xt783b5w7r6m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt783b5w7r6m/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1981 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 56, No. 4, Spring 1981 text Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 56, No. 4, Spring 1981 1981 1981 2014 true xt783b5w7r6m section xt783b5w7r6m FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE  
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Poem by Battle Alexander Beasley .
Drawing by Barbara Post  i
Photo by Gabrielle Beasley .
US ISSN 0016-2116 '
Published at the end of each quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.
Wendover, Kentucky 41775 _
Subscription Price $5.00 a Year ,
Editor‘s Office, Wendover, Kentucky 41775
Second—class postage paid at Wendover, Ky. 41775 and at additional mailing offices
Send Form 3579 to Frontier Nursing Service, Wendover, Ky. 41775
Copyright 1981, Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. I

A Strong Desire To Return Doris White 2
"Mary Breckinridge Was
A Remarkable Woman" Don Edwards 4
Nine Years In The Making Diane Wilson 6
One Step Toward Prevention Alice Basch 8
l ' The Rites of Spring 12
Alumnae News 15
  · Burroughs Wellcome Fund 19
Old Staff News 20
Old Courier News 23
Letter To The Editor Elizabeth Parsons Warner 24
Dear Aunt Eda Mary Grauer Littauer 25
Memorial Gifts 29
I In Memoriam 32
  “I Would Capture April" Mary T. Brewer 33
l The Big House, A Progress Report 35
E Frontier Nursing Service:
The Financial Picture 37
l Beyond The Mountains Kate Ireland 42
I Raffle! Raffle! Raffle! 45
! Urgent Needs 46
Staff Opportunities 46
Field Notes 47
X Briefly Noted
J "Daughters of Time" 5
l A Washington Derby Day 11
 ' Conference on the Elderly 49

 z momma mmsmo smvice ,
by Doris White I
On April 20, 1981 the fourth work group arrived in Hyden from
Afton—Nineveh, New York. The work caravan from the Afton-
Nineveh Presbyterian Church was comprised of young people as
well as ‘senior citizens.’
There were visible signs marking the work of the other years:
the cleared hillside at Wendover, the absence of old chicken coops; ‘ r '
the painted exam rooms and the small bridge at the Beech Fork
Clinic. Now the time had come for the group of ’81 to add its _
contribution. The younger members, Joe Ward, John Martin, Lou   ‘
Delsole, and Meg White did the gardening and helped prepare the -
vegetable plot for planting. Meanwhile, Dorothy Thompson and I
assisted Hazel Bowling with extra cleaning in the Garden House,
sewing of curtains, and painting the upstairs bathroom.
Not only was this a time for work, but also a time for getting V
acquainted with staff members and community people. The
sharing of experiences, common problems, and family talk made
the hours pass quickly.
Beech Fork provided a memorable moment or two for the ,
group. The excitement of being part ofthe opening of Beech Fork’s
new clinic building was invigorating! Ellen Hartung, a person
with enormous energy, set the pace for the group. Fast! Our first
impression was: Too much to be done in too short a time. Cleaning, i
carpentry, sanding, staining, moving cabinets and disposing of
trash — all to be completed that night. It seemed impossible. The
help of the couriers, the work carvan, and the local people made
the impossible possible. Returning to Wendover that evening,  
everyone was exhausted but felt a true sense of satisfaction. —,
Before you could turn around the week was over. As we said gf
goodbye to old and new friends, we were aware of a strengthened  
tie with F.N.S. and a strong desire to return.  

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Volunteers who hel ed with the re aration of the new Beech Fork Clinic, front left to
_ _ P P P _
right: lohn Martin, Lou Delsole, Andy Knda, Richard Parnell, Dorothy Thompson,
Maggie jones, Deb Trefts, joe Ward, Ellen Hartung, Laura Pilotto, Doris White, Meg
White, and Bernadine Morgan.
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  Local volunteers who came sometimes daily to help with the move — scraping, sanding,
  staining, and any other little or big job that needed doing. Rosemary Holland, janet
  Mosley and Bernadine Morgan.

