xt783b5w9d16 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt783b5w9d16/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1938 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, June 1938 Vol.9 No.11 text The Kentucky Press, June 1938 Vol.9 No.11 1938 1938 2019 true xt783b5w9d16 section xt783b5w9d16 ' ' . 1 1:1
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 1 Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS June, 1933 1 J1
‘ M'd M t' Att 1: L G 1”“
‘ 1 r 1 .
. . : I -summer ee In rac s a e r .
, 11 1 With 134 registered guests pre- Georgetown News, Clem Smith, edi- 1 News-Democrat, Carrollton. The $51 Alfred Wathen, Bardstown; Myland
. ‘ 1, .1 sent, the sixty—nine annual mid- tor, and the Shelby News, Wade1for half-page advertisement wenthrs. Ransom Todd, Flemingsburg. W61
. 1 : 1 summer meeting of the Kentucky McCoy. editor, in a tie. Mr. Carter to the Lyon County Herald, and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Brown, 110111511 becorr
:7 . 1 ' 1 Press Association at Mammoth CaVe received The Lexington Leader sil- places to the Somerset Journal and ville; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Wilson1 110 do
': 11; ‘1 011 June 9'11 W111 pass in history as ver trophy. Union County Advocate. Joplin also Irvington; Mr. and Mrs. Harry 111’ mg 0
. 1: one of the most delightful of the The Trimble Demograt’ Frank C. won the $5 prize for best quarter- . Waterfield, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs, 0111“;
1‘. many meetings in recent years. Bell, editor, received the Lexington page ad, with the Union CountylHi’Richardson, Miss Nancy G-Mc-1 p12;
A 1! 1 Everyone present enjoyed the full Herald silver trophy in the Front Advocate and Providence Enterprise Dowell, Danville; Mr. and Mrs, these
. .1 :1 hospitality of the Mammoth -Cave Page contest. Second place winner 1 in close pursuit. r 1David M. Porter, Miss LBna Benton, lows .
1 1 . ofiicials, the cave trips, the inter- was the Lyon County Herald, Eddy— ,The LOUiSVille Paper Company’s Frankfort; Miss Elizabeth Johnson, lives
1 ,: esting stated programs, and the Vine, Graeean M, pedley, editor, award for the best display 0f job Frankfort; Perry Meloan, Jack Me-y: 111p,
. social gatherings. and third place certificate was printing was awarded the Kentucky1 loan, Mr. Gillie Hyde, BrOWnsville;1 52115 1
. 1 High lights of the meeting, in awarded the Union County Advo— Standard, Bardstown. . Miss Katherine Harper, Ozna D1 film 2
- . ,1 cluding the addresses, were the Fri— cate, Roy Munford, editor. Honor— Thru the courtesy of Ed Weeks Embry, Munfordville; W. L. Day. of us
I , 31 day noon luncheon in the SnoWball able mention was accorded the Ken— land Bush—Krebs; composing rules son, LaGrange; Miss Nancy 3,1 first 1
' 1 .1 dining room, 267 feet under ground, tucky Standard, Bardstown, the and tweezers were awarded second Briggs, Louisville; Mr. and Mrs, tures
I _- 1 the cave trips, the breakfast as1Providence Enterprise, and the and third place winners in the Vernon Richardson, Danville; Wes- two c
. 1 . 1 guests of Ed Weeks, Howard Felix, Shelby News. newspaper contests who were pres- ley E. Carter, Leonard D. Bearr, But
‘ 1 1 and Charles Blanchard, the boun- Kentucky Standard, Bardstown,1eht, Elizabethtown; Mr. and Mrs. J. 6,1 dress
' 1 I '1 teous bufiet luncheon tendered by A. S. Wathen, publisher, and Wal— .. , .. Denhardt, Bowling Green; Mr. and‘ other
_ 1 1 Joe Richardson, and the banquet lace Brown, editor, was given a Th0se in attendance at the Mam— Mrs. Percy H. Landrum, Hartford;11pensel
' 1 and dance tendered by the Mam- “leg” on the Ben Cozine Memorial moth Cave meeting included Mr. Mrs. Henry R. Lawrence, Cadiz;‘1 a smz
1, 1 moth Cave officials. Cup for the Best Editorial Page. and Mrs. R. M. Munford, Morgan— Jos. H. Madei‘, Milwaukee, Wis; ment,
1 _1 After; an address of welcome .oanhis cup was given by Mrs. Ben field; V. L. Spalding, Uniontown; Mr. and Mrs. Barry Bingham,Markl plant.
