xt786688h67n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt786688h67n/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1911-06-may30. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1911-06-may30. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1911-06-may30. 1911 1911-06-may30. 2011 true xt786688h67n section xt786688h67n 

nINWTES OF MEH BOARD OF TRUSTEES    -       May 30, 1911

     The Board of Trustees of the State University met in annual session in the

Trustees' Room in the Gymnasium on Tuesday, May 30, 1911, at two o'clock P.M.

    Present: Messrs. Carpenter, Cox, Smith, Terrell, Clay, Davies, Stoll,

              Wathen, Edelen, Nichols, Patterson, Regenstein, and President


    Absent:   Gov. Wilson, Messrs. Wialker, Atkinson, Turner.

    In the absence of the Governor, Lieut. Gov. Cox was requested to act as Chairman.

     The Secretary then read the minutes of the last meeting of the Board, with the

exception of the option on the Calvert property, the report of the Acting President,

the letter from the Commandant in regard to a target range, the report of the Presi-

dent Emeritus on the Posse Gymnasium, and the report of the committee on salaries,

the reading of all of which was dispensed writh, on motion duly made and carried.

      On motion made, seconded and carried, the minutes were approved as read.

      The minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee were read by the Secretary.

      Mr. Regenstein moved that the minutes of. the Executive Committee be approved,

which motion was duly seconded.

     After discussion, Mr. Smith proposed as a substitute motion that an appropriate

committee be appointed to which the minutes should be referred.

     Said motion being duly seconded, on roll-call the vote stood as follows:

     Ayes: Messrs. Smith and Patterson.

     Noes: Messrs. Carpenter, Cox, Terrell, Clay, Davies, Stoll, WIathen,

            Nichols, Barker, Regenstein.

    Motion was declared to be defeated.



     An amendment was offered by aMr. Clay to Mr. Regenstein's motion, so that the

motion read as follows:-

     Resolved that the minutes of the Executive Committee be approved, with the

proviso that anyone who objects to any particular part of the minutes shall have the

right, upon demand, to call for a separate vote on that part.

     Said amendment, having been seconded and accepted by Mr. Regenstein, was unani-

mously carried.

     On request of Mr. Smith, the resolutions of the Committee in regard to official

statements and letters were taken up, and 11Mr. Stoll explained the necessity for such

resolutions and their meaning and intent. On motion these resolutions were approved.

     President Emeritus Patterson asked for a reading of the paragraph on the organi-

zation of the University which delegated the supervision of instructional work to the

Vice-President. He strongly objected to this paragraph, until IM'r. Clay said that the

minutes were wrong and the passage ought to read:

     "The Vice-President shall, jointly with and under the direction of the President,

have supervision of the instructional work of the University and act for the Presi-

dent in his absence."

     Motion made, seconded and unanimously carried that this insertaion should be

made in the minutes.

     President Emeritus Patterson asked that the resolution in regard to the Academy

should be read, which was done and he then spoke at length in opposition to the pro-

posed change. After a prolonged discussion, a vote was called for on this resolution,

and on roll-call the vote stood:

may 30, 1911



     Ayes: Messrs. Carpenter, Cox, Terrell, Davies, Wathen, Stoll, Eddelen,

                    Nichols, Barker, Regenstein.

     Noes: Messrs. Smith and Patterson.

     Mr. Clay did not vote.

     Mr. Regenstein asked for a vote on his original motion that the minutes of the

Executive Conmittee be approved. On vote, this motion was unanimously carried.

     The President of the University then read his annual report, which is as fol-


                                         Lexington, EBy., May 23, 1911.

To the Board of Trustees,

         State University.


          I have the honor to submit to you this my first report as President of the

State University of Kentucky.

          I entered upon the duties of my office in January 1911 and as this was

just in-mid term of the present school year, I found the institution fully organized

and the education of the student body in full progress under the able supervision

and direction of Vice-President White.

          Under the circumstances it was not deemed wise or desirable that any

material change should be made in the organization of the institution to take effect

within the present term, and I, therefore, believed it best to occupy the position

of an observer, rather than an active director, in order that I might thoroughly

acquaint myself with the practical working of the institution.   I wuld not have

you believe, however, that I have failed in any instance to give the University the

benefit of my best judgment whenever, in my opinion, the exigency of the occasion

may 30, 1911



required it.   The impression that I wish to convey is that 1 deemed it both con-

servative and vwise to leave what appeared to be "Hell enough" alone and to prefer

to be thought slow, rather than rash or hasty.