4 mowrima Nunsmo smvicm
[Story from the Sunday Herald-Leader, Lexington, KY, May 31, 1981 by
Don Edwards. Reprinted with permission from the author.]  ‘
Mary Breckinridge was, of course, a remarkable woman — she  ‘
founded the Frontier Nursing Service at Wendover in Leslie  `
County back in the 1920s, building an organization of trained _
nurses and midwives dressed in sky-blue uniforms as they rode ‘   ‘
horseback into isolated Eastern Kentucky hollows to bring  
medical care to people who needed it desperately. %
She initiated the nurse-rnidwife concept in the United States . ‘
from training she received in the British Isles. When she died in
1965 at age 84, she had raised $6 million for her nursing service
and had established a medical phenomenon that health care  .
professionals had come to from all over the world to inspect and `
study. »
Even more remarkable to many people was the fact that she  `
had turned her back on a life of ease for a life of service. She was
born into a distinguished Southern family, daughter of the ·
American minister to Russia and granddaughter of Vice Presi- [
dent John C. Breckinridge.  .
All the elements of a good human interest story were in her life,  i.
so it was no surprise that her autobiography — despite some g
tedious passages — sold well nationally when it was published in
1952. ,
Now, almost 30 years later, the book has been reprinted under  2
its original title, Wide Neighborhoods (University of Kentucky
Press; $19.50 cloth; $8.00 paper) for a new generation of Kentucky  
readers. - is
As her cousin, Marvin Breckinridge Patterson, writes in a new  
foreword to Wide Neighborhoods, "Nothing in Mary Breckin-  
ridge’s origins or upbringing would have led one to guess that she {
would become one of the great nurses in history, to follow in the {F
footsteps of Florence Nightingale or Clara Barton/’  {
It is not the story of a do-gooder as such, but rather a specimen  A
Amierican life. For Mary Breckinridge had her share of pain. She  A
became interested in nursing after being widowed young; a second  _
marriage failed. One of her two children died at birth, the other at  i
the age of 4.  `

 gumzmmr BULLETIN 5
The death of that latter child, a son called Breckie, in 1918, she
· recalled years later. Even then it was difficult for her to write
? about it. But she remembered that shortly after her son’s death,
 ‘ one of his friends had said:
 I "Once when we were coming back from Dairy Hollow, Breckie
 , said he was a bird and could fly. He was always falling down, but
_Q  he said that he could fly."
Reflected Mrs. Breckinridge: "It is because I wanted other
,  , children to feel that they could fly — as well as fall- that we have
  the Frontier Nursing Service today."
  There have been far-reaching changes in the Frontier Nursing
  _ Service area of Leslie, Clay, Perry and Harlan counties since the
service began in 1925 . . .
` VWde Neighborhoods has been reprinted in the centennial year
` of Mary Breckinridge’s birth. It is simply one more tribute to a life
  well spent — helping others.
  At the April meeting of our Board of Governors, Kitty Ernst
I introduced and showed the film "Daughters of Time". The film,
i which was produced and distributed by Ginny Durrin of Durrin
 _ Films, Inc., Washington, D.C., is a one half hour 16mm indepen-
 E dent documentary on current trends in nurse-midwifery today. It
A was funded in part through grants from the American Film
 · Institute and Joint Foundation-Women’s Support. The Elm
» premiered in Washington at the British Embassy at a reception
L;] held by Chapter 6 of the American College of Nurse-Midwives.
  The proceeds from the beneit went to assisting the local chapter
,1 in its efforts to update licensure laws for certified nurse—midwives
fi in both Maryland and the District of Columbia. Among the
  honored guests were Helen Browne, CNM, OBE, and Ruth Lubic,
 ‘ CNM (of our National Nursing Council). Kitty Ernst, CNM, MSN,
 ` was on the committee.

