xt783b5w9h31 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt783b5w9h31/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-09-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 26, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 26, 1988 1988 1988-09-26 2020 true xt783b5w9h31 section xt783b5w9h31  



Today: Sunny
Tomorrow: Sunny 8. pleasant








Cross country runners share more than

just ability.


See Page 3

SGA, Panhellenic make steps to help
the University.


See Page 8






Vol. XCII. No. 33

Established 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky


Independent since 1 97 1

Monday. September 26. 1988


Preventing drink sales to minors tough, ABC member says

Associated Press

The Alcoholic Beverage Control Board is
going to investigate establishments that re-
portedly have sold alcohol to minors.
according to the ABC's director of enforce-

"If they ilicensees) are not checking.
and selling. somebodys going to get ar»
rested," said Leslie Cole, ABC director of
enforcement .

(“ole said it was difficult for the board to
crack down on underage drinking. even
though it is the agency‘s ”No. 1 priority."

Minors determined to get alcohol can do
so in a number of ways‘ even when bars

check [05. Some minors carry fake le
that enable them to buy alcohol. Some go
into bars with people old enough to drink
and get the older person to buy the alcohol.
since Kentucky law does not prohibit mi
nors from entering bars.

These activities are relatively unpoliced.
since no law enforcement agency routinely
checks the 10,000 licensees in Kentucky In
stead. the ABC and other lawenforcement
agencies act upon tips or complaints

But a major reason that minors are able
to buy alcohol is that some licensees do not
check IDs. Cole said.

Bars and stores that sell alcohol must be
sure they are not selling to minors

“There‘s nothing that says tfiey inust
card.” Cole said “We recommend that
they card. "

(‘ole said it would be impossible for his
office to monitor the establishments con
stantly. It has 26 agents statewide itl‘w
oversee the licensed establishments

Nevertheless (‘ole said he was surprised
by a recent lexington Heralereader :lll‘
\ey that found some establishments ‘1‘”
not stringent in ensuring a customer . is
of legal age before selling alcohol

The survey was conducted by tour iicr
aldI,eader reporters all of them l K 41.,
dents in Lexington, \lorehead arid l’w h



, .r
V? “I. ..

Brandi Wickline. an electrical

contributing Writer

it was back to work yesterday at
ternoon for the new L'K homecoming
queen. Brandi Wickline. an electrical
engineering senior from Elizabethtown

\\ickline's new title was announced
Saturday during halftime of the [K
hem State football game. She had been
nominated by the Greek ActiVity Steer-

\Vickline was taking a class yesterday
Ill preparation for the Law School .\d‘
mission Test she Will take Saturday in
hopes of attending law school after

"My first choice would be Vanderbilt
il'niversityi.” Wickline said about law
school “It all depends on how well I do
Saturday "


engineering senior
lizabethtown, Ky. is crowned homecoming queen dur-


UK senior back to normal after homecoming


According to Wickline. she originally
had wanted to major in a subject that
would prepare her for law school But
tier father persuaded her to seek a tech-
nical degree

"Since l liked math
chose electrical engineering."

Wickline said she thinks the reason
there are few women in electrical eiigi~
iieering is because the protessmn tradi»
tionally has been closed to women

“I think that is really starting to
change," she said “l've noticed it a lot
with the freshmen who are coming in "

Wickline said it does not make a big
difference being a woman in that

“It did at first. but after a while you
get to know a lot of people and it makes
it easy.” she said.

and scxencc. l

ing halftime of UK 5
Saturday. Wickline plans to attend law school.

we? at

ALAN HAWSE Kernel Sta"

Victory over Kent State Universnv

According to Wickline, electrical engi-
iieeriiig requires a iot of math. protects
and working problems

“Theres a lot of studying iziiolved.‘
she said ' \ lot of the learning tomes
from working problems."

Wickline said she was "thrilled iiist
being nominated‘ for homecoming

But she said she was even more sur-
prised Saturday when she was irowned
queen. "l had no expectation whatsoev
er of winning." she said. "l was .sur~
prised when l was one of the five ll'
iialists ”

Wickline said she isn‘t sure how she
will benefit irom being this years
homecoming queen “it probably won't
make a difference in the long run,"
\\'ickline said. but she still considers it
' a great honor]



Panhellenic to

Stat f reports

The Panhellenic (‘ounCIl will be donating
money to the MI. King library today to
buy books. according to Connie Nitzkeii.
president of the Panhellenic Council

The donation was raised Sept. 17 by a
Walk-A-Thon held at the Student Center

According to Nitzken. sorority members

give money to

were encouraged to seek pledges from par
ents. friends. and faculty. Nitzken esti
mated that there 750 participants in the

The amount raised will be announced
during a presentation ceremony at the ll~
brary. The ceremony will be held after a
Panhellenic meeting at 3:30pm.

