xt783b5w9g90 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt783b5w9g90/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-02-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 12, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 12, 1985 1985 1985-02-12 2020 true xt783b5w9g90 section xt783b5w9g90 i
‘ h .; . drive i‘tidi‘ivi't". .. e ‘v ‘v{.",. ... ' ~ . . ~, 1:33;" 71. 3:1}
S nat passes ‘sex a] orientation’ amendment '
By DARRELL CLEM political affiliations. or any other dents. The Senate passed the mea- criteria other than academic perfor- it was important once to list. then is whelming majority thought it was 1
Senior Staff Writer non-academic activity. sure byavoice vote. mance may be taken into consider- it no longer important to make a list important to keep that list intact .
Immediate objection to the propo- ation” in grading policies of thosethings?“ and to add to it " '

The University Senate yesterday The proposal, which the Senate sal followed opening discussions yes “We don‘t need a list," he said. After the Senate meeting. Freud- Stephens said that. although his . ‘
voted overwhelmingly to make sex- Council approved two weeks ago and terday when Tom Stephens, a Stu- “No student who attends this Uni- enberg said he thought the intent of proposal failed. he and those who - » -V
ual orientation irrelevant in the aca- passed on to the Senate. was spon- dent Government Association versity should be discriminated Stephens‘ proposal was "admira opposed him are committed to the V ' - -'.
demicevaluationof students. sored by four registered student or- senator, proposed that the Senate against for things unrelated to ble." but ”I‘m not sure how a same purpose that or eliminating V ' .V 3 V - -

ganizations — the National Organi- rule be changed to eliminate all spe- course work for any reason — peri- statement like that would work in a discrimination ”rm committed to , ' , .

Sexual orientation. age and mari- zation for Women. Socially cific referencestocertain groups. . od.“ . . practical way. that."he said . ,V ‘ .
tai status were added to a list in Concerned Students. Young Demo- Stephens said he thought smglmg However, SGAV PreSident Tim "Government and businesses for Lois Wesley. preSident of St‘S and V . ' ,
Senate rum that already prohibited crats and Emergence. a feminist out certain groups on a list was not Freudenberg. stating that the Uni- years have included lists of criteria secretary of GALL'S. said after the - . V,
discrimination on the basis of race. newspaper — and was supported by a good practice and proposed that versity “felt compelled at sometime like that.“ he said yesterday “The meeting that “we are yet). pleased . ' .
color. religion. sex. national origin the Gay and lesbian Union of Stu- Senate rules be changed so that “no in the past to list things.“ said: “If UniverSity Senate today by an over- that ,t passed -- ', -V “ V V .

I V . -, , : - W ' 17"7— *i‘r'w“ h - 2—9 . 7
12 ‘ Senate orders study .. -- . ~ . .. Fences mark - -
a ' -' ’ .. - ‘ : ”'«f': 1— . , '1 .
. f d t. t saw .':-‘- ~ ~ - :p ,. g ’- installment . - ,
0 en 18 l' mer er “we: 1 ~’ ‘ - ° ' -
e 5 y g i so! or. -:-. a; of new pipes _ . ,
t: :- A-w‘ .r . - . . ' . ~
. o ;-' ..‘ ‘ c ‘ J ’ ’ ‘ s . . . . s I. l
Dental college instructor Cites problems i . a 1;, ~ . , - » _ ,_ «it 3dii'it-i‘i2‘?‘"“‘"" ‘ . , . .- .

. . . 133;! - V °.'.-‘.-~ in. mg" - a. _ . . .' VV
Wlth plan tOJOIn UK, UOfL SChOOlS i “$2: . f." ‘ > ° _" . w o. Workers are building temporary ' - '. V
By DARRELL CLEM chairmanships between the two ‘.‘ ~ . g}; a I; 1'” s — 7‘; fii. . fences behind the chemistry Physics V . V .
Senior Staff Writer schools, had been worked out quick- L .. 9-“ ‘ - 1“ j V. , :7: Riv . V: and JQUFhahbm hhlidlhgb this $99k V . - V

iy with insufficient review by 803- .:“;‘.5:‘ ~" ‘3 a; ‘P f. a . . , .‘\ V ’ . at; V V to begin constructing water lines for x V

