xt783b5w964n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt783b5w964n/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1963-12-11  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December 11, 1963 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 11, 1963 1963 1963-12-11 2015 true xt783b5w964n section xt783b5w964n Editor Discusses
See Page Four

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University of Kentucky

Vol. LV, No. 53




Eight Page?

BreatMtt Sworn In As Governor;
Pledges More Progress For State
Executive's Record
One Of Public Service
The following Is from the
of Edward T. "Ned" Breathitt
programs was started in 1943,
Frankfort newspaperman, this
M. Trout.

official program for the inauguration
as Governor. Since publication of the
such articles have been written by; a
one by the Courier-Journal- 's

New Governor Pledges


1 'Better Opportunities'

Kernel Staff Writer


The new dimension of public service as a family heritage
adds a measure of prideful distinction to the inauguration if
Edward T. Breathitt Jr., as Governor of the Commonwealth
of Kentucky.
Pomp and pageantry of the occasion, of course, remain true to
the traditions of 171 years of statehood. The winners celebrate, the
losers congratulate. There are the shouts of exultation, the pantomimes of parade, the food a match for hearty appetites, the drink

a complement to exuberant spirits, the music an inspiration for dancing feet.
But there hovers over this gala occasion of Dec. 10, 19.53, an
aura of historic public service by the family surnamed Breathitt that
somehow connotes a state come of age. It plumbs a new depth to the
democracy upon which our system rests. It calibrates new breadth
to the politics that is catalytic agent to the process of
in a sovereign state of a free republic.
The contribution of this famly to the commonwealth of Kentucky began in September, 183?, when John Breathitt was inaugurated Governor under Inauguration Elm on grounds of the Old State-hous- e.
He was the uncle many times removed, of the Gov. Breathitt
now assuming office.
It was for the first Gov. Breathitt that Breathitt County was
named. George Breathitt, his brother, was private secretary to President Andrew Jackson. These first Bieathitts were Democrats.
But James Breathitt Sr., the incoming Governor's grandfather,
was a Republican. As such, he was elected attorney general in 1907
and served 1907-1- 1 in the Republican administration of Gov. Augustus E. Wilson.
Next in succession came the Democrat, James Breathitt Jr., uncle
to the new Governor. He was elected lieutenant governor in 1927 and
served 1927-3- 1 in the administration headed by Gov. Flem D. Sampson, a Republican. This Breathitt was nominated for governor in the
convention of 1931, but lost out to Gov. Ruby Laffoon.
Nor is the latest in line a neophyte in public service. Gov. Breathitt, 39 and a lawyer, lias behind him three terms in the House of
Representatives, service In the cabinet of Gov. Bert T. Combs, and
on the bench of Public Service Commission. He long has been an
articulate advocate of constitutional reform and a leader in civic
The public service of Harry Lee Waterfield, 52, the incoming lieutenant governor, is no less distinguished because it spans only the
relatively brief time of his own generation. He has served six terms
in the House of Representatives, two of them as Speaker. He was
headed by Gov.
lieutenant governor in the administration of 1955-5Albert B. Chandler. He was defeated for governor in the Democratic
primaries of 1947 and 1959. He has achieved noteworthy business success in the fields of farming, livestock, publishing, and insurance.
And so we have at this place and in this time the blending of
Continued on Page 8

better opportunity for every Kentuckian to realize his
potential," was the keynote of Gov. Edward T. (Ned)


Breathitt's inaugural address, yesterday.


Gov. Edward T. Breathitt

This Week
Two more lectures are
scheduled for this last week
of formal classes and programs:
Today, Dr. II. Rawling
president of the Medical
College of South Carolina, will
speak on "Experimental and Environmental Factors Bearing on
Carcinoma of the Cervix." The
lecture, sponsored by the Cancer
Teaching Committee, will be at
8 p.m. in Room IWN2G3 of the
Medical Center.
Friday, Dr. Thomas D. Clark,
chairman of the History Department, will be at the Faculty Club
between 4 and 5 p.m., to describe
his experiences in Washington
following the assassination
President Kennedy. Dr. Clark's
talk will concern an inside view
o fthe government's reaction and
adjustment to the national disaster at that time.