The council hoped to double the amount

library today

obtained in last year's
benefitting the Arthritis Foundation
council raised about $5.000 last year


.-\lthough Nitzken would not reveal the
amount raised from the Walk-A-Thon until
the presentation today. she said the
amount exceeded last year's fundraiser
Nitzken said she was thrilled with the re-
sults of the Walk-A-Thon

mood The student
:aidcd” asked lui
3.? o‘ 1‘? places \isited


idct“ f

(’olc said the some}, sl‘tii‘.xi"“ "
prol li‘fl: or selling to tumor to
matter of underage drinker»

'1 think that sends its a .: s
'lhej. tutti talk about : 1'

i l , ,

'iiost always 1~~

ii.-l i llo-wkpil'

.i (it“‘

l-l‘\3 'ifili' ibf'iflv'dit't‘

.‘iiir'i ii-iia‘l: Hewett“.

\ Hfl

ll!‘ » ‘ \t‘t'it" ‘ '

Bush and Dukakis

square off

in first

candidate debate

l'n lNl\ M It \l HU'l‘lllH-W’ti

ismwg' i'l-i‘ Pm. \

‘A l‘\\'l" i\' \ \Y r“ '\
Wt \ll"i‘.‘<“' lags-Wars -~ sis'w
Jr'lis .iltri 'l‘ir- l’lvdt'c , ,.
il'Hi'kltl‘iE (uiiiiiiaigii debate his sl

lriish said I i‘viiie lit‘ni‘it‘ ,=
t :s '
shit he ti .is‘ ‘eiid .i’lfi‘Vl

loisb iflfl‘itiilt'W
“cw iiit-zii‘t m mikes.»

in ittyiy-a lht‘ l1” iii,i:y’yti ”\Myy‘

il‘ltNllfIV‘i yf “more“?
"‘iisi" ‘ "
“fl" lz's’ s'igi'W'
ml tiiicrztan . at . mm-
'j\ \sl’tlt\: ii ,v.t..,.,.-,.
“.i. ¥.\:ft'l‘..ls’i"ts ‘ , b-i.
:i'l' llt‘U‘ilK'V‘li' link iKis
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rent 3' l "“st’n‘i i‘ '
.is'lli um i

jinx l‘ t.. f’n- ‘fii-Illtl:l"lt"


"1c t if not ir'lldft
I'tthlli' ,ri-I‘

niiiiiunt '


,iish \ 'H‘ke-ii : M r ‘~«- .«i-w
'la i 'i\ [ iiti‘i' f‘niti t llllfll.\'\l‘l l‘

viiietmir i fiitlltiillf’

il‘illtit‘lt? ’i‘ll‘L‘
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\.ll(l I l‘lllSl hive t~---'i 2 'ii;
T'llt't‘t‘ll' t :ght ymirs' ‘:' c
siid l‘rttfll‘llliis tam li‘t‘l, ’i' it: s
tfltl butchered arid f"e\ "Hi i (is

ii illt‘ll' .‘l'L‘Ulllt‘fll t‘.t"
vit’llt‘ll. ‘rie 11cc :i‘csiiiiii'
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Ji.1\ f‘tttié‘ll‘.


Building to get handicap
doors, LCC president says.

It) til-NE \\.\t.titt\r,lt
I oiitriiiiiting \\ritei


\ new ie\iiigioii
f‘lltltllng. \Kftlti:
from haiidicapin-ii stu-ieiiis I'll
accessible. ~\Iil 'i.i\-- "'(‘t‘illt
stalled next month

[he .\lolone_\ building.
opened since the beginning o: "lls
'“l .iliti was dedicated it! lruta)
the iiiiniiiiuiii Kentucky “unilaxits
handicap accessibility 'vlll
l t (‘ administrators renew

-\ccording to iiie iiaiis ii
building. it has the proper ianip heights as
well as proper handicapped accessiliiiitx a.
restrooms and cleialors ‘-f|ll
Rhody. head of the Stale Housing and ltcs
ideiice (‘oiiiniittee illowexi-i‘ "ie two
tucky standards do not requiie titliilillctitt

l,('(' President i\lleii Edwards s int i
dedication on Friday that ’tie Him-2e
planning to install electric doors

’You're not going to see today ~
finished building. ‘ Edwards ‘tlltl
‘A\iitomatic doors have been ordered and
will be installed on Oct 7 We like to t‘ll
courage handicapped students to mine it
problems eitist, we‘re trying to fix them

Before the dedication began. this
l-lssid. president of Lexington ('onimunity
t'ollege Assocnation of Students. held .1
press conference to expose the problems of


.tlllkli -,i~ "’t
out!“ i i'l ~t

ltii' ~.‘fiiiliilii s


‘::.i'[i s


silii "

l‘i \‘ll'll.;:i
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\‘c l" l"lfltflL‘ lit “ill I h.