The impact of the UK-University demicbodiessuchastheSenate. l ‘ _ "t, -_ ;. 3;: ' .. as'hliied “'atérstfslem . , . . ‘
of Louisville dental school merger “I’m somewhat disturbed by 1" L 2 9?.- r" :3 v 1' -" ’ “‘V" a; The fences Wlii enclose material .
will be more closely examined as a that." Applegate said. He stressed 1 ‘ . ' ‘ .' w . iV'OFV water “"95 thd k99f>VSlquehlS .
result of a motion passed at yester- that the Council should “actually 1 ‘ .— :— —’ ’1' . 1.33 V " ' de} from the COhblrucith bites . . ,
day‘s University Senate meeting. (become) involved in the process 0‘ : . . ‘fi’53’V-N . _- .I .- ’ t 3 After the completion of the fence - - -

Senate member James Applegate. reviewing changes that have been .l. V 4 I V , 0 'e - 7"“. 1 behind the Journahsm Building. ,V
saying that he was “somewhat sur~ made in the dental school,‘ as out- ‘1‘». , "*V ‘ . , --" f . 4 x . , ’ i V“: . which began Thursday. chilled , _
prised” to find that some UK Col- linedbyCostich. 755‘ ~. ... , ' "L d —- ;.- ,d- - . -9: o ‘W‘ ..‘. " water lines will be put in under the ’ ' '-
lege of Dentistry programs have Brad Canon was the only Senate .-' »- .‘VV / ,~ fiér . ~ ‘” '“‘ _ ' fin.“ '. sidewalk from M l King Library , -
been “removed“ and "dismantled.“ member to oppose Applegate's mo ¥£.‘}Vi$'-?. 3’,“ .' . . ‘3. a fig . and McVey Hall Workers from the V
called for the Senate Council to in- tion. He said after yesterday's meet. oza‘z.’ .‘ .7! , ~ - " ._ f ,_ . -3 — ‘i ' Herb Geddes Fence Co. began the . '
struct its committee on academic ing that the merger was now an ad- , “r: . , - V: {2 .~’ _ .Vwi " tent-e behind the (.‘hem phyg build- .
organization and structure to study ministrativeproblem. T 3' -3 ' ; _ ‘ - ., {-1 '. . . 4 ing Thursday and it was completed
themerger. “This is water over the dam," he ‘, * .“ ‘1' _; ..‘ a o.- 3' 7 _— “ it. ~ _ . Friday. . - .

Applegate‘s motion followed a said. “The time to complain should t‘ N‘ ‘ V" j " ., V " ‘ " A; :1 V
lengthy statement by dental school havebeenearlier." it ‘9. .. . ' " Wm ‘4 ~ . _, "’9- '.. V The chilled water system. which '
faculty member Dr. Emmett R. Cos- In the meantime. the chairman of . "3- '_ Jar; . -.'.. ' g . ‘ " V‘ J . runs cold water to air conditioners . ~
fich which criticized certain aspects the dental school academic council, ‘43-:- »-j- E: ' L ._ ’ c . ' ' in l'niversity buildings, must be ex- ' .
ofthedentalschool merger. Dr. James Drummond. said a report gffl a“ g . . m ‘ - .. - V V tended as the L’niverSity expands.

Costich said details of the merger. from that council would be forthi j r‘ -» , " t ~ ‘ _. - * V ' said Marc Avery. a mechanical en- .
such as eliminating UK‘s orthodon- coming“in two or three weeks." 3; a ;, :1 43% E . \- 41V; ' t gineer with i)eSlgn and (Tonstruc- .
tics program and the sharing of SchENTISTRY.pageS , ., ,_ 1*2. 3; ~_ 4” ' *' “ . " Ef‘ tion ' '

l . . 2;. ~ -. ‘ fl: 4 .. a '

I- ‘26,: .'. ’ ~ '. - ”t -.»_ ‘ ”iii, an .. The water lines will be put in a '

. . '93: “1% g. E“ _ 3‘» . . ~ _. "‘1- ‘ . threefoot concrete ditch under the
a mlnls ra orS Lit“ " . “‘ _ - . ' ’~~ “ ‘0'” , v '. . sidewalk with all the piping tor the »

: - ' ’ :43. .. ‘ f . 9' p I" ‘ L'niverSity‘s water. air conditioning '
. ‘ “L't ‘1'. ‘ a. . g " ,6 ..i and heating lines The ditch was de- ‘
- ’2 $1.»; V ; ..c. ‘ . . Signed so that additional lines can

reflect on semester . -. .t... ~ - - ~ -~ . on... We. ,
. ".V ‘ ‘ 7;, “-6 1, ‘ ' . ‘ E a c ‘ areas. said Doug Geddes. owner of -
. ‘ ‘ . - . a +. ” ‘. .‘ 1 Herb Geddes Fence (.‘o

Groundwork for future has been laid, . - . ; - , - . t. .- ' r»; .

