xt783b5w7r76 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt783b5w7r76/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1986-02-14 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, February 14, 1986, no. 473 text The Green Bean, February 14, 1986, no. 473 1986 1986-02-14 2014 true xt783b5w7r76 section xt783b5w7r76 UNHTRSHY OF KENTUCKYIJBRARHB’NEWGLETTER
February 14, 1986 No. 473 ‘ `
V February 14 Gallery Series: "Poverty
and Hunger in Appalachia
Today." Dr. Ronald Eller,
Appalachian Center,
February 17 President's Day.
February 21 Gallery Series: "Solo
piano works of Carl
Nielsen." Mina Miller,
- School of Music.
February 22 George washington's
Birthday. 1732 — 1799.
February 23 George Frederick Handel's
Birthday. 1685 — 1759.
February 28 I Faculty Meeting.
AFebruary 28 Gallery Series: "The
Gaines Humanities Center
A and its Future Role in
I Undergraduate Education."
_ Dr. Raymond Betts, Honors
Next Green Bean: February 28, 1986
Deadline for inclusion: February 21, 1986
Production Staff: Editor, Kerry Rresse; Typist, Scott Lutz;
Printer, Cecil Madison.

 H -1-
Happy Valentine's Day! Part of the duty of the gg editor is
to look at similar newsletters from other libraries. Some are a
bit (yawn) dull, and others are really...um...different. For
example, Florida International University's Library publishes an
unusual (to say the least!) newsletter called “Top of the
Stacks." Most of it is like the gg, but one little item, called
"A Day Off?," is a multipurpose tidbit. So here it is, my
Valentine chuckle to you, by way of Florida.
A Day Off? [Top of the Stacks v.10(6),
February 1986, p.8.]
So you want the day off. Let's take a look at
what you are asking for. There are 365 days
per year available for work. There are 52
weeks per year in which you already have two ‘
days off per week, leaving 261 days available I
for work. Since you spend 16 hours each day
away from work, you have used up 170 days,
leaving only 91 days still available. You
spend 20 minutes each day on coffee break.
That accounts for 23 days each year, leaving
only 68 days available. with a one hour lunch
iperiod each day, you have used up another 46
days, leaving only 22 days available for work.
You normally spend 2 days per year on sick
leave. This leave you only 20 days available
for work. We are off for 5 holidays per year,
so your available working time is down to 15
· days. We generously give you 14 days vacation
per year, which leaves only 1 day available
for work, and [you want a] day off! `
V Joyce Welch received the following thank you note from Lisa
M. Carpenter of the Lexington Child Abuse Council, Inc.:
Dear Joyce and M.I. King Staff,
Thank you once again for supporting our
- Christmas party this year. we had lll
children at the party and your gifts helped
make the childrens‘ Christmas brighter. we
all appreciate your continuing support!
A `Sincerely,
Lisa M. Carpenter
Lexington Child
Abuse Council, Inc.

Paul Willis received the following letter dated January 22,
Mr. Willis, .
The ACTS Executive Committee respectfully requests you
help in communicating to the appropriate officials our
objections concerning recent developments affecting the
availability of parking for staff. We refer to the
construction beginning in the A-B Lot at Rose and Columbia
Streets. As a group elected to represent the technical and
clerical staff of the Margaret I. King Libraries, we feel
that we must voice the considerable distress caused by this
Concerns over the present situation encompass the
reduction of available space, poor access and dangerous exit,
and erratic lighting. There is also concern about the
inadequate warning to the staff, that construction was about
to begin. We realize that the current situation is not
solely a problem for library personnel, but reflects a campus
wide shortage of parking, which demands a comprehensive
It is our aim, as a representative committee, to:
l. Lodge a complaint on behalf of the library
, clerical and technical staff.
2. Convey any information to our assembly as
to plans being made to remedy the
inconveniences of the present parking _
3. Obtain information regarding alternative
parking at the present time.
Submitted by
ACTS Executive Committee
Sharon W. Neikirk
, Paul Fuller
Jeff Frye
Jennifer Michener I
Gracie Hale
The LS/2000 OPAC Training Subcommittee is holding a special
follow-up meeting to discuss staff training need and experiences.
Come share your thoughts on the staff training packets and on the
system as a whole. Gail Kennedy will open the meeting with an
LS/2000 update, and a terminal will be available for specific
questions about searching. The meeting will be held February 27,

3:00-4:00, in Room 104, King South. (Laura Olson)
For the next 3 to 4 years, CLR will make 10 to 15 grants
annually. The grants range from $5,000 to $25,000. CLR has
suggested topics to encourage participation:
1. Information characteristics
a. Characteristics of documents (format,
length, language, etc.) and their
b. Format requirements for different
· c. Do computer searchable files and search
techniques affect the substance and
methods of research;
d. what is the relationship between knowledge
of the existence of information and actual
2. User requirements
· a. How do user needs vary by discipline;
b. How parochial is the information using
3. Structure of information systems
For a copy of the latest CLR Research Grants—brochure call Kerry
Kresse at 257-5954 or write: Council on Library Resources, 1785
Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, D.C. 20036.
Human Resource Development has announced a new seminar for
newly hired staff assistants. The 3 1/2 hour seminar will be
conducted each month, and is also available to all technicians
presently employed. The training program will help new ~
a. understand their duties and responsibilities;
b. find answers to questions without having to ask
supervisors or fellow workers;
c. become familiar with University forms, memos, mail,
telephone, etc.;
d. learn the importance of office and telephone
e. learn the basics of establishing positive work
relationships with faculty, staff, and students.
A free manual, the Lexington Campus Secretary's Desk Manual is
available from Human Resource Development. Call 7-1851 for more
details. -
Dates/Times _
March 12 All seminars will be held:
April 16 8:30 am — 12 noon, Rm 15 Memorial _
May 14 Hall