1 1 the opening day of the convention Cozme and Wade McCoy in 1935 in Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Alcock, Forest F. Ethridge, LOUISV1118;.MI‘. and M1114
.1 111 by W. W. Thompson, general man- memory of the.merlt01‘10us work City. N. 0.; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lulie A. Grubbs, Chicago; Henry-1 The
_' 1.- j’l ager 0f the Mammoth Cave operat- of the former editor of the Shelby R. Underwood, Lexington' Joe Ward. Paducah; C. J. Anderson,1 makil‘
- 1 ”.1 ing committee, and a response by News and a valued member of the Richardson, Malcolm Black: Glas- Chicago. 1 more
‘ 1 Thmtiiifliitt £565.33“er n vnniwnkk _—— .
' 1 . , , ' '_ . oca
11 of news problems, and awards were and the Hardin County Enterprise 11:20:11]}? d wieksshriogiigfigfebffiés BUDGET PUglfiicli‘ggiDATom And
. 1 1 31 magie éghildilggwsthrilizr Silhitriztsthe thelglaaTrlisf:cl\elregc$:c:nvdlatshiarvdvir1:eci Purdon, George B. Purdon, Mrs. J.1 Enveslt
‘ . 57.7 ' - ' . nls :
' 1‘.‘ 11 remaining days of the convention, to the Somerset Commonwealth.1W' Campbell, MaySVille, J' Curtis Frankfort, Ky., June 13—1115 11151
1 11 1 111 1 , , , _ . . AlCOCk, DanVllle, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. mandatory that county budgets ap. p
.1 1 1 r the delegates heaid interesting ad Honorable mention was accorded Crawford and Son Harlan' J03 , 1 ‘t b b- takea
1 i 11 dresses by GoV. A. 13. Chandler, the Union County Advocate and the - . .' ' proved by the Fhsca Com 5 e pu lies w
,1 .,. _ . Graemer, Louisvflle, Mr. and Mrs. lished for ubllc information Guy
1' Lleut.-Gov. Keen Johnson, publish- Lyon County Herald. - - . p . ’ tunes
1 1‘1 ' ~' Victor R‘ Portmann, Lexington, H. Herdman ASSistant Attorney,
‘ . 11 er, 0f the Rmhrhond Reghterl Bahy. The Louisville Courier-Journal1 sfl- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Blanchard, ‘ General saidytoday in a 1,181,101,111 th
' 1, 1'1 hmghaml Puthher 0f the hows" ver trophy for the Best News Story s. V. Stiles, Louisville; Mr. and Mrs.‘ dum to ’Grant County Judge Emesg pictur
1 . .111 Ville Courier—yournal and Times, was awarded the Glasgow Times, J, L. Bradley, Fred Bradley, Provi— N Chipman Williamstown. 1 cost 1;
1‘1 . 1 Donald McWain, promotion mana- Joe Richardson, editor. Second and‘ dence; H. B. Thomas, Cincinnati,1 . , mOUDl
.1 ' 11 ger 0f the 101115th Courier-Journal third places, respectively, Went to Ohio; Mr, and Mrs. J, Earle 391111 ________—___ 1 engral
1_ ' . 1 and T111195: Gracean M~ Pedley 0f the Carrollton News—Democrat, Mrs. Morganfield‘ KY-i Mr. and Mrs. R- G- MAURER T0 EDIT .200 m
,’ 1 Eddyvlllev director of the dIVISlon 0f R. G. Smith, editor, and the Pine- John Marshall, Louisville; Mr. and; WALTON ADVERTISER1 mg 1,.
