xt786688hn42 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt786688hn42/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1938-09-20  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, September 20, 1938 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 20, 1938 1938 1938-09-20 2013 true xt786688hn42 section xt786688hn42 JiHE

Fares In Deans
As reported
Dean Wiest was calling Dean Evans on Friday
after the pap"r had come out.
'Hello. Dean Evans. That's a mighty pretty face you're wearing today
in the Kernel." You see, about 2:3C
Monday morning, in making up the
paper Dran Evans'
placed over Dean Wiest's name and
vice versa. The two men had every
reason to be provoked but they
took it
It giver
you a mighty good feeling to know
:hat the big men on the campus
have forgiving hearts. Thanks


















Bij Hlue Shows Hot and Cold
Football In Exhibition
On UK Gridiron



Bark Fire
We knew it would hapen. It was
be a joke, but not on us.
Last issue's Clearing House carried
the following: "One week's issue of
the Lakewood Times" carried a
mistake. A Fentence stated that
Mr. Jchn Smith is a defective in the
police force.' Carrying a correction
of the typographical error, the paper
next week stated: 'Our paper last
week stated that Mr. John Smith
is a defective in the police force.
This was an error. Mr. Smith is a
detective in the police force.' "
Which certainly wasn't humorous.
The "correction" as carried by the
"Tim?s" read. "Mr. Smith is a
in the police farce.

meant to


Headlines over an Associated Press
story: "Geniuses Held Not Subject
To Insanity." Now we can 11 breathe easily.

Sour Mxsh
For the benefit of those who are
used to associating Sour Mash, humor magazine, with the Kernel, we
wish to make what we hope is a
clarifying statement- - Al Vogel is
new operating the magazine with
Don Irvine as his editor. The publication is in no way connected with
The Kernel or the Board of Student
Publications as previously. We are
making this announcement because
we are frequently praised or panned, as the case may be. for something which appeared in the humor
magazine or asked to accept original writing for same.

Spectators Witness
First Full Length


1938 Grid Battle
Approximately 2.500 fans, on hand
to preview the Wildcat football j
team .were treated to alternately
hot and cold football Saturday after-neo- n
on Stoll field as the Blue
and White varsity rolled over the
freshman practice mates by a 33-- 6
Four members of the varsity that
carried Coach Ab Kirwan's opening assignment
blessing. Scott,
Combs. Eibner. and Willoughby.
are sophomores.
tricky laterals were shown, enough
was demonstrated
in the way of
pass slinging to demonstrate that
one of the strong cards in Kirwan's
01 tensive
uit will be passing.
Still rather spotty, the blocking
and tackling of the entire squad
showed vast improvement.
Individual honors were shared
by Carl Combs. 173 pound varsity
halfback and Junie Jones, freshn
man halfback who played for
at Manual high school two
years ago. Combs personally lugged
across two of the varsity markers
and threw perfect passes which resulted in two more. Jones, after
sparkling the frosh in a drive down
the field late in the last half,
passed to Don Kelly in the end
zone for the freshman touchdown.
Before two minutes of the time
had elapsed the varsity had pushed
over a score. Carnes booted the
opening kickoff down to the frosh
line where it was downed.
After two futile attempts at the
line the Kittens punted to the
line. On the first
plav Dameron Davis broke over
tackle for a
and retaliated on the next play by
skirting end for 45 yards and moving the leather to the frosh
marker. Carnes picked up 3 yards
at center and Combs broke over
tackle for the touchdown. The try
for extra point, a place kick by
Carnes, split the uprights.
The second score came just after the second quarter opened. With
the ball on the freshmen 34 yard
in two attempts
line. Carnes
through the line moved the ball to
stripe. Combs lunged
over tackle for two and followed
through the same hole with six
more. Carnes plowed over centar
for a first down on the 10 after
Davis was nailed for no gain.
(Continued on Page Six)


Members of the House Committee
in the Union building are asking
that students refrain from dropping
chewing gum in the fountains of
the new structure. It is not only
unsightly but gums up the works.


