xt786688j66k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt786688j66k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1947 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Programs University of Kentucky vs. University of Evansville, November 15, 1947 text University of Kentucky vs. University of Evansville, November 15, 1947 1947 1947 2014 true xt786688j66k section xt786688j66k K E N T U c K Y  
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·  *3  ‘  ·—  “EII(I('2lI Sk1·t1·l11·s --———-- 8. 11. 24
:,. ·     _ . ~ , "t~,»__ ` . _ Paul Bryant, Head Football Couch ——--- 9
0, ·• ·v Mg _ . ~ . . .
 1.1 _ , ·   \`L` . lS1—1·1110 A. hluvcly. ;xI1l1CIl(? Dnrcctor ·--—— 10
QV  _  ‘ -· " "MM 1   \ \\1I¢Ic:1Is ol 1911 ---—- I2. 13. 23. 50 `
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Dine In  
A The New  
Zeunqtan zoom g
The I
Y A BEAR smmr
‘   S Q   9 • • •
1 ildcat Succcs Is B 1· P()SS1l)1l1[y
1 By Zipp Newman, Birmingham News Sports Editor _
  Kentucky Ci1ll’[ go amy way but up in football. Thur Black, one of BlFllllIlghHlll’S charming bellcs in 1935.
; is if Paul (Bear) Bryant guts zmythiug like his share They have two children, Hay Marlin, uiuc, and Paul
L of thc breaks. And hc will make :1 lol of his own jr., two. They zxrc looking for Paul, jr. down ut Al-
‘ Inrcuks with tremendous will puwarr. ubzxma, counting rm him ut least making the All-Com
1 fcrcncc icum twice: as his Dad did·——:mlliItgI0lt uml camped 011
l must know how I0 got 1lllllCl`i£ll—l)il'L}l Bryant is in il Tum II:1111ill011`s doorstep for (lllyi. He finally talked
  class hy himscli`. IIc could sell gold bricks in bankers his way into the xil\`}'·~5]}(?Il(llllg I6 mouths in the
  :111rl they would like il. European thculcr. And hc loved it.
  Pzml lirymil was 0110 of the finest vncls iu the his- Paul had il fling ut coaching thc North Cilflllillil
é tory 0i` football at Alabama. H0 was one curl, who I‘z·<·-Flight team. The I’1·c—Fli;.zl1t’¢~1·s twivv Ellfl-(’Z`lt(‘(l ,
{ could not only catch :1 pass hut l'i\('k up il Iucklv iu Dukv. l2-O amd 35-i3 i11 practice gzimxrs. North Caro-
i <·:·lloph:u1c. llc guvc 0110 0i` the g1·<*::lcst cxhibitions lillil was l){‘2ll(‘H twice b:·l`0rv [hu team uns ·. Paul lirpanm
` what !.L._i“jm.i,,g me log might mmm In his fomlmu had his pluyvrs playing likv \`¥`ihI<·::ts lust year. 'l`ha~y
it (.m.m.l._ h`·si(-H] E(]u(.mg0n in 1936. }`l2ll){\llli\ will kceuly follow tho l'()l`Illll(‘S 0i` Ihv
  i Kmiluvky Wrililmxls. Paul lil`}`illl[ is hmuc folks. tics-
  Paul m:u·ricrl his campus swccllivurt. Mary ]I:u·1mm tiucd in bvvuiixu unc of thc ;.;1·•·ut ¢·u:u·l1vs of i`uuih:¤lI.
Z .

 S Make Use Ut Our Convenient Drive—in Facilities
Laundry · · Dry Cleaning
Phone 2000 265 Euclid Avc.

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A graduate of James Millikin University, Coach Don Ping
started his coachi11g career at Carrollton, Kentucky, in the fall of 1922. During his
three years of coaching there, he found time to play four years of organized baseball.
He can ht for Fort Smith Arkansas i11 tl1e Westerii Association the year of 1922,
9 7 .
caught for Decatur i11 the III League in 1923 and 1924, and wound up his career as a
catcher with Springfield i11 tl1e III i11 1925.
