xt783b5w7z6x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt783b5w7z6x/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1925 journals kaes_circulars_001_4_183 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 183 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 183 1925 1925 2014 true xt783b5w7z6x section xt783b5w7z6x  
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Extension Divlslon yéjl
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_ THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director  
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CIRCULAR NO. 183. . ‘ gig
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The County Agent gives instruction ln the field.  
Lexington, Ky.  
July, 1925 I .  
Published in connection with the agricultural extension work carried `  
°¤ W cvoperatlon ot the College ot Agriculture, University of Kentucky.  
with the U. S. Department of Agriculture and distributed in fu!‘th9l`&¤CG  
°Y YM Work provided for in the act, ot Congress of May 8, 1914. ’  
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CIRCULAR NO. 183. . - igjjj
` T · The County Agent in Action. _  
_' Prepared by E. J. Kilpatrick, Assistant State Agent l I · ,  
. ` *13%-1
* . The County Agent is a trained agricultural leader, U ~  
employed jointly by the U. S. Department of Agri- ·  
culture, the College of Agriculture, University of ..  
Kentucky, and the county in which he works. He is p , gg;
i not a specialist in all lines but has available all the , T '  
specialists of the Agricultural Experiment Station, l , _  
the College of Agriculture and the= U. S. Department 5 . ‘ ,  _
, of Agriculture. His field covers practically every  
_ phase of farm improvement, including not only soils,  
; V crops, livestock, farm management and marketing, U  
g but also the home and community life. ,; ,5
Q A steady growth in Kentucky in the number of _  
,, counties employing Agents is evidence that their _  
E — _ work has been of public service. The counties yet 4 , _
§ » without Agents are losing an opportunity to develop , i  
5 A and improve their agricultural resources. , ._',
E The photographs presented herewith illustrate a  £
i number of the activities of the Agents and tl1e Exten- ,  if 
2 _. sion workers in general. The program for any one p ‘  
g , county naturally does not include all the projects at 
¤ mentioned; however, it should be possible to select tg
5 several lines of work from the many suggested which _
» ' would be applicable to any county. p p So;
§ V  
§, ·  
if ·  
2 ~  
Q T  
cv , ' if

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  4 Kentuck Extension Circular N0. 183  i
€i€;_;?r€‘?l SOlL FERTILITY AND EROSION are two big problems for the
gg ·:,:,sQL· IH
.;;·;;·_§ Kentucky farmers, A
  Y, _. c .   . c . . _ ____ ___;__  A
  `E l
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i`    r  'iisi · A   ,  .. .-‘ jfs » g V ‘ l
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,.g"'  4   tic`; ·` ‘_,j’ 7{" ,‘    . V` _.A? ;.,_§\ ,' ` .
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  g V .  V
 *3 Q ’ 1
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I?   Crushing limestone. Gerrard County.
i—’$lQ ; E
gi  _ a part of the program of practically every Agent in the state. Lime- `
  . stone for clovers or alfalfa was used on nearly 1,500 farms in 1924 for
 `iiéi  the first time. The total quantity so used by all farms amounted to »
  *2%; ‘
    . ~»¢V iV ` ’·’ V  V  V
'?$ "> -. . V `· . ‘ I Q ` » . , ·.·
{M`-    <-Q ‘V VV {7 ‘ V '»V· V` t     ` V
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V                 V   V
      , _,.     ._ _   _?  WM; _ ,A 5    . : _ r _ Z
  .·V·{V¢‘¥;% fl
  U Clover with limestone. Without limestone.
hgtggggjl Demonstration of limestone on c1over—Todd County. J
.fs$5;g§¢»§; .
f  si`} . 2
  aproximately 75,000 tons. Single counties have used as much M
  15,000 tons in one year. Calloway county boasts of a farmer liVll1S V
  ten miles from the nearest railroad station who has limed his c¤fll`¤
  250 acre farm and grows not only red clover but also sweet cl0V6l‘ ,
"U-‘?€;’·. *1 , .
  and alfalfa.
VVV`   V  li  