1 ; 1 DUthltyy Commonwealth Dr Ken, 1ville Sun, Herndon Evans, editoerrs, R. L. Elkin, Lancaster; Mrs.1 -—- . ‘1 Our c
= l ,: tucky, and Joe T- Lovett, Murrayl1Honorable mention was accorded! Henry Lawrence, Cadiz; Mr. and Ralph G. Maurer, WhO was {31311111 about
' i ’-‘ fOTmEI’ president 0f th91K- P- A- the Lyon County Herald, the Dan— 1 Mrs. Russell Dyche, London; Mr. ated from Eastern State Teachers1 an av
‘ 1 J. L. Bradley 0f Prov1dence, pres—11111113 Daily Messenger, and the Som- 1 and Mrs. Robt. Cully, Hartford; College in June. was named ed1t01‘1: ”101.111
1 11 ident oi the K- P.1A., prgslded over erset Journal. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Thomason,10f the Walton Advertiser, wefilyl We
1 1 11 the entire congentlgn fart; gn$§ngh Because of his interest and enter- Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. D. B. : newspaper published at “73110112 1111’, Grapr
j ed the appoiln menL 0, C'b‘. to :he prise in editorial writing and in Spragens, Lebanon; Mr. and Mrs. 1t was learned on June 29'M1‘ P2101 91‘ an<
‘ . I 11 0f theCynt lam?“ 0g t a tnk the Kentucky Journalism, a memorial Cecil Williams, Somerset; Mr. and er was 9d1t01' 0f the Eastern @1511 we ad
‘ 1 11 executive coniml ee 0 a t9h' plaque of Prof. Enoch Grehan was 1 Mrs. Keen Johnson and daughter, ress, student newspaper at Eas 1 r1 thlng
( ‘1 place Of Joe Costello, Cyn lana established by the Department of1Richmond; Mr. and Mrs. G. M. during the ”St year. Prior to 61.11911 kodak
I 11 publisher, Wh? died reiintlgéle ates Journalism, University of Kentucky, Pedley and son, Eddyville; Mr. and lhg Eastern he had been associa e 1 Elastm
l t 11 i, At the final sessmn de . g n to be perpetually awarded each year Mrs. Herndon Evans, Pineville; Mr. Wlth the Burlington Recordei. (fight
' .1 adohted “501““th end9r511‘g a_ for the Best Editorial. The first and Mrs. Vance Armentrout, Louis—1 ————————— , mlmal
‘ s 11 amendment 0 the pen Eg wage— name to be ascribed on this beautiful Ville; George A. Joplin, Jr., and son,1 The Carrollton News-Democrat. 0111‘ 1‘
E ‘1 hour b111, exempting wee y news memorial is that of the Pineville Somerset; Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan edited and published by R. G. Smith,l $3.95.
1 papers Wlth Circulations 9f 3’000 or Sun, Herndon J. Evans, editor. His Spencer, Louisville; Wade McCoy, 1 celebrated its twenty—second birth'1 weha
1 185.5 and 2‘5de that ceitalnt coufntry editorial was headed “Between Us.” Shelbyville; Mr. and Mrs. Shelton day May 26. L Chlhei‘
I. 1 daily papersf ahsobplel exemp ed rom Second place was awarded the Un— Saufley, Richmond; Mr. and Mrs. James H. Jump, Walton Adver‘ EaCkg]
‘ 1' 1 prov1s10ns 0. t e 1 '11 b . t d . ion County Advocate, J. Earle Bell, John S. Neal, Murray; Miss Juliet tiger publisher, received a dislocatedé‘ rushr
, t 1 As the minutes W e prln e 11} editor, for his editorial, “County Loeffler, Donald McWain, Louis- shoulder and a bruised side recentll’l Mos
:3 1 full m hSegretary ‘liahcgtctsrrarthgfh Tourist Attraction Would Be Profit- Ville; Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Meloan, when he fell from the rear steps of 1119 J1
3* t 11 report,t e ressw1 y able.” The third place editorial, Murray; Marvin W. Gay, Mt. the Advertiser office, Mr. Jumps IVES
. v _ 11 m thls JSShe- * * * “Speaking of the Recession,” writ— Sterling; Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Felix, injury necessitated a short delay m1 engrar
a 11 ten by Editress Mrs. R. G. Smith, Chicago; Harry E. Heath, Camp— putting the paper to press, causingtn perlmr
a 1 1 . The Hardin County Enterprise, was awarded the Carrollton News- bellsville; Alvis Temple, John B. delivery to be a day late. . 19 1361
p Wesley E. Carter. editor, was ad- Democrat. Honorable Mention was Gaines, Bowling Green; Carlos B. H. H. Hansbrough, Horse CW" n_1que
a f judged the best All—around news- accorded the Kentucky Standard, Embry, Mrs. Mary Jane Embry, Herald editor, has established tWOs plctur
_ 1‘; 1 paper in the 1938 annual contest of Bardstown, the Trimble Democrat, Munfordville; Mr. and Mrs. Joe T. new papers, the Park City Press and to bac
1 . t. ‘:i the Kentucky Press Association as the Shelby News, and the Provi— Lovett, Murray; Mr. and Mrs. Frank the Lebanon Junction Times. Park' 13f 00‘
1‘ h 1 announced at the mid—summer dence Enterprise. C. Bell, Bredford; Mount Tingle, City was formerly Glasgow Juno—L ures
. 1 meeting at Mammoth Cave. Second A $5 prize f0 rthe best full—page Bedford; C. N. Ulrich, Mr. and Mrs. tion, the name having been Changed :aces,
g place certificate was awarded the advertisement was awarded Editor John E. Davis, Louisville; Mr. and a few weeks ago. M. Hansbroughl1 hOWh
" n . Providence Enterprise, J. LaMarr George A. Joplin Jr., Somerset Com— Mrs. J. M. Rousseau, Glasgow; Miss son of the Herald editor, will have1 ave 1
. . . Bradley, editor, and third place1monwealth. Certificates to the Ken- Lucy Furman, Lexington; A. S. charge of the Lebanon Junction
1 ‘ ‘ certificates were awarded to the tucky Standard. Bardstown, and Wathen, Miss Elizabeth Wathen, Times. 1 We

 Ni, ii
June, 1938 June, 1938 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three I II III III
