xt783b5w9f78 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt783b5w9f78/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1974-02-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 12, 1974 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 12, 1974 1974 1974-02-12 2020 true xt783b5w9f78 section xt783b5w9f78 The Kentucky Kernel

Vol. LXV No. 109
Tuesday, February 1‘.’ 1974

an independent student newspaper

University of Kentucky
Lexington, Ky. 40506



In Prallto wn

Opposing forces, same goal

Kernel Staff Writer

()PPOSING FORCES are at work to
improve the living standard of one of the
poorest black sections of Lexington —

The two forces — urban renewal and
relocation. and seif-contained im-
provement ~ are pulling the people of
Pralltown apart and making them con-
fused and angered.

”It's hard to say what anyone wants
now." said Bill Bingham. of the council
neighborhood organization (CNO). “The
people are frustrated. They don‘t believe
in L'rban Renewal, me, or anybody else.“

THE EFFORTS of Urban Renewal have
been spear-headed by Fay Pelosa.
assistant director of urban renewal.

Pelosa explained some of the problems
faced by residents of Pralltown. ()ne of
these was relocation.

“After we have bought land to rebuild
on. the previous residents must be

relocated," she said. “So far with our
relocation project we have had no

Pelosa said the Federal Government
allocated $500,000 under the Neighborhood
Development Program for distribution to
relocated families.

THE MONEY IS to pay for moving
expenses, $200 spending money, and up to
$l5.000 to insure that the family is moved
into comparable housing.

“Max mum benefits to the relocated
families are considered." said Pelosa.

SHE EXPLAINEI) that the families are
moved to all sections of the city, in old and
new neighborhoods.

“So far there have been no race
problems." she added. “It (living in
Pralltown) has proved to be an economic
thing rather than a race situation."

Another problem in Pralltown, referred
to by Pelosa as “The (‘old War“, is that of

mistrust. _
(‘ontinued on page I2




Kernel Sta ff Writer

News In Brlef


0 Energy conference

a 'A good day'

0 Libyans nationalize oil
0 U.$. helps Jordan

olraq-lran dispute
OAfmost complete

' Miner's strike continues

0 Today's weather...

for the (‘ollege of Architecture was
overwhelmingly passed and the Krislov
Report on tenure and promotion was
discussed at the t'niversity Senate
meeting Monday.

Selective admissions will affect students
entering the (‘ollege of Architecture
beginning in the fall semester. 1975.

Architecture Dean Anthony Eardley
cited the need for controlling admissions
since the college's enrollment has in—
creased 15 per cent each year since 1970.

HE l.\.l)lt‘,\'l‘!{l) if the influx of students
continued the college will face “a real
crisis" since the facilities and faculty
cannot :iecnmodate the increase,

Eardley noted UK has the l3th largest
architecture school in the United States.
but also has the sixth worst faculty-student
ratio in the nation,

Entrance into the college will be based
on: high school, ACT and college grades;
grade point averages; the Architectural
School Aptitude Test (ASAT); the 0m-
nibus Personality inventory (0P1);
comparative measures of aptitude and

('ontinued on page 6

. “ASHINGTON — A conference of 13
energy-consuming nations began
cautiously Monday. seeking some way to
agree on “rules of conduct“ for buying
foreign oil without appearing to threaten
oil-exporting countries.

Opening the two-day conference. US.
Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger said
that bilateral oil agreements by individual
nations could not solve the problems and
might well make them far worse,

0 FRANKFURT— “It‘s been a good day
with truck traffic at near normal con-
ditions," State Police said Monday as the
drivers‘ strike appeared to be easing in

One exception was the ()wcnsboro area,
where approximately 75 truckers con-
tinued their protest over the price of diesel

0 BEIRI'T. Lebanon ~— Tripoli radio
said Libyan leader Moammar Khadafy
announced Monday total nationalization of
the Libyan operations of three American
oil companies.