          The five months I have been in office have been exceedingly pleasant to me

personally, receiving only the kindest courtesy from the actual teaching force of

the institution, and I hope that I have been of some substantial use in the manage-

ment and control of the University.

           tt has been my sincere purpose to win the confidence and affection of the

student body and to inspire them with the conviction that they can always rely upon

receiving absolute justice and fairness at the hands of the faculty, and that the

success of the institution depends more upon their conduct and diligence than upon

any other constituent element. In this effort I believe I have been successful to

a marked degree, but in order that I may not delude myself and you, I invite your

independent investigation when you attend the Commencement exercises.

          in regard to the number of students enrolled during the term of 1910-11,

it gives me pleasure to report an increase of about one hundred over the number of the

preceding year; this, while not phenomenal, shows a sound growth, and I believe that

each succeeding year will show a larger increase until our institution takes its

proper rank, so far as numbers are concerned, with the great State Universities of

the country.

          In regard to the moral character and conduct of the students now on the

campus, I cannot speak too highly.   During the year last past there has been not

one act of wantonness, insubordination or outrage committed by the student body. If

there has been one act of hazing or other mistreatment of a student by his fellows,

I have not heard of it. I never in my life met a higher order of young ladies or

gentlemen than our students and a most careful examination on my own part, and a

diligent inquiry from the various professors convinces me that the attendance on class

was never better, nor the quality of the scholarship of a higher grade than that of

the present student body.


                MfNUTES OF UEE BOARD OF TRUSTEES     -     May 30, 1911

         While seeking to educate the minds of the youth committed to our care,

we have not been unmindful of their need of moral training and everything Which under

the circumstances could be done, has been done to elevate the moral tone of the

student body.   In this connection it is pertinent to inform you that the Young Iden's

Christian Association is anxious to place a resident Secretary on the University

grounds.   I have said to the representatives of the organization that I would advocate

this, provided the right man could be secured; that this Secretary should be able to

assist in building up and promoting clean, wholesome outdoor athletics as well as to

lead in devotional exercises, and that if they could furnish us a man of this charac-

ter, I believed great good would flow from his labor emong the students. The Associ-

ation has many such men and its representatives will come before you with a detailed

statement of the proposed plan.

          I am also happy to be able to report that the active professoria1 corps is

both able and enthusiastic. It gives me great hope for the future to recognize that

this spirit exists.   No real teaching can be done by one Who does not love his work;

who is not enthusiastic in the occupation of inspiring youth with a thirst for know-

ledge; xd all things may be hoped from the work of him who is inspired with this most

laudable ambition.   It has been my utmost endeavor to impress upon the whole teaching

force that in order to build up a great and useful institution, it is necessary that

all bickerings and jealousy dhould be laid aside and an enthusiastic aud harmonious

unity of action promoted and built up.   I believe that the outlook from this point

of view is most cheering.

          Acting under a resolution of this Board, the Executive Comnittee organized

the University into several Colleges with a Dean at the head of each; the several

Deans constitute what is called a Council, being the advisers of the President with

power to make recomnendations to the faculty as may seem good to theu, the faculty

having the power of adopting or rejecting these suggestions as they may see proper.

The following is the plan of organization:-


               MINUTES OF EIE BOARD OF TRUSEES    -    May 30, 1911


       School of Arts. Denartment: English, Mathematics,
       History, Latin, Greek, Modern Languages, Philosophy.
       School of Science. Departments: Geology, Zoology,
       Anatomy and Physiology, end Physics.

       School of Chemistry.

       School of Education.


       Experiment Station.

Division of Graduate Work.
   TV   "f Chemistry.
   '"   "? Entomology and Botany.
   TV   "1 Animal Husbandry
   I     it Agronomy
   it   "f Fertilizer Inspection
   it   T Food Inspection
   T     " Feed Inspection.

        School of Agriculture. Departments: Agronomy, Soil
        Physics, Horticulture and Botany, Animal Husbandry,
        Bacteriology and Entomology.

        School of Home Economics.

        School of Extension.


       School of Mechanical Engineering.

       School of Electrical Engineering.


        School of Civil Engineering.
        School of Highvay Engineering.