The address was delivered to
an estimated crowd of 50,000 people after a three hour parade
celebrating the inauguration.
Gov. Breathitt dedicated his
to the spirit of
John F. Kennedy. He said that
the martyred president had left
as a heritage a spirit of concern
for the individual, detachment
from self, and a dedication to
able leadership, and Gov. Breathitt said, "Let us today, undergo
a humble baptism in that spirit."
Breathitt said his hope for a
better opportunity was for all
city or country,
rich or poor, black or white.
Education was the first topic
of eminent concern that the governor alluded to. "Kentucky cannot afford to halt or slow down
educational progress," he said.
Gov. Breathitt praised the educational progress made under the
Combs administration,
but reminded his audience that Kenstill faced problems in edutucky
cational development. "The sheer
pressure of numbers is overwhelming," he said, "and we must
also insure the growing quality
of instruction."
Turning to the economy, Gov.
Breathitt said the promise of
75,000 new jobs and a billion dollar economy were serious objectives of his administration.
He pointed to Eastern Kentucky as one of the great problem
areas of the state. He reassured
Kentucky that he was certain
President Johnson would make
the visit to Kentucky planned by
John Kennedy in conjunction
with the Appalaehia Regional
Development Commission, a federal program for the redevelop

ment of the southern Appalachian Mountain regions.
Gov. Breathitt's final promise
was to watch carefully over the
people's financial trust. He said,
he realized that every dollar mismanaged in Frankfort was a dollar that could not be used to
improve education, roads. Jobs,
and welfare.
"You will get a dollars worth,
of service for every dollar spent."
he promised, "or some heads will
Experience is what Lt. Gov.
Harry Lee Wa'.erfield promised
to bring to his office.
"I shall use my experience a
a bridge," Lt. Gov. Waterfield
said, "and I shall walk facin?
the future. In this manner only
Is there virtue in experience."
Lt. Gov. Waterfield took his
first position in the state legislature in 1937, and is the second
man to have held the office of
lieutenant governor twice.
He said that he had enjoyed
serving under most of the past
governors represented at the inauguration. "I have supported
them and I have opposed them
according to my convictions." ha
said, "but I am a part of all the
governors under whom I have
Taking a note from PresidenC
Johnson's address to Congress,
Lt. Gov. Waterfield concluded
with, "I will do my best, that
is all I can do, I ask your help
and God's."
"Thank you for allowing me to
be your governor," was the simple
end with which retiring governor
Bert Combs concluded his administration.
Continued on Page 8

Noted Pianist, Commentator
To Present Concert Tonight
Boris Goldovsky,
pianist and music commentator, will present one of his
"Piano Portraits" lecture recitals at the Coliseum tonight.

The concert, one in a series
sponsored by the Ceneral Kentucky Concert and Lecture Association, will begin nt 8:15 p.m.
Goldovsky presents his program
through wonts and music, illustrating his lecture by playing the
Some of his programs include
"'Romance of the Piano" cover-In- ?
the whole field of piano literature from Scarlatti to Banok;
"Invitation to the Waltz" featuring waltzes of Schubert, Weber,
Licit, and Ravel; and "An Evening with Chopin" including work
from the four facet. of Chopin
Chon n the lover. Chopin the
Virtuoso, Chopin the Poet, and
Cnopii) the

Goldovsky also gives programs
based on explanations and excerpts from famous operas.
Goldovsky was the master of
ceremonies of the Metropolitan
Opera News of the Air program.
He won the Peabody Award
for Outstanding Contributions to
Radio Music.
The former director of the New
England Opera Theater, Goldovsky is the author of "Accents
on Opera."
Gol.iovs.iy made his debut as
a perfoiming arti.st with the Berlin Philharmonic
Orchestra at
the age of 13. He came to the
United States; in 1930.
Born in Moscow, Goldovsky is
the son of a violinist. He received his first instruction in
piano from Pierre Luboshutz, his
uncle and a noted pianist.
Fleeing the Russian revolution
of 1!17 the family fled to C.cr-inawhere Hoi is co:it iai'fl his
blu(K . ui.jcr Artur Kchn.il.l.
Alar his debut with the Berlin