. . 1. :_ ~ :3, ' “a" . . 6‘ ‘= ' ' The sidewalk Wlii have to be torn ' ’ .
Freudenberg, Cam and Pustmger say , i; -, - . . a. t- a. . - .. .. ; up to get to the ant-h. but that on . - - ,
i ‘ d " ‘L’ . 3" “ ' " “ . v; Q be access to the surrounding build- V

By sCO'l'r WARD Freudenberg said that this is also V‘ a V f', Q. ~ ..V . » . ‘1’ " .. a. ings throughout the construction. Al— , . ,- ‘

SeniorStaff Writer the first year any student can speak ’ .r “a . " .. , it“ .1." ,~ ‘ him» though it Wlii be inconvenient for a . .
onanytopicatsenatemeetinss‘ . . ,-... 3" r“ . '21. . " .vsi \ while. it mustbedone. Averysaid. ' - _ .

Editor's note: This is the first in a Few students have taken advan- .’ ' ‘ ' '3 1" t. ' ‘ v. : ’- I. 4f" . ‘ . '
two-part series on the Student Govr tage of this opportunity but F‘reud- V 1 -, Q . ‘ . - ;: . a --. " . , . . , , '
ernment Association executives. The enberg said. “Students are coming ‘ ‘. .~ use .-t, ‘ é? . a amt» Rain yesterday sVanudeVV “Sham“: .« .
second part will feature senators' to our meetings — not as much as , -~‘—0 We.-. .. ‘ . . A... ‘9' . . . >—"—-—T;“mm_ 1' win." tion on therenLeVbe g.) t e 813;: V , ’

views ofthe administration. we'd like yet, but they‘re starting to lism Building. accorVVi:g g0 . l ' , . V .
come leI to see what‘s going on and Detour Mildew a V“9V:erh“it ‘11 eh ‘9'“3‘; , . .’ ’V

They ran on a ticket of “Experi- tovoice theiropinions.“ gncgaggsfig‘ae‘d :05; :1" d iii'sfalla- ' _ ’ , ,
ence. Integrity and Commitment.' One Of the “886‘ political issues Yen Tran, a sophomore in mechanical engineering. walks along the Lexington Communilv tion of the? water lines will follow ' -
and were endorsed by the Kentucky of last year. which was compounded C ii , C lth k' l t Th . t w ks‘ man in he of w b . . - V f . , . .
Kernel for _ among other things - with the murder of graduate student 0 VegVe s ommonwea par ing 0 . e pas ee y c s sno are eginning soona tin VV scheduled for . V V . . .
their levelheaded platform in con- Lincjung Chen over the summer was to dISSIPate. allowmg glimpses of earth. (‘omp mm 15 . V V
trast to their opponents' “pie-in-the- that of campus safety. It is probably ___ June 1, _ . . V ,
sky"promises. also the issue with which SGA in V V V V V V '. - .

After just over a semester in of- general. and Cain specifically. has 0 0 o O
fice, the three members that com- met with the most success. Cain Palltlcal selentlst leaves I IK .. ‘ ' , . .
pose Student Government Associa- served as chairman of UK task '
tion executives — Tim Freudenberg. force on safety. L . r V d . . t V . V V .
president; John Cain, senior vice Recently, UK officials allocated ' a >'
WMV and Jim mm” em more than mm for may and “L owery 0185 Chapel HI” 5 better aca emtc en wronmen V ,- . . VV .
utive vice Widen! - have initiated cun'ty over the next three years By NATALIE CAUDILL ing." he said. “In my case. it means otters have notbeen as attractive l .
most of their campaign promises About $100,000 of that will go for Staff Writer a very active institute of govem- “North Carolina is an outstanding - , . '-
and say they have found some 0‘ the lighting and grating 8700M campus. merit and survey research center." place to live. it‘s an outstanding po- j if“ t" ' f '
others either impractical or W935i Cain said he also has proposed an David lowery, associate professor When compared to North Caroli- litical science department and an i I. ‘ ' ,
ble andareworkingonthe "5h amendment lo the Administrative of political science and member of na.hesaid UK is"less supportive." outstanding university."he said. ' ’

