xt783b5w9d4z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt783b5w9d4z/data/mets.xml Pennsylvania Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) Pennsylvania Historical Records Survey of Pennsylvania United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Community Service Programs 1940 iv, 39 leaves; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.12/no.37 books  English Philadelphia: Historical Records Survey Project This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Pennsylvania Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Veterans Administration -- Archival resources -- Pennsylvania Archives -- Pennsylvania -- Bibliography Pennsylvania -- History -- Sources Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series XII, The Veterans' Administration, No. 37, Pennsylvania text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series XII, The Veterans' Administration, No. 37, Pennsylvania 1940 1940 2019 true xt783b5w9d4z section xt783b5w9d4z \II I I}, ' I Y UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY ‘ I
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V ‘ ‘ ' I. ' " Prcgared by
f . ‘ ," , ' ‘— .
‘ l: v- ‘ " . ' The Survey of Federal AI‘Ci’llVbS
V ‘- ~ . - Division 01" Cormunity SGI‘Vle Programs
V : ‘ " .‘ , . ~ Work firojects Adjiiinistration
1.2;. 3 : V ' . A} . > ‘ V V
'«t; l
, . ' . ' V . SERIES X11
> . y : 1 _ THE VETERANS' nDu’ilNISTRATION a
» " : ' ‘ No. 57 PENNSYLVHNIA
: '   _ _ Philadelphia Pennsylvania
. .. The Survey of Federal Archives
gijigi " ~ 5 _ »'.3-' 1941
55.5: l’
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{ ’ The Survoy of Federal anhiVCS

.i l
j Bhilip Ac Homer, Nationul Director

J Willianctta Hall;Cc, State Sugcrvisor



§ /

f i
: J
K ' fl ‘
} DiViSion of Gomnunity berVicc Progruns

} _ Elorencc Kerr, assistant Connissioner

; Robert McCullough, Acting Director of Records and Research Projects




; Howard 0. Hunter, Acting Commissioner

5 Lieutenant Colonel Philip Mathews, State Administrator


- , .