 ss Fnomxsa Nunsmo smzvicia
by Diane Wilson, R.N.
[ Editor’s Note: Diane Wilson is the head of the FNS Home Health I
Agency, and as this story shows, an active member of the Beech Fork
I migrated to Leslie County in 1970 and had little knowledge of ·  b·
the FNS. In 1972, during my first pregnancy, I began with the
midwife, and only nurse, at the Beech Fork Clinic, Jo Ann Fenton.
Over the next few months I was seen only by the midwife and then A;  
came the day to travel to Hyden to see the doctor, which happened »
to be Dr. Beasley. It was our first encounter and one that
developed into a lasting friendship. L
During my visits to the Beech Fork Clinic it did not take long to  
find out that there was little privacy for patients, and no parking `
except on the driveway or along the road. If I was not lucky  I
enough to get parking space on the driveway, this meant climbing i
several steps and then more steps! After you arrived in the clinic  
area, you needed to sit down, catch your breath, let your blood  
pressure go down, and heart rate slow down, before the nurse
dared to examine you. c
It was the turning point to get Beech Fork a new clinic. We had A
a few committee meetings; people from the community were T
interested in getting a new building. Everyone felt that the Asher
area (mouth of the Middle Fork) was the most central location for
all involved. »
So, with this in mind, Dr. Beasley and I began looking for land 3
on U.S. 421. We looked at several places and then decided that the ._
Hoskins property across from the Asher Post Office was ideal. We if
also discovered that the Hoskins family had many, many heirs.  
Through the generosity of Mr. Carl Hoskins we were told of the ,  
land measurements we could have, at Asher, on 421.  _
Dr. Beasley and I went out and made our way through waist Y
high weeds to measure property to assure us of adequate building “
space, plus parking. During this time, Kate Ireland, Chairman of  N
the Board of Governors, and Mr. Eddy J. Moore, of the Building  
and Grounds Committee, looked at our prospects. It seemed that
the said property was not large enough to accomodate what we i,

 guAm·mu.y BULLETIN 7
had in mind for the new building, septic system, and that precious
arkin s ace. It was felt that this was not an ideal lace for
entrance or exiting and would be most dangerous, as 421 1S
travelled heavily by coal trucks.
What turned out to be the ‘choice spot’, after time marched on, a
· new committee formed and much effort ut into the ears’ lon
I 7 p
project, was a piece of pasture land belonging to Nora Hoskins,
just below the site of the original Beech Fork Center. In that spot
_  _ now has sprouted not a vegetable garden but a beautiful, modern
clinic with ro er examinin rooms and the much needed arkin
space — all st1ll within easy access to 421. The hillside has been
 ‘ . ‘contoured’ to avoid mud slides into the back ofthe clinic; there is a
 ’ rampway, flowers, and bushes along the building. In short, the
spacious new quarters are a fitting result of all the hard work put
into it by the community, the committee, volunteers, and staff. It
  wasn’t an easy task — but nothing worth getting ever is.
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i  Beech Fork nurses, Ellen Hartung and Laura Pilotto, at their new front desk.

 a Fnomisa Nunsmo smwica
by Alice Basch M.S.N. Y
In 1900 cancer of the lung was a rare disease. The diagnosis of j
lung cancer increased steadily over the years. By 1979, the  `
Surgeon General’s Report listed lung cancer as the leading cause
of death from malignant disease in the United States. A
As the incidence of lung cancer and the death rate increased, ~ _
investigations were begun to determine the causes of this new
disease. In the 1920’s and early 1930’s it was first suggested that _
there was a relationship between lung cancer and tobacco smoke. F I
In 1964, the first official statement on smoking and health was »
released by the U.S. Government. The conclusion reached was:
"Cigarette smoking is causally related to lung cancer in men;
the magnitudes ofthe effect of cigarette smoking far outweighs
all other factors. The data for women, though less extensive,
point in the same direction. The risk of developing lung cancer A
increases with the duration of smoking and the number of
cigarettes smoked per day, and is diminished by discontinuing 1
smoking". g
Our primary precept is the fact that most effects and risks .
associated with cigarette smoking decrease after quitting and
may eventually disappear with time. One of the first programs of v
the Rural Oncology Demonstration Project was, therefore, an
educational campaign aimed at helping Frontier Nursing Service ·
staff and the community change their smoking habits. The
program was scheduled to coincide with the American Cancer —
Society’s Great American Smoke-Out on November 20, 1980. p
The first part of the campaign began by determining how
many smokers and non-smokers there were on the FNS staff. .1
Questionnaires were distrubuted to all employees asking informa-   _;
tion on smoking habits, years of smoking and health factors. { V
Response was encouraging with 123 employees answering the  
confidential questionnaire. Of these, 48 were smokers, eleven were  A
ex-smokers and 64 were non-smokers. (Tables I & II) j
During the next month, the educational part of the program
began. Newspaper articles were published weekly in the two local  .
papers, the Thousand Sticks News and the Leslie County News. ;
The articles informed the public of the benefits of quitting  