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"tc i '\ h i“.
t. .id\ n: it" tiflilfitttfii

‘lli' ‘lii‘.
'.i‘il\ i‘m-s it"i tit-sch: titi tiiiiigc i‘ . it
\'[‘\ \llgl to become an i'istitii’iivi' i'
recognition vilt‘

‘ iw iiztiuiaiici 'Viilf'.
i‘i’sli ‘
l)I‘\t Hr'l'dL‘J‘

v‘\ t‘t‘ , l
‘tl ‘l -'ale
some I'l 'tie new t'equiretiients l*ssiit Lilli!
.iould ‘ike ‘(i see 'lilpft‘lnt‘lllt‘ii .irc
uttering. .iutoniatic Itoors l‘(‘ltt'i

should i‘l‘fn lite ' t!
'lian ‘fiose i.ttl(‘1t
‘cgula'ioiis. "c

‘\'\'('.‘ s Lf‘t‘d tel
_lll\l 'edet‘ai



\(‘l"(( law I“


 2 — Kentucky Kernel. Hondey. September 28. 1888



Information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through the
Student Center Activities Office. 203/204 Student Center. University of Kentucky. The

publication date

Information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor. with editorial privi-
lege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student organizations or Uni-
versity departments to make entries on the calendar. a Campus Calendar form
must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.

DEADLINE. Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceding the




oReiiglous: Speaker: Colman McCar-
thy; Free; Newman Center — Main Hall;
7:30 p.m.;C011255-8566

-Other: Speaker: Colman McCarthy of
the Washington Post: "End Violence by
Teaching Peace"; Free; Newman Center;
7:30 p.m.; Call 255-8566

00ther; UK Cycling Club Ride; Free;
Seaton Center — Front. 230 p.m.; Call

~0ther: Judo Club Meeting;
Alumni Gym: 5630 p.m.; Cali 7-7899



oOther: Campus Aerobics; Free; K-
House; 4:30-5:30 p.m.; Call 254-1881

oReIIglous: Tuesday Night Together —
Baptist Student Union; Free; 429 Colum-
bia Avenue; 7:30 p.m.; Cali 7-3989

oOther: Role Playing - AD&D - Begin-
ners and Intermediate; Free; Student
Center Game Room; 7:30 p.m.; Cali 7-

oReIIgious: Genesis 11; Free; Newman
Center, Room 8; 7-9 p.m.; Call 272-2486

~Other: Aerobics; Free; Newman Cen-
ter - Rooms 1 and 2; 5:50-7 p.m.; Call

oSports: (through 9/30): UK Men’s Golf
vs. University of illlnols; Free with UKID; Chl-
cago; Call 7-3838

oConcerts: UK Jazz Ensemble; Free;
SCFA - Recital Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 7-4900

- Other: UK (Ncling Club Meeting; Free;
Seaton Center — 207; 8 p.m.; Call 233-

oOther: Program: "Stress: Who's In
Charge?”; Free; Student Center — 203; 9-
11 a.m.; Cali 7-8703

0Concerts: UK Jazz Ensemble - Vince
Dlmartlno. Director; Free; Recital Hall —
SCFA; 8 p.m.; Call 7-4929

-Seminars: Dr. Sam Turco, UK. "Struc-
ture and Function of the Novel Lipophos-
phoglycan of Lelshmania Parasites"; MN
463; 4 p.m.; Cali 7-7060

- Religious: Rite of Christian Initiation of
Adults (RCIA): Free; Newman Center -
Rooms 3 and 4; 7:30 p.m.; Call 255-8566



0 Movies (through 10l‘1): Good Morning
Vietnam; 5195; Worsham Theatre; 7:30
and 10 p.m.; Call 7-8867

OOlher; Role Playing — AD&D - Ad-
vanced: Free; Student Center Game
Room; 7:30 p.m.; CO" 7-0630

0 Meetings: Table Tennis Meeting; Free;
Seaton Squash Room: 7:30-10:30 p.m.;

oOther: German Club Assembly Series:
“Heidelberg: A University City" (infome-
tion on Heidelberg Exchange Program);
234 Maxwell: 5 p.m.; Cali 7-1316