Regimented Medicine
Here's a subject which ought to
start a first rate argument. Being
ccllege students, we should be able
to judge more intelligently than the
average public. (Whether we do or
not is a question. There has been
a great deal of argument over whether we should have socialized
medicine or not. The American
Medical Association says that insurance, or so much a month to
keep you well, would tend to regiment medicine especially if the patient had no choice in the selection
of his physician. Yet a great many
cities are already operating such
plans. Personally, we think it is a
good idea if it can be kept free of
politics and the hospitals
large enough staffs so that the patient may secure a fairly wide selection of doctors.
Let us have your opinions.
Kids No. 1
"Something should be done about
the stags who insist on holding a
Rotarian convention in the center
of the Student Union dance floor.
Not that we have anything against
Rotarian conventions, although we
wouldn't be seen at once, but the
center of a dance floor, especially
during a dance, is no place for a
convenf.on." G. L.
Kids No.


"Harry Williams says he doesn't
mind cokes being weak, but those
at the Student Union Grill are
A. E.

"We have heard a number of
students ask why a nickelodian is
not installed in the ballroom of the
Sub. The take from this machine
would easily pay for jthe upkeep of
the floors and the electricity used.
Now that one of the old favorite
night clubs is no longer, students
are looking for a new place to spend
their change for a few dances."
Note: The coking hour from 3:30 to
5:00, in the new building
take care of the situation.

Standing Room Only
"It would seem that in an institution the size of Kentucky there
would at least be enough seats and
professors to take care of the num-

ber of pupils desirous of enrolling
in certain classes. Some of these
classes are so full that not enough
seats can be put in the room and
the overflow must stand around the
walls and sit in the windows. There
must be some solution other than
barring students from the class by
limiting tHe enrollment V R. W.
With the new building program, the
University is taking care of that as
fau ah possible.
In Conclusion

just out of the
hospital but not able to return to

Ed Pearce.

school, is collaborating with Don
Irvine on Sidelings in this issue.
Andrew Eekdahl is back with Behind The Eekdahl. Didi Castle carries on and we welcome a new columnist. Jim Caldwell with Kenning
The Campus. Joe Creason outdoes
huuself in "Calling 'Em Wild" which
has all our apnroval. We believe
that Harry Williams will be back
with the inimitable Scrap Irony in
next issue
and so to press et 12
o dtxJt.




Engineers Aquire

Student Union


Cards At All Times
bership cards durint; registration, are asked to call at
room 122 in the Union building. Cards must be in the
students possession at all

times as they will frequently
be called for. In effort to
reserve dances fpr the University students, it is imperative that these cards be kept.



Arrives To Arrange
For Ticket Drive

Mr. Charles L. Wagner,
York, widely known concert
arrive today for the 1938-3- 9
Artist Concert Series. The campaign will be conducted
at the
Phoenix hotel beginning today and
continuing through Saturday.
No singe seats will be sold to any
of these concerts but reserved seats
can be had at $5.80 by comunlca-tin- g
with Miss Anna Chandler
Goff, who is in charge of the sale
of tickets. Early reservations should
be made to assure good locations.
Five concerts composed of such
great artists as Jeanette MacDon-almotion picture and concert
artist ; the Wagnerian Festival Singers, a grand opera group of eight
internationally known singers; the
Salzburg Trapp Choir, a group of
famous fingers and instrumentaln
ists: Alexander Kipnis. the
basso; and Walter Giese-kinFranco-Germa- n
pianist will
comprise the 1938-3- 9
concerts will be held at the Henry
Cay High School auditorium at
8:15 o'clock throughout the season.
man-agerw- ill




New Programs At
UK Radio Studios
The University radio studios will
carry three new programs, beginning September 21. 26 and 27.
"Behind the Headlines" will be a
table dealing with subjects in the
current public mind. Three persons,
qualified to discuss the subject at
hand, but of diverging viewpoints
will appear on each program. The
series will be under the general

direction of Dr. Huntley Dupre. associate professor of history, beginning September 21.
opTwelve weekly
eratic presentations will start on
Tuesday. September 27. Each program will be devoted to one of the
grand operas, and will
contain performances of the typical
musical numbers and sufficient dialogue to clearly indicate the plot.
Alexander Capurso. instructor in
music, will direct the program.