Philharmonic he studied composition and conducting at the Liszt
Academy of Music in Budapest.
Later he took general courses
at the Sorbonne in Paris.
In America he studied conducting under Fritz Reiner at the
Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia. His mother was already
a faculty member at the institute.
Goldovsky served as the head
of the opera department of the
Cleveland Institute of Music. He
resigned this post to become an
instructor at the New England
and the Lonjy
School of Music."
He developed an interest in opera in 1933 when lie was asked
to play for an opera workshop
class conducted by German staje
director Ernst Lert.
Married to an opera sinyer, t'ie
former Margaret Coiid. Go':l-ov.sk- y
lives in Massachiootts. V?
has two ililictien, Mxhael and










To Perform Tonight



Poiis Goldovsky will present a lecture reril:il at the Coliseum at 8:11
li niijlit as a ai t of the Central Ke."liii i;,v t'luic-T- t
and Lecture Scries.
'I lie pt'iluriiici- - is a nutcd piai.i. t and niusU' coiiuiieiitalor.


� THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Wednesday, Dec.


11, 19f3

ROTC Commissions
To Be Given Monday
men will receive commissions in the anTwrnty-tlircnual Army-Ai- r
Force ROTC commissioning exercises set for
7 p.m. Monday, in Room 20 of the Student Union Center.
Principal speaker at the cere
Everett C. Lail Jr., Infantry,
mony will be Dr. Cecil C. Carp

penter, Dean of the Collepe of
Commerce. Dr. M. M. White,
Dean of the College of Arts and
Selene?-- will be master of ceremonies.
Thirteen men will receive commissions in t lie Army and ten are
to receive Air Force commissions.
All will
be commissioned
Second Lieutenants.
Those receiving Army commissions and their branch as-- h
Miments are: Onis V. Amos Jr.,
Artillery, Owensboro; Earl L.
Campbell, Infantry, Harrod.sbure;
Gaylc W. Ecton, Adjutant General. Versailles: Ralph S. Hunt.
Jr, Signal, Magnolia; George T.
KIopp, Ord.uice, Lombard, 111.;
Lakewood, N. J.;

Cynthiana; Lester E. Lynd, Ordnance, Ashland; John C. Mit-

chell, Artillery, Mt. Sterling;
Thomas M. Qui.senberry, Transportation, Winchester; Gary E.
Steward, Military Police, Sturgis;
H e n r, y Koppelmaa, Infant ry
Milton L. TulkofT, Adjutant General, Ashland; nnd John V.Wood-for- d
Jr.. Armor. Paris.
Receiving Air Force commissions are: Virgil L. Brewer,
Don G. Bush, Cadiz;
John E. Goin, Middlt-sboroBobby A. Jones, Lexington; William R. Kohout, Thornwood, N.
J.; Robert H. Robbins, Louisville;
Dan R. Scott, Lexington; Edwin
M. Squires, Louisville; Howard E.
Taylor, Russellville; and Anthony
W. Thomas, Cadiz.

New Atlas





is: '.irk















The new four-stor- y
Commerce College building; is
going up near the University's main entrance on
Limestone. The building, costing about $1,G61,000,

began with

will be ready next fall. Construction
ground-breakin- g
ceremonies May 21.

Oral Examination


The final oral examination of
Mr. William C. Inman, candidate for the rh.I). degree in
Psychology, will be held at
9 a.m. today in Room MS 415,
Medical C enter. The title of Mr.
Inman's dissertation is "Response Delay as a Factor in the
F u n e t i o n."
Members of the faculty and
student body are nivited to attend.
The final oral examination of
Mr. Dwight L. Mikkelson, candidate for the Doctor of Philosophy degree with a major in
History, will be held at 10:00
a.m., Saturday in the SemII ill.
inar Peoin.
The title of Mr. Mikkelson's
WOULD." Members of the faculty and student body are invited to attend.

By Geologists

new atlas showing tlio
availability of ground water
Kenin eight
tucky counties has been published by the United States
Cii'oliHMral Survey.
Dr. Wallace XV. Hasan, state

pcoIoffM and director of the Kentucky Geological Survey, says the
map is being issued as part of a
statewide water resources study
conducted jointly by tlip stale
and federal governments. With
publication of the atlas, tiie state
now is completely covered by
ground water availability maps.
Future work will involve more
detailed investigations in specially selected areas, Dr. Hagan











Dr. Charles F. Elton, Dean of Admissions and Registrar,
said Monday that the University has 1,923
students enrolled for the full semester.