One of the things this administra- Rules and Regulations to institute a the Martin School of Public Admin- Lowery. who received his doctor- Lowery said the Martin School is is on“ - '
tion is trying to do is reach out to personal safety commission that istration. will soon take a position at ate at the University of Michigan in one of the better accompiishments . it ,
students. Cain said some of the ways would be in diarseof campus safety the University of North Carolina. 1981. said that UK‘s department of othtstime atux. a ‘r-‘V _ .
they are trying to achieve this in- onafull-time basis. Chapel “in. political science is very good and he ' ‘
clude scheduling meetings in differ- Cain said that although he be- “Both the state and the university was glad that he began his career “We‘ve taken that from a new . _
ent places around campus, and ad- lieves the concern surrounding cam- offer a much better academic envi- here. program to a very strong nationally- gt. - . _ '

vertisirig them. Both measures are pus safety will decrease over the ronment." said Lowery. who has “This department‘s emphasis on oriented school of administration." . . .
he]: forsfa-a h i th yearsfihe W051“ likeVVto see it contin been at UK for six years. “The productivity. collegial atmosphere hesaid. 5 '

e sai t in is our years Wi ne. 0 sai 3 33 all committee state, for instance. has a lo histo and support for young faculty mem- . . . . ; it . ,

“MGM 80"?!“th there has al- “'0‘!“ provide UK With “somebody ry of active support for ednifcation. bers is rare." he said. “Any success agxgasgfi h: gags came??? * ‘ , ,

ways been a complaint that "0! 3990“!th to be specifically aware 0‘ Instead of just thinking about educa- I've had as a political scientist — a stemmed fr m thne cuff“: politics: a; — ‘ ‘ _, ‘ '

enough students know what was campus safety.“ tion. they are willing to spend on ed- great part of it can be accredited to Sum“ n ° 9" ”0' ‘0“ DAVID LOWERY

happening. “We‘re holding the meet- Their platform also promised an ucation. my colleagues here. 0 ' been the predominant ones on the -

“‘85 1“ “mere” “an makmg l‘ eXPahsim°mud¢m3€m°w f‘They’re (North Comlimi more V“l've had a lot of calls before but “If you look at United States poli- political agenda, going from the tax

(““9“ government) more “cm" Freudenberg “id some new stu- “hum to supply necessary lnfraS- Ive always said I wasnt inter- tics over the last is years, fiscal is- revolt to Reaganomics. .. . That‘s

ble. he ““1 SeeSGAJMs':2 tructure for quality work "id teach- ested. said Lowery. who said other sues and bureaucratic issues have what politics is all about."

a E droppers m
l '\ 7-—
-a 000 3/’?(V\%/ V gg
' 0 00° , ,. "x a Lorri . . - ~ , * «-
I .333 .333 / «\J — . fr . Engineer’s week draws high schoolers, professzonals to UK run-ammuni- -.
“‘"'“ V ‘01 "V 5—3.1 - By DEBI WILLIAMS neering. This is to get them and displaYS such as a talking com- :kfimm“ . ?
_...iMITLL “ ’ , Reporter “interested in engineering." said puter. . a... I.) .. 4 ~. .,_,
‘ mw-N ' . Troy Cooksey. president of the engi- The week is sponsored by the col- 5714-“- .fgior+”_€-~;§r:
\ 2 -~ -___ - If droppim raw eggs or 2:138 neering student council. lege atda cost of about 823.000. Cook- mmflhm
' : 4' airplanee' and model ' es 593's“ . '
‘ g v m interesting. then engineer's Saturday. the college holds an . my "'3'“.
3.3 32% week, Feb. i7through 23. is an event open house from 9 am. to 3 pm. Die 18V W690i!“ and honorary " _‘ic‘sf-t—yrzu
\ I I, too-itch where individuals and amp- can WW New M the week ..':;;:.: ",.;:::_;.:1;.;.t§::§£;s
(-‘s ’ ” f’i' ," enter contest for cash prizes. almaVWIth the engineering student J’s
kw" 4' "' 9 Engineer": week is an annual PM are Sim according to pre- councd. The members plln _‘11 the ' eff-“W“ ’
J i IV! A’ ‘ evmt at UK that W W aentatlon. appearance. applied uigi- events and have been working on
. .. v mam“ “ _ nea-lngandtectmlcal aspects. inter- unmiectsincehstmnuter.
/ ‘43“ m ”m“ ' We " at to the bile and originality. The
; - - a. dthflngtoanlthhdtbe 9.“ .. - - .. .