"Panamericana." featuring


Persons Desiring Positions
Are Asked 'lo Apply
This Week

Concert Manager


Applications of students for appointments to the committees of
the Student Union Building are being received at Room 122 of the
Union Building this week Mrs. Ethel Lebus, hostess announced today.
Two hundred students are needed
to fill the committees sa.d Mrs. Lebus.
The applicant is to list his
pielerer.ee oi the committees as
nrst, second, secend. and EiAOIN
first, second, and third.
The committees are the house,
the periodical, the publicity, the activity, the music, the foium, tne
dance, and the tournament.
Students interested in bridge, camera, hiking, and other committees
are to leave their preferences in order that the Board of Directors of
the Union may kno wwhat the student body is interested in mcst find
thus, create new committees to fill
the need.
Ihese committees are to serve as
a proving ground for those who wish
to become members of the Board
of Directors,
ext April, a list ot
those who a reeligibie to member-snito the Board will be taken
from the members of the committees on a merit system. Tne work
and ability of the students who served on the committees will be considered by the Boarfd and the new
members of the Board will be selected on merit alone.
The hcuse committee will be in
charge of enforcing the house rules
i n the Union
Thompson is chairman oi this committee. Runnele Palmore is chairman of the periodical committee
which will be in charge of the magazines in the building. The activity committee,
with Crittenden
Lowery as chairman, will be m
charge of all student activities as
hiking, camera study, etc.
Mary Duncan is chairman of the
music committee, which is to sponsor a music appreciation hour from
6:45 to 7:30 o'clock every Thursday
evening in the Music Room. The
tournament committee will be in
charge of all ping pong, billiard,
and bridge tournaments.
The dance committee will have
charge of the selection of the numbers for the special
be dedicated
to the independents of the campus. Tne
will consist of a
of three numbers. One number will be the favorite song of a
sorority on the campus and the
other two will consist of the favor
ite scng of two fraternities on the
The publicity committee will
handle the publicity for the building and Ruth Johnston will act as