5 The inVcntory of Federal Archives in the States is one of the pro—
‘ ducts of the work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which operated as a
E nationwide project of the Works Progress Administration from January 1,
g 1956 to June 50, 1957 and has been continued since that date as a unit of
E the Historical Records Survey, also operating as a nationewide project of
i. the Work Project Administration, and a group of state or local projects of
1 that Administration.
I The plan for the organization of the inventory is as follows: Series
i 1 consists of reports on the administration of thu Suery, acknowledgments,
Z and general discussions of the location, condition, and content of federal
} archives in the states. SuCCeeding ScricS contain the detailed information
1 secured by workers of the SurVey, in inventory form, a separate series num-
j ber being assigned to each of the eXecutlve departments (except the Depart-
} ment of State) and other major units of the Federal Government. Within
. each Series No. l is a general introduction to thu field organization and
records of the governmental agency concerned; the succeeding numbers contain
‘ the inventory proper, separate numbers being assigned to each state in al~
; phabetical order. Thus, in each series, the inventory for Alabama is No.
3 2, that for Arizona No. 5, that for Arkansas No. 4, etc.
For each local office information regarding each shrine,or unit of re—
. lated records, is presanted in the following order: title, inclusive dates
‘ ("to date" indicating an open file at the time the information was secured),
1 general description of informational content, description of the system of
i filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and purpose of use,
1 form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets in folders, etc.) linear
, footage, description of the containers, physical condition of the records
j (not stated is satisfactory), location by room or other identifying infor-
i mation, and finally, the number of the Form 585A on which this information
: was originally recorded by a SurVey worker and from which it was abstracted )
l for the Inventory. This form is on file in the National Archives. When it
? contains substantial information on addenda sheets which has not been in~
J eluded in the mimeograph abstract, indication of this is gchn by usa of
/ the reference "See addenda."
; The work of the Survty in Western Pennsylvania was under the direction
! of Mr. Louis W. H. Johnston, Regional Director from February 11, 1956 until
‘ October 4, 1957. Since that time Jr. John T. McMahon, Project Unit super—
; Visor has directed the SurVey. The Survey in Eastern Pennsylvania was di—
§ 7 rooted by Mr. Richard H. Heindcl, Regional Director, from February 26 until
j August 1956 and from August until December 51, 1956 by Mr. John P. Corry.
L After Dr. Corry's resignation the project was reorganized with Dr. Richard
, B. Morris of New York as Regional Director and James L. thitehead as As—
} sistant Regional Director. In October 1957 Mr. James L. Whitehead was ap—
‘ pointed Project Superintendent for the State and acted in that capacity
3 until September 19, 1958 when he resigned and was succeeded by miss William-
. etta Wallace. This Inventory of records of the Veterans’ Administration
; in Pennsylvania was prepared in the Philadelphia and Pittsburgh offices
f of the Survey and was edited before final typing by Miss Elizabeth Edwards
I of the Washington office. .
; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Williametta Wallace 5
} February 1941 State Supervisor 3
f Survey of Federal Archives
; in Pennsylvania i
A ' <
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J l
1 . I
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3 .. r
% coarasvnita Page
‘ Veterans' Aoninistration FaCility......................... l
i Finance Division.......,.....,................,......° l
3 Medical Division...................................... 5
1 Regional Office........................................... 6
; Adjudication Division....,...................,........ 6
, Office of the Chief Attorney...........,.. ........... 6
, Finance Division..................,................... 7
I Liason Office.,.....,.................................lO
E - Office of the Manager.................,........,......ll
{ Contact Unit......................................ll ,
‘ Medical Division.....................................,12 I
‘ Supply Division.......................................15 ’
1 Regional Office...........................................l4 )
f Indexes........ ..................................15 3
{ Adjudication Division.................................15 1
Office of the Chief Attorney..........................25 ,
- . . ‘ I
. Finance DiViSion......................................25 ;
V .- : ‘
1 Office of the Manager................... .............87 l
. Medical Division......................................27
Mail and Record Clerk’s Office........................27
Veterans' Administration Facility.........................29
: indexes..........................,....,........,..SO
J Facility Records......................................50 I
; Inactive Facility Records Stored Perry Point, Maryland. J
See aaryland Inventory
‘ - COATESVILLE.............................................65
I PHILADELPHIA................................,.........64

 I I
i l
Veterans‘ Administration Hosgital g
This United States Veterans‘ Administration FaCIlity was estab— it
lishcd on Novembcr 11, 1950. It is concerned only with aental cases i
and its jurisdiction covers only the eastern district of Pennsylvania. l
Physical ailments are dealt with at other hosgitals. Its records are ;
not destroyed, and after a period of eight years are crated and sent to ‘
The Veterans' Administration Supply Depot at Perry Point, Maryland for l
storage. i;
z 1
Finance Division i
* it
V l. WITHDRAUAL AUTHORIZATIONS, 1929 — 1955. Form 2675, giving A
authorization for withdrawal of various sums of money from the Patients W
Institutional Award Fund at the U. 5. Veterans‘ Hospital, Coatesville; L
form shows tho patient's none, amount of withdraWal, by whom withdrawal W
was reconnendcd and is signed by Acting Order. Arranged alphabetically. l
(Semiannually, official.) 9 X 12 folders, 22 ft., in 11 wooden boxes. fl
Dirty, File roon, baScnent. (8) H
2. FIELD SERVICE RECElPTS, 1950 ~ 1955. Form 1028, acknowledgment h
of various amounts of money withdrawn from patient's accounts, showing 3
date, date of remittance, reason for remittanCe and to whose credit re— ;
mittance is to be appliod. Filed chronologically. (Seaiannually, of— ;
ficial.) 5% x 8 folders, 20 ft., in 5 wooden boxes. Dirty. Basement. i
(9) l
5. MISCELLANEOUS COREESPONDENCE, 1950 ~ 1955. Of personal funds of l
patients who have been discharged by this hosgital and to who a refund )
is iSsucd; shows the amount of refund, name of patient, registration
number, and date. (Seniannually, official.) 9 X 12 folders, 3 ft., in
4 wooden boxes° Dirty. File room, bcscnent. (7)
4. BUDGET RECORDS, 1951 — 1955. FOTm 10l70, of registered nllbt— i
dents, and ledger transactions of this hospital, showing the provions
balance, symbol, date, reference number, description audited vouchers, t
Z encumbrances, allotments, unencunbrancos, balance of allotments ind M
proof. (Somiannually, official.) 14 X 17 bundles, 6 ft., in b WESdLE 1 fl
‘ boxes, Dirty. File room, basement. (l9) 1 [‘
l i
1 5. NOTICES OF SEPARATIONS, 1951 ~ 1955. Porn 2710, sent to tho di— 1 E
_ roctcr of the U. 3. Veterans' Bureau, Washington, D. 0., rec; nonding i f ‘
that serviCes of various employees at the hospitdl bu discontinued on i j .
certain dates; notiCcs also show reison for discontinuancc, rats of pay, 1 i
,1 ' check number, and emgloyce's occupation, and are signed by the offiCor i l
T in charge. (Soniannually, official.) 9 X 12 folders, 12 ft., in 6 ‘ f
f .woodon boxes, Dirty. File Hcgn, basement, (15)
.1; . E !