Upon leaving Carrollton, Ping went to Marshall, Illinois, where he coached football
an as e a urinv ie ears o 311 . e CHIIIC o emo i i
d b k tb ll d g tl f 1927, 1928, d 1929 H t M ral H l1
School in Evansville in the fall of 1930 and coached football until the end of the fall
season of 1945.
While at Memorial, Ping’s teams won eight city championships, tied two, a11d won two
state titles. His overall wo11 a11d lost record while there was 118 wins out of 149
— games. From 1934 until 1939, his teams lost only two ball games in 58 starts, and dur-
ing that period the teams played 41 straight games undefeated.
Among outsta11di11g players developed by Coach Ping in high school ranks are Bill Hill-
enbrand, the late Tom McGannon, Bill McGannon, Bob Hargrave, Len and Hermie '
Will, Bob Kercher, Dick Hlld Wayine Sandefur, all of Memorial.
At Carrollton, he coached Bob Kipping, later a star tackle for the University of Ken-
tucky. Two of his S[£l11(l0l1[S at Marshall were Caslon Bennett, a later star basketball
player for the University of Illinois, and Charles Bush, a11 outstanding halfback who
later played for Indiana State and then the Pittsburgh Steelers.
Coach Pi11g has l1is master’s degree in physical education from Purdue University. He
` is almost rabid in his attention to detail. All football clubs he has coached have always
been smooth functioning and outstanding in tl1eir blocking. During his coaching career
he 11ever lost more than tl1ree games in any season.

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1 • w
  Wildcat bketchcs  
  EEEE ENDS n-_-nar  
l Dick Hensley, 19-year old six—feet four—inch 195-  
§ pound wiillimnsom yvcst Yi,-ginia product retllflti [0*  >
, { his junior year this fall . . . Ranked by Coach Bry-  · 7/  \ I
ant as his best left end . . . Lettered in both his   féi  
freshman and sophomore seasons . . . Considered an   ` `Q   '  
outstanding pass receiver and a fine defensive player. — `\   /
. . . W’as an All·Stater in high school . . . Should bc ml ,/I (
one of the Southeastern Confercncc’s outstanding:     ;·
ends this season.   \‘ fr/’
George Sengel, six-feet one—inch ].79·pound senior   ,0 U  
from Louisville, is considered one of the roughest de-   " O /’\
fensive players on the squad . . . Lettered in ’4·2 and g jig    
again in ’=1·6 after returning from the Army Air   G `   ’ ‘»i:",~
Corps . . . This being his senior year, Sengel should ng /  
have a good season.   if
LEFT TACKLES   , ’ ` { _ _? _4,A _;_._ _ l_f :_ _A_: ,___   M
Wins]: Serini, six—feet one-inch 215—pound 'l`ucka·   f i  
. hoe, New York native. returns for his fourth season E I iv  
with the Wfildcats . . . Played for Kentucky · during _ __l-yi;   Miki EXCELLENCE  
the war and earned All·5.E.(., honors . . . llis sheer S ~} j g
determination won him a spot on Coach }iryant`s E   ¤l·~ \K]IT]-{OUT E
first eleven last fall . . . Yoted the most popn ar man _ `ii’ A;.