 l QUARTERLY Buu.m·m 9
- smoking and provided hints on how to quit. The articles also
  suggested aids to help avoid those first few unpleasant days as the
_ smoker goes through cigarette withdrawal. Additionally, posters
i were distributed around the county advertising the Smoke-Out
T and literature was provided for those who were interested in
reading more.
. Table I. Smoking Habits, October 1980
 * I Male Female Total
Smokers 6 42 48
Ex-Smokers 1 10 11
` Non-Smokers 9 55 64
Total 16 107 123
5 Average Packs/ Day 1.5 1.26 1.35
  Average Years Smoking 20.0 11.99 12.56
l Table II. Health Factors, October 1980
  t Health Conditions Smokers Non-Smokers Ex-Smokers
  Poor Circulation 2 - -
 ; Bronchitis 2 - -
Q High Blood Pressure 4 5 -
 · Heart Disease/Murmur 1 2 -
 , T.B. 1 - -
  Asthma 1 - -
 ; Cancer - - 1

 io FRONTIER Nuasmo ssavms =
Starting October 29, and weekly until the November 20th day, V
informal education and support groups were available for those é
interested in quitting. On the day of the Smoke-Out, a booth was Q
set up in the lobby of Mary Breckinridge Hospital to provide
information on smoking and to help encourage smokers to quit for i
at least one day. An attempt was made to get smokers to sign a
pledge card and commit themselves to stop smoking for the 24 _
hour period. 37% of known smokers actually committed
themselves, and a majority of smokers attempted to comply · -
during working hours. Employee enthusiasm kept the public
areas clear of smoke for the day and made the campaign a success.  ,
As a follow-up to the campaign, the FNS staff was surveyed  `·
again in February, 1981. At that time 87 responses were received p
to the questionnaire (Tables III & IV). Seven individuals replied
that they had quit smoking in the preceding six months. Fifteen ;
others had decreased their smoking habits. Interestingly, 85% of _
the people felt that smoking is harmful to their health and 50% i
stated they would like to quit. I
The numbers may be small and it is not certain how much of an »
effect the oncology project had on the change in smoking habits, [
but it is a start. As more people become aware of the individual c
benefits of not smoking and as more people take responsibility for
their health, the relatively new disease, lung cancer, may once .
again be the rare disease of the 1900’s. Wouldn’t it be nice to
actually be able to return to the ‘ good old days’? A
Table III. Smoking Habits, February, 1981 `
Male Female Total .,
Smokers 1 27 28 F 1
Ex-Smokers 4 10 14 E  
Non-Smokers 9 36 45 y
Total 14 73 87 r 
Quit in Last 6 Months 3 4 7 A
Decreased Smoking in  ‘
6 Months 2 13 15 it

Table IV. Attitudes Toward Smokiong, February 1981
1 Male Female Total %
Smoking Harmful
I Yes 12 62 74 85
No 1 O 1 1.3
Undecided 1 11 12 13.7
` ` Would Like to Quit
Yes O 14 14 50
  No 1 11 12 42.8
1 . Undecided 0 2 2 7.2
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. Mrs. Hal Newell, outgoing Chairman, and Mrs. Ralph Becker, ingoing Chairman, ofthe
V Washington Committee on Derby Day. The Committee had an overwhelmingly
t successful party and were able to send the FNS a check for over $8,000, more than
 · double what they had raised last year. Both Mrs. Newell and Mrs. Becker are Trustees of
the FNS.

 iz Faorman NURSING smzvics
On April 25th, the Frontier School of Midwifery and Family
Nursing graduated another four students on a mild spring
evening with ceremonies held on the Grassy Spot at Wendover. _
Each of the graduates spoke, some at greater length than others, _ _
and Dr. Carey, Sr., Dorothy Dalton and Lydia DeSantis all gave  
words of wisdom mixed with reminiscences to the graduating g
class. The graduates were Ethel Stark, Sheila Ward, Margaret  
Wise and Patti Rogers. The evening was marked with much ‘
evidence of ood humor and aiet but it was also not without its
thoughtful side as the following exerpts from Patt1 Roger’s speech
will show.
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Graduates in the front row, from left to right are, Patti Rogers, Margaret Wise, Ethel
Stark, and Sheila Ward. Dr. Timothy Carey is the speaker.