OSeminars: Ms. Joshi-Barve, UK, “Mech-
anism for Secretion of Extracellular Pro-
tein by Gram Negative Bacteria"; MN
403: 4 p.m.; CG" 7-7000

oRellgious: Student Faith Sharing; Free:
Newman Center — Room 8; 9 p.m.; Call

- Religious: Bio Ethics Round Table; Free;
Newman Center — Room 8; 7:30 p.m.;


oReIIglous: Bible Study; Free; 502 C0-
lumbia Avenue; 7 p.m.; Call 233-0313

0 Other; Chess Club; Free; Student Cen-
ter Game Room; 7:30 p.m.; Cali 7-6636

~0ther: Bridge; Free; Student Center
Game Room; 7:30 p.m.; Cali 7-6636

0Reiiglous: Myth and meoi; Free;
Newman Center. Rooms 3 and 4; 7:30
p.m.; Call 255-8566

0Concerts: UK mehony Orchestra;
Free; SCFA - Concert Hall; 8 p.m.; Cali 7-

- Lecture: "Mark Twain Last Laugh; Fac-
Ing Old Age with Wit and Wisdom"; Free;
Student Center 206: 7:30 p.m.; Call 7-

-Other; “What is Democratic Socialism
all about?"; Free; Student Center 113; 7
p.m.; Call 233-9223

oReiigIous: Holy Eucharist; Free; St. Au-
gustine's Chapel; 5:30 p.m.; Call 254-

00ther; Campus Aerobics; Free; K-
House; 4:30-5:30 p.m.; Call 254-1881

OReiiglous: D 8 L Grill - Devotion and
Lunch; $1; 429 Columbia Avenue; 12:15;
Call 7-3989


-|30 FRIDAY]

-Sporis (through 10/2): Women’s Ten-
nis Howard Invitational: Free; Cambridge.
MA; Call 7-3838

00ther. UK CWcling Club Ride: Free:
Seaton Center — Front; 2:30 p.m.; Call


oSports: Wildcat Football vs. Alabama:
Free with UKID; 1:30 p.m.; Call 7-3838

0 Sports: UK Cross Country Alabama In-
vitational; Tuscaloosa. AL; Cali 7-3838

oOlher (through 10/7): SAB Visual Arts
Committee presents Rob Barnard exhibit;
Free; Rasdaii Gallery; 10 o.m.-5 p.m.; Call

00ther (through 10/16): The Best of
American Illustration: Selections from the
Delaware Art Museum; Free; UK Art Mu-
seum — SCFA; Noon-5 p.m.; Cali 7-4844

oOther: Canoe Trip; 58; St. Augustine's
Chapel; 10 p.m.; Call 254-3726



Good Morning Vietnam;
$1.95: Worsham Theatre: 7 p.m.; Cali 7-

oReIiglous: Collegiate Worship Service:

0 Movies:

Free: 502 Columbia Avenue; 11

OReIlglous: Holy Eucharist: Free; St. Au-
gistlne‘s Chapel. 10:30 and 5:30; 254-

-Sports (10/4): UK Women's Goil vs.
Memphis State: Memphis State; Call 7-

0Concerls: Facqu Horn - 0. Elliot; Free;


: SCFA - Recital Hall: 3 p.m.; Cali 7-4900

corner; PI Phi/Beta Down Hill Derby;

_ Free; Call 5-514s



oOther; Judo Club; $6; Alumni Gym; 5-
6:30 p.m.; Cali 7-7899

~0ther: UK CVcilng Club Ride; Free;
Seaton Center — Front; 2:30 p.m.; Call




special events










oOther — 9/26: Speaker: Colman Mc-
Carthy of the Washington Post: "End Vio-
lence by Teaching Peace"; Free; New-
man Center; 7:30 p.m.; Call 255-8566

oOther - 9/26: UK Qcilng Club Ride;
Free; Seaton Center - Front; 2:30 p.m.;
Call 233-7438

00ther - 9/26: Judo Club Meeting;
Free; Alumni Gym; 5630 p.m.; Call 7-

oOther - 9/27: Campus Aerobics; Free;
K-House; 4:30-5:30 p.m.; Call 254-1881

oOlher - 9/27: Role Playing - AD8rD -
Beginners and intermediate; Free; Stu-
dent Center Game Room: 7:30 p.m.; Call

- Other - 9/27: Aerobics; Free; Newman
Center — Rooms 1 and 2; 5:50-7 p.m.;

oOther — 9/27: UK Cycling Club Meet-
ing; Free; Seaton Center - 207; 8 p.m.;
Call 233-7438

oOther — 9/27: Program: "Stress; Who's
In Charge?"; Free; Student Center — 203;
9-11 a.m.; Cali 7-8703