Another ending to another day

Everyday officially comes to an end when these two UK policemen lower the
flag. (Kernel staff photo by Pinkie Foster.)

The three companies were Texaco Oil.
Asia-California Oil Co., and the Libyan—
American Oil Co, the broadcast said.

O lt'.-\SIIIN(;TON— The United States is
providing an Arab country with
sophisticated antitank missiles for the first
time, US. officials said today.

The missiles. capable of destroying
tanks or armored troop carriers at a range
of several thousand yards. have been
delivered to Jordan.

0 BEIRUT, Lebanon —— Iraq and Iran
were reported moving up troops to rein-
force their common border Monday after a
territorial dispute erupted in heavy
fighting. More than 140 casualties were

The border hostilities Sunday raised
feats of a major collision between the two
military powers of the wealthy Persian
(iulf area. source of much of the world’s

0 NEW HAVEN, Conn. ~ U.S. Sen. Sam
J Ervin Jr. said Monday that the
Watergate investigation by his select

committee is complete except for ”one or
two aspects.”

Ervin said he would recommend that the

committee go into executive session to
explore Republican campaign con-
tributions involving milk dealers and
presidential friend Charles “Bebe"
0 LONDON — Miners formed picket
lines in driving rain and wind outside
British coal mines Monday on the second
day of a nationwide strike.

Joe Whelan, a miners' union official in
the Nottingham area. said he had been
threatened with death after safety
workers, charged with keeping the mines
in operable condition, crossed picket lines.

...rites of spring

Spring is making another return as
temperatures today should be in the upper
50s. The low tonight should be in the upper
305. The warming trend will continue on
Wednesday with a high near 60. The
chances of rain are less than 20 per cent


 editorials represent the opinions of the editors, not the university



The Kentucky Kernel

the Kernel Press Inc. Begun as the Cadet in 1894 and published
:oUnTllrflggsfiyyas The Kentucky Kernel since 1915. The Kernel Press Inc. tounded
1971. Firstclass postage paid at Lexington, Ky. Business offices are located in the
Journal Building on the University of Kentucky. Advertising, room 210 and News
Department, room in. Advertising published herein is Intended to help the
reader buy. Any false or misleading advertising should be reported to the Ad-

vertising Manager.


Don't rush to judgement

Ever since George Washington became the first
President of the United States, the political password
has been “vote for the candidate, not the party.”

This statement is most trumpeted by the minority
party of the moment; it is now being used by can-
didates running under the banner of the Watergate-
damaged Republican party.

It is, of course, politically expedient for Republican
candidates to dissociate themselves from the scandal-
ridden Nixon administration.

It is even more important, however, for the
American voter to look at the candidate and not his
party affiliation. To vote for, or against, a candidate
because of his party’s however tenuous tie with
scandal, is to blot out a possible cure for that scandal
and insure against future scandals.

Traditionally, American politics has worked best
when both major parties hold nearly equal power in
the Senate and House. That balance prevents a
rubber stamp approach to legislation, and allows for
the freest airing of issues.

A large Democratic majority in 1974 could signal
the beginning of a witchhunt against Republican-

sponsored programs and institutions. The good ac-
complished by Nixon in foreign affairs could be
compromised by an over zealous Democratic
majority anxious to play its Watergate advantage to

the fullest.

This isn’t a plea to vote Republican, but instead a
call to rate responsibly all candidates running for
office. We have found what a Republican presidential
landslide nurtured in the Nixon years. It would be
ridiculous to install a Democratic power bloc, and
invest it with the same opportunities afforded Nixon

in 1972.

The American system was designed by brilliant
men who saw the need for checks and balances to
keep this crazy system in order. It is the respon-
sibility of the citizenry to maintain those checks by
electing qualified officials who will work for the
betterment of the country.