  S gummiur BULLETIN is
 , Before I wrote this speech, I asked my classmates if there
Y was anything I should say, or not say. Sheila told me not to
’ get corny, so I’ll try not to . . . I also didn’t want to come
  across as giving advice, so, I guess there isn’t much left to
 { say. (Laughter) But if what I tell you today gives you a thing
_ or two to think about, then I will have accomplished
— something.
y. This could be entitled "How to Survive Midwifery School
 y. and Still Know Who You Are", if a little crazier.
 g One of the first things, I think, is to learn to say "I don’t
e know." That sounds a lot simpler than it actually is to say.
` · One of Steven Marlow’s characters in one of his books put it
t‘ better than I could, and I quote:
It’s a good feeling not being sure. I heard enough pat
- answers today to last me a lifetime. I’m beginning to think
5 that the nicest sound in the English language is the three
words ‘I don’t know’ because it gives you a place to start. To
 _ wonder, maybe. To see the sense of mystery in every human
To this day, I have trouble with people who say "I know"
` to virtually everything. Saying "I know" can close a lot of
  doors. If you really do know it, say it, and be prepared to
‘ back it up and bear the consequences, with grace. Stand up
L for what you believe in. And be your patient’s advocate.
I Stand up for her or for him. But there is something to watch
A out for here — pride. Nature has a way of dealing with a bit
 f too much here, any way. Just when you think you’re the .
‘ cat’s meow, a dog comes along and bites you off at the
The third thing I’d like to speak about is a suggestion of
‘{ how to get through a day as a family nurse—midwifery
Q Q student. This is specifically for the new midwifery students
»   — Wendy, Betsy, Marianne, Karen, Roseanne, Susan, Amy,
H and Carolyn.
‘ Dr. Elizabeth Apgar developed the Apgar system which
Y was devised for the observation of the newborn baby in the
immediate post-delivery period. I’ve taken the liberty and
_ changed it a bit. It has been designed with the concept of
- ‘Taking Time to Look at Yourself" . For your first several
— deliveries it is entirely normal to have a very fast

 14 Fnomrsx Nrmsmc. ssnvicxs
respiratory rate and even faster heart beat. Expect those to
go down and drop to a slower and more manageable level as
time goes on.
Ask yourself: was my opinion colored by pride and
righteousness or backed by knowledge? (There is more than
one way to skin a cat.) Was I flexible today and did I learn
anything today? If you don’t ask yourself that, Molly Lee
will. And, what may be most important, did I smile? or just
frown and grimace alot? I’1l finally shut up with one of my  
favorite sayings. It’s Chinese. It’s only a few words, but it
best sums up what I really feel about learning.
What I hear, I forget.  
What I see, I remember.  V
What I do, I know.
Thank you.
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Musicians at graduation, from left to right: Ruth Pershing, Oral History volunteer;
Carolyn White, RN; Paul Wooton and lohn Wise. Y

Margaret Hill, Louisville, KY-
Well, I’m back in Louisville until the first of J une. Then I’ll be
heading back out west. I’m really excited: I have to get twenty
hours of seminary before I head back overseas. I’m going to take
my time, though, since I’m not real excited about hitting the books
again. But I have lots of friends in Texas so it will be lots of fun.
` I’m not sure there will be much of a chance of finding a midwifery
  or family nursing job, but hopefully I can {ind a clinic prenatal
1 T position. I’ll let you know how things go. Take care. Tell everyone
, Karen Slabaugh, Millington, MI-
¤ Greetings! I’m feeling fine these days and am currently
I working as a staff RN in a large medical center here at home. I
want to return to midwifery soon, so I’m applying for an
_ internship at Booth Maternity Center. Greetings to Dr. Anne.
* Karen Kern, Glendale, CA-
j Life is finally settling into a little more of a routine for me,
  though I’m not home much. Work is going well and I see everyday
how much I appreciate the fantastic training from FNS. The work
° is hard and we see a high volume of patients — over 90% purely
Spanish speaking; but I really love working in the clinic and
` having contact with the patients. It was hard to see Rayna
 . (Yatsko) off at the airport. We saw Marcia McDonald over a
S month ago and she seems happy in her job — an ideal combina-
.. tion of FNP and midwifery. She said Keller is happy with his job,
Q too, and they have a really neat house. Is JK ar0und?? Take care
_ and God bless.
  Kathy Smith, Largo, FL-
l I am raising financial support to go to Kulpahar, India and
. hope to leave by the end of this year. Will be there five years
I barring any unforseen incidents. I will live in Florida and travel
 i weekends to speak at different church groups. My address until I
3 leave for India is: 1645 Seminole Blvd., Largo, FL 33540.