 V .. . 7 , ____, _ , .l 1.1- . W. ”in.
Veterans' Administration Facility, Coatesville .3 ‘
?- 6. SERVICE RECORDS, 1951 — 1955. Form 7, is a complete record of 1
¥; employees of this hospital, showing the name and address, sex, color, ?
g ‘ occupation, date of employment, salary, bureau, official station, and A
3 status. (Annually, official.) 9 X 12 folders, 12 ft., in 6 wooden }
7 boxes. Dirty. File Room, basament. (14)
g 7. ALLOTMENTS, 1952 — 1954. Made through the Manager to the hospi—
” ‘ tal accountant in compliance with requirements for work to be done at 3
'3 this hospital; showing the allotment number, description, amount of al— ;
V ‘ lotment, estimated cost, and signed by the hospital accountant and for— .
§~ warded and approved by the Manager. (Semiannually, official.) 9 x 12. g
3 folders, 6 ft., in 5 wooden boxes. Dirty. File hoom, baSement. (12) ;
‘,_ 8. COMBINATION REQUISITIONS, 1952 — 1955. Form 154A, covering in— 3
5. voices and receipts, packers' list, and shipping ticket, giving the name I
if of consignor and consignee, address of both, stock item number, classifi~
; cation, number of articles, description, quantity ordered, unit price,
“ voucher number, requisition number, and signed by the Manager. (Semi— j
‘, annually, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 6 ft., in 5 wooden bOXes. Dirty.
.5 File Room, basement. (20) ‘ 3 )
5 1 J
y‘ 9. COST ACCOUNTING PAPEhS, 1952 n 1955. Form 157, shoving the j l
amount of money expended in the public service at the hospital, and giving 1 l
j: the card number, quantity, unit, articles and description, unit cost and l ,
fl total amount. (Semiannually, official.) 9 K 12 folders, 16 ft., in 8 g l
}, wooden boxes. Dirty. File Room, basement. (18) g
g. , 10. PROPOSALS, 1952 — 1955. Received from various manufacturing con— :
T“ , cerns which have made bids on different materials and supplies needed at a
:f' this hOSpital; attached are correspondence and memoranda pertaining to the 1
_' same. (Semiannually, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 14 ft., in 7 wooden ;
E3 boxes. Dirty. File Room, basement. (16) ,
i, S
j . 11. MONEY CARDS, 1955 — 1955. Form 2656b, issued by this hospital.
7 These are deposit slips of patients depositing money into the patients'
‘! fund, giving the name of patient, registration number, date of admittance, l
_j date of deposit, amount of deposit and balance. Arranged alphabetically. ‘
f (Semiannually, official.) 9 X 12 folders, 6 ft., in 5 wooden boxes.
\ Dirty. Filo Room, basement. (15) J
g ‘ 1
y z 12. PUBLIC PURCHASING VOUCHERS, 1955 — 1955. Form 1054A, for pur—
chases other than personal; shows by whom purchase was made, date of pur— l
E chaSe, under what appropriation, payee, contract number, date of delivery I
, and complete list of articles purchased,a1so quantity, unit price and g
. total amount of purchaSes. (Semiannually, official.) 8 x 10% folders, 2
y 8 ft., in 4 wooden boxes. Dirty. File Boon, basement. (11)
z' . f
15. EXPSNDITUHE SCHEDULES, PURCHASE OhDEho, 195a — 1915. Forms !
5; 2696, 2696b, of patient's funds; gives the name of the dealer from whom I
-' the article: was purchased, names of articles, under what contract, terms }
; of deduction, unit priCc, and total amdunt of bill to be withdrawn from f
the patients' funds. Arranged numerically. (Semiannually, official.) 1
f 9 X 12 folders, 6 ft., in 5 wooden boxes. Dirty. File Room, basement. ;
g (10)
E e
E .
§ ' 4
. i
E: . '