on the campus . . . Serini should be a mainstay in   L EXTRAVAGAETCE 3
Kentucky`s line. Q in 3
. . _
Doc Ferrell, six-feet 198-pound sophomore from _ z
neighboring Richniond. displayed great improvement _ Correct
in spring practice . . . 1*Ie’s being counted on heavily _ Clothes 3
to help the Yvildcats in one of their really weak spots _ _
. ' this autumn . . . l\lajoring in business administration _   _
Could be Kentucky’s No. 2 left tackle. - if -
` Bob Cain, a giant-like sZx—feet three-inch 220 — Or Q
pound freshman froni Vfiierton, Ytrest Virginia, is rated -   ¤
l as one of the best line prospects to ever enroll at _ _  
A Kentucky . . . lf he had some game. eyperience un— -   _
{ der his belt, he would proye extreinely valuable to the _ /_L   g
j `Cats this [all . . . lle°s fast, aggressive, and extreme- U)   J,  
i ly agile for such a big young man. _ `fgzmio Comwtsvi iscue L :
A - : . \»\   ° H
  Lmrr comps   J P iLx»i§ {
g Leonard Preston, a six-feet 196-pound junior E       ii
  from Louisville, is another one of those boys who was ·_'§_>§·i_fI" s
_ { never given serious consideration until Coach Bryant :,_.»:4,_.·;{:_:.¢i. u
  arrived at Kentucky . . . A veteran, Preston last fall   °ij""l’_'
3 had trouble in conditioning his legs . . . lle°s in top Ji  eff-. E
` form now and should have a great season . . . Pre- );;»‘;‘-`,i-Eitfgg; f."r,; 3
I maturely ngrcy . . . Married and has :1 two—year old in    [It :
1 son . . . bhould bt, lxciitutlsy s starting left guaid. AV   gx//’ \\\
l Ilut Jones. six—feet one-inch 196-pound senior   / `\ 'ff y   g
f from Corbin, Ky., plays either at tackle or guard . . `f‘·."r??—i."i.7.i*i ¤._ `\     E
And lu-`ll probably see service at both positions this g   T\4#{‘/   _.·.
fall . . . Was at Kentucky before the war . . . _ _ 7,; ...· __   _ _ Q f` M V l   is  
strictly the rough type . . . Has a tremendous eh;n·;;4· Q?         C j is , X -`f?=?I·` tiki
on the offense. and on the defense he is as rough as A     4‘'‘. ‘   -, i   /    
  any man on the squad . . . Jones will play a lot of   4 i/I- / 
R bail this season. .:23:; xvii;/2:.;_1T  M   an   Q/in ` / V LQ 
I .~:=‘~·· ,:·,.¢m.¢T ` g:. `,=Z7. ;-‘·   s g! i Y  .Z‘.;’_iQZ€·.!`_` 
1 l€l(}ll'l` TACKLES L, .     ·r,  ‘iL,»·.¤._` ..’iA i Vvy,   l —» »,    
Iii/I Griffin, six—fcet five-inch Mayfield, Ky., man. Q. ' *2 ., ‘;§iv.ffj.—.f%·y»%}¥’§’g“€'Zi@§i£j2;j;Q;*s:3*.;      j;l$`;»*ifZ"_f‘_*ii.‘ V\V,;_i_tz,
, mountain. is the No. l performer in this position . . . .. . .·Zi`;·;2‘}?l1$¥;`;-»3· .·§i‘·i';-¢}i`-Jiri}.;;`¥F{S-{ZY-.  f ’  ·¢   
Played at Kentucky before entering the Army ....   f,Z¤,g§~·e€&£§_;¥°-`·_E"‘_,t·ujE;{j—.1.j·3‘sni··=·»·/.`:;;j  f .·»*`· .··=:L.:>_*}T-Frili  
llit his stride after returning last fall for his junior _ ·   M.- `§?j¥‘€;;fes;..5:-%*,'*E_¥*gV;_i·-_jQ?Fy,·::Iii / _iZ··>—5·gZ:;i,`{i`»),";-;LQ·_  
year . . . lf Kentucky had several more like (Zriff, " ‘ _J·§sJr%‘§<·%7~ ·i~él»*`·°iZ°.·;§,·i‘» _=Z‘7. ·v`~ ·     —.§;:2i·’ii=2r<·  
the tackle position wouldn`t be such a weak spot in ‘ . .·:;Z·'·;§[,:?5_`_‘.3{i§§f;§_;;·i.j;j‘{·;§§_ ,`f'· ,.?T1-’/ // ,/)~     
the forward wall . . . Recently married . . . Plans to Z; j     2;-i_ Li}   _ . _; rfa}       
coach after his graduation in june. I `;· V   .,4.   v;_ _€·           ._;V_,..,·}·  
Fran]: Smotlicrmun is another player who showed _ ‘ ‘ -·k¥·-F-,i if     z, -.-‘   Q   \¥.   · _· ‘._‘· .*·    
possibilities in spring practice . . . lf he continues to . - W   I