ty, fifteen minute programs, will be
heard beginning September 26. Each
X-Rprogram will be devoted to some
one Central or South American
country and will contain not only
four musical compositions of that
machines are beTwo new
particular country, but will also
in the Metallurgy feature a dallogue between David
ing installed
Department of the College of En- M. Young, teacher of physical gegineering and will be under the ography, and a staff announcer. chairman.
The forum committee will spon
direction of Dr. Lester Tarnopol, The studio staff orchestra and
recently appointed assistant profes- soloists will appear on each pro- sor book reviews and discussion on
world topics.
sor of Metallurgy.
The Boaid of Directors consists
There wil be one 200.000 volt. 25
cf Thomas Rees, acting president;
millionpere oil cooled radiographic
Kutii Jonnston, secretary; Berkley
machine for the
Benneson, treasurer; Runnele Pal- cf welds and castings which will be
more, Homer Thompson, William J.
capable of doing industrial as well
Gorman, Mary Duncan,
as routine work. A special lead lined
In order that new popular books, tenden Lowery, as studentand Crit
room having 12 inch brick walls is
plays, and Dean
being constructed in the North wing best
Sarah Blanding, Dean T.
books much
of the College of Engineering to poetry and other taken from in T. Jones, and Dana Card as faculty
might be
house this machine. This is neces- demand by
students, the old Brows- members. at present on
sary in order to protect students library
the House
ing room has been rearranged for
and workers from penetrating
a collection of popular and modern Committee are Margaret Ellen
Smith, Ronald J. Sharp, J. Bruce
It will be the most powerful books.
Sullivan, Wilce Carnes, Lawrence
machine in this section of the
Two thousand books have already Spears,
country and is equal to or better been put
in the collection. The ppper, Louis T. Iglehart, Bernard
than those of other schools.
Harold Black. Peeirv Ann
rental collection will also be loThe other
machine is a 50.- - cated in the Browsing room and an "Weakley, Edward Gholscn, Homer
OOC vclt diffraction outfit for atomic
William M. SumDter.
will be on duty to charge Thompson,
structure work and is of the very attendant and to answer questions. Lloyd Ramsey. Dameron Davis, and
out books
latest design. The inner workings Any books except those in the ren- wave facott. The house committee
of metals will be explored and the tal collection may be taken out will consist of approximately
atomic structures disclosed.
for two weeks at a time.
The room will be open daily except Sunday from 9 a. m. until 5:30
p. m. and from 7:00 until 10:00
o'clock. On Sundays it will be open
from 2:00 until 5:00 p. m.
A new night
course in public
health nursing will be given this
As a
semester at the University, it was
the University is operated under the
announced Saturday.
direction of a board of trustees com- Dr. Amry Vandenbosch Says
three-cred- it
class will be
He Doubts If II. S. Could
held at 7:30 o'clock each Monday posed of fifteen members.
and Wednesday in Room 205 of the membership of this board includes
Remain Aloof
Health building, formerly the Law the Governor, the superintendent of
public instruction, and the commisCollege building.
Miss Elma Rood assistant nrn- - sioner of agriculture,
As the artillery of discordant
fessor of hygiene and lecturer in twelve members appointed by the Europe rolls toward enemy fronpublic health nursing, will be in Governor, three of whom are alu- tiers, and with international resmni of the University and three, pect descending to a level savoring
charge of the course.
This new course will consider members of the state board of ag- that of 1914, the shadow of a genways of improving the teaching riculture .
eral world conflict, which not so
the public health
many years ago seemed too remote
nurse in home visits, clinics, mothto create a stir, today stands no
classes, and
ers' conferences and
long as a mere improbability. Toin general field contacts, discusday it is an imposing fact. Actually
and practice.
it is so imposing that every big
world power is reared for the charge
at a moment's notice.
Thanksgiving holidays for UniIt is here fitting to restate the
versity studauts will begin at 8 a. m.
remarks of two prominent political
Invitations to sorority parThursday, November 24. and will
scientists who last year on this
ties are distributed daily from
continue until 8 a. m. Monday, Nocampus made known their opinions
9:30 a. m. to 2 p. m. at the
vember 28. The annual Turkey-da- y
on the possibility of war. Dr. Amry
office of the Dean of Women.
foctball game with the University
Vandenbosch, head of the UniverDorothy Babbitt, president of
of Tennessee will be played in
sity political science department exthe woman's Pan Hellenic,
Knoxville this
pressed doubt that, the United
Students must
States could remain immune from
reply to all invitations reEDUCATION COLLEGE
a clash on the continent if the
ceived in order to avoid conwar lasted any length of time. "It
fusion. If they do not intend
For admission to the College of
depends on the conditions accomto attend parties, it is still
Education a student must have atpanying the war," he stated.
necessary that they answer
tained junior classification with a
Addressing a Memorial hall conthem.
standing of at least one fan aver.t
vocation. Dr. Herman Finer,
age c c in .ill pret icus. werti
a'j'.liurHy c:: v.crM ilfsirs


Library To Offer
New 'Best Sellers'

Night Course Added

To UK Curriculum



ONLY 104

organizamen's leadership
tion, will meet at 6:30 o'clock,
Thursday evening, September
22. in the cafeteria of the
McVey will speak at a business meeting following the
dinner. All faculty and student members are asked to

Mrs. Ethel Lebus Is Receiving
Applications In Rcom 122
Union Building


Receive Approval
Board of Trustees

and departmental
aides were made and approved recently by the Board of Trustees of
the University.
duate assistants,