Nicholas Von Hoffman

The upper crust auctions off a candidate

BROOKLYN — Some people
can always get gas. The other
night a bunch of them were
drifting in here to the 14th
Congressional District from Park
Avenue and Greenwich, Conn., in
their limousines. All over this
metropolitan area there were
lines getting to the gas pumps,
followed by fist fights at them. In
New Jersey the state was
rationing gas because
Washington won’t, but the head of
a New York publishing house
bombed across the Brooklyn
Bridge in a chauffeured, four-
miles-to-the-gallon Rolls Royce.

HE AND THE rest of the stock-
brokers, lawyers and executives
were coming over to the Park
Slope section to a fund-raising
auction for Sam Bear, a 34~year-
old, earnest, well-connected,
well-to-do, admiring spear
. carrier in the late Bobby Ken-
nedy‘s headlong charge to help
the black poor. Sam is running
for Congress in the Democratic
primary and at least some of his


friends are from what you might
call the better class of rich. They
are the ones that want to hold on

» to what they have like the rest of

us, but who aren’t out at night
with the oil companies stealing

Sam’s younger friends drive
Toyotas and regard Rolls-Royces
as something one does not do
unless, as in this case, the Rolls is
also a 25-year-old antique. To the
degree they are like Sam,
they’ve put Yale behind them and
worked on economic-
development projects for the
black population so that they are
only semi-carpetbaggers in this
district heavily populated by
Orthodox Jews and equally

conservative Italian Catholics.
The other evening they were

easy to laugh at, but what else
can the poor do with the rich
except laugh at ‘em or confiscate
their property? True, Peter
Duchin was scheduled to play the
piano, and although he didn’t
show up, actress Tammy Grimes

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Letters to the Kernel

A cheer for Food Services

The University’s present two
meal plan enables students to eat
any two meals a day. However,
there is question as to whether
the scheduling of food services
makes this possible.

I, like many students, have a
very complicated schedule,
which calls for me to eat at
irregular times. The only times I
am able to eat my first meal is 8
a.m., between 10 a.m.—11 a.m.,
or after 2 pm. on Mondays,
Wednesdays, or Fridays; and on
Tuesdays and Thursdays 8 am.

I am the kind of person who
likes a little variety in what I eat
on a daily basis, and this is the
reason why I chose the two meal
plan. There are no complications
in being able to eat breakfast
when I want it because I could eat
anywhere at 8 am. or earlier.
Lunch, however, poses a
problem. Lunch starts in most
campus cafeterias at 11 am. and

did appear to help auction off a
lunch for two at Lutece, “the
world’s most expensive
restaurant,” as it was described
by George Plimpton, the author
who consorts with the very rich
and writes about the very
athletic. The Andy Warhol-
autographed soup can went for 61
cents — this crowd knows value
— but Robert Towbin, a Wall
Street lawyer, paid $5,000 for one
page of a Hemingway

As a divertissement two
costumed performers did a
seduction scene from the musical
“Candide.” which ended with
them on the floor in their undies
on top of each other. Luckily for
the inexperienced candidate, no
photographer'took his picture as.
he looked down on them smiling.
That snapshot would have ended
his campaign if it had circulated
among the Jews and Italians who
have been voting for Democratic
Congressman John Rooney every
election for 30 years.

.. .. -,.‘a>'el‘1.r
..;;. . _.-nnl


ends at 1:15 pm. The Student
Center’s Hot Lunch Line and
Body Shoppeopen at 11 a.m., and
the Sandwich Counter begins
service at 10:30 am. Un—
fortunately. neither the Hot
Lunch Line nor the Sandwich
Counter accept meal tickets until
12:30 p.m., and they close at 1:15
pm. The grill opens at an early
enough time, but their menu
choices remain rather limited
(hamburgers, cheeseburgers.
fish sandwiches, hot dogs,
chicken, and complimentary