Dr. Elton said this enrollment is "about the same for
out of state students every
peryear. We always have
cent of such students here."
He commented that there was a
primary factor that influenced
thi" enrollment
each semester.
"That is, whether or not it's a
or fall semester. I assume
by the spring semester's low
of these students that
tho;,u students who are fuilin--






Dr. Elton Announces
Enrollment Figures

drop out."
Mrs. Betty Jo Palmer. Assistant to the Dean of Women, said
123 out of state women students
participated in fall sorority rush.
Fred Strache, Fraternity Adviser,
students who participated in fraternity rush.
said he had no figures for surh






















'The Balcony'



'Wrong Arm
of the Law'
Peter Sellers

Starts TODAY!
Shows Cont. from
n (f






imbues it with
tremendous compassion and charm."




"A beautiful



torbiddtn wordl


"A Stunning Performance!

New York Times



rKS Jf

Commerce Building In The Making



and refreshing film.
A masterpiece of candor and sensitivity." Times Hagazine
"A bittersweet
emotionalism . . . endlessly sug" News Week
Another film of award calibre.





and parents will be giving

shavers for Christ- easier, cleaner and
more comfortable than having a beard.


mas. Shaving will become


Here's whv
There's the cordless feature.
Sealed-in- ,
rechargeable energy

cells let you shave without a plug.
And what shaves they are! 348
cutting edges of
(sharper and tougher than stain
less steel) whisk whiskers off.
These edges are honed on an
angle. So whiskars get sliced off
instead of "ploughed up." 756







head feed whiskers to the cutters fasfer Arid
on toD of tha shavinn h9H- - dcmimtk.
Roller Combs. Adjust to any skin or bear- dprotect skin: set un whiilr
Forget to recharge? There's a
cord. Plug it in and shave any.
where-- so
II for Christmas.
After all,
you wouldn't want to be the only
on campus who
isn't clean shaven.

j Li






� THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Wednesday, Dec.


I3 - 3

Christmas Shopping Hints
For Your Favorite Man
Have you braved the crowds on
Main Street yet? If you have, do
you feci like giving up and giving
empty packages this year?
It's always hard to buy the
right Rifts, especially when it
involves the men in your life.
There are few rcaT.y new an:l
different things o.ie can give
this year, but I thought for
thoe cf you who Just couldn't
think of a thing this mi;;ht te of
tome help.
There is one thing you should
remember, few men ever like the
ties that women buy for them.
After all, those pale blue cnes
with the cute little white spots
Just don't appeal to moct men.
And boo?s are nice, provided they
pertain to something they are
interested in. What boy would be
thrilled on Christmas morning
with a book on Scuba Diving
when he can't swim, unless it's a
gentle hint from his lady love
to go jump in the lake.
But back to the unoriginal. The
best gifts to give are sweaters.
They are usually welcome and
like more women, men can always use another sweater especially if it is Perry Como style.
There are other things to give:
a cigarette lighter with his initials on it, a key chain, wallet,
belt, gloves, scarves, shirts, and
the thousand and one items
lound at the local haberdasher's
and department store mcutiques.
There are several nev; entries
In the field of male type gifts.

Social Activities
The following men were recently initiated into the Sigma
Chi: Frank Brockardt, Bobby
Dickinson, Jay Durie, Charlie
Fields, Carl Lay, Bob Measle,
Jim Miller, Don Spangler. Bud
Allen VanOveibeke,
and Dick Wildt.


The college of Nursing will
have a Christmas banquet at 6:15
p.m. tomorrow in the Medical
Center Cafeteria. A'.l nursing
students and faculty members
are invited.

One of the nicest is a battery-powere- d
shoe shiner and buffer.
This handy gift is inexpensive
and most men ned something of
this sort. Haven't you noticed the
lii: ty shoes around here?
Another different item is available at loeal jewelry stores. It is
a sterling silver drink mit.er. key
cha:n sized. It looks like a pocket
knife and has three blades, one
with muller, one with a spoon,
and the thud a little pick. This
is a new addition to the collection of things fcr the man who
has everything.
the same lines and
slightly more expensive is the
imitation scotcli bottle that has
a built-i- n
transistor radio. There
is also a dog on the market that
has a radio built into it.
Less expensive and just as
practical are the sets of blazer
buttons with the fraternity crest
on them. There are all kindis of
tie tacks and recognition pijfis.
These are the usual run oj the-mil- l
gifts, as I've said, so jheie
aie a few that are different to

say the least. Give him a pewter
mug with his initials in Old English. Or a silver cigarette case,
or expersive cuff links for the
fiench cufT shirt he doesn't own.
Pah down to the chu"yist and
pick up so;ne pep pill:,, or a crying towel, of ruor blades. These
should be handy hems for that



