'.’ Did
they stop the dam?“

Stephan spoke but he was out of sync.

“I‘ll try Tim. Yes I‘ll try to write
something to get people to think about the
march I don‘t know if they‘ll listen.

"Too many people will say they have to
study because the semester is ending. And
others will say they have to work. or that
they've already made more important






“Isl"l‘ I‘LI. 'l‘.\LK to people. though and
tell them about the march and rally in
Frankfort on Saturday. Maybe a few
people will show.

"Maybe so many people will show that
the governor will have to stop the dam,

"Wouldn't it be neat to remember that
we helped to stop the dam‘.’

"I can see the young ones sitting around
me now. ‘Yes. I remember my college
days. I helped to stop the Red River dam.
I‘m proud of that.‘ That‘s what I‘ll tell
them Tim."

“l'ncle Stephan. I'ncle Stephan are you
all right?"

Stephan Speed didn't hear them. He was
lost in a dream.


Steve Swift. last year's Kernel editor. is
a junior majoring in journalism.

Workers' petition: Misconceptions and explanations

Hy \I \II \' II I' \ l9S

for the past two weeks a petition has
been t ii'ctilatetl on the campus asking loi‘
$1 .tll hour w age tnciease tor eniplyes paid
on .in lioui ly scale .‘lIItl lot the cessation ol
personnelciitbacks It is to be presented to
't’iestilent Singlctary and the ’ioarti ol
l:'iistet'~ ior their consideration in
diaw mg ap the ittTtL 77 budget It has been
\lL‘llt'tl i-y doctors. .Iitltltttl‘S. painters.
secretaries. students. siipery isors nurses.
electrii tans. pharmacists. bill it is
perhaps of more note that :t hasn't been
signed by all of the people who would
lit'Ilt'lll troiii its iiiiplcnienti’ition Some of
the ieasons giver. liy theni tor not signing it
he interesting

i 'lliat doesnt concern our depart
Iltt'Ill "

.‘ '.\ly siipery isorsaysthat if lsign that
I ll be tired H

;. "Somebody told me that it yoti sign
that you re signing up tor the union

It is to respond publicly to those
imisconceptions that this letter is written

I'lll'thl'l IS no department ol the
I iiiversity ot Kentucky employing people
on an houily pay basis to which the subject
oi the petition does not apply t'lerks in
I'atterson tllllt't‘ 'I‘ower. grountlsinen.
busbovs in the hospital cafeteria are all
paid on an hourly scale and would benefit
correspondingly from an hourly increase.
'I i aditionally clerical and secretarial
people ihoose to classify themselves in
another employment bracket than car
peiitei's and seamstresses. btit our salaries
are based on hourly work. and if we think
it is lit poor taste to seek wages above what

the I S tiovernment has designated as
ptnt't’ty level income I hope that our
lastidiousness is as acceptable at the
stiperiiiarket as food stamps.

Siipery isory personnel or anyoneelse.
toi that matter do not have the authority
to tire you tor signing a petition It is
ev ideiit troin the responses ol many ol the
peopli who have been offered the petition
to \IL‘II that this threat. whether actually
t‘\t‘I‘ \erbali/ed by a supervisor or just
iiianutactured trom tear and rumor. has


an intimii’lating effect on the uninformed.
Supervisory personnel can insist that
petitions not be circulated during working
hours in the work area. iust as they can
insist that poker games. knitting iii-
striict:on and baseball replays be con-
ducted on the employ'es' own time. But It
you choose to sign a petition on your lunch
hour or coming to or leaving work a
supervisor has nothing to say about it.
Fears that supervisory personnel will
somehow "find out” who has signed are



Duane Ml(hdl\


groundless. The petition is to be presented
to the Board of Trustees We must he
paranoid indeed if we imagine that they in
turn w ill Xerox copies of all the names and
send them to each department for punitive
action Such action is illegal in the first
place In the second place. it is the purpose
of a petition to demonstrate that such
significant numbers of people are con-
cerned with its subject that punitive action
against ”a few malcontents" will not serve
to settle the issue It is of metriental in
terest that. although the employes are
quite timid about offending the sen-
sibilities of their supervisors. supervisors
sometimes seem unconcerned about tres-
passing on the legal civil rights of those
under their direction.

the petition is clearly what it purports to
be In order to join a union you must sign a
ham which states that such is your action.
In order to express interest in a union you
should be sure that what you sign promises
to put you in touch with a union or with
union personnel The petition is sponsored
by the 1K Workers Organizing ('om»
mittee They are actively interested in
forming a union of ['K employees. but the
petition is not a unionizmg document It is
a simple demand for a wage increase and
the halting ot personnel ( utbacks.
Everyone w ho w ishes to support the etfort
to raise I‘K hourly salaries and stop
personnel cutbacks is welcome to sign the
petition. even those for whom the word
“union" con lures up a more terrifying
picture than the ward “supervisor "


.\lary Reyes is a medical records eni-
ploye of the l niyersity.



tV—V'I‘III‘I KEN'I‘ll'KY KENNEL. “t'dltesdzn. .\pril 23. I975


‘ 0
\t 00%“)

(09‘ ‘

Vtfill Be Responsible For Circulatin

Summer Kernel (2 Days Per Week), Plu

Mailing Ot Newcomer Edition In August.
Must Have Car, Will Train. See John Ellis,
Rm. 210 Journalism Bldg.