_____,\_ /”m*—~————~——$——— - :1 J; .
A I 0113 PHOTO EQUIPMENT sively and get good time exposure Expensive you say? We don’t think Will get you the results that a local ' II I I III.
’ COSTS US $16.95 pictures indoors with the use of two so. First those 125 people at that shot will. The local scene is your I I I ' .I
7 r0 up! —— No. 1 photo-flood bulbs mounted in wedding were delighted at the groupl big field. And in it you’ll find plenty II III I I I
By HOWE V. MORGAN two common desk lamp reflectors. photo. That means 125 b00stersI to shoot at, from human interest to l i I l , .‘
I. Sparta News-Plaindealer Our films are finished by the local for our paper. The aged couple tragedy. ‘-I I I w: .. ,
Bardstowng M1‘- and’ Weekly newspaper publishers are photographer. We can shoot a roll liked the idea also. The relatives What kind of camera? It doesn't ‘ Ii II” -.
Odd’ FlemmngUTE;' becoming picture-minded. There is. of films today, have them developedI ordered about 35 papers at 50 per make so much difference. Good pic- I I'I jII‘I 1 III .1 I.’
_' H‘ Brown, LOWS-I no doubt of that. At every gather- I tonight, get them in the mail in the copy. And last, but not least, they tures are taken with bad cameras . .I: 3?, I I
.rs. Geo. M. Wilson, ling of newspaper folk these days,, morning and have the cuts back inl ordered 34 eight-by-ten projection and vice versa. Get the best you IIE III. i '-. I~I
and Mrs. Harry Ln, one or more speakers give ideas for: the shop the second day. By plan- I prints at 350 per print. That $11.90, can afiord. Study it. Determine ,I1lI,lI, ‘I ,_ I.
to?” Mr. and M“, pitcurizing the press. Ining ahead a bit, we always have I plus the $1.75 for extra papers sold to build your own dark room and EIIII III : S I‘I'I,:' III
V1155 Nancy G. Mc- And therby lies this tale. Most of I plenty of pictures piled up for futureI gave us a net profit of $9.37 on this do your own processing. You’ll have IiiIEI {l III I i f
8; 'Mr. and Mrs. these speakers frighten us little fel— use. {one shot. That’s far better than to sooner or later. Give the idea I{I III I ‘ iII
MISS Lena Benton, lOWS within an inch or two of our If you are considering a general utilities stocks, or job printing mar- some thought now. III I i-I. II ,I‘
Elizabeth J0hnson,, lives with their talk of camera use of pictures, let us suggest that gins. _—— , III :II:I - III -I
I Meloan, Jack Me-i' equipment running into the hund— I you start out in an inexpensive way. Last fall a nearby town had a Well-Known Newspaper III; I: If, {"I,
Hyde, Brownsville; reds of dollars and of their heavyf Use Junior‘s kodak at the beginning centennial celebration and decided Woman Dies At Ashland . III I 'I‘ III
Harper, Ozna D'l film and dark room expense. Most‘ and after a while you can step up a I to have a good—sized historical book— __ 5 {I I: (I .' 5 I I
"V1119; W‘ L" Daw',‘ of us go home and postpone our I notch in equipment. When the de— j let printed. We got that order simply Miss Annie poage‘ about 75 widely I II. iii; 3 I. III
M155 Nancy 3 first venture into the realm of pic— pression ends, you can spend as I because we assured the centennial; known newspaper woman died June II I I 7 1; III _ I
'8; Mr. and Mrs; tures until the return of the day of much as you like for cameras, lenses, I committee that we would do theI 23 at her home in Ashland III . I I .I I
LOH, DanVllle; WES' two chickens in every pot. filters, range finders and the like.Iphotography to illustrate it. The A veteran in both theIedit‘Ofia, I iIr..:I'1I II I I
Leonard D' Bean, But the weekly newspaper can It’s an interesting hobby to have I photography end was so important and advertising fields of newspaper I I.‘ l” I 3,
Jr. and Mrs. J. G.‘ dress up its front page (and theIall those things. But pictures inI to them that once its solution was work, Miss Poage’s civic work in I IIIIII II
3g Green; Mr. andI other pages) at a minimum of ex- weekly papers are becoming a he I assured, they left all the rest to us. I Boyd county during the Wbrld War .‘II'II I I 51 II
.andrum, Hartford; tense. It isn’t necessary to lay down cessity and they don’t have to costI The other day a publisher was won for her the distinction of being .._ .'.II I {I
Lawrence, Cadiz;, a small fortune for camera equip- much—Illinois Editor. “crabbing” to US about the lack 0f i the first woman Kentucky colonel. II ”III I {IIm-I»
Milwaukee, Wis; ment, a dark room or an engravingI * * * I picture possibilities in his particular Gov. James D. Black conferred the If . ,IIIII.
