xt783b5w9h7c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt783b5w9h7c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-02-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 11, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 11, 1993 1993 1993-02-11 2020 true xt783b5w9h7c section xt783b5w9h7c  





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Ke ntucky Ke mel



Established 1894

' University of Ken rick Lexington, Kentucky

US. might send troops
to former Yugoslavia


By Barry Schweid
Associated Press

WASHINGTON —- The Clinton
administration said yesterday US.
troops could be sent to enforce
peace in the former Yugoslavia if
warring factions can negotiate a
settlement. “Our conscience re-
volts" at unending accounts of mur-
der and rape, Secretary of State
Warren M. Christopher said.

Unveiling a six-point peace plan
after three weeks of study by the
new administration, Christopher
said. “No great power can dismiss
the likely consequences of letting a
Balkan conflict rage."

The deepening war. its threat to
neighboring nations and the long-
seated religious and cultural hatred
now allame in the area pose a criti-
cal test for the new president. who
also will have to marshal world
opinion behind his position.

“We inherit at this early point in
our administration a tragic and dan-


gerous situa-
tion." Chris-
topher said.
He de-
nounced Ser-
bian “ethnic
aimed at
Muslims in
and called the
crisis “an im-

portant moment for our post-Cold
War role in Europe and the world."

President Clinton said earlier in
the day that the American public
will support the plan. “I think they
want us to do more. but they want
us to do it in a prudent way."

The secretary of state announced
the possibility of using American
troops as part of an international
force to enforce peace terms if they
can be reached. “We are prepared to
use our military power to enforce
the agreement." Christopher said at
a news conference.



At this stage, he said, “it is pre-
mature to try to analyze exactly
what kind of military power is nec-

Other senior US. officials.
speaking on condition of anonymi-
ty. said there was no decision yet
on whether ground troops would
act as peacekeepers.

But Sen. Richard Lugar (R-Ind.),
a senior member of the Foreign Re-
lations Committee, said Christo-
pher called him and said that as
many as 5,000 to 10.000 American
troops could join a 40,000-member
NATO force that might go to Bos-
nia under U .N. auspices once a new
peace accord is concluded.

Other key provisions of the ad-
ministration plan include the ap-
pointment of Reginald Bartholo-
mew. the US atnbassador to
NATO, to assist international medi-
ators forge agreement. and a pledge
to tighten the UN. trade embargo
against Serbia and Montenegro.

See TROOPS. Back Page

Senate approves SAVE funds


By Nicole Heumphreus
Staff Writer

After 20 minutes of controversy
and confusion last night. the Stu-
dent Government Association Sen-
ate allotted $135 for a campus envi-
ronmental group to buy stationary
and place advertisements in the
Kentucky Kernel.

The group. Students Against Vio—
lation of the Environment. original-
ly had requested $235 to cover
costs for phone calls. stamps. sta-
tionery and ads. SAVE members
present at the meeting said the ex-
penses were necessary to promote
the Kentucky Student Environmen-
tal Action Coalition Conference to
be held in March.

The controversy arose over allo-
cating money for phone calls and
stamps. Because of a precedent set
a few years ago, the senate will not
allot money for stamps and long
distance phone calls because it does
not consider them part of an organi-
7ation‘s operational costs.

Based on this precedent. the sen-
ate amended the bill, cutting $60
from the $235 requested.

“1 have had organizations at
(Lexington Community College)


come to me with basically the same
type of (request). and I told them
that you all would probably not (be
able to get a bill that requests
stamps passed) because it would
bring every organiyation at UK to
us," LCC Senator Michelle Garrett

The bill then was put to a vote.
and the senate voted against it. Be-
cause of confusion about the voting
procedure. the discussion on the bill
was reopened by Senator at Large
Caroline VanEman.

Again the senate amended the bill
so that SGA would not pay for
stamps and phone calls. but this
time questions arose about the $100
that SAVE requested to pay for ads.

Members said SAVE requested
$100 for the ads because the group‘s
ad budget of $60 was insufficient
last year. The ads are used as a re-
cruiting technique and to promote
upcoming events, they said. The
senate, however. decided that SAVE






Jami Rice and Lisa Mercer give blood yesterday. The Resi-
dence Hell Association blood drive continues today.