00ther - 9/28: Role Playing — AD&D -
Advanced; Free; Student Center Game
Room; 7:30 p.m.; Cali 7-6636

0 Other — 9/28: German Club Assembly
Series: "Heidelberg: A University City" (in-
formation on Heidelberg Exchange Pro-
gram); 234 Maxwell; 5 p.m.; Call 7-1316

oOther — 9129: Chess Club; Free; Stu-
dent Center Game Room; 7:30 p.m.; Call

00ther - 9/29: Bridge; Free; Student
Center Game Room; 7:30 p.m.; Call 7-

0 Other - 9/29: ”What is Democratic So-
cialism all about?”; Free; Student Center
113; 7 p.m.; Call 233-9223

-Other - 9/29: Campus Aerobics; Free;
K-House; 4:30-5:30 p.m.; Call 254-1881

oOther - 9/30: UK Cycling Club Ride;
Free; Seaton Center — Front; 2:30 p.m.;
Call 233-7438

00ther — 10/1-10/7: SAB Visual Arts
Committee presents Rob Barnard exhibit;
Free; Rasdaii Gallery; 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Call

0 Other - 10/1-10/16: The Best of Ameri-
can illustration: Seiectlons from the Dela-
ware Arl Museum; Free; UK Art Museum -
SCFA; Noon-5 p.m.; Cali 7-4844

oOther - 10/1; Canoe Trip; 58; St. Au-
gustine's Chapel; 10 p.m.; Call 254-3726

oOther - 10/2: Pl Phi/Beta Down Hill
Derby; Free; Call 8-5148

00ther - 10/3: Judo Club; 56; Alumni
Gym; 5—6:3O p.m.; Call 7-7899

oOther - 10/3; UK cycling Club Ride:
Free; Seaton Center - Front; 2:30 p.m.;
Call 233-7438

-Rellgious — 9/26: Speaker: Colman
McCarthy; Free; Newman Center - Main
Hall; 7:30 p.m.; Call 255-8566

oReliglous - 9/27: Tuesday Night To-
gether -Baptist Student Union; Free; 429
Columbia Avenue; 7230 p.m.; Call 7-3989

0 Religious — 9/27; Genesis 11; Free; New-
man Cenler. Room 8; 7-9 p.m.; Call 272-

-Reilglous — 9/27; Rite of Christian ini-
tiation of Adults (RCIA): Free; Newman
Center - Rooms 3 and 4; 7:30 p.m.; Call

OReIigious — 9/28: Student Faith Shar-
ing; Free; Newman Center — Room 8; 9
p.m.; Call 255-8566

~Rellgious — 9/28: 810 Ethics Round
Table; Free; Newman Center — Room 8;
7:30 p.m.; Call 255-8566

oReligious - 9/29: Bible Study; Free;
502 Columbia Avenue; 7 p.m.; Call 233-

oRellgious - 9/29: Myth and meol;
Free; Newman Center. Rooms 3 and 4:
7:30 p.m.; Call 255-8566

OReilglous — 9/29: Holy Eucharist; Free;
St. Augustine's Chapel; 5:30 p.m.; Call

0 Religious — ‘9/29; D 8; L Grlli - Devotion
and Lunch; 31; 429 Columbia Avenue:
12:15; Call 7-3989

oReilgIous — 10/2: Collegiate Worship
Service; Free; 502 Columbia Avenue; 11
a.m.; 233—031 3

oReilgious - 10/2: HON Eucharist; Free;
St. Augistlne's Chapel; 10:30 and 5:30:

oLecture - 9/29: ”Mark Twain Last
Laugh: Facing Old Age with Wit and Wis-
dom"; Free; Student Center 206; 7:30
p.m.; Call 7-2901

OMeetlngs - 9/28: Table Tennis Meet-
ing; Free; Seaton Squash Room; 7:30-
10:30 p.m.; Call 7-6636

OSemInars - 9/27: Dr. Sam Turco, UK,
"Structure and Function of the Novel Li-
pophosphogiycan of Leishmania Parasit—
es"; MN 463; 4 p.m.; Cali 7-7060

oSeminars - 9/28: Ms. Joshl-Barve. UK.
"Mechanism for Secretion of Extracellular
Protein by Gram Negative Bacteria"; MN
463; 4 p.m.; Call 7-7060






OSports — 9/27-9/30: UK Men's Golf vs.
University of Illinois; Free with UKID; Chi-
cago; Cali 7-3838

OSports — 9/30-10/2: Women's Tennis
Howard invitational; Free; Cambridge.
MA; Call 7-3838

~Sports — 10/1: Wildcat Football vs. Ai-
abama; Free with UKID; 1:30 p.m.; Cali 7—