        1. School of Mining Engineering.
              (a) .Mining Engineering, 4 years course.
              (b).Minine (mining), 2 yrs. course.
              (c).Practical Miners' Course.

        2. School of Metallurgical Engineering.
              (a). Metallurgy.
              (b). Ore Dressing.



         3. School of Extension.


         (a) College of Law.

         Additional General Departments of the University shall be as follows:-

              Department of Physical Education for Mlen.
              Department of Physical Education for Wqomen.
              Department of Military Science.

           It is believed that the foregoing organization will very substantially

 promote the welfare of the institution.  Each College is provided with a respon-

 sible head charged with the high duty of seeing that his department is managed in

 the most efficient manner.  I believe the scheme will promote the unity of the

 University as well as efficiency in the work of the teachers.   The Council can be

 of great service both to the President and the faculty by suggesting from time to

 time needed changes and improvements, and also in carrying into successful operation

 such of their suggestions as may be adopted.

          The Council of Deans have recommended to the Executive Committee the ab-

 sorption of the Academy into the School of Education to be there maintained as a

 Model School. The plan is as followe4s:

          "Until the Secondary School System of the State is developed, a Pre-

paratory School, comprising not more than the last three years of a four year High

School, is maintained under the supervision of the School of Education as a Model

School to prepare students to enter the various Colleges of the University."

          The recommendation is but the enforcement of the fbllowing provision of

the Kentucky Statutes concerning the Academy:

          "That from and after two years from this date (1908) all sub-

freshman work shall begin to be eliminated as a part of the University curriculum,

and such elimination shall progress as rapidly as the educational conditions in

Kentucky will justify: Provided, however, special courses may be given in any of

the Departments of the University, except that no sub-freshman normal instruction

14ay 30, 1911


MfMMlES OF TEE 2.AKD OF TRUSTEES      -    May 30, 1911

shall be given after September 1, 1908, in any department of the University, or

Academy connected therewithl

          (Ky. Statutes Sub-Section 3, Section 4636 B).

          The Executive Committee will, I believe, recommend to you the adoption of

the proposed plan and assuming they will do so, I most heartily concur in the recormmenda-

tion.   The Academy as now maintained costs i5500. annually.  Under the proposed plan

the preparatory students can be taught by the regular professors of the University at

a net saving of several thousand dollars per annun.

          To do this is only to apply the ordinary laws of business efficiency and

economy now in vogue in the administration of the affairs of the great corporate in-

terests of the commercial world. It will secure to the State better teaching at a lower

cost; certainly an end most devoutly to be desired.

          I regret to report that the financial condition of the University is not

entirely satisfactory.   're owe now in round numbers Sixty-six Thousand Dollars


          This debt was created as follows:-

          The Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, ($200,000) appropriated by the State in

1908 for the erection of buildings had to be spent two years before the proceeds were

received from the State Treasurer, thus forcing the University to borrow money with

which to erect the buildings.   $200,000. at 515% interest for two years amounts to

$P22,000. Inasmuch as the building funds of the various buildings erected consumed the

whole of the appropriation, there was nothing left for the equipment of the buildings

and this was made out of the general funds at an expense of about 4$15,000.

          The real estate purchases made within the last two years amounts to Eleven

Thousand, Two Hundred Dollars ($11,200).

          The name of the Kentucky State University was changed by agreement of the

Transylvania University at an expense of 45,000., which was paid to Transylvania

University for the use of the name.



          Add to the above outstanding old accounts of nearly Three Thousand

($3,000.) Dollars and the current liabilities in excess of the income up to July 1,

1911, amounts to over Ten Thousand, Seven Hundred and Fifty (.l0,750) Dollars, and

we have a full explanation of how the deficiency, which amounts to approximate8y

$66,000., was created. The above tabulation approximately outlines the items which

make the deficiency and are approximately correct.

          It will thus be seen that the foregoing indebtedness was made by the

Trustees in order to carry forward the work of the University. I believe it can be

truthfully said that under the circumstances the Trustees did what was for the best

interests of the State, although this large indebtedness was thereby created.  In the

meantime, our credit is good in the bank and we will have no trouble in renewing our

outstanding notes and in July we will receive nearly Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000)

from the several resources of the University.   It is not believed that the Univer-

sity will have any trouble in carrying this debt, or that the next Legislature will

hesitate to appropriate sufficient funds to pay it off.