If you real'y wniit to make his
Christinas bri'.'.hl and shiny how
Phil it a new car like a Jaauar
XKE or an Austin I'ealy 30U0. in
a do it yourself kit form for $3.93.
He'll kill vou. Not realiv, but they
say it's the thought that counts.
Or give him a bushel of mistletoe, a branch at a time.
The nicest gift from the standpoint of time and TLC is a hand-kn- it
This gift takes
hours to make and no girl is
going to put that much time and
energy into a thins: unless she
really cares about the man she's
knitting it for.
Hope these hints have been of
some help, happy shopping!

Campus Calendar


Forest C. Pcgue, Blazer Lecture, Student Center Theatre,
2 p.m.
SuKy meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the SuKy Room.
Dec. 11 Concert. Boris Goldovsky. Coliseum, 8:15 p.m.
Dec. 12 Student Bar Wives meeting at 7:15 p.m. Mrs. Fred White- side, 380 Hart Rd.
Dec. 12 Ladies Bridge Buffet, $1.50; Luncheon 12:00 to 2:00; Bridge
10:30 to 5:30
Dec. 13 Formal Christmas Dance Roy Sharp and Orchestra; Buffet,
$3.50: Dinner 6:30 to 8:30; Dance
Reservations please.
Dec. 14 Formal Christmas Dance Dick Walker and Orchestra; Buffet $3.25; Dinner 6:30 to 8:30; Dance
8 p.m.
Basketball, Kentucky-BayloColiseum,
Spindletop Hall Buffet Dinner, 6:30 to. 8:30, Christmas
Dance, (formal) 9 to 1.
Dec. 15 Reception and Open House for Dr. R. D. Johnson and Board
of Directors of Spindletop Hall, 4 to 6 p.m.
Dec. 18 Game Night (Bingo Buffet Dinner, 6:30 to 8 p.m.; Dinner
and Game $2.75. Reservations please .
UK Invitational Basketball Tournament, Coliselm, 7:30
Dec. 22 Children's Christmas Party. 3 to 4 p.m.:
Children. Louisiana Courtyard ; 6 to 10 years. Library
Dec. 25 Closed Christmas Day






The pledge class of Kappa
Kappa Gamma has elected Judy
Moors president. Other officers
are: Barbara
Considine, vice
president; Gail Mitchell. Panhel
representative; Linda Bond, secretary; Patsy Purdom, scholarship chairman; Tissie Greathouse,
social chairman; Callie Ann Cow-de- n,
public relations chairman;
Bonnie Johnson, athletic chairJanet Boggs, activities
chairman; Bonnie Linder, music
chairman, and Margaret Brown,
art chairman.
Keys, sophomore men's honorary, recently elected Steve Miller, president; Larry Kelly, vice
president; Hal Beals, secretary;
and Bill Hamilton, treasurer.


For Any







a ... La,

Van u Speaks To Army KOTC
the Road

Major Claude G. Vann Jr. of
the Communications Department,
U.S. Army Armor School, Ft.
Knox, spoke to military science
students Tuesday on "The U.S.
Army Signal Corps Mission and

Di- Support provided
vision's Signal Battalion."
Major Vann was the guest of
Col. James P. Alcorn, professor
of military science.

r9 ,




















Tho Sc!:i!!;ng is local currency in Austria.
So is this.

different tpe
of folk
From out of the isolated Brazilian
jungle comes Los Indies Tabajaras
and their "Maria Elena." Now it's the
title tune for a fascinating new album.
A treasury of tribal folk songs liko
iMaran Cariua," "Los Indies Danzan"
and "Baisn Bon." Get this album and
tear the most intriguing new sounds
In music today-- at ycur record shop.

The most trusted name in sound





417 East Maxwell


Fiji Sweetheart

Judy Tope, a senior clemrntary education major from Florence ard
a member of Alpha Delta 11 was crowned Fiji wietlieart last Friday
night at the annual White Owl formal. Shown with Miss Tope is
David Thomason.