-Sports — 10/1: UK Cross Country Ala-
bama invitational; Tuscaloosa, AL; Call 7-

-Sporls - 10/2-10/4: UK Women's Golf
vs. Memphis State; Memphis Stale: Call







°Concerts - 9/27: UK Jazz Ensemble;
Free; SCFA — Recital Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 7-

0Concerts - 9/27: UK Jazz Ensemble —
Vince Dimartlno. Director: Free; Recital
Hall — SCFA; 8 p.m.; Cali 7-4929

-Concerts - 9/29: UK Symphony 0r-
chestra; Free; SCFA - Concert Hall; 8 p.m.;
Cali 7-4900

0Concerls - 10/2: Faculty Horn — D. Ei-
ilot; Free; SCFA — Recital Hall; 3 p.m.; Cali

oMovles — 9/28-10/1: Good Morning
Vietnam; $1.95; Worsham Theatre; 7:30
and 10 p.m.; Cali 7-8867

oMovIes - 10/2: Good Morning Viet-
nam; $1.95; Worsham Theatre; 7 p.m.; Cali



Mi T
looking ahead




10/6 - Theatre: Ah, Wildernessi by Eu-
gene O'Neil. Directed by Russeil Hender-
son; 54/55; Guingol Theatre. FA; 8 p.m.;
Call 257-1385

10/6 - Concerts; 1988 UK Band Spec-
tacular; Free; SCFA - Concert Hall; 8 p.m.;
Cali 7-4900

10/8 - Other: Trl-Delta Run for the Kids;
S8; Seaton Tennis Courts; 9 p.m.; Call 8-

10/8 - Concerts: Spotlight Jan pre-
sents Wynton Marsalls; $13; SCFA; 8 p.m.;
Cali 7-1378


 Kentucky Kernel. Monday, September 26. 1988 — 3





Torn Spalding

Spry") Fri"')’


Orre’s third-place finish leads UK women to Kentucky Invitational win

Staff Writer

The easiest way to fulfill high expecta-
tions is just to go out and win.

The UK women‘s cross country team,
expected to contend for the national title
this year, did that, beating seven other
teams Saturday morning to win the
Kentucky Invitational Relays at the Ken-
tucky Horse Park.

“I‘m real excited about our finish," said
UK sophomore Kristy Orre, who led the
women's team with a third-place finish.

“l think we have a good chance down the
road.“ she said.

In the women's fivekilometer race, In-
diana University's Michelle Dekkeis took
home the honors by running in a record
time of 17: 10

()rre finished third in the race. running
ina time of 18:04.

Dekkers. a native South African who ran

Cats stop
Kent State,
losing streak

Staff Writer

The Kentucky Wildcats needed a big
win. They needed a morale booster After
a heartbreaking loss to Auburn and a
crushing defeat at Indiana. they needed
iust about anything positive.

They got those things ., in a big way —
Saturday at (‘ommonwealth Stadium

The (‘ats scored 31 of their points in the
first half. as they cruised to a 38-14 victory
over the Kent State Golden Flashes.

"lt built our confidence back up.“ de-
fensive guard Vic Adams said

"We‘re glad to get the win." I'K (‘oach
Jerry (‘laiborne said “We played a real
good first half “

The Wildcats put on an offensive show
for the homecoming crowd of 47.989. run-
ning up 17 points in the first quarter and 14
points in the second quarter

“We were motivated." tailback lvy Joe
Hunter said "We wanted to get the offense
some points on the board. We wanted to
get the running game established "

Although l'K ran the ball 13 more times
than it threw it, that didn’t exactly
establish the running game. according to

"We're still not running as well as we
should." he said "We only got 119 yards
rushing. We still have to improve "

The t‘ats gained only 277 yards of total
offense while Kent rolled up 329 yards.

The special teams were probably the
brightest spots for UK.

'(tur kicking game was much im—
liroved.” t‘laiborne said. ”iJeff') Nelson
kicked much better “

Nelson. a senior punter. booted the ball
\l.\' times for 368 yards for an average of
H 7 yards. His longest punt was a

Another standout on the speCIal teams
was sophomore Chris Tolbert. He returned
iii'e punts for 120 yards. including a 49-
yarder. which set up l'K‘s first score.

Tolbert received the punt at the UK 39.
and raced all the way to the Kent lzvyard
line He was pulled down from behind by
Kent 's l’aul Haynes.

"I figured I was gomg to break one
today' 'l‘olbert said. “I was real tired
when he i Haynes i caught me. “

With 7:35 left in the first quarter. the
(‘ats scored their first passing touchdown
of the year. UK Quarterback (ilenn Fohr


“We beat a good IU team today, so I’m very
pleased. We had four of the top eight finishers,
so this proves that we are deep and strong."