          It seems to me that in the interest of economy the office of Monitress

should be abolished. This position has been filled long, faithfully and honorably by the

present incumbent, Mrs. Lucy Blackburn; but she is now more than seventy-five years

of age and for this reason alone she is not equal to the efficient discharge of the

duties of the office.   Besides, we now have a most competent Dean of Women and I see

no reason why her constant supervision is not sufficient to make the services of a

Monitress unnecessary.

          I feel deeply impressed with the duty of calling your attention to what,

in my opinion, is an unlawful diversion of the funds of the State in granting to President

Emeritus Patterson a pension of Three Thousand ($3000.) Dollars per annum. For the

original error in granting this pension, I am perhaps more largely responsible than

any other member of the Board of Trustees, and I desire to acknowledge that respon-

sibility to the full, but having looked into the question carefully, I think there is no



doubt whatever that we erred in granting the pension because we were without

authority of law so to do.

     All of which I most respectfully submit to your judgment and discretion.

     In conclusion I desire to be considered exceedingly optimistic concerning the

future of our institution.   The educational outlook was never so bright in Kentucicy

as now; the new school law is commencing to revolutionize the Common School System of

the Commonwealth; new high schools are being organized in many counties where none

have ever before existed; the two great normal schools are doing magnificent work

in supplying the State with competent teachers, and from all this the University

will derive great benefit both in the number of students seeking higher education and

in the qualification of these students when they enter the University.

     But the University will grow on its own merit.   By applying to its finances the

ordinary rules of business efficiency and economy, in order that the State may re-

ceive a dollar's worth of service for each dollar expended; by dsaling with the

teaching force fairly and justly and in return demanding from them a full measure

of consecrated work in teaching the youth committed to their charge, and in inspiring

them with high moral and civic ideals; by inspiring the students with a strong but

wholesome University spirit as well as a divine thirst for knowledge; by making the

Agricultural College to grow and expand until its usefulness to the farmers will be

both recognized and appreciated by them; by building up and expanding each and every de-

partment to its full measure of usefulness, we will deserve and receive that public

recognition and appreciation to which our efforts and merits entitle us. But believe

me, this cannot be accomplished by brilliant rhetoric or general platitudes. Vie will

be judged by what we do, not by what we say.   In order to obtain and hold public

confidence and esteem, we must deserve it. In the philosophic words of Abraham

Lincoln - "Wl7e may deceive some of the people all the time; we may deceive all of the

people some of the time, but we cannot deceive all of the people all of the time."

          With great respect, I am

                                    Most sincerely yours,

                                                 H. S. Barker,
                                                         Pre sident


MIN=    OF TfM BOARD OF MUS  S       -      May 30, 19u

     A motion was made, seconded and duly carried that this report be referred

for consideration to a committee to be appointed by the Chairman.

     The Chairman appointed on this Committee Messrs. Regenstein, Edelen and


     Motion made by hr. Wathen that that part of the report referring to the retir-

ing allowance of the President Emeritus be referred to the Executive Committee to find

if it is within the law.

     This motion lost for want of a second.

     Motion made by Mr. Stoll that this matter be referred to the Committee on the

President's report. Seconded and duly carried.

     The Chairman announced the appointment of the following standing committees:

     President's Report - Messrs. Regenstein, Edelen, Davies.
     Finance - iMv.essrs. Nichols, Clay and }2egenstein.
     Appropriation - Messrs. Carpenter, Nichols and Patterson.
     Experiment Station - Davies, Barker and Vtathen.
     Salaries - Barker, Stoll, and Davies.
     Internal Expansion - M-essrs. Terrell, Carpenter, Smith.
     Military Instruction and College Discipline - Messrs.
          Stoll, Smith and Terrell.
     Minutes of Faculty - Messrs. Regenstein, Terrell, Clay.
     Nominating Executive Committee - Messrs. Barker, Edelen
          and Wtalker.
     Nominating Board of Control - Messrs. Barker, Edelen and

     The Committees appointed to nominate an Executive Committee and a Board of Con-

trol recommended that the sane committees that are now in existence be re-appointed

for the ensuing year.

     This report was upon motion unanimously adopted and said committees were re-

appointed for the next year.

     Motion was made, seconded and carried that the Board adjourn to meet at 8

O'clock P.M., in the Director's Room of the Lexington City National Bank.