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“substance is
administration \\£t\ inori- eager to obtain ill'(‘t'pli|l|ll' legislation
than to insist on its .\la\ l tl".t(lllll"



news briefs

Communists pressure
area around Saigon

'l‘he \iet t'ong attacked ne“ South Vietnamese
‘a seller ol the nation” 'l‘uesda) and
Van 'l‘hieu had done nothing to
Hit the inihtar) lronts‘. t‘oin
a round Saigon

an 'l'hieu. but he is his

.s \lt.ti\ .\l"
l’resident 'l‘i'an \‘an lliioni; as
indieated the resignation ot \LittM‘ll
lttlpl‘tn‘t‘ chances ol a tease tire
intinis't led torees kept up pressure on areas

".\lr 'l‘ran \an lltiong is not Mr \tilt)t‘ll \‘
m’ltl l’hani \an ltti. head ol the Met t‘ont: diplomatic

are similar to those

inis‘sion tll l'ai‘is. lllt}tl_\lll;_1 that lltionu's \ ie\\s
ot 'l'hieu
French Foreign Minister .lean Sainagnai‘gnes, \htl'tlllttl that "a

battle lot‘ Saigon \\oultl lie t'atastioplnt' tor e\ei‘_\lmd)," called

l‘hatn and \oth \ ietnatnesi- diplomats to his l‘
ress \\ .is lll.ttlt‘ touard llt'thilt.tilttll.\

e\piesseil t oni'ern that the .tllliltl

arts otltt'es lilll did

not indicate \\ hether ant tirot:

illtptbltltill politn'i.insiii xiiuon
‘.\lltt nimeit iiti iioni the \lt‘t‘ presideni‘} \tith

[1 year old lltltiltkl.
n i .tt't stn‘t'tlll} enonuh to

l‘lsien's resignation \loiiilax \till ..o.
lint-tit! ,lt't i-titalile to the

t l

ie\.:nttithe .Ith‘l'i‘iilit'lll .tliii. l'illgal'illtl .i

tiitiinitznis' sidi- tiettii'e ‘lii ...tt' is tiiziitiietelx ios'.
'\\t‘.tl\' fontztucoiattitn‘"toms . ilaxs Hittii"‘t'iNtl'.'!t‘t.t!‘.
l'ul'iilt‘l‘i‘ltt It‘tlirl"\ saw . i ii forte» iiillititi 'i-il Elie-it
itttllltd- k Ili'l' .‘lii' tiiiixizii ..:: ~-l' ' -- ',\i..ll lot to nuies vast -i!
‘ ti \‘ tl ’t‘.l.t.’l'i“.;fl‘.""7 ‘.\‘ .‘,It'*x\'ii'>i l l .‘.t‘»'i'i' ""l‘.
i‘\itti'l' . v"‘tili.‘;tlltt'» 7.“ i\' ----- ll

immigration process relaxed

for evacuation from lndochina

\\ \\lll\t.lti\ \i‘ L“. i.... LY“. [v ‘
N ti: . ti‘ t i ' ‘ It" .) ‘. \ ‘1 ."‘ “ml
ll in tl;‘__:t‘h t t\~ v.

tl.._‘ t'\‘ t it «1' t l i' t i \ [“4” :H‘
tit i ltl,tll t t it ~\._iti ti',i(‘!\ \‘l , \l H“.

\ ‘.' M " v \ i t. .t', t' I t it“ it‘! \ .\t'!i

1““ "l:—\‘«.‘ t t‘t.

.V ' l ~23. :71: ll l- " win-it Itiei.‘ ‘- i:.itote
llllhni‘HI‘Hl"":l\"“"‘7:l'~:lit'll: L H 'yltltt \t I '7‘ l."t|ttltt

33L" .f‘iitlilj‘p; ‘lllllll\t,“" ,i: i:.,\lv , I. ' ‘i'ilel f”
Llil‘l‘l'l'Hlt"!l‘ftti‘lt‘lkl.x,t‘l t,‘ . xv”), \‘ v.7 11:.“ ‘IT.“:t

t staikecttrit: ‘tll‘. ‘t::.i {H ,;~ w, “it“ ”it“ ‘ 1' ,. 3!..!,i
“’1“ l. Nullll '\ it‘lll.iil.t‘\t' tilt ‘.- Iii! .i lilttss‘iiY' t ”in l i Nit

