xt786688j586 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt786688j586/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1957 journals 047 English Lexington : Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.47 text Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.47 1957 1957 2014 true xt786688j586 section xt786688j586 ,1  Results of the KENTUCKY
By J.F.Sh¤ne,H.R.Rich¤rds, and L.A.L.ink
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Progress R€pOI’l  
A February I957
University at Kentucky
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station

 LOCATIONS or Tm; 1954-1956 GRAIN
AND siaup soaonum p1~:RFoRMANcz TESTS
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Location Crop Cooperator ·
l. Lexington Grain Sorghum Ky. Agr. Exp. Sta. A
2. Hopkinsville Grain Sorghum Pennyrile Grain lmp.Ass'n.
W. G. Duncan, IH
3. Princeton Grain Sorghum Westernliy. Substation
4. Qiicksand Sirup Sorghum Robinson Agr.Exp.Sub-
station =
5. Hawesville Sirup Sorghum Hawesville Sorghum
Growers Ass'n.
Jack Wile

J. F. Shane, H. R. Richards and Leo A. Link
This publication reports the performa nce of grain and sirup
sorghurn varieties in replicated experiments conducted at different
locations in Kentucky in 1956. The average performance for the
period 1954-56 is also included. Tests at Princeton and Hawesville
were conducted two of the three years only.
ln 1955 and 1956 grain sorghums were planted on two dates at
Lexington and Hopkinsville. The first planting was made in late May
or early June and the second about July 1.
R ow Spacing was 42 inches in the grain sorghum tests except
I at Princeton where the yields were compared in 42.-and 14-inch
_ spacings in 1956 and in 42-and 21-inch spacings in 1955. At Quick-
sand sirup sorghums were compared in 36-inch rows with 3 plants
per hill spaced 24 inches apart in the row. In the Hawesville test
they were compared in drilled plots with a row spacing of 42 inches.
. Yields of grain sorghum are recorded as bushels of shelled grain
( per acre at 13. 0 percent moisture. The yield of the sirup sorghum
< varieties is given in gallons of sirup of uniform density per acre and
1 per ton of stripped stalks. Corrections were made for major differences
in stand, but not for minor differences.
Moisture. Heads from some tests were artifically dried prior to
threshing, as indicated by footnotes.
Plant height is measured and reported in inches, which is an impor-
tant factor in reference to combining. The shorter plants with good head
exsertion are desirable for combining.
_ Lodging has been negligible in all grain sorghum tests except in
the 1954 test at Lexington. Plants in the sweet sorghum—sorgo-variety
test at Hawesville were completely blown down in 1954; therefore, r·o
lodging is included in the data for the two years.
( 3)

The difference necessary to assure reasonably that a significant I
difference in yield exists between varieties has been calculated and is
given at the foot of each table as the least significant difference
(L. S. D.  Unless the yields of two varieties being compared differ
by as much as or more than the L. S. D. , little confidence can be
placed in the superiority of one variety over the other in that particu-
lar test.
Agronomic data other than yield have not been subjected to a
statistical analysis; however, small differences between varieties A
should not be considered strongly indicative of a true difference.
( 4)