They include:




graduate assistant, department



Jack Mahony. senior assistant in
anatomy and physiology.
Wellington Cochran,
structor in physics department.
Martin Sweets, graduate assistant
in physics department.
S. B. Wallace, instructor in Engineering College, for work in thermodynamics, 1938-'3- 9.
C. E. Pike, graduate assistant in




markets and sural

finance for a period of 10 months.
James H. Clarke, assistant in department of markets and rural finance. Experiment station.
Mildred G. Kidd, clerk in department of public service, Experiment

James Distler. graduate assistant
in the bureau of social service for

Sixty-Si- x

Students Have Enrolled
With six more days left in which
to register, the number of students
enrolled in the University
reached a total of 3.431. a number
only 104 shoit of the all time high
of 3.535, set at the close cf registration last year.
With a degree of optimism more
noticeable than that of last Thursday, officials at the Registrar's office stated that this years enrollment would probably crack the record.
One hundred-sixty-si- x
have enrolled since last Thursday
expected that a still greatand it is
er number will register before the
Regastrar's office closes on Monday, September 26. The exact number of freshmen who have registered is not yet available.
Monday will also be the deadline
for changing or entering an organized class. The Registrar's office
will be open from 9:30 a. m. until
12 noon and from 2 to 3 p. m. on an
week days except Saturday. On
Saturday the office will be open
from 9:30 a. m. until 12 noon.
The enrollment for the regular
period this year was only 40 higher
than the number signing for the
same period last year when the all
time record was set. This indicates
that when and if the record is broken, the margin will be slight.
Spearlfcaded by a total of 3,217
for the regular registration period
last year, the number climbed steadily until the record of 3.535 was
This number topped by 456 the
number of students registering during the regular period in 1936. The
number registering during the regular period in September 1936 was

nine months.
Henry S. McGuire. assistant bacteriologist, department cf public
service laboratories.
Hayden Rogers, assistant in agronomy in Experiment station.
Miss Azile May Woflord, assistant
professor of library science.
James C. Humphries. Junior technician iH bacteriology department.
Miss Virginia Richardson, assistant in sociology.
David L. MacFarland, instructor
in form economics. Experiment sta3.079.
W. D.' Armstrong, horticulturist.
Experiment station.
Dr. Marshall David Ketchum, assistant professor of economics.
Williafti T. McQuilkin, research
assistant bureau of business re- Kentucky Personnel Bulletin
search. .
Publishes Article Praising
Victor W. Pfeifler. instructor in

Ezra Gillis Lauded
For His Leadership

mathematics department.
Clay Lancaster, student assistant,

department of art.

Alexander Capurso. assistant to
director of Carnegie Community
Music Study and adviser to the
head of the music department.
Mrs. Mary Ada Sullivan, of the
library staff was given temporary
leave of absence for October, November, and December.



Tribute was paid to Ezra L. Gillis
of the University, for
"his leadership and influence in
training registrars." in a paper
written by Robert Mahan, University graduate and holder of the
master's degree in psychology, and
published in this month's issue of

the Kentucky Personnel Bulletin.
The articje commented that the
work of Mr. Gillis brings to this
school the distinction of leadership
in his field. The bulletin in which
the article appears is issued by the
University Personnel Bureau and is
YW.YM Sponsor Organization edited by Dr. J. B. Miner.
The September issue of the bullFor Discussion Of
etin, also contains a study made by
Prof. E. J. Asher. associate professor of psychology, on "The ReliaInaugurating a new plan where- bility and Validity of the Kentucky
by freshmen may meet for discus- General Scholastic and Kentucky
sing common problems, the first English Tests;" and a story on
meeting of the Freshman Club, "Mental Hygiene A
sponsored by the YW and YMCA. Enterprise," by Dr. Margaret Rat-lif- f.
will be held at 7 o'clock tonight in
instructor in psychology at the
the "Y" rooms of the Union build- University.
Campbell Miller, president of the
YMCA. and Mary Elizabeth
president, will welYWCA
come freshmen into the club. Betty
Elliot and Arthur Plummer will
act as upperclass chairmen of the
The general program of the first
All students interested in
semester wil be outlined by Elizaworking on the advertising
staff of the Kernel please
"How to Study," "Boy and Girl
report to the Kernel business
Relationships." and "The Relationoffice, basemnt McVey hall,
ship of Science and Religion," are
this afternoon at 3 o'clock.
the subjects scheduled for the
weekly meetings.