Gene Weis,

UK assistant cross country coach

barefoot, "wanted to be in the middle of
the pack by the time everyone turned for

Dekkers did that. then surged to a
comfortable lead over ll"s Kim Betz. and

UK assistant coach Gene Weis called the
UK women‘s performance “solid "

“We beat a good Il.’ team today. so I'm
very pleased." Weis said. “We had four of


the top eight finishers. so this proves that
we are deep and strong "

UK junior Lisa Breiding finished fourth.
just 13 seconds behind tirrc with a time of

UK‘S Valerie McGovern finished sixth

UK runners finishing in the top 20 were
Donna Combs 'llth‘ Deanne Horne
i14thi. Lynne Segreti 'iTthi, Sherry Hoo
ver (19tht and Kerry Rink l‘zath'

UK tight end Mike Meece (83) dives for some extra yardage despite Kent State
linebacker LD. Hartman's effort to stop him. UK defeated the Golden Flashes

rolled right and tossed a screen pass to
fullback Andy Murray. who scampered in
yards to the end zone. l'K went up 7-0 after
Ken Willis' extra-pomt.

later in the first quarter. With Kent
movmg the ball close to midfield. t'K‘s
Tony Massey slammed the door shut on
the Golden Flashes.

:\s Kent quarterback Patrick Young

Cross country runners
share name and ability

t'ontributing Writer

Life can be a bit confusing if your first
and last names are the same. EspeCially it
you run on the UK cross country team.

Just ask Jim Kaiser. He‘ll tell you. or
Jim Kaiser. He‘ll tell you, too.

“()ur mail has been getting mixed up.
my advanced registration card got mixed
up. and I almost got dropped from all my
classes.” said Jim E. Kaiser.

The confusion is understandable.

Ho.h Kaisers come from southern lndia-
na Both attended small (‘atholic high
schools. And both excelled in the two-mile
run as high school seniors.

The two don't have a lot of differences,
Except that .lim B. Kaiser is a sophomore
and Jim A. Kaiser is a freshman.

It can even get annoying. Jim A. Kaiser
found that out a few weeks ago.

“A girl from Canada that he met called
me once at four in the morning," he said.

The two Kaisers may mind sharing
names. But they don‘t mind sharing

Jim B. Kaiser, from Mater Dei High
School in Evansville. lndiana, returns for
his second year of cross country running at

He's gained some notoriety, and not just
for the name thing. But it took a while for
the 5-fooHi, ilS-pounder to do it.

He made a strong finish at the end of his
high school career. and he won both the ln-


“It was pretty neat,
because I got to cheer
for myself when he
was running."

Jim 8. Kaiser,
UK sophomore runner

diana State cross country and twosmile
track championships.

“l came through with a surprise state
championship in cross country. and that
just carried over to track," he said.

This summer the older Kaiser was se—
lected by the (IS. Junior National Team to
compete in the World .lunior Track and
Field Championships held in Sudbury. (‘an-

He placed only 24th out of 1N runners in
the 20-kilometer road race at Sudbury. but
gained some confidence and respect

“It helped me to keep running during the
summer." Kaiser said. "It gave me some
mileage to get ready for this year."

The other Kaiser, Jim A., is new to the
UK campus. He was the only signee for
UK track coach Don Weber. But that al-
most didn't happen.

The reason why was a successful senior
year in high school. He advanced to semi-
state in cross country and placed second in
the state in the two-mile run.

rolled left. \lassey tl iiinior defensive
end nailed him from lrtjllllld. The ball
popped loose. and l.Ks lioiinie iiardner
tell on it at the Kent 46

Kentucky then did something 1‘ has had
trouble doing iii the past It capitalized on
a big break,

l‘ohr marched the t'ats 21 yards in seven

Both Jim 8 Kaiser (left) and Jim A.
heads for the UK cross country team

His impact. thougn. will not be expected

"It will be difficult to expect too much
from him this year." assistant coach Gene
Weis said. “We really don‘t need to be-
cause we have quite a lot of runners
returning from last year‘s team."

Weis knows this Kaiser is a good one. He
just wants to keep him that way.