 Table 1. 1956 - Lexington, Normal Planting Date.
Acre Date Plant Test
Variety Yield Moisture Flowered ht. wt.
bu. 9a Date _ins. lbs7bu.
Combine 60 62.2 16.9 8-14 57 56.7
Darset 78.6 14.9 8-10 47 53.5
Early Combine Hegari 89. 8 13. 5 8-12 58 56. 8
Early Hegari 75. 6 13. 4 8 -11 60 57.1
_ Martin 69. 7 14:5 8-12 54 59. 2
Midland 66.7 14.3 8-11 57 57.5
R.S. 590 93.2 14.5 8-7 59 58.4
V R.S.65O 96.5 14.9 8-11 57 56.5
R.S. 501 81.7 14.3 8-2 59 57.2
R.S.610 98.1 15.1 8-9 se 56.1
' Norghum 46.8 12.8 7-31 49 53.6
Plainsman 81.1 14. 9 8 -12 49 55. 7
Redbine 56 78. 7 13. 3 8-4 50 56. O
. " 60 92.5 14.6 8-8 56 56.0
Westland 78.1 15. 8 8-12 45 56.0
· Ky 106(corn) 76.5 18.0 -- 48 --
Means 79.1 14.7 8-9 53 56.4
L.S.D. 11.6 bushel
A I Table 2. 1954-1956 - Lexington, Normal Planting Date.
_ Acre Date Height to
Variety Yield Flowered Flag Top of Test
leaf Plant wt. Lodging
bu. Date ins. ins. lbs7bu 9}
· Early Combine Hegari 89. 8 8-12 46 58 56. 4 9
Early Hegari 63. 3 8-11 47 58 56. 7 1
Martin 59.1 8-11 39 52 58.7 1
Midland 61.6 8-11 44 56 56.5 O
Plainsman 65. 2 8-12 36 49 56. 2 Tr
_ Redbine 56 64.4 8-4 39 54 57.2 1
Westland 63.9 8-12 33 46 57.6 Tr
z Means 66.8 8-12 41 53 57.0 if--

 Table 3. 1956 - Hopkinsville, Normal Planting Date, Planted May 28. _
Acre Plant
Variety Yield Moisture Lodging ht.
Bu. 70 go ins. ·
Combine 60 54. 8 12.1 46 '•
Darset 47.2 11.8 42
Early Combine Hegari 73. 5 11. 7 Tr 54
Early Hegari 54.0 1 11.5 Tr 57
Martin 51.3 11.7 2 49 ‘
Midland 59. 4 11. 8 51
R.S. 590 57.5 11.3 3 52 l
R.S. 650 61.1 12.3 1 46 ·
R.S. 501 68.7 11.8 1 62
R.S. 610 72.3 11.4 Tr 56
Norghum 42. 6 11. 0 49
Plainsman 58. 8 11.1 43
Redbine 56 53.5 11.4 9 47
" 60 54. 9 11. 2 5 49
Westland 51.8 11.5 43 A
Ky 106 (corn) 43.1 15. 8 8 48
Means 56.5 11.8 2 50
L. S. D. 13. 8 bushel
Table 4. 1954 - 1956 - Hopkinsville, Planted May 29 (Average). ,
Acre Date __I1 Plant 'I`est_I1 ·
Variety Yield Moisture Headed ht. wt.
bu. in Date ins lbs7bu.
Early Combine Hegari 65. 2 12. 5 7 -31 53 56- 9
Early Hegari 56. 3 13. 8 7 -26 52 55. 3
Martin 57. 4 13. 3 8-2 43 57. 5
Midland 61.0 13.4 8-2 49 52.6
Plainsman 65.5 14.5 8-8 43 54.0
Redbine 56 69.5 13.5 7-31 44 57.0
Westland 59.4 13.5 8-4 43 56.1
Means ·
1/ Data for only one year.

 Table 5. 1956 — Lexington, Planted June 30.
Acre Plant Test
. Variety Yield Moisture ht. wt.
bu. 9¤ ins. lbs7bu.
A Combine 60 87.9 33.5 52 58.7
Darset 105.3 25.0 51 56.6
Early Hegari 100.6 16.0 62 57.8
Early Kalo 103.0 25.0 55 59.1
_ Martin 90.0 29.5 52 59.7
Midland 88.2 21.0 51 56.9
R.S. 590 125.7 28.5 62 58.9
R.S. 650 102.1 30.5 54 58.3
R.S. 501 92.3 19.5 61 57.8
R.S. 610 120.1 27.5 59 58.3
Norghum 61.7 18.0 48 56.8
Plainsman 102. 7 31. 5 50 58. 3
Redbine 56 102.4 27.0 52 58.4
. Redbine 60 97.4 32.5 57 57.7
Reliance 40.4 15.5 49 56.3
r Westland 93.8 34.0 46 58. 0
_ Means 94. 6 25. 9
L. S. D. 14. 4 bushels
Table 6. 1955 - 1956 - Lexington, Planted July 1.
Acre 17 Plant Test
Variety Yield Moisture ht. wt.
bu. 94; ins. 1bs7bu.
’ Early Hegari 78. 6 60 55. 3
Early Kalo 82.1 55 59.1
' Martin 80. 4 51 58. 6
Midland 70. 5 52 56.1
Norghum 64, 4 51 57.1
Plainsman 77. 5 48 56. 6
A Redbine 56 86. 2 52 57. 4
{ Reliance 53.0 57 57.0
Westland 80. 5 47 58.1.
1/ . .
· Air Dried in 1955.