 ; Veterans' Adainistratjon Facility, Coatesville 5 l
14. STANDARD lOVERfiihA? CUJTRNHT;, 1954 ~ 1955. Form 55, for sup— ‘
; plies needed at this hospital, forge shov iton number, articles of ser~ :
; vices, quantity, unit, unit priCe and amount of dollars and cents, date 1
when bids were opened, general stipulations, specifications,-ind contract ‘
number, and are signed by the Manager. (semiannually, official.) 9 x 12 '
' folders, 4 ft., in 2 wooden boxes. Dirty. File Room, basement. (1?) §
i ' Medical Division
15. CLINICAL RECORDS, 1920 — 1952. Of Veteran patients who have
been transferred to other Veterans‘ HOSpitals, or that have been dis— i
a charged from the hOSpital here, due to improved conditions; Show the name 1
and address of patient, parents' name, description and occupation, di- )
agnosis of case, how illness was incurred, condition on disposition and 1
.1 date of disposition; attached are copies of correspondence. Filed in i
, alphabetical order. (Seldom, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 80 ft., 40 1
drawers of steel and wooden filing cases. R. l, basement. (6) l
. 1
‘ _ 16. RECREATION FILES, 1950 - 1954. Copies of corre5ponden0e sent to 1
§ various persons, organizations, and manufacturing concerns, acknowledging E
; receipt of donations and articles that can be used for recreation pur- 3
l poses. (Seldom, official.) 8 x 10% paper packages (5), 4 ft., on wooden ) l
5 shelf. Dirty. R. 1, basement. (50) 1 I
1 1
3 17. DAILY REPORTS OF RURSES, 1950 « 1936. And attendants at the
4 hospital, on patients in various wards; reports show the capacity of i
t wards, census of wards, amount of vacancies, the number of patients |
1 treated, name of patient, condition, the exact time of day or night 1
treatment was made, and the nature of treatment. (Seldom, official.) §
' 8 x 10-;— vols. (100), and valnc'iles, so ft., in steel filing cases. R. 1, €
, ' basement. (5)
18. DEATH CHARTS, 1950 — 1956. Giving the name of patient, regist- i
‘ ration number, date of admittance to this nOSpital, date of death, cause 1
. of death, and a complete chart of treatment patient received while in the ‘
hospital; attached are clinical records, social service records, certifi—
cate of death, and correSpondence pertaining to the disposition of de— }
ceased patient. Filed in alphabetical order. (Seldom, official.) 9 x ,
12 folders, 16 ft., in 8 wooden boxes. R. 1, basement. (5) i
; 19. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE, 1950 - 1956. Pertaining to
‘ = patients that have been transferred to other Veterans' Hospitals; requests
. for medical records to be forwarded to the hospital that the patient was i
5, ‘ transferred to, and copies of correspondence that was sent to patients' ;
. parents or benefactors informing them of the transfer, and giving reason }
5 for same. (Weekly, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 62 ft., on shelves and in
51 wooden boxes. R. 1, basement. (4) )
1 20. PATIENTS' ROLL CALL RECORDS, 1950 ~ 1956. Showing the word 1
T number, date, location of the ward in tne building, number of the build— 1 ‘
, . ing, name of the patient in the ward, patient's registration number, and ’
the individual clock readings at the time the roll call was made. Filed ‘
numerically. (Seldom, official.) 9 x 14 vols. (66) and bundles, 5 ft.
. 6 in., in drawers of steel filing case. R. 1, basement. (2)
z.” .,14___ —__—————-7— 1A, ‘#——— " ' 7 7