     The Board of Trustees met at the Lexington City National Bank at 8:30 PBJM.

     Governor Cox being absent, Mr. Clay was requested to take the chair.

     The Secretary presented the minutes of the Board of Control, which on motion

were referred to the appropriate committee.

    He then presented the minutes of the faculty which were also referred to the

appropriate committee.

     The recommendation from the faculty of candidates for degrees was then offered,

which is as follows:-

                    MASTM OF ARTS.

                    William T. Capers
                    Harry Sharp Cannon
                    Mary Elizabeth Hayden
                    Henry Clay Wilson

                    BAC11lWR OF ARTS

                    Mattie Virginia Cary
                    William Claude Shultz
                    Anne Dowd Simrall
                    Leslie Neal weller
                    Alice Cary riliams

                    MAST-3 OF SCIEI2CE

                    Katherine Margaret Schoene

                    BACHELOR OF SCIENCE
                    Olline Pierce Cruickshank
                    Marion Gilbert Johnson
                    Lucius Ernest Smith
                    Robert Guthrie Strong.

Yav 30, 1911


M!lP1ES OF TM BOARD OF TRUKS-JES  -  May 30, 1911


Arthur Carlton Ball
Minerva Collins
James :3dward Mastin
Grover Cleveland Routt
William Boone W'1ilson
Elmer Francis W,1orthington


Lewis Nelson Taylor


Charles Arthur Dunn
Jessie Fithian Hibler
James Otis Lewis
Mary Barret Smith


Harvey Arthur Babb
Obed Elmo Baird
James Franklin Bruner
Lillian Terry Ferguson
Frances Cleveland Hughes


Lois Litsey Adams
Oliver Aulick
Benj. Hays Collings
George Green Dunlap
Walter Andrew Harn

Hendricks Gilbert Lytle
George Brite MKerchant
John Rogers
Jesse Neal Sloan
Orville Heber Taylor


)nery Wells
Tames Saffel Wlatson
James 1i4orrison W.ilson


James Alfred Boyd
John Campbell
Perry Rogan Cassidy
Minor Armenius Cleveland
Charles Elwood Daniel
Ernest Thompson Douglas
Virgil Leonard Downing
Sprigg Case Ebbert
John James Fitzpatrick
John Milton Foster
Wallace Clifton Duncan
Arthur Board Haswell

William Augustus Lurtey
Frank Thorpe Miles
Grover Cleveland Mivlls
Harvey Lee Moore
John Alfred Needy
Albert Brown Phister
*Joseph Bishop Sanders
George Bryan Shanklin
Theodore Slade
Ben McAtee Smarr
WJilbur W7esley Stevenson
Richard Spurr IWebb



                     1ECHLTICAL 2LrE
                   Joseph Miles Sprague
                   Paul Clifton Grunwell
                   Henry English Read
                   Cornelias Railey Lyle

                     E12CTRICAL EN(,'IIEEP

                   David Chenault Estill
                   Llewellyn Chauncey Brown
                   Wuralter Christian Kiesel
                   Charles Miller Roswell
                   Frank Raymond Sellman

                   Harry Draper Easton

                     BACHELOR OF hdllIISG ENGINEERIr,

                   Charles Kremer Bain
                   Paul Francis
                   Ceorge Matt Hendrickson
                   Phil Holloway
                   William Edward Hudson
                   7Walker Burton Paynter
                   David Walter Smith
                   Charles William lWardle
                   Kessack Duke WKhite
                   Byron Demetrius Williams

                     BACHELOR OF LAWIS

                   Thomas Harris Burris
                   IMatison Greenleaf Colson
                   Alpha Hubbard
                   Otto Carston Mlartin
                   Evert Mathis
                   Virgil YandellI Moore
                   -araes Dwire Rees
                   Marion Rexford Schnaitter
                   McDowell Addington Fogle

                     MAST=ER OF LAI-S.

                  Jackson Pate Whittinghill

                     1OMIRARY DEGREES

                     DOCTOR OF LVS

                  rohn Rowan Allen
                  Henry Hardin Cherry
                  John Grant Crabbe
                  3Tohn Peyton Hobson
                  Thomas Tefferson NTunn
                  Ellsworth Regenstein.

     It was moved that the President be instructed to confer the degrees recomended;
motion seconded and duly carried.

