xt786688j602 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt786688j602/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1927 journals kaes_circulars_208_annual_report_1926 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 208 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 208 1927 1927 2014 true xt786688j602 section xt786688j602 ud Sem I COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE
Extensmn D1v1s10n
  ________ S THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
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 Letters of Transmittal  i
Lexington, Kentucky,  ‘
January 3, 1927.  *
President Frank L. l\lcYcy, ·  .
University of Kentucky. _
My dear President l\[cVey:  
I have the honor to present the annual report of the Divi.   I
sion of Ag1·icultural Extension of the College of Agriculture,  , i
University of Kentucky, for the year ended December 31, 1926,  t S
In this report will be found a statement of the various activi-  `. C
tics of the past year, a. list of publications and a financial state.   ,,
nient of receipts and expenditures.  i \
Respectfully,  g j,
Taomixs Coornn, Dean and Dircctm·.  Q t
Lexington, Kentucky.   H
January 19, 1927.  { H
Honorable Willia111 J. Fields,   f
Governor of Kentucky. , l`
site i (I
In accordance with an act of the Legislature of the Stan P ll
of Kentucky, approved March 15, 1916, 1 herewith submit the  · H
annual report of the Division of Agricultural Extension ei  _ 1
the College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky, for illé  ; ll
year ended December 31, 1926.  
FRANK L. RICXYEY, President. A 4
. `   \l
1 h

ky,   VVORK IN 1926.
il·  T T. R. BRYANT, JiSS’1·Sl‘(l7tl° Director
i The Agricultural College of the University of Kentucky
Dl\‘l·  _ maintains a Division of Ag‘1‘iCultu1‘al Extension Service which
ilturc, . ig apart of the educational system of the State. This exten-
1926.  I sion work in Agriculture and Home Economics is carried on in
i10ii\`i- Q close croperation with the U. S. Department of Agriculture
SUNG-   which contributes certain funds to assist in the execution of the
 = work and also lends aid in a number of other ways. The Director
A is the joint representative of the University of Kentucky and of
"0€i0"·   the U. S. Department of Agriculture.
  The Extension teaching in Agriculture and Home Eco- I
[tuck`.  ‘ iiomics had made very satisfactory progress as this and other .
»927.`   annual reports clearly indicate and in fact the system compares
favorably in organization and accomplishment with similar
 ‘ work which is being done in all the other States.
 i Progress, in 1926, was made in both the quantity and the
 i quality of work. Credit for such p1·ogress should be given to a
E Sim   large body of unpaid public spirited citizens, who have assisted
mt the  I i11 carrying out the plans of work agreed upon for the communi-
gm of ‘ ties and for the counties. These persons are known as "loeal
Em, the ` lcaders." They serve as demonstrators and assist the county
agent and other full-time extension workers not only by demon-
. strating improved practices in their own homes and on their
Cm.   farms, but also by serving to teach others the improved methods.
J The paid extension workers would be greatly handicapped if it
were not for the unseltish service of these people whose only
reward is their knowledge of having helped somebody and
_ having made the community a better place in which to live.

 4 Kentucky E.::teusion Circular N0. 1.96 is
Extension work is becoming better understood by the public  
generally and its value is recognized more each year. Also the i` 
county agents and other extension workers are rapidly develop-  E
ing more efficient methods of multiplying the effectiveness of i 
- their work.  
An evidence of the fuller appreciation of Extension Work  i
is found in the fact that in spite of the depressed financial cou- ` 
dition of agriculture the number of county agents employed is  i
the greatest since the work was inaugurated in Kentucky. Tll(}1`0  
are additional counties with appropriations made, and ready  
to employ agents, waiting only to secure properly qualiiietl  
agents or until the University can provide its share of the funds. }
The resources of the University are tixed and since it joins the it 
counties in providing the necessary money, there is a limit tty  .
the number of counties with which the University can join inthe  .
employment of agents. The only way that the University with  ·
its present funds can cooperate financially with any greater
number of counties is to reduce its allotment per county.  ,
It is quite apparent that expansion of the work within thc  
counties can be accomplished in both volume and quality and  
that this expansion will be facilitated thru the work of more  
l . volunteer local loaders. E
The organization of farmers and home—makers within thc  `
county is a very effective aid in the accomplislnnent of the work  I
in its various phases. Thru such organizations a better under- l
standing of what ought to be done and how to do it, can be had “
and the effects are made to reach more people. `
The work of the home-makers clubs has been very note- ’
worthy. During the year the number of these clubs in Kentucky  `
increased to 225 with a membership of 4485 women. Out oi T
this number there have been developed 1388 leaders who carry .
work to neighborhood groups. Their work l1as embraced many  _
phases of food, clothing, home management, home conveniences
millinery, home furnishing and decoration and a variety of com `
- ` munity improvement projects. _.
Another evidence of progress is the greater perccntagtc at {
club boys and girls who carried to successful completion thcit ¥

 ;_  Amt-ual Report for 1926 5
ililic S  club projects. It is difficult with the present force t0 carry
’lh°   an enrollment above 20,000 which has been the approximate
clap-   number for the past three or four years and so the principal
ss of i effort had been placed upon greater thoroness with those en-
rioi  rolled.
York  ¥ The work in sheep improvement has been gratifying.
con-  ( Despite the fact that the State specialist spent a large portion
ed is  ’ of the year on leave of absence to study the sheep industry in
Phcrc   Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and England, the work
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l‘{l°`0(l.  ` 2. I’l0ll`L€·11lHl{€l‘Sl Vacation Camp. McCracken County. »
° .
,.. .. 1 (iardc-mnt. The necessitv for lli1\'lll°` a ·ood variety of
)S H10. g t e rz .
I vegetables is inadc clear 111 the vegetable lesson 2l11Cl 111 thc daily
. Mal  . food scoring. This usually results in a request for special work
; i11 gardening which is (lO1lG by Mr. J. S. Gardner, tield age11t i11
 _ horticulture. Henderson County has completed an exception-
i ally good gardening project.
 A Food ]’rcscrraiz`on. A food ])1'CSL’l‘\'2`ltl01l course conipris-
mm? i ing four meetings was carried 011 in Muhlenberg County. Other
1‘ ¤ . . . .
xg bm ..~ iood nreservatioii work was carried 011 hy the l1o1ne denionstra-
"  i tion agents in their counties.
~ts and
) Stud.  e CLo1·H1NG
ssihlc  f In Se iteniber 1924 a four-vear ro<~‘ra1n of work in cloth-
IO V _ 2 a U an
cessful _ ing was inaugurated in the State. The subjects emphasized each
 j }‘0H1‘ are as follows; First year, Clothing Selection; second

 16 Il’cnIueZ·y E.rlens2`0n C2`rc·uZar N0. 1.96 .
year, lilementary Dressmaking; third year, Renovation mi F 
Remodeling of \Voolen Garments; fourth year, Advanced Proh-  
T lems in Sewing. _ 
I Clotliing Selection. Clothing Selection is practically 3  -
completed project, there being now only a few counties haviiie  
home demonstration agents which have not carried on the  N
project. Improvement in dress and general personal appear-  i
ance of club members and local leaders indicate satisfactory I
results. The following quotation taken from a local leader  re-  
port is typical, and at the same time indicates objectives anti  Y
"All our club members express themselves as having a new point  
of view on clothing selection, especially of lines and colors. Outside our {
club members many have gotten ideas from our work and have im-  ;·
proved. in the selection of clothing materials. One sees more fast-color .
wash materials in this community than before. Sewing work done in  V
connection with this course was applied to the making ot undergm·. -3
ments. Patterns selected by the Held agent