 is Fnomimn Nunsmo smzvxcs
Julie Gorwoda, Albuquerque, NM-
I have been invited to speak at my old nursing alma mater
about midwifery, alternative birthing centers, home delivery, etc.
I would like to show "Che1ish the Children" — it would be good PR _
for FNS west of the Mississippi. I have been the Acting Director of
the Southwest Maternity Center since the first of December. I
came to SMC so that I could learn what it takes to start a center
like this in Colorado. Thought I could learn administrative side by
watching - little did I know I’d learn by doing. We are interested  .
in hiring a CNM with experience in the next couple of months. Let  
me know if you know anyone who misses Mexican food and God’s
country. Would consider a bright new grad. Just hired Rexann M 
(Willingham) Butler — an old FNSer. We are boring the other  
SMC employees with our FNS stories — we have a ball. Give my
best to Bernadette and all my friends there.
Rayna Yatsko, Portland, OR-
Yesterday evening FNS California got together, which includ-
ed Rhea Liiamaa, Karen Kern, Marcia McDonald, and me. V
We got together for a fresh seafood dinner on the wharf- and we _
talked — and talked for hours about both the old and new. It was  
decided a newsletter would be nice and I’m elected to organize it.  N
Will be published once or twice a year - depends on the response. I 3
feel like I missed winter this year because the weather has been so I
warm and sunny. My body is having a hard time tuning in. Keep  
in touch. Tell everyone hello. Is it true that Nina Redgrave is A
Rita Rhoads, Quarryville, PA-
Midwifery is growing here in PA. Our practice has grown to the .;
point of expansion into York County. We had been travelling the  .
distance for home deliveries, but as of March 3rd we opened a
second birthing center in the York area. Marsena Howard, also ,2
an FNS graduate, is managing that center. A third CNM has also  "
joined us. Ann Johnson (ex-staff) is working Progressive Care
Unit following her graduation as a RN in June — of course, she `
helps us out part-time. Saw Laura Knowles-Coursin at our `
regional ACNM meeting. She reports her baby is growing well.
Thinking of you all. Hi to all I know, expecially Dr. Wasson.

 >_____—_Y_—v—_*_w> ,.
Barbara Yacos, Box A—37, Hanover, NH 03755-
I graduated from the Frontier Graduate School of Midwifery in
1954. For those of you who still remember me, I am married to a
. lawyer, have two girls — Karen at University of Vermont,
graduating this year and hoping to be able to go to medical school.
Darby, the 14 year old daughter, attends Holdemess School in
Plymouth, NH - she also leans with the sciences. Both athletic
like mom and smart like papa. We just moved here from Miami. I
 · worked in big city VNA and Public Health there, but far prefer a
I more rural job — as here. Jim, the lawyer fella I married 24 years
ago, just took and passed the NH bar exams and is hanging out
M  his shingle in Hanover. From a big city practice to a small town
` general practice — a nice change for both of us. I enjoy receiving
the Bulletin, but have not read anything of my classmates for
years. Jan Rheinbrecht recently got my address and sent a
( postcard. I am anxiously awaiting some news from her.
Dorothy Degnitz, Papua, New Guinea-
V Waiting for the NG government to get the paper work caught
_ up so I can get my work permit and visa — not sure they will come
  in time. I still get the Bulletin every now and again, so did read
 1 about Peggy’s unexpected death. Also see that Molly Lee is still
L there — and her sister was visiting from England. I’m not due for
I home leave until 1982 and I don’t know if that will be just a three
  month leave or terminal leave from Papua, New Guinea.
Mary (Chris) Banigan, Rohnert Park, CA-
Only two months left to my BSN education and for that I am
·: grateful but my education is still not complete and I will begin
 - graduate studies in the fall. In two weeks Connie (Folk) and I
_, will take some time and plan a week’s vacation in southern
 » _* California . . . San Diego Zoo, Marine World, Safari World,
 ' Disneyland, and Knott Berry’s Farm — and escape from reality!!!
Connie is doing well and has been busy with her job at the Medical
` Center. When we get back I hope then to get to visit Marcia
I (McDonald) at Clear Lake — she is only an hour away. Sr.