.-‘- {-3}. new; to» “manmn‘twty cations include a mini-rocket This Is I his day for us. Coolt- ‘32"ng «tar at;

' $l ' ' lauiclierandatechnicalartshow. eey Slid- “A lot of people see 69- a. -.' and» “We?“ -:

Ci _. J ' neenaapeople withpopbottle—thick wives

‘ [firing the week, high school Itu- Gueet speakers from var-loin cor- ole-eel and calcium strapped to . w 3-: «Kr-w~ n”;
..' l -,i . m m Fayette 0am “'9 ln- pond“ will be fem-ed. with free their bdta. bu we like to have a ' ' W=55€ of“; s:
.1 ' W to In“! College 0‘ Engi- refreshments. engines-lag films, goodtime.too.' ' -‘ ~ ..owagn
' fifimmm
. Q l

 2~KMYKM 1M1, My 12, 1“
ma have to ive up luxuries ‘ l u r.
y g . _- ~
- - s .
Education secretary says Preszdent Reagan 5 budget cuts
may force some to give up automobiles to pay for tuition ~ , ,z‘ ,
, 3y KAREN MILLER negativelytoBennett's comments. gan’s proposed budget cuts for the I «w» ~ . ‘ ' h .4!"
Staff Writer Doug Martin, a music seruor and lass-in school year have been “way ‘ i ,. ‘ ». neg...
andthe Associated Press electical engineer-um freshman. said outofline.” . at m“; M,“ e‘t’
than “Bennett sounds like he is pa- But Bill Swinsord, a political sci- ., Wire h ,V _ , a,”
WASHINGTON — William J. Ben- tronizing college students . . . many ence freshman. said that “the bud- , i. * * ~ ' was . v ' ,. “
nett, the new secretary of education. students need what he calls ‘luxu- get cuts are cutting pretty close to '. - . .
said yesterday that President Rga- ries‘ as diversions from their college the heart . . . the cuts shouldn’t be t , " s W
. gan's budget cuts may force some work." he said. “Some students aimed at social programs that the i \i --s . , Ms»
students to give up stm_ cars and could pay more of their share, but governmenthascutalot already." if” “ ' . ' " .
beach vacations to pay tuition. this 310”“ t WY have t: c'ut M ‘ g r ‘ ““1
Bennett acknowl ed that elimi- In 0 en carS.vaca Ionsan sue . . ‘ , y . ‘ ’ .
[18th loans and issue for more Bennett, at his first news oonfer- John Brademas, presflgt ‘S’f New “ , . ‘9 ~:‘ g. ‘ is ' \
than l million college students would 91108, 8150 said the beltetightening York UmverSity, (331;?! n decl y ‘ . “E . ‘1‘. i. V ,. \‘
force some families who are already could make people more cautious a”? the ‘3‘“ “mum ‘ng ‘. 1“ , - , ‘ “ . . 3 -
sacrificing "to tighten the belt even about spending $0.000 on a college jg”. °,, “’8" °" n“ °m°°m° a j '~- = > '1 i p
further.“ education. ' _ ‘ enca. ' - %:;h t; I f; /
But he suggested that other stu- “More of us might start trunking asked “Ems last week , a . _
dents will simply have to fog-ego lux- about that (3204]!) investment) With tommamegg student loans to ’ .. ,- :i ,h \\ ,. .
l . “1"“ the same sort 0f care we think about all students from families with ad- ;. \. ‘- L ,
He likened it to a “divestiture of when we buy a car: kick the tires justed 81'0“ incomes above $32500 . ) .. , - ,
certain sorts: stereo divestiture. au- and drive it around the block," said to eliminate grants work study Jobs - - ‘ ' ' . '0 ~ ,_
tomobile divestiture. three-weeks-at- Bennett. . . and other aid for those with incomes - . -; vi i
the-beach divestiture." “Then kind of greater scrutiny and above as ooo and to mm m ,4 000 .
u - ' ' t ' ' nu SHARP/Kernel Staff
- ldonot mean to suggest this will deliberateness on the part of the a year the maximum federal help
- be the case in all circumstances. but consumer — ‘What am i setmisytor “madame," draw. Pause that refreshes
it will, like the rain, fall on the just my money here, Mr. Chancellor? —— _ . | .
' and unjust alike," said the former wouldn't be a bad thing either,” Bennett said the government Mark King, a marketing senior. donates blood at the Pint Party, sponsored by the Central