 _ The County Agent in Action 5 _ ~ ` g
I . . . r . I  lo l
MARL also xs a source of lime. Wherever available it is usually g ,;_l> ;
mi much cheaper than ground limestone. A typical bed is shown below, A ‘  
~·  _ . V V V VV  · · T fg   . _ i *·   4.}.,, ‘;:-· . — V . I  
A A - . `'`» Q? l     `t’.··— ALAA  A ‘ ·.   * 4 °   t  
V   .». 5. VV` .i_  V #4*-~M—-». · . ~,. ,_ l. V   ._r 
l . —~i.;_    .i . .¤¥·*.. — )·§ · V. A _   · !;§_ g
A A   `i‘° e    T p F “ AA A ”—e» ·   ‘r1f—.l
A i r .  JE' ;  »  "¥—}r » . V ‘ ,   - I ·  
A `· ·’`*     :¥°Ai      s..~ ;.    ·· ’   `  
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A   ` A  A` ' .   ·’t‘AA ?· `   WA?   . - .  
‘ ‘*·   1*52*  <·e.>— <>*§ ,,..,» .     t_»· ...~·~.~x=:€’   .e;> :;%ii$*i·  {   F ·=·;,..;§;3 ‘ * I  
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  .   ·i·      » "   C A    jg    :16.  if r l jeg;
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· K  A_?A?}Af?tA,’A Q   Y fs?  A _  
 A A marl bed from which fifty tons have been removed. V y A `  
Nlarl beds were located by County Agents and Field Agents from * , V .  
the College of Agriculture in more than sixty counties during the past ‘ A ,  
year. Single beds in many counties contain thousands ot tons. In  
0¤`¤l I Nelson County for example, sufficient marl deposits have been  
me` . discovered on one farm to spread two tons per acre on every acre of A  
mr improved farm land within the county. Sufficient deposits have been  
1 t° ' located in Taylor County to cover 35% of the farm land with not to  
l exceed a "one mile haul." It is reasonable to expect that other de- A  . ·
. posits will be found not only in counties where deposits have already ‘  
X V been located and analyzed, but also in other counties in the lime- _ .  
stone areas of the state. As a source of lime for agricultural purposes  
a bed of marl analyzing as much as 40% calcium carbonate, located '  
at an accessible spot on one’s farm, has no equal. Experts at the i  
A College of Agriculture estimate that the Ending of these enormous ·  
`V  beds of marl in so many counties is worth several times the entire A  
Cost of County Agent work to a single county for a period of ten years.  zi}?. 
. To Say the least, it represents a most remarkable and timely diSCOV9I`Y  
of one of Kentucky’s great natural resources.  
Ktmtucky has only 3.3 acres of legumes for every hundred aCI‘€S ‘ A M 
; of improved farm land. In comparison with similar acreage in other _·  
V states of the union she stands in 46th place. A greater acreage of  
1 M i legumes of all s_orts is necessary to build up the poorer soils of the A 
vm state. l g ·· ..
ntire A `  
over V  
C  i·

 t`?`?- · .
  6 Kentucky Extenswn Cwcular N0. 183
  The farmer who demonstrates the use of ground hmestone, marl
  or burned lime on a clover fiield on his own farm sees "for himse1i" th
K? ;—· T" Q _ _
  the value of lime and clover and sets an example to the community - fa
  in good farming. ' .
  ‘ ·t
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  {       ¢"i ·? “" 'i"]r;.`“_ Y `C 4 .V T
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  1 VV · `="` » ir 2=·.‘ *·. 3    aa   =r~&’·._ , .._,   4.% V   ~ .
av  ;s··* -
 ‘f§_  . An alfalfa demonstration in Trimble County. -
‘ "•.i‘
‘   Alfalfa returns more tons of feed per acre than red clover. Harri-
T   son County last year without an Agent sowed 600 bushels of alfalfa '
I . —¥.   seed. Grant County adjoining, with an Agent sowed nearly 1,500
  i bushels. Result, Grant County has 4,000 more acres in alfalfa than
.5ig;;}?;qi one year ago, whereas Harrison increased her acreage less than half ,
· vn; A V .
  that amount. Nelson, Mercer, Washington, Campbell, and N1cholaS V
51-{gx gg are a few of the counties in which Agents have done a great deal of
·>e1:,>;,._—, ;; . . . .
Seéz;.-nail work in mcreasmg the alfalfa acreage.
·£`s·. all
riitey E
t aqéig .
F   g f t
ET" .  l
?- ·  i V.