The Rotary Club International
Din-- or
will be held at 6:30 p.m.
tomorrow in the Student Center

i"' 1


604 383


If' S


cot. i& i


Austria, Australia, or Afghanistan: whether you're cn
-- or off-- the
beaten track, BANK OF AMERICA
TRAVELERS CHEQUES are as good as cash.
and theft-proof- ,
Better, in fact.
money only you can spend. Only your signature
makes them valid. Buy them before you go-s- pend
them as you go anywhere around the world.


� Is Chivalry Dead?
"Where have all the gentlemen gone?
Gone forever, nigh every one.
Oh when will they return?
Oh ivhcn iv ill they return?"
This is the age of missiles and moonshots; of running here and rushing
there; of punching clocks ami pushing buttons. This is the age in which one
goes through life at a pace more hectic than that of a highly tuned sports car.
This is the age which also gave women equal rights: job opportunities,
voting privileges, voiced opinions, and practically anything else one would
consider a "right." However, it appears that when our grandmothers won their
equality, they (in theory) began a process which has nearly eradicated masculine respect for their granddaughters.
Where have all the gentlemen gone? Are they so caught in the mad rush,
clamoring for the peak of society's pole, that common courtesies and manners
appear to them only as blurs of the past?
Granted today's women may not appear as feminine as their
but appearances are not specific grounds for judgment; after all,
femininity cannot be seen--. Femininity is a quality a quality one may glimpse
from a gesture, but a quality that is never fully seen.
A hundred years ago a woman was expected to be no more than a woman.
She was groomed to be a fine lady. She was educated in the arts; she was
she was a companion and a comforter. Her
witty, warm, and
sole duty in life was to be a loving, understanding wife, and a bearer and
rearer of children. The example of such a woman is the stereotype "Southern
War South.
Belle" of the
Today's women no longer have time to lounge through the day. Career
girls put in an eight hour clay; housewives and mothers are on duty 24 hours;
coeds attend classes, "donnkeep,' and participate in numerous activities. These
women cannot always be
calm, and collected. Their tensions
build up and eventually burst forth. Docs this make them less feminine?
What makes a woman less feminine, and certainly fell less feminine, is
the lack of respect paid to her by the males she works with, goes to school
with, or the ones she passes on the street.
What has happened to door opening? Too many girls on campus get
doors practically slammed in their faces without the same thing happening
elsewhere. Where has the man gone who held a woman's coat while she put
it on, who pulled out her chair before they sat down to eat, who held her
elbow as they went down steps, who tipped his hat in passing, who gave her
bis seat in a crowded room or bus? What has happened to the male who
walked on the side of the street parallel to the traffic? You would think that
men had intentions of having their female companions literally "run down."
Where is the man who never used profane language in the presence of a
woman, who would never have mentioned a smutty thing in her presence?
Where is the man who respected a woman for what she was? Where is the
man who will respect today's woman in the same way?
Xo, today's woman is not looking for the chivalry so commonly associated with courtesy and respect. Rather, she is looking for courtesies which
reflect that she is respected. Perhaps this is too much to hope for in this day
of "well she's as good as I am, let her do it by herself."
After all, a womans talents and abilities can make her a mans equal,
but it takes respect to make her feel like a woman which is what she really is.
pre-Civ- il


The Kentucky Kernel
The South's Outstanding College Daily
nl the pnt office nl Lexington. Kentucky a jeeond cltsi matter nnili r (lie Ac t of March 3, 1879.
rxc. pt during holidays and exunu.
Published four time? a week cliirina the rciwliir wtm.il


Sue Endicott, Editor




Are Americans
Economic Illiterates?
Not infrequently we are counseled

by our peers and superiors to






David Haute, Managing Edtlcr

Daily Editors:
Elizabeth Ward, William Chant, Hiciiaiid Stevenson, and John Townsend
of Sports
Jfiwy Scihheman and Walteu 1'agan,
John Pkeikeeb, Arts Editor
Nancy Lovciihidc.e, Women's Tunc Editor
Tom Finnie, Circulation Manager
John BcnKHAnD, Advertising Manager
Thorns: News, extensions 22S3 and 2302; Advertising and Circulation, 2300