 Table 7. 1956 - Hopkinsville, Planted June 29. _
Acre 17 Plant Test
Variety Yield Moisture ht. wt.
bu. 9a ins. lbs7bu.
Combine 60 36. 8 43 44. 8
Darset 23.4 37 38. 3
Early Hegari 31. 3 44 42. 6 _
Early Kalo 39. 2 44 46. 7
Martin 33. 2 38 44. 3
Midland 23. 2 41 44. 7 _
R.S. 590 37.4 39 36.9
R.S. 650 45.3 39 45.4
R.S. 501 40.0 46 44.3
R.S. 610 47.1 42 44.0
Norghum 32. 6 42 49. 0
Plainsman 55. 4 38 49. 4
Redbine 56 21. 8 34 42. 2
Redbine 60 22. 7 40 38. 3
Reliance 27. 8 43 44. 9 `
Westland 43. 7 40 48. 5 _
Means 35. 0
L. S. D. 14. 7 bushels 1
1/ Artificially Dried.
Table 8. 1955-1956 - Hopkinsville, Planted June 29, (Average).
Acre 1955 Plant Test
Variety Yield Moisture ht. wt.
bu. ins. 1bs7bu.
Early Hegari 34. 3 15. 2 49 47. 3
Early Kalo 43.3 14.9 47 51.0 ,
Martin 40.4 13.9 40 49. 6
Midland 32.2 14.4 43 49.4
Norghum 31.1 12.5 44 52.3
Plainsman 54.1 15. O 39 51. 5
Redbine 56 31.8 14.0 38 48.6
Reliance 29.0 13.8 47 49.2
Westland 32.2 14.8 42 52.5 R

 Table 9. 1956 - Princeton, Planted June 22.
Height to Test Head
` Variety Acre Mois- Date Top Top of wt. Exser- Head
Yield ture Headed Leaf Plant lbs/bu. tion Type
Midland 44. 6 15. 0 8 -20 33 43 53. 4 Fair Compact
Early Hegari 68. 6 16. 0 8-20 40 51 56. 0 Poor Compact
Martin 54. 61/ 16.1 8-23 30 40 56. 6 Good Semi-cmp.
’ DeKalb F-62 63. 8- 18. O 8-24 30 43 55. 9 Fair Loose
Plainsman 65· 21-/ 17. 8 8-25 29 39 54. 9L/ Good Compact
- Texas 620 59. 0 16. 6 8-19 33 46 54. 7 Good Semi-cmp.
Westland 57. 2 16. 5 8 -22 28 39 55. 5 Fair Semi-cmp.
DeKalbD-50 69. 81/17.9 8-19 35 48 55.0 Fair Loose
Redbine 58 54. 2- 15. 4 8 -22 30 42 54. 6 Good Compact
Texas 610 71.3 16.4 8-18 32 45 54.6 Good Semi-cmp.
Means 60.8 16.6 8-21 32 44 55.1
L. S. D. 10. 0
1/ Significant differences in yield and test weight existed between row
· _ spacings at the 5% level.
 1 Row DeKalb F-62 Redbine 58 Plainsman
Spacing Yield Yield Yield Test Weight
14" 56.1 62.4 58.0 54.0
42" 71.6 46.0 72.3 55.8
Table 10. 1955 - Princeton, Planted May 31,1955.
Height to Test
Variety Acre Mogs- Date Top Top of wt.
° Yield ture Headed Leaf Plant lbs/bu.
bu. 9¤ ins. ins. lb?
Plainsman 42.2 13.5 8-10 29 40 54.7
Darset 42.1 14.0 8-6 29 38 55.5
Midland 33.7 15.0 8-2 36 46 54.1
Norghum 32.2 13.0 7-25 34 43 53.9
V Redlan 28. 3 15. 5 8-12 36 45 52. 3
Westland 44.6 14.4 8-6 29 39 56.8
Early Combine Hegari 39. 5 14. 5 7 -28 43 54 54. 5
Means 37.5 14.2 8-4 34 44 54.6
L. S. D. 8. 2

