xt786688hz66 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt786688hz66/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1979-08-03 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, August 3, 1979, no. 285 text The Green Bean, August 3, 1979, no. 285 1979 1979-08-03 2014 true xt786688hz66 section xt786688hz66  /  I HE GREEN BEAN  
August 9-23 Steam Shutdown in Margaret I. King
August 10 Reservation for Faculty Lunch
August 31 ACTS Fall Meeting - place change
EXHIBITS: King North, Fine Books
King South, Posters
Contributors: Colleen Holmes, John Bryant, Barbara Galik, Rebekah
Harleston (editor), Lee Hisle, Faith Harders, Paul Willis. ‘

Terminal Installation
Solinet Terminals have been installed in the Cataloging Dept. located on
the third floor of King North, and the Agriculture Library received its
new Terminal July l9th. August l5 is the tentative date for the next
Terminal installations and includes Reference and ILL in King South and
the Law Library. Printer will be made available to these units when the
new shipment arrives. No final date has been established for printers
delivery but Sept. l was promised by the vendor.
A These installations will give direct on-line access to many more units of
the Library for Cataloging, Interlibrary Loans as well as other benefits
derived from having a terminal in-house.
I C.O.M. Catalog
Ten copies each of our author-title and Subject C.O.M. Catalogs have been
received from Solinet. The First edition has come to us unedited and in
microfiche format only. The Cataloging Dept., Special Collections, Reference,
Medicine, Agriculture and Law have all received copies for reviewing and
suggested changes or corrections. All suggestions and corrections will
be compiled by the Cataloging Dept. in the next two weeks. We would like
to have our requested changes ready for Solinet by Sept. l. There are
three copies in the Catalog Dept. and a display copy in the Director's
Office. We encourage all Branch Librarians and other staff to review our
first product.
Should the present edition prove acceptable for use by those in Public
Service and the Associate and Branch Librarians, then the catalog will be
tried out with patrons. The C.O.M. in its present edition will be available
for demonstration purposes. The second edited C.O.M. catalog will be
reproduced in 30 copies. 30 fiche readers have been delivered.
The Cataloging Dept.
The Bindery, formerly attached to the Collection Development Dept., has
been-transferred administratively as an additional unit in the   Dept. The
unit will concentrate more heavily this year on repairs, in-house binding
and preservation efforts. The labelling function has been tranferred to
the new Cataloging maintenance unit.
The Cataloging maintenance unit,headed by Ms. Sandra Muenks, began opera-
tion in July. This unit will handle all card filing and distribution,
labelling, transfers and withdrawals of monographs, and the card and C.O.M.
Catalog maintenance and service. Anyone having questions concerning
receipt of material — i.e. books, catalog cards or C.O.M. products should
contact Ms. Muenks at 7-3831 or 3-2729.
The reclassification conversion unit is now a part of the Cataloging Dept.
Joan Gatewood, who is in charge of the unit, will concentrate on conversion
and reclassification efforts. Mary Welch has been asked to give continued _
support to the serials conversion project. The card filing and labelling
efforts of this unit have now been assumed by the Cataloging maintenance
Reclassification - Conversion Status I
The reclassification—conversion project is now entering the second and
final year. The special funding has allowed the library to adopt the

Library of Congress classification and reclass several existing collections
and selected titles. The most significant single project was the reclassi-
fication and conversion of the entire reference and reference bibliography
collection in the King Library.
1979/80 projects include a serials conversion effort (not to include-
reclassification), beginning with those periodicals in the King buildings
which are not already on-line. The goal is to begin actively building
_ an automated serials file for future public and technical service appli-
cations. An additional monographic conversion project is being considered,
possibly with the assistance of a vendor. A omnjnual , selective, reclassi-
fication effort (e.g. the theatre arts collection and Art Reference
material currently underway) will be carried out in addition to our
remaining reclassification-conversion projects.
New Faculty Member
Kathy Holden joins the Government Publications Department with primary
responsibilities as state document librarian.
Last reminder for Faculty Lunch
The fall faculty meeting is scheduled August 24 at Spindletop. The manage-
ment needs to know the exact number of people who will be eating. Do
have the payment no later than August lO. If you do not sign up and pay
in advance you will not be abletm &m;thema Please make checks payable to
University of Kentucky Libraries, with memo "lunch" and send to Barbara
Galik, Reference. $4.50.
ACTS Fall Meeting
The fall meeting will convene in the Gallery of King North at 9:00 AM for
a morning meeting. Representatives from Personnel were unable to partici-
pate in a full day's Carnahan House affair. This presentation will be
scheduled for a later time.
Nancy Sterling Lambert Scholarship
This award, sponsored by Blackwell‘s, the Oxford booksellers, is being
awarded in the United States for the first time in this, the Centennial
year of the firm. The Scholarship will provide the recipient with a grant
of approximately $9,500 U.S. for study at the College of Librianship Wales
in Aberystuth.
For further information, see Mr. Willis.
The Curator for Special Book Collections in Special Collections is being
advertized as we did not find any suitable candidates at ALA. Any current
staff member interested in the position should see Faith Harders. ,
LT I (night door checker) - If interested, see Faith Harders
LT II LTI Library - If interested, contact Lee Hisle at 8-4919
LT III NYM If interested, see Faith Harders

 ..q- A
Faculty position — teaching and research, University of Tennessee, Graduate
School of Library and Information Science. Salary $17,000 to $23,000.
Position available January]. or Sept. l, 1980. ··
· Instructor and Reference Librarian, Iowa State University. Salary $12,000 —
$14,500. Application deadline August 24. · _

 _5_ ,    
_ \
{ I Director] I
· . I g..I, _ - Associate Directorl I
I. Branches Division I
I I Architecture Librar_
[ Collection Develoément F--- _ ]Art Libraril
I ` A ._ -—]B10log1cal Sciences L1b.|
  I ·
_. _ ___. _,__ ·- Business Librar
[EEQiEEEQEQEE}-———-—————-—-——— ·I —— Chem1str_ Ph sics Lib.
I ‘ I ‘ ‘ —— Education Librar_ I
S•ecial Collections --—-—-— .
_ ·I —— Engineering Librar
_ I —- Geoloe Librar
- I _ ·—¥ Math L1brar_ ·
» " I .. Music Librarx
‘ . _ Listening Center
Asst. Dir. or Ass . rir. or Asst. Dir. or I
Public Serv. Tech. Services Admin. Services
Public Services Div. Tec nica Serv. Div. I It --
  Circulation De•t. I Cata oging Dept. W b I- — .I
i Government Pub. I SO Lne I._ I I
· Interlibrar Loan E KEEEEEEEJ _ u  ‘ ·_.
Reference A Rec ass I t£m A,
‘ Ma s . I · CII I
‘ ·‘ Acq./Periodical· _
_ AIDS INST; News Microform
I II SERVICES _ . ;‘- . I I ` '
~· _· _.U ‘. .I— Ac•uisitions ‘
~ I?Y_ HI 4 Per. News Micro. .
I I July 1979