count the credibility of all long range
prognostications save two death and
taxes. Inasmuch as they seem to be
unavoidable, we might reasonably deduce that an inquisitive society, rechargardless of its
acter, would endeavor to study and
learn as much as possible about each.
Let us consider then, not any society, but one thai has been founded
on the concept of individual right; a
society which most of the time permits the individual to decide who will
be his leaders, how to earn his daily
bread, and, most significant in this
case, how much tax he would pay.
Certainly the citizens of this community, we might imagine, would
wisdom with a fervor if for no other
reason than to protect their vested
Such, however, is not the case.
For almost all of us know the wealth
of our country, like that of our ancient
Aztecs, comes from the gold we have
stored in a cavern at Fort Knox. Taxes,
or economic systems in general, remain as mysterious to us as Egyptian
heiroglyphics before the R o s e 1 1 a
However, it would be pretty safe
to wager that the average American
citizen could tell us last year's National League batting champ and his
batting average accurate to two hundreds of a percent (.002) but over
or undershoot our gross national
debt by two hundred billion dollars
($200,000,000,000). We are being presumptuous to assume that he even
knows what kind of an animal gross
in various ways. First, we can play the
national product is.
spendthrift and waste all that we have
Rut, what should we expert if we
to offer. Secondly, we can play the consider that less than 15
pctceirt-o- f
miser and hoard the talent, promise, our
high school students will ever take
and personality within, living coma formal course in economics and if
pletely for ourselves, only to find ultithey by some chance do, it probably
mately that no man can live within will be taught by the assistant foothimself only exist. Last of all, we can ball coach? Retter
yet, less than
be stewards of that which God has
of our states require even an
given by sharing in our spending and elementary course in this subject as
by making our lives a blessing not pierequisite for teaching high school
only to ourselves but to others.
social studies where economics is
We spend our lives and it is our supposed to be learned! It's a small
wonder, then, that most of us feel
decision as to the role we play, wheth"all" our economic ills could be cured
er it be spendthrift, miser, or steward.
if we just stopped giving everything
The Rev. Tom Fohxasii
away to the foreigners, or balanced
the national budget every y ear, or got
Methodist Student Chaplain
the tax cut in 1961, or run a deficit
in 1961, or what not.
We could, perhaps, tolerate such
an appalling state of affairs if our
Recipe for success: Re polite, prepare oiiisc!t lor whaitcr ou aie current situation w as some thing less
asked to do, keep yourself tidy, he than critical. However, today a.; never
lice: ltd, don't be nv ious, he honest
belove in the bi:;tory of this nation it
villi .yourself so o!i w ill be honest is necessary lor our general populavilli otlieis, be helpful, iutcicst your-sel- l tion to become acquainted with .ecoin your job, don't pity yourself,
nomic principles and policies. If we
be quick to praise, be loyal to your
don't, we may find one bright mornliiends, avoid prejudices, Ijc indepening that during the night we switched
dent, interest yourself in politics, and from capitalism to communism and
lead the newspepers. Bernard M. ninety percent of us would not be
intelligent enough to tell the differ



Caul Modecki, Campus Editor

Campus Parable
In the book of Proverbs, there are
One of these is, "we spend our years
as a tale that is told!" With this comes
the realization of Shakespeare's quote,
"all the world's a stage and we the
actors." It is often difficult for us to
imagine our lives as an open book
or a story being told difficult and
True, we do spend our years and


ence, unless our paycheck wasn't there
on Friday aficrnoon.
Yankee ingenuity has made a liar
out of Khrushchev and his boast to
bury us. The recent Russian wheat
deal pretty well proves this. Now we
should attempt to determine exactly
what this yankee ingenuity is.
Luther II. Hodges, in quoting The
National Task Force On Economic
Education sponsored by The Committee For Economic Development, has
suggested the following as the minimum necessity for economic literacy.
First, we must acquire an understanding of how a capitalistic, market society determines priorities and allocates resources. Secondly, we should
appreciate the role consumers play
in determining what goods and services are to be produced in any given
year and how the forces of supply and
demand operate in many special and
distince markets in determining the
prices of these economic goods. Thirdly, we should recognize the intervention and dynamics of government
spending and taxing and the effects
these have upon the economy and the
right of free choice. Lastly, we should
be familiar with such basic concepts
as savings, investment and capital formation, the law of diminishing retur