 Table 11. Sorgo Variety Test, Quicksand, Kentucky, 1956. _
Variety Stalks Extraction Degrees per ton per Acre ing
Tons7Acze 94 Gal. Gal. 9a
Williams 11.2 45.0 15.7 15.7 175.8 98 1
Sart 18.3 38.1 17.3 14.6 267.2 12
Tracy 12.0 49.2 16.7 18.2 218.4 16
Wiley 12.5 37.8 17.1 14.3 178.8 94
Mer 53-6 15.4 34.0 15.1 11.4 175.6 88
Umbrella 13.2 52.2 13.4 15. 5 204.6 79 ·
Sugar Drip 15.4 42.9 15.1 15.7 241.8 41
Honey 11.6 41.4 15.9 14.7 170.5 85
Red Top 11.7 46.2 14.7 15.3 179.0 39 W
Honey Drip 15.3 43.3 14.7 14.1 215.7 47
Waconia 8.6 47.8 16.2 17.2 147.9 42
Collier 706C 12.4 32.8 17.6 15.2 188.5 7
Wh.African 14.2 36.8 18.5 15.1 214.4 62
Mean 13.2 42.1 16.0 15.2 198.3 55
L. S. D. 3. 0 48. O
Table 12. 1954 - 1956, Quicksand. ;
Stripped Juice Brix Sirup Lodg- ·
Variety Stalks Extraction Degrees per Acre ing _
T0ns7Acre 9e Gal. 9.:
Williams 9,9 38.1 15. 6 127 58
Sart 12,9 29.2 16.2 154 4
'I`racy1/ 11.3 37.1 16.9 157 5
Wiley- 1/ 10.4 33.3 17.2 135 47 _
Umbrella-. 9.6 43.4 14.9 141 40 _
Sugar D/rip 11.9 36.3 13.7 141 18 °
Honey-. 8.4 37.8 15.1 114 43
Collier 706C 9.8 29.4 17.8 126 3
Wh. African 12.8 34.4 17.2 165 21
1/ Data are averages for 1955 and 1956. Yields in 1955 were extremely
_ low because of drought. ·

 ` Table 13. Sorgo Variety Test - Hawesville, Kentucky, 1956.
Stripped Juice Brix Sirup Sirup Lodg-
. Variety Stalks Extraction Degrees per ton per acre ing
Williams 12. 3 48.1 18.1 19. 3 237 57
" Sart 15.6 49.3 16.1 17.6 275 7
Tracy 12.4 48.3 14.6 15.6 193 25
Wiley 13.6 47.2 16.6 17.4 237 22
. Mer 53-6 17.3 48.7 15.6 16.8 291 23
Umbrella 12.8 49.9 16.1 17.8 228 38
.. Sugar Drip 14.0 50.4 15,6 17.4 244 14
Honey 15.6 51.8 12.6 14.5 226 25
Red Top 12.0 49.9 16.1 17.8 214 17
Honey Drip 14. 3 49.1 16.1 17. 5 250 22
Waconia 9. 9 39. 7 17.1 18. 5 183 71
Mean 13.6 48.4 15.9 17. 3 234 29
L. S. D. 4. 0
Table 14. 1954 and 1956, Hawesville.
, Sirup Brix    
Variety Per Acre Degrees Lodging;/V
; Gal. % V’—
Williams 238 17. 3
Sart 288 16. 4
Tracy 218 14. 8
’ Umbrella 231 15. 7
Sugar Drip 220 14. 9
Honey Drip 254 16. O
Means 242 15. 9 V T7
1/ 1954 test was blown down during a wind and rain storm.
(1 1)