Frosh Club Meeting
Scheduled Tonight


Kernel Business
Staff Asks For

When Received


professor at the University of London, emphasized he gravity of the
European tangle and declared it
would be a test for democracy. It
remained for the democratic powers to preserve the doctrine of liberty, equality, and fraternity in order to exist as powers, he said. Adhering to these statements then-- , a
close examination of the international situation bears out their
authority and validity.
Two of the three great democracies li. e. so far as principle is
concerned! France and Great Britain, are prepared to wage war as
a guarantee to their security. Military authorities in London and
Paris, though reluctant to reveal
the exact extent of martial preparations and cooperation, have already confessed and formulated
plans for a united offensive. Here
in the United States, while we pre
fer neutrality via any feasible
course of international diplomacy
or home administration, we are.
nevertheless, prepared for "M" day
mobilization. Thus, the lines are
definitely drawn for combat. Democracies WILL fight to preserve
those three rights liberty, equality
and fraternity.
However. J. ausl whes f ir cssse.


not be alone for
preserving individual freedom, but
one to insure the combatants further existence as states of the
Vandenbosch s
statement referring to the United
States, it appears very likely that
conditions accompanying a European clash will prove powerful
enough to draw us onto foreign
soil. Coupled with Britain's strong
diplomatic pressure and home sentiment, the picture of this country
in war is not at all a skeptical one.
Dr. Vandenbosch remarked that
Americans were not certain as to
which policy to pursue in reference
to foreign affairs. Of course, at the
time, his statement was aimed at
the huge navy construction plan
which, when completed, is supposed
to rank us very high on the seas.
If that navy were to be used for
"national interests." Dr.
Vandenbosch said, it would draw
us into war.
If we may stretch the term "nato include our
tional interests"
natural interest in the welfare of
France and Britain, then we are
approaching the battle line as rapidly as the rest of the world The
Pugs Six'

the conflict



Memorial Hall To Be Scene
Of Initial Assembly
Of Semester

y. y


Purpose Of Meeting To Aid
Student In Becoming



Since Thursday

Professor's Predictions Of Last Year
On European Situation Become Facts

Coeds Must Reply
To Sorority Bids



Within Reach


of instructors,


All Time High Set Last Year,
3,535 Approximately





Union Thursday


All ftudents. who did not
receive Students Union mem-


ODK Meeting
To Be Held In





In an effort to acquaint new students with various officers of the
University and of student organisations, the first general convocation of the year will be held at 10
a. m. today in Memorial hall. Pres.
Frank L. McVey will addresg the
assembly on the subject. "The University As A Community." Mayor
E. Reed Wilson and the Right Reverend H. P. Abbob will be present.
An anual custom, this 73rd convocation has as its purpose the assisting of new students to become
accustomed to their new surroundings.
On the platform with President
McVey will be all deans of ie colleges, the dean of men and the dean
of women, commandant of the University ROTC. registrar, business
agent, director of the summer session, secretaries of the YWCA and
YMCA. the athletic director, coaches
of football and basketball teams,
captains of athletic teams, president
of the Association of Women Students, editor of the Kernel, editor
of the Kentuckian. and the director
of the Student Union building.
Various important announcements
will be made by Doctor McVey during the hour. All third hour classes
will be dismissed for the convocation and all upper classmen as well
as freshmen are invited to attend.