”V Bmgham; Mark" plant. PRESS PHOTOGRAPHY I town. He couldn’t find anything to title on her in 1919 for her services i {I III I. III
WillefiMr- and Mn Total Investment $16.95 | _ ,shoot. His town is about 3,500 in as county chahman of food comer. I It? 11.11 i?
3’ Chicago; Henry',’ The News—Plaindealer has beenI This article is from a columnI size. He said he had a hard time vation and her participation in oth- , III II . II II
C- J- Anderson; making liberal use of pictures for called “Press Photography" con-1 to get a picture a week. Our town er wartime work. if -:i:I;tI ii,‘ I
I more than tWO years. Each issueI ducted by Grover Brinkman, OkaW- . is 750 in size, and W9 get from 5 tOI Miss Poage began her career with I III I I LIIII
-—-—— 1 contains from 3 to 10 halftones 0f ville Times, in the Illinois Editor. I 15 pictures every week. Our town is | the Ashland Daily News in 1898 and I II E ,. twill:
,CATION 5 local persons and of local viEWSI In this initial article in The Illi— , no different than his. He simply later joined the staff of the Ashland iiiIIti I IIIQII‘I.
LD MANDATORY; “.And the News’31alndealelj’s total I nois Editor, I would like to impress I hasnt become picture minded-II IIndependent where she was report- . III; I . .I-IIIlIiIzl‘:
_ investment in picture-taking and! one fact: The country press has Many a publisher overlooks the er, society editor and advertising Atari I:1‘,II’,1II{
., June 13.—It isI finlsh-lng equipment iS exactly $16.95.{ followed its cosmopolitan b i g - I fact also that he has saleable pic— I manager. i 1 III I I ;IIIItII
county budgets ap- In Splte Of that low outlay, we WOhItI brother and has gone picture mind- , ture material in his community. . A member of the Kentucky Press I III” I ‘ II‘II'IIII
scal Courts be pub- takea back seat to very many week- , ed. Pictures are her to stay—anIThere are fires, and accidents and Association, she suffered an injury I .3 II ,5IIjIII
information, Guyr lies when it comes to haVlng' 1310‘ J integral part of your newspaper.I addities that the big papers and while attending one of its meetings ,‘ .j.‘ ill I {II I? II
lssistant Attorney, tures that please the public. IIf you think it’s just a fad, if you; magazines will buy if you only offer which forced her to give up active ‘1 ,3: ‘,II III .
lay in a memoran-I When we first decided to go in fer .‘ think you can get along without them for sale. Carry your camera newspaper work. She fractured a . l':, IiIII'I iI
)unty Judge Ernest; pictures, each single—column cut , them, and meet competition, you’re in your case in your car, always. I hip in a fall at an association meet- 1 I I III”; .