 Veterans' Administration Facility, Coatesville 4
21. PATthTc' ThndsFEL nicflnrd, lBaU M 1956. Snowing a complete
i list of patients transferred iron var out wares at this hospital, to
other Veteran hospitals; giving the date or transfer, ward numbers,
patients' names and complete list of articles and wearing apparel taken
with each patient. (Seldom, official.) 8% x 14 vols. (46) and bundles,
; 5 ft. 9 in., in drawers oi steel filing caSe. H. l, basement. (1)
‘ 22. CURRENT DISCHARGES, 1950 to date. GiVing the name of the
patient, class, registration number, name of hQSpital discharged from,
home address of patient, sex, race, date, rank, authority for admission,
date of admission, diagnosis number, date of diagnosis, service origin,
treatment and result of treatment, date of discharge, and are signed by
the Clinical Director. Filed in numerical order. (Daily, official.) 1
5 x 8 papers, 5 ft., 4 drawers in 2 steel filing cases. Clinical Record j
Room. (21)
25. INACTIVE CLINICAL RECORDS, 1952 - l956. Giving name of patient, i
v. registration number, address, emergency address, religion, place of }
birth, age, sex, date of discharge from service, rank and source of ad— 1
' mission, also complete list of diagnosis, number, date of diagnosis, date '
treated and untreated, result of treatment, attached is weight chart, 1
graphic, surgeons' progress record, nur3es' progress record.) Filed num— .
erically. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x l2 folders, 16 ft., 6 drawers 1 l
* in 2 steel filing cases. Clinical Record Room. (25) E
~ 24. TBEATIENT BOOKS, 1954 ~ 1956. Records of treatments made by (
various physicians at this hospital; show a complete record of the E
- .V' patients treated in the various wards, giving card number, name and :
registration number of patient, exact time treatment was administered 1
and the nature of same. (Seldom, official.) 5 x 8 vols. (55), 1 ft. 6 l
in., on wooden shelf. Dirty. R. l, basement. (52) E
. 1
' 25. ATTENDANTS‘ REPORTS, 1955 — 1956. Showing name of attendant, E
‘. date, time attendant reported for work, time left and ward to which at- E
‘ - tendant was assigned; also list of special duty that the attendant per- i
_ formed beside his regular duty. Arranged chronologically. (Seldom, i
_ . official.) 5 x 8 vols. (l8), 9 in., on wooden shelf. Dirty. R. l, ;
baSement. (28) i
l 1
. 5' 26. DETAIL RECORDS, 1955 _ 1956. Books showing to what details 1
l patients were assigned, such as kitchen duty, ground work and painting; :
' 1 under each of these items are listed name of patient, registration number, ;‘
duties performed, date detail was issued, amount of hours on detail, and ‘
‘ the date detail expired. Arranged chronologically. (Seldom, official.)
: ' 10% x 16 vols. (2), 2 in., on wooden shelf. Dirty. R. l, baSement. (29)
: 27. RECORDS OF PACKAGES RECEIVED, 1955 — 1956. Showing date re-
’, ; ceivod, name and address of sender, name of the article, and name of
patient to whom article or package was sent. Arranged chronologically. ,
(Seldom, official.) 5 X 8 Vols. (55, 2 ft. 5 in., on wooden shelf. a
Dirty. R. l, basament. (27) ,