A tr): d boom in Lexington thle W. and eeverel concerts
mmwmtethonm Story. Pege 2.

Cooler today with rain likely by this afternoon; high between 50 ands;
An 80 percent chance of rain tonight; low around 40. Cloudy tomorrow
with a 70 percent chance of rain; high around 45.


Drversrons ................................................................................... ...... ...2
................'.................... ..... .................................................. ...... 1....4

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should receive only 560.

“I don‘t want you all to drink that
I'm not in support of your bill. but
its $100 for —— what'.’ Twelve weeks
of school left, and that is $10 a
week." said Senator at Large Heath-
er Hennel. who proposed limiting
the allocation to $60. “I think you
could get by on less."

The second time through the sen-
ate. the SAVE bill passed.

Although members of SAVE
were pleased that they received the
5135, they were dissatisfied with
the legislative process.

“When SGA had SOAC. Student
Organization Assistance Commit-
tee. it took us a night to get money.
and it has now taken us two weeks
to get funding." said Catherine
Monzingo, a natural resource con-
servation senior. “We were told that
this was going to be easier. going
through the senate and having a

In other business. the senate allot-
ted money for the purchase of a tel-
evision set for the College of Law‘s
student lounge. it also allotted mon-
ey for the Air Force ROTC drill
team and color guard.

The schedule for upcoming SGA

See SGA. Back Page


By Tammy Gay
Senior Staff Writer



The student wallet is crammed so
full of paper and plastic ll) cards
that there hardly is any room for

Besides the requisite driver‘s li-
cense or state ID card. a student's
wallet usually contains a student
ID. necessary for checking out
books at the library. and a Student
Activities Card. mandatory equip-
ment for snagging sports tickets.

But there is more. Feeling under
the weather? Whip out your Stu-

,tenements.since-3:9?i ....... .. [Thursday Seesaw 11-13399???





Editor's note: This is the sec-
ond in u week/ting series of arti-
cles about the Rape Aggression
Defense Systenzs course.
Writer Nicole Heumphretts is par-
ticipating in the class,



By Nichole Heumphreus
Staff Writer


lie straddled her hips while he
forced her arms to the floor. She
diverted his attention by trying to
shake him off as she slowly




inched her knees and feet up.

When her knees rested against
his back turd her feet were close
to her body. she twisted and
raised her hips and threw him off
her. She then made her escape,

Instructors taught this defense.
called the ground defense tech-
nique. and several others during
the past two days of UK‘s Rape
Aggression Defense Systems

They demonstrated the block


JE - ; URLEW/Kernel Staff

Rape Aggression Defense Systems instructor Holly Davis inserts her chin into the bend of
instructor Tim Mallory’s arm to escape a chokehold.

UK rape defense course gets
physical with staged attacks

and parry method 'l'uesday.

'l hen. yesterday. [TK police of-
ficers llolly Davis and Tim Mal-
lory tested each participant‘s
ability to use the block and parry
by trying to punch. smack and
backhand each one. Davis and
Mallory allowed no time for the
students to drink. only to react to
the swinging arms.

Kathryn Thompson. a UK ad—
ministrator. was blocking punch-

See RAD. Back Page



dent Health Service ID card and
stumble over to the Kentucky (‘lin-

Getting hunger pains in your resi—
dence hall‘.’ Dig around for that
magnetic rnunchie wonder. the
Food Services Meal Card. Just
don‘t confuse it with the photocopi-
er card. which allows you to make
copies without lugging bags of
change around.

And now. UK is evaluating a new
card that could be added to co-ed
purses and pockets within two
years. The new card. however.
would replace all existing forms of
student ID. said Jack Blanton. vice

chancellor for administration.