liamstown. I cost us $2.95. Today we buy them I simply kindding yourself. It is not[ If something happens, get the pic- I ing in 1921 and had since been a I II I IIIII I,
I mounted, at any one of a. dozen the intention of this writer to pro— I ture. Rush the processing. Get itrsemi-invalid. !; V ,2 ;. III; {III
I engraving plants within a radius of phesy, or even hint at anything of aI to the big markets in a hurry, and A democrat, she was active in ”III I I I:Ii1..I.I
[I0 EDIT , 200 miles of Sparta, at prices rang- I dictorial nature, but we do know you’re liable t0 get a check. political affairs ,especially in the ,I ‘1 ,iI ' Iiii'i“I{iI§.I
0N ADVERTISER‘I’ ing from 60 cents to $1.00 per cut, what pictures have done to our own To illustrate: While out driving fight for women’s suffrage. I I I I II.“I ‘IIIIII
—‘ ‘ Our outlay for engraving averagesI newspaper, and we are simply pass— one night, a red flare in the sky Miss Poage was a native of Ash- ;' i I ,‘iII, I,
3r, who was gladu 31301113 $20 per month and we use, on ing‘ along the tip, I ahead announced a fire. It was land, member Of an Old Kentucky— IIi I I II II I
-‘h State Teachers, an average of about 18 pictures a Camera Lands Printing Order ,rather a spectacular blaze that con— Virginia. family. Her father, Hugh fI II: III
was named 9d1t°Ir month. The first thing the publisher who sumed a farm home. An hour later Calvin Poage, built the first busineSS l ‘I. III M {I
Advertiser, weekl) We haven’t purchased a Speed is not running pictures “hollers”; we had four passable projection house there. Her great grandfather, I ‘IIIIIII
led at Walton, Kit: Graphic with a 4.5 lens, range find- about is the cost. Pictures do costI prints ready for the mail, and early 001. George Poage, was a founder II :I III {I1III.I, IIIII
June 29. Mr. M'alll'1 er and flash synchronizer, although. money, any way you look at it. But{ the next morning they were on the Of Indianapolis, Ind., and another ;I II I3“ I {,IIII
the EaStem PIOIgII ‘ve admit we are going to get some- they also pay dividends and some- desks of our cosmopolitan papers. relative 001- James Poage, was a *‘II Iii IIIIIII’IIII‘I
spap61" at Eastelll., thing of that nature sometime. Our times the dividends are considerably Three purchased the picture, and founder 0f Ripley, OhiO. Miss Poage .‘ I {III {IIIili‘I‘
sar. Prior to enter; kodak. equipment consists of one better than six per cent. ,another used it and in return sent represented her family at the cen- I III31I i;{,'t{I.I
id been 3550““ Eastman Jiffy Kodak, using 616 film, Very few issues of this printer’s us their Zinc. Itennial celebrations 0f bOth cities. I I‘ III IiIIlII
on Recorder ' eight exposures to a roll, and one I newspaper goes to press without anI A farmer near here grows excep'I H . II W IIIIIIIIIFI
__._._._. mlnlature camera, the property of expenditure of from $10 to $20 in tionally large melons. Pictures of BARRY BINGHAM HONORED i I it}: IIIIIIISIII'
_ News—Democrat. our reporter, for which he paid pictures of a local or county nature. , his products have gone into numer— — II I II}, IIII'I,
led by R. G. SmithI $3.95. Outside of those two cameras And very seldom d0 we fail to get 0113 farm publications, and one or The Harvard University Alumni I I III {IIIIIII‘IIIIIII
:nty-second birth". Wehave invested in a few tubes of our money back, directly or indi— two dailies as well. A man in a Association announced the election :1 III V IIIW
_ Chlnese White for whiting out rectly. nearby town makes freak muusical of Barry Bingham, publisher of the II .51, III5 I IIIIIIIII‘II.
p, Walton Adver- bEiCligrounds and a few retouching YOU don’t want theory bill? facts,Iinstruments, like violins OUI’ OfI Louisville Courier _ Journal and II {III IIIIIII IIII
zeived a dislocatedfl brushes. That’s all. So we’ll keep to simple facts, very tOOthpiCkS: a mandolin 01“? Of a Times, to its board 0f directors for I III III III III:
uised side recently? Most of our pictures are taken on brief. cow’s horn, a saxaphone out of 001-n— a three-year-term on June 24. I II III: II “III III
, the rear steps 0f the Jiffy Kodak because the nega— One Sunday recently we were stalks, BtC- Needless t0 say his pic' 3 I I I‘l‘I II III, III
ffice. Mr. JumllIS thES do not require enlarging for asked to come out into the country tures have been sold repeatedly, and The TOOd County Times, Guthrie, I? -,II{1 iIIIIII III
:1 a short delay in; engFaVins purposes. We have ex- about five miles and “shoot” aeven featured by a large syndicate. l resumed DUblication With the issue éiiI 3* ‘I III? I ('II‘I'I:
to preSS. causing.. perimented quite a bit in an effort Golden wedding. It took less than Globe Photos of New York City. of June 2. Publication was sus— ;}I III I III ‘I
ay late. , t9 DBrfect our picture-taking tech- half an hour to take an indoor And SO it goes. pended 135i fall after a disastrous .3I I it“ I I; II III!