Mayr 30, 1911



     The foliowing report was submitted by the committee on the President's report:

     "The undersigned committee to whom the President's report has been referred,

respectfully report as follows:

     'rife approve the report in full and recommend that the Executive Committee be

empowered and directed to carry into effect the recommendations embodied therein,

except as to so much of the report as touches the annual salary now being paid to

the President Emeritus.  As to said salary, we recommend that the same be continued.

                                             (Signed) T. L. Edelen
                                                      Hywell Davies
                                                      Ellsworth Regenstein."

     On motion this report was unanimously adopted.

     President Barker asked that air. Hume, a Representative of the Young Men's

Christian Association, be allowed to address the Board, which was at once granted

and Mr. Hume appeared and spoke in behalf of the work of the Young Mien's Christian

Association at the University.  He asked an appropriation by the Board of $500.

or $1000. for the salary of a Resident Secretary of the Y. Mg. C. A., who would assist

in various student activities, such as athletics, employment bureau, etc.

     On his retiring, a motion was made by Judge Barker that the whole matter of the

Y.M.C.A. be referred to the Executive Committee with power to act.  Seconded and

carried unanimously.

    The Committee on Salaries presented the following report:

    "The Committee on Salaries begs leave to report that all salaries remain as now

fixed, with the increases heretofore agreed upon, unless changed by the Board or by

the Executive Committee.
                                            (Signed)  R. C. Stoll
                                                       Homwel Davies
                                                       H. S. Barker."

On motion said report was unanimously adopted.

Ijay 30, 1911


MfUMES OF TEE BOARD OF TRUSTEES     -     hay 30, 1911

     A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried that except as heretofore

or hereafter specified by the Board or the Executive Cormaittee, all officers and

employees of the University be re-elected for the current year.

     The Committee on the Experiment Station presented the tollowLng report.

     "We concur in all the recommendations of the Director and we ask their adoption

as follows:

     1. That the Committee on Building be continued.

     2. That Dr. Surface's appointment be confirmed and also that of Dr. Graham.

     3. Upon recommendation of the Director, we also recommend that 1ir. E. O.

Vaughn be promoted as First Assistant to Professor Garman in the Adams Fund work

at a salary of fifteen hundred dollars (l1500.00)per year.

     4. That the appropriations from the Hatch and Adams Acts, the incomes from

the Fertilizer, Food and Feed Control work and Farm, and Interest accruing from these

accounts be appropriated for the use of the Station.

     5. That the salaries of the heads of divisions and of assistants be fixed as

recommended by the Director and as per the general rule for the increase in salary

for assistants.

                                           Respectfully submitted,

                                              (Signed) Hywel Davies
                                                       H. S. Barker,

      The committee recommended that Clause !No. 5 be referred to the Board of Con-

trol for final action.

     The report of the Committee, with recommendation as to the fifth clause, was on

motion adopted unanimously.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTES       -    May 30, 1911

     Motion was made-by 1&w. Davies that copies of the minutes of the Executive

Committee shall be mailed monthly to each member of the Board of Trustees, a proper

file to be furnished for the keeping of same, so that the general reading of the

minutes of the said Executive Committee's meetings may be dispensed with at annual

and semi-annual meetings, but the reading and discussion can be confined to such

items as shall be called for by members of the Board.

     Seconded and unanimously carried.

     %Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried that an auditing committee

of three be appointed with full power to have made a complete statement of the actual

financial condition of the University in all departments, as well as fix the best and

simplest system of future accounting.

     The Chairman appointed the President, the Business Agent and Mr. Stoll as mem-

bers of this Committee.

     A motion was made, seconded and carried unanimously that the salaries as hereto-

fore fixed be paid and that the other funds of the University be placed in the hands

of the Executive Committee for expenditure for the purposes of the University.

     President Barker stated to the Board that Prof. liorwood had recommended that

Mr. H. D. Easton be made a full professor, at a salary of $1500. and that an assistant

professor of mines and metallurgy be employed at a salary from $1pl000. to A2OO.

    Motion made and seconded that i-r. Easton be made a full professor at a salary

of $1500. a year.

    On roll-call the vote stood:

    Ayes: Mlessrs. Carpenter, Terrell, Stoll, Nichols, Davies, Smith, 'Jathen, Clay,

          Patterson, Regenstein, Barker.
    Noes: None.