WITH PRICES going up the
way they are, who knows what
the local yokelry might have
made of the $101.50 paid for a
market basket of organic
vegetables and a tour of Stewart
Mott’s Park Avenue roof garden
where they are grown. Mr Mott,
the General Motors heir who was
there in suede-jacketed person, is
generally regarded as an
inescapable affliction by liberal
candidates, but when you run to
the left you don’t run in clover
and you can’t afford to snub such
few millionaires as do take an

A few of the people at the
auction do live in the district.
They weren’t bidding on the
Casche-Casche Porthault-Toby
Rose tablecloth and napkins, and
the Lady from the [tale-
American society may have
depressed the value of the
Chateau Leoville-Barton 1947 by
telling the prospective bidders it
came from the land of her an-

There seemed to be no way
around my not being able to enjoy
the variety of lunches from the
Student Center’s Hot Lunch Line,
Body Shoppe, campus cafeterias,
or the Sandwich Counter until
recently when the Sandwich
Counter-extended their service
an hour longer (until 2:15).

I would like to commend the
Student Center Food Services for
recognizing the problem students
have on these meal plans. Being
able to find time to eat that will
not conflict with schedules and
being able to enjoy a variety in
meal choices is quite a privilege
to have. Even though the problem
is not completely solved, they
have come close to.making it
more convenient for many

Kim M. Hatch

The number of professional
politicians was almost nil. John
Moran, the guy who puts up all of
New York‘s theatrical and
political posters, showed, but he
was interested in talking about
his personal publicity. “Didja see
the piece Breslin had about me‘?"
he asked with more than normal
pride. “Four pages!"

ALL IN ALL, amusing but
perplexing. The incumbent
Congressman is notorious for
serving his idiosyncrasies in-
stead of his constituents. But
until now he‘s always had the
regular organization to re-elect
him. Beard, of course, could be
off buying himself a silk-stocking
seat from somewhere else. His
family and friends would still
kick in, but wherever he or
anybody runs, they’ve got to get
money. You can do it the way
Nixondoes,oryou can doitoutin
the open and look silly.

Nicholas Von Hoffman is a
columnist for King Features.



' ”aw-rem










' ”aw-rum

opinion from inside and outside the university community Vlewpo Int


Letters to the Kernel

with closing

of rooms

I am concerned over the recent
move to close rooms in Boyd Hall
where there aren’t two oc-

The reason given for this move
was “to conserve heating
energy." This is strange, since
most of the residents in Boyd Hall
let the steam pipes rather than
the radiators heat their rooms.

[fail to see where the energy is
being conserved since the steam
going to the individual room
cannotbe turned off other than at
the radiator.

Many students are unhappy
about being forced to have a
roommate. and are consequently
joining fraternities or finding
apartments where they can live
more inexpensively and with
greater freedom.

Why not allow those Boyd
roomers to keep their single
status? As i have explained, the
same amount of energy will be
used either way, sothat makes no

As it is now. the walls of this
dorm are paper-thin. paint is
peeling off the walls. the roof in
my room leaks. plaster is chip-
ping away, there is only one
electrical outlet in most of the
rooms. some rooms do not have
overhead lights. and we are
denied TV‘s and refrigerators
because of inadequate wiring.

ls the University afraid that
Boyd Hall will have advantages
not allowed other dorm

Kevin Von Lanken
Room 321 Boyd Hall






















Fluctuating value

World money feeling the pinch


Throughout the world, various monetary
systems have felt thejoys and sorrows of a
fluctuating value. For many months the all
powerful American dollar has been losing
its value on the world market and the
American people have felt the con-
sequences that go with money devaluation.
Suddenly the dollar took a turn on the
world market and began to increase in
value; this was at the expense of the
Japanese yen, the German mark and the
British pound.

Even though the dollar’s value is rising I

















do not believe that it will ever obtain the
full value that it once had and in a world of
money buying and money selling the value
could easily go back down. The question
now is what can be done to stop these
fluctuations? The answer is to go back to
the gold standard.