philosophy professor, said the former National. Endow- should target its help on students Kentucky Blood Center and WKQQ-FM. The blood drive will last until 10 pm. today at Mc-
' ‘ UK students, interviewed by tele ment for the humanities chairman. “Who might not otherwise get to col- morial Coliseum.
phone last night at random, reacted Bennett said the reaction to Rea- lege at all."
‘ Vietnam forces attack Cambodian outpost of Khmer Rouge
ARANYAPRAW. Thailand the “flame“. seized "‘9 him.” 09" “id "’9 View“. “‘59 ”.9 "W18 Norodom Sihanouk- Khmer Rouse moved tanks from battlefields near ing the fiercely contested Phnom
. . (AP) — AS many 35 1.000 Vietnam- OUtPOSi a few "“15 from the "1310‘ t0 (ml) the guerrillas against the fighters make up the largest part of Aranyaprathet to defend Battam- Mark Hoeun hills, 'lhai sources said.
fie "0095 seized a Khmer Rouge Khmer .Rouge stronghold at khan Thai border by attacking from the thecoalition. bang, the capital of the province of They said guerrillas struck to dis-
outpost near a major base in west- Din, said Col. Chettha 'lhannalaro. eastandsouth. _ . ‘ Vietnamese troops have overrun the same name. 65 miles southeast courage Vietnam from sending in
em Cambodia to try to drive the deputy commander of the Eastern [Ciao pin, the objectlve of Viet. all the bases of the Khmer People‘s of Aranyaprathet. reinforcements for a major drive on
' guerrillas into a vise in the moun- (border) Field Force. . nam_s drive from the south, is about Liberation Front in a dry season of- the Khmer Rouge stronghold at
taim of western Cambodia, Thai But he said in a telephone inter- mmdessmitliofAranyaprathet. fensive they launched last Novem- “it could be true." Cbettha said of phnom Malai.
militaryofficers said yesterday. view that the guerrillas “Withdrew The Commumst-Khmerftouge are ber. The troops have now targeted the new Khmer Rouge claim. “We
The Khmer Rouge claimed yester- from their outpost after long reSIS- part of a reSistance coalition fifiit— the Khmer Rouge in western Bat- received intelligence reports that In Bangkok foreign ministers
day that they had surrounded Bat— tance against heavrly armed Viet- ing to oust .the Vietnamese from “mm, Pursat and Koh Kong the guerrillas have moved into the from the Association of Southeast
tambang. Cambodia‘s second-larg- namese forces. . . . It doesn t mean Cambodia. Vietnam invaded Cambo- provinces. interior for attacks as Vietnam re- Asian Nations called on other coun-
tst city, and forced Vietnam to they were defeated. They withdrew dia in late 1978, ousting a brutal 'lhe Khmer Rouge claimed yester- infm its army atthefront line." tries to increase their “support and
divert some of its troops to the Cam- to set up another defense line. Khmer Rouge government. ' day that it had surrounded Battam- assistance to the Kampuchean
bodian interior. A top Thai military KhaoDin is part. of a complex of other partners in the guerrilla co- m, the second-largest city in the On the other major battlefront (Cambodian) people in their politi-
thcial said the report “could be mountainous guerrilla Pas” Sm 3mm" a" ‘the .mnf0muh‘s‘ country. Khmer Rouge radio, which north of Khao Din, the Kluner cal and military struggle to liberate
true.“ along the border With Thailand Khmer People 5 National Liberation had reported a guerrilla attack on Rouge ambushed Vietnamese forces their homeland from foreign oc cu pa—
After an allday attack Sunday. south of Aranyapmthet- Thai 0““ Front and troops 0‘ deposed Prince the city Feb. 4, said Vietnam had yesterday along Route 502, overlook- om."
y Continued from page one
dent services the group has under- berg said has not been done as well doesn’t look feasible as far as the The meetingfhoweveg, didslead to
taken include a tax advising pro as it could have in the past. - - city’s concerned. the ormation o the Li rary tudent