“Any distance runner coming in from
high school will have to make adjustments

Indiana finished second With 42 points, to

points behind t7K.and the l'niiersity of
Michigan was third with 75 points

The UK men's team placed third ill the
eightekilometer run behind Indiana which
coasted to victory on the strength of three
runners finishing in the top 11 Tho- lllm
siers were paced by Bob Kennedy who ran
3rd in a time of 25: 12

"l would've liked the nir-n
little closer to ll' " \tcis said

Running in a steady drtzzlc Hm" 'lo-i;
nessee State's Thomas ri‘tiara blew u.‘.::}
a field of Zn participants iii the 1-:glitl1*‘ti
meter race in a record lill‘if' of 3; ",1

h. f iiii‘ .1

His effort broke the pl'f“.éllll' ‘XK l: '.:‘t;
tional record of limit". Hm :ia‘.
meet by West \‘it‘ijiiiiul l‘u-rri- ‘mly‘


tt'Gara‘s victory was his si-mixd ., 'tn'w
years. his last coming in first;
I'K's closest competitor ii


l'LtCt' 'le\ it

McIntosh. a senior tron: \iitm'
I_liallciigetl ”(lam earl} e.” i
was battling a cold in . vi"
up tow and the end

\lt lntosh thought ht'Jl'! ti "" "

i really exjwctw’. :i. lit-Mt ,1 ..;:,.
w.’ llt' ~(i.tl

ill: l1 Kaiser

~Tt. l airliw Kc"
’wi"-’. .‘. "i' plan-«1'3”

' -' filil‘Zt'tf 1h t‘s' '
i i,

alllpliit‘t‘ f':,~li ’




38-14 Saturday at Commonwealth tr‘actr

record to 2 2 while Kent S'ate d'oncest :*

piays which ciiiiiiinatcri ii a a. unit: 7
coal lt‘» \‘lllls. lo llthKt‘ilit'M oi‘c w n

The t ats went up 15H \\llfl : w lt'l .
'lie :irst quarter '.\ll(‘l| xiiiiai'k
ltawls tound ciid .‘tiie .in
ards out


The H) was set up. courtesy w t i' t K
defense. when Kent 5 \ oung ilinlltlt‘li (ll-t1»


Kaiser have turned
this season. Jim B

to a variety of things. said \‘veis It IS
difficult for any freshman. no matter how
good he is, to come in and produce right
away "

Jim A. Kaiser and teammate Jim ll
Kaiser might not enjoy the conquion but
at least they‘ve learned to accept it. It's
happened before.

When they first met in high school. .it
the Indiana State 'l‘rack Meet. Jim B. Kai‘
ser had already won his two-mile event.

Kaiser. a E-tooter. sipnomore
A Kaiser. a 6-i freshman. IS from New Aibaoy i c


in i‘Q". k Wit :3» ‘ «9

aid the freshman .lzm »\
”J“ the nine
‘When we were lining iii,

\cr said. the) called out iii) inll't .i ..

i-zybody turned around \\l\ll‘-t‘\t'ti tm
‘tiey thought he was riiiiiiiiigauan
Hut that was more funny fill c
than enibari‘asing. said Jim it
It was pretty neat. because
cheer for myself when he was i’iimiii‘g


i t





4 — Kentucky Kernel. Monday.809hmbor 26.1000






‘Patty Hearst’ offers distorted, melodramatic view of facts

Staff (‘ritic

Because “Victim" movies have
traditionally floundered. it took
nearly fifteen years to get the story
of Patricia Hearst. who went from
heiress to radical left-winger as a
political prisoner of the Symbio-
nese Liberation Army in the early
l97ts.on screen

After watching Hearst's story, a
veritable portrait of physical and
psychological passwity, I'm afraid
Hollywood may never again stray
from bankable protagonists such as

Rambo and Action Jackson.
With a story filled With so many
complexities isociological, politi-

cal. legal historical. psychological.
emotionaw not to mention a
story so recent that every one has
formulated an uneducated opinion
about it one has to wonder how
director Paul Schrader came up
With such an uninteresting flop"

One answer to this question may
be the fact that the film is told
from Hearst‘s perspective to the
point of bias and possible distortion
of truth. While watching the film. I
got the distinct feeling that the
whole thing was one big. expensive
therapy session for her, which may
explain the cult‘like feeling that
pervades the entire film Strangely
enough. I never felt very sympa-
thetic toward her

Throughout the film we are given
exclusive insight into Patty‘s


thought processes during her 19
month ordeal via voice—overs
Visually, the film is shot through
Patty's eyes. For what seems like
the first hour of the movie. the
S.L.A. members are faceless, rigid-
lycaricatured voices to convey
what it must have been like for
Patty to live blindfolded in a closet.
unable to see her captors

The SLA. characters never pro—
gress past being cliched revolution-
aries who discuss their dreams of
liberation in forced. passionless
voices. l‘m not even sure what
these people were fighting for other
than the ambiguous “freedom for
our children." Freedom to do
what" Grow thei