DQ.fRlNtt L Mc&Y

Wildcats To Meet New Teams
In Toughest University
Football Schedule
Looking forwsCrd to a rosier grid
sky. the Kentucky football schedule for the 1939 season has been
released by Athletic Director Ber-ni- e
Shively and the list stacks up
as one of the toughest cards ever
booked for a Cat team.
Five games with Southeastern
Conference opposition is included
on the nine game list. The season
will open a week late when Virginia Military Institute parades onto Stoll field September 30. The
second Saturday will find the Cats
in Nashville for a battle with the
Vanderbilt Commodores. On sucOglethorpe and
cessive week-enthe University of Georgia will
make local appearances. Georgia, a
grid stranger to the cats, has for
years been one of the strongest
teams in the South.
The Blues will don their travelling uniforms foi" their next three
starts as on October 28. November
4 and 11. Xavier.
Alabama, and
Georgia Tech. respectively, will be
(Continued on Page Six)

Five New Teachers
Have Been Added
To Ag College Staff
Five new teachers have been
added to the staff of the College of
Agriculture and new courses in
livestock, home economics, forestry
and horse production have been
added to the curriculum.
G. H. Wiggin. College of Agriculture forester at Quicksand. Ky.,
will teach two new courses in forestry. -- The Outline of Forestry"
and "Farm Woodlots."
Miss Ann Eyl has been added to
the staff of Home Economics teachers: Lawrence Bradford has been
made asisiant professor of farm
economics; Mr. A. J. Brown is assistant professor of marketing and
Mr. David McFarland is instructor
in farm economics.
Other new courses which have
been added to the curriculum include "Horse Production." a three
credit course open to any University student which will be taught
by L. J. Horlacher. assistant dean
of the College of Agriculture; "AdLivestock
taught by Dr. W. P. Garrigus; and
taught by Miss Frances Seeds.



Entry List For Touch Football
And Tennis Due By
September 29
Entry lists for touch football and
tennis doubles and singles, the first
activities on the Intramural Department activity card for the year,
will close September 29 at 6 o'clock,
to an announcement
from Intramural headquarters yes-

The touch football tourney is
slated to get under way October 4
with play in both the fraternity
and independent leagues. An entry fee of $1.50 per team will be
levied and each independent squad
will be limited to 15 members. The
rosters of all independent teams
will be final after the first game
and no changes will be made thereafter. Official touch football rules
will govern play and referees will
be furnished by the department for
all scheduled games.
Practice balls may be checked
out from Howard Jnnes at the
equipment room in the basement
of Alumni Gym. Trophy awards will
be given winners and runners-u- p
both the fraternity and independent leagues. A double elimination
tournament will be used.
A fee of $1.00 will be charged for
entering a team of seven men in the
tennis singles. A like charge will be
made for a doubles team composed
of four members. The contestants
are responsible for contacting each
other concerning the time their
match is to be contested. All matches must be played on scheduled
time or forfeited. In case a forfeiture is absolutely necessary, a forfeit must be placed in the blue box
located in the Intramural office before the dead line.
All organizations expecting to enter teams in any of the activities
due to be contested during the year
are requested to hand in a list of
the activities and pledges for tabulation in the participation record.
An important meeting of all unit
managers will be held at 5 p. nr.
Monday. September 26. in the basement of Alumni gym. All organizations are asked to send a representative.
Any freshmen students desiring
to try out for positions to handle
the many duties connected with
the intramural program should inquire at the Innimural Office. Medal awards are given for work during
the first two years and sweater
awards the junior and senior years.
Points toward ODK are also given
for managership in mtramurals.


Military Department
Lifts Course Quota
Due to an increased quota from
headquarters in the 5th corps area,
a certain number of juniors may
enroll in advanced military science
for the ensuing year provided their
academic and military grades were
satisfactory last semester. All interested juniors should see Colonel
Howard Donnelly on the 3rd floor of
the Armory.

All members of Phi Upsilon Omi-





fraternity, are asked to meet at
o clock
Thursday evening,
September 22 in the Phi U rooms
of the Agriculture buildup.
Tryou's for the girls' glee club
will be held from 3 to 4 p. m. today in the Art Center.
An important meeting of SuKy
will be held at 5 p. m. m