 i ‘ .
3; * Veterans' Administration Facility, Coetesville 5
. 28. PATIENTS' EXARlNATION RECORDS, l9o5 to date. Reference slips,
7 ‘ correspondence and final exuninution results; correSpondenCe pertains to
f 3: official releases of various patients at the hospital; reference sheets
:‘ ‘ show the recommendation for releasing patients; examination result sheets
5.. . give the patients' none, home address, and condition upon being discharged
9 v' from the hospital. Arranged chronologically. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12
4 I folders, 8 ft., 4 droners in steel filing case. Torn. Clinical Record
5 Room. (22)
i = ' 29. DRUG RECORDS, 1956 — Jan. 1957. Gqu8 a complete list of drugs
’ 5‘ withdrawn from the drug supply room it the hospital, and show the symbols
' of the drugs and name of doctor to Whom issued. Arranged chronologically.
‘ (Seldom, official.) Variously sized paper packages (6), 5 ft., on wooden
, shelf. Dirty. R. l, basement. (51)
T 50. ACTIVE CORRESPONDENCE, 1956 to date. Sent by Dr. A. H. Pierce,
_,' Manager of this hospital, to parents, guardians, in answer to their
. - letters of inquiry pertaining to various patients at the hospital; cor-
!_. reSpondence to other Veteran Hospitals, dealing with transfer of patients;
‘ ‘ forms Containing a complete history of the patient and date of admission.
. Filed in numerical order. (Daily, official.) 9 X 12 folders, 5% ft.,
' ' 1? drawers in 5 steel filing cases. Clinical Record Room. (24) I
.; 51. CLINICAL RECORD BRIEFS, 1956 to date. Giving the name of y
, patient, registration number, address, emergency address, religion, place i
. of birth, age, sex, date of discharge from service, rank and source of ‘
} admission, also Complete list of diagnosis, number, date of diagnosis,
g date treated, and untreated, result of treatment; also attached is weight
. chart, graphic, surgeons’ progress record, nurses' progress record. Filed
' F ’ - numerically. (Daily, official.) 9 x 10 folders, 62 ft. 6 in., in 8 steel
filing cases. Clinical Record Room. (25)
,"g' 52. CLINICAL RECORDS, l936 to date. Of patients at the hospital,
. ‘ who have been transferred to other Veteran Hospitals or who have been
V discharged from this hospital, due to inproved Condition; show the the .
_ name and address of patient, parents' names, description and occupation, 1
. diagnosis of case, how illness was incurred, condition on disposition,
and date of disposition; attached are Copies of correspondence sent to
‘ ‘ parents or patients as a notification of transfer and also copies of
. correspondence to the doctor in charge of the Veterans' Hospital, to
' which patient was transferred. Filed in alphabetical order. (Daily,
. official.) 9 X 12 folders, 50 ft., l0 drawers in 5 steel filing cases.
Clinical Record Room. (26) y
' 55. SOCIAL SERVICE CLINICAL RECORDS, 1956 to date. Giving the name
of the patient, registration number, address, emergency address, religion,
; , place of birth, age, sex, date of discharge from service, rank, source of
.; admission, complete list of diagnosis, number, date of diagnosis, date
, ‘- treated and untreated; attached are copies of correspondence sent to the
> Regional Officer, dealing entirely with the transfer of patients from the y
: . U. S. Veterans' Administration Hospital, Coatesville, Pennsylvania. Filed
. alphabetically, numerically, and chronologically. (Daily, official.) 9 x
; 12 folders, 30 ft., 15 drawers in 5 steel filing cases. Social Service
1. Bureau. (55)