gram. a freshman aid program and Pustinger said the group “offers a “I think that we have accomP115h?4 as “0n Woodland the city doesn‘t Advisory Committee. Cain said.
astudent printing service where stu- means for freshmen to get in- much, probably more, than any admlnlstra- want to give up the easements, so “The library lacked student input
dents can get material printed at volved.” . . , - ,, without the easements, we can’t . . . for a long time, and hopefuny this
cost. The group has worked on the Gov- t 1011 smce I V8 been m. designate it University parking“ Will alleViate that."
Of the tax advising program. ernor‘s Scholars Day and made a di- F‘reudenberg added.
Freudenberg said: “This is the first rectory of all registered student or- . “We ran into a dead end there. but Another promise that is still in the
time we've had a workable ganizations with a description of Tlm Freudenber g, we keep trying.”Pustinger said. . working stages is a teacher evalua-
relationship with Beta Alpha Psi (an what they do and what their mem- 56 A resident Freudenbei-g said they are still tion catalog _ a list of how students
accounting honorary> for a tax ad- bership requirements are. p trying to help ease the parkmgprob rated their teachers. Pustinger said
vising program," He said this has Another one of the promises the f lems for 003mm“ xho park in the that some professors have reserva~
been attempted in the past. “This is executives made is the institution of . . . . . . stadium. “ three us ve been tions about such a catalog, but they
the first time . . . that we got the aS- a credit union for students. Freuden- Freudenberg said SGA officials have policy 0‘ the Lexington police no meeting with the IBXTRAN board." are looking at other alternafives
. . . ,. found that a radio station would re longer releases Umversny students . . . ,
Sistance of the IRS and we Signed a berg said, Some of the devel- . . . . .. . he said. and are hoping that the such as publishing a copy of all the
. - ~ , . quire thousands of dollars in start- on their own recogmzance. We re . . . d dif- ' ..
contract With Beta Alpha PSI. This opments on that I cant say at this ing costs and com licated FCC mm still lookinginto it "hesaid company wrll provrde more an teachers syuahw. That would
is the first time we‘ve offered a point (but) I can say that we . p . ‘- .' ferentlcindsofbusserwcetoUK. helpthestudentsoutalot."hesaid.
. . . . . . and regulations. He said he has re Freudenberg said that if he finds u , ,, 'd “W
comprehenswe tax adVismg serv- have been in contact With the credit ceived information about how to that a bail bond service could legal- Were hopeful, he sai . e
ice."hesaid. union staff. members of its board a l for an o ating 't and 1 be established “that again is think that the bus serv1ce at UK ' _ ..
The freshman aid program, a and members of the University ad- tillaiftythe stationPeJill be opulonn-germ 5"). to uire a lot of money .. He could use some improvements and hits a very touchy subject, he
group of freshman students who ministration since we took office - pro'ect ng gagmmeresg; A ma can’t absorb what we’ve succeeded in domg _is said. “but once again, we ve always
help freshmen, is “entirely new“ to urging the board to admit students 0: ' t ud tbail bond . he that kind of cost but “I still think convincing Lex’l'RAN that that is in- been advocates of the fact that stu-
SGA. Freudenberg said. He said as members and working with them a}; ‘13:“ ed' .tserVice,u “.5 a oodidea" ' deedthecase.” dents pay for their education and
. SGA has given the group a $500 bud- to solve what could be potential said. ,ve d into ' persona y g ‘ Cain said that he and others have they‘re consumers of education.
. get and a lot of discretion on how it problems.“ He said he expects to 832k wedge ha ‘1’“! P‘wfneyz Kg: They have also met With little 500- met with Paul Willis, director of They should know what they‘re buy-