Mahnaz Depp .................... CSR Supervisor I
UK is a member of a consortium which sponsors the Newberry
Library's Center for Renaissance Studies. Money is set aside for
Uk graduate students and faculty for participation in any of the
Center's programs or for related work. Sample programs include
"l986 Summer Institute in the Early Printed Book" (taught in
French), "Rembrandt: A Master in the Studio," and "Shakespeare
as a Historical Dramatist." For more information, contact:
Robert Hemenway, Chair
Newberry Library Committee
Department of English i
Patterson Office Tower
University of Kentucky ‘
Lexington, Ky. 40506-0027 · >
February 14 Long Term Relationships:
Especially for Couples. Marc
Plavin and Victoria Witt. 1:00-
3:00 pm, 202 Frazee Hall.
February 17 Readings from·Flaubert's Madame 1
Bovary. Philip Duncan, French.
12:00 noon-12:50 pm. Room MN-63
Medical Center. I
February 21 How to Duel in Dual Career
families. Sandy Hough.
1:00 pm-3:00pm, 202 Frazee Hall.
February 28 Getting Along with Difficult
People. Charles O'Neill, Staff
Psychologist. 1:00 pm-3:00 pm,
202 Frazee Hall.
The ARL office of Management Studies is offering an advanced
Library Management Skills Institute in St. Louis March 2-7, 1986.
The program, which costs $490, highlights organizational
performance, interpersonal skills, planning and goal setting,
problem solving methods, decision making skills, group leadership ‘
skills, financial planning and control, managerial philosophy and
managerial roles. For a copy of the ARL OMS brochure, please
write: Office of Management Studies, Association of Research
Libraries, 1527 New Hampshire Avenue NW, Washington D.C. 20036.

Typographic Years: A Printer's Journey Through A Half Century
1925-1975. By Joseph Blumenthal. New York: Frederic C. Beil,
1982. Call no. Z232.B654 B58 1982. Selected chapters include:
· The Spiral Press; The American Institute of Graphic Arts; Robert
Frost at the Spiral Press; The Museum of Modern Art; World War
II; The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Museum Press; Art of
the Printed Book.
Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. Vol. 39
Supplement 4. Executive Editor Allen Kent. New York: Marcel
Dekker, Inc. Call no. Ref Z1006 .E57 v.39. Selected chapters:
Accreditation of Library Education; Alaska Historical Library;
National Library of China; Data Base Management Systems; Computer
Input of Japanese Characters; Libraries in Northern Ireland;
Reference Services and Library Instruction: A Handbook for
Library Management. By David F. Kohl. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO,
1985. Call no. Ref Z711 .K58 1985. Sample chapters: Desk
Staffing Patterns; Evaluation; Online Searching-—Costs; Online
Searching--Effect on ILL; Patron Use of Tools; Quality of Tools.
Business Librarian. University of California, Irvine. Salary:
$22,872 — $52,092. Deadline: March 1, 1986.
Head of Circulation. University of California, Irvine. Salary:
$22,872 - $52,092. Deadline: March 1, 1986.
Government Publications Librarian. University of California,
Santa Barbara. Salary: $22,872 - $29,256. Deadline:
February 28, 1986.
Librarian. California State University. Salary: $25,308 —
$53,472. Deadline: March 31, 1986.
Archivist I. Yale University. Salary: $21,000 minimum.
Deadline: March 15, 1986. ·
Curator, Latin American Collection. Yale University. Salary: `
$30,000 minimum. Deadline: February 28, 1986.
Gift and Exchange Librarian. University of Florida. Salary:
$18,099 — $26,509. Deadline: February 28, 1986.

Head, Asia Collection. University of Hawaii. Salary: $32,040 A
minimum. Deadline: March 31, 1986.
NOTIS Support Services Librarian. Northwestern University. n?
Salary: $22,000 - $28,000. Deadline: none given.
Library Systems Manager. University of Notre Dame. Salary: p
$32,000 minimum. Deadline: March 28, 1986.
Director. Indiana University Institute for Advanced Study.
Salary: variable. Deadline: March 1, 1986. ‘ i
Affiliate or Assistant Librarian, Serials Cataloger. Indiana .
University; Salary: $16,000 minimum. Deadline: March 15,
1986. I
Field Archivist, Black History Materials Collection Project.
University of Kansas. Salary: $18,000 for 12 month appointment. I
Deadline: February 20, 1986. .
Government Documents and Maps Librarian. University of Kansas.
Salary: $22,000 — $28,000. Deadline: March 31, 1986.
Assistant Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences Department. i
Salary: $17,500 minimum. Deadline: March 15, 1986.
Reference Librarian for Instructional Services. New York
University. Salary: $22,000 minimum. Deadline: February 28,
1986. .
OHIO _ l
Assistant Director for Technical Services. Case Western
University. Salary: $32, 500 minimum. Deadline: March 3, V
1986. ‘ =
Director of Library Public Services. University of Oklahoma. [
Salary: $33,000 minimum. Deadline: March 14, 1986.

 H "\
Social Sciences Reference Librarian. University of Oklahoma.
Salary: $17,000 minimum. Deadline: March 15, 1986.
Rare Books/Special Collections Librarian. University of Oregon.
Salary: $18,000 minimum. Deadline: March 31, 1986.
Cataloging Librarian. University of Tennessee. Salary: $16,500
— $20,500. Deadline: March 31, 1986.
Head, Reference Department. Utah State University. Salary:
$29,000 minimum. Deadline: February 28, 1986. ·
Music Librarian. University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee. Salary:
variable. Deadline: March 31, 1986.