ugh. Horse Cave “hue but from the first we gOt good flash-shot of the celebrating couple, Whether you know your pictures, fire that destroyed the plant. 0. I I,” I III III;
s established to t plctnl'os by paying a little attention and a group photo of the assembled or simply dream about them. set Talley Graves and W- W- Braksdaley .1 -’ iii if iii III?"
irk City Press and t0 backgrounds and proper lighting. relatives, some 125 in number. Thelg'oing'. The day has arrived that J11. are CO-Dublishers. with Mrs. a III" {III {III
tion Times. Park‘ :31” course, we can’t get action pic— two shots, in actual material cost,Ithe country reader requires his art LOUiS Graves, society editor. The iii .. III i I {I Iii
y Glasgow JunC“ ures 0f football games or horse film, flashbulb, projection paper and- as well as his city cousin, and don’t tW0 partners in the enterprise have I VIII I {III III.
ving been changedI races, but in a weekly newspaper processing chemicals was 480. A think that a foreign picture service bOth had newspaper experience, Mr. 1'iI III III I'
M. Hansbrollgh; town .most folks (and animals) two column engraving cost $2.04. will entirely fill the bill- We like Graves being the owner and editor III III I?
. editor, will have haVe time to stop a minute to pose. The labor and mileage was another to run a few good national or state 0f the paper DTEViOUS {30 the fire ;” I ’ I if I'ILI‘II
rebanon JuliCtion EQUipment Detail $1.75. That two column cut cost shots, purchased from a syndicate. laSt fall, and Mr. Barksdale being "is iIIIiI AII‘I §5I‘I
We use panchromatic film exclu- us $4.27 in actual time and money. But don’t think this type of picture publisher of the Clarksville Star. ”III .’ ' II Ii; II
-" It '1” its
1 iIII'EI 11'"

 3.7:." 1'1 "- ' '
. 1 ‘
1 1 l Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS June, 1938 '
' 1 . M ._
' 1 l 1 H— proof or financially irresponsible 'shod manner about as they please , WA
1‘ 1 . and in addition to that they are A check-up occasionally Will 019.11: M(
1 . 7/78 usually located without the state the air and impress upon the W0rk~'
j1 - l .‘ 1 11 ’ where the cost of such action and men the need of accurate time fig.' By
. 1 1 1 1111.311 ent 1 . 1 a gg the reaction of foreign juries and ures on production. I.
1 1| 1 s a courts is always against the out—of— Plants that have not in past years
1 1 1 'state litigant.” felt the need of a cost accounting 11
' ' '1 1 1 Official Publication Of The Kentucky Press Association There IS ”.8" one way to purchase 1 and time-keeping system are hO‘V1 I h.
1 1 1,1 printing equipment and that is to realizing the value of a good system”. ope:
. 1- 11 VICTOR R. PORTMANN. 1 1 _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 _ 1 1 _ _ _ .Editor deal with houses of good reputation. in profitable plant managemem11' inte
1_- 1i _ They may ask for your note to Every cost accounting system Ougmty 1_
1 1: .' Printed On The Kernel Press, Department Of Journalism, finance Damn.“ but you W111 be to be hhhgged Oht into the daylight whi
1; 11 University Of Kentucky, Lexington safe in glVing it to them because and critic1sed Without fear. for like fied
.1 11 first, they Will go to the 11ml: to house—cleaning, it will be a relief whi
1-. .‘ satisfy you in order to main ain to know everything is right after the.» , -
1: 1 J LaMa” Bradle PRESS Asifiggggh OFF'CERS Enter rise Providence their reputation and secondly, they cleaning is over, for cost systemsy' 1:111
: 1 1 1 Thomas R. UndervhxlloodVice—PreSldent: Igeralii, Lexington can’t afiord ahy litigatlon over hhtes hke everything 6136’ need I'EJUVen- ‘ ter 1
11 J. Curtis Alcock Secretary—Treasurer Messenger, Danville because a suit for damages might ating once in a while—Pong pub.1 one
1' 1 :1 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE mean heavy financial loss or loss lisning Company. , Tl
' 1 1 Gracean M. Pedloy, Herald, Eddyville, Chairman; Harry Lee Waterfield, Gat- 10f hard-earned prestige. x‘ ' A.