“This card should make a stu-
dent‘s life considerably easier."
said Blanton. who is chairman of
the committee that rs reviewing the
new 1D. called ()ne (‘ard “The
main reason for this card is conven-

A picture of the student will be
on the front of the card. and mag-
netic strips will be on the back of
the card. Blanton said it could be
used for food services. athletic
events. student center events. health
services. photocopiers and library
services. as well as for cashing

ID card would reduce clutter

Another convenience the card
will offer rs that. with the magnetic
strips on the back of the card. stu-
dents will not have to bring their
ll)s to Student Billing Service to
get them validated. An electronic
system “1” take care of it automati-

(inc (ltrd is one of the 8b propo—
sals UK President (‘harles Weth—
ingtotr presented to the Board of
Trustees in January as part of tits
restructuring report. The restructur-
ing committee hopes to implement
the card this fall. btrt Blanton sard-
thcy probably won‘t be available
before fall 1904.

Turnout sparse at University Studies forum


By Doug Saretelty
Contributing Writer


UK yesterday held the first of
two open forums to provide insight
into the restructuring of the Univer-
sity Studies Program.

Although the meeting was
sparsely attended. students. faculty
and administrators who were
present provided ideas for improv-
ing the program. which is a core of
classes all UK undergraduates must

The University is seeking to
amend the program. which has
been in effect since 1988. to better

suit the needs of students. The pro-
gram stresses liberal arts classes
and campus diversity. but it has
been criticized for an overemphasis
on humanities and its varying de-
grees of teaching quality.

Louis Swift. dean of undergradu-
ate studies. yesterday emphasized
the imponance of “talking to facul-
ty and students about making a bet-
ter program.“

One student stressed the impor—
tance of “service-leaming" and
hands-on experience as a necessity
in higher education.

in addition. the reform of servic-
es provided for graduating UK stu-

dents was discussed.

One UK instructor. who wished
to remain anonymous. criticized the
University‘s system of academic
advisers for being “too complicat-

The system. he said. does not in-
form students of their graduation re—
quirements. lie also said that some
seniors do not find out about their
requirements until they are about to


Swift said UK is working on
ways to combat this. including a de-
gree auditing system that will in-
form students of their academic rc-
quircmcnts and standings.

lie said liK‘s new telephone reg-
istration system “should be a real
boon to students."

Other ideas for changes in the
University Studies Program includ-
ed a survey and a town hall meeting
to gain insights from the University
as a whole. Swift suggested a short
course to help faculty advisers corn-
municatc with students.

Changes made in the University
Studies Program are projected to be
in effect for the I994 school year.

UK will hold another open form
on USP reform today from 10 am.
to noon. The meeting will take
place in 206 Student Cennr.



1,-‘B~k"l’i'§l.rs .


lh: . ”ti: , , .r as
we «gym: ss. ‘


“‘2’  .
’ OCandy

For allof

IoAnn’ sHallmark

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50. was it hard getting every
one out of the house?



Not aftcrl told them we
were havmg a romantic
dinner. They disappeared
in seconds. Uncle Hugo

Anyway. bon appetite.



This looks like vending
machine food.


It 15 Irnow you're against
the senseless killing of
animals And plantfi
So I opted for ‘ooa with
no natural ingredients
More bubbly?







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Kentucky Kernel. Thunday. February 11. 1003




Arkansas upsets No. 2 UK 101-94


By Ty Halpln
Assistant Sports Editor

FAYE'I'I'EVILLE, Ark. — Dur-
ing pre-game warm-ups last night
at Bamhill Arena, four Arkansas
shots went in the net at one time,

with a 8-0 run of its own to pull
within seven.

The Razorbacks again opened a
large lead, this time by 13 points,
until UK again trimmed it to four
with just less than two minutes to





lodging them Arkansas
there. It was forward Cor-
a sign of liss William-
things to son threw
come. down a dunk
No. 14 Ar- to ignite the
kansas man- Bamhill
handled No. crowd, and
2 UK 101-94 the game
before 9,596 looked all but
screaming _ _ over.
Razorback ’ But a Dale
fans. Arkan- PRICKETT WILLIAMSON Brown basket

sas used the Wildcats‘ foul trouble
and turnovers to its advantage.
Arkansas (16-4 overall, 7-3
Southeastem Conference) started to
pull away with a 14-4 run midway
through the second half. UK (172
8-2) used its press to battle back

with 1:02 left made it 93-34” Arkan-
sas. UK was forced to foul. Arkan-
sas converted on its free throws
down the stretch, chalking up its
second straight victory over L’K.
With less than a minute remain-
ing, the Arkansas students began

chanting “over-rated!“

Darrell Hawkins put the finishing
touch on the Razorback victory
with a dunk with one second left to
put Arkansas over the century