\l‘ll" l“‘ll-‘l'llli’m‘“lillutl‘ -\-1.lll Zarli said that

more important than tiiiiinL’f meaning the

Zarb said the administration '.\as \t't'lxllttl in the proposed
legislation. “the liasie t'lt'llit'lll\ ot a program to ('tlilSt‘th' enerw "

\nd Zarli einphasi/eil the President s proposals to impose new
taxes on energy and to l"'lllt\\t- prim» t-ontrol« tron; oil \thile

puttnnst litnits on an_\ iesiiliinLl \tiiiiltall tii‘otits


TheKentucky Kernel, in Journalism braiding Universi 00
Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky. m. is mailed tive tans
weekly dorm the sdnol year except wring modavs an!
exam periods, ad twice weakly durum the sunmer sessm
Thirdctass 96mg: paid at Leximnon. may. aosn
Publismabythekern ’ress Inc‘touued’

, . 1771 Was
mecaaetintmdamwbtidndcwiwwst m Kentudry
Kernel sine 1915. V35“

Advertismq publishaj Mom is IN?!“ to twin "I? ream

buy. Any talse or mislead: advert ~
to the “tars no . ismg should be remrted

Kemei Tetepmnes

Editor, Editorial editor 257 I755
Managtng editor, News desk 257 two
Mung, Busmess Circuation 255
Sports, Arts 2.57 mm 4646











- e: In we ‘ when w new as mam ,3 as: t
«mama». ”i“"+mfl& gas
u reef-e at; . §fi s 3.3; My

* ”at?“ t"- -- 3x"; ‘ ,, 4i» ..,.
I a”; Used}; £2“ 3m --" _-~’ ». 2M}. ”gig-3L3“

, we



I ‘ , , My;
Kernel statt photo by Kevin Burns

These speeeh and oral interpretation students participated in a

Reader's Theatre production on

Reader's Theatre

Memorial Hall \niphitheatre.

(ireek “)th Tuesda}. The

readings \iill he held again ’I‘uesda) between it and l p.m. in

Lexington Grand Jury Defense Fund

discusses money-raising proiects

llll‘ l.t'\|lillltlll (irand .llll‘f» tH‘IHt'IIIM need to he set ”
Iii-tense I"uiid tll\t‘ll.\\(‘(l nioiie_\
lli.tktti)_‘ pi‘oiei-tx .ind prioritiex

tor t'\pt'll ot taro
IllL’llth‘S on the Federal
Bureau oI lmestigationk il’ltl
"Ten ino~t wanted list "

tut tour \\(ililt't‘i. (tail (‘olieiz
Marla Sexmour. Linda Link and
.llIl ltawnond, remain in
Kentuekj; jail» The case was
appealed April 17 and the deci-
sion is pending



545 S. Lime

For those times when jeans
can’t cut it. . . a skirt in the
new longer length. Solids or

prints in the colors of
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'l‘lll‘l KI‘IN'I'ITKY KENNEL, Wednesday. April 23. HHS-5

Wdtigli Cilut li litt‘ llati
(,uuitiim the plltllldllltll'l‘l

7:30 EM.

vaeru IJlr‘.’ni1!lIIII)iIII(l the

U K JaH E,It\t"ltl>l“



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‘L 1i” t, B ~l Rut I,i,.it 81 Chi. (“5,

J It I,I't~,'.“

ii’tiI 'I‘t‘ ”JV. (Halli

Earshot 8. but wutrm


iii A

Super Pops Saturday T Cke'S On Sale in Lower Lounge, Student Center, I? Noon
T03 : m , Aprit 2l 25


Keep Us In Mind
And Under Foot

This Summer.




Handmade Sandals Made
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The Leather Shop Will Also Supply You With
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3111‘ {Kramer $111111



MO" :73. ‘0 5‘30
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L, j.—




 li—Tlll‘) KlCVl‘ll'KY KERNI'II.. “ednesdan. :\pril Ill. 1973



UK Employees Weds.
Rally Behind the Petition I

For A $1.00 Per Hour Raise For All Hourly UK Employees
For An End To Personnel Reductions

Open Letter



Dear President Singletary-

Concerning Wages And Personnel Cutbacks.

Thank you.


The UK Workers Organizing Committee Has Been Collecting Signatures On A Petition

As The Board Of Trustees Will Be Considering Approval Of The University Of Kentucky
Biennial Budget Request,We Would Like Permission To Present This Petition At The Next Board


Margaret Roach

University Hospital Employee

UK. Workers Organizing Committee



Public Meeting For UK Employees
Wed., April 30— 7:30 p.m.
2nd St. YMCA Rm. 816
535 W. Second St.

Come to the meeting!
We must make our voices heard!

UK Workers Organizing Committee
All UK