 A 5
The County Agent an Actwn 7 _ 1 §
  T|-IE LIMEKILN REFUTES the statement often made by farmers V ` » ` {V V}
_ · that "I haven't money to do things the Agent recommends? The V ‘  
'Y farmer who burned this limekiln did not need money to follow the I  
` 3111
`   __ .&£x_,___‘;é_M A   * ;¤·V·~·  V- V _$__  Q-  a   _YV I V.,V,,,,.V___ _ _.';  
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V. V:; ..£·.V_ ,,,;V.·=;.i··»y% V ·  .1.
'    `  ·;*·· ¤ V     » [ ~ egg
 ‘   V    ’‘`     " Ya  =e **'¤E~2F$==*% ` ` ’”fr
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  @ ?V ‘§··V·“ ’:  *T%"] - V ‘  FH
Limekilu built in Brecl > ' , AL!
_   »—·8§s___,,   {Z 1·       fd-—_V.»» k_;`:'_%3`v··” _     h     `  
‘   "    V-   HSV ·~ -`L'7#'·°`·. `V"°L ·" *.“ `— V . V. ;»   .·~ " 3*5
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Ea     ,_ V _  V.V’ _1 ~_ V `_VWV_;,. - . _ KQ A5/-_>T 5:*. gy 
W wr “     - V- F?”$”€§_LEV#·‘£¢Vee      V V  
in — 3 ‘  W    ~  ~V=VwV·V?i#‘=# "¥* *-*f e’*?;    V"      
if ·    VVV   ‘.-V   f g ,    V  
as V V *·  »VV¤‘*"‘ *0       " I-"V*C‘*¤>  "V   
Above kiln after burning, · 3:2%;
Ag€¤t’S advice; instead he used leber nt odd times to pile rock, cut ;£“
- the Wood and burn the kiln. ABSOLUTELY PRACTICAL wasn’t it? n};
V V ’ V?

 . .VT;;i` J
  8 Kentucky Extenszon Otrcular N0. 183 _
  in terracing have been given in about 25 counties. The results ob- _
  tained have been most satisfactory. -
  1: mi. · ‘ ' ` _ _ "· 5
SMG. , . .
  * V V , . ,  
  - ` _ @-7:9; VT`  ‘ V  ju   t
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  J; ‘   .    [ VV  V fl ZTV€§i·i§*i¢2   . V i  V
• %? · A terraced hillside in Mason County. This is the Hrst terrace built in
  Kentucky according to plans of the College of Agriculture. ’_
  Vi »
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  A terracing demonstration in Todd County.
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» The County Agent in Action 9 ` .   Q
. · W
NS The County Agent carries scientinc information to the farmer, i · j  
°b` . Shows him how to put it into practice and lets the farmer judge the I  
` results. The tobacco picture answers all the "bugaboo" as to whether  
~ , science is practical. ` ` ·  
1 ' · fyi
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 V County Agent Gabbert, Fayette County, inspects a demonstration tu root-  
, rot resistant tobacco, seed of which was furnished by the Kentucky ‘ F"!
_ Agricultural Experiment Station. ' 3*-%;
‘“ V sts;
’ V"`—”*_"‘_”"“‘“““`“"""'#"—""‘ - _ . ,‘.,. .  
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P6 JM    » ye §$` *€'*i·°'         l  qi? 
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L1 ‘* ?§),?_k   'f.v ·  a’j_`#;,: aékw r ·  ' ` ;_ d` \ · ,/ »-y.  ‘»C.,:;t,  
?‘I .14“€·Y3€ $5  3 ’*I "1 ~<:~ z» ; ·   t    V·· F "T»3`~:’,. ~..*`h$.§?~4  `  
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      ri  S¥aT°f*?t—;.    Jef i   ` :*9*
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  ·   _¤_yv`~;i—g;__. $+"se;¤.,»¢$3..¤3·,r>;e5  6* 4— ¢‘·.··   2» ""·  
. Uilmty Agent XVha1in inspects 3, cotton demonstration in Ballard COL\UtY it
. durmg iirst picking. Early maturing varieties such as Trice and j ·
‘ Express have given the biggest yields. _  
. it

