xt783b5w883n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt783b5w883n/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1920 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. III No. 9, March 15, 1920 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. III No. 9, March 15, 1920 1920 1920 2015 true xt783b5w883n section xt783b5w883n ,- _‘ ___;Q ..:·;»g,:2&¤ J ~ i _ V ,
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March 15, 1920 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol. III. No. 9
UN           B  University Students Are Strollers Will Produce Big Women Seek Entrance In . K!
_ N L R  T0     Eligible For Free Lands Clyde Fitch Play Joumahstic Sorority V _
      A   1 Former service men may procure The "C1imbe1·s" by Clyde Fitch, has The girls of UW P9D6·l`tm€¤t of  
. ij- 160 acres of fzlrni land in Wyoming, been chosen by the Strollers, the dram- J0¤I'¤&hSm of the U¤1l’€i`S1€Y df K€¤·r ·’
Radiwl changes in the g°V€"¤i“g sity? to formulatg aud direct tha according to information recently sent ntic organizetioii of the University of mCkY hsve Organized a_“'°man S 1*011* —
body of al-hI€U¢S have been madg by general athletic ‘p°1i°y; to pr°`mulgat·G out by the United States Department Kentucky, as their tenth annual pro- UNITY j0¤i`¤¤1iSti€ $01'0I`*t§’» known as ·_
016 action of the Senate of the Uni` regulations for the awmds of Hlettersn of Agriculture, and received here by duction. Phi SiEm3· It WAS Orgamzéq w¤th‘ '
vgrgity or Kentucky upon the recom- to the players on the various teams. Students of the University of I{Gu. Emery F,-Hier, Law,-Bncebmg, who sim of petitioniing Theta Sigma
mendation of the Senate Committee football, baseball, men’s basket ball, mckyl has played the leading male mms in the Womalfs national h0nm_m_y S 
appointed by President McVey Some gi1·ls’ basket ball, tennis and track; to A bm has been passed by Congress three former productions, has been ity in j0um&]jSm_
time ago to investigate the athletic pass upon the eligibility of players, in giving formal. Service mglhsixty days Chgggn to play thg lggd again this The requirements for admission -
¤itl1B.£i0!1· which Case the Student members priority in filing on land for h0me· year. VGFY rigid. Thi? student must bl? ill
In &cC0l‘di1!10G with the ‘T€COmm€¤d&' Of the Council Shall have D0 Wm; t° stead purposes and that privilege un- Miss Mary Elizabeth Downing, Lou- he? Junior Y€¤1` Hf U1G U¤il·’€1‘SitY,
tions or the committee the Athletic S¤1>P¤1‘i high $01*001 ioumilmeuisi del- tins recent mw, gives such men isviue, has earned the rnmenn lead- must have il standing of 1.9. must
. Asgcciatigny which formerly had con- to take steps to attract to Credit fm. time they Served in the mg femme pam This is Bliss Down. have no conditions or failures in a
trol gf athletics passes out of exis- the University on as many army, navy O1. mining corps during the ings mst yea]- at the University but journalistic subject and must be _pron1-
tance and in its place an zlthlétic occasions as possible the alumni; and Mexican Ybordgr trouble Or me World She has had ample tmmmg_ She has inent in college activities. The pur-
council will be appointed by the ·D1`BS· to establish and provide for mainte- Wm-_ This Service Xvill Count tovvard played fhg lem] ju Several high School poses of the organization are to fur-
ident, of the University and Will 00¤· nance ofn trophy room in which pic· the three ygmsi msidencg On the land shows and is well suited for the part; ther interest in journalism, to promote
gm; of the president, the director of tures, records of athletic teams and required by1a'\V_ milton Rigvilly Fmmkfopt, Grover literature and education, and to pro·
athletics, three faculty members, ’cW0 other trophies of thletic achievement Dame] C_ (Kit) ·Cm.SOH_ Richmond, ·Qy€eCh, Pineville, and pmsmn Cherry, mote social interests.
Students and three citizens of may be kept. The Athletic Council H Sophomore at the University Of Ken. Morgantown, will play the most impor. The girls who have formed the chap-
Lexiugtnn and Fayette county, shall have charge of providmg prop- tu,Cky_ left last Thursday night fm. tant 5@(;Ogdg_I·y1·()]gS_ The other mem- ter ere: Martini Buckmen, Corydon;
` either alumni ot the University or er» coaches for the teams, and it is Cheyemg Wyoming, to me EL `claim be.;-S of the Cast mg.; Aurylmg Ben, Louise Will, Louisville; Adele Slade,
3 men interested in the athletics at 'CIIG stated that tl. f00T.b3.II CO2l.Ch of 11€Lti0I12l.l On this ]&nd_ Eminence; Terrill Corn, Hsyrgdgburg; Ludlow; EUZKUGUI Cd1‘d, Pi11€Vil€i
· University. The teiglns of all members reputation will be procured for 1920. Carson I.€_€m€1.€d School last fall William Film, Burlington; BH-ank Wed- Elizabeth Marshall Lexington; lvlary »
of the council will be for a period of The investigating committee also after Serving more than two years in ekgmpgly Louisville; John Williams, Archer Bell, Huntington VV. Va.; Mar-
__ three years except those Of the SUP recommends to the attention of the the United Stams Army Most Of his highland; John Mm-Sh Land, Nicllolag- garet McClure, Lexington, and Mar- K
4 dem; members which shall be f01‘ R new council the building in the nes; Service was in the Vicinity Of Archam ville; M;u»th3_ Buckmmll Corydon; garet McLaughlin, Lexington. `
period of one year. future of ai concrete stadium; the ·bet~ gg], Russia, asm] Oggcgy Of the North Louise Connell, Paris; Carlisle Che- ” "*—”"
` The council Shell have full Como] ter equipment Of the gymnasium wd Russia Expeanionary Force. Mult. Maysville; Clarabel Kay. Bowling Green Boy
‘ or athletics. the m·¤Sld·¤¤*¢, however, the l>¤llIi;;i§rnvl;ii;Eis;;;§ gaxitrgglrfge C22?