ALTHOUGH THIS sounds easy it is not.
A realignment with the gold system would
take from one to two years. maybe more.
The government went off the fold standard
in order to pay off its creditors; that's like
me going into the basement and printing
money to pay my bill with Sears.

Once back on the gold standard the











Michaela Baraskr

American dollar would stabilize and we
could look towards the possibility of
creating a world dollar where all the na-
tions use the same monetary system. The
possibility for this is not as farfetched as
one might think; it‘s just a matter of
putting the dollar on the gold standard and
build from there. Unfortunately. I doubt
the present government would be willing
to take on this task and rebuild the
American monetary system.

Jay Arthur Mills is a UK freshman
and invites replies to his article.


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Special research laboratory
to move in wing of Kastle Hall

Kernel Staff Writer

The pyschology department
will soon be sharing its oc-
cupancy at Kastle Hall with a
special research laboratory of
the Kentucky Tobacco and
Health Research Institute

The institute is due to have a
$3.3 million home of its own by
1976. but meantime “research
space is very tight," said Dr.
Alvin Morris. interim institute

Morris, who is also vice
president for administration, will
serve as interim director until the
arrival of Dr. John Wyatt of the
l'niversity of Manitoba late this

The laboratory will be on the
first floor Inorth wing) of Kastle
Hall. It is currently noticeable
through a big hole in the wall.

"What we will have will
essentially be a smoke-inhalation
animal facility." Morris noted.
“It will be the finest animal
facility the University has to

AS FOR the laboratory's
operation Morris said the in-
stitute could exert little
leadership without “what could
be referred to as the ultimate
bioassay.” A bioassay is a
mechanism for evaluating
variables. and it determines the
relative strength of chemicals in
cigarettes by comparing their
effect on a test animal with the
effect on a control one.

“The ultimate bioassay really

is smoke inhalation." said
THE GENERAL purpose of the

facility will be to “determine
what‘s taking place in the lungs
with various types of cigarettes,"
he added. “Therefore, it‘s ex-
ceedingly important that there be
no extraneous variables in-
troduced that would complicate
the results.“

FOR EXAMPLE. if the air in
the lab contained some par-
ticulate matter, it would be
difficult to pinpoint whether the
matter caused a certain result or
a cigarette being tested at that
time did.


The north wing of Kastle [loll to currently under construction
to facilitate a temporary research laboratory tor the Kol-
tacky Tobacco and Health Research lutltoto. (Kernel photo
by Phll Groohong.)

To reduce the possibility of an
extraneous variable entering the
experiment, a Bio-Clean unit will
be installed to rid the air in the
lab of nearly all particulate
matter and provide a carefully
controlled environment for

According to George Spragens,
assistant director for design and
construction division, the re-
novation and equipment for the
laboratory will cost about
$250,000. The expected date of
occupancy is April 1.

MORRIS SAID the area of the
pyschology department would
not be reduced since the
laboratory was taking over
unused space.

Except for a few complaints of
class disruption when workmen
installed the plumbing, the
psychology department has
remained unaffected.

A special laboratory director
will be appointed after re-
novation is completed.

WHEN ASKED about the in-
consistency of constructing a

quarter-million dollar lab when a
multi-million dollar building will
be erected in several years.
Morris said, “We may take all
thatequipment and move it to the
new building; consequently. it
does not represent a loss.

“()r. if the University will
permit us to keep the space. we
may retain it as a special long-
term inhalation facility and not
duplicate the lab in ther new
building" he added. “if not. the
University will then have an
opportunity of purchasing from
the Tobacco and Health Institute
all that equipment and they'd
have a ready-made and very
useful lab in the middle of
campus where there‘s a very
high need for more animal

The laboratory. which will use
mostly miceand rats, will consist
of the research area, animal
support area. and staff offices.

AND THE hole at the rear of
Kastle Hall? “We're waiting for
the door,“ Morris answered.










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