- 1 . .1 éefit‘é’lerfié‘i‘l'rfih. "Eyéiisvi'fi'e‘h‘h‘i’ it‘ihiiii'sesn,“hintih'éiasgfit‘?otigfiené‘r‘é‘éij So when .the printer gives hls‘ WORK faithfully for 8 hours a. time
. ‘ 1 Herald-News, Hodgenville; W. Vernon Richardson! Advocate, Danville; Victor note for equipment ltS 1101': the glv‘ day and DON'T WORRY; then in to C
. : . fie.3?“23331.3“triflehriiihé‘i’i‘i‘i‘éi'i‘lngs‘ $133522: ifiiegfifié‘é‘hhcyiéfiiitfiz mgv but t0 Whom he glves he that me You may become boss and work: B.
1' 1 Russell Dyclie, Sentinel-Echo, London; Robert L. Elkin, Lancaster, Honorary. actually counts—NP1J. 1 16 hours a day and have all filler to d:
' . 1 Thomas R. Underwood, Herald, Lexington, Chairman; Cecil Williams, Journal, 'RECONDITION YOUR ACCOUNT‘ "“% . Whi(
. . Somerset; Tyler Munford, Advocate, Morganfield; George A. Joplin Jr., Com— ING SYSTEM W, H. Conrad Elected 1 mg
1 1 1 monwealth, Somerset; Vance Armentrout, Courier-Journal, Lomsvflle. —__._. President of N. E. A. 1 2'
i . 1 ,ADVERTIS'NG COMM1TTEE. d Whether a printing plant is oper— * 1 of v
11 .31 5511131131 héénfgg‘gfg’v'ngfgffifggna§‘°¥h°%?isogha§$ané“ELY (jg-“13:53:11 V1115”? ating a small or a large cost ac- After having scored the biggest 1 keep
1 Dawson: Oldham Era, La Grange; A. S. Wathen, Kentucky Standard, Bards— counting system, it is necessary 00. attendance record in the last eight1” mon
, 1 1‘ ‘D‘Vh- .casionally to bring it out into the years, the 53rd annual convention 3,
j 11 NEWSPAPER 13“th COMh'I'TTFjE 1 daylight for reconditioning, just as of the National Editorial association " jty c
X§?.'°s’u§'v5i°n"§h‘éi?§}2 E2133? Etiise‘el‘ixhihé‘h $2i2‘33hthflsf‘ Chm" it is essential to 011 the presses, re- . came to a close at White SUlpliurl Plan
.1 ‘1: paint the floors, or make other1 Springs on June 22. The total regls- 1 find
1'. ‘i _________________________ needed repairs. Holding it up to tration for the three days was 425. 12.;
11“" 1'1 _________ __~__E__ the light of inspection will reveal Officers elected for the coming1 pape
- 1: 1:1 . . just how much value it has in it, year at the final session were W. H. liver
. 1211 1equipment1 he has purchased 1510f or Whether it will have to be dis- Conrad of the Medford (Wis) star ilet:
1. 11 :1 MEMBER m I 1nfel‘loh glad'e: Secure m hls behgf. carded and a new start made. There News, president; Howard W. Palmer $1.50
' 1 1 11 flag, 1 hilt h's 31310511313? istfinipil‘legnablle he1 are plants which have operated the of the Greenwich (Conn) Press, colle
11 ‘ 11 11:1) Ofrlii'lfhereinsseta'hrmenats uhtillsahiih' same efficient system fforla great ' Vicetpresident, and Walter H. Crim _ the ;
1‘ . I1 I w , many years and are per ect y happy 0 he Sa em (1nd.) Republican- A.
1 1 1'; K TUCKY PRES 1mm”y athStmehthas heeh mahe' and satisfied with it, which is all Leader, treasurer. Albert s. Hardy1 thei
' ":11 ASSOCIATION ' MUCh to his1surprlse h? Wh' Chs‘ well and good. They are quite con— of the Gainesville (Ga) News was have
I 1 . 1 cover that hls letter W111 g0 un— fident their costs are being deter- the new member elected to the for c
1' I i ORGANIZED “MM” '8“ answered and after the elapse Of1mined correctly, and there is no board of directors. Directors i'e- B.
1-1? . 1 1 ’ , "":"'i;:'_:—:1.the time Wheh the first installment need for them to make improve— elected were Roy Howard of OhiO. ., is a.
1‘1 ‘ , HERE’S AN AD IDEA 15h) become due a very puzzled man merits. Any system becomes cum- 1 Edwin F. Abels of Kansas, Royr news
1. _ 1 Q. 137111 receive a call from hls banker; bersome and outdated in time, re— Brown of California, R. C. Stitser of 1 Meg}
. ‘ 1 One way '50 promote more adver-