 iii ‘
Ea} T
‘   ¤ . . ’
  10 Kentucky Extcnswn Ozrcular N 0. 183
¤¤'~i..¥·-7 . . . ,
éggjitle part of the Agents’ work. Boys and g1rls are orgamzed into Junior .
`Lj"   Agricultural Clubs in practically every county employing an Agent,  _· r_
  They are taught to use both hands and head and to appreciate the · fi
  farm ho1ne and rural life. About 20,000 boys and girls enroll annually ,  
  in junior club work.  
Yugi, ?$z 
  - · _ ,,,_,., ..,,,..,   fe -_
  ‘ rar _,, fr;    A.; _.
  ‘ ‘ It ' · U _ .
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    ge=<_· 1.:;..>~;`=     - ~  . . _. ~   ·  ~i—.—,,.* l,»» 1;  »» ; » ,
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  l L  ~—»_ ·'*,' Q Q lt , “ U ]  ~ ts‘; ._e  .
 ggli  ·  yi  =—` J L`; '  
 T*Z_ >{ ’
  ` Junior club members on the University campus, Junior Week, 1924. .
V *  · ‘
je, » From 400 to 500 club members spend one week at the University ‘ V
‘ii.\~.'» i·*  . . . . .
   _ · each year where they receive valuable lI`lStl"l1CILlOH in agriculture, home 1
¤.?.+e·· »-  . . . ‘
  econcmlcs, care of health, recreation and cooperation. The club camp .
  ' teaches the country boy and girl team work, recreation and care of
 ‘ __c~;: . . . . .
ji _J;;Q· health, 1n addition to agriculture and home economics.
        "*sI‘·*  · . Q  se; SQL ‘~’  `t· . i 
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 x ii [ `··!L· i··>   .¢‘·+‘*."·""    j . fs .-e~ 
 err. . ··f ’·- ’.‘ _,.._' ‘ · ,· nj ¤;·.. '—>2·=’~¥Z’E;,·2I". , ,. .. _ ~_ ·_ V vp ¢1·.· .;_g; ry ‘ . ‘
, $~;—·   ·' .   ,   V- ·_y;__ j_!;:-_;»_,       —r-',»{L·§*f£;J_;`é_;.; J-   .
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    °->· ‘   I {gg? .·¤"*i?`q;:f;`_¤2Y`¥»if? i»`‘» Zieéfglil     `‘’E,   `.t°.-  
    ·—·l—-= ‘  ;¥$%?i;i*$<. j;»`   ``l’. L .:·*i.¤I a=`».   F »--·l‘     ·..» Q"? YL?
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  Totem Dole line-up—MadIsnn and Roekeastle County club camp, 1924-
` ll ‘
"QQ: · 1

- · · 11 A V   A
The County Agent an Actwn . VV  
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1 AQ

 Ls · _
l;·q?};;i’: 12 Kentucky Extension Circular N0. 183 ·
  TUCKY FARMERS. CULLING the slacker hen is one of the sures;
  ways of improving the flock and increasing profits.
  FTM "TT"—`·‘i is or U ·   _ »· .· .
  . e ‘· .   _ , _  ' ;§{
  1 _ E,  ·. » ‘ .. · . , ~? .
  t _ le . U f'  ‘?*.·':~   U ,.•   .
  >    ifi A   ` 3 . ;` 1,} _ ·_¤   TLQ ·"·` -·   ‘·•
{l;):.,'— _ _ .. _> ‘ · _ *·’_~ _‘ ·‘_·`  jc .·/·\ _. ·.
  `· ·.   ` _ @5   V. `   lf li',.     * > `
  · ` •’r   W!.
    t.‘’' .   " ‘ -T‘Y' · Di °r     »'`` ,  ‘
    ,_ yy Ji ,m_ y _••   _   Q __
  ·   .`,,3_." ;»   " _ 1 1 —·.· ‘    ’ _ j ’
  Q`-- JK"] ~,..   gy -;_   r ‘ V  `Z r _ · >.,   ·
    , ·; .·   :_-;._,ir 6   $$,.,6 ~ __    ;,» .
 F Y5*§i***-Gail — · B2_;>;.e?;if€.Z?;c.? _ $"  ’ _ ·'  M ~» -. `?""·*¢
    gk   lg   —
=.¥·.Z.;Z   . ~-==—¢ .2.44. O     ’ nw;    1.   ·. r Z *7   ”‘ .   .
  ~-.=¤*.‘.:‘·.¢rs;:~e.. t ‘ · ·.,·es‘§¤:¢¤>:S»»e..x;fr    __, ;»i’- ‘  .·;,·»  1
  ~ One of the demonstrations in poultry culling, as carried on in every
  county with an Agent.
l&¥5?;'$`$: .
  , QT
  — Following is the result of culling demonstrations in Fayette
  County during 1923, which is typical of many counties; ‘
  _ Number of demonstrations .................................................................,.. 23  i
Z?i§§ ¤ Total number hens .................................. . .......................................__..._.... 1,61t
  Number good hens ....................................................................._.........._.,. 1,09» .
  Number culls ..............................................................,.....,_..______,__,_________,__ 516
  N0. eggs from culls one week after demonstration ...................,.._.., 56 i
  Ave. for week—1 egg to 9 hens.
  ` No. eggs from good hens one week after demonstration ,,,.__________ 3,567 ·
  Ave. for weel<——3[/Q eggs per hen. ;
fg;. ·_ ~ The good hens were thirty times as productive as the eulls.
    Other poultry projects include distribution of purebred hatchhr;
 f$¥?’···;_ eggs, certification of purebred flocks, feeding and housing, _
;C *§¤»   ` Distribution of purebred hatching eggs thru poultry associations,
 , ~  banks and produce dealers had a small beginning in 1915 when 19.000
  eggs were distributed. This number grew to 499,835 in 1920 and at