spends its money and what projects have an announcement in the next . er, some mg into 1“ cess on promises for more parking, University libraries, about extend- mg."
. it undertakes. couple of weeks. ‘5 another exampe the 9°" we and limited success on one for ex ing the hours at M.I. King. Cain said
This was done “because we feel Two projects that have not met 1°°k mbt: “ thenmore we realize what tended library hours. Pustinger said they learned this had been u-ied in Freudenberg spoke highly of his
‘ they‘re as much of an expert on with the same success include a stu- hasto done. they put in a parking request to dos the past but there were not enough administration: “I think that we
- _ being a freshman right now as any- dent radio station and a student bail He said there are hurdles to face ignate Woodland Avenue in front of students who use the library late to have accomplished as much. proba-
' . body — it‘s an attempt to serve the bond issue. such as changes in the laws regard- the fraternity houses and Wm pay the bill for the people who run bly more, than any administration
3 freshman class.“ which Freuden- Regarding the radio station, ing bail bontk. and a change in the town apartments R4 parking, but “it it. since I’vebeenin."
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 KWYKM MW" 1‘33
.. V I' - . ,. WefiW’fi/éwfi"w “WWWW &*€‘%*’£‘WW
e . I .- -, 2+ :I' rw“mr ‘
‘Emer enc ’ LP 18 - t 9
y , ,+ ~ - «a a con more an
. ‘ " V ‘ 3-3: 3.5, or}; _ v
o o o ' t « 3 has: I~
spottil infectious r -, I d' th '1] . -
y l g n . an or many 11 er
{Vila-A ‘i
EmerseneyKoolfitheGms Wim' “mm!” mm“ l 7,; .34“ . Riv-:23" ( y]! i “The one who dies with the most He enlists the help of Lee who 1 . I .'
Defite/deGan-d; guitars, and harmonious background VJ , , .' 4 \ . , . y toys wins' says Andrew Damon sells the material Boyce steals to .
- vocals. 2"?» _ - 2‘ ‘ f .5 7 i . “fist: ~t'fi : Leetohislifelong friend Christopher 389115 at the RUSS“!!! embassy in '
Kg] Gaotheofcm. me'gzw-Val: M x . ‘ . gg‘d'foi'» ‘ U « i Boyce as he sips on a cold beer r6323). bee'jml‘ikead soon swells as .,
am ssa rs . 'music or . ' ‘ X , r o ‘ «f‘. f ,. ? Boyce turns around and givesbeea e iristo ' he'satopflightin- - ' t v
last decade. glide into ms with notwfim flexes" ”133m? ’ no a . 3 ‘9 'I 2 i strange look as if to say. “That‘s not ternational spy. and thus he loses ‘, , . .
Emergency, which is. incredibly . “”Fresh menu's l .. h p , I A i what life is supposedtobeabout." his and Boyce's last opportunity to - .' .
enough.their36thalbum. ml ' driving bass and elec . cal . , ~ ‘ 1 , \ ; But, unfortunately.it is. get out before their worlds come I
In this outing. however. the opti- 1y produced swirls force the listener , 7 ' ”M ' ‘ ' deft??? £33m gl‘leaed.in|(:;: :3: "85h“ down ontopofthem. I . I, . .
mism and energy that have been in- to the dance floor, are enough to MM“ thriller “The Falco: ahd The Sn w- What makes this movie great, be- “ - I ' I ' -
tegral ingredients of their. past re- Rust?" aniy danfce party. "M351°d-" ,4» i man." which stars Timothy Hutton sides Penn‘s acting. is the noneha- . " i . . !
cords 'seem .to have dummshed spitell'i: 53819 Pigmonthethealbum'aeied as Boyce. a young man who trains lant attitude With which Boyce and .'- , 'I ‘2
somewhat, mirrored by the mys- soul charts 't pack the wallo . _ falcons, and Sean Penn as Lee, a Lee se" the secrets “d, how that ‘5 . ' I- ' '
trimmer °‘ “inches or a noismmiiw or W as: 4 W. . man on we or a W arts: °" by “W“ »' ' , , . ~
few ofthetracks. on on a Dansing (Ooh La La La).” It seems , ‘ "V 7’ , ‘ segznndissngrgswcglgauisneh not b 'll'a t ger. , ' V ,I , t.
to suffer from the same lethargy V“? I - in his role as Lee He prove: holly Boyce and Lee.