Mgmbg;·g of the University of Ken- James Hudnall, Riverside, was Goebel Porter, Dixon, has been Molgmtonn, am Gruslmg managgrl Of the University Of_ Kentucky on · _.
V tucky faculty have taken initial SYZGDS elected president, of the Shgler Geo- Chosen Class mmm. bsv the Senior Class March 1 and 5, respectively. .  
.’ to organize a, "University Faculty logical Society of the University or of the Univgrsity Of Kentucky, to take University Teachers To · The K. I. A. O. includes Transylvan-
i C1ub," Dr. Glenville Terrell, dean of Kentucky for- the ensuing term at the the place Og Emery Frazier, who has Organize Faculty   E, Centre, Georgetown, Ferea, and tie ‘
` the Graduate Sshool, was chosen ch&i1‘— last meeting of the club. left {hg g]ggS_ ______ elltuclty Wesleyan (lo leges and   e
  man and Professor Enoch Gfehim, The other officers elected were; Ln- porter has Shown mgrlqgd gyatgrical Au initial meeting Of the faculty University of Ixentucliy. By wmningg V  
g head of the Department of Journalism. Fayette Herndon, Fulton, vice presi- nun forensic ability yvhjlg in Ken members of the University Of Kem this contest Smith enioys the honor of ;, 
`· secretary of the preliminary meeting. dent; Glenn Tinsley, Hartford, secre-· tunky, having been a member Of the mcky was held ,Mm_`ch 8 in the lima representing Kentucky in the mter· 5
  The club has been Urgamzed for S°' tary? and Walter M°U`iS· lL<>¤_ OfHCBl‘$ FOP The TCH!] it is expected that other fratemities S€C0l’ld Term Pl€dEU$ Tlle Universit`, of Kemucks, lMzty 7—Miami, there.
,. —. . will SOOI1 fOHOW, 8.Ild that 3. gI`O\1p of **"“ was 1·gp]·gggntgd* at the 7 ygggut IWBY 8—D€D&UW, there.
` Virginia Gmllam. LeXi¤S€011. W&S Such houses will be erected Ou thd The sororities of the University of State Student, Y_ M_ C_ A_ Conference May 1~0—Waba.sh, there.
·. elected president of the PSYCh0l0gY UmV€1`SitY E¥'0u¤dS» under UHiV91`SitY Kentucky announced the following at Danyrjllg by Ggorgg Gregory, Har. May 11—Indiana or Michigan,
Club of UIQ University of Kentucky at €l1D9l‘VlSiO1‘l. pledges at [hg gud gf thg ggcgmd gem- dinsburg; Robert Raiblgy Louisville; there,
its initial meeting last Wednesday —— —- ester rushing season: George Bl;mm,g8,;·ten [louisville, and May 15——Georgetown, there.
f evening- _ _ · Y_ M_ C_ A_ Scholarships Alpha Gemma De1t·a—Je¤¤ Elliott. Robert Davis, ·Newport. The faculty May 25—centre, here.—
~ Elizabeth Card, Pineville, Cather— -, S0m€l`S9t- of the University was represented by "‘—;‘*‘·‘·‘
4 ine Reed, Marion; William Seward, To Ex`ScYvlce Men Alpha Xi Delta—Isabel Darnell, Prgfggggy Freeman, Dean Melchm-_ TRACK MEET SCHEDULE
  Maysville, and Frank Tuttle, Lexing- *" Mayslick; Mary Hardy Ligon, Hick· Dean Boyd, professor Best and profes- The schedule for track meets of _
` ' ton, were appointed to draw up a con- Word has been received at the Uni- man. Sor Bureau, the University of Kentucky are as
i stltution ond formulate by-laws for versity of Kentucky that the National Chi Omega.—Lucy Smith, Maysville; Gygggry made E talk at the. faculty follows:
Y the club and submit them at the next War Work Council of the Y. M. C. A. Eleanor M01‘Se, Lexington. conference gn "W1~la,1; the Y, M, C, A, April 17—VanderbiIt at Lexington.
, meeting. is offering scholarships to ex-service Kappa. Del·ta—iAllie Russel Fish, Lex- can expect of the Fe,en1ty," April 24—Miami at Lexington. (
Q ` A student must have had at least men who are in need of funds to con- ington. _ The colleges represented were: May 8—Cincinnatl at Cincinnati. ·
  one term’s work in psychology before tinue their education. The amount of Kappa Kappa Gamma·—Mnjorie Rid- Centre, Georgetown, Transylvania, May 14-15-8. L. A. A., at Atlanta,
  being eligible for membership in the the fund allotted to each man is to be dle. Lexington; Martha Van Meter, Berea, Union College, Eastern State Ga.
  club. decided by the district committee. Lexington. Normal and University of Kentucky. May 22—State Meet at Lexington.
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