 f f: Regionll Office, Philadelphia 6
1 up (A) New Custom House, 2d and Chestnut Sts.
, ,V * (B) Naval Hospital, 17th and PattISon Sts.
: V This offiCc was established in 1917 — 1918 as a result of the
3-} consolidation of various offices. In 1950 it came under the newly formed
5 i‘» Veterans' Administration. Records pertaining to claims of individuals
* ' are kept as permanent records, but useless papers are reported to Wash~
_ , ington and destroyed on authority from the Veterans' Administration. The
i 1 Philadelphia Regional Office covers Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware.
4 - Adjudication Division I
I; 54. SOLDIERS' COMPENSATION CLAIM FOLDERS, 1918 ~ 1956. Of a veteran .
7 _ for compensation for a permanent disability; includes medical data, mili— [
.. tary records, correspondence. 5 X 5 card index, 625 ft. (Daily, offi— ‘
( cial.) 10 X 11% folders, 2898 ft., in 1952 drawers of 485 steel filing I
” cases. Rs. 501 and 504. (Bldg. A). (754) f
, S' 55. WARS, OCCUPATIONS, AND EXPEDITIONS, 1918 — 1956. Correspondence, ‘
g . photostatic copies of discharges, copies of physical examinations and
, .. applications for hospitalization. Filed alphabetically. (Weekly, offi—
- f cial.) 9 x 12 folders, 48 ft., in 52 drawers of 8 filing cases. R. 501.
. 3 _ (Bldg. A). (757)
5 E A 56. DEPENDENTS' CLAIMS, 1929 — 1956. Of Veterans and claims made by
' . minors of deceased veterans. Filed alphabetically. Index. (Daily, offi—
:3 . ' cial.) 9 X 12 folders, 7 ft., in 4 drawers of steel filing case. R. 404.
. j (Bldg. A). (1192)
. ' 1956. Memorandum copies of vouchers, general orders for distribution of
. material, general correSpondence, obsolete personnel material, guardian—
ship records. Filed numerically. (Weekly, official.) Variously sized
_ ’ vols. and 9 X 12 folders, 7 ft., in 4 drawers of wooden filing case. R.
. . 501. (Bldg. A). (1047)
58. APPLICATIONS FOR PENSIONS, 1955 to date. Of veterans for dis—
_ ability resulting from service in the military or naval forces. (Daily,
official.) 10 x 11 folders, 40 ft., in 20 drawers of 5 steel filing
. cases. R. 501. (Bldg. A). (525)
. Office of the Chief Attorney y
i z *
f ’ 59. INVESTIGATION FOLDERS, 1918 — 1956. Of all legal types of vet—
eran's cases. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 10 x 12 folders,
5 40 ft., in 24 drawers of 6 filing cases. R. 501. (Bldg. A). (521)
' {V 40. LITIGATION INSURANCE FILES, 1919 — 1956. Having been removed to
; ' the U. 5. District Attorney's Office, Washington, for court action but
i was returned and refiled. Alphabetically by names. (Daily, official.)
. 9 x 12 folders, 18 ft., in 12 drawers of 5 steel filing cases. R. 501.
f (Bldg. A). (522)

 ‘ -__WMwV
E Regional Office, Philadelphia 7 i
; (l
‘ 41. GUARDIANSHIP FILED, 1920 — 1956. Of guardians of veterans who H
have been judged incompetent. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) A
1 9% X 11% folders, 167 ft., in 100 drawers of 25 steel filing cases. R. 3
. 501. (Bldg. A). (756) l
. correspondence, form letters, legal advice, etc.; adjusted compensation J
' records; American Legion records; county files; court files and opinions; )
memoranda on insurance legislation of different states; personnel reports; A
social service records; surety company data, etc. (Frequently, official.) )
§ 9 X 12 folders, 7 ft., in 4 drawers of steel filing cases. R. 501. (Bldg. A
. A). (524) H
' 45. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1928 ~ 1956. Between this office and )
litigators. Filed alphabetically by names of litigators. (Frequently, H
official.) 9% X 12 folders, 10 ft., in 6 drawers of 2 filing cases. R. 1
' 501. (Bldg. A). (520) ' H
.' _ 1956. Correspondence between this office and banks and Trust Companies E
. ' in matters concerning the veterans. Filed alphabetically. (Weekly, of— I
ficial.) 9 X 12 folders, 2 ft., in 2 drawers of filing case. R. 501. J
- ‘ (Bldg. A). (518) 1
45. CIVIL WAR CASES, 1956. Investigations of civil war veterans to 3
see if they are properly cared for. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, offi—
‘ cial.) 9% x 11; folders, 1 ft. 2 in., in drawer of filing case. R. 501. §
' (Bldg. A). (519)
3 Finance Division ;
. . 1
‘ ' 46. HOSPITAL CARDS, 1919 — 1956. Filed according to names of hospi~ i
. tals and card number. (Daily, official.) 5 X 5 and 5 x 8 cards, 10 ft., 3
‘_ in 5 drawers of steel filing case. R. 502. (Bldg. A). (464) }
. Records of compensation and awards given to veterans for disability re— 1
" ceived in the Service. (Daily, offiCial.) 5 X 8 cards, 52 ft., in 10
drawers of 2 steel filing cases. R. 502. (Bldg. A). (465)
48. FINANCE RECORDS, 1921 — 1956. Miscellaneous financial records,
such schedules as disbursements, schedules of checked canoellation
notices, and copies of paid vouchers. Arranged chronologically and num-
erically. (Daily, official.) 9 X 11 folders, 2 ft., in drawer of steel
filing case. R. 502. (Bldg. A). (475)
.'. . . 49. INACTIVE COMPENSATION CARDS, 1921 — 1956. List name of veteran,
'f : his claim number, award rates, monthly compensation, check number, and e
adjustments; not now in uSe. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 5 X i
' 8 cards, 26 ft., in 16 drawers of 5 steel filing cases. R. 502. (Bldg.
*' A). (552) I
. " z