Arkansas forward Scotty Thur-
man had the hot hand for the Ra-
zorbacks, who led 45-42 after the
opening half. Thurman scored 14 of
those points. He had 16 for the

The Razorbacks led by as many
as 10 in the first half, but UK bat-
tled back to trail by three points at

UK‘s Travis Ford led the Wild-
cats in the first half as he scored 15
points, all on three-pointers.

Arkansas coach Nolan Richard-
son said Ford kept the Wildcats in
the game during the first half.

“Ford was really hurting us in the
first half,“ he said.

UK junior forward Jamal Mash-
burn was saddled with two early
fouls, picking up his second at the

9:49 mark of the first half.

The Razorbacks hit the boards
early, outrebounding UK 18-11 be-
fore the break.

Richardson said he knew UK was
a quality team.

“You have to play an exceptional
game to beat a team of that caliber,”
he said.


-'I'his was the first and last trip for
UK to Bamhill Arena. Next season
the Razorbacks will move into a
new home — Bud Walton Arena,
which will seat 18,600.

oWith his 20 points tonight,
Mashbum moved past Mike Casey
into ninth place on UK‘s all-time
scoring list.

-Freshman forward Rodrick
Rhodes, who has the flu, made the
trip to Fayetteville. But senior
guard-forward Junior Braddy start-
ed in his place at small forward.

Iowa players, coach still dealing with loss of Street


By Jim Litke
Associated Press

IOWA CITY, Iowa — Nearly all
the teammates Chris Street left he-
hind came to this corner of basket-
ball heaven for the same reasons he
did and from the same kind of
small Midwestern towns that he
did. Maybe that‘s what made it so
strange to go on without him.

Three weeks ago Tuesday. Street
was killed in an auto accident after
leaving a team dinner and trying to
case his car onto Highway 1. He
was heading back to campus for a
night class. He was 20 years old.

The picture on the back of the
program from the game at which
his jersey was retired last Saturday
night shows Street wearing a brush
cut and a wide smile. The picture
on the front shows No. 40 moving
without the ball, something Street
did tirelessly and well enough to
average 15 points and 10 rebounds
for one of the country‘s best teams.

In coffee shops and restaurants.
on wood courts and crushed-gravel
driveways, everywhere across a
state where dreams and a long win-
ter conspire to make college basket-
ball the thing, friends and team-


mates and total strangers still miss
both sides of him.

That much was apparent as Iowa
coach Tom Davis faced reporters
after a grueling fourvgame, nine-
day sw ing through the Big 10 Con-
ference ended with a 73-66 loss to
top-ranked Indiana.

Davis was on the front end of a
weeklong break without a game,
but the wear and tear on his face,
especially around the eyes, left lit-
tle doubt it wmn‘t enough.

“I walk in the locker room and
his equipment is still there and his
sportcoat is still hanging there, just
the way he left it." Davis said.

“It‘s probably good to let it af-
fect us. to be involved with it," h
added. “instead of blocking it out.”

In some ways, the story that be-
gan unfolding here three weeks
ago is similar to the emotional run
that Loyola Marymount made in
the 1990 NCAA tournament after
the death of forward Hank Gathers.

Davis notes many of the same
things that happened then are hap-
pening to his kids now. They focus
better at some times, but wander at
others; they need little motivation,
but they get wound up too easily;
they never fail to lay a body on

every body that rumbles down the
lane, but sometimes the play is just
plain ragged.

And he is only too aware of the
major difference between the two
situations. Loyola Marymount
played on for just two weeks with-
out Gathers; if most things go well
for Iowa, they will have played on
without Street for almost two
months by toumament‘s end. And
they‘ve experienced enough highs
and lows for two seasons already.