g9 Regional Office, Philadelphia 8
H. 1924 — 1956. Receipts yiVon to veterans ”no makc payments on loans on ’
é ' their Adjusted Service CertifiCateu; also accounts of overpayments made 3
g to veterans on compensation czrds. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 1
.1 5 x 8 copies, 2 ft., in drawar of filing case. R. 502. (Bldg. A). (555) j
3 H’
ifi ' CORRESPONDENCE, 1925 - 1927; 1929 ~ 1955. Repayment receipts on loans 1
3E . made on Adjusted Service Certificates, correspondence from United States 1
=1_‘ Veterans' Bureau to Office of The Manager, and receiving spools used in 1
'1, . the recordak. Year 1928 records missing. Sec addenda for additional 5
"1 ‘ description. (Never.) Variously sized envelopes, covers, bundles, and 1
' h , cards, 7 ft., in 5 drawers of steel filing cases. R. 502. (Bldg. A). 1
i ' (551) )
1* - ' a
1' - 52. AUDIT 49, 1926 — 1956., Certifications of award and interrcgion— 1
” a1 offiCe transfers. Arranged numerically according to card number. 1
. fl . (Daily, official.) 5 x 8 forms, 1 ft., in drawer of filing cas . R. 502. l
- ' (Bldg. A). (555) h
L' ‘ ‘ 55. VETERANS' NOTE CARDS, 1926 - 1956. List all loans made to vet- (
i erans on their Adjusted Service Certificates; contain application number, )
.., station, disbursing officer's name, check number, date of loan, interest g
j rate, symbol. Filed alphabetically by names. (Never.) 5 x 8 cards,
V' . 28 ft., in 7 drawers of filing case. R. 502. (Bldg. A). (466)
:1 54. SCHEDULES 0F DISBURSEEENTS, 1927 ~ 1954. Form 1025, such as
. =1. 1 salary, expenses, lifc insurancS, fund loans, Adjusted Service Certificate
‘ ; loans. (Veckly, official.) 12 x 17% envelopes and 9 X 14% covers, in 4
_ ' drawers of 2 steel filing cases. h. 502. (Bldg. A). (469)
.v ‘ AND MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS, 1929 ~ 1956. Correspondence concerning vet— 3
j, erans' Adjusted Service Certificates which have been stolen or altered in §
. any way. Filed chronologically by years and alphabetically within years. ‘
* . ‘ (Daily, official.) 10 x 11% folders, 8 ft., in 8 drawers of 2 steel
. .7 V _ filing cases. R. 501. (Bldg. A). (755)
3 . . PAID AND CANCELED, AND NOTICES OF EXCEPTION, 1929 — 1956. Forms issued
1 to veteran beneficiaries who must report for treatment at hOSpitals; upon
.E presentation of these forms they receive meals, lodgings, and transgorta« V
3. tion, which are later paid for by the Government. Filed numerically by ’
1 ’ _ card numbers. (Occasionally, official.) 4 X 8 and 5 x 8 papers, 52 ft.,
1, in 8 drawers of 2 steel filing cases. R. 502. (Bldg. A). (465)
J J ‘ 57. MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL, July 1950 ~ Nov. 1951. Rejected remit"
: 3' tanCes, insurance transfer sheets, schedules of adjustments and insurance
g remittances. This material is awaiting disposition. (Never.) 9 x 11
1 COVCrs, 2 ft., in drawer of steel filing casa. R. 502. (Bldg. A). (472)
. 1